CWT Ideology
CWT Ideology

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CWT Ideology

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2020
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existing policy had become impossible as the credit system

with its low lending rate had mad large, that their re-payment

was impossible. The consequences of the US bank games were

made visible for all to see.

This brings to mind the statement that US President Woodrow

Wilson once said: “We have come to be one of the worst ruled,

one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments

in the civilized world – no longer a government by free opinion,

no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the

majority, but a government ruled by the opinion and the

duress of a small group of dominant men”.

His statement is not only meant for the US. The Arabs

traded oil for dollars, the Germans sold machines and

equipment for marks (having eliminated the Euro), the

Chinese manufactured for yuan. Until today no one seems

ready to fight against this system in the United States,

although everyone understands that the FRS is robbing the

world creating virtual money at the expense of our benefit

and instead of legitimate material resources.

Key areas of life

and forms of control

It has become common knowledge that the world’s elite

and the bankers profit and benefit from the crises that befall

ordinary populations around the world.

How else do they implement their control and plans on

populations? This is a product of their control on the world’s

energy reserves, food supplies, health systems, education

and social media. One can even argue that the scientific

establishment colludes with these sponsors as they are the

benefactors for their research.


Energy and oil

The dependence of humankind on oil & gas and coal

corporations ensures massive profits for those at the top of

the financial system. The group of energy companies led by

BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell and the

OPEC cartel and national

oil producers control about

88% of the worlds energy

reserves and its production

and sale. Do you think

they want to see the petrol

driven car replaced with the

electric car?

This is one of the

reasons that alternative

energy sources are yet to

become mainstream and replace the destructive use of fossil

fuels. There is a strong incentive for those driven by profit

to continue the dependence on oil for as long as possible

disregarding the effect this has on the environment. Free

energy will put these corporations out of business and

therefore it is a matter of survival for them to fight this

change, even if it puts the survival of our ecosystem in

jeopardy. Petrodollars are at the root of power in today’s


Food products

Derivative of oil are being used in many of the world’s

vital products. In the agriculture sector they are used for

fertilizers and herbicides to control food production.

Agriculture has paid large sums to the Oil and Gas giants

through the purchase of these products. But when you realize

that the same bankers are behind Big Agriculture as well as

Big Oil then the picture becomes clearer. Governments pay

billions of dollars in subsidies to these companies and yet

their promise to end hunger has fallen short, very short.

Toxic chemicals are poisoning people and wildlife polluting

soil and water and producing harmful food that poses a

serious threat to our health.

Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill, ADM, Glencore are the

global agriculture giants. They produce genetically modified

products at the seed level creating all sorts of undefined

complications to the human body. This unnecessary invasion

on the human body is destroying our immune systems and

the rise of cancer rates around the world is a case in point.

We have also seen a rise in infertility which scientists

believe is related to these modified products.

Not only are these corporations ruining our health by

degrading our food supply, they are also destroying the

livelihood of the farmers that would otherwise supply us

with natural organic produce. The farmers cannot compete

with the corporate giants and are forced to purchase the

modified seeds to survive. These seeds can only be planted

once and will not produce more seeds as per the natural

cycle. The seed has been modified and made sterile, so the

farmer returns to buy more from the corporations. This is

how the profit incentive has colonized and exploited our

food supply.

So, two key areas, energy and food, are controlled by

the same elite banking families and the corporations that

represent them. The destruction is obvious today as the

geopolitical wars driven by resource shortages wage on,

and the GMO debacle still continues unabated. But that’s

not all the trouble.


Medicine is also under the control of these international

bankers and their corporations. The health system has been

controlled by a network of pharmaceutical companies who

have strong incentive to produce and sell as many drugs

as possible. It’s how they succeed in the financial system.

They fund medical education, medical studies and results

are always in their favor, not for the benefit of those who

need the health care. Doctors profit from selling specific

medicines and they are trained at the expense of Big Pharma

companies. Medicine seems to be designed not to eliminate

the disease but only to relieve the symptoms and prolong

the disease so more medicine can be sold.

