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The Myrtle Reed Cook Book
Beat three eggs separately and mix. Add half a cupful of sugar, half a teaspoonful of vanilla, and three-fourths cupful of flour sifted with a teaspoonful of baking-powder. Soak and pit fifteen prunes, drain, chop fine, add half a cupful of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Put the prunes in a buttered baking-dish, cover with the batter, and bake for twenty or twenty-five minutes.
QUINCE FLUFFCut up four or five quinces and boil until soft in water to cover, then peel, and rub through a sieve. Sweeten to taste, add the unbeaten whites of four eggs, and beat to a froth with an egg-beater. Serve immediately in dessert dishes.
QUINCE TRIFLEStew four quinces until soft, rub through a colander, and sweeten to taste. Turn into a glass dish and cover with a boiled custard made of one pint of milk, the yolks of three eggs, and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Cover with a meringue and serve.
RICE BALLS WITH CUSTARDWash a cupful of rice and soak for an hour in cold water to cover. Drain and cook until soft in two and one-half cupfuls of milk, adding a teaspoonful of salt when the rice is nearly soft. Add sugar to taste and any preferred flavoring. Wet custard cups in cold water, fill with rice and chill. At serving time turn out on a platter, put a bit of red jelly on each ball of rice and surround with boiled custard.
RASPBERRY SPONGEBring to a boil two and one-half cupfuls of raspberry juice, sweetening to taste. Add half a package of soaked gelatine, and stir until dissolved. When cool but not set, fold in the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs, and beat until stiff. Mould, chill, and serve with whipped cream. Strawberry or currant juice may be used in the same way.
STRAWBERRY MERINGUEBeat the whites of seven eggs to a stiff froth and add gradually a pinch of salt and seven tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Put into a buttered baking-dish in layers, spreading each layer thinly with melted strawberry jam. Bake in a moderate oven for twenty-five minutes and serve very cold with whipped cream. Other jams may be used in the same way.
STRAWBERRY SPONGERub a quart of strawberries through a sieve, sweeten heavily, and add the juice of a lemon. Add half a package of gelatine which has been soaked and dissolved, and when cool but not set, fold in the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs. Mould, chill, and serve with sugar and cream or with whipped cream. Other fruits may be used in the same way.
STRAWBERRY TRIFLEFill dessert glasses half full of sponge cake and strawberry preserves. Cover with a meringue flavored with strawberry juice or with boiled custard or with whipped cream, and serve with a few preserved strawberries on top. Other fruits may be served in the same way.
SNOW-BALLSWet small square cloths in cold water and spread thinly with boiled rice. Put an apricot in the centre of each, having removed the stone. Draw the cloths together, tie securely, and steam for ten or fifteen minutes. Remove the cloths and serve with a sauce made from fruit syrup. Almost any other fruit may be used instead of apricots.
SWEET PANCAKESMix two tablespoonfuls of flour with a few drops of orange-flower water and a few grains of salt. Add the yolks of four eggs, well-beaten, and the whites of two. Fry by tablespoonfuls in butter, turning once, and sprinkling with sugar. Or, spread with jelly, roll up, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
STEWED PEARS WITH RICEPeel, split, and core four large pears and cook until tender with two cupfuls of claret and one cupful of sugar. Boil half a cupful of rice until soft in milk to cover, sweetening and flavoring to taste. Spread the rice in a serving-dish, arrange the pears upon it, reduce the syrup by rapid boiling, pour over, and serve ice cold. Other fruits may be used in the same way.
VANITIESBeat two eggs very light, add a pinch of salt, and flour to roll. Roll as thin as possible, cut into fancy shapes and fry brown in deep fat. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
VIRGINIA PUFFSCream half a cupful of butter with a cupful of sugar, add the beaten yolks of four eggs, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and sift in a cupful of cornstarch and two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, alternating with the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in buttered gem-pans, hissing hot, in a quick oven. Serve with any preferred sauce.
