The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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Turnus segis the Troianys in gret ire,And all thar schippis and navy set in fyre.Be this the Troianys in thar new citeA dusty sop vprysand gan do se,Full thik of stowr vp thryngand in the ayr,And all the feildis myrknyt mair and mair.Caycus first cryis, as he war wod,Dovn from the hie garrat quhar he stude;O citesanys, how gret ane ost, quod he,Is lappit in ȝone dusty stew I se!Swith hynt ȝour armour, tak ȝour wapynnys all,Bryng hydder dartis, speil vp on the wall,Our ennemys cummys at hand, but dowt.Hay, hay, go to! than cry thai with a schowt,And with a huge bruyt Troianys at schortThar wallys stuffyt, and closyt euery port.For sa Eneas, maste expert in armys,At hys departing, dredand for thir harmys,Gaif thame command, gif thai assalȝeit wer,Or hys returnyng, be hard fortoun of weir,That thai ne suld in batale thame array,Nor in the plane thar ennemys assay:Bot bad thai suld alanerly withhaldThar strenth within thar fowseis, as he wald,And kepe thar wallys forsely and weill,With fowcy dichis and wapynnys styfe of steill.Tharfor, all thocht baith schame and felloun ireThar breistis had enflambyt hait as fyre.In the plane feild on thar famen to set,Ȝit neuertheles thar portis haue thai schet,Fortill obey the command of Enee;On boss turrettis and on towris hieEnarmyt stude thar fays till abyde.Turnus the chiftane on the tother sydeCome to the cite, or that ony wist,Furth fleand swipperly, as that hym best list,Befor the ost, quhilk went bot esy pas:With hym a twenty chosyn men he has;Apon a sterand steid of Trace he sat,Of cullour dapill gray and wail fat,Full hie rysand abuf his knychtly hedHys goldin helm, with tymbrel al blude rede.Go to, ȝyng gallandis, quha that list, quod he,Thar ennemys assailȝe first with me:And, with that word, threw a dart in the air,As he to geif batale all redy war,Syne in plane feild with browdyn baneris gayBargane to byde drew hym till array.Hys feris all ressauyt the clamour hie,And followand thar chiftane, he and he,The bruyt rasyt with grisly sound attanys,And gan to mervell the dolf hartit Troianys,That durst nocht, as thame semyt, in plane feildThame self aventour, nor ȝit with sper and scheldMach with thar famen in patent bargane,Bot hald thame in thar strenthis euery ane.And all commovit, brym, and full of ire,Baith heir and thar Turnus the grevyt syreWent on horsbak, seirsand abowt the wallEvery dern way and secret passagis all,Gyf ony entre or tocome espyHe myght, fortill assail the cite by.Lyke as we se, wachand the full scheip fald,The wild wolf ourset with schowris caldOf wynd and rane, at myddis of the nycht,Abowt the bowght plet all of wandis tyghtBrays and gyrnys; tharin bletand the lammysFull sovirly liggis vnder thar dammys:He brym and felloun his rage and furourAganys the absentis, reddy to devour,Rasys in ire, for the wod hungris lyst;Hys wysnyt throt, havand of blude sic thrist,Gendris of lang fast sic ane appetyteThat he constrenyt is in extreme syt.Nane other wys, the feirfull fervent ireIn Turnus breist vpkyndillis hait as fyre,Seand thir wallys and fortressis attanys;The huge ennoy byrnys hym throu the banys,Imagynand by quhat resson or wayHys ennemys he mycht wyn till assay,And on quhat wys the Troianys fra thar strenthHe mycht expell, and in plane feild on lenthMak thame to ische in patent batale place.And as he musand was heiron, per cace,The navy of thar schippys he dyd invaid,That fast by jonyt to the wall was layd,With dychys and with fowseis dern abowt,In the flude watir, as neir owt of dowt:Quham fra he had espyit, but abaidAt hys feris, quhilkis wilfull war and glaid,Eftir the fyre and kyndillyng dyd he cry,And in hys awin handis hyntis vp in hyA blesand fyrebrand of the fyrryn tre.Than byssely Rutilyanys, he and he;So the presens of Turnus dyd thame steir,That euery man the rekand schydis in feirRent fra the fyris, and on the schippis slang:The semys crakkis, the watir byssyt and sang,The tallownyt burdis kest a pikky low,Vpblesis ourloft, hechis, wrangis, and how;Quhill myxt with reik the fell sparkis of fyreHeich in the air vpglydis byrnand schire.CAP. III
