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The 4 line: the Second World War was during the Roosevelt’s reign. In the war with Japan the USA gave one of the biggest nautical battles. In 1944, America and England opened a second front against Hitler's Germany.

Quatrain 6.37[2] Murder of John Kennedy

L'œuure ancienne se paracheuera,

Du toict cherra sur le grand mal ruyne,

Innocent faict mort on accusera,

Nocent caché, taillis à la bruyne.

The ancient work will be finished,

Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the roof:

Dead they will accuse an innocent one of the deed,

The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.

The president of the USA John F. Kennedy was killed during a visit to Dallas in November 1963. The investigation verdict about Lee Oswald’s guilt is highly doubtful. For example, the investigation claims that the killer was shooting from the 6th floor. The bullet got into his back and went out from the neck. Everyone understands that the neck is above the back. Consequently, the bullet could not hit his back first and then get higher into the neck!

Nostradamus described the event how it was programmed by Fate. Judging by the publications, Oswald was indeed a part of this conspiracy and did shoot, but he did not kill the President. The prophet is right, someone else, shooting from front and top, killed Kennedy. Therefore, the bullet hit the neck, and went out from the back. The second shot in the head was fatal, and head was thrown back. This also confirms that someone was shooting from the front. Oswald was killed on the second day. Probably it was done in order to prevent Oswald’s disclosure of his accomplices. The chain of related murders followed. The true killer disappeared with impunity. Nostradamus calls this case old, which should be understood as plotted long ago.

Decoding of the number 6.37. If 6-1=5, 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 2000, then 2000-37=1963 – the year of murder.

Quatrain 1.26* Kennedy brothers

Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne,

Mal & predit par porteur postulaire,

Suyuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne

Conflict, Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestfere.

The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt.

An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition.

According to the prediction another falls at night time.

Conflict at Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany.

1 line. US president John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas on 22 November 1963 at noon when his motorcade drove through the city streets.

3 line. His brother Robert Kennedy, a senator, was assassinated in a hotel on 5 June 1968 after midnight during his presidential campaign.

American woman Gene Dixon wrote in a magazine in 1956 that a Democratic president, who would be elected in 1960, would be killed. She also predicted the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

4 line. In 1963 Britain lost some of its colonies – they gained independence. The conflict was around British Honduras. Etruria is northern Italy, perhaps a breakthrough of a mountain dam is predicted, several thousand people died.

Decoding of the number 1.26. If to rearrange the numbers – 261, 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-61=1939. The second 9 turn over into 6, a permutation of the figures gives 1963.

Quatrain 10.9 Clinton

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