Полная версия
The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo
Dark eyes gleamed with a tinge of humour. ‘I may need it.’
IT TOOK ages for Lily to fall asleep, for however much she tried she couldn’t dispel Alessandro’s powerful image, or justify the disturbing awareness that arose whenever she was in his presence.
He seemed imprinted in her mind … there, a vivid haunting constant that heightened her senses, teasing how his mouth would feel on her own, the touch of his hands.
Stop right there!
Such thoughts hardly made sense, and she did her best to dispense with them, attempting to qualify the fact she slept in a guest suite on the same floor as his suite as being responsible for her heightened awareness.
Anything else was madness.
Tiredness eventually won out, and she woke feeling ready to face the day.
Showered and dressed, she moved downstairs and discovered her aunt seated in the dining room sipping coffee.
‘Good morning, cara',’ Sophia greeted with a smile. ‘You slept well?’
‘Yes, thanks … and you?’
Sophia inclined her head and indicated the chair opposite. ‘Join me for breakfast. Alessandro left early for the office.’
The faint knot in her stomach relaxed a little, for the thought of facing him across the breakfast table hadn’t sat well.
The tempting aroma of coffee permeated the air, and there was a carafe of orange juice, together with a few cloche-covered dishes resting on the table.
It was a perfect way to begin the day.
‘Carlo will collect us in half an hour and be at our disposal before we head back to Lake Como,’ Sophia relayed, and Lily offered an impish grin.
‘Sounds like fun.’
Her aunt laughed. ‘It will be. Serious shopping is on the agenda.’
No idle promise, Lily perceived as Sophia focused their attention on the quadrilatero situated in the heart of Milan.
‘We will begin with Via Montenapoleone,’ Sophia stated knowledgeably, sparing Carlo a twinkling smile. ‘Familiar territory, is it not?’
‘Indeed. I have extensive knowledge of every shop.’
‘Carlo is very patient,’ her aunt confided with a light laugh. ‘He is my driver, he accompanies me on shopping excursions, and he also acts as bodyguard.’
‘Merely a protective measure,’ Carlo informed.
The question had to be why it was deemed necessary.
‘Do not look so concerned,’ Sophia bade gently. ‘Since Giuseppe’s death, Alessandro and Carlo have taken it upon themselves to escort me wherever I choose to go.’
Two strong masculine men, each a recipient of Giuseppe and Sophia’s benevolence during their youth, who cared enough to give of their time, their resources, to ensure Sophia’s safety and well-being.
It was a commendable act, and one Lily could only admire.
‘Let’s begin, shall we?’
She gave her aunt an infectious smile. ‘Lead the way.’
It came as no surprise when Sophia was greeted by name and afforded deferential treatment at many of the shops they visited.
‘The Charity Gala, signora? For you?’
‘And my niece, Lily.’
‘Ah, I have the perfect gown. So elegant.’ She paused as she considered Lily’s slender curves and height. ‘For Lily, perhaps something from the Spring Collection. An opaque floral silk chiffon in delicate shades of powder blue, lavender, with a hint of pink. There is simplicity in the style, and with your hair swept high …’ Her head tilted a little. ‘Or the red, sì, the red would be stunning with your colouring. We shall view them both.’
Of the two, Lily adored the red silk chiffon with its bias cut skirt, ruched bodice. Elegant, the design showcased her delicate shoulders, narrow waist, and Sophia clapped her hands together as she accorded it perfectto.
‘We will take both.’ Her eyes twinkled with pleasure and she lifted a hand at Lily’s protest. ‘It is my gift to you.’ A light laugh escaped her as she took hold of Lily’s hand and lifted it to her lips. ‘All these years I am your godmother, and there have been so few opportunities for us to spend time together.’
‘Zia, please. It is much too generous.’ She turned towards the vendeuse. ‘The red gown, for which I shall pay.’
‘Cara, we will not argue.’
‘We have exquisite stilettos to match the gown.’ As if by magic the delicate shoes were presented for approval, and as promised, they were perfect.
‘Lily, you may pay for the stilettos,’ Sophia conceded graciously. ‘But that is all I will allow.’
