Flirting with Fortune
Flirting with Fortune

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Flirting with Fortune

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“Hey, Colton, you sure you don’t want to share one of those pies with us while we wait out here in the cold?” a neighbor called from the crowd.

Colton paused only a half beat. “I don’t have a fork handy for you,” he said in return.

“I don’t need a fork. I’ll just eat with my hands. I love your mama’s pies,” the neighbor called back.

Colton chuckled despite his black mood and shook his head, walking to the dessert booth he would share with Stacey. His chuckle faded as he reentered the booth and set down the second haul of pies.

“You might want to put those on the table against the wall,” she said as she arranged the desserts on the front table. “We don’t want them to know we have a lot of them. They’ll buy faster if they’re afraid we’ll run out.”

“True,” he said, and moved half the pies to the back table. “Are the cupcakes okay?”

“The frosting on two of them got smashed, but the rest are okay,” she said.

“I can eat the damaged ones,” he offered.

She shot him a disapproving glance. “We may have someone desperate enough to buy them,” she said. “We’re trying to make money for the mobile library, not stuff our faces.”

“I wasn’t suggesting we stuff our faces,” Colton said. “I just wanted to stuff mine.”

Stacey rolled her eyes and turned away, but Piper craned her head around to look at him. He couldn’t deny she was cute. She batted her big eyes at him. Colton hid his face in a game of silent peekaboo.

After a few times of peekaboo, Piper let out a gurgling laugh. It was, Colton thought, one of the best sounds in the world. He played peekaboo again, and Piper let out a joyous shriek.

Stacey whipped around and glared at him. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” he said. “Nothing.”

“Hmm,” she said in a short, disbelieving tone. “The attendees should be coming through soon.” She turned her back to him again.

Piper looked at Colton, and he wiggled his fingers and smiled at her. She smiled coyly, then giggled.

Stacey glanced over her shoulder at Colton.

“What?” he asked.

She made a huffing sound and turned away to arrange a display of cupcakes. Colton couldn’t help noticing Stacey’s backside. He couldn’t help remembering squeezing her curvy hips as he slid inside....

Colton felt his body instantly respond to the memory and visual. He shifted his stance and cleared his throat. “How have you been doing?”

Stacey immediately whipped around and stared at him with a wide-eyed gaze. “Since when?”

Colton shrugged. “Since last week.”

“Oh, you mean since the day we had sex twice in your bed and you rushed me out the door because you didn’t want your family asking questions and then chose not to call me. Even once.”

Colton’s gut twisted. Just in case he’d wondered, he now knew that Stacey had wanted him to call. He’d been unsure about how she’d felt since he’d taken her in his bed. Before, during and afterward, he’d wished that he could take her somewhere more private, but he’d been so hungry for her, and she’d seemed to feel the same way about him. Someone had to get control in this situation, although he was pretty sure he was nowhere near control. He didn’t know if he could trust Stacey’s feelings for him. To be honest, he wasn’t sure if he was a rebound man for her.

“I wasn’t sure you wanted me to call,” he admitted.

She screwed up her face in a confused expression. “Why would you think that?”

“Well, you left pretty fast,” he said.

“After you pushed me along,” she said.

“I was trying to protect you,” he said. “Did you really want to have to explain to anyone in my family why you were walking out of my bedroom with your hair all messed up and your coat on the floor in the hallway?”

Her hostility lowered a couple of notches. “I guess not,” she said and paused. “But that still doesn’t explain why you haven’t called,” she practically spat at him and turned around as the first attendees began to wander toward their booth.

After that, everything turned into a blur. It seemed that everyone who stopped at the booth wanted a pie or cupcake. The cupcakes went first because they were pretty and inexpensive. Every time Colton sold one of those cupcakes, he had to resist the urge to eat it. Red velvet with cream cheese frosting. His mouth watered. He kept hoping he could persuade Stacey to give him one of the defective cupcakes, but they were moving so quickly that he was losing hope. The booth was so tight she brushed against him every time she moved from the front to the back. He didn’t know which was worse, the temptation of Stacey’s body or of her red velvet cupcakes. Another brush of her sexy hips against his and his question was answered. He wanted Stacey a lot more than he wanted cupcakes.

