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Ralph in the Switch Tower: or, Clearing the Track
The impulsive fellow shrugged his shoulders in such a pitying, indulgent way that Ralph was fairly nettled.
"I won't fight you," declared Van, putting on his coat again. "You think so much of your mother that I'll forgive you. But I think a lot of her, too, as you well know, and, knowing it, you ought to have thought twice before you-yes, imputed to me any action that could do her any harm."
"You're right, Van," said Ralph, grasping both hands of his eccentric chum, heartily enough this time. "I am so strung up, though, with things happening, and so much suspicion and mystery in the air, that I'm jumping to all kinds of conclusions helter-skelter. I hate mystery, you know."
"Sit down," said Van, moving around to the door of the dismantled summerhouse, and dropping to its worm-eaten seat. "I want to tell you something. I wasn't looking in that window expecting to see your mother."
"Not at all."
"Then it must have been Mrs. Davis, the woman who lives there."
"Is that her name?" inquired Van, with a shrewd smile.
"She says it is."
"You know her, then? Well, I don't, Ralph. Never saw her before. Yet, I've traveled a long distance to get a look at her. See here-can you make it out?"
Van took from his pocket the card Ralph had seen him consult at the window. Ralph held it up to the moonlight.
It was an old-fashioned card photograph. Judging from its yellow, faded appearance, it seemed taken in another generation. It presented the face of a woman of about thirty years of age.
Ralph scanned this with a certain token of recognition.
"This picture resembles Mrs. Davis," he said.
"Think so?" asked Van. "I know it does. It's meant for the lady in that room yonder-when she was younger, though."
"How do you come by it?" inquired Ralph.
"It's a secret for the present, but I don't mind telling you. A friend-a long distance away-asked me to locate the original of that picture. Somehow he got a clew to the fact that she was living in this district."
"Yes, she came to Stanley Junction recently."
"Anyhow, I followed out directions," narrated Van. "I've done what I came for. The woman lives in that house yonder. I must go back and inform my friend."
"Not right away. Mother will want to see you, Van."
Van shook his head resolutely.
"I'll be back again soon, Ralph," he promised. "I wish I could tell you more, but it's not my business."
"That's all right, Van. I don't want to pry into your secrets."
Van restored the picture to his pocket. He sighed with a glance at the house, as if it would indeed be a pleasure to have a chat with his adopted mother, Mrs. Fairbanks.
"Oh, Ralph!" he said suddenly, checking himself as he was about to move away-"have you ever heard anything more about those twenty thousand dollars railroad bonds?"
"Have I?" spoke Ralph animately; "I seem to be hearing about them every step I take, lately!"
"Is that so?"
"Yes, but always in a vague, unsatisfactory way. What made you ask that question, Van?" inquired Ralph, with a keen glance at his companion.
"Oh, nothing," declared Van carelessly. "I was just thinking, that's all. You see, Mr. Gibson is a rare, good fellow."
"He did me some rare, good service-I know that," said Ralph warmly.
"Well, he's pegging away at that railroad of his, wasting valuable time. He don't dare to leave it, because he might vi-vi-bother the word-oh, yes! vitiate his legal rights. He told me, though, that if he could get someone to put up a few thousand dollars so he could hire help, he would go to some big city and interest capital and rush the road through."
"I will bear that in mind," said Ralph thoughtfully. "I believe he has the nucleus of a big speculation. There are rich men in Stanley Junction who might be induced to help him."
"Suppose you got those twenty thousand dollars bonds, Ralph," said Van suddenly. "Would you be inclined to invest?"
"I would feel it a duty, Van," responded Ralph promptly. "I believe my mother would, too. You will remember that if it was not for Mr. Gibson, we would probably be without a home to-day."
"You're a good fellow, Ralph Fairbanks!" cried Van, slapping his chum heartily on the shoulder. "I knew you'd say that. And say-I guess you're going to hear something about those bonds, soon."
"The air seems full of those bonds!" half smiled Ralph. "I wish something besides shadows would materialize, though."
Ralph felt that Van was keeping something back-certainly about the person so interested in the mysterious Mrs. Davis, possibly in reference to the railroad bonds, as well.
Before he could express himself further, Van grabbed his sleeve and pulled him into the shelter of the summerhouse with a quick warning:
"What is it, Van?" inquired Ralph in surprise.
"Speak low, look sharp!" whispered Van, pointing through the interstices of the trellis in the direction of the house. "You hate mystery, you say. Then how does that strike you?"