Quhou the fyre was expellit fra the navye,The schippis translait in nymphis or goddessis of see.Say me, O Musys, reherses and declare,Quhilk of the Goddis sa cruel flammys sayrHeld from Troianys? quha sa vehement fyreDrave from thar schippis, thus wys byrnand schire?The deid is auld forto beleif or wry,Bot the memor remanys perpetualy.The first tyme quhen the Troiane EneasBy sey to tak hys vayage schup to pas,And gan do beld his schippis vp ilkaneIn Ida forest, that mont Phrygiane;The moder of Goddis, Berecyntia,Spak to hir son gret Jupiter, thai sa,With sikkynd wordis, sayand; My child deir,Grant this ane axin quhilk I the requeir,Grant thy belovit moder bot a thing,Thou at art master of the hevynly ryng.Apon the top of Gargarus, quod sche,Thar grew a fyr wod, the quhilk into danteFull mony ȝeris held I, as is knaw;Thys was my cuthill and my hallowit schaw,Quhar that the Phrygianys maid me sacrifice;Ful weill me lykyt thar to walk oft sys,With pikky treis blak skuggit abowt,And abundans of hattyr gestis stowt;Quhilk glaidly I haue gevin a ȝong Troiane,Strang Eneas, discend from kyng Dardane,Fortill support the mysteris of hys navy.And now the dowtsum dreid, for the ilk quhy,Full pensyve haldis me and doith constrene:Deliuer me of thys feir be sum meyn,My deir son, suffir at thy moderis requestBe admittit this a time, be the leste,So that tha schippis be nevir mair oursetWith contrar curs, nor ȝit with storm dovn bet;Quharby thai may haue sum avale, quod sche,At thai vmquhill grew in our hillys hie.Hyr son, the quhilk rewlys at hys lykyngThe hevyn, the starris, and all erdly thyng,Ansuerd and said: O moder best belovyt,Quhou art thou thus agane the fatis amovyt?Or quharto axis thou to thir, quod he,With mortale handis wrocht of stokkis and tre,That is to say, thir schippis so habill to faill,That lesum war thai suld be immortale?And that Enee, in dedly corps onsure,Assoverit fermly throw all dangeris fuyr?Quhat God hes to hym grantyt sik frelage?Bot for thy saik, quhen fully thar vayageThai haue compleyt, and at costis of ItaleArryvit ar, and in tha portis set sail,And thar duke Troiane careit our the seeTo boundis of Lawrentum, that cuntre,Alsmony of thame as than hes eschaipeThe wally fludis sall I turn and schaipFurth of thar mortale formys corruptabill,And sall command thame forto be mair habillFrom thens forthwart, as immortale, quod he,In Nymphes turnyt and Goddessys of see;Lyke as Nereus douchter, Clotho gay,And Galathea, throw fomy fludis grayScheryng with braid brestis delytabill.Quod Jupiter: and till hald ferm and stabill,Be Stix the flude, Pluto hys broderis see,Hys godly aith and promys sworn hes he;Be that ilk pykky laik with brays blak,And laithly sworlys, till kepe at he spakHe dyd afferm hys hecht, and in takynnyngThe hevynnys all maid trymmyll at hys likyng.Tharfor the day that he by promys setIs now at hand, and the ful tyme of det,By the werd sisteris schaip, is now compleit;Quhen Turnus thus in hys iniuryus heitAdmonyst hes hys pepill, and commandis,With dry schydis and with hait fyre brandis,The moder of Goddis by sik flambys fellFurth of hir hallowyt schippis to expell.At this tyme first apperis in thar syghtA new takynnyng