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A Bride By Summer: The Texas Ranger's Bride / From Best Friend to Bride / Once Upon a Bride
With a racing pulse, Kellie clicked on and heard “Good morning.”
“The same to you. Did you get any sleep?”
“A little. How about you?”
“Don’t worry about me. I heard your message. It means he was hiding behind the fence. Don’t leave the town house. I’ll be over as soon as I can.” She heard the click.
Kellie put the phone on the counter. She needed something to do and started to fix breakfast. In case he hadn’t eaten yet, she made enough for both of them. Before long she heard the garage door lifting and ran to open the kitchen door for him.
He levered himself from his car wearing a brown Western shirt and jeans. Kellie had a hard time keeping her eyes off his hard-muscled physique. As he came inside, she could smell his soap from the shower and noticed he was clean shaven. Those deep blue eyes zeroed in on her. His piercing gaze sent warmth through her body. “Something smells good.”
Yes, it does. That’s you.
“It was my turn to fix breakfast for us. Sit down at the table and I’ll serve you.”
“I won’t say no. I’m starving.”
“Since I know you haven’t had any sleep in twenty-four hours, you need food to keep you going.” She got them started on eggs and bacon, topping it off with toast and coffee.
“This is delicious. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Let me look at the bite on your arm.”
He flashed her a lazy smile before rolling up his sleeve. She was relieved to see a dressing had covered it. “I told you I watch out for myself.”
“I’m glad you had a doctor look at it.”
He rolled the sleeve back down. They were both being polite, but it was like trying to avoid the elephant in the room. He eyed her over the rim of his coffee mug. The gold wedding band on his ring finger gleamed in the overhead light, bringing her straight to the point.
“Cy? We have to talk about our situation.”
“Agreed. You go first.”
She took a deep breath. “That call this morning made me realize that you and I don’t have to pretend to be married any longer. The whole point was to flush out the stalker. Now that he’s been arrested and his brother watched what went on—probably from behind the fence—there’s no more need for you to stay here.
“Last night my dad said he’s going to hire some bodyguards for me as soon as tomorrow. In the meantime I’ll let the landlord know I’m moving to my parents’ ranch, so my condo will be available for a new renter. That will free you to get on with other Ranger work. We have no idea when the stalker will strike again, let alone when he’ll be caught. It could take a long time and you’re needed for other important cases.”
When Cy didn’t say anything, she drank more of her coffee. “It’s fortunate that no one knows your name, so no explanations are necessary. After the second brother is arrested, then I’ll post the truth about the twin brothers on my blog and explain that the fake marriage was announced to lay a trap that worked brilliantly.”
Starting to get unnerved by his silence, she took the rings off her finger and put them on the table. “Take these back to headquarters along with any equipment you’ve left here. And please thank the other men in your crew for protecting me. They’ll never know how grateful I am.”
He went on drinking his coffee. Why didn’t he say something?
Since they’d finished eating, she got up and cleared the table before putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
“Kellie? If you’ve said everything you wanted to say, come and sit down while I tell you what I’d prefer to see happen, but it’s up to you.”
What did he mean? The hairs on her neck started to prickle as she did his bidding.
“I was in a meeting early this morning with the captain. I’m still assigned to your case until it’s solved. There’s no work more important for the department than for me to put away another killer on the list of America’s most wanted. Though we’ve caught one killer, his twin is on the loose and more dangerous to you than ever.
“Since he knows his brother has been arrested, he’s angrier than ever. Until he makes his move, and I expect it will be sooner than later, it’ll make my job easier if we stay married so I can be your bodyguard. At this point I want us to be visible like any married couple. It will taunt him so much, he’ll make a mistake. That’s what I’ll be waiting for. But if you’d rather your father hired bodyguards who would take turns living here, our department will provide backup. The decision is yours.”
Kellie didn’t need to think. His suggestion thrilled her so much she could hardly find words. But how to tell him without giving herself away?
“Since you already have a plan, let’s not deviate from it now.”
She struggled for breath. “Only if you’re sure.”
