Полная версия
Tender is the night. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Учим английский, читая мировую классику
«I should think so.»
«My husband is finishing his first novel, you see.»
Rosemary said: «Oh, he is?» She was not thinking anything special (особый), except (кроме) wondering (удивляться) whether her mother had got to sleep in this heat (жара).
«It’s on the idea of Ulysses (Одиссей),» continued Mrs. McKisco. «Only instead of taking twenty-four hours my husband takes a hundred years. He takes a decayed (дряблый) old French aristocrat and puts him in contrast with the mechanical age – »
«Oh, for God’s sake, Violet, don’t go telling everybody the idea,» protested McKisco. «I don’t want it to get all around before the book’s published.»
Rosemary swam back to the shore, where she threw her peignoir (пеньюар) over her already sore [больной] shoulders and lay down again in the sun. The man with the jockey cap was now going from umbrella to umbrella carrying a bottle and little glasses in his hands; presently [некоторое время спустя] he and his friends grew (становиться) livelier (весёлый, оживлённый) and closer together and now they were all under a single assemblage [совокупность] of umbrellas – she gathered (делать вывод) that some one was leaving and that this was a last drink on the beach. Even the children knew that excitement was generating (образовывать, формировать) under that umbrella and turned toward it – and it seemed to Rosemary that it all came from the man in the jockey cap.
Noon dominated sea and sky – even the white line of Cannes, five miles off, had faded to a mirage of what was fresh and cool; a robin (малиновка) – breasted (на носу) sailing boat (парусная лодка) pulled in behind it a strand (жгут) from the outer (внешний), darker sea. It seemed that there was no life anywhere in all this expanse (простор) of coast except under the filtered (очищенный; профильтрованный) sunlight of those umbrellas, where something went on amid (среди) the color and the murmur (бормотание).
Campion walked near her, stood a few feet away and Rosemary closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep; then she half-opened them and watched two dim (неясный, неотчётливый), blurred (запачканный, неясный, расплывчатый) pillars (столп) that were legs. The man tried to edge his way into a sand-colored cloud, but the cloud floated off (отплыть) into the vast hot sky. Rosemary fell really asleep.
She awoke drenched with sweat (мокрый от пота) to find (и обнаружила) the beach deserted (что на пляже никого не было) save for (кроме) the man in the jockey cap, who was folding (складывать) a last umbrella. As Rosemary lay blinking (лежать, моргая), he walked nearer and said:
«I was going to wake you before I left. It’s not good (нет ничего хорошего) to get too burned (чтобы слишком загореть) right away (сразу).»
«Thank you.» Rosemary looked down at her crimson (тёмно-красный) legs.
«Heavens (Господи)!»
She laughed cheerfully (весело), inviting him to talk (приглашая его к разговору), but Dick Diver was already carrying (нести) a tent and a beach umbrella (пляжный зонт) up to a waiting (ожидающий) car, so she went into the water to wash off the sweat (чтобы смыть пот). He came back and gathering up a rake (грабли, скребок, рашпиль), a shovel (лопата, совок), and a sieve (решето, сито), stowed (складывать, укладывать) them in a crevice (трещина, расщелина, щель) of a rock (скала). He glanced up and down (оглядеть сверху донизу) the beach to see (чтобы убедиться) if he had left anything (не оставил ли он чего-либо).
«Do you know what time it is?» Rosemary asked.
«It’s about (примерно) half-past one (половина второго; один час тридцать минут).»
They faced (поворачиваться лицом к) the seascape (море, марина, морской пейзаж) together momentarily (мгновенно; ежеминутно, поминутно).
«It’s not a bad time,» said Dick Diver. «It’s not one of worst (наихудший) times of the day.»
He looked at her and for a moment she lived in the bright blue worlds of his eyes, eagerly (горячо, пылко, страстно) and confidently (уверенно). Then he shouldered (взвалить на плечо) his last piece of junk (отбросы, хлам) and went up to his car, and Rosemary came out of the water, shook out her peignoir and walked up to the hotel.
It was almost two when they went into the dining-room. Back and forth over the deserted (покинутый) tables a heavy pattern (рисунок, узор) of beams (луч) and shadows swayed (колыхаться) with the motion (движение) of the pines outside (вне помещения; снаружи). Two waiters, piling (раскладывать, собирать) plates and talking loud Italian, fell silent (замолчать) when they came in and brought them a tired (утомленный) version of the table d’hôte (табльдот, общий обеденный стол) luncheon [ленч, второй завтрак (в 12—14 часов; лёгкий у тех, кто обедает вечером (dinner); плотный, заменяющий обед у тех, кто вечером ужинает).
«I fell in love (влюбиться) on the beach,» said Rosemary.
«Who with?»
«First with a whole lot (масса, куча) of people who looked nice (приятный). Then with one man.»
«Did you talk to him?»
«Just a little. Very handsome (красивый). With reddish (рыжеватый) hair.» She was eating, ravenously (жадно). «He’s married though (хотя; несмотря на; тем не менее) – it’s usually the way (так бывает обычно).»
