The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse
The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verseполная версия

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse

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Ascanyus huntand has a taym hart hurt,Quhilk was the first moving of strife and sturt.Quhill Turnus on this wys, about all partis,In the Rutilyanys rasys hardy hartis,With hir infernall weyngis furth can caryAlecto towart Troianys, but mair tary.By ane new slycht a place spyit hes sche,Quhar, for the tyme, by the cost of the see,The ȝyng semly Ascanyus at solaceDyd hunt the wild deir, followyng the chace.Thar suddanly this hellis wench infestAne hasty fury on his hundis kest;Thar nes thirlys with a sover sentScho fillis so, that bissely thai wentEftir the fute of a taym hart; quhilk thingWas the first caus of weirfar and fechtyng,And first sterit the wild fosteris fellTo move debait, or mak thame for batell.This hart of body was baith gret and squar,With large hed, and tyndis burnyst far;Quham childir of ane Tyrrheus thame amang,Reft from his moderis pap, had nurysit lang:Tyrrheus thar fader was fee master and gydeOf studdis, flokkis, bowis, and heirdis wide,As storour to the kyng, dyd kepe and ȝym,Of the large plane all trast was gevin to hym.Full dantit and full taym at thar commandWas so becum this best, that, but demand,Siluya thar sister with all diligensArrayt hym of flowris sweit as sens;Oft plet scho garlandis for his tyndis hie;The deir also full ofttyme kem wald sche,And feil sys wesch intil a fontane cleir.Full weil sufferit hir handis the tame deir,And was accustomyt so quhen he list eyt,At his awin masteris burd to seik his meyt:Our all the woddis wald he raik ilk day,And at evin tide return hame the strecht wayTill hys lugyng weilbekend, fute hait,All by him self, war the nycht neuer so lait.This hart, errand far from hys resset,Ascanyus wod hundis ombeset,As that, per cace, for the hait sonnys gleme,He held doun swymmand the cleir ryver streme,To cuyll hys heyt vnder a gresy bra.Ascanyus the child hym self alssua,Byrnyng in desire of sum notable renown,With nokkyt bow ybent all reddy bown,Wenand hym wilde, leyt sone ane arow glide;The Goddes was all reddy fast besyde,That can hys hand addres but waveryng;The flane flaw fast with a spang fra the stryng,Throw owt the wame and entrellis all, but stynt,The scharp hedit schaft duschit with the dynt.The deir, so dedly woundit and to laym,Onto his kynd resset can fleyng hame,And entrys in his stall, and that ononeAll blude besprent, with mony grank and grone,And like a man besocht help and supple;With hys plenyng all the hows fillis he.Siluya, the eldest sister, with a schowt,Hir handis clappyng fast hir schulderis abowt,Cryis efter help, and can togidder callThe landwart folkis and dowr foresteris all.Thai tho assemblit to the fray in hy,And flokkis furth rycht fast onwarnystly;For the ilk fury pestilenciall that hourFull prevely in the dern wod dyd lowr,To cast on thame slely hir feirfull rage;That furth vpstartis bath wife, man, and page:He with a burdon of ane lang stif tre,The poynt scharpit and brynt a litill we;He with a knotty club and knorry hed;Quhat ilk man sand first reddy in that sted,Sekand a swerd, new rynnand fra the pleuch,Thar greif maid that thing wapyn gud eneuch.Tyrrheus, the master storour, in a rowtThe churlys all assemlyt hym abowt,Quhar as, per cace, byssy with weggis heStude schidand a four squarit akyn tre,With mony pant, with fellon hauchis and quakis,Als oft the ax rebundit of the strakis.This cruell goddes, feirfull Alecto,Fortill ennoy hir tyme espyit tho,And spelis vp ful sone, as scho war wod,Apon a heich stabill quhar that bestis stude:Right bustuusly apon the rufe