The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse
The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verseполная версия

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse

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The woful end, per ordour, heir, allace!Followys of Troy, and gestis of Eneas.Quha sal the harmys of that woful nychtExpreme? or quha with tong to tell hes mychtSa feil ded corsis as thar lyis slane?Or, thocht in cace thai weip quhil teris rayn,Equaly may bewail tha sorowis all?The ancyant, worthy cite down is fall,That mony ȝeris held hie senȝeory:Stekit in stretis heir and thar thai ly,Feil corsis ded of mony onweldy wyght,Dung down in howsis, fey thai fal all nycht.In sanctuarys and templis of goddis eik;Na quhar mercy nor succur mycht thai seik.And not only of Troianys, throu owt the town,The blude is sched, thus marthyrit and slane down,Bot sum tyme eik to thame, ourcummyn and schent,Agane returnys in brestis hardyment,So that sum Grekis victoris war smyte ded.Cruel womenting occupyit euery steid;Our alquhar dreid, our alquhar wo and cayr,And of the deth feil gastly schaddowis thair.Bot first enconteris ws Androgeus,With a gret cumpany of the Gregyus,Onwarly wenyng his fallowis we hadbe;In haymly wordis to ws thus carpis he:Haist ȝou, matis, quhat slewth tareit ȝou thus lait?Our other feris rubbis, tursyng away, fut hait,The spreith of Troy, quhilk now is brynt to gledis,And ȝe, fyrst from ȝour schippis now ȝou spedis.Thus said he, quhen that, suddanly and onone,He felt hym self happynnyt amyd his foyn,For we hym gave answer not traist enewch.Estonyt with the word, abak he drewch:As quha onwar tred on a rowch serpentLyggyng in the bus, and for feir bakwart sprent,Seand hir, reddy to stang and to infek,Set vp hir vennamus ȝallo boldyn nek;On the sammyn wys, Androgeus, of our syghtGretly effrayt, fled in al his mycht.On thame we schot, and in thar myd rowt duschit,Hewit, hakkit, smate down, and al to fruschitTha fey Gregionys, on ilk syde heir and thair,With dreid ourset, and wist not quhar thai war.The first lawbour thus lukkit weil with ws.Joyus in hart of this chance Chorebus,O ȝe feris, hald furth this way, quod he,Quhar forton first has schawyn ws sik supple;Hald thidder quhar our manhed has ws taucht;Now lat ws change scheildis, sen we beyn sawcht,Grekis ensenȝeis do we cowntyrfeit;Quhidder by slycht, or strenth of armys gret,A man ourcum his ennemy, quha rakkis?Thai sal ws rendir thir harnes of thar bakkis.And sayand thus, Androgeus cristit helmHe hynt in hy, and our his hed gan quhelm;His schynand scheild with his bawgy tuk he,And hang a Gregioun swerd down by his the.Syklyke dyd Rypheus, my self eik, and Dymas,And all the other ȝong men at thar was;Ful glaidly in that recent spulȝe warmBelyfe ilk man dyd thame self enarm.Amang the Grekis mydlit than went we,Not with our awyn takyn nor deite;Mony debatis and onsettis haue we done,And, throu the silens of the nycht, ondoneFeil of the Grekis, and send to hell adown.Ane other menȝe fled fast out of townTo thar schippis, and tha traist costis nyce;Sum part alsso, for schaymfull cowartyce,Clam vp agane in the gret horssis maw,And hyd thame in that belly weilbeknaw.Allace! onleifull is ony man to weyn,Contrar the plesour of goddis, ocht may sustene.Lo! Priamus dochtir, the virgyne Cassandra,Was, from the tempill and sete of Mynerva,Drawyn forsabilly bairhed, with hayr down schake,Reuthfully invane behaldand hevyn, alake!With glotnyt eyn; for baith hir tendir handisWar strenȝeit sayr, ybondyn hard with bandis.This dolorus syght Chorebus mycht nocht se,Bot ruschit with furyus mynd in the melle,Reddy to de, and we all followit