Apples, served whole, 22;
à la Condé, 23;
à la Cherbourg, 23;
à la Fermière, 23;
à la Française, 23;
à la Ninon, 24;
baked, 24-26;
boiled, 27;
coddled, 27;
dried, 27;
fried, 27;
in casserole, 28;
in rice-cups, 28;
jellied, 29;
sauce, 29;
stewed, 30
Apricots, canned, 30;
dried, 31;
sauce, 31
Asbestos mats, for protection, 9
Asparagus, with eggs, 93, 114
Bacon, with eggs, 74;
broiled, 74;
breaded, 74;
with mush, 75;
fraise, 75;
à la crême, 75;
scrambled, 98;
omelet, 117
Bananas, 20, 31;
baked, 31;
au naturel, 31;
with sugar and cream, 31;
with oranges, 32;
with cereal, 32
Barley, gruel, 41;
boiled, 41;
steamed, 41
Beef, balls, 72;
hash, 72;
frizzled, 72;
à la Newport, 73;
corned, hash, 73;
creamed, 74;
with scrambled eggs, 93;
omelet, 116
Beverages, how to serve, 186
Café Glacé, 189
Chocolate, 189
Cocoa, 189
Coffee, with cream, 4;
boiled, 188
Tea, 190
Birds’ nests, 104
Blackberries, 20;
how to serve, 32
Breakfasts, general rules for, 12
Brewis, how to make, 41-2
Brioche, paste, 148;
rolls, 149;
buns, 149;
breakfast cake, 150
Buckwheat cakes, 162-172. See Pancakes.
Buns, brioche, 149;
bath, 150;
English bath, 151;
hot cross, 151
Calf’s brains, directions for cooking, 75
Canapés, thirty-five varieties, 244-251
Canton flannel, for protection, 9
Celery, creamed with eggs, 95
Centrepieces, how placed, 10
Cereals, soaked over night, 7;
with fruit, 22, 32, 33, 43-4;
uncooked, 39;
moulded, 40;
cold, 43
Boiled barley, 41
Corn, 89, 128-132
Farina, 40, 45
Flummery, 46
Grits, 46
Hominy, 40, 135
Oatmeal, 40, 142
Pearled barley, 40
Pearled wheat, 40
Rice, 54, 144
Rolled wheat, 40
Rye, 144
Samp, 56
Wheatlets, 54
Chafing-dish, for breakfast, 7
Charleston breakfast cake, 133
Cheese, 96;
with baked eggs, 101;
omelet, 116
Cherries, 20;
cold, 32;
iced, 32;
crusts, 33
Chicken, hash, 76;
directions for cooking, 76;
liver scramble, 96;
creamed with poached eggs, 100;
scramble, 105;
omelet, 116
China, for breakfast, 11
Chocolate, directions for making, 189
Clam, with omelet, 115
Cocoa, directions for making, 189
Codfish, balls, standing over night, 7;
how to prepare, 58;
picked up, 60;
creamed, 60;
roast, 61;
à la mode, 61;
New England salt, 62;
boiled with egg sauce, 62;
with brown butter, 62;
cutlet, 63;
flaked salt, 63;
puff, 64;
escalloped, 64;
scrambled, 107
Coffee, with cream, 4;
boiled, 188-9;
Café glacé, 189
Coffee cakes, Baba à la Parisienne, 173;
German, 174;
Austrian, 174;
Hungarian royal, 175;
French, 175;
Vienna, 176;
Berlin, 177;
quick, 178
Corn, mush, 43;
meal, 42;
how to prepare, 89;
pone, 125;
muffins, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131;
bread, 126-7;
dodgers, 127, 128, 130;
with rice, 129;
puffs, 131;
with fruit, 131;
with hominy, 132
Crabs, scrambled with eggs, 98;
omelet, 115
Crullers, directions for making, 178
Currants, 20;
how to serve, 33
Date gems, 133
Desserts, simple, 459-530
Baked Fruit, 517 ff.
Frozen Dainties, 482 ff.
Apricot ice, 482
Banana ice-cream, 482
Café parfait, 482
Caramel ice-cream, 482
Ceylon ice, 483
Cherry ice, 483
Chocolate ice-cream, 483
Coffee ice-cream, 483
Grape ice-cream, 483
Lemon ice, 484
Macaroon ice-cream, 484
Maple ice-cream, 484
Orange sherbet, 484
Peach ice-cream, 484
Raspberry ice, 485
Strawberry ice-cream, 485
Jellied, 485 ff.
Chocolate cream, 486
Coffee, 485
Custard, 486
Fruit, 486
Lemon, 487
Rhubarb, 487
Vanilla cream, 488
Wine, 487
Miscellaneous, 459 ff.
