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Questions And Answers About Islam

Questions And Answers About Islam
Wael El-Manzalawy
Copyright © 2008 Wael El-Manzalawy
About The Writer
Islam Helps you
The God In Islam
Islam Versus Atheism
Questions And Answers About Islam
The Islamic Dream
The Christ In The Holy Quran
Convert Now To Islam
Islam And Internal Peace
Humanity Needs Islam
General Comments
Comments About The Relationship Between Muslims And Non-Muslims
Comments About The Woman In Islam
Quotations From The Holy Quran
About the writer
Wael El-Manzalawy is an Egyptian writer. He was born in 1973. He was graduated from the English Department in the Faculty of Arts. He has a Diploma from the Faculty of Education. He was graduated from an institute for preparing Islamic scholars. He writes articles and short stories in Arabic and English. His articles and short stories were published at many newspapers, magazines and websites.
I am an Egyptian writer. I have written some articles about Islam. I have sent these articles to many forums to get the reaction. Indeed the replies that were sent helped me to write more articles. The main issue is that many western persons deny the presence of the God. I have tried to convince them that there is a God and I have written an article about the God from the Islamic point of view. Many western persons have got their information about Islam from the anti-Islamic writings. I invite them to read about Islam from the Islamic point of view.
About 100000 persons have read these articles. I think that I have invited them through my articles to rethink about God, religion and Islam. I invite you to rethink about Islam. Thinking is a good thing, isn't it? I hope that you will enjoy reading this book.
Islam Helps You
I discussed many persons who were against religion of any kind. I used to ask them three questions. I used, as well, to invite them to think deeply and clearly before answering my questions. These questions are:
1-Do you think that there is a Creator who has created this universe?
2-Should we worship the Creator of the universe or not?
3-Have you made a comparison between Islam and other doctrines?
As regards the first question, I do not know the reason that makes some people deny the presence of the God. The universe, the sky, the stars, the sea, and the air are clear evidences that there is a Creator who has created this universe. The greatness of the universe is clear evidence that a Great God has created it.
The answer of the first question leads us to the necessity of religion. How can you live in this universe without worshipping the Creator of the universe?
Islam is the true religion. Islam helps you to live in tranquility. Islam achieves the harmony and balance between the soul and the body. Islam leads you to the Heaven in the day after. But a lot of non-Muslims have got their information about Islam from the writings of anti-Islamic writers. I invite them to read about Islam from the Islamic point of view. I invite them to make a comparison between Islam and other doctrines and I am sure that they will discover the greatness of Islam.
The God In Islam
Many secular persons deny the presence of the God. I am trying here to convince them that there is a God who has created the universe.
Many secular persons will argue that the God is unseen and they believe only in what they see. The God is unseen but we can see the evidences of His presence. The earth, the sky, the stars, the moon, the sun, the sea and the harmony of the universe are all evidences that there is a God who has created the universe.
The harmony and the greatness of the universe are evidences of the Wisdom and Greatness of the Creator. Let's assume that there is no creator, then what is the cause of the harmony and greatness of the universe? Did the sun, the moon, the land, the sea, the stars ….etc have a meeting and decided what to do? They are too many and everyone would want the universe as he wants. We are sure that the sun, the moon ….etc are not wise. Then we can say that the harmony and greatness of the universe are clear evidences that there is a Wise and Great Creator.
In Islam, we believe in the One and the Only God. In the day after, the believers will enter the Heaven while the non-believers will be punished. In Islam, we believe that the God has no sons. We are not like Christians who believe that the God has a son. This belief is completely untrue and illogical. If the God decided something and His son decided another contradicting thing, what will happen?
I ask the readers of this article to think deeply about the presence of the God. If you came to a conclusion that there is a God who has created the universe, please ask the God from your hearts to guide you to the true religion. I am sure that the God will guide you to Islam. I invite the readers to read the Holy Quran to know more about Islam.
Islam Versus Atheism
This is an imagined discussion between a Muslim and an atheist. But it is based on my actual discussions with atheists.
Muslim: Do you believe in God?
Atheist: There is no God. Can you prove that there is a God?
Muslim: The universe, the land, the sea, the sky, the sun, the moon,….etc. are all evidences that there is a God who has created the universe.
Atheist: Can I see and hear the God?
Muslim: You cannot see the God. We have the word of the God which is the Quran. The language of the Quran is Arabic. We –Arabs- know very well that the Quran cannot be written by a human being. The Quran has challenged the old Arabs to write something that resembles the Quran. The old Arabs were genius poets but they could not. Nowadays, some persons tried to write something that resembles the Quran, but they made themselves a joke.
Atheist: Then the Quran is for Arabs only.
Muslim: The Quran is the word of the God for all peoples. Indeed the Arabs can feel the greatness of the Quran more than the other peoples. But the other peoples can read the translation of the meanings of the Quran. They can see the wisdom of the Quran. They can see the scientific accuracy of the Quran.
Atheist: Can you give me an example of the wisdom of the Quran?
Muslim: Islam forbids homosexuality and sex outside marriage. We can see clearly that homosexuality and sex outside marriage caused the spread of AIDS which caused or will cause the death of millions of people. Besides, with Islam, a man can be sure that his son is really his son. But in western countries, a man cannot be sure that his son is really his son.
Atheist: I want to discuss the presence of the God. The universe is created by the God. Who has created the God?
Muslim: The God has not been created. The God is eternal.
Atheist: I can say that the universe is eternal.
Muslim: The universe is changeable, so it cannot be eternal.
Atheist: You did not convince me.
Muslim: I invite you to read the Quran. I invite you to rethink about the common secular idea that there is no God. It is a common idea, but it is completely wrong.
I used to discuss many secular persons about Islam. They had some questions and objections. I am trying here to answer some of their questions.
Atheist: Islam has spread by the sword.
Muslim: This is not true. Islam has spread in many countries in Asia and Africa without any military action. The Islamic civilization is a fact that cannot be denied. Ask Europe about the Islamic civilization in Spain and the darkness of Europe. Islam is not a barbaric religion. But Islam is the true religion. The Islamic civilization used the military actions for defense and for attacking some enemies. But the Muslims did not enforce anyone to convert to Islam. The Muslims treated non-Muslims justly. They wanted to convince them not to enforce them to convert to Islam.
Atheist: I do not need any religion.
Muslim: Who has created the universe? Who has created you? What is the aim of your life? What will happen to you after death? All these are questions that you cannot find answers to without Islam. Besides, you enjoy materialistic pleasures, but you neglect your soul. Islam achieves the balance and harmony between the soul and the body. Islam does not forbid materialistic pleasures, but Islam is a unit of enjoying our lives and more important obeying our God and Creator.
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