Jim: The Story of a Backwoods Police Dog
Jim: The Story of a Backwoods Police Dogполная версия

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Jim: The Story of a Backwoods Police Dog

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2017
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Over the next three or four hundred yards, however, nothing of significance was discovered by any of the party. Then, breaking through a dense screen of branches, Blackstock came upon the face of a rocky knoll, so steep, at that point, that hands and feet together would be needed to climb it. Casting his eyes upwards, he saw what looked like the entrance to a little cave.

A whistle brought the rest of the party to his side. A cave always holds possibilities, if nothing else. Blackstock spread his men out again, at intervals of three or four paces, and all went cautiously up the steep, converging on the entrance. Blackstock, in the centre, shielding himself behind a knob of rock, peered in.

The place was empty. It was hardly a cave, indeed, being little more than a shallow recess beneath an overhanging ledge. But it was well sheltered by a great branch which stretched upwards across the opening. Blackstock sniffed critically.

“A bear’s den,” he announced, stepping in and scrutinizing the floor.

The floor was naked rock, scantily littered with dead leaves and twigs. These, Blackstock concluded, had been recently disturbed, but he could find no clue to what had disturbed them. From the further side, however – to Blackstock’s right – a palpable trail, worn clear of moss and herbage, led off by a narrow ledge across the face of the knoll. Half a dozen paces further on the rock ended in a stretch of stiff soil. Here the trail declared itself. It was unmistakably that of a bear, and unmistakably, also, a fresh trail.

Waving the rest to stop where they were, Blackstock followed the clear trail down from the knoll, and for a couple of hundred yards along the level, going very slowly, and searching it hawk-eyed for some sign other than that of bear. At length he returned, looking slightly crestfallen.

“Nawthin’ at all but bear,” he announced in an injured voice. “But that bear seems to have been in a bit of a hurry, as if he was gittin’ out o’ somebody’s way – Black Dan’s way, it’s dollars to doughnuts. But where was Black Dan, that’s what I want to know?”

“Ef you don’t know, Tug,” said MacDonald, “who kin know?”

“Jim!” said the Deputy, rubbing his lean chin and biting off a big “chaw” of “blackjack.”

“Jim’s sure some dawg,” agreed MacDonald. “That was the only fool thing I ever know’d ye to do, Tug – sendin’ Jim after Black Dan that way.”

Blackstock swore, softly and intensely, though he was a man not given to that form of self-expression.

“Boys,” said he, “I used to fancy myself quite a lot. But now I begin to think Nipsiwaska County’d better be gittin’ a noo Deputy. I ain’t no manner o’ good.”

The men looked at him in frank astonishment. He had never before been seen in this mood of self-depreciation.

“Aw, shucks,” exclaimed Long Jackson presently, “there ain’t a man from here to the St. Lawrence as kin tech ye, an’ ye know it, Tug. Quit yer jollyin’ now. I believe ye’ve got somethin’ up yer sleeve, only ye won’t say so.”

At this expression of unbounded confidence Blackstock braced up visibly.

“Well, boys, there’s one thing I kin do,” said he. “I’m goin’ back to git Jim, ef I hev to fetch him in a wheelbarrow. We’ll find out what he thinks o’ the situation. I’ll take Saunders an’ Big Andy with me. You, Long, an’ Mac, you stop on here an’ lay low an’ see what turns up. But don’t go mussin’ up the trails.”


Jim proved to be so far recovered that he was able to hobble about a little on three legs, the fourth being skilfully bandaged so that he could not put his foot to the ground. It was obvious, however, that he could not make a journey through the woods and be any use whatever at the end of it. Blackstock, therefore, knocked together a handy litter for his benefit. And with very ill grace Jim submitted to being borne upon it.

Some twenty paces from that solitary boot-print which marked the end of Black Dan’s trail, Jim was set free from his litter and his attention directed to a bruised tuft of moss.

“Seek him,” said Blackstock.

The dog gave one sniff, and then with a growl of anger the hair lifted along his back, and he limped forward hurriedly.

“He’s got it in for Black Dan now,” remarked MacDonald. And the whole party followed with hopeful expectation, so great was their faith in Jim’s sagacity.

The dog, in his haste, overshot the end of the trail. He stopped abruptly, whined, sniffed about, and came back to the deep boot-print. All about it he circled, whimpering with impatience, but never going more than a dozen feet away from it. Then he returned, sniffed long and earnestly, and stood over it with drooping tail, evidently quite nonplussed.

“He don’t appear to make no more of it than you did, Tug,” said Long Jackson, much disappointed.