of gret plesand lycht,And a braid schynand clowd thai dyd aspyCum from the est, rynnand our all the sky;The rowtis eik onone thai gan behaldOf Ideanys, tha wightis that in the haldAr of the moder of the Goddis clos;Dovn throu the air eik come a feirful voce,And fillit all the ostis baith atanysOf Troiane pepill and Rutilianys,Sayand; Troianys, dreid na thing, haist ȝou nochtFortill defend my schippis, albeit ȝe mocht,For that caus tak na wapynnys in ȝour handis:For rather, now as that the mater standis,Sal it be lefull Turnus fyre the see,Or that he byrn my bargis maid of tre.O ȝe my schippys, now to ȝou I say,Go fre at large quhar ȝou list away,Go furth and swym as Goddessis of the see;The moder of Goddis commandis so tobe.And, wyth that word, als tyte furth from the braIlk barge bownys, cuttyand hir cabyll in twa;Lyke delphyn fysch onon as thai tuke kepe,Thar snowtis dowkand held vnder the deip.Syne from the grond, a wonder thing to say,With als feill virgyne facis vpsprang thai,And throu the fludis, quhar thame list, dyd fair,Quhou mony steill stammyt bargis that ayrStude by the costis syde, or thai war fyryt.Rutylianys wolx affrayit with myndis myryt;Mesapus musyng can withdraw on dreich,Seand hys stedis and the horssis skeich;And eik the ryver brayt with hays sovnd,Quhill Tyberinus bakwartis dyd rebound,As thocht hys curs dyd stop and step abak.Bot netheles, for all the feir thai mak,The hie curage and forcy hardymentBaid onamovyt in Turnus stowt entent,So that baldly with hardy wordis on hieThar spretis rasyt, and rycht fersly heGan thame repreve, that tuk for nocht affray.Thir monstruus takynnys at ȝe se, perfay,Sekis mischeif to the Troianys, said he;And by this way gret Jupiter, as ȝe se,Hes now byreft thar help and confidens,Quharby thai wont war to fle for defens:Now nowder Rutyliane fyre nor swerdis dyntMay thai withstand, for all thar fors is tynt.Sen that thai may not eschape by the see,Nor hes na maner hope away to fle,The maist half of the Troiane help is lost;This land is in our power, feld and cost;So that thai sal na wys eschape our brandis,Quhou mony thousand douchty men of handisAr heir assemblyt, all Italyanys.I compt na thing all thocht ȝon fant TroianysRakkyn thar fatis that thame hydder brocht;All syk vayn ruys I feir as thing of nocht,In cace thai prowd be of the goddis answeris,And thame avant tharof with felloun feris.It may weill suffys, and eneuch, I wys,Baith to thar fatis and Venus grantit is,That evir thir Troianys in this cost fast byHes anys twichit the boundis of Italy.My werdis eik and fatale destaneBe the contrar is grantit onto me,Thys cursyt pepill tobet down with my glave,For my deir spous, quham byreft me thai have:Nor this ennoy alanerly twichis nochtThe twa Atrydes, that Troy to rewyne brocht;I meyn the principal chiftanys, breder twa,That is to knaw, Agamemnon and Menelay;Ne ȝit allane this caus to armys sterisThe pepill of Myce to move batale and weris;Bot principaly this querrell myne I knaw.Gif it had bene eneuch, as that thai schaw,At thai bot anys distroyit aucht tobe,It war eneuch and mycht suffys, think me,That thai haue faltit anys lang tyme befor;Quhy dowbill thai thar trespas mor and mor?All thocht that women brocht thame to foly,Ȝyt hait thai not wemen aluterly.Quhat meyn thai be this myddill mantill wall?This litill stop of dykis and fowseis all?Weyn thai this be a strenth that may thame save?Thar lyfe is now in juperte, thai raif,Full neir thar ded thai stand: all men may knawQuhidder gif the wight wallys of Troy thai saw,Belt by the hand of Neptunus, that syre,Rent and bet down, and all the town in fyre.Bot O ȝe walyt knychtis of renown,Quham I behald with pykkis brekand