on hieThe hyrdys ensenȝe lowd vp trumpis sche,And in a bowand horn, at hir awin will,A feyndlich hellis voce scho liltis schill;At quhais sovnd all trymlyt the forest,The dern woddis resondit est and west,The blast was hard thens mylis mony aneAt the deip lowch of Triuia or Dyane;The dyn was hard eik ellis quhar ful farAt the sulphuryus quhite ryvar callit Nar,And at the laik or fontane of Velyne.Baith to and fro our all the cuntre syneWemen and moderis, effrayt of this cace,Thar ȝyng childring fast to thar brestis dyd brace.Than spedely, with haste and bissy fare,The laubouraris ondantit heir and thareHynt wapynnys, and assemlyt on euery sideTowart the sovnd, quhar as the trump that tydeWith dedly voce blew this feirfull syng:The Troiane power alsso can furth thringWith haill rowtis, Ascanyus to reskew.The batalis war adionyt now of new;Nocht in maner of landwart folkis bargane,With hard blokkis raschand all ourane,Nor blunt steyngis of the byrsillit tre,Bot with scharp scherand wapynnys maid melle.The grond blaknyt and feirfull wolx alssua:Of drawyn swerdis sclentyng to and fraThe brycht mettale, and othir armouris seir,Quharon the sonnys blenkis betis cleir,Glitteris and schane, and vnder bemys brychtCastis ane new twynklyng or a lemand lycht.This stour sa bustuus begouth to rys and grew,Lyke as the sey changis first hys hewIn quhite lippiris by the wyndis blast;Syne, peis and peys, the flude boldnys so fast,Quhill finaly the wallis vprysis mar,That fra the grund it warpis vp in the air.At the first cuntre into this barganeAlmon, Tyrrheus eldast son, was slane,A fair ȝyng springald, quhilk caucht dedis woundThrow dynt of arrow schot with felloun sound,That smate hym rycht evin in at the hals bone;The loppirrit blude stoppyt hys aynd onone,And closyt in of lyfe the tendir spreit.Abowt hym fell down ded, and lost the sweit,Mony of the hyrdmen, amangis quham was ane,The eldar Galesus, as that he allaneOfferit hym self amyd the ostis tway,To treit concord of pes and of the fray;Quhilk was the justast of a rurall man,And mychtyast in hys tyme levyng than:Our all the boundis of AusonyaHys fyve flokkis pasturyt to and fra,Fyve bowis of ky ontil his hame reparit,And with ane hundreth plewis the land he aryt.


Fra the first slauchter maid apon this wys,Turnus and all the pepill for batall cryis.And as this bargane on this maner ȝeidIn plane feld and evinly batale sted,This hellis goddes, joysing at hir willHir promys, quhilk scho hecht forto fulfill,Alssone as was this gret melly begun,The erth littyt with blude and al ourrun,And the first slauchter was commyt and doneIn dedly weir; than Italy alssoneScho levis, and with swift fard can do fleThrow owt the skyis to the hevynnys hie,Haissand hir purpos, said with woce ful prowd,Onto Juno thus spak scho throw a clowd:Lo! now, discord perfornyst, as thou wald,With schrewit batale and carys monyfald.In tender frendschip lat thame now convene,Knyt vp allyance and falloschip bedene;Sen that I haue the Troianys all bysprentWith blude of the Italyanys, or I went.And, gif thi mynd be ferm tharto with me,I sal thus mekill eik to my wark, quod sche,Fortill induce the citeis adiacentOnto the bargane, or that I hyne went;With schrewit rumouris, I can amang thame skaill,Thar myndis so I sall enflambe alhaillBy wod ondantit fers desyre of Mart,Thai sall forgaddir to help from euery art,Quhil batale, armouris, swerdis, speris, and scheldis,I sall do saw and strow our all the feildis.Than answerit Juno; at abundans thar isOf thi dissaitfull slycht and frawd, I wys,And eik of feirfull terrour and deray:Weill ar perfurnyst causys of this weir perfay:Thai feght togidder mydlit on the land,Baith face for face, with drawin glavis in hand,And new sched blude littis thar armour cleyr,Quhilk thai by fortoun cawch haue first in weir.