Almond cream, 472
Apples à la Ninon, 516
Apple Brownies, 516
Apple charlotte, 469
Apple fluff, 516
Apple roll, 517
Apple snow, 517
Banana float, 519
Banana trifle, 519-520
Blackberry sponge, 520
Blanc mange, 459-462
Blueberry cake, 462
Charlotte Russe, 468
Charlottes, 469, 470
Chocolate cake, 462, 463
Chocolate tapioca, 520
Cobblers, 471
Cocoanut cake, 463
Compote of figs, 472
Cream cake, 463, 464
Creams, 472-477
Custards, 477-480
Devil’s food cake, 465
Doughnuts, 480
Dumplings, 481
Fig loaf cake, 465
Floating island, 521
French pancakes, 521
Fritter batter, 481
Fritters, 481
Fruit cake, 466
Fruit puffs, 521
Fruit roll, 522
Honey cake, 466
Jellied peaches, 523-524
Junket, 524
Lemon sponge, 524
Marguerites, 466
Moonshine, 524
Nut cake, 467
Orange snow, 524
Plum roll, 526
Quince fluff, 527
Raspberry, 467
Snow balls, 529
Spice cake, 467
Sponge cake, 468
Strawberry meringue, 528
Tea cake, 468
Vanities, 530
Virginia puffs, 530
Pies, 488 ff.
Apple, 488
Apricot, 489
Chocolate, 489
Cocoanut, 489
Cranberry, 489
Cream, 490
Currant, 490
Gooseberry, 490
Lemon, 490, 491
Peach, 491
Prune, 491
Pumpkin, 491
Rhubarb, 492
Strawberry, 492
Puddings, 492 ff.
Apple, 492
Apricot, 493
Baltimore, 493
Bird’s nest, 493
Blackberry, 493-494
Bread, 494
Cabinet, 495
California, 495
Caramel, 495
Cherry, 496
Chocolate, 496
Christmas, 497
Cornstarch, 497
Cottage, 498
Cracker, 497
Currant, 498
Custard, 498
Danish, 499
Date, 499
Farina, 500
Fruit, 500
Lemon, 501
New England, 501
Orange, 501
Peach, 502
Pineapple, 503
Prune, 503
Quince, 504
Raspberry, 504
Red sago, 504
Rice, 505, 506
Sago, 506
Snow, 506
Spice, 507
Sponge, 507
Strawberry, 507
Tapioca, 508
Short Cakes, 509 ff.
Fruit souffles, 510
Peach, 509
Prune, 510
Strawberry, 510
Tarts, 511 ff.
Apple, 511
Apricot, 511
Cherry, 511
Chocolate, 512
Fruit, 512
German, 512
Gooseberry, 512
Grape, 513
Neapolitan, 513
Peach, 513, 514
Plum, 514
Raspberry, 515
Rhubarb, 515
Doilies, on a bare table, 9;
easily washed, 9
Doughnuts, plain, 178;
raised, 179;
light, 179;
raised fruit, 180
Early rising, its benefits, 6-7
Eggs, how to test, 91
à l’aurore, 96
à la bonne femme, 105
à la bourgeoise, 105
à la crême, 94-95
à la Espagnole, 107
à la maître d’hôtel, 103
à la Martin, 110
à la Paysanne, 96
à la St. Catherine, 106
à la tripe, 95
à la Waldorf, 109
à la Washington, 107
Au miroir, 95
Baked, 101-102, 108
Boiled, 100
Coddled, 102
Escalloped, 110
Fried, 94
In ambush, 103
In crusts, 100-101
In peppers, 106
In ramekins, 101
Japanese, 109
Mexican, 99
Omelets, 111-120
Pimento scramble, 107
Poached, 92, 106, 110
Rumbled, 109
Scrambled, 92, 93, 97-99
Spanish, 99-100
Steamed, 108
Sur le plat, 104
Surprise, 108
Swiss, 104-105
Whipped, 109
Eggplant, fried, 87
English menus, for breakfast, 1, 2
Farina, directions for cooking, 40;
apple, 44;
balls, 45;
fairy, 45;
jellied, 45;
mush, 46
Figs, 20;
for breakfast, 33;
stewed, 33
Finger-bowls, with plain water, 11
Finnan haddie, 64;
