Полная версия
Ethnic Entrepreneurs Unmasked
ibidem Press, Stuttgart
List of Figures and Tables
1. An Institutional Approach to Ethnic Conflicts
1.1 The debate—institutionalists and their opponents
1.2 A historical “autopsy”—explaining the demise of SFRY
1.3 The Bulgarian ethnic models
1.4 Contemporary challenges to ethnic relations
1.5 Strength of state institutions and ethnic conflicts
2. The Role of Political Parties
2.1 The contemporary party systems in Bulgaria
2.1.1 Bipolarity (1990–2001)
2.1.2 Polycentrism, populism, and nativism (2001 until present)
2.2 MRF—electoral support and ideology
2.3 The Bulgarian PRR
2.3.1 Representatives
2.3.2 Origins, ideology, development
2.3.3 The PRR and the Bulgarian ethnic model
2.3.4 A glimpse into the future of the PRR
2.4 Roma, crime and politics
3. Channeling Ethnic Conflicts
3.1 The integration policies of Bulgarian governments after 1989
3.2 The legislation and the judicial system
3.2.1 General framework for analysis
3.2.2 The PADA Purpose and concept Scope Genuine and determining occupational requirements Positive action Minimum requirements and protection of rights Burden of proof and victimization Dissemination of information and social dialogue Equality body Compliance and sanctions
3.3 Discrimination against Roma ethnic group: case studies
3.3.1 Segregation
3.3.2 Use of excessive force by the police and lack of effective investigation
3.3.3 Hate crimes
Conclusion: A Story about Garbage Trucks
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
To my daughter Elena
List of Figures and Tables
1. Discrimination against Roma here
2. The scope of state functions here
3. Strength of state institutions and scope of state functions here
4. Comparison between six states in 2013, based on WGI (Graph View) here
5. Votes for the MRF in the elections for BNA, 1991–2014 here
6. Fears of the MRF voters here
7. Votes for the main PRR parties here
8. Votes for Ataka, NFSB, and MRF in the parliamentary
elections (2005, 2009, 2013, 2014) here
9. Social distances (2016) here
10. Social distances (2008 and 2016) here
11. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—thefts here
12. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups
—robberies here
13. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—premeditated murders here
14. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—
batteries here
15. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—rapes here
16. Social distances. “Do you agree or disagree with each of
the following statements?” here
1. Main ethnic groups in Bulgaria since 1878 here
2. Main sources of income for Roma households here
3. Comparison between six states in 2013, based on WGI here
4. Control of corruption in six states in 1996, 2003, 2008, 2013 here
5. Ethnic profile of the political parties in the Bulgarian
National Assembly in 2009 here
6. Crimes and Roma suspects here
7. Number of complaints lodged with the Commission for Protection Against Discrimination per year here
8. Use of force by the Bulgarian police by years here
Abbreviations of political parties and organizations Abbreviation in English Full name of the organization in English Abbreviation in Bulgarian Full name of the organization in Bulgarian ABR Alternative for Bulgarian Revival АБВ Алтернатива за българско възраждане ASP Alternative Socialist Party АСП Алтернативна социалистическа партия BAPU Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union БЗНС Български земеделски народен съюз BAPU “Nikola Petkov” Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union “Nikola Petkov” БЗНС “Никола Петков” Български земеделски народен съюз “Никола Петков” BAPU “United” Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union “United” БЗНС “Обединен” Български земеделски народен съюз “Обединен” BDF Bulgarian Democratic Forum БДФ Български демократичен форум BEL Bulgarian European Left БЕЛ Българска евролевица BNRP Bulgarian National Radical Party БНРП Българска национално-радикална партия BNU Bulgarian National Union БНС Български народен съюз BSDP Bulgarian Social Democratic Party БСДП Българска социалдемократическа партия BSP Bulgarian Socialist Party БСП Българска социалистическа партия DLP Democratic Labor Party ДПП Демократична партия на труда DOST Democrats for Responsibility Solidarity and Tolerance ДОСТ Демократи за отговорност свобода и толерантност DROM Movement for an Equal Public Model ДРОМ Движение за равноправен обществен модел FF Fatherland Front ОФ Отечествен фронт IMRO–BNM IMRO–Bulgarian National Movement ВМРО–БНД ВМРО–Българско Национално Движение MBC Movement “Bulgaria of the Citizens” ДБГ Движение “България на гражданите” MRF Movement for Rights and Freedoms ДПС Движение за права и свободи NCPPI National Committee for Protection of Peoples’ Interests ОКЗНИ Общонароден комитет за защита на националните интереси NFSB National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria НФСБ Национален фронт за спасение на България NMSP National Movement for Stability and Progress НДСВ Национално движение за стабилност и възход ODS United Democratic Forces ОДС Обединени демократични сили OLJ Order, Legality, and Justice РЗС Ред, законност и справедливост PPFD Peoples’ Party “Freedom and Dignity” НПСД Народна партия “свобода и достойнство” PROUD People for Real, Open and United Democracy ГОРД Гражданско обединение за реална демокрация PU People’s Union НС Народен Съюз TNLMB Turkish National Liberation Movement in Bulgaria ТНОДБ Турско национално-освободително движение в България UBNL Union of Bulgarian National Legions СБНЛ Съюз на българските национални легиони UDF United Democratic Forces СДС Съюз на демократичните сили UDF Center Union of the Democratic Forces “Center” СДС “Център” Съюз на демократичните сили “Център” UFD Union of Free Democrats ССД Съюз на свободните демократи UNPP United National Progressive Party ОНПП Обединена национално прогресивна партия UNS Union for National Salvation ОНС Обединение за национално спасение UYNL Union of Youth National Legions СМНЛ Съюз на младежките национални легиони Other important abbreviations Abbreviation in English Full name in English Abbreviation in Bulgarian Full name in Bulgarian BHC Bulgarian Helsinki Committee БХК Български хелзинкски комитет BNA Bulgarian National Assembly НС Народно събрание на Република България CEC Central Electoral Commission ЦИК Централна избирателна комисия CPAD Commission for Protection against Discrimination КЗД Комисия за защита от дискриминация ECHR European Convention on Human Rights ECHR Европейска конвенция по правата на човека ECtHR European Court of Human Rights ЕСПЧ Европейски съд по правата на човека FYROM Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – – GSI Global Slavery Index – – NAP-DRI National Action Plan for the pan-European Initiative “Decade of Roma Inclusion” НПД-ДРВ Национален план за действие по инициативата “Десетилетие на ромското включване” NCCEDI National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues НССЕДВ Национален съвет за сътрудничество по етническите и демографските въпроси NCCEII National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues НССЕИВ Национален съвет за сътрудничество по етническите и интеграционните въпроси NCEDI National Council on Ethnic and Demographic Issues НСЕДВ Национален съвет по етническите и демографските въпроси PADA Protection against Discrimination Act ЗЗД Закон за защита от дискриминация PRR Populist Radical Right – – SAC Supreme Administrative Court ВАС Върховен административен съд SANS State Agency National Security ДАНС Държавна агенция национална сигурност SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – – WGI Worldwide Governance Indicators (World Bank) – –Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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