Полная версия
Sweet Thing / Make Me Want
I’d wanted to celebrate with Channing tonight. Instead, I’d got a brief taste of Tanner and I wasn’t disappointed. Angry at myself for letting it happen. Confused why he’d done it. And seriously peed off. But never disappointed.
God, the man could kiss.
If I was the queen of pretending, he was the master of manipulating lips.
My hand drifted upward to my mouth and a fingertip traced my bottom lip. I could swear it still tingled from the way he’d devoured me.
‘All locked up, Abs.’
I jumped and spun around, hoping Makayla hadn’t seen me. ‘Thanks.’
She grinned and pointed to the small table set up in the kitchen where staff took their meal breaks. ‘Why don’t you sit and tell me all about the dishy Tanner while I fix us a hot chocolate?’
‘Nothing to tell,’ I said, far too quickly, and Makayla raised a knowing brow.
‘You’ve been avoiding the office all afternoon and blushing at random times for no reason so I beg to differ, my friend.’ Makayla tittered as she performed a little pirouette, something she did often, as if to keep her dance training at the forefront of her mind. ‘Plus I just saw you staring into space and touching your lip, so I’m guessing you’re fantasising about Hot Stuff kissing you.’
‘You’re too damn perceptive for your own good,’ I muttered, but took a seat at the table anyway. ‘Make mine a double.’
‘Two giant marshmallows coming up,’ she said, busying herself at the stove. ‘Have to say, it’s nice to see you lust over a guy. In the three months I’ve been here, you haven’t mentioned anyone let alone been out on a date.’
Was I that pathetic? Considering I’d avoided men for the last twelve months since Bardley the Bastard, probably.
‘Who said I’m lusting over Tanner?’
Makayla beamed as she poured hot chocolate into two mugs. ‘Sweetie, it’s all over your face.’
‘Am I that easy to read?’
‘I’m good at reading people.’ Makayla plopped two marshmallows in each mug and headed for the table. ‘Got a ton of experience at an old job.’
Sadness downturned her mouth for a moment, like it had been a less than pleasant experience, before her signature smile was back and she visibly brightened. Makayla spent all her spare time attending dance auditions and had worked in a few theatre productions. Maybe she needed to get a read on the competition?
‘It’s probably my self-imposed year-long drought—’
‘You haven’t been with a guy in a year?’ Makayla squealed and mimicked a faint as I rolled my eyes.
‘Yeah, I’m that much of a sad case.’
It wasn’t until that moment I realised I was. Sad. My marriage might have been bland at best, but I missed the intimacy of having someone to debrief with at the end of a day. Of having a male perspective on life. Of being with a guy, even if the sex had been as lacklustre as the marriage.
Maybe that was why I’d enjoyed Tanner’s kiss so much?
Yeah, and downplaying it would make me forget it in a hurry. Not.
‘You need to get out more,’ Makayla declared, her forehead crinkled in thought. ‘A night out on the town. You and me. Drinks. Dancing. Deviously scoping out hot guys.’
‘Nightclubs aren’t really my thing—’
‘Bull.’ Makayla waggled her finger at me. ‘I’m not taking no for an answer. If you’re lusting over our new boss on the first day, you need to get laid.’
‘I’m not a guy—’
‘Girls have needs too, and after a year? Sweetie, you must be pretty damn needy.’
I laughed as Makayla wiggled her eyebrows.
‘There’s this fabulous club, the hottest dance venue in Sydney, called Embue. We’re going. Tomorrow night.’ She did another jig. ‘So get your dancing shoes on, baby, because I’m not taking no for an answer.’
I’d seen Makayla like this before, when she’d railroaded me last month into buying an exquisite rose silk scarf I couldn’t afford at The Rocks market. And before that, when she’d insisted I attend an art gallery opening that featured the weirdest nude paintings.
She wouldn’t give up until I said yes, so I sighed. ‘What kind of a weird name is Embue?’
‘It means steamy in French.’ Makayla winked and fanned her face. ‘Don’t you want to get all steamed up over some guy?’
I already was and that was the problem. Because heading out to some dark, dingy nightclub to scope out men wouldn’t make me forget Tanner and the potency of his kiss.
I’d need to meet Channing or his equivalent for that to happen and the odds were a billion to one of any guy remotely coming close to my screen idol.
