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Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year
No wonder he had been unable to pay. What could her father have been thinking of to play so deep? He had gambled away more than his estate was worth and must have been ruined and shamed had Lethbridge demanded payment.
Madeline held her breath, her hand reaching towards the papers when she heard a sound outside the door. Snatching up the notes, she closed the drawer and fled into the dressing room just as the door into the hall opened. From behind the open door of the dressing table, she saw her husband’s valet enter carrying a pile of clean linen. He began to place the things in the drawers of the armoire. Madeline fled through the dressing room into her own bedchamber.
She was trembling, though whether from excitement or the fear of being caught she was not sure. For a moment she could not move, because she felt too weak, then she walked towards the fire and stood before it gazing down into the flames.
She had her father’s notes. She could destroy them by casting them into the flames and then... Her heart was racing so fast that she could scarcely breathe. It was what she wanted to do so very much, but did she have the right? Lethbridge had promised to return them to her father when she married him, but he had reneged on his promise. According to the bargain they had made, the notes were truly her father’s property. Madeline had every right to destroy them. Tearing them across three times, she tossed the pieces onto the fire and watched them burn. A feeling of elation rushed through her. Her father was free of the threat of shame. Madeline would send him a letter in the morning, telling him that the notes were destroyed.
Her elation lasted only a few moments. She had made certain of her father’s freedom—but was she herself truly free?
Hallam had told her that he would take her away with him and care for her. She could leave her husband this very night. Yet she knew him to be a vengeful man. Would he not seek to take revenge on both her and Hal? Would she in fact endanger the life of the man she loved?
Madeline was tempted to run, but fear held her. If she took the chance for freedom, Lethbridge would find some way of seeking his revenge—either upon her and Hal or her family...
Tears slipped slowly down her cheeks. She brushed them away, feeling empty and drained of hope. For years she’d thought of the notes as being the tie that kept her chained to a husband she did not love, but now she was frightened to leave him.
What ought she to do? If her husband discovered the loss of the notes he would be so angry and sure to punish her—but if she ran he might kill both her and Hal.
Did she have the right to endanger Hal’s life? Perhaps she should simply slip away somewhere by herself....and it would be best not to see Hallam again. Her life meant nothing to her, but she could not bear it if Hal died for her sake.
She would write to him, tell him that she could not see him—and then she would slip away, go down to the country and hope that her husband did not force her to return.
* * *
Hallam read the note that had come to him that morning. He knew Madeline’s hand immediately and his heart quickened with excitement. Was she ready to come away with him?
Scanning the brief lines, he stared in disbelief for some minutes before screwing the notepaper into a ball and tossing it into the fire. She did not wish to see him again. She had considered his offer and decided that she could not leave her husband. She begged his pardon and asked him to forget her.
‘Damn the rogue!’ Hallam exclaimed aloud. What had her wretched husband done to her now that she felt forced to write this letter to him? Had he not known better he would have thought her indifferent to him, but the look in her eyes when they met in the park told him that she still felt something for him.
Why did she feel constrained to stay with a brute who hurt and humiliated her?
Hallam found it impossible to understand. Of course there were the notes, but something could be done—and her family could live on his estate if the worst happened.
He must see her again despite this foolish letter, but first he had business with her husband. Mainwaring had played with him the previous evening and lost a thousand guineas and Hallam had watched, positioning himself so that he could see in a mirror on the wall at Lethbridge’s back. The count had made one fatal mistake. Hallam had seen him prick the corner of a card and them push the pin into the cuff of his velvet coat. Because of his frills and the heavy embroidery on the sleeve of the evening coat, it would be almost impossible for anyone to see the pin, but Hallam had seen him use it twice and was now certain of his facts.
It only remained for him to call the count a cheat and arrange the duel that would free Madeline of her husband once and for all. However, he had been unable to establish when the next opportunity might arise for the count had spoken of perhaps going to the country shortly. If he did so that would mean postponing the confrontation, for he could hardly force his way into the count’s home to call him a cheat—nor could he follow him to the country. He could only hope that Madeline would be safe until the opportunity arose to force a quarrel on her husband.
