![The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena](/covers_330/34336098.jpg)
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The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena
In some of the operations now to be described, mechanical or "work" energy is the active agent, and material masses are thereby caused to execute various movements in the lines or field of restraining influences. For ordinary experimental convenience, the material thus moved must of necessity be matter in the solid form. The illustrative value of our experimental devices, however, will be very distinctly improved if it be borne in mind that the operations of mechanical energy are not restricted to solids only, but that the various processes of transformation and transmission here illustrated by the motions of solid bodies may, in other circumstances, be carried out in a precisely similar fashion by the movements of liquids or even of gases. The restrictions imposed in the method of illustration are simply those due to the limitations of human experimental contrivance. Natural operations exhibit apparatus of a different type. By the movements of solid materials a convenient means of illustration is provided, but it is to be emphasised that, so far as the operations of mechanical energy are concerned, the precise form or nature of the material moved, whether it be solid, liquid, or gaseous, is of no consequence. To raise one pound of lead through a given distance against the gravitative attraction of the earth requires no greater expenditure of energy than to raise one pound of hydrogen gas through the same distance. The same principle holds in all operations involving mechanical energy.
Another point of some importance which will be revealed by the study of secondary operations is that every energy process has in some manner definite energy limits imposed upon it. In the workings of mechanical or "work" energy it is the mass value of the moving material which, in this respect, is important. The mass, in fact, is the real governing factor of the whole process (§ 20). It determines the maximum amount of energy which can be applied to the material, and thus controls the extent of the energy operation.
But in actions involving the molecular energies, the operation may be limited by other considerations altogether. For example, the application of heat to a solid body gives rise to certain energy processes (§ 27). These processes may proceed to a certain degree with increase of temperature, but a point will finally be attained where change of state of the heated material takes place. This is the limiting point of this particular operation. When change of state occurs, the phenomena will assume an entirely different aspect. The first set of energy processes will now be replaced by a set of operations absolutely different in nature, themselves limited in extent, but by entirely different causes. The first operation must thus terminate when the new order appears. In this manner each process in which the applied energy is worked will be confined within certain limiting boundaries. In any chain of energy operations each link will thus have, as it were, a definite length. In chemical reactions, the limits may be imposed in various ways according to the precise nature of the action. Chemical combination, and chemical disruption, must be looked on as operations which involve not only the transformation of energy but also the transformation of matter. In most cases, chemical reactions result in the appearance of matter in an entirely new form—in the appearance, in fact, of actually different material, with physical and energy properties absolutely distinct from those of the reacting constituents. This appearance of matter in the new form is usually the evidence of the termination, not only of the particular chemical process, but also of the energy process associated with it. Transformation of energy may thus be limited by transformation of matter.
Examples of the limiting features of energy operations could readily be multiplied. Even a cursory examination of most natural operations will reveal the existence of such limits. In no case do we find in Nature any body, or any energy system, to which energy may be applied in unlimited amount, but in every case, rigid energy limits are imposed, and, if these limits are exceeded, the whole energy character of the body or system is completely changed.
14. Incepting Energy Influences
In experimental and in physical work generally, it has been customary, in describing any simple process of energy transformation, to take account only of those energies or those forms of energy which play an active part in the process—the energy in its initial or applied form and the energy in its transformed or final form. This method, however, requires enlarging so as to include another feature of energy transformation, a feature hitherto completely overlooked, namely, that of incepting energy. Now, this conception of incepting energy, or of energy as an incepting influence, is of such vital importance to the author's scheme, that it is necessary here, at the very outset, to deal with it in some detail. To obtain some idea of the general nature of these influences, it will be necessary to describe and review a few simple instances of energy transformation. One of the most illuminating for this purpose is perhaps the familiar process of dynamo-electric transformation.
A spherical mass A (Fig. 1) of copper is caused to rotate about its central axis in the magnetic field in the neighbourhood of a long and powerful electro-magnet. In such circumstances, certain well-known transformations of energy will take place. The energy transformed is that dynamical or "work" energy which is being applied to the spherical mass by the external prime mover causing it to rotate. As a result of this motion in the magnetic field, an electrical action takes place; eddy currents are generated in the spherical mass, and the energy originally applied is, through the medium of the electrical process, finally converted into heat and other energy forms. The external evidence of the process will be the rise in temperature and corresponding expansion of the rotating mass.
