The Violoncello and Its History
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The same continuity of Violoncello playing as that of the Dresden school cannot be traced in Vienna because, though at the beginning of our century several cello masters were actively working at the same time, a similar connection did not exist amongst them as in Dresden. But the Austrian capital had the advantage of a richly endowed musical life by means of the heroes of instrumental music, which had a quickening and progressive effect on all branches of executive art, and specially on Violoncello playing. Although this influence was not confined to Vienna alone—since the works of these highly-gifted men, after their publication, spread over an ever-widening circle—still the musical world of Vienna was the chief gainer thereby.

It was at the source and therefore had the opportunity of knowing and studying the creations of these master composers at first hand. We need only recall the Schuppanzigh Art Society, which practised and produced Beethoven’s Quartets before they were published. The Violoncello was represented at the end of last century and the beginning of the present one by Anton Kraft and, later, by Joseph Linke. For the first Beethoven composed the Cello part of the Triple Concerto (Op. 56). The Sonatas (Op. 5, 69, and 102) of the great master may be here mentioned as important works of Violoncello Literature.

Anton Kraft was born on December 30, 1752, in the little Bohemian town of Rokitzan. After his school education was finished he entered the University of Vienna, in order to study law. There he soon began his musical career, and, as he had already diligently practised Violoncello playing in his father’s house, and had acquired remarkable proficiency, he did not find it difficult to procure a position in the Imperial Hofkapelle. Joseph Haydn, to whom he was introduced as clever, appointed him, in 1778, to the orchestra of the Prince Esterhazy. As, however, this artist-patron died at the end of September, 1790, the band was done away with, and Kraft returned again to Vienna, where, in the year 1793, by his conjunction with it, the Schuppanzigh String Quartet was founded, which used to play every Friday morning in the house of Prince Lichnowsky. Kraft was himself occupied, however, until 1795, in the band of Prince Grassalkowitz, and later on in that of the Prince Lobkowitz. He died at Vienna on August 20, 1820.

Of Kraft’s compositions were published—six Sonatas for Violoncello, with Bass (Op. 1 and 2); three concerted Duets for Violin and Violoncello (Op. 3); a Violoncello Concerto, with orchestra (Op. 4); two Duets for two Violoncellos (Op. 5 and 6), and a Divertissement with Bass.

Amongst Kraft’s pupils his son, Nicolas, and Birnbach must be mentioned.

Henrich August Birnbach, born 1782 at Breslaw, went in 1792 to Berlin, and there learnt Piano and Violoncello playing. The year 1802 found him at Vienna, where he enjoyed the instructions of Kraft and was employed in the opera orchestra. Two years later Count Lubomirski engaged him for his private band in Galicia. But in 1806 he returned to Vienna, and in 1812 he accepted an engagement as first Violoncellist at the Theatre of Pesth. From 1822 to 1824 he remained at Vienna, occupied himself zealously with the “Chitarra coll’arco,” invented by a certain Stauffer, wrote a Concerto for it, and played it in a public assembly. In the year 1825 he at length received an appointment in the Hofkapelle at Berlin. He seems to have belonged to it until his death.

Nicolas Kraft, born at Esterhazy, in Hungary, on December 14, 1778, began his musical practice in his fourth year, on a large tenor which he possessed, something like a Violoncello. Two years later he played a solo before the Prince Esterhazy, which his father had written specially for him with this object in view. At eight years of age he made a tour, accompanied by his father, and performed at concerts favourably in Vienna, Presburg, Dresden, and Berlin. On his return, the young Kraft sought to fill up the gaps in his general education, which, until then, had been neglected, and this took up five years. During the time he only occupied himself with his instrument as a recreation. In 1796 he entered with his father into the Lobkowitz band. The prince, who took a great interest in the youth, and cherished the wish that he should cultivate still further his art, granted him the means of going through a course with Louis Duport at Berlin. This happened in the year 1801. He afterwards went to Holland, in order to be heard there. Prince Esterhazy meantime desired his speedy return, so that he could not pursue farther the journey he had begun. On his way home, he went to Leipsic, Dresden, and Prague, exciting great enthusiasm everywhere by his performances.

