The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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Eneas fra the schippis landit his ost,And Turnus thame assalit at the sey cost.In the meyn sesson, the Troiane EneBegouth hys folkis from thar schippis hieOn bryggis and on plankis set on land:Mony abaid the ebbyng of the sand,Quhill the swarf fard wallys abak dyd draw,Than in the schaldis dyd thai leip on raw;And sum with ayris into coggis smallEtlyt to land. But tho amang thame allThe prynce Tarchon can the schor behald,Thar as hym thocht suldbe na sandis schald,Nor ȝit na land bryst lyppyrryng on the wallys,Bot quhar the flude went styll, and calmyt all isBut stowr or bullyr, murmour or movyng;Hys stevynnys thydder steryng gan the kyng,And on this wys hys ferys dyd exort:Now, O ȝe walyt flour of weir, at schort,Bend vp ȝour ayris styth, and rays ȝour schippys,Haist owr the flude, bair to the schor with skyppys,And with ȝour stelyt stevynnys, ane and all,Thys ground onfrendly to ws and innimicallDo scheir and cleif in sundyr lyke a stok,Lat euery barge do prent hir self a dok:Na fors I not in sik port by this meynTo brek the schyp, sa we the land atteyn.Fra Tarchon had thir wordis said, but mairHys feris startis ilk man till ane ayr.The stowrand famy bargis dyd rebound,Inrowand fast towart the Latyn grond,Quhyl that thar stammys tuke the bankis dry,And thar kelys stak in the slyke fast by,But ony harm or danger, euery one.Bot sa tyd not onto thy schyp, Tarchon:For in the schald scho stoppys, and dyd standApon a dry chyngill or bed of sand,A lang tyme all to schakyng with the flude;Quhill fynaly, thar rokkand as scho stude,To brystis scho, and ryvys all in sondyr,Warpyt the men amyd the faym thar vndir;The plankis, hechis, and mony brokyn ayr,That on the streym went flotand heir and thar,Maid to thar landing gret impediment,And slyddry glar so from wallys wentThat oft thar feyt was smyttyn vp on loft:Bot finaly, all drowkyt and forwrocht,Thai salwyt war, and warpyt to the cost.Than na delay of sleuth, nor feir, ne bost,Withheld Turnus, bot with hys haill armeeAganyst Troianys by the cost of the seeHe dyd array all sammyn in that stound.The trumpettis blew thar bludy weirlyke sownd:And fyrst, in syng of gud luk in the weris,Ene the rowtis of the lauboreris,Or rurall husbandis, invadis and ourset,And hes the Latyn commonys haill doun bet,By slauchter fyrst of thar chiftane, Theron,Amang all otheris the biggast man of one,Quhilk set apon Eneas or he wyst:Bot he throw owt hys syde hys sword hes thryst,Persyt the stalwart platit scheild of steill,And throw the schynand hawbrek euery deill;The giltyn mailȝeis makis hym na sted,For in the cost he tholys dynt of ded.Syne smate he Lychas, and hym hes al to torn,That of hys ded moderis waym was furth schorn,And onto Phebus God was consecrait,And was sa chancy in hys ȝong estaitThat he the swerd eschapit by hys hap;Bot not at this tyme so the dedis clap.And not far thens this douchty EneasKyllyt the dowr and stalwart Cysseas,And put to deth the bustuus Gyas strang,That with hys burdoun down haill rowtis dang:Thar strenthy handis helpyt thame na thyng,Nowder Hercules wapynnys nor armyngMycht thame defend, nor ȝit thar syre, that heghtMelampus, and companȝeon was in feghtTo Hercules in hys sair journeis feill,Quhil he in erth was levand and in heill.And lo, as Pharon cryis and dois rowstWith haltand wordis and with mekill woust,Eneas threw a dart at hym that tyde,Quhilk, as he gapyt, in hys mowth dyd glyde.And thou also, the fey Greyk, Cydon,Quhilk strangly luffyt thir ȝong