Ȝon worthy squyer of Venus blude and kyn,And king Latynus, now lat thame begynSik wedlok to contract and spousale feste.Bot the gret fader of hevin, at my request,Will suffir the at large no langar heirTo walk, nor tary abufe the skyis cleir:Withdraw the of this place, forthy, weil sone:Gif ony chance restis mar tobe done,I sall my self that mater rewle and gy.Thir wordis spak Juno; and scho tharwith in hyHir dowbill weyngis with eddir sound dyd bete,Levand the hevynnys, socht to hir hellis sete.Amyddis Itall, vnder hillys law,Thar standis a famus sted weil beknaw,That for his bruyt is namyt in mony land,The vail Ansanctus hait, on athir handQuham the sydis of a thik wod of treClosis full dern with skowgy bewys hie:A rowtand burn amydwart therof rynnys,Rumland and soundand on the craggy quhynnys:And eik forgane the brokkyn brow of the montAne horribill cave with braid and large frontThar may be sene, a thyrl or ayndyng stedOf terribill Pluto, fader of hell and ded;A ryft or swelch so grysly for to se,Till Acheron revin dovne, that hellis see,Gapand with his pestiferus gowle full wide;At quhais bysme the fury can down slyde,This hutit goddes, and by that discensDelyverit hevyn and erd of hyr presens.And netheles, duryng the meyn sesson,The queyn hir self, Saturnus get, ononSet to hyr hand, and ondyd the batell.Off hyrdmen all the rowtis with a ȝellRuschit fra the feild to the city, but tary,The sclane bodeis away with thame dyd cary;Almon the child, and ded Galesus als,With blud bysparkyt vissage, hed, and hals:Thai thyg vengeance at the Goddis, and syneThai raym and cry fast on the kyng Latyne.Turnus was by, and amyd this deray,Thys hait fury of slauchtir, and fell affray,The terrour dowblis he and feirfull dreid,That sik forloppyn Troianys at this neidSuld thankfully be resset in that ryng,Or Phrigiane blude confiderat with the kyng,And he furth of tha boundis tobe expellit.The self tyme eyk, for the matronys at ȝellit,And roundis sang so in thar wilde dotage,In the dern woddis, smyttyn with Bacchus rage,Gret rowtis dyd assembill thyddir in hy,And rowpyt eftir batale ernystfully;Thar the detestabill weris euer in ane,Agane the fatis all, thai cry and rane,Contrar answeris and dispositions allOf goddis, for the weir thai clepe and call.Led by the power and frawart godhedOf cruell Juno with ald ramembrit fed:Full fast thai thryng about the kyngis palyce.Bot this ilk Latyn, knawand thar malyce,Rasistis onmovit as a rok of the see,Quham, with gret brute of watir smyt, we seHymself sustenys by hys huge wechtFra wallis feill, in all thar byr and swechtJawpyng about hys skyrtis with mony a bray;Skelleis and famy craggis thai assay,Rowtand and rarand, and may not empar,Bot gif thai sched fra his sydis the wair.So, eftir that the kyng mycht nocht resistThar blynd purpos, for, as evir Juno list,The mater went, all set to cruelte;Full mony Goddis and the hevynnys hieTo wytnes drew he, all was by his will:Bot all for nocht, na tent was take thartill.Allace! he said, we ar to broke and ryveBy the fatis, by storm cacchit and dryve.O, o, ȝe wrachit pepill! gan he cry,With cruell pane full deir ȝhe sall abyThis wilfull rage, and with ȝour blude expresThe wrangis of sic sacrilege redres.O Turnus, Turnus, full hard and hevy wraikAnd sorofull vengeance ȝit sal the ourtak,Quhen, al to lait, in thy helpyng thou sallWith prayeris on the Goddis clepe and call.For I had fund my rest and eys, quod he;Now at the dur deth reddy bydis me,Quhar now of happy pompis funeralI spulȝeit am, and sik triumphe riall.Na mor sayng, with that ilk word fut hetFul clos within his palice he him schet,Of all sik thingis gaue our the cure and charge,Sen na better mycht be, to go at large.