“Oh, give him time, Long,” retorted Blackstock. Then —

“Seek him! Seek him, good boy,” he repeated, waving Jim to the front.

Running with amazing briskness on his three sound legs, the dog began to quarter the undergrowth in ever-widening half-circles, while the men stood waiting and watching. At last, at a distance of several hundred yards, he gave a yelp and a growl, and sprang forward.

“Got it!” exclaimed Big Andy.

“Guess it’s only the trail o’ that there b’ar he’s struck,” suggested Jackson pessimistically.

“Jim, stop!” ordered Blackstock. And the dog stood rigid in his tracks while Blackstock hastened forward to see what he had found.

“Sure enough. It’s only the bear,” cried Blackstock, investigating the great footprint over which Jim was standing. “Come along back here, Jim, an’ don’t go foolin’ away yer time over a bear, jest now.”

The dog sniffed at the trail, gave another hostile growl, and reluctantly followed his master back. Blackstock made him smell the boot-print again. Then he said with emphasis, “Black Dan, Jim, it’s Black Dan we’re wantin’. Seek him, boy. Fetch him.

Jim started off on the same manœuvres as before, and at the same point as before he again gave a growl and a yelp and bounded forward.

Jim,” shouted the Deputy angrily, “come back here.”

The dog came limping back, looking puzzled.

“What do you mean by that foolin’?” went on his master severely. “What’s bears to you? Smell that!” and he pointed again to the boot-print. “It’s Black Dan you’re after.”

Jim hung upon his words, but looked hopelessly at sea as to his meaning. He turned and gazed wistfully in the direction of the bear’s trail. He seemed on the point of starting out for it again, but the tone of Blackstock’s rebuke withheld him. Finally, he sat down upon his dejected tail and stared upwards into a great tree, one of whose lower branches stretched directly over his head.

Blackstock followed his gaze. The tree was an ancient rock maple, its branches large but comparatively few in number. Blackstock could see clear to its top. It was obvious that the tree could afford no hiding-place to anything larger than a wild-cat. Nevertheless, as Blackstock studied it, a gleam of sudden insight passed over his face.

“Jim ’pears to think Black Dan’s gone to Heaven,” remarked Saunders drily.

“Ye can’t always tell what Jim’s thinkin’,” retorted Blackstock. “But I’ll bet it’s a clever idea he’s got in his black head, whatever it is.”

He scanned the tree anew and the other trees nearest whose branches interlaced with it. Then, with a sharp “Come on, Jim,” he started towards the knoll, eyeing the branches overhead as he went. The rest of the party followed at a discreet distance.

Crippled as he was, Jim could not climb the steep face of the knoll, but his master helped him up. The instant he entered the cave he growled savagely, and once more the stiff hair rose along his back. Blackstock watched in silence for a moment. He had never before noticed, on Jim’s part, any special hostility toward bears, whom he was quite accustomed to trailing. He glanced up at the big branch that overhung the entrance, and conviction settled on his face. Then he whispered, sharply, “Seek him, Jim.” And Jim set off at once, as fast as he could limp, along the trail of the bear.

“Come on, boys,” called Blackstock to his posse. “Ef we can’t find Black Dan we may as well hev a little bear-hunt to fill in the time. Jim appears to hev a partic’lar grudge agin that bear.”

The men closed up eagerly, expecting to find that Blackstock, with Jim’s help, had at last discovered some real signs of Black Dan. When they saw that there was still nothing more than that old bear’s trail, which they had already examined, Long Jackson began to grumble.

“We kin hunt bear any day,” he growled.

“I guess Tug ain’t no keener after bear this day than you be,” commented MacDonald. “He’s got somethin’ up his sleeve, you see!”

“Mebbe it’s a tame b’ar, a trained b’ar, an’ Black Dan’s a-ridin’ him horseback,” suggested Big Andy.

Blackstock, who was close at Jim’s heels, a few paces ahead of the rest, turned with one of his rare, ruminative laughs.

“That’s quite an idea of yours, Andy,” he remarked, stooping to examine one of those great clawed footprints in a patch of soft soil.

“But even trained b’ar hain’t got wings,” commented MacDonald again. “An’ there’s a good three hundred yards atween the spot where Black Dan’s trail peters out an’ the nearest b’ar track. I guess yer interestin’ hipotheesis don’t quite fill the bill – eh, Andy?”

“Anyways,” protested the big Oromocto man, “ye’ll all notice one thing queer about this here b’ar track. It goes straight. Mostly a b’ar will go wanderin’ off this way an’ that, to nose at an old root, er grub up a bed o’ toad-stools. But this b’ar keeps right on, as ef he had important business somewhere straight ahead. That’s just the way he’d go ef some one was a-ridin’ him horseback.”