“Give me your hand.” When she extended her arm, he put the rings in her palm. “Put these back on.”
Her heart started to run away with her. Not only because of his touch, but because it meant she wouldn’t have to say goodbye to him. Not yet anyway...
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to stretch out on the hide-a-bed and get some sleep. To put your mind at ease, Lyle and the crew are outside and will remain on watch until tomorrow.”
He got up from the table. “Later today we’ll drive out to your parents’ ranch and go riding together. I want to watch the famous Kellie Parrish in action. When our stalker phones again, and I know he will, let him leave messages and I’ll listen to them later.”
And with that, she watched him leave the kitchen, feeling more comforted than ever that her Texas Ranger was here.
Chapter Six
Cy walked into the living room, where he took off his cowboy boots. When he’d proposed that Kellie announce their marriage on her blog, he’d thought she would never agree to it. But she went along with the plan and had her parents’ blessing.
Just now he’d assumed she’d put the brakes on this latest strategy. To his astonishment, it didn’t happen.
Who knew how long the case might go on. Cy did know exactly how his family was going to react when he told them that he and Kellie were pretending to be man and wife. They were worried he’d never get married and continually tried to line him up with a promising match. The party for his sister coming up on Sunday was another excuse for his parents to introduce him to a new woman.
Because of his undercover role as Kellie’s husband, any matchmaking on their part would have to be put on hold. They’d be forced to give up trying to manage his love life while he was still working on her case. Nothing would frustrate them more. Or please him more. In fact he was tempted to take her to the party with him on Sunday.
What was today? Thursday? Was it only last Friday when they’d collided outside the radio station in Bandera? Since she’d come into his world, he’d lost track of time. How could it be that already he couldn’t comprehend his life without her?
With a relieved sigh, he stretched out on the bed and turned on his side facing the wall. His body felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds, but the capture of Denny Denham had done a lot to lighten his mood. He could actually go to sleep knowing that when he woke up, he’d be with Kellie, who wasn’t going anywhere without him. Later today they’d go riding together. He could hardly wait.
The next time he was cognizant of his surroundings, it was four thirty in the afternoon. He’d been sleeping on his stomach. When he turned over, there she was on the couch across from him, curled up with a book. Their eyes met. Hers were smiling.
Uh-oh. “If I snored, don’t tell me about it.”
“It will be my secret. But I want to know who Sylvia is.”
Cy started to chuckle and sat up. “I don’t believe it.”
“Believe what?” She smiled broadly, illuminating his world. “It seems you’ve been carrying around a secret. A little while ago you muttered something like, ‘Dammit. Where are you, Sylvia?’”
He couldn’t hold back his laughter and moved his pillow so she could see his gun. “That is Sylvia.”
She put the book down. “You call your gun Sylvia?”
“Yup. She goes everywhere I go, but sometimes when I’m dreaming, I find myself looking for her.”
Laughter burst out of Kellie. “You gave it a woman’s name. Why not a man’s?”
“That’s an interesting question. I really don’t know.”
“Was Sylvia an old girlfriend?”
“No such luck,” he teased. “When I was a little boy, my father took me to the barbershop in Dripping Springs for my haircuts. The older man had a picture of his wife, who’d died, on the wall. He called her Sylvia. I guess it stuck in my mind to come out later. Some of my colleagues give their weapons a name.”
She nodded. “Just like some pilots name their planes. My grandfather had an old car he called Elvira.”
Curious, he asked, “Did you name all your horses?”
Kellie let out a sigh. “No, but one day I’d love it if Trixie gave birth to a little filly I could name and raise.”
She could have been talking with the same kind of love she would have for her own baby. He wondered what plans she had for the future. “How long do you intend to compete?”
“After the Finals in December, I’m quitting the circuit. It’s a demanding life and I’ve already been in it so long.”
That was news to him. “What will you do?”
“This is a low-cost rental. I’ve been saving all my earnings and plan to buy a small ranch where I can run my own business of training future barrel racers. I have my eye on several properties that have been put out on the market. That way I can be involved with the rodeo, but on the other end.”