“I need to ask a favor of you,” she said, pulling at the straps of her baby carrier.

He shrugged. “What do you need?”

“To go to the bathroom. I’d prefer to go without Piper. Can you take her for a bit?” she asked.

“Sure,” he said, feeling lame for not offering sooner. “Can I have one of those cupcakes in exchange? Half?” he added when he saw her frown. He needed some sort of consolation for how much he wanted her and couldn’t have her, although he suspected a cupcake wasn’t going to do the job.

“Half,” she said, and eased the carrier from her shoulders. “You want to put her on your back?” she asked.

“That sounds good,” he said, and turned around so she could help strap the carrier on him.

“I’ll put her so she’s facing away from you. That way she’ll keep her fingers out of your hair. I’ll be back soon,” she said.

“We’ll be here,” he said.

Piper made an indistinguishable noise, but she didn’t cry, so he figured he was good. He continued to sell pies and cupcakes, although the cupcakes were growing scarcer. “I need to put this cupcake in a protective place,” he murmured and hid the treat behind his cup of coffee at the back table.

He smelled a peculiar odor, but was too busy to focus on it when a rush of attendees bought pies. Thank goodness, the pies were popular. Colton couldn’t deny, however, that he was ready for this to be over. He’d rather be driving posts in dry ground than this.

Stacey returned, appearing breathless. “Sorry. The restroom was on the other side, and there was a line.”

“There is always a line for the ladies room,” he muttered and turned his back so Stacey could help disengage him from Piper.

“Oh, no,” she said. “Oh, no.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Is she okay? She’s been quiet for a while.”

“That’s because she fell asleep,” Stacey said.

“And that’s bad because?” he asked.

“That’s not the bad part,” Stacey said. “Piper pooped all over your back.”

“Oh, great,” he muttered. Now he understood the source of the strange odor. “I’m glad someone feels better.”

Colton and Stacey shut down the booth until the next volunteers were scheduled to appear. They were mostly sold out, anyway. Stacey helped Colton out of the baby holster, and she took Piper to the restroom while Colton headed home. This was one of the rare instances that Colton didn’t have a fresh shirt in his car, so he drove with his windows open due to Piper’s stink bomb.

He headed straight for the shower, stuffed the shirt in the washer on rinse, then fixed himself a bowl of soup from the Crock-Pot on the kitchen counter. Colton parked himself in a chair in the den to watch an action movie. He wanted to think about anything except Stacey and Piper, and it wasn’t just because Piper had cut loose on him. He had been trying to dodge his feelings for Stacey since they’d been together, and seeing her today had felt like a slap in the face. Even though he saw his orderly life veering out of control when he was with her, he’d missed her terribly, and now he didn’t know what to do.

A knock sounded, and Colton rose from his chair and opened the door. Stacey stood on the front porch holding a small covered plate. “I’m really sorry about what happened with Piper. It doesn’t happen that often, but, well, babies can be messy. I kept back a couple of the cupcakes for you. I hope you’ll accept them along with my apology.”

His chest tightened at the kind gesture. “That was nice of you,” he said. “Would you like to come in?”

She bit her lip. “I have Piper in the car.”

He hesitated. “Bring her in. There’s chicken noodle soup in the Crock-Pot. I’m just watching a movie.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, her gaze searching his.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” he said.

Stacey returned to the car and pulled Piper from her car seat, along with a diaper bag. Colton rushed to take the bag for her. He wouldn’t admit it aloud, but he was still a little gun-shy with the baby.

Stacey pulled a blanket from the diaper bag and spread it on the floor in the den while Colton ladled soup into a bowl for her and poured a glass of water. Colton returned to find the baby propped against some kind of pillow thing that kept her from falling over.

“Does she like that?” he asked.

“She can actually sit by herself, but she eventually topples. She didn’t get much of a nap today, so I thought she could use a break,” she said, and placed a couple of toys next to the tot. “I’m hoping for an early night.”

“I’ll say,” he said, and set Stacey’s soup on a tray on the end table.

“Thanks,” she said, taking a seat on the sofa. She took a spoonful of soup. “This is good. It’s nice eating someone else’s food for a change.”

“Yes, it is. That’s probably why my mother does most of the cooking. She’s good at it, so we just let her do it,” he said.