Andy had advanced his proposition as a joke, but now he was inclined to take it seriously and to defend it with warmth.

“Well,” said Long Jackson, “we’ll all chip in, when we git our money back, an’ buy ye a bear, Andy, an’ ye shall ride it up every day from the mills to the post-office. It’ll save ye quite a few minutes in gittin’ to the post-office. It don’t matter about yer gittin’ away.”

The big Oromocto lad blushed, but laughed good-naturedly. He was so much in love with the little widow who kept the post-office that nothing pleased him more than to be teased about her.

For the Deputy’s trained eyes, as for Jim’s trained nose, that bear-track was an easy one to follow. Nevertheless, progress was slow, for Blackstock would halt from time to time to interrogate some claw-print with special minuteness, and from time to time Jim would stop to lie down and lick gingerly at his bandage, tormented by the aching of his wound.

Late in the afternoon, when the level shadows were black upon the trail and the trailing had come to depend entirely on Jim’s nose, Blackstock called a halt on the banks of a small brook and all sat down to eat their bread and cheese. Then they sprawled about, smoking, for the Deputy, apparently regarding the chase as a long one, was now in no great hurry. Jim lay on the wet sand, close to the brook’s edge, while Blackstock, scooping up the water in double handfuls, let it fall in an icy stream on the dog’s bandaged leg.

“Hev ye got any reel idee to come an’ go on, Tug?” demanded Long Jackson at last, blowing a long, slow jet of smoke from his lips, and watching it spiral upwards across a bar of light just over his head.

“I hev,” said Blackstock.

“An’ air ye sure it’s a good one – good enough to drag us ’way out here on?” persisted Jackson.

“I’m bankin’ on it,” answered Blackstock.

“An’ so’s Jim, I’m thinkin’,” suggested MacDonald, tentatively.

“Jim’s idee an’ mine ain’t the same, exackly,” vouchsafed Blackstock, after a pause, “but I guess they’ll come to the same thing in the end. They’re fittin’ in with each other fine, so fur!”

“What’ll ye bet that ye’re not mistaken, the both o’ yez?” demanded Jackson.

“Yer wages fur the whole summer!” answered Blackstock promptly.

Long looked satisfied. He knocked the ashes out of his pipe and proceeded to refill it.

“Oh, ef ye’re so sure as that, Tug,” he drawled, “I guess I ain’t takin’ any this time.”

For a couple of hours after sunset the party continued to follow the trail, depending now entirely upon Jim’s leadership. The dog, revived by his rest and his master’s cold-water treatment, limped forward at a good pace, growling from time to time as a fresh pang in his wound reminded him anew of his enemy.

“How Jim ’pears to hate that bear!” remarked Big Andy once.

“He does that!” agreed Blackstock. “An’ he’s goin’ to git his own back, too, I’m thinkin’, afore long.”

Presently the moon rose round and yellow through the tree-tops, and the going became less laborious. Jim seemed untiring now. He pressed on so eagerly that Blackstock concluded the object of his vindictive pursuit, whatever it was, must be now not far ahead.

Another hour, and the party came out suddenly upon the bank of a small pond. Jim, his nose to earth, started to lead the way around it, towards the left. But Blackstock stopped him, and halted his party in the dense shadows.

The opposite shore was in the full glare of the moonlight. There, close to the water’s edge, stood a little log hut, every detail of it standing out as clearly as in daylight. It was obviously old, but the roof had been repaired with new bark and poles and the door was shut, instead of sagging half open on broken hinges after the fashion of the doors of deserted cabins.

Blackstock slipped a leash from his pocket and clipped it onto Jim’s collar.

“I’m thinkin’, boys, we’ll git some information yonder about that bear, ef we go the right way about inquirin’. Now, Saunders, you go round the pond to the right and steal up along-shore, through the bushes, to within forty paces of the hut. You, Mac, an’ Big Andy, you two go round same way, but git well back into the timber, and come up behind the hut to within about the same distance. There’ll be a winder on that side, likely.

“When ye’re in position give the call o’ the big horned owl, not too loud. An’ when I answer with the same call twice, then close in. But keep a good-sized tree atween you an’ the winder, for ye never know what a bear kin do when he’s trained. I’ll bet Big Andy’s seen bears that could shoulder a gun like a man! So look out for yourselves. Long an’ Jim an’ me, we’ll follow the trail o’ the bear right round this end o’ the pond – an’ ef I’m not mistaken it’ll lead us right up to the door o’ that there hut. Some bears hev a taste in regard to where they sleep.”