The portis of weir to twich the prynce refusis,Quhilkis Juno brekis, syne al for batal musis.The maner than was, and the ald custumWithin the land of ancyent Latyum,Quhilk blissit vsance eftir mony a dayThe citeis and faderis of Alba kepit ay,Now the gret master souerane cite dyngOf Rome kepis and hantis the self thing;That is to knaw, quhen first thai move or steirThe marciall ensenȝeis for the wer,Quhidder so thai list to set with ostis planeOn the Gethys, pepill Tartareane,With dolorus and with ful lamentable werIn Hyrcany or Araby to steir,Or for til ettill into Inde furth eik,Towart the dawyng and son rysyng to seik,Or ȝit til ask and reduce hame aganeThar standartis from the dowr pepill Persane.Twa portis beyn of batale and debait,So thai war clepit to thar name, and hait,Haldyn in religioun of haly reuerenceOf Martys cruel dreid and his offence:A hundreth brasyn hespis thame claspit queym,And strenthy irne flottis, that dyd seymTobe eternal and inconsumptive;Nor Janus, kepar of this entre of strive,Was no quhile furth of this ilk hallowit hald.Bot quhen the ferm sentens of faderis aldWas ony tyme determyt to move weir,Than he that was cheif duke or consuler,In rob ryall vestit, that hait Quyryne,And rich purpour, eftir the gys Gabyne,Gyrd in a garmont semly and fut syde,Thir ȝettis suld up oppin and warp wyde:Within that girgand hirst alsso suld hePronunce the new weir, batale, and melle;Quham all the sensabill men suld follow fast,With plane assent and brasyn trumpis blast.The kyng Latyn furthwith command thai thanOn this maner, as prince and grettast man,To proclame weir and decrete the melleAgane Troianys, thidder cum with Ene,And warp tha sorofull ȝettis vp on breid.The prynce refusyt to do sa vile a deid,Ne list not anys thame twich, nor brek his heist,Sore agrevit planely ganestud thar requeste,And in his secret closet hym withdrew.Than from the hevin downe quhirland with a quhewCome queyn Juno, and with hir awin handisDang vp the ȝettis, brak but delay the bandis:This cruell douchter of the ald SaturnThe marbill hirst can weltir and ourturn,And strang ȝet chekis of weirfar and batellStrake down, and rent the gret irne postis fell.Onsterit lang tyme, and onmovit, ItalNow byrnys into fury bellicall.Sum grathis thame on fut to go in feild;Sum his montit on horsbak vnder scheldThe dusty pvlder vpdryvand with a stour,And euery man socht wapynnys and armour;Thar schynand scheildis sum dyd burnys weill,And sum polist scharp speir hedis of steill,To mak thame brycht with fat creisch or same,And on quhitstanys thar axis scharpis at hame;To beir pynsellis it gladis thame vp and dovne,And ar reiosyt to heir the trumpettis sovne.Fyve the grettast and maist cheif citeis,Thar wapynnys to renew in al degreis,Set vp forgis and steil styddeis fyne;Rych Atyna, and the prowd Tyburyne,Ardea the cite, and Crustumere,And eik Antemne, with strang towris heAnd weirly wallis battellit about,The sikkyr helmys penys and forgis owt;Thar targettis bow thai of the lycht sauch tre,And bos bukleris coverit with cuyrbulȝe;Sum steil hawbrikis forgis furth of playt,Burnyst flaukartis and leg harnes, fut hait,With latit sowpill siluer weill annelit:All instrumentis of pleuch graith, irnyt or stelyt,As cultyris, sokkis, and the somys gret,With sythis, and al hukis at scheris quhet,War thidder brocht and tholis temper new;The lust of all sik wark lomys was adew:Thai dyd thame forge in swerdis of mettel brycht,Forto defend thar cuntre and thar rycht.Be this, thar armour grathit and thar geir,The draucht trumpet blawis the brag of weir;The sloggorn ensenȝe, or the wach cry,Went for the batale all suld be reddy.He pullis down his sellet quhar it hang,Sum deill effrayt of the noys and thrang;He dryvis furth the stampand hors on rawOnto the ȝok, the chareottis to draw;He clethys hym with his scheld, and semys bald;He claspys hys gilt habirgyon and thrynfald;He, in his breistplait strang and his byrne,A sover swerd beltis law down by his the.


