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The Snake in 2013: Your Chinese Horoscope

Neil Somerville
The Snake in 2013
Your Chinese Horoscope


Title Page
Welcome to the Year of the Snake
The Snake
Relationships between the Signs
Your Ascendant
How to Get the Best from your Chinese Sign and the Year
The Chinese Years
About the Author
About the Publisher

The origins of Chinese horoscopes have been lost in the mists of time. It is known, however, that oriental astrologers practised their art many thousands of years ago and even today Chinese astrology continues to fascinate and intrigue.
In Chinese astrology there are 12 signs named after 12 different animals. No one quite knows how the signs acquired their names, but there is one legend that offers an explanation. According to this legend, one Chinese New Year the Buddha invited all the animals in his kingdom to come before him. Unfortunately, for reasons best known to the animals, only 12 turned up. The first to arrive was the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and finally Pig. In gratitude, the Buddha decided to name a year after each of the animals and that those born during that year would inherit some of the personality of that animal. Therefore those born in the year of the Ox would be hardworking, resolute and stubborn, just like the Ox, while those born in the year of the Dog would be loyal and faithful, just like the Dog. While it is not possible that everyone born in a particular year can have all the characteristics of the sign, it is incredible what similarities do occur, and this is partly where the fascination of Chinese horoscopes lies.
In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence upon the signs.
This book also contains two charts showing the compatibility between the signs for personal and business relationships and details about the signs ruling the different hours of the day. From this it is possible to locate your ascendant and, as in Western astrology, this has a significant influence on your personality.
In writing this book I have taken the unusual step of combining the intriguing nature of Chinese horoscopes with the Western desire to know what the future holds, and have based my interpretations upon various factors relating to each of the signs. Over the years in which this Chinese horoscope has been published I have been pleased that so many have found the sections on the forthcoming year of interest and hope that the horoscope has been constructive and useful. Remember, though, that at all times you are master of your own destiny.
I sincerely hope that this Chinese horoscope for 2013 will prove interesting and helpful for the year ahead.

As we march through life we each have our hopes, our ambitions and our dreams.
Sometimes fate and circumstance will assist us, sometimes we will struggle and despair, but march we must.
For it is those who keep going, and who keep their aspirations alive, who stand the greatest chance of securing what they want.
March determinedly, and your determination will, in some way, be rewarded.
Neil Somerville


Silent and still,
The snake may lie coiled and motionless for a very long time.
But when it is ready, it strikes.
Patient, dangerous and ever alert, the snake has power that it would be folly to underestimate. And the same is true for the Year of the Snake. This is a time of powerful undercurrents and far-reaching effects.
Snake years are times of dramatic events which can alter the course of history. The Russian Revolution which swept away the Tsarist tradition in 1917, the dismantling of the Berlin Wall and collapse of many regimes in Eastern Europe in 1989 and, in the last Snake year, the attack on the New York Trade Center and Pentagon all had profound consequences. In 2013 it is again likely that powerful forces will emerge and some who are repressed will rise up against authority. These changes can be dramatic as well as affect the stability of certain regions.
World leaders and international organizations will need to be vigilant this year. However, amid the tensions, there will also be landmark agreements which can usher in positive change. It was a Snake year when Presidents Bush and Gorbachev held their first summit and announced the ending of the Cold War and also when Nelson Mandela met President Botha, a meeting which led to the ending of white rule in South Africa. This Snake year will again witness historic developments.
A further feature of Snake years is that they are times of intrigue, when rumours are rife. Prominent figures could find themselves under scrutiny and with damaging allegations to face up to. Shady dealings, corruption and espionage may discredit certain countries, industries and organizations, and the year is likely to be marked by several scandals.
However, while the Snake year will see powerful forces at work, it will also be a time of major progress. Although financial markets will remain volatile and be swift to react to rumour and speculation, the year will see a slow but definite economic upturn in many regions. Many governments will also take active measures to stimulate growth and reduce unemployment levels.
Snake years favour innovation and 2013 is likely to see some defining moments with the release of major products. It was in the last Snake year that Apple launched their iconic iPod and other Snake years have seen the invention of the CD and high-definition television. There has also been notable progress in the world of medicine in Snake years, including the discovery of DNA and, in the last Snake year, the first surgical implantation of an AbioCor artificial heart into a patient and Dr Kenneth Matsumura’s invention of the artificial liver. Further breakthroughs will occur this year and impact on the treatment of certain conditions. International agencies will also be active this year in providing relief and medicine to undeveloped and troubled regions. There will be considerable emphasis on humanitarian and environmental issues.
The arts and culture thrive in Snake years, and in this one, major events and exhibitions will make various art forms more accessible. On stage and screen, audiences will be delighted by a variety of productions, some of them thought-provoking and profound. There is a reflective quality to the Snake year. The world of fashion is also likely to see notable styles emerge, with the emphasis on the sophisticated and discreet rather than the garish or flamboyant. For the fashion conscious, this can be an exciting year, with new trends (including hairstyles) attracting widespread comment.
The British royal family will also be very much in the news this year, with events that will bring both joy and concern.
More ominously, the extreme weather patterns seen in recent years are set to continue. The previous Snake year witnessed Tropical Storm Allison, which caused $5.5 billion in damage, making it the costliest tropical storm in American history. While it is hoped that the ravages of nature will not be as severe or damaging this year, the omens are, sadly, not good.
This Snake year will, though, see some great human achievements, and whether on land or sea, in the air, in space or indeed in sporting arenas, many records will be broken and feats be inspiring. Interestingly, it was in a Snake year that Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Mount Everest.
For the individual, the Snake year offers considerable potential. It favours learning and personal growth, and whether by reading or studying more, taking up a new skill or setting themselves a personal objective, many people will be persuaded to improve themselves in some way. This is a year for action, and many people will be satisfied by the actions they take.
As is always the way, some signs will fare better in the Snake year than others, but for all there will be opportunities to do something personally constructive. As the Chinese proverb reminds us, ‘If you have foresight, you are blessed, but if you have insight, you are a thousand times blessed.’ This is an excellent year to gain new insights, reconnect with the real you and give yourself time to add to your knowledge and capabilities. Use your time well so you may do well.
I wish you good fortune for the year ahead.