It was an exceedingly beautiful gift and a very special
memory she would treasure for a very long time, and she said so as she hugged her aunt with genuine appreciation.
‘Now I shall stand strong,’ Lily insisted as they emerged onto the street. ‘Lunch is on me, at a restaurant of your choice.’ She paused fractionally, then lobbied with an impish twinkle, ‘We will not argue, sì?’
Sophia gave a delighted laugh. ‘You remind me so much of your mother, when, as single young women, we shopped together.’
Carlo retrieved their signature-emblazoned carry-bags, and spared both women a musing look. ‘Success?’
‘Indeed,’ Sophia agreed. ‘Yet we are far from done.’
Carlo merely smiled. ‘Of course not.’
Together they strolled towards Via Manzoni, pausing frequently to browse the shops, venturing into a few, purchasing items that enchanted the eye, as Sophia and Carlo pointed out places of historic interest, the aristocratic palazzi along Via Manzoni, the Grand Hotel, the Archi di Porta Nuova, a city gate once part of the medieval walls.
There was a sense of timelessness, a lingering knowledge of centuries past, and how life must have been then in comparison to today’s era.
Lunch offered a leisurely respite, and they sampled excellent cuisine, shared a light white wine, concluding with coffee before they emerged onto the street to visit a famed museo where paintings graced the walls and precious ceramics were featured.
It was Sophia who suggested they dine before returning to Lake Como, and Carlo drove them to a charming little osteria owned by a couple who made divine pasta sauce. So much so, Lily savoured the taste with a view to determining an elusive ingredient.
‘I have tried to persuade the chef to divulge the secret of his sauce,’ Sophia confided. ‘All he will do is smile, lift his
hands and offer “a bit of this, a touch of that”. Incredible, is it not?’
‘A hint of chilli, unless I’m mistaken,’ Lily posed in contemplation. ‘With perhaps a sprinkle of brown sugar to sweeten. And scallions, I think, for their crisp light taste.’
‘You would like to experiment in my kitchen?’
Lily offered an impish smile. ‘Perhaps we can experiment together. Tomorrow?’
‘I’d like nothing better.’
‘Such an honour,’ Carlo declared. ‘Only Alessandro has been permitted to try his hand in Sophia’s kitchen.’
Lily raised an eyebrow. ‘Alessandro?’
‘He worked kitchens in places no respectable person knew existed,’ Sophia revealed, sobering a little. ‘Liaised deals with undesirables likely to double-deal or worse, rather than pay up. And sleep anywhere he could find a place to lay his head.’
‘Always on the alert, and with means of protection,’ Carlo added quietly.
Lily looked at him carefully. ‘You speak from experience.’ It wasn’t a question, merely a statement.
‘As one of Alessandro’s … partners.’ She refrained from adding. in crime.
‘An interesting description,’ Carlo conceded in a lightly accented drawl.
An understatement, if ever there was one, Lily conceded, aware the reality had been far worse than either man would admit.
It was late when Carlo brought the car to a halt outside the main entrance to Sophia’s villa, and he delivered their purchases indoors, refused coffee, and bade both women buona notte.
Lily turned to Sophia as Carlo left, and issued genuine thanks for a wonderful day.
‘You’re most welcome, cara.’ Sophia hugged Lily close. ‘We will sort our purchases in the morning. Goodnight, Lily,’ she bade gently. ‘Sleep well.’
‘You, too, Zia.’
Together they ascended the staircase, then parted as Lily moved to her guest suite.
The large bed looked inviting, and she removed her clothes, took a leisurely shower, then she slid between the sheets and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
It was almost seven when she woke, and she stretched her limbs, then she threw back the covers and padded to the set of windows, tilted the indoor shutters and watched in admiration as sunrise coloured the gardens to a beautiful kaleidoscope of landscaped glory.
A new day lay ahead, and she completed her morning routine before choosing dress jeans and a casual top, then she slid her feet into flat shoes and was about to leave the room when she remembered to check her laptop.
There were several emails awaiting her attention, a few of which she quickly skimmed before reaching an update from Parisi’s manager reporting that all was going well in the restaurant.