fast,Amang glavys and armour in we thrast.Heir war we fyrst to fruschit and hard byset,With dartis and with stanys all to betBy owr awyn feris from the templis hycht;A miserabil slauchtir thar begouth that nycht.The portratour of armys was mysknaw,All war bot Grekis tymbrellis at thai saw.Als quhat for walyng of irus wordis fellAgane reskewit said by the damycell,Grekis flokkis togidder heir and thar,And ombesettis cruelly and sayr;The fellon Aiax, and athir Atrides,And al the rowtis clepit Dolopes.Lyke as, sum tyme, the fers wyndis ȝe se,Ȝepherus, Nothus, and Eurus, all threContrarius blaw thar bustuus bubbys with byr,The woddis rerdis, bath ayk, elm, and fyrOurturnys to grond, and Nereus the fomyFrom the sey grond wod wraith is cachit in hy:On siklyke wys the Grekis ws invadit.For than thai alls that fled war and evadit,Throu the dyrk nycht, quhen sum thar feris slew we.And thame had chasit throw owt all the cite,Thai war the first come now to do ws deir;Our fenȝeit scheildis, wapynys, and other geirFul weil thai knew, and, by our vocis eik,Thai notyfy that nane of ws was Greik.By multitude and nowmyr apon ws setAll ȝeid to wraik, thar war we hail doune bet;And first of all, down smyte is ChorebusBy the rycht hand of Greik Peneleus,Befor the altare of armipotent Pallas:Rypheus down fell, ane the maist just man was,Amang Troianys best kepand equite;Bot other ways the goddis thocht suldbe:Hypanys eik, and Dymas than alssuaWar by thar fallowis throw gyrd bath twa:Nor ȝit the, Panthus, quhen that thou fell down,Thy gret pety, and godly religioun,Nor habyt of Apollo hyd from skayth.O ȝe cald assys of Troy, and flawmys baith,And extreme end of cuntre folkis, heir IDrawis ȝow to witnes, and doys testify,Quhen that ȝe fell to grund thus and war slane,I nowder sparit wapynnys, strenth, nor pane,Nor nane onset eschewit of Grekis mycht;And gif fatis wald I had fallyn in fyght,Thar with my handis wrocht I worth my ded.Bot with the pres we war relit of that sted:Only with me Hyphitus and Pelyas;For age Hyphitus waik and febill was,And Pelyas slawly mycht onethis go,By Vlixes for he was woundit so.


Quhou to the Kyngis palyce sped Ene,That syne was take, thar helpit na suple.Onone onto the palyce of PriamusThe schowtis and the cryis callys ws.Thar was ane hydwys batale forto seyn,As thar nane other bargane ayr had beyn,Lyke as nane slane war throu all the cite,Sa wod ondantit melle thar we se:The Grekis ruschand to the thak on hyght,So thik thai thrang about the portis all nycht,That lyke a wall thai ombeset the ȝettis;Vp to the syd wallys mony leddyr sett is,Quharon thai preys fast our the rufe to speill,Coverit with scheildis agane the dartis feillThar left hand heich abuf thar hed gan hald,And oft with rycht handis grypp the battalyng wald.Troianys agane, schaping defens to mak,Rent turettis doune, and of hows hedis the thak;Quhen all wes lost thai se, at lattyr end,With sik wapynnys thai schupe thame to defend;The gilt sperris, and gestis gold beganeDown on thame slyng thai, and mony costly stane,The prowd and ryall werkis of faderis ald.And other sum, law down within that hald,With drawyn swerdis stude reddy to kepe the ȝet;In a thik rowt tharat was mony set.Our spretis war restoryt, and curage grewThe kyngis palyce to succur, and reskewThe men tharin with all help and supple,To strenthing thame war venquyst neyr, we se.A small wykket thar was, or entre dern,A litil ȝet clepit a postern,On the bak half Priamus palyce almaist,Amang byggynnys stude desolate and waist;Quharat was wont alane AndromochaTo entir oft to Priam and Hecuba,And Astyanax, hir ȝong son, with hir bringOnto his grandsyre Priamus the kyng.Tharat I enterit, and