Nicolas Kraft was engaged in the year 1809 as solo cellist for the Imperial Opera, but retained also his connection with Prince Lobkowitz, who offered him a permanent salary, under the condition that he should never play anywhere without his permission, except in his Palace. This, however, did not continue, because the Prince fell into serious money difficulties from the year 1811, and was no longer free to dispose of his ruined fortune. But Kraft was indemnified in another manner. At the Congress of Princes in 1814, he played before an assemblage of crowned heads in Vienna, and the King of Wurtemburg experienced such great pleasure at his performances, that he named him his Chamber Virtuoso. He now settled at Stuttgard, and thence took a journey, in 1818, to the Rhine, which he extended as far as Hamburg. Here he became acquainted with Bernard Romberg, who gave him every encouragement, and showed it by giving with him two concerts publicly, when he went to Stuttgard in 1820. In the year 1824 Kraft wounded the first finger of his right hand, on account of which, after futile attempts at curing it, he was obliged to retire. He spent his pension in Stuttgard, where he died on May 18, 1853. Kraft composed for his instrument four Concertos, nine Duets (three of which are marked as “Divertissements”), a Polonaise, a Bolero, a “Scène pastorale,” a “Rondo à la chasse,” and two Fantasias, of which one is an arrangement of airs from the “Freischütz.” Nicolas Kraft had a son whose Christian name was Friedrich, whom he likewise educated as a clever cellist. He was born on February 12, 1807, in Vienna, and belonged to the Stuttgard band as chamber musician. Nothing further is known of him.

About the same time as Anton Kraft, Friedrich’s grandfather, Joseph Linke, the violoncellist already mentioned, was at work in Vienna for some years as a distinguished quartet player. He was born on June 8, 1783, in the Silesian town of Trachenberg, received his first instruction from his father, and after his death pursued his studies under a certain Oswald. In his twelfth year he went to the Dominicans at Breslaw. There his teachers in cello playing were Lose and Flemming; for theory he studied under the organist Hanish. Lose was a member of the theatre orchestra, and when he relinquished the post Linke took his place. He remained there, however, only until 1808, when he went to Vienna. He was engaged immediately by Schuppanzigh for the house quartet of Count Rasoumowski, which existed until the year 1816. After the dissolution of this Society, Linke was attracted to Croatia by the family of Count Erdödisch. Two years later he again appeared in Vienna, in order to work at the theatre there as soloist. Thirteen years later he received an appointment in the same capacity at the Imperial Grand Opera. His death took place on March 20, 1837.

Linke’s published cello compositions consist of a Concerto, three books of Variations, a Polonaise, a “Rondoletto,” and a “Caprice” on Rossini airs. Whilst the elder Kraft and Linke, whom Beethoven likewise held in great esteem, represented in Vienna violoncello playing from a purely artistic point of view,

Joseph Merk did so more especially on the virtuoso side. This artist, born on January 18, 1795, at Vienna, who was originally to have been a violinist, and had already in his younger years made great progress, had the misfortune to be bitten so severely by a dog that, even after the wound was healed, he was never able again to bring his left arm into the requisite position for violin playing. He therefore took up the Violoncello, on which he received instruction from Philippe Schindlocker.114 Under his direction, Merk made such rapid progress that already after the lapse of a year he was engaged as quartet player by a Hungarian magnate. He remained at this post two years, when he made a tour through the Austrian dominions in order to make himself known in a wider circle. In 1816 he was appointed first Violoncellist to the Grand Opera at Vienna. Three years later he entered the Imperial Kapelle, and, in 1821, the Professorship for the Violoncello was entrusted to him at the Vienna Conservatoire, which institution later on acquired such importance in regard to instrumental music. He retained the latter office until 1848. In 1834 the Emperor named him his chamber virtuoso. Soon after he undertook a prolonged tour, visited Prague, Dresden, Leipsic, Brunswick, Hanover, Hamburg, and from the last-mentioned town went to London. In Vienna, Merk enjoyed great favour. “He was,” C. Hanslick says, in his “History of Vienna Concerted Music” (p. 245), “indefatigable as an industrious concert-giver, and continually encouraged by public sympathy. He frequently performed at Concerts with Mayseder, whose compositions he played by preference, and might properly be called the Mayseder of the Violoncello.... Merk also performed, as cellist, in Böhm’s quartet productions. As virtuoso he soon surpassed Linke as well as Friedrich Wranitzky. The latter, who was a son of the violinist and Kapellmeister, Anton Wranitzky, held a respectable position among the Viennese cellists of that period, and, about his twentieth year, frequently played Duets with his brother, the violinist, Anton Wranitzky, at concerts.”

Merk died in Vienna on July 16, 1852. Of his Violoncello compositions were published—one Concerto, one Concertino, one Adagio and Rondo, one Polonaise, four books of Variations, “Vingt Exercices” (Op. 11), and Six Etudes (Op. 20). Formerly these compositions were much played, but, in course of time, they have gradually gone out of fashion, like most of the Cello productions of that period.