As noiselessly as shadows the party melted away in opposite directions.

The pond lay smooth as glass under the flooding moonlight, reflecting a pale star or two where the moon-path grudgingly gave it space.

After some fifteen minutes a lazy, muffled hooting floated across the pond. Five minutes later the same call, the very voice of the wilderness at midnight, came from the deep of the woods behind the hut.

Blackstock, with Jackson close behind him and Jim pulling eagerly on the leash, was now within twenty yards of the hut door, but hidden behind a thick young fir tree. He breathed the call of the horned owl – a mellow, musical call, which nevertheless brings terror to all the small creatures of the wilderness – and then, after a pause, repeated it softly.

He waited for a couple of minutes motionless. His keen ears caught the snapping of a twig close behind the hut.

“Big Andy’s big feet that time,” he muttered to himself. “That boy’ll never be much good on the trail.”

Then, leaving Jim to the care of Jackson, he slipped forward to another and bigger tree not more than a dozen paces from the cabin. Standing close in the shadow of the trunk, and drawing his revolver, he called sharply as a gun-shot – “Dan Black.”

Instantly there was a thud within the hut as of some one leaping from a bunk.

“Dan Black,” repeated the Deputy, “the game’s up. I’ve got ye surrounded. Will ye come out quietly an’ give yerself up, or do ye want trouble?”

“Waal, no, I guess I don’t want no more trouble,” drawled a cool voice from within the hut. “I guess I’ve got enough o’ my own already. I’ll come out, Tug.”

The door was flung open, and Black Dan, with his hands held up, stalked forth into the moonlight.

With a roar Jim sprang out from behind the fir tree, dragging Long Jackson with him by the sudden violence of his rush.

“Down, Jim, down!” ordered Blackstock. “Lay down an’ shut up.” And Jim, grumbling in his throat, allowed Jackson to pull him back by the collar.

Blackstock advanced and clicked the handcuffs on to Black Dan’s wrists. Then he took the revolver and knife from the prisoner’s belt, and motioned him back into the hut.

“Bein’ pretty late now,” said Blackstock, “I guess we’ll accept yer hospitality for the rest o’ the night.”

“Right ye are, Tug,” assented Dan. “Ye’ll find tea an’ merlasses, an’ a bite o’ bacon in the cupboard yonder.”

As the rest of the party came in Black Dan nodded to them cordially, a greeting which they returned with more or less sheepish grins.

“Excuse me ef I don’t shake hands with ye, boys,” said he, “but Tug here says the state o’ me health makes it bad for me to use me arms.” And he held up the handcuffs.

“No apologies needed,” said MacDonald.

Last of all came in Long Jackson, with Jim. Blackstock slipped the leash, and the dog lay down in a corner, as far from the prisoner as he could get.

In a few minutes the whole party were sitting about the tiny stove, drinking boiled tea and munching crackers and molasses – the prisoner joining in the feast as well as his manacled hands would permit. At length, with his mouth full of cracker, the Deputy remarked:

“That was clever of ye, Dan – durn’ clever. I didn’t know it was in ye.”

“Not half so clever as you seein’ through it the way you did, Tug,” responded the prisoner handsomely.

“But darned ef I see through it now,” protested Big Andy in a plaintive voice. “It’s just about as clear as mud to me. Where’s your wings, Dan? An’ where in tarnation is that b’ar?”

The prisoner laughed triumphantly. Long Jackson and the others looked relieved, the Oromocto man having propounded the question which they had been ashamed to ask.

“It’s jest this way,” explained Blackstock. “When we’d puzzled Jim yonder – an’ he was puzzled at us bein’ such fools – ye’ll recollect he sat down on his tail by that boot-print, an’ tried to work out what we wanted of him. I was tellin’ him to seek Black Dan, an’ yet I was callin’ him back off that there bear-track. He could smell Black Dan in the bear-track, but we couldn’t. So we was doin’ the best we could to mix him up.

“Well, he looked up into the big maple overhead. Then I saw where Black Dan had gone to. He’d jumped (that’s why the boot-print was so heavy), an’ caught that there branch, an’ swung himself up into the tree. Then he worked his way along from tree to tree till he come to the cave. I saw by the way Jim took on in the cave that Black Dan had been there all right. For Jim hain’t got no special grudge agin bear. Says I to myself, ef Jim smells Black Dan in that bear trail, then Black Dan must be in it, that’s all!

“Then it comes over me that I’d once seen a big bear-skin in Dan’s room at the Mills, an’ as the picture of it come up agin in my mind, I noticed how the fore-paws and legs of it were missin’. With that I looked agin at the trail, as we went along, Jim an’ me. An’ sure enough, in all them tracks there wasn’t one print of a hind-paw. They were all fore-paws. Smart, very smart o’ Dan, says I to myself. Let’s see them ingenious socks o’ yours, Dan.”