* * *
Madeline saw Hallam as she entered the ballroom that night and her heart caught. She longed to go to him, but knew she must keep a distance between them. It would be foolish to arouse her husband’s suspicions for nothing. Lethbridge was in a better frame of mind than of late. Nothing more had been said of the marquis, nor had her husband mentioned anything he wished her to do for him, and she began to think she had imagined that he had some idea of giving her to the marquis.
‘I shall go to the card room,’ Lethbridge said. ‘Sit with your friends, Madeline. If you are asked to dance this evening, you may do so.’
‘Thank you, sir,’ she replied, glancing at his profile. A little nerve flicked at his temple, but he gave no other sign of emotion. Yet she guessed that there was conflict at work within him, though she could not think what it might be.
Seeing Lady Jersey sitting with some other ladies that she knew well, Madeline went towards them and sat on an available chair. She was soon drawn into a discussion about a young lady who was said to be the latest rage and watched Miss Catherine Anderson being courted by her admirers with amusement.
‘Will you dance with me, Lady Lethbridge?’
Madeline glanced up as Hallam spoke. She knew that she should refuse him, but seeing Lord Rochdale approaching her at that moment, she stood up with Hallam before he could reach her.
‘You ought not to have asked me,’ she said as he placed a hand at her back and drew her into a waltz. ‘It is useless, Hal. I cannot leave him...’
‘But he lies to you, he cheated you of your father’s notes.’
‘No, I have them back. My family is safe now.’
‘Then come away with me now—I beg you to leave him now, tonight.’
‘I am afraid of what he might do. Forget me, Hal. I am not worthy of you. I beg you to forget you ever knew me.’
‘Madeline...’ Hal stared at her in dismay. ‘Have you taken leave of your wits? Or is it that you care for him?’
Madeline met his eyes, tears hovering on her lashes as she said, ‘You must believe what you will of me.’ Breaking from him, she walked swiftly away from him and left the ballroom.
She went up to the bedroom given over for the use of female guests that evening and shut herself away in the closet provided for relieving oneself. There, she allowed her tears to fall until she could recover her composure. Returning to the bedroom, she washed her face in cool water from a porcelain jug and tidied herself before going downstairs. No trace of the tears remained, though she looked pale.
It was as she reached the bottom of the stairs that she saw the Marquis of Rochdale. He was about to enter the ballroom, but stopped and waited for her.
‘May I escort you back to the dancing, Madeline?’
‘I did not give you permission to use my first name, sir.’
‘Did you not?’ His lips curled in an unpleasant sneer. ‘You think to flirt with me and then spurn me, madam, but you will learn to know better. It will give me great pleasure to teach you a lesson.’
‘Sir, I think you forget yourself. I shall speak to my husband of your discourtesy.’
He laughed low in his throat. ‘Say what you will, Lethbridge may not be listening,’ he said. ‘A reckoning is coming, Madeline. Next week I dine with you—and then you will discover I am a man of my word.’
Madeline lifted her head proudly and walked past him into the ballroom. Her heart was thumping madly, but she gave no sign of it as she looked about her.
She was afraid of the marquis, afraid of what her husband had done—but she’d sent Hallam away. Oh, how she longed for a shoulder to weep on and a strong arm to hold her!
But it was best this way. She could not bear that Hal should know the depths to which she had fallen. It was best that she never saw him again, for she was soiled and shamed, no fit companion for any decent man.
* * *
Lethbridge rose from the card table after the Marquis of Rochdale had departed, taking his winnings with him. He had lost ten thousand pounds in one sitting to that detestable man and was now ruined. He could not pay without selling his country estate, and if he did that he would lose everything he cared for. His estate had been in his family for four hundred years and it was the source of his income—and his pride. Once it had gone, he would be dunned by all those he owed money to—and then...there would be nothing left.
There was only one thing that stood between him and complete ruin—his wife. Unless he forced Madeline’s father to sell his estate and pay his debts, in as far as he could...but even that would not suffice for he’d given Madeline more than twenty thousand and she’d destroyed them.