to the wallys hyghtVpwent, quhar wrachit Troianys, as thai mycht,Threw down dartis, thocht all was bot in waist.We start ontil a hie turate in haist,The top vpstrekand to the starnys hie,Quharon we wont war al Troy forto se,The Grekis schippis, and thar tentis eik.With instrumentis of irne we pyke, and seikRound al about quhar the jonyngis war worn,Reddy to fall, and corbalys al to torn;We holk and mynd the corneris for the nanys,Quhil down belive we tumbil it al atanys;A fellon rusch it maid, and sownd with all,And large on breid our Grekis rowtis dyd fall;Bot sone ane other sort start in thar stedis:Nowder stanys, nor quarellis with scharp hedis,Nor na kynd of wapynnys war sparit than.And first of al, befor the porch inranHard to the entre, in schynyng plait and mail,Pyrrus, with wapynnys fersly to assaill:Lyke to the edder, with schrewit herbis fed,Cummyn furth to lycht, and on the grond lyis spred,Quham wynter lang hyd vnder the cald erd;Now slippit hir slowch with schynand skyn new brerd,Hir slydry body in hankis rownd al run,Heich vp hir nek strekand forgane the son,With forkit tong intyll hir mouth quytterand.To the assalt with Pyrrus come at handPeriphas, and Automedon his squyerWas wont to govarn Achilles cart in weir,And al the sensabill men of ScyrryaBownys our the wallis and howsis hedis alswa,And fyre blesis abuf the rufe garris fle.Bot first of al, ane stalwart ax hynt he,The stern Pyrrus, to hew and brek the ȝet,And furth of har the stapillis has he bet,And bandis all of bras yforgyt weill:Be that in twa the master bar ilk deillIs al tofruschit; syne the hard burdis he hakkis,And throu the ȝet are large wyndo makkis,By the quhilk slop the place within apperis,The wyde hallys wolx patent al infeirisOf Priamus and ancyant kyngis of Troy;Secret throwgangis ar schawyn wont to be quoy;Armyt men se thai stand at the first port.Bot than throw owt the inner palyce, at schort,With duylful scryke and walyng al is confoundit;The holl howsis ȝowlit and resownditFor womentyng of ladeis and wemen;The clamour vpstrak to the starnys then.The woful moderis ran frayit on athir sydeFul lamentabill throw out the chawmeris wyde,Brasand the postis in armys, and durris cald,And feil sys with mowthis kys thame wald.Instantly Pyrrus assailȝeis with al his mycht,By naturale strenth of his fader the wight,That nowder closeris, nor barryt ȝettis stowt,Nor ȝit the keparis may hald thame langar owt.Oft wyth the ram the port is schaik and duschit,Down bet ȝet chekis, and bandis al tofruschit;The way is maid by fors, and entre brokkyn;Grekis insprent, the formaste haue thai stokynAnd slane with swordis; the large hald heir and tharWas fyllit full of Grekis our alquhar.Not sa fersly the fomy ryver or fludeBrekkis our the bankis, on spait quhen it is wode,And, with hys brusch and fard of watir brown,The dykis and the schoris bettis doun,Ourspredand croftis and flattis with his spait,Our al the feildis that thai may row a bayt,Quhil howsys and the flokkis flyttis away,The corn grangis, and standand stakkis of hay.I saw my self thair NeoptolemusMak fellon slauchtir, wod and furyus,And athir brodir of Atrides alswa:Eldmodir to ane hundreth thar saw I Hecuba,And Priamus, at the altar quhar he stude,All our bysprent and sperklyt ful of bludeOf sacryfice, quhamto he bet the fyre.Fyfty chawmeris held that rial syre,Quhar warryn his gude dochteris, ladeis ȝyng,Syk fayr beleif is lost of his ofspryng!The prowd gestis and durris gilt with goldOf barbary wark, and hungyn mony foldWith riches and spulȝe of seyr nationys,Sa far as from the fyre onbet adoune is,The Grekis occupyis haly; al is tharis;Quhat so thame lyst tospil is nane that sparis.