Fig. 1
Such is the energy transformation. Let us now review the conditions under which it takes place. Passing over the features of the "work" energy applied and the energy produced in the transformation, it is evident that the primary and essential condition of the whole process is the presence of the magnetic field. In the absence of this influence, every other condition of this particular energy operation might have been fulfilled without result. The magnetic field is, in reality, the determining agency of the process. But this field of magnetic force is itself an energy influence. Its existence implies the presence of energy; it is the external manifestation of that energy (usually described as stored in the field) which is returned, as shown by the spark, when the exciting circuit of the electro-magnet is broken. The transformation of the dynamical or "work" energy (§ 31) applied to the rotating sphere is thus carried out by the direct agency, under the power, or within the field of this magnetic energy influence, to which, accordingly, we apply the expression, incepting energy influence, or incepting energy.
There are several points to be noted with regard to these phenomena of inception. In the first place, it is clear that the energy which thus constitutes the magnetic field plays no active part in the main process of transformation: during the operation it neither varies in value nor in nature: it is entirely a passive agent. Neither is any continuous expenditure of energy required for the maintenance of this incepting influence. It is true that the magnetic field is primarily due to a circulatory current in the coils or winding of the electro-magnet, but after the initial expenditure of energy in establishing that field is incurred, the continuous expenditure of energy during the flow of the current is devoted to simply heating the coils. A continuous heat transformation is thus in progress. The magnetic energy influence, although closely associated with this heat transformation, yet represents in itself a distinct and separate energy feature. This last point is, perhaps, made more clear if it be assumed that, without altering the system in any way, the electro-magnet is replaced by a permanent magnet of precisely the same dimensions and magnetic power. There would then be no energy expenditure whatever for excitation, but nevertheless, the main transformation would take place in precisely the same manner and to exactly the same degree as before. The incepting energy influence is found in the residual magnetism.
If an iron ball or sphere were substituted, in the experiment, for the copper one, the phenomena observed on its rotation would be of an exactly similar nature to those described above. There is, however, one point of difference. Since the iron is magnetic, the magnet pole will now exert an attractive force on the iron mass, and if the latter were in close proximity to the pole (Fig. 1), a considerable expenditure of energy might be required to separate the two. It is evident, then, that in the case of iron and the magnetic metals, this magnetic influence is such that an expenditure of energy is required, not only to cause these materials to move in rotation so as to cut the lines of the field of the magnetic influence, but also to cause them to move outwards from the seat of the influence along the lines of the field. The movements, indeed, involve transformations of energy totally different in nature. Assuming the energy to be obtained, in both cases, from the same external source, it is, in the first instance, converted by rotatory motion in the field into electrical and heat energy, whereas, in the second case, by the outward motion of displacement from the pole, it is transformed and associated with the mass in the form of energy of position or energy of displacement relative to the pole. Since the attractive force between the iron mass and the pole may be assumed to diminish according to a well-known law, the energy transformation per unit displacement will also diminish at the same rate. The precise nature and extent of the influence of the incepting agent thus depend on the essential qualities of the energised material under its power. In this case, the magnetic metals, such as iron, provide phenomena of attraction which are notably absent in the case of the dia-magnetic metals such as copper. Other substances, such as wood, appear to be absolutely unaffected by any movement in the magnetic field. The precise energy condition of the materials in the field of the incepting influence is also an important point. The incepting energy might be regarded as acting, not on the material itself, but rather on the energy associated with that material. From the phenomena already considered, it is clear that before the incepting influence of magnetism can act on the copper ball, the latter must be endowed with energy of rotation. It is on this energy, then, that the incepting influence exerts its transforming power. It would be useless to energise the copper ball, say by raising it to a high temperature, and then place it at rest in the magnetic field; the magnetic energy influence would not operate on the heat energy, and consequently, no transformation would ensue.
It is easy to conceive, also, that in the course of an energy transformation, the material may attain an energy condition in which the incepting influence no longer affects it. Take once more the case of the iron ball. It is well known that, at a high temperature, iron becomes non-magnetic. It would follow, then, that if the rotational transformation in the magnetic field could be carried out to the requisite degree, so that, by the continuous application of that heat energy which is the final product of the process, the ball had attained this temperature, then the other transformation consequent on the displacement of the ball from the attracting pole could not take place. No change has really occurred in the incepting energy conditions. They are still continuous and persistent, but the energy changes in the material itself have carried it, to a certain degree, beyond the influence of these conditions.