Amongst Merk’s numerous pupils, the most remarkable are—Böhm, Träg, Marx, and the Dutchman, Franco-Mendez.

Karl Leopold Böhm, born November 4, 1806, at Vienna, profited by Merk’s instruction in the Conservatoire there. He was successively member of the orchestras of Josephstadt Theatre and of the Vienna Theatre. In September of the year 1824 he went to Donaueschingen, where he was appointed musician to the Prince of Fürstenburg. Thence he undertook a successful concert tour to Switzerland and Germany. When in August, 1849, he was released from his engagement in the Donaueschingen Kapelle, he went to Strasburg and entered the theatre orchestra, and also undertook a series of concerts at Vichy. At the beginning of 1851 the amateur Prince of Fürstenburg recalled some of the members of his former band, in order to organize some chamber music. Amongst them was Böhm, who now concluded his artistic career at Donaueschingen. Of his Cello compositions he published a Concerto, Duets, Fantasias, Variations, Polonaises, and some smaller pieces.

Anton Träg, son of a Viennese composer, Andreas Träg, was born in 1818, at Schwechat, near Vienna; began his musical education at six years of age, and went to the Conservatoire at Vienna as a pupil of Merk’s. On February 28, 1845, he was engaged as teacher of Cello playing for the Conservatoire at Prague. Ten years later however he gave up the post and returned to Vienna, where he died on July 7, 1860. Träg devoted himself by special preference to classical music. He had abundant opportunity of occupying himself with it in the Palace at Clam. Of his pupils,

Heinrich Röver distinguished himself, who was born May 27, 1827. Röver belongs to the number of those violoncellists who were at first violinists. As early as eight years of age he decided in favour of the violoncello. Fétis says of him: “He was about 1863 the cleverest player of his instrument in Vienna.” Of his compositions may be cited—Idyll (Op. 1), Mazurka (Op. 8), and “Sérénade du Savoyard” (Op. 11). Röver died in 1876.

Joseph M. Marx, born in 1792 at Würzburg, where he also received his musical education, began his artistic career as member of the Theatre orchestra at Frankfort-on-the-Main, whence he went to Vienna, in order to study under Merk. Later on he worked in the Stuttgard orchestra, until he was appointed first Violoncellist at Carlsruhe. He finally was musical director there, and died while working in this capacity on November 11, 1836. His daughter, Pauline, made her appearance on the stage as a singer during the years 1830-40. Concerning Franco-Mendez, see the Cello players of Holland.

To the best Viennese violoncellists about the middle of our century belongs Carl Schlesinger, born on August 19, 1813. The violin was originally his instrument. After the lapse of three years he devoted himself to the Violoncello. Who his master was is unknown. In 1838 he was appointed solo cellist to the Pesth National Theatre. He gave up this place in 1846, as the opportunity presented itself of entering the Imperial Opera orchestra in the same capacity at Vienna. In 1862 the office of cello teacher at the Conservatoire there was committed to him. Schlesinger’s most noted pupils are: Udel, Sulzer, Hummer, and Hegyesi.

Carl Udel, born on February 6, 1844, at Warasdin, in Croatia, was early directed to the study of music by his father, who was Kapellmeister, and went in September, 1859, to the Conservatoire at Vienna. He next occupied himself there with violin playing under the guidance of Professor Carl Heissler. Twelve months after he took up the Violoncello, and for five years received instruction from Schlesinger. In 1867 he was first Cellist at the opera in Pesth; a year later, however, he returned to Vienna and was engaged there, in 1869, for the orchestra of the new opera house. By degrees he rose in his profession, and in May, 1876, he entered the Conservatoire as substitute for Röver, whose duties were then performed by Hilpert for a year. After the resignation of the former, Udel was again elected in his place. In 1878 Cello instruction at the Conservatoire was divided between him and Hummer, who in the interval had been nominated first Cello player of the Imperial Hofkapelle. Hummer received the three upper and Udel the three lower classes. After three years of work the latter obtained the title of Professor. On account of an injured hand, Udel was obliged to give up his place as member of the opera house, since when he has not played in public. He now devotes himself entirely to teaching.

