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Guarding Camille
“Be grateful you have family, Jake,” she ordered, her voice firm. “They’re important.”
“We’ll see if you still feel the same way tomorrow night.”
“I will. But I won’t be going to the party.”
“Yes, you will,” he told her, his voice firm. She had no choice.
“No, I won’t.”
“Why not?” he demanded, irritation filling him. What was wrong with her? Didn’t she think his family was good enough? That thought was laughable. The Maitlands were sought out by everyone.
“Because I don’t have anything to wear.”
JAKE STARED AT HER. He’d expected fear, or something just as serious, to be the reason for her reluctance. But fashion?
Suddenly he felt as if he’d been hibernating for the past six months. Camille had been wearing maternity clothes she’d purchased just before he’d brought her to Texas. She hadn’t had a lot, but never once had she complained.
Since she’d had the baby, she’d continued to wear some of her maternity shirts. He’d noticed a pair of slacks that he supposed she’d worn before her pregnancy. But her wardrobe was definitely limited.
“Why didn’t you say something?” he demanded, frowning fiercely.
Her eyes rounded in surprise. “I haven’t had a great need for a cocktail dress, Jake.”
“But you’ve needed other things, haven’t you? My sisters go shopping all the time. You haven’t had anything new in six months.” He should have thought of this before.
“Jake, contrary to popular belief, a woman doesn’t have to shop every day to be happy. Besides, your sister Abby brought me a catalog when I was in the hospital and I ordered some nursing—some things. And one of the nurses helped me pick out what I’d need for the baby.”
He shook his head. “I’m calling my sister Anna. She’ll get you a dress for tomorrow night. And I’ll get you some catalogs so you can order regular clothes.”
The spark of interest in her eyes told him she liked his idea. The pleasure he derived from doing something for her alarmed him. It was just his job, after all.
Then she frowned. “Can you access my bank account? I don’t have any money with me.”
“I’ll take care of it. You can pay me back when all this is over.”
A wistful look filled her eyes. “Will it ever be over? It’s crazy that I’ve been in hiding so long.”
“Yeah, it’ll be over. We’ve got evidence against Vince now, thanks to some of the clues you gave us. And he’ll face charges from the hostage episode at the clinic day care in April. All we have to do is find him. He’s gone underground, but he won’t have the patience to stay there.”
In fact, though Jake would never have agreed to use Camille as bait, that was exactly what was happening. Eckart was desperate to find his ex-wife and had trailed her to Texas. Jake was certain someone had passed on the information to Eckart and wondered if the leak had been instigated by his superiors in the FBI.
“Are you sure?”
He frowned, wondering if she’d read his mind. “Sure about what?”
“I mean, will the government advance you money?”
“Yeah.” The government…or his mother. How strange to have met a woman who was unaware of his family’s wealth. He’d vowed never to marry after he’d discovered his first love was coolly calculating his inheritance. Between that and his family’s social prominence, she’d intended to cut a large swath through Texas society.
“Can you call Abby? I don’t know Anna and—”
“Abby stays pretty busy with her practice.”
“I know that.”
She should, Jake thought, since Abby had delivered the baby—Jamie, he finally acknowledged. “Anna plans weddings. She’ll know where to get a dress quickly.”
He reached for the phone, and as he’d expected, his sister immediately agreed to help. He handed the phone to Camille so she could discuss color and style.
He whirled around to see what Camille needed. “Yeah?”
“Anna wants to bring some dresses out here. Is that okay?”
They were staying on Garrett Lord’s ranch in a cabin remotely situated from the main house. Jake didn’t want to risk Eckart following his sister out here in the hopes of finding Camille.
He took the phone. “Anna, can’t we do this differently? Take a dress to Mom’s and Camille can change when we get there.”
“But it might not fit, Jake. Since she just had a baby, she’s not sure of her size.”
“She’s wearing pants she wore before the baby— I mean, before she was pregnant. So the same size should do.”
Camille tugged on his sleeve. “Jake, I—”
“Well, you are,” he told her, anxious for this conversation to be over.
“Yes, but—on top I’m—I’m bigger.”
Her cheeks were flushed, but Jake figured they were pale compared to his face. Damn, he didn’t want to think about her breasts. But it was all he could think about now.