I think
And think some more.
About what is,
About what can be,
About what may be.
And when I am ready,
Then I act.
The Snake is born under the sign of wisdom. He is highly intelligent and his mind is forever active. He is always planning and always looking for ways in which he can use his considerable skills. He is a deep thinker and likes to meditate and reflect.
Many times during his life he will shed one of his famous Snake skins and take up new interests or start a completely different job. The Snake enjoys a challenge and he rarely makes mistakes. He is a skilful organizer, has considerable business acumen and is usually lucky in money matters. Most Snakes are financially secure in their later years, provided they do not gamble – the Snake has the distinction of being the worst gambler in the whole of the Chinese zodiac!
The Snake generally has a calm and placid nature and prefers the quieter things in life. He does not like to be in a frenzied atmosphere and hates being hurried into making a quick decision. He also does not like interference in his affairs and tends to rely on his own judgement rather than listen to advice.
At times the Snake can appear solitary. He is quiet, reserved and sometimes has difficulty in communicating with others. He has little time for idle gossip and will certainly not suffer fools gladly. He does, however, have a good sense of humour and this is particularly appreciated in times of crisis.
The Snake is certainly not afraid of hard work and is thorough in all that he does. He is very determined and can occasionally be ruthless in order to achieve his aims. His confidence, willpower and quick thinking usually ensure his success, but should he fail it will often take a long time for him to recover. He cannot bear failure and is a very bad loser.
The Snake can also be evasive and does not willingly let people into his confidence. This secrecy and distrust can sometimes work against him and are traits that all Snakes should try to overcome.
Another characteristic of the Snake is his tendency to rest after any sudden or prolonged bout of activity. He burns up so much nervous energy that he can, if he is not careful, be susceptible to high blood pressure and nervous disorders.
It has sometimes been said that the Snake is a late starter in life and this is mainly because it often takes him a while to find a job in which he is genuinely happy. However, he will usually do well in any position that involves research and writing and where he is given sufficient freedom to develop his own ideas and plans. He makes a good teacher, politician, personnel manager and social adviser.
The Snake chooses his friends carefully and while he keeps a tight control over his finances, he can be particularly generous to those he likes. He will think nothing of buying expensive gifts or treating his friends or loved ones to the best theatre seats in town. In return he demands loyalty. The Snake is very possessive and can become extremely jealous and hurt if he finds his trust has been abused.
The Snake is also renowned for his good looks and is never short of admirers. The female Snake in particular is most alluring. She has style, grace and excellent (and usually expensive) taste in clothes. A keen socializer, she is likely to have a wide range of friends and the happy knack of impressing those who matter. She has numerous interests and her opinions are often highly valued. She is generally a calm person and while she involves herself in many activities, she likes to retain a certain amount of privacy in her undertakings.
Affairs of the heart are very important to the Snake and he will often have many romances before he finally settles down. He will find that he is particularly well suited to those born under the signs of the Ox, Dragon, Rabbit and Rooster. Provided he is allowed sufficient freedom to pursue his own interests, he can also build up a very satisfactory relationship with the Rat, Horse, Goat, Monkey and Dog, but he should try to steer clear of another Snake as they could very easily become jealous of each other. The Snake will also have difficulty in getting on with the honest and down-to-earth Pig, and will find the Tiger far too much of a disruptive influence on his quiet and peace-loving ways.
The Snake certainly appreciates the finer things in life. He enjoys good food and often takes a keen interest in the arts. He also enjoys reading and is invariably drawn to subjects such as philosophy, political thought, religion or the occult. He is fascinated by the unknown and his enquiring mind is always looking for answers. Some of the world’s most original thinkers have been Snakes, and although he may not readily admit it, the Snake is often psychic and relies a lot on intuition.
The Snake is certainly not the most energetic member of the Chinese zodiac. He prefers to proceed at his own pace and to do what he wants. He is very much his own master and throughout his life he will try his hand at many things. He is something of a dabbler, but at some time – usually when he least expects it – his hard work and efforts will be recognized and he will invariably meet with the success and the financial security he so desires.
In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Snake are described below, together with the years in which they were exercising their influence. Therefore Snakes born in 1941 and 2001 are Metal Snakes, Snakes born in 1953 and 2013 are Water Snakes, and so on.
Metal Snake: 1941, 2001
This Snake is quiet, confident and fiercely independent. He often prefers to work on his own and will only let a privileged few into his confidence. He is quick to spot opportunities and will set about achieving his objectives with an awesome determination. He is astute in financial matters and will often invest his money well. He also has a liking for the finer things in life and a good appreciation of the arts, literature, music and food. He usually has a small group of extremely good friends and can be generous to his loved ones.
Water Snake: 1953, 2013
This Snake has a wide variety of interests. He enjoys studying all manner of subjects and is capable of undertaking quite detailed research and becoming a specialist in his chosen area. He is highly intelligent, has a good memory and is particularly astute when dealing with business and financial matters. He tends to be quietly spoken and a little reserved, but he does have sufficient strength of character to make his views known and attain his ambitions. He is very loyal to his family and friends.
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