childer ichone,As thou the ȝyng Clytius dyd persew,Quhais ȝallow berd begouth to spryng of new,And was alhaill thy new lust and desyre,Be the rycht hand of this ilk Troiane syreThar had bene maid end of thy amouris greyn,And wrachitly had lyin ded, I weyn,War not the brethir of the clan PhorcanysApon Eneas assemblit all atanys:In numbyr sevyn thai war, and dartis sevinAlsammyn thai kest, forcy as fyry levin;Of quham sum dyd, but harm or other deir,Stot from hys scheild, his hewmet, or hed geir;And sum, that wald haue hyt hys corps in hy,Venus hys haly moder choppyt by.Than to the traist Achates said Ene:Reik me dartis and castyng speris, quod he,That in the Grekis bodeis fixit stude,Quhilum in Troys planys bedyit with blude;And my rycht hand sall thraw thame so ilkaneOn Rutulanys, that nane sal sle invane.A bustuus schaft with that he grippyt has,And incontrar hys aduersaris gan tays,Quhilk flaw towartis Meonyus fast by:Owt throw the scheild platit with steill in hyDuschyt the dynt, and throw the corslettis glydis,Gyrd throw the cost persyng baith the sydis.Onto hym startis Alcanor, hys brothir,To beir hym vp, quhen that he saw hym schuddir,With hys rycht arm, bot throw hys gardy soneThe grundyn hed and bludy schaft ar done,Furth haldand the self randoun as it went;The ryght arm, from the schulder al to rent,Apon the mankyt sennonys hyngis by,As impotent, quyte lamyt, and dedly.Than Numytor furth of hys brotheris corpsRuggis the trunschoun, and with all hys forsIt swakkis at Ene; bot he na mychtHad till attane ne wond the nobill knycht:Ȝyt with the dynt the gret Achates theeHe hurt and strenȝeit has a litill wee.With this come Clawsus, full of vassalage,Confidand in hys ȝouth and florist age,The Curytanys with hym brocht in the pres,And with a lang styf speir ane DryopesSmate in the hals, vnder the chyn, sa sairThat hym byreft was in the place rycht tharBaith voce and spreit of lyfe; and that na wondir;For hys nek bayn and throte war carf in sondir,That doun he duschys with a felloun rerd,Quhil that hys forret raschit on the erd,And of hys mouth, a petuus thing to se,The lopprit blude in ded thraw voydis he.Thre otheris syne this ilk Clawsus has slane,Born into Trace of the clan Boryane;And thre com fra the cite of Idas,And other thre of cite Ismaras,By diuers chancis put he al to ded.Alesus hym recontris in that sted,And all the barnage com from Aurunca,That auld cite; and thame followys alssuaTo that melle the son of Neptunus,That is to knaw, the worthy Mesapus,Quhilk into horsman craft was maist expert.Now presys this syde, and now ȝonderwart,To reill abak and to expell in fyghtThar aduersaris, and mak thame tak the flycht:Thus by the cost Ausonya that tydeHard wolx the batale apon athir syde.As thocht sum tyme amyd the large ayrThe contrar wyndys stryvys heir and thar,With brethfull blastis in thar equale mychtis:Nane lyst obey tyll other, all sa wight is;Nowder thai amang thame self, nor ȝit the clowdis,Ne ȝit the rageand seys, quhilkis sa lowd is;So that the bargane lang standis in dowt,Quha salbe victor, and quha vnderlowt:Sa forcyly remanys the elementisContrary otheris to thar awin ententis.Nane other wys the Troiane hostis in feild,And Latyn rowtis ȝokkit vnder scheild,Metys in the melle: jonyt sammyn thanThai fewtyr fut to fut, and man to man.CAP. VII