The pharmaceutical industry controls our society.

Its interests control medical researches and make all

professions related to health care dependent on it.

Pharmaceutical companies manipulate the law and mass

media in order to preserve and protect their dominant

position. Mass-media large-scale advertising campaigns

create a “smokescreen” and hide the true interests of the

pharmaceutical industry.

The advertising statements of pharmaceutical industry

falsely claim the destruction of infectious diseases. In fact,

the most important therapeutic drugs, such as penicillin and

other antibiotics, were invented in institutions funded by


The pharmaceutical industry is also trying to prevent

the dissemination of information about vitamins, knowing

that, in this case, the life time of millions people will be

extended for several decades.

Revenues of pharmaceutical companies over the past

25 years exceeded the revenues of all the other industries

on average by 500%. In other words, the disease business

is the most profitable business in the world and millions

of people pay the bills directly or indirectly. What should

we do?

The most important way to change the situation is that

we should not only reveal but also to participate in the

creation of a new health care system. Healthy aging should

be the rule rather than the exception.

Novartis, Pfizer,

and others carry out a lot of scientific

investigations, but they are not transparent about the

extent of these investigations. There is strong evidence

that pharmaceutical companies are creating some of the

diseases that they also create cures for, all in the name

of more profit. They invest in the future by creating

the problem and the solution simultaneously. Are they

using human beings for their experiments? Are they

engaged in the sterilization of people through their

questionable vaccines? We already know that they are

creating biological weapons for warfare, commissioned

by the military-industrial complex, and all underwritten

and controlled by the same bankers. This puts all of

the medical industry in question on whether it is really

benefiting humankind at all.

We see the systematic legalization of harmful drugs

and chemical psychotropic substances all over the world.

Children are being subscribed harmful substances for

fictitious diseases. Do you still think that the power players

value the health of the human populace?

Science and education

Science and education is also under the control of

the financial system today. What do bankers and their

corporations want from schools? They want to indoctrinate

our minds from the start to produce an obedient and docile

work force which is easily controlled. The school follows

curriculums set by authorities and keep us bound to the

system for many years until we become submissive to this

hierarchical system.

It is apparent that the bankers do not want to see an

educated populace. The quality of public education has

been steadily declining and the ability of people to think

differently has been stunted. It is much harder to control

a man or a woman who thinks critically and can look at

things from different perspectives. They want us to turn into

robots who obey and consume on demand.

The scientific establishment has also been subjugated

to the will of these elites. The funding of science has been

primarily channeled into areas that do not create the most

value for humankind. This is evident in the slow adoption

of the renewables industry and other sectors such as

transportation, education and health. The unlimited capital

at the control of the few has been set against the benefits of

the many.

Do you want to live

in such a world?

People’s main purpose under this system is to survive,

not prosper. It has become a modern form of slavery driven

by the financial elite. They’ve created a system to control

people’s minds. We work to pay back debts, loans with high

interest and to afford to send our children to schools. All

this is for the benefit of a few and their exorbitant life styles.

This system looks like a pyramid separated into

divisions with ordinary people making up the bottom level.

This is the economic term of the “bottom of the pyramid”

where most of those living in poverty are categorized.

The next level is where we have government workers and

those that benefit at the expense of the masses through

tax collection. At the next level we have the corporations

who influence government and control much of our social

behaviour. The next level is where the big banks and

various finance institutions sit and is run by the financial

elite that control the corporations. At the high tip of the

pyramid are the 300 richest families that influence and

control all that is below them.

Researchers from Zurich have analyzed the data of 40

million companies from 200 countries around the world

and came to a disappointing conclusion. About 80% of all

the global funds and companies are concentrated within

150 transnational corporations (TNCs) consisting of

banks, investment funds and insurance companies that are

controlled by a very small group of people.