But I had a feeling Makayla wouldn’t let up. She’d asked me out to go clubbing several times since she’d started working here and we’d become friends, and I’d fobbed her off with excuses of homework.
With school holidays coming up and the universities winding down, she wouldn’t buy that excuse this time.
I gave a resigned shrug. ‘Okay. Let’s do it.’
Makayla clapped her hands, excitement making her eyes glitter. ‘Two babes out to shake things up. Can’t wait.’
I could, but I needed something—maybe even someone—to distract me from this insane attraction to Tanner.
A night out could be just the thing I needed.
I HAD TO hand it to my brother. He sure knew how to run a business. Le Miel turned a handy profit and had the potential to expand if the boutique next door ever accepted his generous offer to buy them out.
I’d studied the spreadsheets yesterday and today, and couldn’t find a single weak spot.
Unlike me, who’d discovered a major one: for prim, snooty women who kissed like a frigging dream.
Even now, a day and a half later, I couldn’t get that kiss out of my head. Which was plain crazy, considering the number of women I’d kissed over the years. I hadn’t been in double figures for a long while so why did Abby, with those weird azure blue eyes and her cool façade, get to me so damn bad?
So I’d done what had to be done. Avoided her. Snuck out yesterday while she’d been in the kitchen with Makayla, and locked myself away in the office all day today.
We’d exchanged civil greetings this morning, that was it. Suited me fine. I didn’t have time to be some society girl’s plaything. Her walk on the wild side to celebrate her divorce.
Not that I wasn’t interested. Sex with Abby had the potential to be phenomenal. Women coming out of a shitty marriage could go off like firecrackers.
But Remy would bust my balls if I inadvertently hurt her and she quit out of some misguided notion that any future chance meetings between us would be uncomfortable.
It had happened before, when I’d been young and dumb; had opened my first club and slept with my accountant. She’d been looking for more than a good time, despite her reassurances before things started up. When it soured she left and I’d lost the best damn accountant in the business.
No, I wouldn’t be responsible for screwing this up for Remy, not when he’d spoken so highly of Abby when I’d called him last night and first thing this morning.
I’d keep my distance. Maybe even apologise for that kiss. Remy’s business had steadily increased over the last year and, considering he recorded Abby’s progress as part of her apprenticeship, looked like his protégé had been a big part of that.
Le Miel and Remy couldn’t afford to lose Abby.
Which meant I had to keep the snake in its cage.
I glanced at the clock. After seven, when I needed to start my own work at nine. No time for a workout to ease the kinks out of my back. Sitting at a desk for twelve hours straight was for fools.
Pressing the tips of my fingers to my eyes, I did a few yoga breaths while rolling my shoulders. I heard the door open and when I opened my eyes, Abby stood in front of me, with a steaming espresso and an almond croissant.
‘You’ve been working hard all day and haven’t been out, so I thought you might like a snack?’
‘You’re an angel,’ I said, meaning it, as the pungent Brazilian brew hit my nose and I inhaled greedily. ‘Thanks.’
‘You’re welcome.’
A faint blush stained her cheeks, as if she wasn’t used to praise, and damned if I wasn’t catapulted straight back to yesterday morning when I’d kissed her.
Her blush had been deeper then, the blue of her eyes so damn crystal clear I could’ve drowned in them.
My cock hardened in agreement and I inwardly cursed. Remember Remy and Le Miel and a flourishing bottom line?
Down, boy.
She handed me the coffee and placed the plate on the desk. ‘At the risk of sounding like a nag, you shouldn’t lock yourself away in here all day and not eat.’
‘Who said I don’t have a secret stash of energy bars in the top drawer?’
She quirked an eyebrow. ‘Do you?’
‘Nah, but if it stops you nagging, I’ll say it.’
She smiled and it softened her features from pretty to breathtaking. ‘I’m heading out soon so are you okay to lock up?’
‘Sure, go head.’ I tapped my temple. ‘The alarm combo is stashed away up here.’
The corners of her mouth twitched. ‘Not sure how you can remember any new numbers when you must have a phone book’s worth stored up there already.’
I laughed, enjoying this softer side of her. ‘Did you just make fun of my little black book?’
She held her thumb and forefinger an inch apart. ‘A little.’