Joseph Sulzer, born on February 11, 1850, at Vienna, emerged in 1869 from the Conservatoire as one of Schlesinger’s best pupils, and was engaged for the Italian Opera, and as master for the Conservatoire at Bucharest. He remained there four years. In 1875 Sulzer received an appointment in the Vienna Opera orchestra. Illness, brought on by over-exertion, compelled him for three years to withdraw from his employment in the orchestra. On his recovery he still further endeavoured to perfect himself, in which the friendly advice of Popper was of service to him, and in 1880 he was appointed solo player at the Imperial Opera. At the same time he gave concerts and taught. He belonged to the Helmsberg Quartet from 1882 to 1885. Sulzer published various compositions and productions for the Violoncello at Breitkopf & Härtel’s, and D. Rahter’s, and Cranz’.

Reinhold Hummer, born on October 7, 1855, at Linz, on the Danube, began his career with violin playing very early at Vienna, where he was brought up, and pursued it with great eagerness for six years. Then an ardent desire was awakened in him to learn the Violoncello. He forthwith began the study of that instrument at the Vienna Conservatoire under Schlesinger’s guidance. At his death, H. Röver became his master. On the whole he was four years at the Conservatoire. His progress was so rapid that he carried off the first prize against his fellow students by unanimous consent. After he had left the establishment to which he was indebted for his education, he immediately received an appointment in the opera orchestra to which he has belonged since the year 1873. Four years later he was appointed teacher at the Conservatoire, and in 1878 solo Cellist in the Imperial Court band; he was also given the title of Professor. Besides his official employments, this much-favoured artist worked at Vienna and elsewhere as concert and quartet player.

Hegyesi will be mentioned among the Hungarian violoncellists.

As an older pupil of the Vienna Conservatoire (1835 to 1839), Joseph Huber must be mentioned, who was born about 1816 at Vienna. According to Fétis, he was heard during the years 1836 and 1837 at the Conservatoire Concerts. Several of his Violoncello compositions appeared at Vienna.

A succession of excellent German cellists emanated from the Prague Conservatoire, opened in the year 1811. At this Institution Johann Nepomuk Hüttner, born on January 1, 1793, was actively engaged as Violoncello teacher from 1822. He pursued his studies under J. Zimmermann. After they were concluded Hüttner joined the orchestra at the Pesth Theatre. Two years later he went to Lemberg. Thence he undertook, in 1820, a concert tour in Poland and Russia, after which he was appointed to the Prague Conservatoire, and the place of first cellist was immediately given to him at the theatre. His playing was distinguished by remarkable skill and delicate tone. In the Adagio his rendering was full of feeling. Hüttner was specially appreciated as a quartet player.

Hüttner formed an excellent cellist in his pupil, Franz Hegenbarth, born on May 10, 1818, at Gersdorf, in Bohemia. On May 1, 1831, he entered the Prague Conservatoire, and remained there as student until May 16, 1837. Count Kinsky provided him with the means for his artistic education. In May, 1865, the Professorship at the Prague Conservatoire was given to Hegenbarth; it had until then been in the hands of Moritz Wagner, Goltermann’s successor. He devoted himself to this until his death, which occurred on December 20, 1887.

Besides several other compositions, Hegenbarth wrote a Violoncello school, though nothing at all of his has been published. Amongst his pupils the following are distinguished: Lang, Grünfeld, and Wihan.

Anton Lang, born on November 10, 1850, at Carlsbad, from his tenth year played both the Piano and Violin, but decided at thirteen in favour of the Violoncello. In 1865 he became Hegenbarth’s pupil in the Prague Conservatoire. When his training was ended Lang was employed as solo player in several concert orchestras. Since 1877 he has been attached to the Grand Ducal Kapelle in Schwerin as first cellist, with the title of “Kammer Virtuoso.”

Heinrich Grünfeld, born on April 21, 1855, at Prague, went to the Conservatoire there, and profited by the instructions of Hegenbarth. In 1873 he became solo cellist at the comic opera at Vienna and filled this place for two years. In 1876 he went to Berlin, where he worked as teacher of his instrument. From time to time he undertook some successful concert tours in Germany, Russia, and Austria, with his brother Alfred. Everywhere his beautiful tone and his tasteful rendering were appreciated.

Hans Wihan, born on June 5, 1855, at Politz, in Bohemia, is likewise a pupil of the Prague Conservatoire, which he frequented from 1868 until 1873. At the end of this period he studied for awhile under the direction of Davidoff. His excellent performances procured for him the position of first Violoncellist in the Hofkapelle at Munich, which he filled for eight years with honour. In the spring of 1888 he was nominated to the Professorship of the Prague Conservatoire as successor to his master, Hegenbarth.