The poet makis to goddis his prayer,Dewly to compt the folkis grathis for this weir.Ȝhe Musys now, sweit Goddessis ichone,Oppyn and onschet ȝour mont of Helycone,Reveil the secretis lyand in ȝour myght,Addres my stile, and steir my pen go rycht,Entone my sang, and til endyte me leirQuhat kyngis dyd remufe furth to this weir,Quhat rowtis followit euery prynce in feild,With ostis braid that dyd the plane ourheld,With quhat maner of valȝeand men sik waysThe happy grund Ital flurist tha days,With quhatkyn armys it enflambit schane;Furthschaw thir ancyent secretis euery ane.Ȝhe blissyt wightis forsuyth ramembris weillAll sic thingis, and, quhar ȝou list, may reveill,Thocht scarsly, for the proces of lang ȝeris,Be smal rumour tharof cum tyl our erys.First, from the land and costis hait Tyrreyn,Onto the batale bownys stern and keynMezentius the kyng, that in hys dayContempnar clepit was of the goddis ay.The gydar of hys army and hys rowtWas hys son Lawsus, valȝeant and stowt,Abuf all other the maste semly wight,Except the person of Turnus the gentil knycht,Quhilk was the flour of all the Lawrenteis:This Lawsus was weil taucht at all degreisTo dant gret hors, and as hym list arrest,Hunt and doun bet the deir and ilk wild best;A thousand men he led of hys convyneFrom Corete the city Agilyne.Worthy he was to rewle a gret empyre,And tobe cummyn of sum mar happy syreThan of Mezentyus, banyst and indyng,Bot to haue beyn sum empriouris son or kyng.The lusty Aventynus nixt in presHym followis, the son of worthy Hercules.Throu gresy planys hys char with palm ryallWas rollit furth by hors victoriall,Quhilk, in hys musteris, schew he in the feildHys faderis takynnys merkit in his scheild,Ane hundreth edderis and other snakis in seteLynkit abowt of Larn the serpent gret;Quhom the nun Rhea and woman dyvyneIn the dern wod of the mont AventyneBair and brocht furth onto this warldis lycht:Ful prevely, onknaw of ony wight,The woman mydlit with the god went bond,Eftir this ilk Hercules had brocht to grondAnd venquyst Gereon with prowd bodeis thre,Syne in the feild besyde Lawrent citeWas entrit as hym lyft to tak his rest,Hys Spanȝe oxin, quhom hym likit best,Dyd bathing and refresch, to mak thame clene,In Ital strandis at the cost Tyrrhene.This Aventinus followis in thir werys,Bair in his handis lans stafis, and burrel speris,And dangerus facheonys into staffis of tre;With round stok swerdis faucht thai in melle,With poyntalis, or with stokis Sabellyne.Thar capitane, this ilke strang Aventyne,Walkis on fut, hys body wymplit inA felloun bustuus and gret lyon skyn,Terribill and roucht, with taty lokkyrrand haris;The quhite tuskis, the hed, and clowis thar is:And on sik wys, grym and awfull to se,Within the kingis gret palyce entris he,Our his schuldris hyngand, as said is plane,His faderis talbart cote Herculeane.Twa brederyng to this batale bownys syne,Furth of the wallit cite Tiburtyne,Ledyng thai pepill namyt, ane and other,Fra Tiburtus, that was thar eldar brother;And thai war clepit, the tane Catillus,The tother Coras, strang and curageus,Stowt ȝyng men, Grekis born of Arge bath twane:Befor the formast ostis in the