“Anna, bring the dresses to the main ranch house and we’ll meet you there.” He pressed the phone closer to his ear. “And don’t tell anyone what you’re doing.”
“Of course not. But does Camille need anything else? I might as well pick up other things while I’m shopping for her.”
Anna sounded amused, which irritated Jake all the more. He handed the phone to Camille with a gusty sigh. “Anna wants to know if you need anything else.”
“Can we afford—”
“Yes, whatever!” He didn’t want any more talk about Camille’s body or her wardrobe.
Camille began a discussion with Anna, but a thin wail stopped her almost at once. “Oh, Jamie—”
“I’ll get him. Finish up with Anna.”
He fled the room. He’d much rather deal with a newborn baby than continue this conversation.
The baby was kicking his legs and waving his arms, his face puckering as he yelled. Jake sighed. He was learning how insistent a newborn could be. The first thing to do was check his diaper. Jake knew that much.
After changing him, Jake eased his big hand under the baby’s body and lifted him to his shoulder. “Now, listen, Jamie, Mom’s kind of busy, so you need to stop that yelling.”
Much to Jake’s surprise, the baby quietened. For a minute. Then little whimpers began to build. Panic filled Jake. What was he supposed to do? He drew a deep breath, determined not to be bested by a seven-pound infant. Even if he was a cute one. He cradled Jamie in his arms, then tucked the baby’s small fist into his tiny mouth, hoping he could fool the baby into believing he was being fed.
The sucking noises were a dead giveaway. The kid wanted to eat. Jake was proud of himself for correctly assessing the situation, but he knew he didn’t have the equipment for a successful resolution. Which, of course, brought his mind back to Camille’s breasts.
Man, he needed some distance from his two captives! He left the nursery and returned to the living area, where Camille was on the phone.
It didn’t take Jamie long to realize that his fist wasn’t providing satisfaction. Just as Jake came into the room, the baby let out another wail.
“Oh, Anna,” Camille said when she saw him, “thank you so much, but I have to feed the baby now. Oh. Yes, of course.”
She handed the phone to Jake. He transferred the baby to her arms, surprised by his reluctance to give up the warm bundle. Then he spoke to Anna.
“So we get to meet the mystery woman now?” Anna asked softly.
“Yeah, Mom insisted. But it’s important that no one talk about her, especially to that pest Chelsea. Too many people know about Camille already.” In the past year his family had been besieged by Chelsea Markum, a television reporter for a gossip show called Tattle Today TV. There was no way he wanted her to do a news item on Camille being guarded by the Maitlands’ youngest son.
“You know we wouldn’t tell her anything,” Anna protested indignantly.
“I know, Anna, but this is a matter of life and death.” He turned to stare at Camille, who’d begun nursing Jamie. Her eyes were shuttered, but her lips had tightened with fierce protectiveness. He regretted his words. But damn it, he’d only spoken the truth.
Anna made her promises and then asked him to bring Camille to Garrett’s at four that afternoon.
“You can take care of it by then?”
“Good heavens, Jake, that’s six hours away. I’m not going to hand sew the clothes, just buy them.”
“Yeah, okay.”
When he’d hung up the phone, he turned to Camille. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know.”
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“Yes.” She looked at her child, running her hand up and down his back in a soothing motion. Then, for the first time, she asked Jake about his care of her. “Jake, why did we come here alone? Why don’t you have a partner?”
This was the question he’d dreaded. He sat beside her. “Because I think someone is leaking information to Vince.”
“Someone with the FBI?” she asked, sounding shocked.
“Maybe. You never told Vince you were pregnant, but he found out before you were even showing.”
“Yes,” she said, frowning. “I wondered how, but—but I guessed that he’d tailed me to the doctor’s office.”
“Maybe, but I was tailing you, and I didn’t see anyone else.”
“You were? Why? I had already agreed to cooperate.”
“I know, but we thought you might need a little protection.”
“I had already asked for protection,” she protested indignantly, “and was denied!”
“I know, but my partner and I figured we’d offer a little extra, just in case. Nothing official.” He didn’t look at her. He didn’t want her to know that her gentle beauty had already been tugging at his heart way back then.