à la Martin, 65;
picked-up, 65;
creamed roast, 66
Fish, salt, 58;
balls, 58;
broiled, 58
Cod, 60
Finnan haddie, 64
Haddock, 66
Herring, 66
Mackerel, 67
Salmon, 70
Sixty ways to cook, 297-315
Bass, 297, 298
Bluefish, 299
Bouillon, 297
Codfish, 300
Finnan haddie, 301
Frogs’ legs, 301
Haddock, 302
Halibut, 303
Mackerel, 304
Pike, 304
Salmon, 304-307
Salmon-trout, 308
Sardines, 308
Shad, 308, 309
Shad roe, 309, 310
Smelts, 310, 311
Trout, 311
Turbot, 311-312
Whitefish, 312, 313
Flummery, directions for cooking, 46
Fruit, 3;
prepared for serving, 7;
various kinds of, 20;
dried, 21;
canned, 21;
combined with cereals, 22
Apples, 22-30
Apricots, 30-31
Bananas, 31-32
Blackberries, 32
Cherries, 32
Currants, 33
Figs, 33
Gooseberries, 34
Grapefruit, 34
Grapes, 34
Green gages, 35
Huckleberries, 35
Melons, 35
Oranges, 35
Peaches, 36
Pears, 36
Pineapple, 36
Plums, 32
Prunelles, 36-37
Prunes, 37
Quinces, 37
Raspberries, 37
Rhubarb, 37-38
Strawberries, 37
Tangerines, 38
Watermelon, 38
Gooseberries, 20;
how to serve, 34
Graham, biscuit, 133;
puffs, 134;
muffins, 134;
drop cakes, 134
Graham flour mush, 49;
with apples, 50
Grapefruit, 20;
how to serve, 34
Grapes, 20;
how to serve, 34
Grits, 46;
fried, 47
Haddock, baked, 66;
smoked, 66
Ham, fried, 76;
frizzled, 76;
with eggs, 76, 102;
broiled, 76;
balls, 77;
toast, 77;
réchauffé, 77;
omelet, 114
Herring, balls, 66;
Potomac, 67;
kippered, 67;
broiled, 67
Hominy, directions for cooking, 40;
boiled, 48;
balls, 48;
fried, 48;
with milk, 48;
steamed, 48;
porridge, 49;
muffins, 135;
drop cakes, 135;
griddle cakes, 168;
waffles, 182
Huckleberries, 20;
how to serve, 35
Hulled corn, directions for cooking, 43
Johnny cake, with apple, 130
Kidney, with bacon, 78;
fried, 78;
en brochette, 78;
crumbed, 79;
devilled, 79;
stewed, 79-80;
à la terrapin, 80;
maître d’hôtel, 80;
scrambled, 98;
omelet, 116
Kitchen Rubaiyat, 15-18
Lamb, minced, 80;
broiled liver, 81
Liver, with bacon, 81;
à la crême, 81;
hash, 81;
boulettes, 82
Lobster, scramble, with eggs, 97;
omelet, 115
Mackerel, broiled, 67;
creamed, 68;
baked, 69
Maple syrup, 16
Meat and Poultry, one hundred and fifty ways to cook, 316-365
Beef, 316 ff.
à la mode, 327-328
à la Newport, 325-326
Fricadelles, 327
Liver, 324
Pie, 328
Pot roast, 319
Ragout, 321
Steaks, various varieties of, 316-319
Stews, 321-323
Turkish, 329
Mutton and Lamb, 329 ff.
Blanquette of, 332
Boiled, 336
Braised, 331
Broiled, 333
Chops, 329
Croquettes, 337
Curried, 332
Cutlets, 330
Pie, 330
Ragout, 333
Shepherd’s pie, 339
Tongue, 335, 336
Pork, 340 ff.
à la Maryland, 341
Baked, 341, 344
Breaded, 342
Broiled, 342
Frankfurters, 340
Mock duck, 342
Roast, 340, 343, 344
Sausage, 340
Veal, 345 ff.
à la maître d’hôtel, 345
Braised, 351
Chops, 346
Croquettes, 353
Cutlets, 346, 347
Jellied, 351
Koenigsberger Klops, 352
Liver in casserole, 345
Mock terrapin, 353
Roast, 349, 350
Stewed, 348, 349
Stuffed, 349
Tongue, 346
Chicken, 353 ff.