The sender of the next email was James, and her initial reaction was to delete it unread. Except curiosity led her to the deleted folder minutes later, and she read the apologetic missive, citing his remorse, heartbreak, and the plea for reconciliation, followed by a promise to be loyal and loving. if only she’d give him another chance.
It didn’t even qualify an answer.
Without pause she closed the laptop and made her way downstairs to find Sophia sipping coffee at the dining-room table while she perused the daily newspaper.
‘Good morning, cara,’ Sophia greeted with a warm smile, and indicated the table’s contents. ‘Coffee? Juice?’
Lily slid into a chair and helped herself to juice, drank it slowly.
‘Some of the fashions from the runway are written up.’ Sophia indicated the page in question. ‘Together with photos from the party. This week’s trade magazines will feature both in more detail.’ She moved the newspaper so Lily could view it.
Lily had no problem reading the Italian script, and she skimmed over the photographs, then came to a halt as she recognized one of her standing next to Alessandro at the party.
Except it wasn’t so much the photo that drew her attention, but the teasing caption speculating her identity, and if she was his latest romantic interest. Concluding with watch this space.
It angered her that innuendo and supposition combined with clever angle photography lent evidence to there being a grain of truth to the gossip.
‘Where do they get this stuff?’ Lily demanded over a second cup of coffee.
‘Cara, don’t allow it to distress you,’ Sophia attempted to soothe. ‘It’s how the media makes a living, and Alessandro has a propensity to attract attention.’
‘Which I don’t choose to share.’
Sophia commiserated in silence, all too aware Lily had captured Alessandro’s interest. She knew him so well, better than most … enough to recognize the occasions when he merely played the social game. Somehow she very much doubted this was one of them.
‘Have something to eat, then we shall attempt to duplicate pasta sauce, hmn?’
As a distraction ploy, it worked, as they combined experience, instinct and flair to create what promised to be ambrosia.
‘What do you think?’ Sophia queried as she dipped a spoon into the simmering sauce and held it out for Lily to taste.
‘Close.’ So very close, but something was missing. She made a sudden decision. ‘Another pinch of brown sugar, and I’m going to add a bay leaf. Maybe that’ll do it.’
‘This is so much fun. I remember Mamma would make her own pasta and teach your mother and me how to make panini. Her kitchen was always the focal point of our house, filled with different aromas. She had the most comprehensive herb garden … and her vegetables were the best tended in the village.’
‘I’ve heard some of the stories … how the chickens each had names,’ Lily declared with a warm laugh.
‘There were a few ducks, turkeys, and a pig you named Mirabella.’
Sophia chuckled. ‘Poor Mirabella. She didn’t realize she was a pig. I woke one morning and she wasn’t there.’ She shook her head. ‘Papa explained, Mamma consoled … but I haven’t been able to eat pork since.’
While the sauce continued to simmer they took out fine flour, eggs and made pasta, which they ate for lunch with fresh crusty bread.
‘Hmm, this is so good,’ Sophia complimented, while Lily lifted a hand and tilted it back and forth.
‘But not quite right.’ Her forehead creased a little. ‘Next time I’ll ditch the bay leaf and add a pinch of paprika.’
‘Lily, this dish would draw genuine praise in the finest restaurant.’ Sophia’s eyes lit with a mischievous sparkle. ‘You are bent on a mission.’
‘But not today,’ her aunt said firmly. ‘This afternoon Alessandro is taking you on a scenic tour of the lakes. There is much to see.’
Alessandro? ‘I’m sure he’s much too busy,’ Lily protested, only to see Sophia shake her head.
‘If that were so, he would not have offered.’
The fact that he had disturbed her more than she was prepared to admit. Why seemed a logical query, for which she had no sensible answer.
Lily was ready at the appointed time, attired in tailored black trousers, a fine red cashmere sweater beneath a tailored black jacket, with comfortable black flats on her feet.
Alessandro’s sleek black car slid to a halt adjacent the entrance, and it appeared he’d chosen comfort over formality, given the absence of a tie, the few top buttons of his shirt open, to which he’d added a butter-soft leather black jacket.
It gave him a rakish look, one he wore with remarkable ease, she perceived as he greeted Sophia before turning towards Lily.
‘Shall we leave?’
Sophia was right, Lily determined as Alessandro drove into the hills to a vantage point where the splendid vista of lakes stretched north to the snow-capped mountains in the distance.