He sucked in his breath, marveling over her ambition. “From the amount of fans who flood your website for training tips, I have no doubt you’ll be so busy you’ll have to turn some away.”
“All in good time, I hope.”
Enjoying this too much, Cy sat up and pulled on his cowboy boots before he got to his feet. He stared down at her. “Speaking of your website, I happened to look at your schedule before Montana and noticed you competed in rodeos back east.”
“Yes. As I told you, Sally’s husband, Manny, is a bull rider and we decided to enter those rodeos for points. It was also a fun vacation.”
Cy rubbed the side of his jaw. “Since the stalkers were operating in the East, it occurred to me one of them would have seen you perform, possibly in Virginia or more likely in South Carolina. We know Charleston was one of the murder scenes. Since Walterboro is only forty minutes away, I’m thinking he might have gone to that rodeo and decided you were his next victim.”
“I had the best time in the ratings that night,” she murmured.
“The spotlight was on you. It makes perfect sense. We hope to pinpoint the exact location of their births in one of those two areas. It’s possible they maintained a home there.”
A delicate frown marred her brows. “To think they might have been following me since January...”
“While Dan tracked you all the way until he showed up in Oregon, his brother broke into the files at the WPRA and obtained your cell-phone number. But remember that there’s only one of them now and I’m going to catch him. Excuse me for a minute while I freshen up, then we’ll leave for your parents’ ranch.”
He put the gun in his side-waist holster. After making the bed, he left the living room and went upstairs to the guest bedroom. He shut the door and phoned Vic, who picked up on the second ring. “I wondered when I’d hear from you.”
“I was catching up on some sleep.”
“Which plan did Kellie go with?” Vic had been in on the meeting with TJ.
Cy stopped pacing. “I gave her a choice.”
“We’re going to carry on as we have been.”
“In other words she doesn’t want anyone else being her bodyguard. Between you and me, the captain’s worried you’re going to lose your focus.”
His jaw hardened. “Is that what you think, too?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think.”
“The hell it doesn’t!”
“Honestly?” Vic questioned. “I’ve worked with you for three years and trust you with my life. If you think your plan is the best way to keep her safe and catch this predator, I back you all the way.”
“Thanks, Vic. I’m going to need your help.”
“You’ve got it.”
“We’re leaving for her parents’ ranch in a few minutes so she can exercise her horses. The crew will be watching the condo while we’re gone.”
“While you do that I’m going to see if I can get any information out of our prisoner.”
“If he talks, it’ll be lies.”
“Yup. But coming down off his latest fix, he might make a mistake that could be valuable. I’ll catch up with you later. Watch your back, Cy.”
He clicked off and reached for his Stetson.
* * *
CY DROVE THEM up to the barn. Kellie got out and headed for the entrance. Cy followed and they walked over to the first stall. “Trixie? I want you to meet a very important person.” Kellie’s palomino nickered and her ears pointed. “This is Cy. He’s going to ride Paladin while we do some circles.”
Clearly Cy was no stranger around horses as he rubbed her nose and forelock. “I watched you perform in Bandera, Trixie. You’re a champion just like your owner.” Her horse nudged him in the chest, causing him to smile at Kellie. When he did that, she forgot where she was or what she was doing.
They moved to the next stall. “This is Paladin, one of Dad’s geldings. He’s a big bay who loves a good ride. And he likes Trixie. When they’re out in the pasture, he follows her around.”
Cy’s eyes gleamed. “I can see why. She’s a beauty. Who says romance doesn’t exist among our four-legged friends?”
“The only trouble is, he can be annoying and she runs from him.”
He burst into that rich male laughter she loved so much. “So she likes her independence.”
“At times. But then there are others and she rests her head on his neck.”
“Sounds like a mercurial female. I’ll do my best to control him.”
This close to Cy, darts of awareness shot through her body. Together they picked out their saddles and bridles, then carried them to the stalls. Kellie heard a nicker from another stall.
“Starburst? I haven’t forgotten you, but it’s not your turn.”