“My brothers don’t cook either. I got more interested in cooking when I went to nursing school,” she said. “Then, after I got engaged, I wanted to take my mother’s recipes with me when I got married. But that didn’t work out,” she said, and took another spoonful of soup.

An uncomfortable silence stretched between them.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call,” he finally admitted. “I wanted to.” How could he tell Stacey that he feared he was a rebound man for her?

She looked up at him in surprise. “You did?”

“Of course I did,” he said. “I didn’t exactly hide how I felt with you when you were in my bed.”

She looked away. “Well, I have a previous experience with someone who wanted to go to bed with me, but then left.”

His gut clenched. “I don’t want you to feel that way, but it just seemed as if everything was moving fast. It was out of control.”

She nodded. “I wanted you, but I didn’t want to want you.”

“Exactly. I wasn’t ready for what I was feeling,” he said.

She gave another slow nod and took another sip of her soup. “Does that mean you want to forget what we did and go back to being friends?”

“That might be like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube,” he said. “I always want to be your friend, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t want to be more.”

Stacey met his gaze. “Then what do you want to do about it?”

The sexy challenge in her green eyes felt like a velvet punch in his gut. “Maybe we could spend some more time together. Go to Vicker’s Corners, see a movie, take some walks when it’s not freezing. Go for hot chocolate,” he said, and wondered if she would find his suggestions lame.

She gave a slow smile. “That sounds nice, but people are gonna talk. I’m used to gossip, but you’re not.”

“I can handle it,” he said defensively, although Colton had never liked people getting in his business. “I’m just probably not as nice about it as you are,” he said and chuckled.

At that moment, he heard his parents walk through the front door. “Yoo-hoo,” his mother called. “We’re home.”

Piper, who had been surprisingly quiet, looked up from playing with her toy.

Colton’s mother and father came to a dead stop as they glanced into the den. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Foster,” she said, rising from the sofa. Colton also rose. “I stopped by with a few of my red velvet cupcakes, and Colton offered me some of your delicious soup.”

“Good for both of you. I’m glad Colton showed you some hospitality. Frank and I heard there was a mishap with the baby at the winter festival today, but couldn’t get the details.”

Stacey chuckled. “I’ll let Colton fill you in on that. I should be getting Piper home.”

“I’ll just say I’ll wash the shirt I wore today twice,” he said.

His father gave a nod. “Been there, done that. It’s good to see you and the baby, Stacey. I hope you don’t mind if I get some of that soup.”

“Not at all,” Stacey said.

“Oops. Sounds as if there might have been a little mess,” Colton’s mother said. “Don’t rush off,” she said as Stacey put away Piper’s baby paraphernalia. “Let me see that sweet little munchkin. She’s growing like a weed.”

Mrs. Foster extended her arms to the baby and smiled when Stacey handed Piper to her. “What a friendly little sweetheart. Your mother says she’s sleeping through the night most of the time.”

“That’s right. We had a rough time the first few months, and she still has her moments. But don’t we all?” Stacey said.

“I can tell you’re a good mother. I always knew you would be. You just seem to roll with whatever comes your way. I know Rachel is going to be upset that she didn’t get to see you and the baby,” Mrs. Foster said. “Are you sure you can’t stay?”

“I really should go,” Stacey said. “I’m hoping for an early night. It’s good to see you.”

“Same here,” his mother said, then plopped the baby in Colton’s arms. “Here. You carry Piper out to the car. Stacey could probably use a little break from hauling around this little chunk of love after today.”

Colton automatically stiffened but soldiered up. He couldn’t disagree with his mother. After his limited experience with Piper, he was surprised Stacey wasn’t exhausted all the time. From what he could tell, branding an entire herd of cattle would be easier than watching over a baby.

He carried Piper to the car and let Stacey fasten her into her safety seat. Piper fussed a little at the confinement. “You just better get used to this,” Stacey said in a kind but matter-of-fact voice. “You’ll be sitting in a safety seat every time you get in the car.” She shook a toy connected to the front of the seat to distract the baby, and Piper quieted down.

“You’re good with her. I’ll say that much. She can be a handful,” he said, shaking his head.

