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Mommy For A Minute
“Do you think Daddy will mind?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, okay.” Ally sat down in the desk. “Look! It fits me!”
“Yes, it definitely does.” Lauren couldn’t help but smile.
“What are you doing?” Jack demanded, pausing in the doorway, his arms full of lumber.
“I was just giving Ally a way to be comfortable. She’s still in the room with you.”
“Fine! Ally, stay there. I’m bringing in a lot of material and I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I won’t, Daddy.” Before he could leave the room, she added, “But I wish I could watch Sesame Street.”
“Ally!” he exclaimed.
“I’m not using the television right now. I’d be glad to put on Sesame Street.” Lauren held her breath. Not that it really mattered to her, but she wanted Ally to be happy. Besides, Sesame Street was educational.
“Well, as long as you’re not watching it, I guess that would be okay.” He turned to his child. “Sit on the floor. I don’t want you messing up that white couch.”
When Lauren held out her hand, Ally took it and slid out of the desk. Together they left the office.
“You did eat breakfast this morning, didn’t you, Ally?” Lauren asked after Jack went outside again.
“Daddy got me a biscuit. We were running late.”
“Oh, my, I’ll fix you some scrambled eggs and toast. You do like scrambled eggs, don’t you?”
“I think so,” Ally said, her eyes wide.
After turning on the television, Lauren hurried to the kitchen to make the child some breakfast. She’d always made sure her siblings had a good meal to start the day. Ally was just as appreciative, eating well.
After Sesame Street was over, Lauren invited Ally to the kitchen to make cookies. They had a great time, chatting and making chocolate-chip cookies. As Lauren had suspected, Ally’s father had forgotten all about her, having gotten so engrossed in his work.
With the cookies cooling on the racks, Lauren made sandwiches for lunch.
“I think Daddy made lunch for us,” Ally said after Lauren had finished preparing the sandwiches.
“He brought lunch for both of you?”
“He bought us some sandwiches from a store.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I think these sandwiches will be better. They’re bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Let’s go get Daddy.”
When they reached the office, Jack frowned. “Is Sesame Street over?”
“Yes, Daddy. Lauren made us lunch.”
He looked at his watch. “No. I bought us lunch, remember?”
“But I’ve already made bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Can’t you save those for tomorrow?” Lauren waited for his answer.
“No. We’ll go sit in the car and eat.” Jack began putting away his tools.
“But, Daddy—” Ally began.
“You could at least eat in the kitchen so Ally will be able to eat a proper lunch.”
“And, Daddy, we made cookies,” Ally said as part of her plea.
“You what?” Jack asked. “I thought you were just watching Sesame Street?”
Lauren stepped in to protect Ally from her father’s irritation. “Sesame Street ended hours ago. I asked Ally if she would help me make cookies. I didn’t see any harm in that.”
“Ally, sit in the desk and don’t leave it!” Jack ordered.
“She’s to sit there instead of having lunch? I think that’s rather severe punishment for a small child.”
“Who asked you, lady? You’re not a mother. You’re a lawyer! It’s none of your business.”
“I am too a mother! I know about—”
“You are not! You have no kids!”
“Yes, I do. I have six kids!” she yelled back, determined to win this argument.
“You’re lying. Judge Robinson said you didn’t have any kids.”
“Well, he’s wrong!”
“So where are these six kids? The oldest couldn’t be more than twelve, if he’s that old!”
“He’s twenty-eight!” she snapped.
Jack stared at her. Finally, he said, “That’s impossible.”
She looked away. Her voice was lower when she explained. “My children are my brothers and sisters. My mother died when I was twelve. I became the mother. Dad hired someone to come in and do the housework once a week, but I was responsible for cooking meals and overseeing homework. I was the mother.”
“My apologies. I didn’t mean—Obviously, you have the experience of being a mother. But that doesn’t mean you should take over my child. She’s mine, and I make the decisions.”
“I’m not trying to be her mother. I’m offering to help a little. It’s easy to be a mommy for a minute. Being mommy for the long haul is your job.”
“Yes, it is. And we’re having lunch in the car.”
Lauren raised her chin. “My sandwiches are very good.”
“I’m sure they are.”
