Полная версия
Seduced By The Boss
Slightly relieved that he hadn’t done anything so vulgar as offer her money, Megan willed herself not to look too interested. He probably meant somebody who’d been in a series of coffee advertisements. ‘Oh? And who’s that?’
Dan enjoyed the moment. ‘Jake Haddon.’
Megan’s face froze in disbelieving surprise. It was a full ten seconds before she could speak. ‘The Jake Haddon?’
‘Is there more than one?’
Megan swallowed, more confused than excited. Because not only had Jake Haddon just starred in the year’s biggest-grossing film—but the upper-class Englishman with a fine line in irony had been voted the sexiest star of the decade!
‘Jake Haddon,’ she questioned slowly, speaking each word with extreme care, just in case she had misheard him, ‘is actually going to be at your mother’s house?’
‘That’s right.’
Megan frowned. In her world, famous actors didn’t just happen to stay with your parents. ‘Is he a friend of yours?’ she asked suspiciously.
‘Yes, he is.’ He saw the disbelieving look in her eyes and felt obliged to elaborate. ‘He grew up locally. We went to the same village school for a while, before he moved away. But we always kept in touch.’
What sort of world did he inhabit, she wondered, if he was mixing with people of that calibre and had never let on about it? Why, if Jake Haddon were her friend, she’d have his posters plastered all over the office walls!
As Dan spoke, he watched the excitement working Megan’s face—an excitement she was unsuccessfully trying to suppress. And he wondered why he should feel an odd twinge of disappointment that she should be so transparent.
Had he imagined that she would differ from other women, by not being attracted to a man because of who he was, rather than what he was? When would he ever learn? His mouth turned down at the corners. ‘So. Changed your mind about coming?’
Megan knew that she shouldn’t be swayed by a famous name. And instinctively—for whatever reason—she suspected that part of Dan wanted her to say no.
Say no? She would have to be locked up first! She very nearly leapt up and down with excitement. Just wait until she told her brothers about this! ‘I certainly have!’
‘So you’ll come?’
‘Yes, please!’
‘Oh, the hypnotic lure of celebrity,’ he murmured drily.
‘It’ll be something to tell my grandchildren!’ she defended.
‘Just make sure they’re not Jake’s grandchildren, too,’ he warned. He saw the confused look on her face grow into one of indignation as she worked out what he meant by that remark. ‘He has, er, something of a reputation with women,’ he added quickly. ‘As I am sure you can imagine.’
She wasn’t surprised. Looking the way Jake Haddon did, he probably had to surround himself with an army of minders! Still, actors who were constantly being offered big bucks by Hollywood did not tend to run after unsophisticated assistants who’d grown up on a pig-farm!
Megan leaned back in her chair and curved her mouth into a wide smile. ‘So. A heartthrob actor and a man who is being emotionally stalked by a woman he can’t bear to hurt.’ She let out a sigh of anticipation. ‘This looks like being one hell of a weekend!’
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