à la Créole, 358
à la Waldorf, 360
Broiled, 353
Croquettes, 360
Curried, 357
Fricassee, 355-356
Fried, 353, 354
Jellied, 359
Mayonnaise of, 359
Pie, 356
Pressed, 359
Roast, 357
Stewed, 354, 355
Duck, 361 ff.
Braised, 361
Roast, 361
Goose, 361 ff.
Roast, 361
Turkey, 362 ff.
Croquettes, 363
Escalloped, 363, 364
Jellied, 362
Loaf, 364
Roast, 362, 363
Pigeon, 364 ff.
Broiled, 365
Pie, 364
Meats, directions for cooking, 72;
with rice balls, 82
Bacon, 75
Beef, 72
Calf’s brains, 75
Chicken hash, 76
Ham, 76
Kidney, 78
Lamb, 80
Liver, 81
Pork, 83
Tripe, 85
Veal, 86
Melons, 20;
how to serve, 35
Morning labor reduced to minimum, 6
Muffins, 130, 135, 136;
with blueberries, 137;
with batter, 138;
Southern, 138;
with sour milk, 139;
with honey, 140;
Georgia, 140;
sweet, 141;
perfection, 141;
New Hampshire, 142;
with rice, 144;
with rye, 144;
with mush, 151-152
Mush, balls, 51;
velvet, 51;
with bacon, 75
Mushrooms, broiled, 87;
fried, 88;
baked, 88;
grilled, 88;
risk in picking, 89;
scramble, 97, 102
Napkins, for breakfast, 10;
of linen, 11
No breakfast theory, 3
Oatmeal, directions for cooking, 40;
gruel, 47;
mush, 49, 50;
steamed, 51;
jelly, 52;
creamed, 52;
blanc mange, 52;
light, 53;
baked, 53;
porridge, 53;
gems, 142
Omelet, directions for making, 111
à la crême, 117
Anchovy, 118
Asparagus, 114
Au fromage, 114
Aux fines herbes, 113
Bacon, 117
Blazing, 117
Bread, 117
Cauliflower, 118
Cheese, 116
Chicken, 118
Chicken liver, 116
Clam, 115
Dried beef, 116
Ham, 114
Jelly, 118
Kidney, 116
Mushroom, 114
Oyster, 115
Pea, 113
Potato, 119
Sardine, 116
Sausage, 116
Shrimp, 115
Spanish, 118
Tomato sauce, 114
Tongue, 118
Oranges, 20;
with bananas, 32;
in halves, 35;
sliced, 36
Oysters, scramble, 96
Pancakes, directions for making, 160;
Southern buckwheat cakes, 162;
Kentucky buckwheat cakes, 162;
with sour milk, 163, 171;
with crumbs, 163;
with blueberries, 163;
corn-meal, 163;
green corn, 165;
Danish, 165;
flannel, 166;
French, 166;
feather, 166;
fruit, 167;
Graham, 167;
hominy, 168;
Maryland, 168;
potato, 168;
raised, 168-169;
Southern rice, 169;
strawberry, 170;
wheat, 172
Peaches, 20;
served with cracked ice, 36
Pearled barley, directions for cooking, 40
Pearled wheat, directions for cooking, 40
Pears, 20;
how to serve, 36
Peppers, with eggs, 106
Pineapples, 20;
how to serve, 36
Plums, green gage, 20;
how to serve, 35
Popovers directions for making, 142, 143
Pork, fried salt, 83;
scrapple, 83;
sausage, 83
Porridge, made of corn and wheat, 42-43
Potatoes, twenty ways to cook, 366-372
Prunelles, how to serve, 36
Prunes, how to serve, 37
Puffs, with corn, 131;
with milk and butter, 143
Quick Breads, made of baking powder, 121-146
Buttermilk biscuit, 122
Colonial breakfast, 124
Corn dodgers, 127
Corn muffins, 126
Egg biscuit, 122
English buns, 125
Johnny cake, 127
Kentucky batter, 124
New York biscuit, 123
Soft batter, 124
Sour milk biscuit, 122
Southern batter, 123
Southern corn pone, 125-126
Spoon, 123
Quinces, 21;
baked, 37
Ramekins, used for eggs, 101
Raspberries, 21;
how to serve, 37
Rhubarb, 21;
stewed, 37;
baked, 38;
with raisins, 38
Rice, directions for cooking, 54;
boiled with milk, 55;
balls, 55;
steamed, 55;
waffles, 184
Rolled wheat, directions for cooking, 40
Rolls, finger, 152;
French, 153;
Kentucky, 153;
Alabama, 153;
corn, 154;
Parker House, 154;
whole wheat, 155;
Swedish, 156;
Paris, 156
Rusk, how to make, 157;
Georgia, 157
Rye crisps, 144
Rye mush, directions for cooking, 50
Salads, 431-458
Cheese, 455, 456
Dressing, 431 ff.