“They’re much better than sandwiches prepared two days ago.”
“You don’t know when they were prepared.”
“At least let Ally have her choice.”
“Then bring your sandwiches to the table and she can choose.”
They all went down the hall, Ally holding Lauren’s hand. When they went into the kitchen, Ally asked how many cookies she got if she ate all her sandwich.
“Three, just like yesterday, but I’m not cutting your sandwich into soldiers today. It would fall apart.”
“Okay. Does Daddy get cookies, too?”
“If he wants them. He seems a little out of sorts.”
“Daddy doesn’t usually yell at me. I think he’s been working too hard.”
“I see. Well, I hope he feels better soon.” While she talked, Lauren was serving lunch. She set a plate out for Jack, also, even though she thought he deserved to eat his prepackaged lunch.
He came into the kitchen with a brown paper bag. Taking the two sandwiches out, he stared at the sandwich already on a plate in front of him. Then he looked at his purchases. “Look, you can’t keep making lunch for us.”
“It’s not a problem.”
“Yes, it is. I’m doing a job for you, not holding my hand out for charity.”
“So reduce your price. I’ll make lunch for you and Ally every day and you take off the price of lunch. Maybe a whole five dollars per day.”
“Fine. Five dollars a day!” With that, he sat down in the chair and picked up the warm sandwich to eat.
“Wait, Daddy! We have to say our prayer,” Ally said.
“Oh, right, baby. Sorry.” He bowed his head and Ally said a simple prayer.
Lauren was impressed. “That was very nice, Ally.”
“Daddy taught me.”
“Your daddy did a good job.”
“Does that mean Daddy gets cookies, too?”
Lauren shot a look at Jack, who was stolidly chewing his sandwich, not looking at either of the females.
“Your daddy gets cookies…if he wants them.”
She knew he was listening because he shot her a glance that she couldn’t read. But he said nothing.
Ally leaned toward her father. “They taste good, Daddy. You’ll like them.”
“Thank you, baby. I’m sure I will,” he muttered.
Lauren thought his words were encouraging. She ventured another suggestion. “Mr. Rogers starts in a few minutes. Would it be all right for Ally to stretch out on the sofa for her nap and watch that show until she falls asleep?”
“She might get the sofa dirty.”
“I’ll put down a sheet so she’ll be comfortable. I’m afraid your hammering might make it hard for her to sleep in the office.”
Then she passed him the plate of cookies. After hesitating, he took two.
“I think you might want more than that. The cookies are small.”
He took another four. “I’ll eat these while I’m working. Thank you for lunch.” He stood to leave, then he thought about his daughter. “Ally, go right to sleep, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy.” Her smile was big.
With an irritated look for Lauren, he strode out of the kitchen.
“I think Daddy is still mad.”
“No, sweetie, he’s just frustrated.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means, uh, Daddy wants things to go one way but they’re going the other way.”
“But I think he liked the cookies,” Ally said, a hopeful sound in her voice.
“Yes, I’m sure he did. Now, we’ve got to get you settled for your nap.”
JACK TRIED to concentrate on his work, but Lauren’s confession about her motherhood stayed with him. It took a lot for a person to raise her brothers and sisters.
And here he’d maligned her in his mind. He’d thought she was just being bossy, but instead she was quite experienced. As well as being beautiful. He’d noticed that at once, when she’d first opened the door. So if she was so sweet, why was she called The Shark?
Judge Robinson, who wasn’t really a judge anymore, but had once been one, felt that term was one of admiration. He should know since he was the attorney in charge of the law firm. But Jack had thought it was one of disrespect.
Maybe he needed to visit with the judge. After all, Lauren seemed to be spending a lot of time with his daughter. And what was he going to do for tomorrow? Was he going to have to bring Ally with him again?
He gradually lost himself in his work. Loving the work he did was a big benefit. It made the days fly by. Then he had the evenings with Ally. She was such a sweetheart, making him feel fortunate to have his little girl.
So he was feeling good again when the door opened. He turned to see the woman from his thoughts.
He put down his tools. “Is Ally causing a problem?”
“Of course not,” she told him calmly. “But I want to talk to you, please.”