Quhou Pallas confortis his ost of Archadye,Quhilkis gave the bak and tuke purpos to fle.Bot quhen that Pallas at ane owtyr sydePersavyt hys Arcad army that tydeIn sic a place had takyn land attanys,Quhar as a burn had warpyt rowand stanys,And buskis with the brays down had bet,That thai war in sa hard myscheif ourset,As men nocht vsyt forto go feght on fute,And than, constrenyt, knew nane other buyt,For scharpnes of that sted, bot leif thar hors;That weil persauyt he how that on forsThai gave the bak, and schupe to tak the flycht,The Latynys followand thame in all thar mycht:Than, quhile with prayer, now with wordis sowr,Thar curage he enflambis to the stowr,Quhilk maner havyng is suyth, as is the creid,As vtir poynt remedy at sik a neid.My ferys, says he, quhidder do ȝe fle?I ȝou beseik, be ȝour gret renowne,And be ȝour forcy dedis done of ald,And by ȝour pryncis fame, Evander bald,And be the oftis and mony victorysThat ȝe in weir and batale wan feill sys,And be my gude beleif and hoyp, that nowWith haill confidens restis fixt in ȝow,As to atteyn onto my faderis glore,To ondertak sik dedis done before;Do nevir, for schame, onto ȝour self that lak,To lyppyn in speid of fute and gyf the bak.With swerdys dynt behuffis ws, perfay,Throw amyddis our ennemys red owr way.Quhar ȝondir sop of men thikkis in a rowt,Ȝondir is the passage quhar we moste wyn owt;Ȝondir ȝour noble cuntre wyl ȝe pas;Ȝon way to wend exhortis ȝour duke Pallas.Heir is na power of dyvynyte,Nor Goddis mycht gaynstandyng ws, quod he:Nane other bargane haue we in thir fyghtisBot agane dedly and with mortale wightis:Alsmony mortale bodeis heir haue we,And als feill handis to debait the melle.Behaldis, quhou the sey with obstakill gretInclusys ws, and at our bak can bet;On land is left ws heir na place to fle:Quhat! wald ȝe ryn to Troy owt throw the see?Thus said he, and forthwith, or he wald ces,Amyd hys fays ruschit in the pres,Quhar as the rowtis thikast war in stowr.And first of other, to hys fatale howr,Hym metys Lagus, a Rutilyane;Quham fyrst ourrollyt with a mekill stane,Throw gyrd hys cost syne with a castyng dart,Persyng hys rybbys throuch, at the ilk partQuhar beyn the cupplyng of the ryg bone,And the ilk schaft stak in hys cors onone.Pallas it joggillit, and furth drew in hy:Quham ane Hysbon, standand neir tharby,Wenyt to have kawcht, bot the gryp he falyt;For as onwar he stowpyt, and devalyt,Wod wroth for wo of this myschews dedOf hys deir fallow, in the ilk stedPallas hym keppyt syk wys on hys brandThat all the blaid, vp to the hylt and hand,Amyd hys flaffand longis hyd has he,On sik maner that na man mycht it se.Syne Pallas set apon Anchemolus,And Sthenelus, that of the kyng RhetusPrynce of Marrubyanys, ancyent pepill, beyn;The quhilk Anchemolus was that ilk, I weyn,Defowlyt hys faderis bed incestuusly,And had forlayn hys awyn stepmoder by.And ȝe alsso, stowt gemel brether twa,Childer and sonnys onto hym Dawcya;Tymber, I meyn, and thy brother Laryde,Amyd the feild Rutiliane dyd abyde;Ȝe war sa lyke in form and symylitudeNane mycht decern betwix ȝou quhar ȝe stude;Quhilk maner errour, or sik mysknawyng,To fader and mother is oft plesand thyng,Seand thar childer resembill ane lyknes:Bot at this tyme has Pallas, as I ges,Markyt ȝou swa with sic rude differens,That by hys keill ȝe may be knaw fra thens.For swa stud with the, Tymber, thou art ded,Evandrus swerd hes swepyt of thy hed;And thy rycht arm of smyttyn, O Laryd,Amyd the feild lyis the besyde,And half lyfles thi fyngyrris war sterand,Within thy neif doys gryp and faik the brand.Than schame and dolour, mydlit baith ourane,Baldis the pepill Arcad eueryaneTo the bargane aganyst thar ennemys,For Pallas wordis maid thar curage rys,And eik, for thai beheld befor thar eynHys douchty dedis, thai hym love and meyn.For Pallas than throw gyrd Rheteus the