Into this nixt cheptour ȝe may attendOf Priam Kyng of Troy the fatale end.Peraventur, of Priamus wald ȝe speirQuhou tyd the chance, hys fait gif ȝe lyst heirQuhen he the cite saw takyn and downbet,And of his palyce brokyn euery ȝet,Amyd the secret closettis eik hys fays,The auld grayth, al for nocht, to hym taysHys hawbryk quhilk was lang furth of vsage,Set on his schulderis trymlyng than for age;A sword, but help, about hym beltis he,And ran towart hys fays, reddy to de.Amyd the clos, vnder the hevyn al bayr,Stude thar that tyme a mekil fair altare,Neyr quham thar grew a rycht ald lawrer tre,Bowand towart the altare a litill wie,That with his schaddow the goddis did ourheld.Hecuba thydder, with hir childer, for beildRan al invane, and about the altare swarmys,Brasand the godlyke ymage in thar armys,As for the storm dowis flokkis togidder ilkane:Bot quhen scho saw how Priamus has taneHis armour, so as thocht he hald beyn ȝyng;Quhat fulych thocht, my wrachit spows and kyng,Movis the now syk wapynnys forto weld?Quhidder hastis thou? quod sche; of na sik beldHaue we now mystir, nor syk deffendouris as the,The tyme is nocht ganand tharto we se.In cace Hector war present heir, my son,He mycht nocht succour Troy, for it is won:Quharfor, I pray the, syt doune and cum hydder,And lat this altare salue ws al togidder,Or than atanys al heir lat ws de.Thus said scho, and, with sik sembland as mycht be,Hym towart hir has brocht, but ony threte,And set the auld doune on the haly sete.Bot lo! Polytes, ane of Priamus sonnys,Quhilk from the slauchter of Pyrrus away run is,Throw wapynnys fleyng and his ennemys all,By lang throwgangis and mony voyd hall;Woundit he was, and come to seik reskew;Ardently Pyrrus gan him fast persew,With grondyn lance at hand so neir furthstrekit,Almaist the hed hym twichit and arekit.Quhil at the last, quhen he is cummyn, I weyn,Befor his faderis and his moderis eyn,Smate hym down ded in thar sycht, quhar he stude,The gaist he ȝald with habundans of blude.Priamus than, thocht he was halfdeill ded,Mycht nocht conteyn his ire nor wordis of fed,Bot cryis furth: For that cruell offens,And owtragyus fuyl hardy violens,Gif thar be piete in the hevin aboneQuhilk takis heid to this at thou has done,The goddis mot condyngly the forȝeld,Eftir thi desert rendring sik gaynȝeld,Causit me behald myne awyn child slane, allace!And with hys blude fylit the faderis face.Bot he, quhamby thou fenys thi self byget,Achil, was not to Priam sa hard set;For he, of rycht and faith eschamyt eik,Quhen that I come hym lawly to beseik,The ded body of Hector rendrit me,And me convoyit hame to my cite.Thus sayand, the ald waykly, but fors or dynt,A dart dyd cast, quhilk, with a pyk, gan styntOn his harnes, and in the scheild dyd hyng,But ony harm or other dammagyng.Quod Pyrrus, sen always thou saist swa,To Pellyus son, my fader, thou most ga:Beir hym this message, ramembir weil thou tellHim al my warkis and dedis sa cruell;Schaw Neoptolemus is degenerit cleyn.Now salt thou de: and with that word, in teyn,The ald trymlyng toward the altare he drew,That in the hait blude of his son, sched new,Fundrit; and Pyrrus grippis hym by the hayrWith his left hand, and with the tother al bayrDrew furth his schynand swerd, quhilk in his sydeFestynnyt, and onto the hyltis dyd he hyde.Of Priamus thus was the finale fait;Fortone heir endit his gloryus estait,Seand Ilion al byrn in fyris brown,And Troys wallis fall and tumlyt down;That ryal Prince, vmquhile, our Asya,Apon sa feil pepil and realmys alswaRyngnyt in welth, now by the cost lyis ded,Bot as a stok, and of hakkit his hed;A corps, but lyfe, renown, or other fame,Onknawyn of ony wight quhat was his name.


