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Mancev. They passed away with a sad feeling that their sun is loafer and loser.

Sumyatov. There is one more paradoxes of life.

Mancev. But you know what? Sometimes I am worried by a feeling that they were right.

Sumyatov. I’d rather have a smoke…

Mancev. Getting cold?

Sumyatov. I feel chilly.

Mancev. Then, smoke your stove quickly!

Sumyatov. Sorry, I have no tobacco.

Mancev. Then go back to the camp. It’s warm there.

Sumyatov. And you?

Mancev. Me too. I am not quite myself today.

At the camp canteen.

Alla. Oh, how tiresome! Oleg?

Tomov. What’s that?

Alla. Please do something! You are a man after all!

Tomov. As a man I would suggest to invite you at my place.

Alla. Where is it?

Tomov. It’s not far from here. Just climb upstairs to the second floor.

Alla. What is there?

Tomov. Wine, music, intimate talking…

Alla. It’s banal!

Tomov. Let’s play forfeits then.

Alla. How is it?

Tomov. You’ll see. My friends! Levan!

Levan. What, my dear?

Tomov. Who knows why there are no flies here?

Levan. It’s not a right season for them. They are sleeping.

Tomov. The answer is not correct!

Anna. They are gone to the south.

Tomov. You are not right!

Alla. They are dead of boredom.

Tomov. That’s right! I am afraid, my friends, that we are going to face the same sad end.

Levan. What can you suggest, dear?

Tomov. I suggest to play forfeits.

Anna. Any toy is okay that keeps a baby at play!

Vasil. What is it?

Tomov. The game is very simple. Let me explain you the rules. One person is waiting behind the door while the rest are changing something in their images. But, keep in mind, Anna you can change your hairstyle, for instance – not your husband.

Anna. Very witty!

Tomov. The most watchful and attentive will be a winner.

Alla. And a looser what is going to do?

Tomov. He has to sing or dance or at least tell a story if he is so mediocre.

Alla. Who is going to wait behind the door? Not me!

Tomov. А lot will tell us. Levan, a box of matches please!

Levan. One dollar!

Alla. Catch it! (Throwing him a box of matches).

Tomov. Okay… Now I am breaking one mach. Who pulls it out will wait behind the door. Let’s start, Allochka!

Alla. Why would I be the first?

Tomov. Because you are the most beautiful!

Alla. Well, if it is so… then (Pulling out a match). A long one!

Tomov. Levan, take your chance!

Levan. It’s going to be a long one, believe me! (pulling out). I told you, eh!

Tomov. Anna take your chance now.

Anna. I wonder, when will you grow up? (pulling out). A long one! You see, Vasil?

Vasil. I do. (pulling out).

Tomov. What do you have there?

Vasil. The same as Annushka.

Cyril Sumyatov enters.

Alla. Hey, you, a journalist – what’s your name – come and join us!

Tomov. Pull it out. Don’t get out!

Sumyatov. Well, whatever… (pulling out).

Tomov. A long one again! Well, it looks like I am to hang around behind the door.

Victor Mancev enters.

Tomov. Vitya, join the company!

Mancev. (Pulling out). A short one.

Tomov. It’s your fate Vityok! Go out of the door.

Mancev. For how long?

Tomov. I guess five minutes will be enough for everybody to make drastic changes.

Mancev. Okay, time is running! (gets out of the door).

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