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The Myrtle Reed Cook Book
Mix one cupful of diced cucumbers with two cupfuls of finely cut celery and half a can of drained mushrooms. Add three chopped hard-boiled eggs and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise.
CUCUMBER SALAD – IIICut three cucumbers into dice. Mix with one cupful of finely cut olives, three hard-boiled eggs, and three-fourths cupful of broken pecans or English walnuts. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise. Pickled nasturtium seeds or French peas may be added.
CUCUMBER JELLY SALADSlice two cucumbers and cook until soft in water to cover, with a slice of onion and salt and pepper to season. Take from the fire, and add half a package of soaked and dissolved gelatine. Line a mould with thin slices of cucumber, fill with the jelly, and chill. Serve on lettuce with either French dressing or Mayonnaise.
ENDIVE SALADFill a salad bowl with small crisp leaves of endive and serve with French dressing or Mayonnaise. Sprinkle with minced chives if desired.
LETTUCE SALAD – IQuarter crisp heads of lettuce and serve individually with Mayonnaise.
LETTUCE SALAD – IICut head lettuce in quarters, sprinkle with minced chives and parsley, and serve with French dressing which may be seasoned with onion or garlic.
MUSHROOM SALADCut canned mushrooms into small pieces and serve on lettuce with French dressing, sprinkling with minced chives and parsley.
ONION SALAD – ISlice peeled Spanish onions very thin, crisp in ice-water, drain, wipe dry, and serve on lettuce with French dressing, sprinkling with minced parsley if desired.
ONION SALAD – IIMix sliced Spanish onion with twice the quantity of sliced and broken sour apples. Mix with Mayonnaise and serve on lettuce.
PIMENTO SALADMix shredded pimentos with quartered hard-boiled eggs, sliced olives, and pearl onions. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise.
PEA SALAD – IMix cooked and drained peas with diced cooked carrots and finely cut celery. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise.
PEA SALAD – IIMix cooked peas with cut walnut meats, marinate in French dressing, drain, and serve in lemon-cups on lettuce with a spoonful of Mayonnaise on top.
PEPPER SALAD – IChop a very small onion fine with twice the quantity of parsley. Add two small red peppers and eight sweet green peppers finely minced. Pour over a French dressing, seasoning with a pinch of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of salt. Serve ice-cold on lettuce leaves.
PEPPER SALAD – IIMix sliced Spanish onions with seeded and sliced sweet green peppers and serve on lettuce with French dressing.
PEPPER SALAD – IIISlice the tops from green peppers, remove seeds and veins, and soak in boiling water for fifteen minutes. Drain, chill, and fill with finely cut celery mixed with Mayonnaise. Shredded cabbage may be used instead of the celery or mixed with it.
POTATO SALAD – IMix diced cooked potatoes with one-fourth the quantity of diced boiled beets. Serve on lettuce with French dressing or Mayonnaise, garnishing with anchovies and small pickles, or in a mould of aspic.
POTATO SALAD – IIMix two cupfuls of diced boiled potatoes with half a cupful of finely cut celery and an apple. Marinate in French dressing and serve Mayonnaise separately if desired.
POTATO SALAD – IIIMix sliced cold potatoes with finely cut pickled walnuts and chives or onions. Serve with French dressing, seasoned slightly with sage.
POTATO SALAD – IVSlice cold cooked potatoes and season with minced onion and parsley. Pour over a French dressing and let stand two hours on ice before serving. Serve very cold and pass Mayonnaise if desired.
POTATO SALAD – VMix half a cupful of vinegar, one-fourth cupful of cold water, two eggs well-beaten, one tablespoonful of sugar, and three tablespoonfuls of butter, with salt and pepper to season. Cook until thick in a double boiler, stirring constantly; take from the fire, cool, and mix with a little cream. An entire cupful of cream may be used if desired. Mix with sliced boiled potatoes, seasoned with chopped onion and parsley.
RADISH SALADMix sliced radishes with bits of sour apple, marinate in French dressing, drain, and mix with Mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce.
RADISH SALAD – IISlice crisp radishes and mix with minced chives or sliced spring onions and serve with French dressing.