Boiled, 433 ff.
Club, 434
Cream, 433-434
Curry, 435
Egg, 434
French, 431-432
German, 434
Mayonnaise, 432
Egg, 454, 455
Fish, 435 ff.
Anchovy, 435
Clam, 436
Sardine, 436
Shrimp, 436
Fruit, 447 ff.
Alligator pear, 447
Apple, 447, 448
Apricot, 448
Banana, 449
Cantaloupe, 449
Cherry, 449, 450
Grape, 450
Grapefruit, 450, 451
Macedoine, 451, 452
Orange, 452, 453
Peach, 453
Pear, 453
Pineapple, 453, 454
Nut, 456-458
Vegetable, 437 ff.
Artichoke, 437
Asparagus, 437
Bean, 437, 438
Beet, 438
Brussels sprouts, 438
Cabbage, 438
Carrot, 439
Cauliflower, 439
Celery, 439, 440
Chickory, 440
Chiffonade, 440
Cress, 440
Cucumber, 440, 441
Endive, 441
Lettuce, 442
Mushroom, 442
Onion, 442
Pea, 443
Pepper, 443
Pimento, 442
Potato, 444
Radish, 445
Salsify, 445
Spinach, 445
Tomato, 446, 447
Waldorf, 447
Sally Lunn, 145;
Southern, 158
Salmon, broiled, salt, 70;
smoked, 70;
kippered, 70;
fried, 71
Samp, 56
Sardines, with eggs, 99, 116
Sauces, thirty simple, 423-430
Allemande, 423
Béarnaise, 423-424
Béchamel, 424
Brown, 424
Butter, 424
Caper, 425
Cheese, 425
Colbert, 425
Cream, 425
Curry, 425
Dutch, 426
Duxelles, 426
Egg, 426
Hollandaise, 426
Italian, 427
Madeira, 427
Maître d’Hôtel, 427
Mint, 427
Mushroom, 428
Parsley, 428
Piquante, 428
Remoulade, 428
Tartar, 429
Tomato, 429 ff.
Velouté, 430
Vinaigrette, 430
Sausage, with eggs, 98, 116
Scones, 145;
Scotch, 146
Shell-fish, fifty ways to cook, 281-296
Clams, 281 ff.
à la Marquise, 281
Cocktail, 282
Connecticut, 282
Creamed, 282
Devilled, 282
Escalloped, 283
Crabs, 283 ff.
à la Créole, 284
à la St. Laurence, 284
Baked, 283
Croquettes, 285
Fricassee, 286
Stuffed, 286
Lobster, 286 ff.
à la Newburg, 287
Broiled, 286
Casserole, 288
Devilled, 287
Escalloped, 287
Wiggle, 288
Oysters, 288 ff.
à la Madrid, 293
Baked, 288
Broiled, 289
Creole, 289
Curried, 289
Devilled, 290
Escalloped, 290
Stew, 292
Scallops, 293 ff.
Fried, 293
Shrimps, 294 ff.
à la Créole, 295
Creamed, 294
Curried, 294
Jellied, 294
Mayonnaise of, 295
Wiggle, 296
Shrimps, scrambled with eggs, 98;
omelet, 115
Snowballs, 145
Soups, one hundred varieties, 252-280
Beef, 252 ff.
Barley, 252
Black bean, 252
Boston, 252
Creole, 253
English spinach, 253
Italian, 253-254
Julienne, 254
Noodle, 254
Quick, 254-255
Rice, 255
Spanish, 255
Veal, 255
Wrexham, 256