kyng,As he on cace glaid by on char fleyng:Na mair space was of tary ne delayThat Ilus deth prolongit the ilk day;For as agane the, Ilo, with fell feirPallas addressyt had a stalwart speir,Rhetheus start in betwix, and cawch the dynt,As he on cace was fleand fers as flyntFrom thy handis, the maist forcy Teucras,And thy brother Tyres, that by the was:Ourweltis Retheus in ded thrawys atanys,And with hys helys smayt the Rutilian planys,Tumlyt from hys hie cart chargit quhar he sat,And on the grund rebundis with a squat.And lyke as sum tyme in the symmyris drowth,Quhen wyndis rysys of the north or sowth,In seir placis the hyrd, at hys desire,Amang the scroggy rammell settis the fyre;Wlcanus hostis of brym flambys redSpredand on breid, vpblesys euery sted;Than he that set the kyndillyng glaid and gayBehaldis quhou that the low doys mak deray,Blesand and crakand with a nyce reuery:Non other wys, the Archadanys in hyAll sammyn socht in feild with all thar mycht,And maid debait to help Pallas in fyght.Bot tho Alesus, keyn into batale,Thame to recontyr etlys, and assaill,And gan hym self weil schrowd vnder his scheild;Syne manfully ruschit amyd the feild,Quhar that he slew ane Ladon, and Pheres,And Demodocus eftir in the pres:As hym Strymonyus by the gorget grippyt,With hys brycht brand hys rycht hand be of quhyppyt;And Thoas syne sa smayt apon the hedWith a gret stane, quhil mixt of blud all redThe harnys poplit furth on the brayn pan.Thys ilk Alesus fader, as witty man,Forto eschew hys sonnys fatys strang,Hyd hym prevely the thik woddis amang:Bot, fra the auld Alesus lay to de,And ȝeldis vp the breth with wawland E,The fatale systeris set to hand onon,And can this ȝong Alesus so dispon,That by Evandrus wapynnys, the ilk stownd,He destinat was to caucht the dedis wond.Towart quham Pallas bownyt has ful sone,And in hys renk on this wys maid hys boyn:Now grant, thou God and fader Tyberyne,Gude chance and fortoun to this hed of myneThe quhilk I tays apon this castyng speir,That it may throw Alesus body scheir;And ȝon harnes, cote armour, and spulȝe brycht,Quhilk now sa weirly schynys on ȝon knycht,Sall hyng apon ane ayk fast by thi bra.The God hys askyn hard, as he dyd pray:For quhil Alesus onavisytlyCled with hys scheild Imaonus, hym by,That was to hym hys frend and fallow deir,Hys breist stud nakyt, but armour or geir,Quharin he Pallas dedly schaft ressauyt.Bot Lawsus, wilfull hys syde to haue savyt,As he that was a gret part of the ost,And lyst not suffir, with sik feir na bost,Or slauchtir maid be Pallas and deray,At his cumpanȝeis suld caucht mair affray,Ruschit in the melle; and first in hys teynSlew Abas, that gret bargane dyd sustene.The thikast sop or rowt of all the pres,Thar as maist tary was, or he wald ces,Thys Lasus al to sparpillyt and invadys:Down bettyn war the barnage of Archadys;Down bettyn eik war the Hethruryanys;And ȝhe also, feil bodeis of Troianys,That war not put by Grekis to vtyrrans.Than all the ostis semlyt with speir and lans,The chiftanys all jonyt with hail poweris,The hyndmast wardis swarmyt all yferis;So thik in staill all marryt wolx the rowt,Oneys mycht ony turn hys hand abowtTo weild hys wapyn, or to schuyt a dart.Full douchtely Pallas on the ta partInforcis hym to greif hys fays that tyde;Lawsus resistis on that othir syde.Thar agis was not far indifferent,And of maist semly statur, quhar thai went,Thai war excellent of bewte baith tway;Bot so it stude, at fortoun, walloway!Wald nother suffir to hys realm resort.And, netheles, to meyt sammyn at schort,As into feild to preif thar hardyment,The governour of hevyn omnipotentLyst na way thoill: for, belyve eftir this,To athir of thame thar dedly fatys, I wys,To ane far grettar aduersar remanys,As heir onon doys follow vnder anys.CAP. VIII