But there was one way that he could buy time. The marquis had made it plain to him what he wanted. If he gave him Madeline, he would return the notes and Lethbridge could carry on as before. He would take good care not to sit down with Rochdale again and somehow he would come about. He’d done it before and he could do it again—though never had he been as deep in debt as now.
He’d attempted to cheat this evening, but somehow Rochdale had known which cards he’d marked and turned them against him. He’d actually played into the devil’s hands. How could he have known which cards to look for? But of course, he must have learned to feel the corners for that slight unevenness caused by a pinprick. Most men never knew it was there—but Rochdale did.
Rochdale had made it clear that he would demand payment of Lethbridge’s debts, and he would use the cards to expose the count as a cheat—unless he gave him Madeline.
He must reply by noon the next day or he would lose all he had. He was caught fast in a trap—unless....
A plan had begun to form in Lethbridge’s head, a plan so wicked and devious that it made him shake with excitement. He would agree to the marquis’s demands—he should have his time in bed with Madeline when he came to dine, but then...
No court in the land would convict him of murder for shooting a man he discovered raping his wife.
He smiled unpleasantly. He would allow Rochdale to come to the house and to have Madeline once the notes were returned to him, but then he would burst in on them and shoot him as he lay in her bed.
Once, he could not have borne another man to touch her, but she was cruel and proud. Why should he care what happened to her? He could use her to destroy his enemy and then he could divorce her because she was spoiled goods and had shamed him.
It was such a neat plan that his good humour was restored. And since he was determined to be rid of his wife, why not foreclose on her father and make him pay with the sale of his estate?
* * *
Hallam left the ball feeling angry with Madeline. How could she stay with her husband when she knew what a worthless wretch he was?
Hallam had no idea of the turn events had taken that evening, but what Mainwaring had told him was enough to convince him that the count was close to desperate. His mind was made up—he must engage him in a game of cards as soon as possible for Lethbridge would certainly try to cheat and then he could expose him.
Hallam was torn by his doubts. He hardly knew Maddie these days. As a young girl he’d found her sweet and innocent, incapable of hurting anyone, but then she’d sent him away and married Count Lethbridge. He’d seen her flirting with the marquis and though she’d claimed Lethbridge might ruin her family if she left him, once she had destroyed her father’s notes, she said it was best if Hal forgot her. He was baffled. Was she the girl he loved or someone very different?
Walking home, he turned the thoughts over and over in his mind, trying to discover the truth, but he could not puzzle her out. How could he know whether Madeline truly cared for him or not?
* * *
Madeline rose the next morning feeling heavy-eyed. She’d hardly slept, her thoughts going round and round in circles. She’d regretted dismissing Hal so coldly and wished the words unsaid. Her husband was an unkind man and she feared him more now that he had become a harsh stranger, barely speaking to her unless absolute necessary, than she had when he had visited her bed and abused her both physically and verbally.
When he looked at her now she saw calculation in his eyes and wondered what he was planning.
Feeling close to desperation, she sat down at her desk and wrote a short note to Hal, begging him to meet her again in the park. She wanted to apologise, to make her peace with him and try to explain why she could never be the wife for him even if she were free. How could she when she feared that her husband had destroyed her ability to respond to physical love?
Lethbridge had abused her both physically and mentally; the physical scars were slight and soon mended, but she feared that he had made it impossible for her to welcome a man’s kisses...his loving...even if that man were the only one she’d ever loved.
When Hal had kissed her in the gardens on the day of Jenny and Adam’s wedding, she’d wanted to melt into his arms but then, suddenly, a feeling of fear and revulsion had made her draw back. How could she bear anyone to touch her intimately after...? Even the thought turned her cold and caused an acid sickness in her throat.
Her mind told her that it would be different with Hal, because he was a gentleman and he loved her, but her body had learned to fear the intimate side of marriage.
Somehow, she must explain to Hal. Tell him that she loved him, but could never accept him as a lover. She could never bear anyone to touch her again for she was soiled...shamed beyond bearing.