A grin broke out on Cy’s face. “You talk to them like they’re human.”
“To tell the truth, I like them better than a lot of humans.”
“Amen to that.”
Before long they were both mounted. One glance at the gorgeous male astride the bay and she was in danger of melting on the spot. The only way she could describe her condition was that she was in a state of euphoria being with him like this.
He was a natural on a horse and took firm command of Paladin, yet displayed a gentleness that won Kellie’s respect and admiration. She decided he could do anything. They rode out to the pasture as if this was something he did every day. Though she hadn’t seen him ride in the Bandera parade, she could imagine him with the other three Rangers carrying the flag.
After riding some distance, she headed for the outdoor arena. Cy followed at a slower pace and pulled to a stop. Her pulse raced because he was watching her.
Once inside, Kellie began her routine and made perfect circles with Trixie, always using a little inside leg. She made certain her horse’s back feet went in the same track as her front feet. After a few minutes she walked her around, then changed to a trot so she could stand in the stirrups to build up the strength in her legs.
To transition from high speed to stops was part of the routine. So was the exercise of backing up, then calling to her horse to stop. While Kellie was building up her own leg muscles, the exercises were helping Trixie strengthen her hindquarters.
Finally she led her over to the fence and did a few more stops, causing Trixie to use her back hocks and stifles. The routine built the vital control necessary for barrel racing. “Good girl,” she called to her horse and patted her neck.
In the background she could hear clapping. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw Cy on Paladin, walking toward them. Beneath his white cowboy hat, his dark blue eyes traveled over her, filling her with warmth. “I wouldn’t have missed that expert performance for anything.”
“Did you hear that, Trixie? Such high praise coming from one of our famous Texas Rangers.” To cover her emotions, she gave her horse another couple of loving pats. “I think you’ve had a good enough workout for today. It’s going to be dark pretty soon. Let’s head back to the barn.” She glanced at Cy. “I try not to overdo it with her. It’s important I make an effort to change her daily routine. Tomorrow I’ll work with Starburst for a while.”
They rode back in companionable silence. After watering the horses, they put them to bed. On their way out to the car, he asked about her parents.
“They’re so thankful you caught one of the stalkers, they decided to attend an important dinner tonight. Otherwise they’d be here to ask you to stay for dinner. But let’s go inside anyway to freshen up before we leave for the condo.”
In a few minutes they went back to his car. He helped her in and got behind the wheel. “I’m in the mood for a good meal. Have you ever eaten at the Watering Hole? It’s only a few miles from here.”
He was finally asking her to do something a couple would do, but she couldn’t consider this a date in any sense of the word. Cy was hungry and needed to eat. Somehow Kellie had to rein in her thoughts that were growing out of control.
They’d been thrown together because of a life-threatening situation and nothing more. But it was getting harder and harder to remain objective when she was so attracted to him. It’s more than attraction, Kellie. A lot more.
“I’ve been there many times,” she answered. “Their charbroiled steak is the best in Austin.”
“That was easy.”
Yes. Way too easy. She was under the Ranger’s spell.
Luckily it was the kind of restaurant where you could come as you were. The place was always crowded. While they waited in the lounge area to be called to their table, Anita Wall, one of the women in the Blue Bonnet Posse, made a beeline for Kellie and gave her a hug. “It’s so good to see you. I heard you got married. You’ve got to introduce me.”
This was what happened when you went out in public. “Anita Wall? Meet my husband, Cy Vance.”
Her married friend and mother looked up at Cy and did a triple take. Kellie couldn’t blame her. The man was too striking.
“How do you do?” She shook his hand. “We’ve all wondered who the man was to snag our star.” Her gaze swerved to Kellie before she whispered in her ear, “Now I understand. Wow, wow, wow.”
While Kellie tried not to react, Cy asked, “Are you here alone?”
“No. I’m with some friends.”
“You’re welcome to join us.”
She shook her head. “I wouldn’t dream of intruding on you honeymooners, but thank you for the invitation.” She gave Kellie one more hug. “Call me when you have time to talk.”