Quhou that fers Turnus has ȝong Pallas slane,For quham hys folkis makis gret dolour and mayn.Duryng this fervour of the bargane swa,The haly nymphe, clepit Juturna,Hir brother Turnus dyd monys and exhortTo succur Lawsus, and hys folk support;The quhilk Turnus, as in hys spedy charThe myd rowtis went sloppand heir and thar,Beheld hys ferys debatand with Pallas:Lo, now is tyme to desist, and lat pasAll sic bargane, quod he; cessis in hy;For I will set on Pallas anerly;Only to me, and to nane other wight,The victory pertenys of sik a knycht;Glaidly I wald hys fader stude heirby,This interprys to dereyn and aspy.Thus said he, and hys feris at commandVoydit the feild, and all plane left the land.Than ȝong Pallas, seand RutylianysWithdraw the feild sa swith, and rovm the planys,At the prowd byddyng of thar prynce and kyng,Amervellit full gretly of this thing,And farly can on Turnus to behald,Our all hys bustuus body, as he wald,Rollyng hys eyn, and all hys corps in hyWith thrawyn luke on far begouth aspy;Syne movyng fordwart, with sic wordis on hie,To answer Turnus speche, thus carpys he:Owthir now, quod he, for ay be lovyt I sallOf rych kyngly spulȝe triumphall,Quhilk heir I sall rent from myne aduersar,Or than salbe renownyt evirmarOf ane excellent end moist gloryus.Do wa thy bost and mannance maid to ws:For my fader, quhom thou desyris besyde,Reputtis all elyke, quhou evir the chance betyde.And sayand thus, amyd the plane furth startis:The blude congelyt abowt Archadyane hartis.Turnus down lepys from hys twa quhelit char,And bownys fast towartis his aduersar.Lyke as ane lyoun from the hillys hycht,Amyd the valle had scharply gottin a sychtOf sum prowd bull, with hys horn in the planeAddressand hym reddy to mak bargane,Cummys bradand on the best fast in a lyng;On siclyke wys was Turnus tocummyng:And quhen that Pallas saw hym cum sa neirHe mycht areke to hym a casting speir,Formast he bownys to the jonyng place,Gyf sa betyd that fortoun, of hir grace,Hys interprys for stowt ondertakyngWald help, or hym support in ony thing,As he that ȝong was, and of strenth all owtNa wys compeir to Turnus stern and stowt;And to the gret Goddis in hevyn aboneApon this maner prayand said he sone:I the beseik, thou myghty Hercules,Be my faderis gestnyng, and the ilk desQuhar thou strangear was ressauyt to herbry,Assist to me, cum in my help in hy,To perform this excellent fyrst journe;That Turnus in the ded thraw may me seBereif fra hym hys bludy armour red,And, ȝaldand vp the breth in the ilk sted,Mot with hys eyn behald me hym beforIn hie tryumphe, with ourhand as victor.Gret Hercules the ȝong man hard onon,And from the boddum of hys hart can gron,Hydand hys smert for rewth of Pallas ȝyng,Seand the fatys wald haue hys endyng;And for ennoy salt terys, all in vayn,Furth ȝettyng our hys chekis thyk as rayn.Tho Jupiter, hys curage to astabill,Thus to hys son spak wordys amyabill.Tyll euery mortale wofull wight, perfay,Determyt standis the fixit lattir day;Ane schort and onrecoverabill term is setOf lyfe, quhen all most neydlyngis pay that det:Bot, to prolong thar fame by nobill dedis,Fra vertuus wark that cumys and procedis.Quhou mony sonnys and deir childryn, said he,Of goddis kyn, vnder Troy wallys hieWar done to ded, and brytnyt blude and bone!So that amangis all otheris Sarpedon,My tendir get, my kyn, and blude, lyis slane.Forsuyth also, I say the into