“About what?” he demanded.
“About Ally. You see, I don’t have enough to do right now, and I thought maybe you could continue to bring your little girl and I could take care of her. It doesn’t require much time, since she watches Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers and takes a nap.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why? Do you have a place you can leave her?”
“No, but I’ll find one.”
“So why choose to leave her with strangers? Why not keep her here where you’ll know what’s going on?”
“I don’t think a lawyer should be spending her time taking care of my child. I can’t afford such expensive help.”
“You’d be doing me a favor.”
“I told you. I don’t have enough to do!”
“Care to explain why you have nothing to do for four weeks, but you’re not taking your vacation?”
Her cheeks turned red, drawing his attention. “I—I—Judge Robinson, the head of our firm, says I’m about to burn out and he wanted me to take some time off so it wouldn’t happen. I couldn’t convince him that wasn’t going to happen, so he’s banned me from the office for four weeks.”
“And you want to entertain yourself with my child? I don’t think so.”
“Are you suggesting I wouldn’t take good care of her? How dare you!”
“I think halfway through the four weeks, you’ll find a way to work your way into Judge Robinson’s good graces again and you’ll abandon Ally. That’d hurt her.”
“How would it hurt her any more than leaving her with a bunch of strangers? And you never said why they closed your child care center. What happened?”
“They left a child on the bus and he died,” he said in a low voice. “He was five years old and he’d fallen asleep.”
She stared at him. Finally, she said, “That’s awful. Was Ally—”
“No. She’s too young to go on field trips.”
“I’m so glad.” After a moment, she said, “So if you bring her here, she’ll be safe.”
“I don’t know that.”
“Yes, you do. I’ll take good care of her and you can see her whenever you want.”
“I don’t want you to teach her things,” Jack insisted.
Lauren stared at him. “You think teaching her how to make cookies will harm her?”
“No, but I won’t have you teaching her to—to argue or talk back.”
“You mean to act like a lawyer? Don’t you think she’s a little young to start her career just yet?”
“I just don’t want you to fill her head with—with stuff.”
“I’m not going to harm Ally in any way. I’ll make sure she’s happy. That’s all.”
“Fine,” he agreed, using his favorite response.
“Fine,” she replied. She left the office, closing the door behind her.
Jack stood there, his hands on his hips, staring at the space she’d occupied. This was a bad idea. He couldn’t keep his distance from her if she was taking care of Ally. And he didn’t want to get any closer to her.
Ever since his former girlfriend had told him she didn’t want their baby and given the infant to him, he’d avoided female companionship. He didn’t want Ally to become close to a woman who wouldn’t stay.
Their relationship would only last four weeks. He’d have to prepare Ally for that parting. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a huge mistake. Maybe he should go back and tell Lauren he’d reconsidered.
He put down his tools and turned toward the door. But he hadn’t taken more than a step when he stopped, changing his mind. Ally was happy. And in four weeks, he could get her in one of the schools he’d talked to. They’d have an opening then.
Picking up his drill, he began work again. But his mind remained fixed on the lawyer who wanted to take care of his child.
LAUREN STARED at the child sleeping peacefully on her sofa. She’d wanted to take care of Ally and now she could. Jack had agreed.
How strange that she’d reached out to this little girl. After raising her brothers and sisters, she’d decided she didn’t want to have children. But she’d taken the first opportunity to care for this child. She thought it had something to do with her having buried the memories of raising her family. It had been difficult, with years of self-denial, especially in her teens. Dates she couldn’t go on, parties she couldn’t attend. But raising her siblings had also been joyful. And it was the joy that she had forgotten.
Till now.
Ally was such a sweetheart. Lauren enjoyed the child, her open and honest responses. And taking care of her would give Lauren something to focus on during her imposed hiatus.
She sat down at the kitchen table and worked out activities for Ally. She wanted the little girl to enjoy the time she spent with her. Maybe she should buy some art supplies, some books with cutouts, or storybooks.
Her excitement faded when Jack appeared in the doorway and said, “Look, I’ve been thinking about this and maybe it’s not a good idea.”
She stared at him. Then she gestured to the chair opposite her. “Let’s talk about it.”