SALSIFY SALADCook sliced salsify in salted and acidulated water with a bit of onion and a bay-leaf and a sprig of parsley. Drain, marinate in French dressing, and serve on cress or lettuce with Mayonnaise. Garnish with minced parsley and sliced oranges.
SPINACH SALAD – IMould cold cooked spinach in small cups. Turn out on lettuce, garnish with hard-boiled eggs and bits of cooked ham or tongue. Serve with Mayonnaise or French dressing.
SPINACH SALAD – IISeason cooked chopped spinach with salt, pepper, oil, and lemon-juice, and mould in small moulds. Turn out on thin slices of cold boiled tongue and serve with Tartar Sauce.
TOMATO SALAD – IPeel and quarter large tomatoes and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise. Marinate first in French dressing if desired.
TOMATO SALAD – IIFill a salad bowl with alternate layers of sliced tomatoes and cucumbers and serve with French dressing or Mayonnaise. Crisp lettuce may be added.
TOMATO SALAD – IIIMix sliced tomatoes with lettuce and fresh Roquefort cheese broken into small bits. Serve with lettuce and French dressing to which minced garlic has been added.
STUFFED TOMATO SALAD – IMix equal quantities of diced cucumber, tomato pulp, and cooked peas with a few capers and a little chopped pickle. Add a little cooked chicken, cut in dice, mix with Mayonnaise, fill tomato-shells, and serve on lettuce.
STUFFED TOMATO SALAD – IIChop cucumbers and mix with sweet green peppers, seasoning with grated onion. Mix with thick Mayonnaise, fill tomato-shells, and serve on lettuce with French dressing or Mayonnaise.
STUFFED TOMATO SALAD – IIIStuff tomato-shells with chopped celery and nuts, which may be mixed with Mayonnaise, and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise.
TOMATO JELLY SALADCook eight tomatoes with a slice of onion, six cloves, and salt and pepper to season. Rub through a sieve, and add half a package of soaked and dissolved gelatine. Mould in small cups, and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise. Or, place small peeled tomatoes in moulds and fill with any desired aspic. Turn out and serve with Mayonnaise. Yellow tomatoes may be used in the same way.
WALDORF SALADMix finely cut celery and apples with broken English walnuts. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise, or fill bright red apples from which the pulp has been removed.
ALLIGATOR PEAR SALADMix sliced alligator pears with sliced or quartered hard-boiled eggs and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise.
APPLE SALAD – ISlice the tops from large red apples and scoop out the pulp. Mix with finely cut celery, broken English walnuts, and Mayonnaise made without mustard. Fill the apple shells, put on the lids, and serve on lettuce leaves.
APPLE SALAD – IIMix sliced boiled chestnuts with finely cut celery and apples. Serve on lettuce with French dressing made with lemon-juice.
APPLE SALAD – IIIMix bits of apple with an equal quantity of orange pulp and add a few sliced maraschino cherries. Serve in the orange shells with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream. Shredded pineapple may be added.
APPLE SALAD – IVMix finely cut apples, celery, and shredded green peppers with broken English walnuts, blanched almonds, or pecans. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard to which whipped cream has been added.
APRICOT SALADPeel and split apricots. Fill the hulls with chopped maraschino cherries and nuts and serve on lettuce with French dressing made with wine.
BANANA SALAD – IPeel one section from the skin of ripe bananas, take out the pulp, mix with French dressing made with lemon-juice, fill the shells and serve on lettuce, sprinkling with chopped nuts if desired. Mayonnaise may be used instead of French dressing.
BANANA SALAD – IIRemove one section of the banana peel and scoop out the pulp. Mix with shredded orange or grapefruit, seeded and peeled white grapes, and a few broken nuts. Stoned cherries may be added if desired. Mix with Mayonnaise made without mustard and serve on lettuce in the banana skins.