plane,The fynale fayt awatis Turnus in feild,The dait and methis approchis of hys eild.On this wys spak gret Jove to Hercules;And, with that word, hys eyn towart the presOn the Rutilian feild addressis he.And, the ilk stownd, ȝong Pallas lattis fleWith mekill fors at Turnus a gret speir,And syne onon hys brycht brand burnyst cleirHyntis furth of the scheith to mak debait.The schaft flaw towart Turnus, and hym smaitApon the schulder, abuf the gardis hieThat rysys vmast tharvpon we se,And throw the bordour of the scheild swa persyt,Quhill fynaly in sum deill it traversyt,And hurt a part of Turnus byg body.Than Turnus smyttyn, full of felony,A bustuus lance with grundyn hed ful kene,That lang quhile taysyt he in proper teyn,Leyt gyrd at Pallas, and thus wys said he:Consider ȝoungkeir, gyf our lancis be,Bettir of tempyr and mair penytratyve.And, with the word, the schaft flaw furth belyve,So that the scharp poynt of the brangland speirThrow owt amyddis of the scheild can scheir,Persand sa mony platis of irne and steill,And sa feill plyis of bull hydis ilk deill,All sammyn cowchit in hys target strang,The bustuus strake throw all hys armour thrang.That styntit na thing at the fyne hawbryk,Quhil throu the cost thyrlyt the dedly pryk.Pallas, nocht schrynkand for the mortale dynt,Invane the hait schaft of hys wond lies hynt;For al togidder by the sammyn wayThe blude and sawle passys hyne bath tway.Apon hys wond onon he ruschis down:Abuf hym rang hys harnes with a sovn:And that onfrendly erth inimycall,That in hys deth he suld not scryk nor call,As was the gys, with bludy mowth bait he.Turnus, abufe hym standand, carpys on hie:O ȝhe pepill of Arcaid, takis tent,And my wordis do rehers and presentTo kyng Evander, sayand hym playnly,That hys son Pallas to hym send haue IIn sik array as that he hes deservyt;And, of my gentrys, wil he be preservitTo all estait and honour funerall,With all solace pertenyng beryallOf tumbe and of entyrment, as efferis.Na lytill thyng, perfay, into thir werisHes hym bycost the frendschip of Ene.And, sayand thus, with hys left fut hes hePallas ded corps ourwelt, or euer he stent,And syne abowt hys sydis sone has rentHys goldyn gyrdill, pasand a gret deill,Quharin was gravin craftely and weillOf Danavs douchteris the iniquyte,Quhou that the fyfty ȝong men, schame to se,War fowlly murthuryt on the first nycht,As thai war spowsyt to thar ladeis brycht;The chalmeris portyrit war bysprent with blude:Quhilk historeis Eurition, warkman gude,Had carvyt weill and wrocht full craftelyIn weighty platis of the gold massy;Of quhais spulȝe now is Turnus glaid,Joyfull and blyth that he it conquest had.O mannis mynd, so ignorant at allOf thingis tocum and chancis quhilkis may fall!Vpheit sone in blynd prosperyte,Can not be war, nor myssour hald with the!The tyme sall cum quhen Turnus sall, persay,Hait and wary this spulȝe and this day,Desyrand he mycht by for mekill thingThat he had nevir twichit Pallas ȝyng.Abowt the corps assemblit tho his feris,With mekill murnyng and huge plente of terys;Apon a scheild Pallas body thai laid,And bair hym of the feild, and thus thai said:O Pallas, quhou gret dolour and wirschypTo thy fader, and all hys falloschip,Sall thou rendir and bryng hame, said thai:This was to the in weyrfar the first day,Quhilk first in bataill dressyt the to go;The ilk for ay has the bereft tharfro!And, not the les, thy swerd leiffis in the planysGret hepys ded of the Rutilianys.CAP. IX