15. Cohesion as an Incepting Influence
Other aspects of incepting energy may be derived from the examples cited above. Returning to the case of the rotating copper sphere, let it be assumed that in consequence of its rotation in the magnetic field it is raised from a low to a high temperature. Due to the heating effect alone, the mass will expand or increase in volume. This increase is the evidence of a definite energy process by which certain particles or portions of the mass have in distortion gained energy of position—energy of separation—or potential energy relative to the centre of the sphere. In fact, if the mass were allowed to cool back to its normal condition, this energy might by a suitable arrangement be made available for some form of external work. It is obvious, however, that this new energy of position or separation which has accrued to the mass in its heated condition has in reality been obtained by the transformation of the "work" energy originally applied. The abnormal displacement of certain particles or portions of the mass from the centre of the sphere is simply the external evidence of their increased energy. Now this displacement, or strain, due to the heat expansion, is carried out against the action of certain cohesive forces or stresses existing between the particles throughout the mass. These cohesive forces are, in fact, the agency which determines this transformation of heat into energy of position. Their existence is essential to the process. But these cohesive forces are simply the external manifestation of that energy by virtue of which the mass tends to maintain its coherent form. They are the symbol of that energy which might be termed the cohesion energy of the mass—they are, in fact, the symbol of the incepting energy influence of the transformation. This incepting energy influence of cohesion is one which holds sway throughout all solid material. It is, therefore, found in action in every movement involving the internal displacement or distortion of matter. It is a property of matter, and accordingly it is found to vary not only with the material, but also with the precise physical condition or the energy state of the material with which it is associated. In this respect, it differs entirely from the preceding magnetic influence. The latter, we have seen, has no direct association with the copper ball, or with the material which is the actual venue of the transformation. As an energy influence, it is itself persistent, and unaffected by the energy state of that material. On the other hand, the cohesion energy, being purely a property of the material which is the habitat of the energy process, is directly affected by its energy state. This point will be clearer by reference to the actual phenomena of the heat transformation. As the process proceeds, the temperature of the mass as the expansion increases will rise higher and higher, until, at a certain point, the solid material is so energised that change of state ensues. At this, the melting-point of the material, liquefaction takes place, and its cohesive properties almost vanish. In this fashion, then, a limit is clearly imposed on the process of heat transformation in the solid body—a limit defined by the cohesive or physical properties of the particular material. In this limiting power lies the difference between cohesion and magnetism as incepting influences. Looking at the whole dynamo-electric transformation in a general way, it will be clear that the magnetic influence in no way limits or affects the amount of dynamical or "work" energy which may be applied to the rotating sphere. This amount is limited simply by the cohesive properties of the material mass in rotation. The magnetic influence might, in fact, be regarded as the primary or inducing factor in the system, and the cohesion influence as the secondary or limiting factor.
16. Terrestrial Gravitation as an Incepting Influence
The attractive influence of gravitation appears as an incepting agency in terrestrial as well as in celestial phenomena. In fact, of all the agencies which incept energy transformations on the earth, gravitation, in one form or another, is the most universal and the most important. Gravitation being a property of all matter, no mundane body, animate or inanimate, is exempt from its all-pervading influence, and every movement of energised matter within the field of that influence leads inevitably to energy transformation.
Let us take a concrete illustration. A block of solid material is supported on a horizontal table. By means of a cord attached, energy is applied to the block from an external source, so that it slides over the surface of the table. As a result of this motion and the associated frictional process, heat energy will make its appearance at the sliding surfaces of contact. This heat energy is obviously obtained by the transformation of that energy originally applied to the block from the external source. What is the incepting influence in this process of transformation? The incepting influence is clearly the gravitative attraction of the earth operating between the moving block and the table. The frictional process, it is well known, is dependent in extent or degree on the pressure between the surfaces in contact. This pressure is, of course, due to the gravitative attraction of the earth on the mass of the block. If it be removed, say by supporting the block from above, the heat-transformation process at the surfaces at once terminates. Gravity, then, is the primary incepting influence of the process. The effect of gravitation in transformation has apparently been eliminated by supporting the block from above and removing the pressure between block and table. It is not really so, however, because the pressure due to the gravitative attraction of the earth on the block has in reality only been transferred to this new point of support, and if a movement of the block is carried out it will be found that the heat transformation has been also transferred to that point. But there are also other influences at work in the process. The extent of the heat transformation depends, not only on the pressure, but also on the nature of the surfaces in contact. It is evident, that in the sliding movement the materials in the neighbourhood of the surfaces in contact will be more or less strained or distorted. This distortion is carried out in the lines of the cohesive forces of the materials, and is the real mechanism of the transformation of the applied work energy into heat. It is obvious that the nature of the surfaces in contact must influence the degree of distortion, that is, whether they are rough or smooth; the cohesive qualities of the materials in contact will depend also on the nature of these materials, and the extent of the heat transformation will be limited by these cohesive properties in precisely the same way as described for other examples (§ 15
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