Surprised by her lighthearted sparring when I’d expected her to be gauche and standoffish after that kiss, I feigned indignation. ‘I’ll have you know my mental capacity is much less than you give me credit for, so I keep the thousands of women’s phone numbers stored in my cell.’
‘Little wonder you have such a big one—’ Her lips clamped shut and her eyes widened in horror at her gaff.
‘We are talking about my cell, right? Or are you still obsessing over my peg leg?’
The blush returned, deepening her cheeks to a rosy pink. ‘It’s been a long day. I really should go.’
‘And I really should let you.’
But neither of us moved, our gazes locked in some invisible battle of wills while electricity sparked between us.
I had to do something to break this tenuous hold she had on me before I did something monumentally stupid, like kiss her again. And not stop at a kiss this time.
‘I’m sorry for kissing you yesterday,’ I blurted, not sorry at all. ‘It was out of line. Blame it on my jet lag, concern over Remy and your unfailing knack of goading me.’
‘Glad to know it wasn’t my womanly charms,’ she said, her dry response tempered with a smile. ‘Honestly? Don’t worry about it. Forgotten, just like that.’
She snapped her fingers and damned if my ego didn’t take a hit.
Forgotten? That made one of us.
‘Anyway, got to go. Makayla’s taking me clubbing.’ She made it sound like her friend was dragging her for a root canal. ‘See you tomorrow.’
‘Yeah, see you.’ I watched her walk out the door, my gaze riveted to her ass.
She worked those black pants like nothing else and I scowled, snatching up the croissant and jamming it into my mouth.
The buttery goodness melted on my tongue and I wondered if its creator would taste as good.
I’D ENVISAGED EMBUE being a one-room dive with mirrored walls, strobing lights and ear-splitting techno.
Thankfully, I was wrong.
‘Isn’t this place the coolest?’ Makayla clung to my arm and did a little jive on the spot. ‘I’ve heard rave reviews about it but this surpasses my expectations by a mile.’
Mine too. Everything about the nightclub screamed class, from the polished floorboards and soaring ceilings to the chandelier hanging over the DJ’s console, placed smack-bang in the middle of the dance floor.
The dance floor circled the DJ like a giant shimmering oil slick, with golden velvet lounges in booths surrounding it. Cream and gold were everywhere, from the chiffon-covered walls to the coasters.
The entire effect was upscale elegance rather than downtown disco.
I loved it.
As for the music, I actually recognised the song, an upbeat nineties number that made me sway a little.
I elbowed Makayla. ‘Should I make a confession now that I’ve never been to a nightclub?’
Makayla gripped my arm tighter and swung me around to face her. ‘What the... I could’ve sworn you just said you’d never been to a nightclub?’
I held up my free hand. ‘The truth and nothing but the truth.’
‘What are you, a nun?’ She released my arm, only to slug it. ‘Girlfriend, either you’ve been in a cult or kidnapped by a madman who kept you locked up, because everyone on the planet has been to a nightclub at some point in their lives.’
Being part of the perfect Prendigasts had been like living in a cult, before being virtually kidnapped by Bardley and living in a prison of my own making.
‘I got married at twenty-one.’
Makayla shook her head, a riot of glossy red curls tumbling over her bare shoulders dusted in glitter. ‘But didn’t you ever sneak into a nightclub underage? Go out with your friends from school?’
‘I went to an all-girls private school and no, we didn’t sneak out.’
We didn’t do much of anything bar go on expensive shopping trips and have mani-pedis in the private comfort of our mansions. Not that I could call any of the girls I’d hung out with as friends. They’d been the bitchiest group I’d ever encountered, clones of their mothers whose only ambition was to find a rich, upper-class guy and marry him.
All they’d ever talked about was who had the latest designer bag, who had the most expensive car sitting in the garage for when they turned eighteen and which guys from the elite boys’ schools were the best to shag.
How I’d longed to be part of those groups of girls who hung around together at the local shops, swapping frozen yoghurts and gossip while they waited for the school bus instead of Daddy’s chauffeur.
Those girls had looked genuinely happy, despite their ripped blazers and holey jumpers. My folks had taught me from a young age that money could buy anything. They’d been wrong. I couldn’t buy happiness, the kind I’d seen on those girls’ faces.
‘Sweetie, you need to start living.’ Makayla gave me a gentle nudge towards the dance floor. ‘Starting now.’
I wanted to let loose but I caught sight of myself in a floor-to-ceiling-length mirror and baulked.