CANTALOUPE SALADScoop out the pulp from ripe cantaloupes, drain, and mix with pounded ice. Serve in the shells immediately with French dressing made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
CHERRY SALAD – IStuff maraschino cherries or white California canned cherries or large sweet cherries with blanched hazel nuts, and serve ice cold on lettuce, with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
CHERRY SALAD – IIMix sliced black or maraschino cherries with shredded pineapple and blanched hazel nuts. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
GRAPE SALAD – IMix peeled and seeded white grapes with finely cut celery and broken walnut meats and serve on lettuce with French dressing made with lemon-juice, or Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
GRAPE SALAD – IIMix peeled and seeded white grapes with orange pulp, finely cut celery, and broken nuts. Or, mix pineapple, celery, and pecans. Serve on lettuce with French dressing made with lemon-juice or wine, or with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
GRAPEFRUIT SALAD – IMix grapefruit pulp with broken English walnuts, hickory nuts, or pecans. Mix with Mayonnaise made without mustard, fill the grapefruit shells, and serve on lettuce.
GRAPEFRUIT SALAD – IIMix the pulp of three grapefruits and one large orange with two sliced bananas and half a cupful of maraschino cherries. Serve with French dressing made with lemon-juice or orange-juice, or Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream. Garnish with white grapes, or add peeled and seeded white grapes to the salad.
GRAPEFRUIT SALAD – IIIMix the pulp of one grapefruit with two cupfuls of diced apples and serve on lettuce with French dressing made with the grapefruit juice. Or, mix the drained grapefruit pulp with broken English walnuts and serve in the shell with French dressing made of the juice, or Mayonnaise made without mustard. Garnish either salad with white grapes and nuts.
MACEDOINE SALAD – IMix peeled and seeded white grapes with equal quantities of strawberries, raspberries, sliced bananas, oranges, and pineapples, any or all. Serve with French dressing made with wine, or Mayonnaise made without mustard, adding whipped cream if desired.
MACEDOINE SALAD – IIMix sliced bananas with maraschino cherries and season with sherry, or mix pineapple, oranges, white grapes, and plums, and season with white wine. Serve on lettuce with French dressing made with lemon-juice, or Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
MACEDOINE SALAD – IIIMix shredded pineapple and apples with finely cut strawberries, bananas, cherries, peeled and seeded white grapes, and bits of orange pulp. Add chopped almonds or peanuts and serve with French dressing made with lemon-juice.
ORANGE SALAD – IMix sliced oranges and bananas with broken English walnuts and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream. Or, use oranges, bananas, pineapple, and peeled and seeded white grapes.
ORANGE SALAD – IIMix shredded pineapple, sliced bananas, orange pulp, and maraschino cherries. Season with sherry and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream. The cherries and bananas may be omitted.
ORANGE SALAD – IIIArrange thinly sliced oranges on cress, sprinkle with chopped nuts and serve with French dressing made with lemon-juice, or with Mayonnaise made without mustard.
ORANGE SALAD – IVArrange sliced oranges on lettuce and sprinkle with blanched and broken English walnuts. A little chopped celery may be added. Serve with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
PEACH SALAD – IPeel and split ripe peaches, cover thickly with chopped almonds, and serve on lettuce with French dressing made with orange juice, or Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
PEACH SALAD – IIMix finely cut peaches with sliced bananas and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
PEAR SALADMix sliced pears with chopped candied ginger and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and mixed with a little whipped cream.
PINEAPPLE SALAD – ICut off the top of a ripe pineapple and scoop out the pulp carefully. Cut it fine, mix with sliced bananas and stoned cherries, and with stiff Mayonnaise made without mustard. Fill the pineapple shell and put on the top. Pass with it Mayonnaise whitened with whipped cream.
PINEAPPLE SALAD – IIMix shredded pineapple with finely cut celery and broken English walnuts. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
PINEAPPLE SALAD – IIIMix shredded pineapple with peeled and quartered tomatoes, figs soaked in sherry and cut into dice, and broken English walnut meats. Serve ice cold on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
EGG SALAD – IMix finely cut celery with the shredded whites of hard-boiled eggs. Mash the yolks to a smooth paste with sardines, moistening with oil, and shape into balls. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise, using the balls as a garnish.