Her eyes filled with tears as she sealed her letter and summoned Sally. Even though she knew the future held nothing for her, she longed to see Hal just once more...
Chapter Five
Madeline encountered her husband as she went downstairs just after noon the following day. She had been hoping to escape to the park, where, if he’d received her letter, she hoped Hal would come to meet her. Her heart raced with fear for she saw her husband’s icy eyes and knew he would question her about her intentions.
‘You know that the Marquis of Rochdale is dining with us this evening, Madeline. You should wear the green gown I had made for you in Paris—and do not wear a fichu in the neck. Instead, wear your diamonds.’
‘I do not like that gown, it is too low and reveals too much. It makes me look like a whore,’ Madeline said, her cheeks flushed. Did he intend to humiliate her? ‘The marquis...he is not what you think him, Lethbridge. He may think...he may believe I wear the gown for his benefit.’
‘That is exactly what I wish him to believe,’ Lethbridge said. ‘If he wants to touch or kiss you, you should allow it. I want something from him and if he wants you, then he may have you. You have given me nothing and I may as well get some benefit from all you have cost me.’
Madeline stared at him in horror, her worst fears confirmed. ‘Am I to understand that you would condone...a liaison between us?’
‘Why not?’ her husband sneered, his thick lips curving unpleasantly. ‘You are of no use to me. I might as well lie with a block of wood. Rochdale has something I desire more than I ever desired you, madam. If he will take you in exchange, then good luck to him.’
‘How dare you suggest such a thing to me?’ Madeline cried in utter disgust. ‘You have gone too far, Lethbridge. I shall not do what you ask and I shall leave you. By insulting me so you set me free of any debt of honour I felt towards you. Our marriage is at an end. I no longer owe you any duty.’
‘Damn you,’ he muttered and moved towards her. One hand grabbed her wrist and she saw that he was considering whether to strike her. ‘No, I shall not punish you yet. I would not have you ill before he takes what he wants. But after he has done with you, I shall teach you to obey me. You will not defy me again, madam.’
‘No, I shall not allow it. No matter what you threaten. I shall run away—’
‘Then I’ll lock you in your room until he arrives.’ Lethbridge grabbed her by the hand and started to drag her with him, out into the hall and up the stairs.
Madeline struggled against him, crying out as his fingers dug into her soft skin, but although the servants saw her struggling none attempted to help her. They dared not. He would have them thrashed and they would be dismissed without a reference, cast out without hope of finding another employer. It was useless to ask for help and she did not, though she fought him all the way, but to no avail. He was much too strong for her. She was thrust into her bedchamber, her husband standing in the doorway, glaring at her.
‘Make yourself ready to receive the marquis this evening,’ Lethbridge growled before the door closed. ‘Please him or I shall beat you until you weep for mercy—and I’ll ruin your father.’
‘You may do what you wish to me,’ Madeline said defiantly. ‘I shall run away as soon as I can and you may do your worst.’
‘If you think to run to your lover, think again,’ Lethbridge muttered. ‘I know who he is and I shall kill him.’
‘I have no lover.’
‘I saw you with him in the gardens at Miss Hasting’s wedding—and you’ve been seen with him in the park and other places. Do not try to deny it, madam. I had not decided what to do to him, but it would be better to have him dead. Then you will not have foolish ideas of escaping me by running to Ravenscar.’
Madeline gasped, feeling the colour drain from her face. He knew of Hal! His words were not merely bluff or vain threats this time—she’d been seen in the park with Hal.
‘Yes, I see your guilt and by it you seal his fate,’ Lethbridge said. ‘Tonight you will play the whore for my guest. If you do not, you know what will happen.’
Hearing the door slam and the key turn, Madeline sagged with despair. Hal was in danger. It hardly mattered what her husband did to her now for if Hal were lost to her for ever she did not care if she died.
Sinking down on the edge of the bed, she bent her head and wept. She should have gone with Hal when she had the chance.