Below there were clutches of villages nestling close to the lakes; villas with terracotta roof tiles providing colour among the tree-clad hills, the calm blue-grey waters where a few speedboats towed water-skiers and two jetskis left plumes of white spray behind them.
‘Como produces a large percentage of Europe’s silk,’
Alessandro revealed. ‘We will visit the Museo della Seta, and La Tessitura, a store owned by a leading designer of luxury silk.’ He gestured to the panoramic scenery. ‘There is so much history here.’
‘Relative serenity, should one choose it,’ Lily conceded. ‘And the advantage of its proximity to Milan.’
Italy was the country of her birth and she had a strong inclination to stay a while. There was an instinctive desire to rediscover her roots, to enjoy the land, its people. Whatever life chose to offer.
She stifled a reflective sigh. She could live here, enjoy the ambience … the lifestyle, the food, Sophia … It was tempting, and she had nothing to lose.
There were so many places of interest, the stunning villas and their history.
‘Were you born in Milan?’ The query emerged from her lips without thought, and she bore his brief glance before he returned his attention to the road.
‘According to my birth certificate.’
‘Your parents moved around a lot?’
‘It depends on your interpretation of the word.’
Lily was silent for several seconds. ‘That bad?’
And then some. Memories, images that would remain with him for the rest of his time on this earth.
‘I managed to survive.’
She looked at him carefully. ‘But not easily.’
Not on the right side of the law … until Giuseppe dalla Silvestri had provided an opportunity for a new life.
‘I was fortunate to be born into a loving family,’ she offered quietly when he didn’t answer. ‘Caring parents who gifted me a great childhood, insisting I had a good education and the advantage of extending my studies overseas. My life,’ she added. ‘Encapsulated in two sentences.’
‘You left out the ex-fiancé.’
‘A closed subject?’
‘For now.’ She shot him a perceptive glance. ‘As I imagine you regard details of your youth.’
A wry smile curved his generous mouth.
A man who guarded his privacy, she perceived, and couldn’t fault him for it. She wasn’t exactly comfortable relaying every little detail about her broken engagement.
It took time and a vast degree of trust to bare one’s soul.
Maybe one day … Where did that come from? Alessandro wouldn’t become part of her life, any more than she would form part of his own.
He was merely being kind to Sophia’s niece … yet there was the unbidden thought that Carlo could easily have acted as guide and companion.
‘I hope taking time from the office isn’t intruding on your workload.’
Alessandro eased the powerful car to a halt at a vantage point and closed the engine.
The view, magnificent as it was, only briefly held her attention as he shifted in his seat to face her, and suddenly the space inside the car seemed too confined. For his attention was no longer focused on negotiating the snakelike roads winding through the hills.
‘Concern for my business interests, Lily?’
There was a teasing quality to his slightly accented voice that curled round her nerve-ends and heightened her awareness of him. The fine lines fanning out from the outer corners of his eyes; the faint groove slashing each cheek; his generous mouth, which momentarily trapped her gaze.
What was with the sudden temptation to lightly explore it? Trace its curve with her fingers … more, reach forward and touch his lips with her own. Almost as if some inner force was in play.
It hardly made sense, yet it was there, a hidden magnetic quality she fought hard to dismiss.
‘I’m sure you possess a coterie of highly qualified staff eminently capable of handling whatever needs to be handled,’ she managed lightly. ‘As well as the latest device in communication technology to enable instant contact if need be.’
His expression was impossible to determine, and her eyes widened as he trailed light fingers along the edge of her jaw, cupped it and pressed a thumb to her lower lip.
Did hearts stop? It felt as if her own did. Certainly she consciously ceased breathing for several timeless seconds, locked in mesmerized fascination as he leant in close and brushed his lips to her temple.
His scent teased her senses, stirring them alive, and her mouth parted a little on a soundless sigh.
It would be so easy to frame his face and seek his mouth with her own … to taste and savour, discover the magic of his touch.
Yet something held her back. Uncertainty? A need to retain the emotional defences she’d acquired since James’s traitorous behaviour?
So why did she feel slightly bereft when Alessandro released her and undid his seat belt?