EGG SALAD – IIArrange quartered hard-boiled egg on lettuce and pour over Mayonnaise mixed with salmon which has been rubbed to a smooth paste with a little oil. Caviare, sardines, or anchovy paste may be used instead of the salmon.
EGG SALAD – IIICut fine three hard-boiled eggs and four stalks of celery. Serve on lettuce with French dressing or Mayonnaise.
CHEESE SALAD – IRub cottage cheese to a smooth paste with cream, butter, and salt. Rub a salad bowl with cut garlic and fill with chickory or endive. Add the cheese balls and quartered hard-boiled eggs, with onion-juice to season. Serve with French dressing.
CHEESE SALAD – IIMix cottage cheese with chopped olives and make to a smooth paste with oil and lemon-juice, seasoning with salt and paprika. Shape into balls and serve on lettuce or endive with French or Mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with olives.
CHEESE SALAD – IIIMix one cupful of broken American cheese, three Neufchatel cheeses cut into small pieces, ten olives or pimolas sliced, and three finely cut pimentos. Season with salt and paprika, moisten with cream, and serve on lettuce with French dressing to which grated horseradish has been added. Garnish with pimentos cut in fancy shapes.
CHEESE SALAD – IVMix two cream cheeses to a smooth paste with chopped nuts and minced parsley and roll into small balls. Arrange in nests of crisp lettuce and serve with Mayonnaise.
NUT SALADMix equal parts of finely cut celery and apple with half the quantity of broken nuts, using almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, or salted almonds or peanuts. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise made without mustard.
ALMOND SALADStone and chop six olives. Add half a cupful of blanched almonds cut fine and half a cupful of finely cut celery. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise from which the mustard may be omitted, and to which a little whipped cream may be added.
CHESTNUT SALAD – IShell and blanch large chestnuts and cook until soft. Cool and serve on lettuce with French dressing made with lemon-juice, or with Mayonnaise made without mustard. Serve very cold. Broken English walnuts may be added if desired.
CHESTNUT SALAD – IIShell, blanch, and boil until tender one pint of chestnuts. Drain, cool, and serve on lettuce with French dressing made with lemon-juice. Dust with hard-boiled egg yolks rubbed through a sieve, and garnish with shredded whites.
CHESTNUT SALAD – IIIMix boiled chestnuts with bananas and oranges, or English walnuts with cheese and celery, or with apples and figs, or with cream cheese and figs, or pecans with apples, celery, and cream cheese. Serve with French dressing made with wine or lemon-juice or with Mayonnaise made without mustard and whitened with whipped cream.
PEANUT SALADChop peanuts fine and mix to a smooth paste with Mayonnaise. Spread on sliced tomatoes or fill tomato-shells and serve on lettuce.
PECAN SALADMix half a cupful each of broken pecans and chopped olives with one and one-half cupfuls of finely cut celery, and half of a red or green pepper chopped fine. Serve on lettuce or in pepper-shells with Mayonnaise.
WALNUT SALAD – IMix equal quantities of finely cut celery and broken English walnuts or pecans and marinate in French dressing. Serve in a border of shredded lettuce and pass Mayonnaise if desired.
WALNUT SALAD – IIMix two cupfuls of finely cut celery with the grated rind of an orange and a dozen chopped walnut meats. Mix with stiff mayonnaise made without mustard and serve in apple shells, adding some of the apple pulp if desired. Serve on lettuce and pass mayonnaise.
BLANC MANGEThicken a quart of milk with four tablespoonfuls of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little of it. Add a teaspoonful of salt, and sugar and flavoring to taste. Mould, chill, and serve with a sauce made of a cupful of jam or jelly thoroughly mixed with the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth.
ALMOND BLANC MANGEThicken a quart of boiling milk with three tablespoonfuls of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little cold milk. Add four tablespoonfuls of sugar, a pinch of salt, and a few drops of lemon extract. When smooth and thick, add half a cupful or more of split blanched almonds, mould, chill, and serve with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored to taste.
CHERRY BLANC MANGEStone a quart of cherries and stew, sweetening heavily. Thicken with one level tablespoonful of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little cold water, and cook until smooth and thick, stirring constantly. Mould, chill, and serve with sugar and cream. Other fruits may be used in the same way.