Quhou Venus gan to Eneas appeir,And of his fader and other materis seyr.Fyrst than the grysly dreid about me start;Astonyst I wolx, for sone prent in myne hartThe ymage of my deir fader, quhen IThe kyng his evyneild beheld sa cruellyBy deidly wound ȝaldand vp the spreit.On dessolat Crevse, my spows sa sweit,I thocht alsso, and dangeris of my place;Of litill Ascaneus sayr I dred the cace.About I blent to behald, heir and thar,Quha of our feris remanyt with me thar.Al war thai fled full wery, left me alane;Sum to the erd loppin from hie towris of stane;Sum in the fyre thar irkit bodeis leit fall;Thar was na ma bot I left of thame all:Quhen in the tempil of Vesta the goddas,Lurkand ful law, intil a secrete place,Tyndarus douchter, queyn Helene I espy;The fyrys schane sa brycht, as I went by,All thing was patent quhar so euer I went.Scho, dreding les the Troianys wald hir schent,And kast sum way for hir distructioun,Becaus all Troy, for hir, was thus bet doun,Sayr punytioun of Grekis dred scho, alsHir husbandis wroth, quham scho left and was fals,And eik the common fatale fury of Troy,Hir self scho hyd tharfor, and held ful koy,Besyde the altare sytting onethis seyn.My spreit for ire brynt in propir teyn,And, al in greif, thocht cruel vengeans take,Of my cuntre for this myschews wrake,With byttir panys to wreke our harmys smart;Thocht I, sal scho pas to the realm of SpartHailskarth, and se Mycene hir natyve land,And with triumphe follow hir fyrst husband?Or, lyke a queyn, sal scho wend hame our see?Hir frendis agane and childring sal scho se,Accumpanyit with mony Troiane maid,And Phrygiane seruandis in bondage with hir had?Sen now, by hir, with sword lyis Priam ded,And ryal Troy all brynt in flambis red;Of Dardane eik the strandis and the fludeSa oft has bene waterit or bathit in blude.Na, na, nocht swa, I wys, that sal scho nocht:And, set it be nocht lovabill nor semly thochtTo punys a woman, bot schameful hir to sla,Na victory, bot lak followyng alswa;Ȝit, netheles, I aucht lovit to beVengeans to tak on hir deservis to de.It wil my mynd asswage, forto be wrokynOn hir quham by Troy brynt is and down brokyn,And, forto eik the myscheif of hir dedTil our sorowis, fyllit with assis red.Syk thingis I thocht half wod and furyus,As owt of wit my mynd was cachit thus;Quhen that my blissit moder, of sik bewte,Apperit farer than euer I dyd hir se,Schynyng ful cleir for al the dyrk nycht,Confessyng hir tobe a goddes brycht;In sik form of quantite and estaitAs scho is seyn with spretis deificat.Me by the rycht hand hynt scho, and held fast,And with hir rosy lippis thus said at last;Son, quha sa gret and furyus cruelteAnd hie ondantit ire has rasyt in the?Quhy gois thou mad? quhidder is went thus onkyndOur ramembrance, or we forȝet of mynd?Suld thou not first think quhar thou left, but les,Thi wery fader, the agit Anchises?Wenys thou, or not, Crevsa ȝit levand be,And Ascanyus thi ȝong son? quham al threThe Grekis armyis walkis rownd about;And, bot my myght rasistit thame, sans doutThai had bene brynt or this in flambis red,And with thar fays swordis smyt to ded.Not the bewte of Helene Laconya,Quham thou hatis, nor Parys, quhilk alswaIs blamyt oft, this ryches has ȝou reft;Bot the wroth of the goddis has down beftThe city of Troy from top onto the grond.Behald! (for I, within a litil stound,The clowd of dyrknes from thi sycht so cleir,That on ȝour mortell eyn, quhil ȝe beyn heir,Lyke to ane watry slowch standis dym about;Thi moderis heist on na wys nedis the dowt,Na hir command