Whereas Makayla fit in here with her dramatic make-up, sexily mussed hair, towering stilettos and a strapless figure-hugging purple mini, I looked like a grandma with my blow-dried hair, clear lip gloss and mascara, moderate heels and a staple sleeveless LBD that ended at my knees.
Who knew little black dresses had gone out of fashion around the same time I’d gone out of circulation?
‘You’re dancing. Now.’ Makayla shoved me again and this time I let myself be propelled onto the dance floor, joining the throngs of writhing bodies moving in time to an old pop song about spinning around.
I liked music and always had the latest stuff on a playlist while I baked. But bopping around a kitchen and moving my body in front of a bunch of strangers were worlds apart.
Thankfully, nobody gave a flying fig as I started to shuffle my feet. Allowed my shoulders to relax and my hips to sway to the music.
‘There you go. You’re dancing and the ceiling hasn’t caved in.’ Makayla put her hand over her mouth in mock horror. ‘Wow, you may even start having fun.’
‘Bite me,’ I yelled above the music, moving my body faster and adding a shimmy for good measure.
Makayla laughed and flung her arms in the air, her body sensual and sinuous as she executed moves I could never dream of pulling off.
After the first song, I lost track of how many we danced to. Daggy songs from the eighties mingled with the latest techno beats as I danced my ass off. Wiggling my hips. Shimmying my shoulders. Not caring that I jiggled in places I hadn’t jiggled in a long time.
I enjoyed it. Until an old boyfriend of Makayla’s slunk up to us and I quickly realised that three was a crowd.
I tapped her on the arm and gestured towards the bar. ‘I’ll leave you two alone.’
‘You don’t have to go.’ Makayla’s gaze swung between the guy and me and I could tell she was torn.
‘Seriously, I’m zonked anyway. I’ll just have a drink, then take a taxi home.’
‘You sure?’
I nodded. ‘Absolutely.’ I leaned in and pecked her on the cheek. ‘Go have fun.’
Still Makayla wavered. ‘But tonight was supposed to be about you and finding some hot guy to end your drought.’
‘Another time,’ I said, giving her a gentle nudge in the direction of the guy waiting patiently for us to finish our conversation. ‘Go. Be naughty enough for the both of us.’
A wicked gleam lit her eyes. ‘I think I can manage that.’
I laughed and headed off the dance floor. I’d barely made it onto the polished boards before the guy had swept Makayla into his arms and they were doing some weird ritualistic dance that almost looked obscene.
Makayla was a lovely girl, I liked her a lot, and for one fleeting moment I wished I had half the va-va-voom factor she did.
With a sigh, I turned.
And ran smack-bang into Tanner.
DOING THE ROUNDS of my clubs after putting in two long days at the patisserie wasn’t my idea of fun, but I’d been away for almost a year and I wanted to do a stealth visit to see how the managers and staff were coping.
I needn’t have worried. I only hired the best and the four clubs I’d visited so far were operating with precision. Embue was the last on my list and, like the rest, the managers were on top of things and the place was packed.
I’d planned on spending thirty minutes mingling, chatting with staff, getting a general feel where I could liven things up.
That plan shot to shit when I spied Abby. Writhing on the dance floor, arms flung wide, hips swaying, out of time with the music but dancing to some imaginary rhythm in her head.
Damned if it wasn’t the most erotic thing I’d ever seen.
So I watched. My cock throbbing in time with some crap techno beat. Wanting her.
I saw some guy sleaze up to Makayla and they started chatting like long-lost lovers, all over each other. Leaving Abby a third wheel and about to leave.
She strode off the dance floor and twenty guys in the vicinity swivelled their heads to watch.
Not that she wore anything revealing. In fact, her modest black dress was practically outlandish in a sea of scantily clad women. But it was the way she carried herself. The set of her shoulders. The tilt of her head. The way her hips moved.
She exuded class. And every horndog in the place wanted to see if they could get behind that cool exterior and see how far she could be pushed to get off.
When one guy put down his drink and walked towards her, I made a move, cutting him off. ‘Sorry, buddy, she’s mine.’
A possessive statement I had no right making but no way in hell would I stand by and watch Abby have to fend off a bunch of horny pricks.
I reached out to tap her on the shoulder when she spun around and smacked into me.