“That’s the last thing I want to do with a lawyer. You always think you can outtalk everyone. I’m a carpenter!”
“A carpenter who had a large business before he sold it,” she pointed out. “Judge Robinson told me you were a major player in the real estate market here in Dallas, so don’t play the innocent with me!”
“I’m not trying to mislead you. You’re known for your ability to argue your case. But I’m talking about my daughter. She’s not open for discussion.”
His eyebrows soared. “Because I have the final say about my child. And I think, one-on-one, you’re going to get too close to her. She’ll think—She’s going to see you as—I don’t want to risk it.”
“She’ll see me as what?”
“Damn it, she’ll see you as a mother. As her possible mother!”
“I’m sure she won’t. All I’m offering is to take care of her for four weeks, while you make my office for me. I don’t see that as a problem.”
“You may not, but I do! So, I’ll find a place for her to go to school. That’s all.”
She continued to plead her case. “What if you don’t?”
“I will. Don’t concern yourself.”
“Of course I’m concerned! And there’s no need to enlist a group of strangers to take care of Ally when I’m right here and willing to care for her.”
He held his ground. “I’ll find a place for her.”
“But she likes it here!”
His voice rose as his patience unraveled. “I don’t care!”
“Daddy? Why are you yelling at Lolly?” Ally asked from the doorway.
Chapter Three
Jack turned to stare at his daughter. “Who the hell—I mean, who is Lolly, sweetheart?”
Lauren cleared her throat. “My little brother used to call me that because it’s easier to say than Lauren. It’s about the only L word children learn quickly. I told Ally she could call me Lolly.”
Jack glared at her. “I guess that’s better than calling you—Never mind. I still don’t think her staying here is a good idea.”
“Suppose we try it for a few days. If it’s not working out, you can find another place.”
And suddenly Jack could no longer argue. He didn’t have the stamina. Maybe that was why they called her The Shark. The woman was relentless. “I’m going to keep looking. When I find a place, I’m putting her in it. So be prepared.”
He spun around to leave and found himself facing his daughter. “Sweetheart, you’re going to stay with—with Lolly until I can find a place for you to go to school.”
Ally’s face broke into a big smile. “I like that.”
Muttering about women, Jack stalked down the hall.
LAUREN’S SMILE matched Ally’s. “I hope you’re happy staying here, Ally. I am.”
“I love it, Lolly. Maybe Daddy won’t ever be able to find a place for me!”
“Well, it will only be for four weeks, sweetheart. Then I’ll have to go back to work.”
“Where do you work?”
“Downtown. Maybe I can take you down there one day, and we could have lunch.”
“Will Daddy go with us?”
“No. He’ll be working here. But we’d be back before he finished work. We’ll talk to him about it.”
That was one conversation she dreaded.
THE WEEK PROGRESSED quietly. Lauren did her grocery shopping and made her trip to the art supply store at night, not testing Jack’s patience about taking Ally out in the car.
On Friday, her day was spent in the kitchen, with Ally beside her, supposedly helping, getting ready for dinner that night.
“Who is coming?” Ally asked again.
“My baby brother, the one who used to use the desk.”
“Is he my age?”
“No, he’s almost twenty-two.”
Ally’s eyes got large. “That’s lots older, isn’t it?”
“Yes. He lives in his own apartment, and he’s bringing a friend who lives there, too.”
“Aren’t you making a lot of food?”
“Yes, I decided I’d freeze some for later.”
Ally gave her a confused look.
“You know, like ice cream. It stays good until you thaw it out.”
It was just before noon when Lauren finally slid two large casserole dishes into the oven. “Now we need to fix lunch. Your daddy will be hungry.”
“Me, too.”
Lauren made roast beef sandwiches and sent Ally to call her father. The child came running back down the hall.
“Daddy said in a little while.”
Lauren took Ally’s hand and went back down the hall. As she suspected, Jack was working away, with no knowledge that he’d said no to lunch.
“I want you to come to lunch. It’s all ready.”
“Just a minute,” he muttered.
“Do you need some help?”
“Yeah, can you come hold this in place while I nail it?” he asked, still focused on his work.