planeAmyd a bus of speris in raid thai,Generit of the clowd lyke to Centaures tway,Quhen, fra the montane top of Homolane,Or snawy Otryn hill, downe to the plane,With felloun fard and swift curs he and heCan do discend, levand the holtis hie:The large wod makis placis to thar went,Buskis withdrawys, and branchis al to rentGan rattillyng and resound of thar deray,To red thar renk, and rowmys thame the way.Nor Ceculus was not absent, trast me,The foundar of the cite Preneste,Quham all eyldis reputis and schawis wsEngendrit was by the God Vlcanus,And by the fyre syd fund, a ȝyng fundlyng,Our landwart bestis syne wolx lord and kyng.A hail legioun in a rowt followis hymOf wild wod men, quhilk doys thir catel ȝym;All thai pepill on breid, baith he and he,That inhabitis the heich tovn Preneste,And thai that occupyit the feildis alssoOf Gabyne, quhilkis ar dedicat to Juno;And thai that duellis langis the chil ryverOf Anyene, and thai alsso infeirAmang the dewy strandis and craggis remanysOf Hernyca, in the Sabyne montanys;And thai alsso that bred and fosterit beIn boundis of rich Anagnya cite;And eik thai pepill dwelling fair and beneIn Champanȝe, on the flude Amasene.Amangis al thir pepill na brycht armyngMycht thou heir sovnd, nor scheild our schulder hyng.Or cartis clattir; bot of thame the maste parteTo schut or cast war perfite in the art,With leyd pellokis from engynys or staf slyngBy dyntis bla thar samen doun to dyng:Sum dowbill dartis castyng in handis buyr,And for defens, to keip thar hedis suyr,A ȝallow hat woir of a wolfis skyn,For thai waldbe lyght bodyn ay to ryn.Thar left fut and all that leg was bair;Ane rowch ryllyng of raw hide and of hairThe tother fut coverit weil and knyt.Neptunus son list tho na langar syt,Hait Mesapus, bot bownys furth to gang;Dantar he was of stedis wild and strang,Quham na man with steil wapyn forgit brycht,Nor byrnand fyre, onto his ded mycht dycht.Now hastely in armys callys heThe rowtis of hys pepill and menȝe,Quhilkis lang tofor dysvsit had the weirWith curage dolf, that idill lay thar geir;Thar swerdis now and burnyst glavys grayHe maid thame furth bedraw and oft assay.With hym thai folk in falloschip led heThat inhabitis Fascenyum the cite,And the just pepill, clepit Falyscy;And thame that duellis in Soracte fast by,A strang cite, and hie situat,Onto the God Appollo dedicat;And thai that in Flavynya feildis dwell,Or that wonnys besyde the layk or wellOf Cymynyk, vndre the montane bra,Or ȝit amang the schawyis of Capua:In gudly ordour went thai and array,And of thar kyng sang bellettis by the way.Syk wys as sum tyme in the skyis hieThrow the moste ayr doys snaw quhite swannys fle,Quhen thai fra pastur or fedyng dois resortTo seik thar solace, and on thar gys to sport;Weill soundyng wriblys throw thar throtis langSwouchyng makis in maner of a sang,That of thar bruyt resoundis the ryveir,And all the laik of Asya fer and neir:So, in like wys, on far was nane mycht kenThat rowt had bene ane ost of armyt men,Bot of the swouchand swannys suld he weneA sop fleand in the ayr thai had bene,Quhilk chasyt, or affrayt, jolelySocht crowpyng to the costis syde fast by.