refusyng to obey)Quhar thir towris thou seys downfall and swey,And stane fra stane down bet, and reyk vp rys,With stew, powder, and duste myxt on this wys,Neptune the fundamentis of thir wallis hie,With his gret mattok havand granys thre,Vndermyndis rownd about the towne,Furth of the grond holkand the barmkyn doun.Maist cruel Juno has, or this, alsswaSaysit with the fyrst the port clepit Sceya,And from the schippis the ostis in scho callis,Standing wod wraith enarmyt on the wallis.The hie castellis and strenthis to and fra,Behald, now Pallas of TritonyaAll occupyis, schynyng in weirlyke weid,Fell Gorgones hed into hir scheild, tak heid.The gret fader Jupiter strenth and mychtDistributis happely to the Grekis in fyght,And eik the goddis ire prouokis heAganys Troianys power in the melle.Fle thou, my son, in haist away thou wend,And of this laubour onprofitabil mak ane end;I salbe with the soverly and ful koy,Quhil to thi faderis ȝet I the convoy.Thus sayand, scho hir hyd in the cloys nycht.Than terribil figuris apperis to my sychtOf gret goddis, semand with Troy agrevit;And tho beheld I al the cite myschevit,Fayr Ilion all fall in gledis down,And, fra the soyll, gret Troy, Neptunus town,Ourtumlyt to the grond: so as ȝhe seThe lauboreris, into the montanys hie,With steil axis byssely hak and hewA mekil ayk that mony ȝeir thar grew;The tre branglis bostyng to the fall,With top trymlyng, and branchis schakand all;Quhil finaly it get the lattyr straik,Than, with a rair, down duschis the mekil aik,And with his fard brekis down bewis about.Furth of that sted I went, and throu the rowtOf ennemyis and flambis I me sped;The fyre and wapynnys gave me place, and fled.So happely the goddes gydit me,Quhil that within the portis and entreOf my faderis lugyng am I cummyn;My fader, than, quham I schupe to haue nummyn,And caryit to the nerrest hillys hycht,And hym tharto solist with al my mycht;Bot he reffusys or euer to leif in joyEftir the rwyne and distructioun of Troy:To suffir exile he said that he ne couth.O ȝe! quod he, in blude and florist ȝouth,That has ȝour strenth ȝit, and ȝour forcy mycht,Pas on ȝour way onone, and tak the flycht.Gif goddis lykyt lenth my life langar space,Thai wald haue salwyt to me this litil place.It is eneuch, eneuch, and mair, I weyn,A distructioun of Troy that we haue seyn,Remanyng alyve eftyr the cite tane.So, so, hald on, leif this ded body alane;Say the last quething word, adew, to me.I sal my deth purches thus, quod he:Quhen our ennemys seys me enarmyt stand,Sum sal haue reuth, and sla me with his brand,To get my spulȝe; quhat of the body na cure;The corps is sone warpit in sepulture.Hatit of the goddis, to all nedis onhabill,Thir mony ȝeris I left inprofitabill,Ay sen the fader of goddis and kyng of menWith thunderis blast me smate, as that ȝe ken,And with his fyry levin me omberauch,That we intill our langage clepe fyreflauch.Rehersyng this, fermly he dyd remaneAt his first purpos fixt, and we aganeFurthȝetting teris, and our spows Crevsa,Ascanyus ȝyng, and al our menȝe alswaBesowth my fader to salue his wery banys,And not be wilful to perys all atanys,And to escheif the chance as it was went:Plat he reffusys, anherdyng to his entent,The fyrst sentence haldyng euer ane.To start to harnes I am compeld agane,And, as maste wrachit and miserabil catyve,Ded I desyrit, and irkyt of my lyve;For by na wysdome, nor chance, persave I mychtWe couth eschape, nor ȝit by fors in fyght.O deir fader, quhat wenys thou for ded,A fut, quod I, me to steir of