dovnȜon forteres, and now present with meAssalȝeand this affrayt strenth we se;Ws nedis not Wlcanus armour heirAganys thir maste fant Troianys in our weir,Nor ȝit we mystir not a thousand schippis.All thocht hail Tuscany into falloschippisWith thame adione, and cum on euery syde,Lat thame nocht dreid that we, be nyghtis tyde,Sall thyftuusly Palladium steill away,Nor sla thar wachis slepand; na, perfay,Dern in ane horssis belly large and wyde,Thame to dissave, we sall ws neuer hyde:For we determyt haue by fors in fyght,In plane batale, and on days lyght,With fyre and swerd ȝon wallys ombeset.So dowchtely we schape to do our det,That thai sall not beleif weir vndertaneAgane Grekis, nor pepill Pelasgane,Quhilkis in thar weris previt sa spreitles menThat Hector thame delayt ȝeris ten.Now, chosyn men, and walyt weriouris,Sen the maist part of this days howrisIs gane, said he, I hald it for the bestEftir this gud journay ȝe tak ȝou rest;Do eys ȝour bodeis and ȝour hors quhil day,Bot hald ȝou reddy for the batale ay.In the meyn tyme, of the nycht wach the cureWe geif Mesapus, the ȝettis to discure,And forto beit brycht fyris abowt the wallys.Twys sevin Rutilianys for al chance befallysWas chosyn with knychtis forto wach the town;Ilkane ane hundreth fallowys reddy bownOf ȝoung gallandis, with purpour crestis red;Thar giltyn geir maid glitteryng euery sted,Quhar so thai walk, and rowmys still and soft.Thai stalk about, and wardis changis oft,And sum tyme, on the greyn herbys down set,Thai byrll the wyne, and ilk man dyd hys detFortil ourturn goblettis of mettell bryght.The schynand fyris our al the land kest lycht;And all the forenycht thir wachis sikkyn way,But sleip, dyd spend in revale, gam, and play.CAP. IV
Heir Nysus carpis to his frend Eurilly,Till vndyrtak ane aventur onsilly.The Troianys, from thar fortres quhar thai studeAll thar deray beheld and vnderstude,And baith with armour and with wapynnys brychtThe towr hedys thai stuffyt all that nyght;And feill tymys in hasty effeir for dreidThe portis vissy thai, gyf ocht war neid,And drawbriggis befor the ȝettis vprasyt,Junct to the wallys, at thai suld nocht be trasyt;And euery man stud reddy in hys geirEnarmyt weill, and in his hand a speir.Mnestheus stern, and eik Serestus stowt,Ful bissy war to walk and go abowt,Tyll ordinance forto put every thing;For thame Eneas, at his departyng,Had deput rewlaris to hys ȝong son deir,And master capitanys of hys ost in weir,Gyf so betyd ony aduersyte,Or aventour, befor hys returne.Ane hail legioun about the wallis largeStude wachyng, bodyn with bow, speir, and targe:The danger was by cuttys sone decyde,At euery corner quha, or quha, suld byde;And euery man his curs abowt dyd sleip,Quhil that his fallow had his ward to keip.Nisus, Hirtacus son, that tyme was set,As for hys stand, to byde and kepe the ȝet,As he that was in armys bald and stowt,Ane the maist valȝeant intill all that rowt;Quham Ida hys moder, ane huntryce,In falloschip send with Ene ful wys:To cast dartis nane sa expert as he,Nor forto schoyt swyft arrowys half sa sle.Euryalus, hys fallow, stude hym by,Of all Eneas ost nane mair gudly,Nor ȝit mar semly cled in Troiane armys,Stowt, of hie curage, dredand for na harmys:Hys florist ȝouth ravest hys vissage ȝyng,Ȝit nevir schavyn, with pilis newly spryng.To thir twa was a will in vnyte,A lust, and mynd in vniformyte:Sammyn thai ȝeid to mete, to rest, or play,And baith togidder in batale ruschit thai;Now sammyn eik thai war in statioun set,As baith in feir to kepe the common ȝet.Nisus thus spekis, O brothir myne Ewrylly,Quhiddir gif the Goddis, or sum spretis sylly,Movys in our myndis this ardent thochtfull fyre,Or gif that euery mannis schrewit