The rich Magus na ranson mycht reskew,And preist Hemonydes, baith Eneas slew.Tho nane incertane rumour nor demyng,Bot sovyr boydword cam thar, and warnyng,Ontill Eneas of this gret myschance,Schawand quhou that his folkis stud in ballance.As bot in litill distans all from ded;The tyme requiryt forto set remeid,And succur Troianys quhilkis had tane the flycht.Than, as wod lyon, ruschit he in the fight,And all quham he arekis nerrest handWithout reskew dovn mawis with his brand;The bytand blaid abowt hym inveroumAmyd the rowtis reddis large rovm.Enragit and inflambit thus in ireThrow owt the ostis Turnus, that prowd syre,Quhilk had this new slauchtir maid, socht he:Ay prentand in hys mynd befor hys EThe gudly Pallas, was sa stowt and ȝyng,And the gret gentryce of Evander kyng;The cheir and fest hym maid bot a stranger;Per ordour all thing, quhou and quhat manerHe was ressauyt, and tretit thankfully;Syne of hys band of frendschip and allyWith athis sworn and interchangit handis,Remembryng tho his promys and cunnandis.Amovit in this heit, or euer he stynt,Four ȝong men quyk he hes in handis hynt,That born was of the cite hecht Sulmon;Alsmony syne he takyn has ononBred and vpbrocht besyde the flude Vfens,Quham that he etlys forto send from thensTo Pallas lykewalkis and obsequeis,To strow his funeral fyre of byrnand treis,As was the gys, with blude of presoneris,Eftir the ald rytis into mortale weris.Syne hynt Eneas a perellus lance in hand,And it addressis far furth on the landTo ane Magus, that subtell was and sle,And jowkit in vnder the speir has he;The schaft schakand flaw furth abufe hys hede;And he Eneas in that samyn stedAbowt the kneis grippyt humylly,With petuus voce syne thus begouth to cry:Be thy deir faderys gost I the beseik,And be that gude beleif quhilk thou has eikOf Ascanyvs vprysyng to estait,Thys silly sawle of myne, sa faynt and mayt,Thow salf to my a son and fader deir.I haue a hows, rych, full of mobillis seir,Quharin bedelvyn lyis a gret talent,Or charge of fyne siluer, in veschell quentForgyt and punsyt wonder craftely;Ane huge weght of fynast gold tharby,Oncunȝeit ȝit, ne nevir put in wark:Sa thou me salf, thy pyssans is so stark,The Troianys glory nor thar victorySal na thyng change nor dymynew tharby,Nor a puyr sawle, thus hyngand in ballance,May sik diuisioun mak nor discrepans.Thus said this silly Magus, all invane.Quhamtill Eneas answeris thus agane:Sa mony talentis of fyne siluyr and gold,Quhilkis thou rehersand heir befor hes told,Do kepe onto thy small childyr and ayris;Lat thame bruke weill, I consent it be tharis.All interchange and ransonyng, perfay,In this batale Turnus hes done away,Now laitly slayand ȝong Pallas, allace!That rewthfull harm, and that myschews cace,Felys baith Ascanyus and my faderis gost,For thai na litill thyng tharby hes lost.Thus sayand, by the helm hym grippys heWith hys left hand, and fast as he mycht dreWrith down hys nek, quharin, but mair abaid,Hys bludy brand vp to the hyltis slaid.Not far thens stude Hemonydes allane,Prest onto Phebus and the thrynfald Dyane,On quhais hed wympillit holy garlandisWith thar pendentis lyke to a mytyr standis,Hys habyt as the scheyn son lemand lycht,And all hys armour quhite and burnyst brycht:Quham Eneas assalyt myghtyly,And gan do chays owt throw the feld in hy,That fleand stummyrryt and to grond went sone:The Troiane prynce down lowtis hym abone,And with hys brand hym brytnys at devys,In maner of ane offerand sacryfys.The large schaddow of Eneas in feildDyd haill the ded corps of this preist ourheld.Serestus sortis vp hys armour gay,And on hys schuldris careit hes away,To hyng as trophe or syng victoriallTyll Mars the God, quhilk Gradyus is call.