this sted,And leif the heir? O God! quha euer couthSik cryme to me be said of faderis mouth!Bot gif it lykis to the goddis hieNa thing be left of sa fayr a cite,Or gyf thou hest in mynd decretit eik,And weil lykis thi self and thine to eikOnto the rewyne of Troy, and tobe schent,Ded at our dur is reddy and patent.From mekil blude schedding of PriamusHiddir, belyfe, sal cum cruell Pyrrus,Quhilk brytnys the son befor the faderis face,And gorris the fader at the altare but grace.Is this the way, my haly moder, at thouSuld kepe me, fays and fyris passand throu,That I behald, within my chawmyr secrete,Myne ennemys, and se Ascanyus swete,My deir fader, and Crevsa my wyfe,Athir in otheris hait blude leys thar lyfe?Harnes, seruandis, harnes bryng hydder sone:The lattyr end, thus venquyst and ondone,Callys ws agane to batale and assay;Adone, cum on, this is our lattir day.Rendir me to the Grekis, or suffir meThe bargane agane begun at I may se;This day onwrokyn we sal neuer all be slane.Abowt me than my swerd I belt agane,And schot my left arme in my scheild al meit,Bownyng me furth; quhen lo! abowt my feitMy spows lappit fell down into the ȝet,And litill Iulus forgane his fader vpset:Gyf thou lyst pas, quod scho, thi self to spill,Harl ws with the in all perrell quhar thou will;Bot gif thou trastis, as expert in thi dedis,Ony help by fors of armys, than the nedisFirst to defend and kepe this hows, quod scho,Quharin thi ȝong son and thi fader beyn, lo!And I vmquhile that salbe clepit thi spows;Quham to sall we be left in this waist hows?


Quhou Eneas hys fader bayr away,And how he lost Crevsa by the way.Wyth skyrlys and with scrykis thus scho beris,Fillyng the hows with murnyng and salt teris;Quhen suddanly, a wonder thing to tell,A feirful takyn betyd of gret mervell.For lo! the top of litill Ascanyus hed,Amang the duylfull armys wil of redOf his parentis, from the sched of his crown,Schane al of lycht onto the grond adown.The leym of fyre and flambe, but ony skath,In his haris, about his halffettis baith,Kyndyllis vp brycht, and we than, al in weir,Abasit, trymlyng for the dreidfull feir,The blesand haris bet furth at brynt sa schyre,And schupe with watir to sloyk the haly fyre.Bot Anchises, my fader, blyth and glaidLyft eyn and handis to hevyn, and thus gatis said;O thou almychty Jupiter, quod he,With ony prayeris inclynyt gif thou may be,Tak heid to ws, and gif we haue deseruyt,For our piete and rewth, tobe conseruyt,Haly fader, send ws thi help als ȝoir,And conferm al thir takynnys seyn befor.Scarsly the auld thir wordis had warpit owt,Quhen sone the ayr begouth to rumbill and rowtOn our left hand, towart the north ful rycht,And from the hevin fell, in the dyrk nycht,A fayr brycht starn, rynnand with bemys cleir,Quhilk on the top of our lugyng, but weir,First saw we lycht, syne schynyng went awaAnd hyd it in the forest of Ida,Markand the way quhidder at we suld spur;Thar followis a streym of fyre, or a lang fur,Castand gret lycht about quhar that it schane,Quhil al enveron rekit lyke bryntstane.With that, my fader venquyst start on fute,And to the goddis carpis tobe our bute,The haly starn adornyt he rycht thar:Now, now, quod he, I tary na langar;I follow, and quhidder ȝe gyde me sal I wend.O natyve goddis, ȝour awyn kynrent defend,Salwe ȝour nevo; ȝouris is this oracle,In ȝour protectioun is Troy, for this myracleI wil obey, and grantis onto ȝour will:My deir son, quhidder euer thou wend will,I sal na mair reffus tobe thi feyr.Thus sayd he, and be than, thar and