desyreBe as his God and Genyus in that place,I wait nevir how it standis; bot this lang spaceMy mynd movys to me, heir as I stand,Batale or sum gret thyng to tak on hand.I knaw not to quhat purpos is it drest,Bot be na way may I tak eys nor rest.Behaldis thou not so surely, but affray,Ȝon Rutylianys thame haldis glaid and gay?Thar fyris now begynnys schyne full schire;Sowpyt in wyne and sleip baith man and syreAt quyet lugyng ȝondyr at thar will;Queym silens haldis the large feildis still.Considir this profundly, I the pray,Quhat suld I dreid, quhat thinkis thou, now say.Baith common pepill and the heris baldTo bryng agane Eneas ful fane thai wald;Langyng ful sair eftir hys hame cummyng,And of hys mynd to haue sure witteryng,Thai all desyre sum attentik men be send.Gyf, as I wald, thou had licens to wend,Sen weill I knaw thy famus nobill dedis,In sik a cace, me think, na ma thar nedis,Vndre ȝon moyte the way fund weill I seTo hald onto the wallys of Pallante.Ewrialus, smyte with hie fervent desyreOf new renown, quhilk brynt hym hait as fyre,And half eschamyt of this bodword glaid,Thus til hys best belovyt fallow said:Nisus broder, in souerane actis hie,For ony caus, quhou may thou refus meWith the to go in falloschip as feir?Suld I the send allane in sik danger?My fader, Opheltes, the quhilk all hys daysThe weris hantit, nevir apon that waysInstrukkit me, nor tawcht sik cowardy.Was I not lernyt to hant chevalryAmyd the Grekis brag, and Troiane weris?Haue I me born with the, at thou afferisOff my curage? the maist dowchty Enee,And of fortoun to the last extremyte,Haue I not followyt, refusand na pyne?Heir is, heir is, within this corps of myne,A forcy spreit that doith this life dispys,Quhilk reputtis fair to wissyll, apon sik wys,With this honour thou thus pretendis to wyn,This mortale stait and life that we bene in.Nisus answeris; forsuyth, my broder dyng,Of the, God wait, ȝit dred I nevir sic thing;For so to think in faith onlefull wer.So hail and feir mot salf me Jupiter,And bryng me sownd agane with victory,As euer ȝit sic consait of the had I.To wytnes draw I that ilk God, quod he,With frendly eyn quhilk dois ws heir and se,And in my mynd first movit this consait.Bot gif that so betyde, as weill ȝe waitIn sic aventouris thar bene dangeris seir,Be hard fortoun or aventour of weir,Or goddys dispositioun happin it fall,My will was the to salue fra perrellis all:Thy florist ȝouth is mair worthy to leifThan forto put in danger of myscheif.I wald alsso at hame sum frend haue hadThat gif at I war takyn and hard stad,Or fra me reft the lyfe, and sa withhald,Quhilk my body or banys ranson wald,And lay in grave, eftir our Troiane gys;Or, gyf fortoun wald suffir on na wysMy body mycht be brocht to beriall,Than to hys frend the seruyce funeralWith obsequeis to do for corps absent,And in my memor vp a tumbe to stent.Ne wald I not alsso that I suld beCaus or occasioun of sic duyll, quod he,To thy maist reuthfull mother, trast and kynd,Quhilk anerly of hir maist tendir mynd,From all the other matronys of our rowt,Hes followyt the, hir luffyt child abowt,Ne for thy saik refusyt not the see,And gave na fors of Acestes cite.The tother tho hym ansuerit sone agane:My frend, for nocht thou says sik wordis vane,Ingirand cacis ar of nane effek;My first entent I list not change nor brek.Haist ws, quod he. And tharwithall baith twaThe nixt wach thai walknyt quhar thai lay;Quhilk gat on fut, and to thar rowmys went.Eurialus, to fulfill hys entent,With Nysus furth can hald hys way onon,And to the prynce Ascanyus ar gone.CAP. V