Many experts believe that a world government is

already acting through the institutions it has created: the

World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World

Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization

lead the list. They believe that a totalitarian world power

is being formed, a military dictatorship led by a fringe elite

– possessing everything and setting all the rules. We can

already see this elite seeking to control access to almost all

the resources we need to live.

One of the goals of this clandestine organization is to

create what is known as the “golden billion”. This golden

billion includes 24 countries that represent the “worthiest

of the developed” nations. About 900 million people from

these countries have been assigned the role of service and

mining and the other 6 billion people are classified as

“unnecessary” and systematically destroyed by the means of

harmful substances, viruses, wars and government injustice.

The story

of the disadvantaged people

In most of the cities in India people live in slums and cardboard

boxes on the streets. They work as servants for the wealthy people

or hold low-wage jobs. These are the “disadvantaged people”

perceived by the rest of the world as the people in need. More

affluent citizens pass these slums on their way to and from work

and try to ignore the situation and plight of these disadvantaged

people. The people in need themselves have become resigned to

their predicament and accept it as their destiny. Most of them do

not consider it necessary to change these conditions. It makes no

sense for them to fight the unfair conditions they were born into.

When we look at disadvantaged people, we consider ourselves

successful and lucky by comparison. After all, we live in

comfortable conditions, receive good education and many of us

have prestigious high paying jobs. We have loved ones around

us and we feel that we have advantages in life. However, we

are also “disadvantaged people” for those who live better than

we do, compared to the world’s financial elite. For them we are

also second-class citizens who live pitiful lives while they spend

fortunes on extravagant luxury.

There is an obvious injustice that exists, we understand that

we are being manipulated and deceived. Our hard work is used to

get the wealthiest of us even richer and we must be content with


What have we done to change this? Almost nothing. This

unjust world will be passed on to our children and grandchildren

and they will continue to live in the same way as we do.

Generations and generations will replace each other without

changing anything. But is this right? No!

I suggest stopping this cycle of injustice in the world and to

change our lives for the better with Change the World Together!

Money and authority have merged under this corrupt

system. Their power stems from this unity, a secret held

by those in power since time immemorial. Those in power

follow the “divide et impera” or divide and rule principle.

This allows them continue their control by wearing down

the forces that try and hamper their plans. The problems we

face today are a result of our inaction. Taking the “waitand-

see” approach we enable these controllers to define our

future and the future of our children. Change will not come

by itself. We must combine our efforts.

If we unite we can do much more, together we can

change the world!


It is clear that these “bubbles” and the buying up of the world

for dollars has given the world’s elite almost unlimited financial

and administrative power and resources. This will continue as the

world plays by the rules of these robber barrons.

Charles de Gaulle —

the first knight for humanity against

the dollar in the 20th century

The US wishes for sole control over the global foreign

exchange market was transmitted to all the countries during the

Second World War. In April 1943 American experts launched

the global monetary system scheme. World War II was in full

swing. Great Britain, the Soviet Union and other participants in

the anti-Hitler coalition had to pay America gold for delivery

of arms, machinery, metals and food. Conventional bank notes

were worth almost nothing in wartime. The dollar had become

the equivalent of precious metals and the gold standard was

pegged on y to the dollar. Here are some figures: The gold

reserve of the United States was 13,000 tons in 1938, 17,700

tons in 1945, 21,800 tons in 1949. That was 70% of the world

gold reserve at that time.

On February 4th, 1965 the President of France, Charles

de Gaulle, told journalists at his regular briefing at the Elysee

Palace: “Truly it is hard to imagine any standard other than gold.

The international exchange has the highest law, the golden rule,

which is to be restored. It is an obligation to provide balance

of payments for various currencies by actual revenue and

expenditure of gold”.