“She’s curious and sweet, but you’re right. She has her moments,” Stacey said.

“That’s when those bubbles come in handy,” he said.

Stacey stared at him and smiled. “So you did use the bubbles that night you kept her for me?”

“Hey, I had to hit the ground running. That diaper bag is like a bag of tricks,” he said.

“You almost sound as if you’re still afraid of her,” Stacey said. “My little Piper couldn’t terrify a big, strong man like you, could she?”

“Of course not,” he lied because the baby did have the ability to scare him more than a fright movie. “I’m just no baby expert like you are.”

“Maybe she’ll grow on you,” Stacey said softly.

“Maybe,” he said. Piper’s mother was growing on him. He leaned toward Stacey and took her mouth in a lingering, sweet kiss that made something inside him fill up and want more at the same time. “I’m glad you came over. I’ll call you.”

“I’m going to be really upset if you don’t,” she warned.

He liked hearing that bit of testiness in her voice. It made him think she wanted him, too. “No problem,” he said and kissed her again. He pulled back. “You’re habit-forming.”

“That’s good to hear,” she said. “I think your mother is watching from behind the curtains in the front room. She may ask questions. That’s what mothers do.”

“That’s okay. I have the perfect answer,” he said, putting his index finger under her chin.

“What’s that?”

“Nunya. Nunya business,” he said, and her laughter made it worth the inquisition he knew he would face when he went inside the house.

* * *

That night, Stacey slept better than she had in months, partly because Piper slept long and hard, and partly because being with Colton just made her feel better about life. He didn’t have to do much. Just his presence made her feel calmer and more optimistic. She didn’t want to overthink his effect on her. Stacey just wanted to enjoy it.

He called her on her cell the next morning, and she could tell he was outside and the wind was blowing. “Good mornin’,” he said.

“Good morning to you. How long have you been out and about?” she asked as she toted Piper around the kitchen.

“Since a couple hours ago. You know the routine. I have to get up early in order the get the heavy chores done so my father doesn’t hurt his back,” he said.

“I wish you could talk him into seeing the doctor,” she said. “It’s as if he’s in complete denial of this health problem.”

“You’re exactly right. He’s in denial until he ends up in bed for a few days. Then he takes it slow. A few weeks after that, he thinks it’ll never happen again. But enough of my crankiness. How would you like to go into town and get a burger at the grill? Early dinner?”

“That sounds like fun, but my parents are going to be at the winter festival all day, so I would have to bring Piper,” she said. When he didn’t immediately respond, she filled the gap of silence. “We can go another time. We don’t have to go today.”

“No,” he said. “Let’s take her with us. What time will work?”

“I’d like to get her back on schedule with her afternoon nap. Is four-thirty okay?”

“Sure. I’ll pick you two ladies up at four-thirty. See you then,” he said and disconnected the call.

Stacey felt a spurt of excitement and danced around the room with Piper. “We have a date.”

She spent the morning entertaining Piper, then ran laundry and cooked a big pot of chili in the afternoon. She changed her clothes three times and might have changed them once more if Piper hadn’t awakened. Her brother Jude must have smelled the chili from miles away because he stomped into the house an hour after she’d put it on the stove. Her brothers were at the family dinner table more often than not, despite the fact that they had their own places to live.

“Thank goodness there’s food,” he said. “I’m starving.” He looked at Stacey and Piper and gave a double take. “You two look as if you’re headed someplace special,” he said.

Stacey resisted the urge to squirm. “Just going to the grill with a friend,” she said.

“Rachel?” he asked as he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet.

She shook her head. “Nope. Do you mind setting that Crock-Pot on low and putting the lid on it if you leave before Mom and Dad get home? I think they should be here within a half hour,” she said.

“Sure,” he said and grabbed a spoon. “Any crackers or bread?”

“Crackers are in the cupboard.” A knock sounded at the door, and her heart leaped with silly excitement. “Gotta go.”

“Hey, you never said who is going with you to the grill,” he said.

“That’s right,” she said, unable to stifle a little giggle. “I didn’t. See you later,” she said, and ran to the door and threw it open.

“Hi,” she said, thinking it was ridiculous to be so excited about going to the grill in town. This proved the point that she really needed to get out more often.