"Why," exclaimed Ralph, after a steadfast glance in the direction indicated-"it is Gasper Farrington!"
Ralph did not have to look twice to be sure that it was the village magnate who stood just where he had discovered Van Sherwin a few minutes previous.
Gasper Farrington was stooping stealthily under the open window. He did not seem to care so much to see who was inside. Perhaps he had already seen. His whole attitude showed that he was listening intently.
Ralph disliked Farrington. He had reason for the sentiment. He could not recall one gracious action on the part of the miserly old man in all the years he had known him.
His present occupation, that of an eavesdropper, was so expected and characteristic of Farrington, that Ralph's indignation was less than his contempt.
"What is he after here?" reflected Ralph; "no good, of course. Mrs. Davis knows him and fears him, it seems. He is going."
Before Ralph could make up his mind to any definite course of action, Farrington, after a meditative pause, slunk from under the window. Then he disappeared briskly around the corner of the house.
Ralph ran softly after him and peered around the end of the structure. He saw Farrington headed for town, across lots to the nearest highway.
Ralph came back to the old summer house to find Van gone. He looked for him, even tried a whistle signal both understood, but obtained no response.
"It's all a queer affair," mused Ralph. "Mrs. Davis seems to be a great center of interest just at present. Perhaps she has told mother something that explains matters."
Ralph was doomed to disappointment in this hope. When he knocked at the door of the Davis home, his mother answered the summons.
"Mrs. Davis is resting nicely," she whispered. "It would only excite her to see you to-night. Just wait outside, and I will slip away and join you in a few minutes."
Mrs. Fairbanks was soon on the way homeward with Ralph. She explained that Mrs. Davis was quite unwell and nervous. She had stayed with her and nursed her, and left her comfortable for the night.
"She gave me the ten dollars for you, Ralph," said Mrs. Fairbanks, "but she said very little about the bonds. I have an idea that she knows something about them, and I think she has been writing to Gasper Farrington. The last thing she said as I left her, was for both of us to come to see her to-morrow night. She said she would get something in the meantime she had placed with a friend to show us, in which we would both be interested."
Ralph said nothing to his mother about meeting Van, nor did he mention Farrington's visit to the Davis home. He did not wish to worry his mother, and he hoped that another twenty-four hours might somewhat clear the situation.
Of course Mrs. Fairbanks was more than pleased over her present of the new hat. Her son's recital of the tiger episode frightened and thrilled her by turns.
Ralph did a good deal of thinking after getting to bed. He wondered if Mrs. Davis was up to any double-dealing. Perhaps she knew something of importance about the bonds. She might have come to Stanley Junction to sell her secret to Farrington. Possibly later she became undecided as to her course, her accidental meeting with Ralph moving her to favor him in the matter.
Ralph guessed that no one but Farwell Gibson could have sent Van to Stanley Junction. Gibson had been mixed up in the matter of his father's railroad bonds, years back. Was there some kind of a three-cornered complication, in which Farrington, Gibson, and Mrs. Davis each had a share, and all three playing at cross-purposes?
At ten o'clock that night the local newspaper left the press, weighted with the biggest sensation of the year, but Ralph did not know it.
He was made aware of it next morning, however, as he left the house. Ned Talcott, an old school chum, came running up to him fluttering a freshly-printed sheet.
"Did you see it? Did you really do all that?" he demanded, in breathless excitement.
"See what-do what?" inquired Ralph.
"Well, just run your eagle eye over these two front columns!" chuckled Ralph's ardent admirer.
"Oh, dear!" said Ralph, in faint stupefaction.
The ambitious newspaper reporter had dished up a wonderfully graphic and interesting story. He did not seem to have missed a point in the episode of the escaped circus tiger.
He had got every fact about the special, every detail of Ralph's encounter with Calcutta Tom, the sensational climb of the telegraph pole, the swing of the lever just in time. He even touched on the accident to Young Slavin, Ralph's benevolence to that enemy, and his generous division of the reward with the Stiggses.
"Whew!" gasped Ralph, concluding the article with a whirling head. "Why, if I wasn't mad at all the bosh he has put into this screed, I could laugh-it is simply ridiculous!"
All the same, the reporter had written a very entertaining article. It was the "fancy touches" that seemed preposterous to Ralph, who had gone through the episode practically.