Her mother was her best friend and had put every last possibility into the guiding of her (вести её по жизни), not so rare a thing (не такая уж редкость) in the theatrical profession, but rather special (весьма своеобразный) in that Mrs. Elsie Speers was not recompensing herself for a defeat (фиаско, неудача) of her own. She had no personal bitterness (горечь) or resentments (обида, негодование, возмущение) about life – twice satisfactorily (нормально, удовлетворительно) married and twice widowed (овдоветь), her cheerful (энергичный, неунывающий) stoicism (стоицизм) had each time deepened (углубляться). One of her husbands had been a cavalry officer and one an army doctor, and they both left something to her that she tried to present intact (целый, незатронутый) to Rosemary. By not sparing (щадить) Rosemary she had made her hard (твёрдый; негибкий, негнущийся) – by not sparing (щадить) her own labor and devotion (любовь, преданность) she had cultivated (взвращивать) an idealism in Rosemary, which at present (в настоящее время) was directed toward herself and saw the world through her eyes (её глазами). So that while (в тот момент, в то время) Rosemary was a «simple» child she was protected (защищать) by a double sheath (футляр, защитная оболочка) of her mother’s armor (броня) and her own – she had a mature (зрелый) distrust (недоверие) of the trivial (тривиальный, обычный), the facile (поверхностный) and the vulgar. However, with Rosemary’s sudden success in pictures Mrs. Speers felt that it was time she were (настала пора, чтобы она была) spiritually (духовно, интеллектуально, умственно) weaned (отнимать от груди, отлучать от матери); it would please (радовать, нравиться) rather than (а не) pain (ранить, обидеть) her if this somewhat (некий) bouncing (оживлённый, крепкий, нескладный), breathless (запыхавшийся) and exigent (требовательный) idealism would focus on something except herself (кроме неё самой).
«Then you like it here?» she asked.
«It might be fun (хорошо, приятно) if we knew those people. There were some other people, but they weren’t nice (приятный). They recognized (узнавать) me – no matter where (куда бы ни) we go everybody’s seen „Daddy’s Girl.“»
Mrs. Speers waited for the glow () of egotism () to subside (); then she said in a matter-of-fact (сухой, прозаичный) way: «That reminds me (кстати), when are you going to see Earl (граф) Brady?»
«I thought we might go this afternoon – if you’re rested.»
«You go – I’m not going.»
«We’ll wait till to-morrow then.»
«I want you to go alone (Я хочу, чтобы ты пошла одна). It’s only a short way – it isn’t as if you didn’t speak French.»
«Mother – aren’t there some things I don’t have to (должен) do?»
«Oh, well then go later – but some day before we leave (до того, как мы уедем).»
«All right, Mother.»
After lunch they were both overwhelmed (переполнять, охватывать) by the sudden flatness (монотонность, однообразие, скука) that comes over American travellers in quiet (тихий, спокойный) foreign (заграничный) places. No stimuli (никакие стимулы) worked upon them, no voices called them from without, no fragments of their own thoughts came suddenly from the minds of others, and missing (скучать) the clamor (шум) of Empire they felt that life was not continuing here.
«Let’s only stay three days, Mother,» Rosemary said when they were back in their rooms. Outside a light wind blew the heat around, straining (просачиваться) it through the trees and sending little hot gusts (порыв ветра) through the shutters (ставни).
«How about the man you fell in love with on the beach?»
«I don’t love anybody but you, Mother, darling.»
Rosemary stopped in the lobby (вестибюль, холл) and spoke to Gausse père about trains. The concierge, lounging (сидеть развалившись, расслабившись) in light-brown khaki by the desk, stared (уставиться) at her rigidly (строго, сурово), then suddenly remembered the manners of his métier (профессия, занятие, ремесло). She took the bus and rode with a pair of obsequious (исполнительный, послушный) waiters to the station, embarrassed (сбивать с толку, приводить в замешательство) by their silence, wanting to urge them: «Go on, talk, enjoy yourselves. It doesn’t bother (мешать, беспокоить) me.»
The first-class compartment was stifling (душный); the vivid (яркий) advertising cards of the railroad companies – The Pont du Gard at Arles, the Amphitheatre at Orange, winter sports at Chamonix – were fresher than the long motionless (неподвижное) sea outside. Unlike American trains that were absorbed in an intense destiny of their own, and scornful (презирающий) of people on another world less swift (подвижный) and breathless (запыхавшийся), this train was part of the country through which it passed. Its breath (дыхание) stirred (шевелить, сдувать) the dust from the palm leaves, the cinders (зола) mingled (смешиваться) with the dry dung (навоз) in the gardens. Rosemary was sure she could lean (наклониться, высунуться из) from the window and pull (выдёргивать) flowers with her hand.
A dozen cabbies (таксист) slept in their hacks (такси) outside (снаружи) the Cannes station. Over on the promenade (прогулка, променад) the Casino, the smart shops, and the great hotels turned blank (пустой) iron masks to the summer sea. It was unbelievable (Не верилось) that there could ever have been a «season,» and Rosemary, half in the grip (в тисках) of fashion, became a little self-conscious (застенчивый, легко смущающийся), as though she were displaying (проявлять) an unhealthy (нездоровый) taste (вкус) for the moribund (устаревающий, выходящий из употребления); as though (как будто) people were wondering (удивляться) why she was here in the lull (затишье) between the gaiety (веселье) of last winter and next winter, while (в то время, как) up north the true world thundered (греметь, грохотать) by.
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