Another of Hüttner’s pupils, Selmar Bagge, must be cited, born on June 30, 1823, at Coburg.115 He received his musical education from the year 1837 at the Prague Conservatoire, and after he had pursued a course of composition under Simon Sechter, became a teacher of the theory at the Vienna Conservatoire. He relinquished this post in the year 1855, and from that time was chiefly engaged in composition, until in 1868 he was summoned to Basle as Director of the music school.

Amongst Hüttner’s pupils there is also a gifted dilettante, Joseph Edler von Portheim, born on January 6, 1817, at Prague. For many years he has deserved the thanks of the musical world in his native town by his zealous encouragement of chamber music, not only in his hospitable house, frequented by native and foreign artists, but also abroad. Since the foundation of the Prague Chamber Music Society (1876), he has been at the head of the undertaking, to which he devotes his indefatigable care.

Three other pupils of the Prague Conservatoire must be noticed in this place. Ebert, Cabisius, and Popper. They all had the benefit of Joh. August Jul. Goltermann’s116 instruction, who from 1850-1862, as successor to Träg, was teacher at the above-named establishment. (See page 123.)

Ludwig Ebert, born on April 13, 1834, at Schloss Kladrau, in Bohemia, began early his musical training in the home of his father, who was royal treasurer of Windischgratz, and was sent in 1846 to Prague in order to study at the Conservatoire.

At first he received instruction from Träg. But when he went to Vienna, Ebert studied two years more under Goltermann’s direction. From the autumn of 1852 until Easter, 1854, he was cellist at the opera in Temesvar, and was then engaged as first performer of his instrument for the Oldenburg Hofkapelle, where he worked up to the year 1874. Invested with the title of Concertmaster by the Grand Duke, as a mark of distinction, Ebert, in the same year, accepted the offer of being first cellist of the Gürzenich orchestra in Cologne, and teacher at the Conservatoire of the Rhenish metropolis. In this place he remained until April 1, 1888. At present Ebert is living at Wiesbaden, where he devotes himself to teaching. He has published “Four pieces” for Violoncello and Piano in the form of a Sonata (Op. 3), and three “Charakterstücke” (Op. 7).

Julius Cabisius, born October 15, 1841, at Halle-on-the-Saal, received his first instruction from his father. During the years 1855-1861, he studied under Goltermann at the Prague Conservatoire. He then became a member of the Court Kapelle at Löwenberg and Meiningen. From the latter place he was summoned, in 1877, to be first Cellist in the royal band at Stuttgard.

David Popper, born on June 18, 1845 or 1846, in Prague, soon gained for himself, after leaving the Conservatoire of his native town, a remarkable reputation during the concert tours, which he began in the year 1863 as an excellent and cultivated solo player. He received special honour, in 1865, at the Carlsruhe Musical Festival, and in 1867, in Vienna, where, from 1868, he was engaged as first cellist at the Imperial Opera. In 1873 he gave up this post, in order to undertake, in company with his wife, the famous pianist, Sophie Menter, some concert tours, which led him into Germany, France, England, and Russia. He is at present teacher at the Pesth Conservatoire. Popper’s playing is distinguished by its very pure and extremely clever technique, as well as by a refined, graceful manner of rendering. He published for the Violoncello two Concertos (Op. 8 and 24), two Suites (Op. 16 and 50), as well as a considerable number of smaller drawing-room pieces, which are in much favour among cellists.

In Berlin, as we saw, a great influence was exercised by France through the brothers Duport,117 but in consequence of the political events of the years 1806-1807, which were the cause of so much suffering in Prussia, it was almost paralysed, for Louis Duport returned to France on the outbreak of the war declared by Napoleon Buonaparte; and his elder brother, who on account of his advanced age could no longer occupy himself with Violoncello playing, went at the same time into retirement. It is, however, possible and even probable that the Violoncellist,

Johann Friedrich Kelz, born on April 11, 1786, at Berlin, if he did not actually take regular lessons from him, was able to profit by his occasional advice.118

His first years of study were spent by Kelz chiefly with the town musician, Fuchs, under whose direction he occupied himself with well-nigh every kind of musical instrument, amongst which the Violoncello attracted him most. His uncle, Ad. Friedrich Milke, who was himself not a bad cellist, assisted his progress on that instrument. He also provided for his reception into the band of Prince Frederick August of Brunswick-Öls, to which he belonged, from the year 1801, for four years. When this prince died, in 1805, Kelz returned to Berlin, and was nominated, in 1811, Royal Chamber Musician. In 1857 he went into retirement, and died in January, 1862. He must have been much in request as teacher of his instrument. His compositions, the number of which it is pretended extend to about three hundred, are of a very superficial description, and have long fallen into oblivion.

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