Ȝit comptis the poet the chiftanys al and sum,Aganys the Troianys sal in weirfar cum.Lo, Clausus eik, that douchty was and gude,Discendit of the ancyent Sabinis blude,A mekil rowt furth ledis to the weir,As gret man worthy syk ane ost to steir;Fra quham the clan and pepill ClaudyaneIs cummyn our all the boundis Italiane,Eftir that Rowme was gevin and maid freTo the Sabynys, as thar proper cite.Togidder can assembill a huge rowtThat fra the cite Amatern flokkis owt;The ancyent Sabynys hait Quyrites then,And of Erety all the fensabill men,Of Mytisca, quhilk now heicht Tribule,Quhar growys of olyve treys gret plente;All thai that dwellis in cite Nomentyne,Or rosy feildis besyde the layk Velyne,Or on the scharp craggy rochis hie,Quhilk for harsknes ar clepit Tetryce,With hyngand hewys and mony a skowland bra;Thidder held the cite of Casperia,Thai that inhabittis Forolas that towne,Or on the flude Hymella vp and downe;All thai that drynkis of Tibir the ryver,Or Fabarus that rynnys fresch and cleir;And thai that wynys in Nursya so cald,And of Ortyne the navy gret and bald;The Latyn pepill alsso, and all thaQuhar the onhappy flude of AllyaFlowis throw the boundis and bedyis thar land.Als thik thai gadder, and flokkis fra hand to hand,As evir the fomy bullerand wallis hieIs seyn weltyr on the large Lybyane see,Quhen the stormy Orion hys hed schrowdisIn wyntir vnder the blak watry clowdis;Or how feil eichyrris of corn thik growyng,With the new sonnys heit byrsillit, doys hyngOn Hermy feildis in the symmyr tyde,Or in the ȝallow corn flattis of Lyde:Alsmony scheildis clattris and targatis,That for dynnyng of thar feyt all the gatis,For stamping stedis, and for trumpys blast,The grond wolx all affrayt and agast.The ennemy to Troiane name onon,The bastard son of kyng Agamemnon,Hait Halesus, can with fers mud acwartAdioyn hys horsis forto draw his cart,And, in the aid of Turnus and supple,A thousand fers folkis assemlyt he:Thay quhilkis with rakis ourturnys euery braFertyll of wynys in the mont Massica;And thame alsso dwelland in hillys he,Send from the ald faderis of Arunca cite;And thai that dwellis hard on the sey brayBesyde the cite of Sydycina,Or come fra Cales into Champany,With all tha pepillis into cumpanyInhabitant the schauld flude Wlturnus,And frawart folkis, hait Saticulus,Togiddir eik with the haill multitudeOf Oscores, that pepill stern and rude.Thyr bair in feild, of wapynnys in the stedis,Round casting dartis, or macis with pikit hedis,Quhilk, in thar leid, is clepit ane Aclyd;And, so it mycht the mair suyrly abyde,Onto thar armis is knyt with a tewch stryng,Quharwith thai do it at thar fays slyng.A ballen pavys coverys thar left sydis,Maid of hart skynnys and thik oxin hydis;And crukyt swerdis, bowand as a syth,Thai bair at hand reddy to draw ful swith.Nor thow, Oebalus, onreknyt sal nocht wendBy our metyr, but lovyng and commend,Quham kyng Telon engendrit, as thai say,On Sabetrydes, the lusty nymphe or may,That tyme quhen he ryngnyt as lord and kyngOur Capreas ilys, and in governyngLed the pepill hait Theleboes bald;Or than, far step in age was he and ald:Bot hys son, this Oebalus, in his ententOf his faderis boundis stud nocht content,That lang afor to his obeysans heSubdewit had the pepill Sarraste,And all the large feildis, bonk and bus,Quhilk ar bedyit with the ryver Sarnus;Thai that occupyit Rusa and Batulane,In Champany rich and strang townys twane;The planys eik and sulȝe of Celene,Quhilk dedicat ar onto Juno quene;And thai behaldis the weirly wallit citeOf Nola, witht his stalwart towris he,Quhar gret plente of apillis orrange growis:Quhilk pepill in thar weirfar had na bowis,Bot wer accustumit forto thraw oft