He could feel her gaze on him, but he kept staring at his hands clasped between his knees.
“At least here I have people I can trust—my family, our friends the Lords.”
“I hate the fact that I’m putting your entire family in danger!” Camille exclaimed. “Maybe I should just leave.”
“You’re not going anywhere. And my family’s not in danger. Neither are you.”
“But, Jake—”
“Enough! You need to think about the baby—Jamie. We’ve got to keep Jamie safe.”
Her arms tightened on her little son, causing him to whimper in protest.
“Easy, there, you don’t want to squeeze the stuffing out of him,” Jake cautioned, grinning.
“No, no, I don’t.” She looked at the baby, then at Jake. “I have to change sides. I’ll go to the bedroom.”
He nodded, standing. As she left the room, he called, “Take a nap after you put Jamie back in his bed. You’ll need your strength to deal with Anna this afternoon.”
Camille paused and stared at him. “She sounded very nice on the phone.”
“Oh, she’s nice. But she’s a whirlwind. She’ll wear you out.”
Camille gave him a faint smile and disappeared.
Jake picked up the phone again. This time he called Max Jamison. “Max, Anna is bringing some things to the ranch house at four today. Could you tail her, make sure no one else is doing the same thing? And plan on staying until she leaves? Great. I’ll see you then.”
While Max kept an eye on the ladies, Jake could drive into Austin and contact his boss from a pay phone. He suspected whoever was feeding Vince his information was keeping track of calls, too. Jake didn’t want to lead Vince to the ranch.
Until the man was caught and placed behind bars, Jake couldn’t distance himself from Camille.
Like a punch to the gut, the thought of Camille leaving, taking Jamie and disappearing from his life made Jake catch his breath. What was wrong with him? Of course she’d leave. Probably go back to Washington, D.C.
Where he lived.
When he’d left home, he’d sought power. His rounds with his father had left him feeling weak. He’d needed the discipline of the FBI, the authority…and the validation of being the good guy. Those early years, he’d felt he’d made the right decision. But he’d matured, and now he wasn’t so sure.
He’d missed his family, his home, Texas. In particular, he’d missed his mother. While Megan Maitland was still young in spirit, still strong, she was getting older.
When he’d brought Camille to Texas, he’d noticed the wrinkles at the corners of his mother’s eyes for the first time. And, for the first time, he’d thought about the future.
About leaving the FBI.
IN SPITE OF HERSELF, Camille began to grow excited about new clothes. She hated the maternity clothes she’d worn for so long. When she and Jake had disappeared in the middle of the night, she’d only been allowed one bag.
Jake had promised that her parents’ house—now hers—and her belongings would be safe, but she had to travel light.
Since her social life had been nil, dressing hadn’t been a problem. She’d worn the five outfits until she could no longer stand the sight of them. She’d also included in her suitcase a couple of pairs of slacks and blouses from her pre-pregnancy days, but the blouses still didn’t fit.
She hadn’t complained. She figured her life and that of her child were more important than clothes. But she had to admit she’d be thrilled to have something new to wear.
So why did she feel such disappointment when she realized Jake wasn’t going to stay with her while she acquired her new belongings? If she were honest, she knew the answer to that question.
Over the past six months she had needed Jake to protect her physically, but she also had an emotional need for his approval. She worked hard to hide it. Jake wasn’t interested in any personal involvement, she knew, so she didn’t want to make him even more uncomfortable. Still, she couldn’t help asking, “But where will you be?”
“I’m going into Austin. Max will stay with you.”
“Of course. I thought—of course, we’ll be fine.” And they would, she knew, or Jake wouldn’t go. But she’d been looking forward to having him see her in something new.
She blushed at the thought. It was only too obvious that he wanted nothing to do with her outside of their professional relationship. But his kindness, his big body, his warm gaze, all had become as important to her as fresh air. Once her ex-husband was put behind bars and Jake opened the door and told her to leave, she’d be lost.
She was in love with Jake Maitland. She finally admitted it to herself for the first time.
What a foolish, foolish thing to happen. An FBI agent and a gangster’s ex-wife.