Lauren did as he asked. She didn’t realize quite how close she would have to get to him. But as she held the wood, his arms went completely around her to nail it in place. His rock-hard chest pressed against her, leaving her no avenue of escape.
She couldn’t help wonder what it would be like to have his arms around her for real, pulling her into a kiss.
“Okay, now we can go.”
His words cut into her heated reverie. “Go where?”
“To lunch. You said it’s ready now.”
“Right.” That was why she’d come into the office in the first place. Somehow she’d gotten sidetracked.
Ally took his hand. “I’ll show you, Daddy. Lolly’s been cooking all morning.”
He looked at Lauren. “We don’t need anything complicated for lunch.”
“No, I’ve been cooking for this evening. My brother and his friend are coming over for dinner.”
He stared at her. “You can cook?”
“Of course I can. My mother taught me a lot of recipes before she died, and I’ve learned others. Did you think I ate out every evening?”
“I know professional women who do that.”
They had reached the kitchen and the aroma of roast beef lingered in the air. He noticed it at once, his gaze going to the plate on the table. “We’re having roast beef?”
“Yes, is that a problem?”
“Not at all. I love roast beef.”
“Good. Ally thought you did.”
She finished pouring glasses of iced tea for the two adults and milk for Ally. “Okay, Ally, you can say the prayer for us.”
The child did so and then beamed at her father. “It’s a good lunch, isn’t it, Daddy?”
“You bet, honey,” he agreed after taking his first bite. “It’s wonderful. I think I may owe more than five dollars for this one.”
“It’ll average out. Besides, I froze a lot of it.”
“Like ice cream, Daddy.”
“Yeah, I do that, too. Some days, I don’t feel like cooking, but Ally needs a good meal.”
“Yes, she does.”
“Lolly made something else with chicken in it,” Ally said, frowning as she tried to remember what it was.
“Chicken spaghetti, sweetie.” She looked at Jack. “It’s my brother’s favorite.”
“I’ve never heard of that.”
“It’s a casserole that my mother made. All the kids love it.”
“Ah. Down home food.”
“Yes. When one of them asks for that, I know something’s up.”
“So what’s up tonight?”
“The friend is female. He says she doesn’t eat enough and he wants me to feed her. I think he wants me to meet her, but he doesn’t want to say it’s something important.”
“How old is he?”
“Almost twenty-two. He’s the baby.”
“Have any of your other brothers and sisters married?”
“No, none of them.”
“You know, at twenty-two I fell in and out of love every other month. I wouldn’t attach too much to this visit.”
“Maybe. But James makes good decisions.”
“Are any of your other siblings coming this evening?”
“No, just James. One brother, Steve, is in the army and doing his training. The two oldest, Bill and Barry, don’t expect me to cook for them anymore. My sisters are twins, twenty-five. Regina works for a dress designer. We call her Reggie. And her twin Virginia, who we call Ginny, is working on her master’s in history, hoping to go on for her doctorate.”
“If she can afford that, she’s doing well.”
“She works as a waitress to supplement her share of the insurance money.”
Jack just shrugged his shoulders. “That’s not easy. I know what it’s like to have two jobs.” He nodded at Ally. “Speaking of which, I’d better get back to the paying one.” Thanking her for lunch, he went back down the hall to work.
After Lauren put Ally down for her nap, she set the table for dinner for three, wanting everything perfect. She’d even bought fresh flowers the night before for a centerpiece. Now she did the arrangement and put it in the middle of the table.
She chose some soft music on the stereo to play during dinner. Just as she was moving away, they broke into the music for a weather alert. Bad weather was moving into the metro area that evening. Possible thunderstorms, even the threat of a tornado.
It was late fall in Dallas. They frequently had tornado alerts, but they seldom materialized. And they could use some rain. They hadn’t had much this fall.
Lauren shrugged her shoulders. Not much she could do about it.
She thought of something she’d been planning to do some research on. Now would be a good time while Ally was sleeping. She moved into her bedroom, where her law books were stored temporarily. She got lost in her work, much as Jack did in his, not thinking of Ally until she heard her tiny whisper.
“Oh, sorry, baby, is it time for you to be up?”
“I think so. It’s very dark outside. Did Daddy go home without me?”