“They’re in the top bunk yonder,” said Black Dan, with a weary air. “An’ my belt and pouch, containin’ the other stuff, that’s all in the bunk, too. I may’s well save ye the trouble o’ lookin’ for it, as ye’d find it anyways. I was sure ye’d never succeed in trackin’ me down, so I didn’t bother to hide it. An’ I see now ye wouldn’t ’a’ got me, Tug, ef it hadn’t ’a’ been fer Jim. That’s where I made the mistake o’ my life, not stoppin’ to make sure I’d done Jim up.”

“No, Dan,” said Blackstock, “ye’re wrong there. Ef you’d done Jim up I’d have caught ye jest the same, in the long run, fer I’d never have quit the trail till I did git ye. An’ when I got ye – well, I’d hev forgot myself, mebbe, an’ only remembered that ye’d killed my best friend. Ef ye’d had as many lives as a cat, Dan, they wouldn’t hev been enough to pay fer that dawg.”



When pretty Mary Farrell came to Brine’s Rip and set up a modest dressmaker’s shop quite close to the Mills (she said she loved the sound of the saws), all the unattached males of the village, to say nothing of too many of the attached ones, fell instant victims to her charms. They were her slaves from the first lifting of her long lashes in their direction.

Tug Blackstock, the Deputy Sheriff, to be sure, did not capitulate quite so promptly as the rest. Mary had to flash her dark blue eyes upon him at least twice, dropping them again with shy admiration. Then he was at her feet – which was a pleasant place to be, seeing that those same small feet were shod with a neatness which was a perpetual reproach to the untidy sawdust strewn roadways of Brine’s Rip.

Even Big Andy, the boyish young giant from the Oromocto, wavered for a few hours in his allegiance to the postmistress. But Mary was much too tactful to draw upon her pretty shoulders the hostility of such a power as the postmistress, and Big Andy’s enthusiasm was cold-douched in its first glow.

As for the womenfolk of Brine’s Rip, it was not to be expected that they would agree any too cordially with the men on the subject of Mary Farrell.

But one instance of Mary’s tact made even the most irreconcilable of her own sex sheath their claws in dealing with her. She had come from Harner’s Bend. The Mills at Harner’s Bend were anathema to Brine’s Rip Mills. A keen trade rivalry had grown, fed by a series of petty but exasperating incidents, into a hostility that blazed out on the least occasion. And pretty Mary had come from Harner’s Bend. Brine’s Rip did not find it out till Mary’s spell had been cast and secured, of course. But the fact was a bitter one to swallow. No one else but Mary Farrell could have made Brine’s Rip swallow it.

One day Big Andy, greatly daring, and secure in his renovated allegiance to the postmistress, ventured to chaff Mary about it. She turned upon him, half amused and half indignant.

“Well,” she demanded, “isn’t Harner’s Bend a good place to come away from? Do you think I’d ought to have stopped there? Do I look like the kind of girl that wouldn’t come away from Harner’s Bend? And me a dressmaker? I just couldn’t live, let alone make a living, among such a dowdy lot of women-folk as they’ve got over there. It isn’t dresses they want, but oat-sacks, and you wouldn’t know the difference, either, when they’d got them on.”

The implication was obvious; and the women of Brine’s Rip began to allow for possible virtues in Miss Farrell. The postmistress declared there was no harm in her, and even admitted that she might almost be called good-looking “if she hadn’t such an awful big mouth.”

I have said that all the male folk of Brine’s Rip had capitulated immediately to the summons of Mary Farrell’s eyes. But there were two notable exceptions – Woolly Billy and Jim. Both Woolly Billy’s flaxen mop of curls and the great curly black head of Jim, the dog, had turned away coldly from Mary’s first advances. Woolly Billy preferred men to women anyhow. And Jim was jealous of Tug Blackstock’s devotion to the petticoated stranger.

But Mary Farrell knew how to manage children and dogs as well as men. She ignored both Jim and Woolly Billy. She did it quite pointedly, yet with a gracious politeness that left no room for resentment. Neither the child nor the dog was accustomed to being ignored. Before long Mary’s amiable indifference began to make them feel as if they were being left out in the cold. They began to think they were losing something because she did not notice them. Reluctantly at first, but by-and-by with eagerness, they courted her attention. At last they gained it. It was undeniably pleasant. From that moment the child and the dog were at Mary’s well-shod and self-reliant little feet.

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