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The Punster's Pocket-book
R. 9. The Rule of Risibility. A man must be the first that laughs at his own pun; as Martial advises:
"Qui studet alterius risum captare lepore,Imprimis rictum contrahat ipse suum.""He that would move another man to laughter,Must first begin, and t'other soon comes after."R. 10. The Rule of Retaliation obliges you, if a man makes fifty puns, to return all, or the most of them, in the same kind. As for instance: Sir W – sent me a catalogue of Mrs. Prudence's scholars, and desired my advice as to the management of them:
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Lib. ii. § liv.
Vide Joseph. Bengor. Chronic. in Edit. Georg. Homedidæ. Scriem Godoliæ Tradit. Hebraic. Corpus Paradoseon Titulo Megill. c. i. § 8. Chronic. Samarit. Abulphetachi. Megillat. Taanit.
Vide Plut. Apophth. p. 177.
See Laërtius.
Though it is no uncommon thing for a country printer to be without Greek types, this could scarcely be a serious complaint at Dublin in 1719.
Institut. Orator. lib. vi. p. 265.
Potius lungs, as a Dutch commentator would observe.
Hor. Ep. I. i. 67.
In the early editions of the tract, this admirable pun is ascribed to Dr. Delany.