sysThe castyng speris on the Duchmenis gys;Quhais hed gere war of ful sobir extent;Maid of the cork or bark fra treis rent;Bukclaris thai bair, with boys or plait of steill,And schynand swerdis of mettal burnyst weillThai pepill eik that clepit beyn Nursanys,Quhilkis in the strait and hie montanys remanys,Send to the feld ane chiftane of defens,Of worthy fame, the renownyt Vfens;Happy in armys and redowtit was he:Bustuus abuf al otheris his menȝe,The folkis clepit of Equicola,That hard furrys had telit mony a da,And all enarmyt laubour thai thar land;Thai hant ful oft huntyng in woddis at hand;Evir lykis thame to cach and dryve awayThe recent spreith, and fresch and callour pray,And on spulȝe to leif and on rapyne.Onto this batale bownys the preste dyvyne,Vmbro to name, the strenthyast a manOf all the pepill in Marrubya clan,Send fra the kyng Archippus with his feris,As thar chiftane and rewlar in the weris,Hys helm arrayt with a garland schenePlet of the happy olyve branchis grene.All kynd of eddir and hissand serpent fellWith incantatioun he couth gar ryfe and swell,Or cast apon thame sleping with his sang,And, with his charmys and his herbis strang,Thar wraith and wenom couth he dant and mes,And heill thar stangyng, and sik hurtis eys.Bot he couth fynd no curis nor remedeTo salf hym from the Troiane speris hed:Hys slepy charmys had no fors nor mycht,Ne herbis gadderit on Marsys montis hycht,To help thai hurtis he caucht in the melle.O souerane preist, quhat reuth was it of the!For the the woddis wepyt of Angytus,The cristal strandis murnyt of Fuscynus,The bewalit cleir lakis and spryng wellis,Nymphis, virgynys, matronys, and damysellis.Furth to the batale eik held Virbyus,The son mast semly of Hippolitus:Hys cheif maternal cite, ful of mycht,Aricya, furth sent this worthy knycht:In schawis schene, endlang the watir braOf flud Hymetes, by AgeryaThat nymphe he fosterit was ful tenderly,Quhar as of manswete Diane fast tharbyThe altar, eith fortyl aples, vpstandis,Oft ful of sacrifice and fat offerandis.For mony haldis opinion, sayand thusBe common voce and fame; Hippolitus,Eftir that he slane was, and to ded dychtBy fals dissait of his stepmoderis slycht,And had eik sufferit by his blude and brethThe cruel panys of his faderis wreth,As tobe harlit with hors, that caucht affrayAnd skeichit at a merswyne by ther way;Ȝit nevir the les, for the luf of Dian,He was restorit to this ilk lyfe agane,And come to dwell vndir our hevin and ayr,That heir abuf contenys thir starnys fair:Quhilk cuyr was done by Asculapyus sle,Throw the mychtis of the roys Pyone.Than Jupiter almychty fader hie,Havand disdene ony mortal suld beRasyt to lyfe, or over warldis lycht,From the dyrknes of neddir hellis nycht,The fyndar of this crafty medycyne,Quhilk was byget be the god Appollyne,That is to knaw, this Asculapyus,With thunderis dynt bath fell and dangerusVnder the erth smate dovn, forto remaneIn hellis ground and watir Stigiane.Bot than the thrynfald Diane ful of blysIn secret place Hippolitus with thisHyd, and betaucht Agerya the may,Tobe kepit in the ilk forest gay;Quhar, him allane, in woddis of ItalyHys lyfe he led onknaw of ony wy,And quhar he first was hait Hippolitus,Changit his name, yclepit Vyrbyus.And, be this self resson ȝit alsso,From the tempill of Dian euermoThir horny hovit horssis bene debarrit;For sa mekil as thai at the sey monstreis skarrit,And brak the cart throw thar ondantit mycht,And furth swakkit Hippolitus, gentil knycht.Ȝit netheles, hys son, this Virbyus,The ardent stedis fers and chevalrusThrow owt the plane feild dryvis al in feir,And furth hurlis his chariot to the weir.
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