“Hi to you and Miss Piper,” he said. “You’re both looking beautiful. You ready to go?”

“Thank you, and we are,” she said.

“I’ll carry Piper to the truck. I see you have the magic tricks bag,” he said, gingerly taking the baby in his arms.

“It goes wherever Piper goes,” she said. “Listen, do you mind if we take my car? I’ve already got the safety seat, and it’ll be easier to keep it in there than switch it from my car to yours again.”

“Good plan,” he said. “It didn’t occur to me.”

“Probably because you haven’t spent a lot of time with babies,” she said.

“My mistake,” Colton said. “The education of Colton Foster continues. I’ll let you fasten her into that contraption,” he said after he carefully set Piper into the seat.

As usual, Piper complained about the confinement, and Stacey distracted her. Within a couple moments the baby calmed.

“Have you ever tried to take her on a road trip?” he asked.

“Not unless you call the hour drive to Lubbock a road trip,” she said. “She’s really not a bad rider, but I wonder if she might get fed up with it after several hours. I have visions of throwing everything but the kitchen sink into the backseat to keep her amused.”

“I think my parents must have done that when we took a trip to Dallas one time, although my Dad wouldn’t put up with any foolishness when we got older.”

“My father is the same way, maybe even more so,” she said. “Deke Jones is a stand-up guy, but I have to admit that he didn’t join me for any tea parties when I was a little girl. He was too busy for that.”

“It’s funny the things we remember. My mother showed up for most of my basketball games, but my father only came to a few each season. I always knew they both loved me, and that’s what’s important,” he said.

“Very true,” she said. “Now that I’ve had Piper, though, I find myself wishing she had everything I had growing up and more.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“She has some of it,” Stacey said. “A safe, warm home and family who love her, but—” She broke off, feeling self-conscious.

“But what?”

“Nothing,” she said, feeling her face grow warm with embarrassment. “You’ll think I’m crazy.”

“No. I won’t. Tell me.”

Stacey smiled and shook her head. “I’m hoping I can talk one of her uncles into having a couple tea parties with her,” she said. “I think it’s good for little girls to have good men who are involved in their lives.”

“I’m sure you’re right about that,” he said. “What do little girls eat at tea parties, anyway? I can’t believe they like tea.”

“Juice and cookies,” she said.

“That’s not all that bad,” he said.

“No. It’s the little chairs and pretending that makes it tough for a grown man,” she said.

“Which of your brothers have you targeted for this?” he asked.

“I have a year or two before the parties will begin,” Stacey said. “But I’m thinking Toby would be a natural. He’s already a foster father. If not him, I may be able to con Jude into the job, especially if Piper serves something I’ve made.”

“Sounds as if you’re planning ahead,” he said.

“Once I had Piper, I couldn’t just think about the moment anymore. I had to think about the future, too.”

“Is that why you seem sad sometimes?” he asked.

Stacey looked at him in surprise. “You think I seem sad?”

“Well, different. You used to seem happier,” he said.

She thought about that for a moment. “I worry more,” she confessed as he pulled into the small parking lot for The Horseback Hollow Grill.

He cut the engine and turned to her. “No worrying for the next couple of hours,” he told her. “After all, you’re about to eat a gourmet meal with the handsomest guy in Horseback Hollow,” he joked.

Stacey smiled. The gourmet meal was a stretch, but she was beginning to think that Colton was the best man in Horseback Hollow. She wondered why she’d never noticed until now.

Chapter Eight

“Oooh, what a cute baby,” the server at The Grill said, then glanced at Stacey and Colton. “What a good-looking family. I bet you hear that all the time. I’m Maureen, and I’m new here in Horseback Hollow.” Her gaze returned to Piper. “Look at that chin,” she said, tickling it. “Just like Daddy’s. Now, what can I get for you today?”

“Burger loaded and hot chocolate,” Colton said. “What about you?” he asked Stacey.

“Grilled cheese and hot chocolate. Extra marshmallows please,” she added.

“Will do,” Maureen said and turned away.

“Sorry about that,” Stacey said.

“Sorry about what?” he asked.

“That the waitress said Piper looked like you,” she said, feeling extremely awkward. She didn’t want Colton to feel pushed into a relationship with either herself or Piper.

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