Quhou at the consal the fornamyt twoOntill Eneas purchest leif to go.Apon the erth the othir bestis all,Thar bissy thochtis sessyng, gret and small,Ful sownd on sleip dyd cawcht thair rest be kynd,All irksum laubour forȝet owt of mynd:Bot the cheif ledaris of the Troiane rowt,And flowr of fensabill ȝyng men stern and stowt,In the meyn tyme sat at wys consellFor common weill and materis hie befell,Consideryng wisly quhat ado thar was,Or quha suld message beir to Eneas;Amyddis thar tentis, in feild quhar thai stand,With scheildis schrowd, apon thar speris lenand.Tho Nysus and Eurialus baith twaneGlaid of this cast, seand thair tyme maste gane,Besocht thai mycht be admittit to sayA gret mater of weght, quhais delayMyght harm gret deill, and eik be thar avysThar erand was worth audiens and of price.Ascanyus first, seand thar hasty way,Admittit thar desire, and bad thame say.Than this Nisus, Hirtacus son, thus said:Gentill Troianys, with equal myndis glaidRessaue my wordis, for this thing, quod he,Quhilk I ȝou tell may nocht considerit beWith sik as ws, nor men sa ȝong of ȝheris,Bot to ȝour wisdomys till avys esseris.The Rutilianys, ourset with sleip and wyne,Lyggis sowpit, fordoverit, drunk as swyne:To set apon thame, and await with skaith,The place surely we haue espyit baith,Quhilk reddy may ful esely be getIn ȝondir forkyt way, strekis fra the ȝetDown to the seys cost the nerrest went;Quhar the fyris fast falȝeis, neir owt brynt,So that the blak reik dyrknys all the air.Gif that ȝe suffir wald, as I said ayr,That we mycht vse this oportunyteQuhilk fortoun has ws grant, sone suld ȝe seEneas socht by ws at Pallantyne,And hyddir brocht in schort quhile eftir syne,With ryche spulȝe, and mekill slauchter maid.We knaw the way thidder full weill, he said,And all the watyr of Tibyr vp and down;In dyrk valeys oft we saw the town,As we by custum oft the huntyng hantit.Agit Alethes, that na wisdome wantit,Bot baith was rype in consale and in ȝheris,Onto thir wordis digestly maid ansueris:O kyndly Goddis of our natyve landis,Vndre quhais myghtis all tyme Troy vpstandis,All thocht the weill tharof in dowt remanys,ȝit list ȝou not distroy all the Troianys,Ne thame so clene defait aluterly,Sen sa stowt myndis as we heir aspy,And sa bald reddy breistis gevin haue ȝheTo thir ȝonkeris. And sayand thus, can heThe rycht handis and schuldris of baith embrace,With terys tryncland our his chekis and face.O manly knychtis, quhat reward condyngMay ganandly be geif for syk a thyng,Forsuyth I can nocht in my mynd devys;Bot ȝour maist cheif ganȝeld and gyft to prysThe gret Goddis mot rendyr ȝou, said he,And ȝour awin vertu mot be renownee:The remanent onone ȝe sall ressaue,Sa that na wys ȝe sal ȝour medis crave,By the handys of reuthfull Eneas;Or, gif he sone from this lyfe happynnys pas,Ascanyus, quhilk as ȝit is bot page,ȝong and fordward into hys hailsum age,Sall render ȝour desert, I tak on hand,And sik thankis, quhil that he is levand,Sal nevir be forȝet nor do away.The sammyn word onon, as he dyd say,Furth of hys mowth Ascanyus hes hynt:I hecht forsuyth that deid sall nevir be tynt,For all my weil alanerly doys hyngApon my faderis prosper hame cummyng.Nysus, said he, I ȝou pray and beseik,Be our Penates, kyndly goddis meik,And be Assaracus goddis domesticall,Quham ȝe the cheif stok of our kynrent call,And be the secret closettis or entreOf the venerabill auld canus Veste,Bryng hame my fader sone, I ȝou exort:All that pertenyng is to me, at schort,Baith twychand consale and commandment,Or aventouris of fortoun, in ȝour entent,In ȝour willys, I put all haill, quod he,Bryng hame my fader that I may hym se;For had we hym ressauyt, I dar say,Is no thing suld ennoy ws nor effray.Twa siluer cowpys, wrocht rycht curyuslyWith figuris grave, and punsyt ymagery,I sall ȝou geif, the quhilk my fader