heir,Throw out the wallis the rerd of fyris grewAy mair and mair, and the heit nerrar drew.Have done, quod I, fader, clym vp anone,And set the evyn abuf my nek bone;Apon my schuldris I sal the beir, but weyr,Nor this lawbour sal do to me na deir:Quhat euer betyde, a weilfair and a skaithSalbe common and equale to ws baith.Lytil Iulus salbeir me cumpany;My spows on dreich eftyr our trays sal hy.And ȝe, my seruandis, tak held quhat I say;As ȝe pas furth of the cite this ilk way,Thar is a mote, quhar ane ald tempil, but les,Now standis desert of the goddes Ceres,Besyde quham growis a sypir tre full auld,With forfaderis, feil ȝeris, in wirschip hald;In that place lat ws meit on athir syde.Fader, sen that we may na langar byde,Tak vp tha haly rellykis in thi hand,And our penates or goddis of this land:It war onleifful and wykkitnes to meFrom sa gret slauchter, blude schedding, and melleNewly departit, to twich thame, for the blude,Quhil I be weschyn into sum rynnand flude.And sayng thus, I spred my schulderis brayd,Syne our my nek, abuf the wedis, laidA ȝallow skyn was of a fers lyoun,And tharapon gart set my fader down;Lytil Iulus grippis me by the hand,With onmeit pays his fader fast followand;Neir at our bak Crevse, my spows, ensewys:We pas by secret wentis and quyet rewys.And me, quham laitly na wapyn, nor dartis kast,Nor pres of Grekis rowtis maid agast,Ilke swouch of wynd, and euery quhispir now,And alkyn sterage affrayt, and causyt grow,Baith for my byrdyng and my litil mait.Quhen we war cummyn almaist to the ȝet,And al danger we thocht eschapit neyr,A fellon dyn, belyve, of feit we heir:My fader than lukand furth throw the sky,Cryis on me fast, fle son, fle son in hy!Thai cum at hand; behynd me I gat a sychtOf lemand armour and schynand scheildis brycht,Thar knaw I nocht quhat fremmyt god onkyndSo me astonyst, and rest fra me my mynd:For throu the secrete stretis fast I ranBefor the laif, as weil bekend man;Allace to me, catyve! I wait neuer quhydderMy spows Crevse remanyt or we come thydder,Or by sum fait of goddis was reft away,Or gif scho errit, or irkit by the way;For nevir syne with eyn saw I hyr eft,Nor neuer abak, fra scho was lost or reft,Blent I agane, nor perfyte mynd has nummyn,Quhil to the mote of Ceres war we cummyn.And fynaly, quhen we beyn gadderit thidder,Fast by the haly tempil al togidder,Scho was away, and betrumpit suythlyHyr spows, hir son, and all the cumpany.Than wod for wo, so was I quyte myscaryitThat nowder god nor man I left onwaryit:For quhat mair hard myschance, quhen Troy down fell,Apperit to me as that, or sa cruell?Ascanyus tho, and my fader Anchises,And eik our Troiane goddis penates,Onto my feris betauch I, for to keip,And hyd thame darn within a valy deip.To town agane I sped with al my mycht,Claspit ful meit into fyne armour brycht,Wilful al aventuris newlyngis to assay,And forto sers Troy, euery streit, and way,And eik my hed agane in perrell set.Bot first the wallis, the darn entre, and ȝet,Quharat we yschit furth, I seik agane,Haldyng bakwart ilk futstep we had gane,Lukand and sersand about me as I myght.The vgsumnes and silens of the nychtIn euery place my spreit maid sayr agast.Fra thyne ontil our lugyng hame I past,To spy perchance gif scho had thidder returnyt;It was with Grekis beset, and hail ourturnyt,Alhail the hows with thame sa occupyit:Belyve the fyre al waistand I espyitBles with the wynd; our the rufe, heir and thar,The flambe vpsprang and hait low in the ayr.
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