CHOCOLATE BLANC MANGEThicken a quart of milk with four level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little of it, add a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of vanilla, sugar to taste, and a square of bitter chocolate grated and cooked to a smooth paste in a little boiling water. Cook, while stirring, until smooth and thick, mould, chill, and serve with custard or whipped cream.
CREAM BLANC MANGEThicken one and one-half cupfuls of milk with two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little milk and add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Take from the fire, flavor to taste, mould and chill. Make a custard of one and one-half cupfuls of milk, the beaten yolks of two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and flavoring to taste. Serve with the custard poured around the pudding.
COFFEE BLANC MANGEMix a cupful of very strong coffee with two cupfuls of boiling cream, sweeten to taste and add half a package of gelatine which has been soaked and dissolved. Mould, chill, and serve with whipped cream.
FRUIT BLANC MANGEHeat a quart of milk in a double boiler with half a cupful of cream and flavoring to taste. Add a package of gelatine which has been soaked and dissolved, and mould in layers, alternating with preserves or jam or crushed and sweetened fresh fruit. Chill and serve with a border of the fruit. Cover with whipped cream if desired. Cherries, peaches, strawberries, bananas, or pineapples may be used.
PEACH BLANC MANGEThicken two cupfuls of boiling milk with one tablespoonful of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little cold water. Add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, boil for five minutes, while stirring, take from the fire, add a tablespoonful of butter and the yolks of four eggs well-beaten. Butter a baking-dish, put in a pint of canned peaches, pour the cornstarch over and bake in a quick oven for half an hour. Take from the fire and cover with a meringue made of the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and sweetened to taste. Serve cold. Apples, apricots, cherries, figs, gooseberries, plums, pears, pineapples, quinces, rhubarb, and berries may be used in the same way.
VANILLA BLANC MANGESweeten a quart of boiling cream with a little syrup, add half a package of gelatine which has been soaked and dissolved, mould, chill, and serve with whipped cream.
BLUEBERRY CAKECream a tablespoonful of butter with a cupful of sugar, add an unbeaten egg and mix thoroughly. Add a cupful of milk, and two and one-half cupfuls of flour sifted with three teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Add a pinch of grated nutmeg and stir in lightly three cupfuls of blueberries. Turn into buttered pans and bake for thirty-five minutes in a hot oven.
BLUEBERRY TEA-CAKESSift two cupfuls of flour with a pinch of salt and two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Work into it a tablespoonful of butter, add the yolk of an egg beaten with half a cupful of sugar, and one cupful of milk. Fold in the stiffly beaten white of the egg and add a heaping cupful of blueberries, which have been dredged with flour. Bake for half an hour in muffin pans. Sour milk may be used with half a teaspoonful of soda instead of the baking-powder.
CHOCOLATE CAKEBeat the yolks of six eggs, add a cupful of sugar, and the grated rind and juice of half a lemon. Sift in half a cake of grated bitter chocolate, a teaspoonful of baking-powder, with a pinch each of cinnamon, and clove, and enough flour to make a thin batter. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and bake in layer-cake pans. Put together with currant jelly. Ice with frosting made of a beaten egg, a cupful of powdered sugar, and half a teaspoonful of vanilla.
CHOCOLATE CREAM CAKECream half a cupful of butter with one cupful of sugar, add the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs, and sift in one and one-half cupfuls of flour with a teaspoonful of baking-powder. Flavor with vanilla. Bake in a square tin. Boil one and one-half cupfuls of sugar with half a cupful of milk until the syrup makes a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Flavor with vanilla, stir until thick, spread on the cake and pour melted chocolate on top.
COCOANUT CAKECream half a cupful of butter with two cupfuls of sugar, add the beaten yolks of five eggs, a teaspoonful of vanilla, one cupful of milk and four cupfuls of flour sifted with a teaspoonful of soda and two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, add a cupful of shredded cocoanut soaked soft in milk, and bake in a moderate oven. Spread with boiled frosting, sprinkling thickly with grated cocoanut.