After the creator of the Fifth Republic stopped talking, the

press representatives rushed out of the hall to nearby telephone

sets. Everyone understood that a war had been officially declared

– a war against the US dollar. De Gaulle proposed that the postwar

world financial redistribution in favor of the dollar as the

main currency not be accepted. He called back to the international

payments system effective before the World Wars. In other words,

he proposed to bring back the classical gold standard where any

currency had real value and was literally worth that value in gold.

De Gaulle did not intend to bring back the gold standard,

which would ensure the stability of the global financial system.

Quite the contrary, he was proposing a return to the role of gold

as the general equivalent. Americans were torn between the

Vietnam War and problems in the Caribbean, they hoped that

the anti-dollar rhetoric of the French leader would remain just

words. However, it did not go that way.

A secret report by famous economists Robert Triffin and

Jacques Rueff, prepared in 1959, informed General De Gaulle

that the forced participation of France in the so-called “Gold

Pool” was ruining the economy. The international structure of

the central banks of seven Western European countries under

the auspices of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which

included France, were acting through the Bank of England.

It was not only keeping the international price of gold at $35

per ounce (one ounce is equal to approximately 31 grams) for

the convenience of Washington but was also trading the gold

for their benefit and reporting monthly to the US financial

authorities. If they had to increase the selling volume of the

metal, the pool participants gave the Americans the gold

from their reserves. If the pool bought more than sold, the

difference was shared at a humiliating ratio: half was given

to the Americans, half to the others. France had 9%. Experts

reported to de Gaulle that the activities of the Gold Pool had

caused over $3 billion in loss to the Europeans.

General de Gaulle knew he irritated the US government,

particularly after France had accelerated development of its

own nuclear weapons program in the early 1960s. In January

of 1963 De Gaulle rejected the “multilateral nuclear force”

created by the Pentagon and he took back the control of the

Atlantic fleet of France from NATO. By that time only two

French divisions remained under the American command

instead of the fourteen that were agreed on. However, the

Americans never guessed that this was just the beginning.

In 1965 De Gaulle formally proposed to his American

counterpart Lyndon Johnson 1.5 billion dollars in cash from

the French state reserves to be exchanged for gold. Washington

responded that the US would regard such an action by France

as unfriendly and would have consequences. “Politics is

too serious a matter to be left to the politicians”, – retorted

the general and announced that France was walking out on


In spring of 1965 a French ship anchored in New York

harbor. It was not a combat vessel, but it had a weapon with

which Paris intended to win the financial battle with the

United States. The French ship had brought bank notes to the

value of 750 million dollar to the United States in order to

exchange them for “real money”, that is for gold. That was

the first tranche payment to the Federal Reserve System.

“All the formalities are met. The representative of the

Bank of France is ready to provide half of the said amount

to the US Treasury. The money is here”, – read the official

dispatch from Paris to Washington. Exchange under the rules

of the Gold Pool could only be made to the US Treasury. The

hull of the first French “money” ship was waiting to unload

the 750 million dollars. At an exchange rate of 1.1 grams

of gold per dollar, Paris’s move away from the US currency

turned out to be very productive. 825 tons of the yellow metal

is a large amount. Another ship carrying the same amount

was on the way and that was only the beginning. By the end

of 1965 there remained only about 800 million dollars of the

$ 5.5 billion French foreign reserves in the US.

Of course, de Gaulle had not brought down the dollar

alone. However, the French currency intervention had

created a dangerous precedent for the US. Following the

unpredictable move by France, zealous Germans pulled

together to change dollars for gold bars. Their exchange

was several times larger than the 1.5 billion dollars of

France. Americans were shocked by this bold play but had

to change the “greenbacks” for gold. Then the central banks

of other countries – Canada, Japan – followed suit. The news

about the US gold reserves at that time were like front-line

reports on the battle field.

In March of 1968 the Americans limited the free

exchange of dollars for gold for the first time. By the end

of July, 1971 the US authorities declared the gold reserve

of America had dropped to its lowest level – less than

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