‘Whoa.’ My arms shot out to grab her, her look of abject horror at finding me here making me want to tease the hell out of her. ‘You’ve got to stop throwing yourself at me like this.’
She recovered her wits and her balance but I didn’t release her. I liked having her this close, her nipples grazing my chest, her palpable heat warming my body, the sweat-slicked sheen to her skin.
She looked radiant.
‘What are you doing here?’
‘I own the place.’ I shrugged, like it meant little, when in fact every club I owned was testament to how far I’d come—and how far I’d proved Dad wrong. ‘Haven’t been here in a year so after I locked up at the patisserie, I’ve done the rounds of my clubs, checking up on things.’
To my surprise, she hadn’t moved. In fact, now that she’d recovered from the shock, she seemed perfectly relaxed having me hold her arms like I wouldn’t let go.
‘The diligent boss, huh?’
‘Something like that.’
We ran out of conversation, our gazes locked in some kind of invisible heated battle, as I wondered what it was about this woman that rattled my cage.
I wanted her with a fierceness I hadn’t felt for a long time. If ever. I dated. I screwed. I didn’t do commitment. It worked well for me. Sex as exercise. Sex for fun. Sex with women who knew the score and didn’t have any expectations.
Women nothing like Abby.
Abby would be a hearts and flowers kind of girl. She’d told me about her bastard ex and the emotional abuse, but who knew what kind of expectations she’d put on the guy? Maybe he hadn’t lived up to her high standards? Maybe he’d lashed out verbally when he couldn’t handle it?
The moment I thought it, I felt guilty. Just because I wanted Abby and knew that having her would be a screw-up of monstrous proportions, I was trying to find excuses and maligning her in the process. Not cool.
‘I should go.’ She tried to back away, and the smart thing to do would be to release her.
I tightened my hold. ‘Would you like a tour? You can have a drink and relax in the VIP room, then I’ll get you a taxi.’
A refusal hovered on her lips. I saw them tremble with it before she clamped them tight and nodded.
Mentally calling myself everything from putz to dickhead, with a long list of obscenities in between, I led her to a shimmering gold curtain in the back corner and pulled it aside.
‘After you.’
She hesitated, as if unsure of my intentions. Smart girl.
‘What’s wrong?’
She glanced sideways at me and, rather than see trepidation in her eyes, I glimpsed excitement. ‘I’ve danced for about two hours nonstop and I’m about to faint if I don’t get a drink. Could we skip the long tour and head straight to the bar?’
I smiled, her honesty refreshing. ‘Sure, this way.’
We passed through the VIP room, filled with the usual crowd of elite sportsmen, WAGs, models and a visiting rap star from the US. Abby ogled a little but I had a feeling it was more about the way the women were draped all over the men than in any recognition for the VIPs.
For a woman in her early twenties, she was strangely naïve. Like she hadn’t really lived. Rich girls like her would’ve gone to the best private school and been privy to parties from a young age. Sure, she might have married young but she’d been single for a year. She must’ve let loose over the last twelve months. So why the air of innocence that hovered over her like a cloud?
‘Through here.’ I slid a card over a digital lock and waited for the beep before pushing the door open.
Though no one used this room but me and I hadn’t been in here for a year, I knew it would be immaculate and well stocked. My staff were nothing but professionals and word would’ve travelled fast from the other clubs that I’d probably drop by tonight.
‘What would you like to drink?’
The door slid soundlessly shut behind us and I saw her glance at it, hesitate, before squaring her shoulders like she’d come to a decision.
She probably didn’t trust me. I understood. But she had nothing to fear. I wouldn’t mess with the status quo, no matter how much I wanted to ruffle that cool façade. Remy was too important to me, and I’d already screwed up enough in my lifetime to add yet another thing to feel guilty for.
‘Sparkling water if you’ve got it, please.’
‘For you, babe, anything.’ I flashed her a quick grin, surprised when she smiled back. Maybe all that dancing had loosened up her reservations? ‘Take a seat.’
But she didn’t. Instead, she strolled around the room, inspecting it. ‘What is this place?’
‘My hideout.’ I grabbed a bottle of mineral water out of the bar fridge, unscrewed the cap and poured it into a long glass, adding a sliver of lemon. ‘When hosting a bunch of selfish, spoiled brats in the VIP room, I need a place to escape, and this is it.’