‘The sunset is spectacular from here.’ He slid out from behind the wheel and strode round the car to open her door.
‘Let’s watch it together, then we’ll find somewhere to eat.’
‘I think Sophia is expecting me for dinner.’ It was a token protest which resulted in his faint smile.
‘Not when I assured her I’d return you to the villa by eleven.’
Her lips parted in surprise. ‘I don’t …’
‘A meal, Lily, with pleasant conversation?’
It sounded innocuous. After all, what did she have to fear?
‘You neglected to include the sunset.’ With that she slid from the passenger seat and walked the guard-rail, aware that he stood at her side.
The colours gradually changed and deepened as the sun sank beyond the horizon, flaring in one last burst as dusk settled and the evening sky darkened.
‘If we wait, you’ll see the stars emerge,’ Alessandro informed quietly as he moved to stand behind her.
His close proximity stirred her already awakened senses, and she stilled as he wrapped an arm about her waist and leant in close.
She should step aside, put some distance between them, and she almost did. Except his arm, his presence, made her feel … protected. Safe, she added silently, declining to examine precisely why.
‘Watch closely,’ Alessandro bade, directing her attention.
And there they were, tiny pinpricks of light in the sky, gradually appearing brighter as the night’s darkness assumed a deep indigo. A beautiful backdrop for the illumination of villas and street-lighting of towns spread out below them.
He was tempted to seek the soft hollow at the edge of her nape. To shift his hands to her midriff and let them slide up to cup her breasts. To pull her in close and allow her to feel the strength of his arousal.
Knowing if he made even one of those moves, any pleasure he gained would be exceedingly temporary. And he didn’t want temporary.
‘Food, I think,’ he suggested lightly as he stepped back. ‘There’s a trattoria a few kilometres from here. Their fare is family oriented and good.’
He was right, Lily concluded as she ordered lasagne, a side salad and fresh bread with olive oil and herbs for dipping.
There was music, the soft lilt of a guitar and piano accordion accompanying a handsome young man as he sang the traditional songs of his homeland.
This was the Italy she loved. Good food, a little wine, fine music and the company of a pleasant companion.
A very attractive man, with rugged features, dark piercing eyes that saw more than she felt comfortable with, and whose attention she was at a loss to define.
‘You are enjoying yourself.’
Her eyes held a pleasurable sparkle as she gifted Alessandro a warm smile.
She had eaten every morsel of her lasagne, finished the salad, declined dessert, and chosen tea instead of coffee.
A woman who ate with a genuine appetite, instead of the token salad sans dressing together with a minuscule serving of fresh fruit that passed as an evening meal, made for a pleasant change, Alessandro mused as he sipped his coffee.
‘It’s been a lovely day.’ It was the truth, she acknowledged simply. ‘Thank you.’
He took hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips. ‘My privilege.’
Her eyes widened a little as she met his own, and for a few timeless seconds she couldn’t look away.
I don’t know where you’re going with this. Worse, why did she have this instinctive feeling he was several steps ahead of her? Steps leading where? Surely nowhere other than friendship.
And if so, why the sense of disappointment? It didn’t make sense.
Because you don’t want it to make sense.
Such contrariness didn’t bode well for her peace of mind as she gathered her composure. ‘Shall we leave?’
Alessandro summoned the waitress, paid the bill, then he rose to his feet and escorted Lily from the trattoria.
It was almost eleven when they drew to a halt outside the entrance to Sophia’s villa, and she released her seat belt with one hand and reached for the door-clasp with the other.
‘I have my key,’ Lily said quickly. ‘There’s no need for you to …’
Except he had already slid out from the car, and her remaining words remained unsaid as he crossed to her side, took the key from her fingers and inserted it into the front door.
‘Goodnight, Lily,’ he intoned gently. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow evening.’
She looked at him blankly.
‘A party given by one of Sophia’s dearest friends to celebrate her daughter Anabella’s engagement,’ Alessandro revealed.
How could it have slipped her mind? ‘Of course. Sophia mentioned it this morning. Goodnight.’ She moved indoors, locked up and reset the alarm as Sophia had demonstrated, then she crossed the foyer and ascended the stairs to her suite.