When it was time to leave, Jake escorted her and Jamie out of the house to his SUV. He placed a hand on her back to steady her as she climbed into the car, and she shivered. Admitting her feelings about Jake to herself had made his touch so much more intense. Good thing he kept his distance.
To distract herself, she thought about the last time she’d left the cabin, the night she’d given birth to Jamie.
Throughout her pregnancy, Jake’s sister Abby had come to the ranch to examine her once a month, and then every week when she was closer to term. The plan had been for Camille to be admitted to Maitland Maternity under an alias once she’d reached her due date, but she’d gone into labor early, with intense contractions, and Abby had insisted Jake call an ambulance for Camille. Jake hadn’t wanted to risk revealing their hiding place at the cabin so he compromised by taking Camille to the main ranch house, where the paramedics arrived and whisked her to the hospital. She smiled at the memory.
“What’s funny?” he asked, looking at her as he drove.
“I was just thinking that even though I was at Garrett’s house the night I went into labor, I was too distracted to even notice what it looked like.”
Jake shrugged. “It’s just a ranch house.”
Knowing that was all she’d get from Jake, Camille asked, “What about your mother’s house? Where is it located?”
“In Austin.”
Well, that didn’t tell her much. “Will Garrett be at the dinner?”
“Of course. He’s like family.”
“He’s your cousin, isn’t he?”
“He may as well be. He and his brother and two sisters were foundlings. Friends of my mother’s—the Lords—adopted them. We’ve considered them family ever since. Mitch, my brother, was six years older than me, so I played more with Garrett and Michael.”
“It must be nice to have so much family,” she said wistfully. An only child, she’d always yearned for siblings.
“Do you want more children?” he abruptly asked.
Startled, she turned to stare at him. “I—I always wanted a big family, but—but without a husband—I mean, I wouldn’t consider—without—” She fell silent, embarrassed by her incoherence. But his question had brought an instant image of herself wrapped in Jake’s embrace, surrounded by several children.
He appeared almost as embarrassed. “Forget it. None of my business.”
“How far is it to Garrett’s house?” she asked, hoping the change of subject would help.
“About another mile.”
“Then why did we leave so early?” she asked. It was only a little after three.
“I want us well in place before Anna gets there.”
“Oh.” She never questioned Jake’s ability to protect her. After all, he’d kept her safe for six months.
“I called the house. Garrett’s housekeeper is expecting us.” He stared straight ahead as he drove.
“I’ve never met her,” she replied.
He frowned. “We haven’t exactly been meeting and greeting. But she’s nice.” To her surprise, he reached over and smoothed his thumb across her forehead. “Quit worrying.”
“I’m not worrying,” she hurriedly assured him. After all, she had confidence in him. But his touching her, even on the forehead, had her longing for more.
“Yeah, right. That’s why you’re looking pretty fragile these days.”
Fragile? She lifted her chin. “I’m stronger than I look.”
“You convinced me of that in the delivery room,” he said with a shudder. “Thank God men don’t have to have children.”
It was the first time he’d voluntarily mentioned Jamie’s birth. She closed her eyes as she remembered his arm around her, one hand holding hers, his strength pouring into her.
“We’re here.”
Jake’s announcement had her popping open her eyes. To her astonishment, in place of the cozy little ranch house she’d expected, her gaze fell on a large, two-story home.
“My heavens, what is this, Tara?” she asked, thinking of the famous antebellum home in Gone With The Wind.
Jake shot her a surprised look. “Nope. Just Garrett’s place.”
Camille frowned as he got out and walked around to open her door. If Jake thought this house was normal, he must have been raised differently from her.
Not that she was penniless. Her parents’ life insurance had left her with some reserves. And the government had promised to handle the sale of her parents’ house and put the money in her account when she was ready, according to Jake.
But their house had been small, a Beaver Cleaver kind of house, not a mansion like this.
“Want me to take the baby?” Jake offered as he opened the door.
She nodded and eased the baby from his carseat and into Jake’s arms, the contact between them sending shivers through her again. But she liked the picture of Jamie in his arms. His hands were so large, Jamie fit perfectly. Jake stood back so Camille could slide to the ground. Then he handed the baby to her.
When they knocked on the back door, an older woman invited them in. Jake introduced her as Mrs. Easley, and Camille thanked her for her hospitality.