wanQuhen conquest was the cite Arisban;Twa charis rych, or trestis quently fold,And twa gret talentis of the fynast gold,And eik the crafty ancyant flacconys twoQuhilkis to me gave the Sydones Dido.And gyf, certis, as victouris ws betydisTo conquys Ital, as the fatys provydis,Tharin to bruke the crown and ceptre wand,And to distribut the pray, as lord of land;Beheld ȝe nocht quhatkyn a cursour wyght,Quhou prowd armour, weil gilt and burnyst brycht,That Turnus bair this ȝister nyght, quod he?The sammyn scheld, and helm with crestis threSemyng of fyre all rede, and the ilk steid,Fra this sammyn hour, Nysus, salbe thy meid;I sall thame sort fra all the remanent.And forthir eik my fader, of hys assent,Twelf chosyn matronys sall ȝou geif all fre,Tobe ȝour sclavys in captiuite,With all thar childryng and thar hail ofspryng,Thar moblys, catal, rentis, and armyng;And eik that feild and pryncipal peys of land,Quhilk kyng Latinus hes now in hys hand.And O thou wirschipfull ȝong child, quhais ageIs to my ȝouthed in the nerrest stage,With all my hart I the ressaue evin heir,In all cacis as tendir fallow and feir.But the, na glorius act in my materisSalbe exercyt, nother in paix nor weris:In euery thing, baith into word and deid,The maist trast salbe geif the for thy meid.Ewrialus maid this answer for hys syde:That day sal neuer cum, nor tyme betyde,For my defalt onworthy sall I beFortyll attene sa souerane dignyte.Lat fortoun send ws gude luk, gif scho lest,Or mysaventour, I sal do my best:Lo, this is all, na mair I may promyt.Bot, abuf all thingis, a gift grant me ȝit,That I beseik the oft and monyfald:Ane moder, cummyn of Priamus blude of ald,Within this town I haue, quhilk silly wyfe,Me forto follow not comptand hir lyfe,The realm of Troy mycht not withhald, said he,Nor ȝit in Sycyll Acestes fair cite.Now hir I leif onhalsyt as I ryde,Of this danger, quhat so evir betyde,All ignorant and wait no thyng, puyr wight:To wytnes draw I heir this ilk gude nyght,And thy rycht hand, my lord and prynce maste hie,The wepand teris may I not suffir nor seOf my deir moder, nor that rewthfull syght.Bot I beseik thy gentyll hart of ryghtForto comfort that cayrfull creatur;That desolat wight to succur schaw thi cuyr.Grant this a thyng, and suffir that of theThis a gude hop I bair of town with me;And far the baldar, quhat so fortoun send,Ontill all dangeris glaidly sall I wend.The Troianys all for reuth, at speke hym heris,Smyte with compassioun, brastis furth of terys,With tender hartis menand Ewrialus;Bot principaly lusty Ascanyvs:The ymage of hys faderly piete,Prent in hys mynde, hym strenys swa that heWepand answerd, and said; my brother deir,I promys all thou desiris, out of weir,For thy commancement and stowt begynnyngIs sa douchty I may the nyte na thyng.Forsuyth this woman, quhat so evir scho be,Fra thyne fordwart sal moder be to me,Wantyng na mar of my moder in planeAlanerly bot Creusa, hyr name;And thus of sik a byrth na litill blysSall hyr betyde, quhou evir eftir thisThe chans turnys, owder to weill or wo.Be this ilk hed I swere to the also,By quhilk my fader wont was forto swere,All that I haue onto the promyst heir,Gyf thou returnys in prosperyte,Failȝeand tharof, as Jove defend swa be,To thy moder and onto thy kynredSail fully bene obseruyt, in thy sted.Thus sayd he wepand; and tharwith alssuaHys gyltyn swerd he hynt his schuldris fra,Quham wonder craftely in the land of CreytLycaon forgyt had, and wrocht it meytWithin a burnyst scheith of evor bone;Thame baith togiddir he gaue Ewrill onone.Syne Mnestheus a bustuus lyon skyn,That rowch and weirlyke tawbart na thing thyn,To Nysus gave; and the traste AlethysWith hym hes helmys cosyt, and gaue hym hys.