“I will. It’s wonderful to see you, Anita.”
To her relief the hostess called their number and Cy escorted her to their table. Once their order was taken, Cy sat back, smiling at her. “Every friend of yours I’ve met lights up when they see you.”
“Every friend of mine can’t stop staring when they meet you,” she countered before she realized what she’d said. Heat rose to her face. “They’d all be shocked and horrified if they knew what the real reason was for our being together. For your sake I hope the stalker makes another move soon.”
“But not for yours?”
She lowered her head. “That came out wrong. Even if this is the career you’ve chosen, it has to be harrowing for you while you’re forced to bide your time waiting for the next opportunity to present itself.”
Their food came. Once they were alone again he said, “You have that turned around. You’re the one being tortured mentally and emotionally.” He cut into his steak. “Some victims would fall apart at a time like this, but not you. Your courage makes my job a lot easier to handle.” So saying, he started eating.
“That’s because you have a facility for calming me down. It’s a gift, Ranger Vance.”
Before she broke into grateful tears, she dug into her meal. They ate without talking. When she turned down dessert, he left some bills with the receipt and ushered her out of the restaurant to his car.
As they drove out of the parking lot, she turned to him. “I want to pay you for my share of the dinner. I don’t expect the taxpayers of our state to take care of my bill.”
“Didn’t you notice that I paid cash for our dinner? It’s from my paycheck. Any allowance I get as part of the job, I’m issued a credit card for that account. Tonight was my personal treat, if you like.”
Kellie liked it too much. “Thank you. That dinner was delicious.”
“I agree. Before this case is closed, I might just treat you again.”
He got a chuckle out of her.
“That’s better. I know you feel like this is the never-ending story, but it will be over before long. Our stalker Dan is beside himself without his brother. His need to kill again is stronger than ever because they didn’t get the job done. In his desperation to finish what they started, he’ll reveal himself in some way and that will be his downfall.”
“If you say it, then I know it’s true.”
“I’m touched by your faith in me. How would you like to go to a family party with me on Sunday night?”
The question caught her off guard. “But they’ll all think we’re married—”
“They know I’m on a case.”
“Do your parents realize you’re protecting me?”
“Because I’m undercover, they’ll figure it out. The point is, my sister is getting married and the parents are inviting a few people over to celebrate the coming event. Because of my job I’ve been absent from too many family gatherings as it is and would prefer not to miss this one. But I can’t leave you alone. Starting tomorrow we won’t have backup from the department unless I ask for it. If you don’t want to go, we won’t.”
She bit her lip. “I can see you need a babysitter for me, one armed with a weapon.”
“It’s all right. Don’t give it another thought.”
After what he’d just told her? Ha. Kellie eyed his arresting profile. “How many sisters do you have?”
“Just Beth, short for Elizabeth.”
“Do you have brothers?”
“No. I’m the only one.”
“Well, far be it from me to keep you from a party this important. If I had no siblings except one brother, I know I’d want him there for the most important moment in my life.”
Cy looked over at her. “It is the biggest thing in her life. I knew I could count on you,” he said in a satisfied tone.
Emotional bribery that fed on her guilt went a long way to persuade her. He had no idea how hard this would be on her. They weren’t engaged, and she couldn’t count on seeing him again after he’d caught the killer. But there was another part of her that was crazy with excitement to go out with him, even if she understood the true reason for being in his company.
They pulled into the garage and he shut off the engine. “Let me have your car keys for a minute.” She rummaged in her purse for them. After she handed them to him, he got out and inspected her Toyota, including the trunk. “Okay,” he called to her. She started to get out. “But let me go in the condo first.”
That was right. While she could forget everything but the joy of being with him, his radar was on alert every second. Kellie waited by the door until he’d turned on lights and told her she could come in. She entered and locked it. They were home for the night, snug and secure.
Despite the menace still lurking out there, she’d never been happier in her life. There was only one reason why, and that reason was walking around, all six foot two of rip-cord-strong Texas Ranger with dark blue eyes and handsome features to die for.