Lethbridge would give her to the marquis in return for something he craved. Clearly, he no longer valued her and, perhaps, wished to be rid of her. Was he planning to bring his bastard here—and his mistress? Or did he simply wish to be free of a wife whom he thought of as useless? If she were forced to lie with the marquis, her husband could claim that she had betrayed her vows and divorce her. She would be utterly ruined and ostracised from society.
It was a fiendishly clever plan for he gained something he craved and rid himself of an unwanted wife in one swoop.
‘My lady, you must come now,’ Sally’s voice called to her. Madeline looked towards the dressing-room door and saw her maid beckoning to her. ‘Your husband has gone out and we have a carriage waiting for you—but you must come quickly before he returns.’
‘Sally, you know what he would do to you if he catches us?’
‘I would give my life for you,’ Sally said and smiled bravely. ‘I have packed a bag for you, my lady. Come quickly, I beg you.’
‘But how have you done this? My husband has the keys.’
‘There are other keys,’ Sally replied. ‘I overheard what he was planning to do to you—and Thomas was willing to risk everything for you, as I am.’
‘But where can I go? My father would send me back to my husband.’
‘Not if he knew the truth,’ Sally said. ‘Thomas knows of a place that you can hide, my lady. It will be safe for a few days, but then you must decide where you will go next.’
‘I must send word to Major Ravenscar. My husband means to kill him.’
‘Thomas will take your letter later, but first we must go, before anyone realises what we mean to do.’
‘Yes.’ Madeline stood up. She caught up her cloak, which was lying on a chair where she’d abandoned it earlier, then went to her dressing chest and took out a small box containing the jewels she wore every day. Lethbridge kept the valuable things in his strongbox and gave her what he wished her to wear when he dictated, but she would take the jewels that she had brought with her to the marriage and the few gold coins she had in her reticule. She looked about her chamber, praying that she need never see it again. ‘Let us go now, before my husband returns.’
* * *
‘Where is she?’ Lethbridge thundered at the luckless servant that brought him the news. Arriving home late in the afternoon, he’d gone to his room to change for the evening and then sent a servant to tell Madeline to make ready. ‘By God, if you’ve allowed her to leave, I’ll have you beaten to an inch of your life!’
‘I don’t know where she is,’ the servant said, cringing as his master struck him a blow on the shoulder with his ivory cane. ‘Sally and Thomas must have spirited her away by the back stairs for no one has seen them for hours either.’
‘Damnation!’ Lethbridge glared at him, a vein bulging in his neck. ‘If I discover any of you turned a blind eye, I’ll make you sorr—’ He broke off as the door to the salon opened and his butler announced the arrival of the Marquis of Rochdale. ‘Get out, dog,’ he hissed at the servant, then turned and smiled at his guest, as the footman shot from the room like a scared rabbit. ‘Ah, Rochdale, my dear fellow. I am glad you could come this evening. I’m sorry to have to tell you that Lady Lethbridge is indisposed. I fear she will not be joining us this evening.’
‘Indeed? How very disappointing,’ the marquis said and his lips curled in a sneer. ‘Since the lady is ill I shall not waste your time or mine. I shall be plain with you—unless you give me what you promised, I shall call in my notes. You know what I want, Lethbridge. You implied it would be mine this evening. If you renege on your bargain, I shall ruin you for good in society.’
‘No, no, you shall have her another time,’ Lethbridge said. ‘You know how much I want what you have.’
‘You have three days to bring her to heel,’ the marquis said. ‘I shall not stay. Perhaps another time?’
Lethbridge cursed as the marquis walked out, leaving him staring after him. Damn the woman! He would make her father pay. That would bring her to her senses. He strode up the stairs and into his bedchamber, pulling out the drawer where her father’s notes were kept. Taking out the leather folder, he stared to see it empty and then, realising what must have happened, swore furiously.
She had stolen them! Madeline had outwitted him by taking the notes and then running off with her lover. He had not thought she had the courage to do it or he would have stored them more securely. His own carelessness was to blame, but he did not consider that—only her perfidy in taking them behind his back.
If he could not find her and get her back, he was ruined.