She offered them a cup of coffee and they sat down at the kitchen table. The woman immediately began to ooh and aah over Jamie, winning Camille’s approval at once.
Almost an hour later, Camille had finished a glass of milk, while Jake drank his coffee. They’d obviously come too early and had run out of small talk. But Jake was even more impatient than she was.
She and the housekeeper chatted quietly while she fed the baby again, and Jake wore out a path through the house, going to the front to watch for Anna’s car, then back to the kitchen to check on Camille.
“Jake, please, you’re making me tired.”
“I don’t know what could’ve happened,” he muttered, ignoring her complaint. “I tried calling, but she’s not answering her phone.”
“Jake—” Camille began again.
But the sound of a car stopped all of them. A van pulled into sight behind the house, and Jake opened the kitchen door, glowering.
As a pretty woman slid from behind the wheel, Jake shouted, “Where the hell have you been?”
CAMILLE WATCHED the other woman, wondering how she would react.
With hands on her hips, Anna grinned at Jake. “Hey, shopping is hard work. It took longer than I expected. Besides, it’s just past four.”
Before Jake could respond to that, the other door to the van opened, and a second woman got out. “What the hell are you doing here, Shelby?”
“Well, I feel welcome,” the woman drawled.
Camille admired the women’s sangfroid. Obviously they didn’t bow to Jake’s orders.
“This is supposed to be secret!” Jake practically shouted, frustration in his voice.
“Then you shouldn’t be yelling,” Anna said calmly. “Come help us carry things in.”
Camille watched from her seat at the kitchen table, Jamie in her arms, as the three of them trooped through the kitchen and up the stairs with the clothing. She was amazed at how easy the two women were with Jake’s anger. After several trips, Jake introduced them to her.
“Camille, this is my sister Anna and our good friend Shelby Lord.”
“Are you related to Garrett?” Camille asked. She noticed some similarity in Shelby to Garrett. A very feminine resemblance. Both women were attractive and fashionably dressed in tailored slacks and silk blouses, making Camille feel like the dowdy country cousin.
“Yes, he’s my brother. I can’t believe he didn’t ask us out here before to keep you company,” Shelby replied with a smile.
“Shelby, everything about Camille has to be kept secret,” Jake insisted. “You shouldn’t even be here.”
“This is my brother’s place. I come and go all the time. No one will think anything of it,” she assured him.
Camille turned to Jake. His gaze reminded her to be discreet. Then he looked at the other two women. “Just fix her up for tomorrow night, okay? No questions.”
“Okay,” Anna agreed, smiling, but she sent a warning look Shelby’s way before leaning down to look at Jamie. “What a sweet baby! May I hold him?”
“Yes, of course,” Camille responded, “though, since he just ate, he’ll probably go right back to sleep.”
“We can only hope,” Jake muttered, and received a glare from Camille for his efforts.
Anna smirked at her brother before saying to Camille, “We’ll take your baby and go upstairs so some people won’t bother us.”
Her words didn’t seem to affect Jake. His attention was focused on the road.
“What, or should I say who, are you looking for?” Anna asked.
“Max. He’s going to stay here while I run into town.”
Anna looked at her brother, a glimmer in her eye. “I’m sure you’re going to give him a piece of your mind for showing up so late.”
Jake ignored his sister’s teasing. “There he is!” he exclaimed a moment later. As he headed for the door, he called over his shoulder, “I’ll see you later, Camille.”
She stared after him, missing him already, feeling a little unsure on her own. After all, he’d been with her almost constantly these past months.
When she turned to find Anna and Shelby studying her curiously, she shrugged. “Shall we go upstairs? I don’t want to keep you any longer than necessary.” That wasn’t quite true, though. Female companionship, especially with these two charming women, was a welcome change.
“Don’t be silly,” Anna said. “We’re delighted to meet Jake’s mystery woman.”
“I’m just a job for Jake,” she hurriedly said, and followed the other two up the stairs.
Camille knew they’d carried in a lot of clothes, but she was stunned by the amount. Anna had brought a selection of casual clothes besides the dressier items. A linen jumper with several different silk T-shirts to be worn underneath was her favorite item.