All through the story the writer held the tension high as to suspense and impending peril. He made the reader fairly see the glaring eyeballs of the defiant tiger. He almost made him hear the wild beatings of the heart of the desperate but intrepid young leverman.
The warning shrieks of the devoted special on the verge of destruction, the nearing hiss and splutter of the steam jets, the thunderous thunder of the grinding wheels-all these were the thrilling concomitants of a breathless description. It ended in the crash of the tower window, the leap to the levers, the action that made of Ralph Fairbanks the hero of the hour.
The grand finale was a pathetic touch. It alluded to the great throbbing heart of humanity always electrically responsive to such appeals as that involved in the anxious haste of the distressed railroad president to reach a beloved wife at the door of death.
Three people whom Ralph knew stopped him to congratulate him before he reached the depot yards.
A cheer greeted him as he crossed from Railroad Street to the switch tower. It came from a flag-shanty, where four of his firemen friends were standing. Two of them waved papers. Ralph laughed and nodded carelessly, but flushed with pleasure.
"There's two men I would like to have see that article," spoke old Jack Knight, emphatically slapping the newspaper in his lap as Ralph came on duty. "One is the master mechanic. The other is that old skeesicks, Farrington."
Ralph was embarrassed by further congratulations all through the morning. He had a pleasant day, however. The praises of his real friends were very sweet, and the sense of duty well done was a spur to his noblest ambitions.
It was toward five o'clock that the crowning episode of the day occurred. Ralph was busy at the levers, Knight was at the telephone, as the superintendent came up the trap ladder.
His manner to both these valued employees was more than usually genial.
"Dropped in on my way to the roundhouse," he observed. "I received a wire from the president of the Great Northern about an hour ago, Fairbanks."
"Yes, sir?" said Ralph, wondering what was coming.
Shrewd Jack Knight gave a wise chuckle, and his eyes twinkled.
"He mentioned you," pursued the superintendent. "He sent a long wire, requesting an expression of his thanks for prompt service all along the line. He added a paragraph that may interest you. As I take you to be too practical a young man to get the swelled head, or impose on an appreciation of duty well done, I will read the paragraph to you."
The speaker drew a typewritten yellow sheet from his pocket. He resumed:
"The president says: 'I imagine that by young Ralph Fairbanks, who has shown such devotion to his duty and saved the special under such extraordinary circumstances, the intelligence will be gladly received that my timely arrival at home probably saved my dear wife's life. The morning papers here have a full account of his remarkable adventures at the switch tower. I desire that you commend him warmly in my behalf, and it is the sense of the road directors that, while you do not promote him too fast, you must see that he gets what he deserves promptly."
Ralph flushed with emotion. He could not speak.
"Good!" commented blunt old Jack. "The president is a brick. You're another one, Mr. Superintendent, and you don't lose, let me tell you, by warming up a thrifty employee's heart by giving him the real stuff, right from the shoulder, when he deserves it."
The superintendent smiled and bowed, and went on his way.
"Stiff as a poker, looks as if his only thought was to catch a chance to fire someone," observed Knight, watching the prim, dignified official crossing the tracks below. "Look at him-cold as an iceberg. You've thawed him out, though, Fairbanks!" chuckled the veteran towerman. "That's so-there is something I wanted to find out."
He pretended to be mightily busy poring over a little red memorandum book for a few minutes.
"Got it," he called out finally: "Chief Train Dispatcher. One hundred and seventy-five dollars a month. Keep it in view, kid. You heard what the president said."
"Nonsense!" flushed Ralph; "my highest ambition for a long time to come is to run a locomotive."
Mrs. Fairbanks regarded her son with humid eyes as he told the story of the day that night.
She did not try to express her emotion. She could not. Ever since Ralph had resolutely started at work, there had been what she greeted as a continual round of blessings. And Ralph shared her heartfelt gratefulness.
Right after supper they started together to visit Mrs. Davis. Ralph carried a basket which contained some dainties his mother had prepared for the invalid.
On their way Ralph told his mother of the suspicious circumstances of Gasper Farrington's visit to the Davis home the evening previous. He thought she ought now to know of it. He intimated, too, that it might be wise to warn Mrs. Davis.
"If she would only talk out what is evidently preying on her mind," observed Mrs. Fairbanks, "we could understand the situation much more clearly."
"You know she has promised to enlighten us in a way, this evening," suggested Ralph.
"The house is dark," said his mother, as they neared it.
"Yes, and-why, mother! the door is open."
Ralph knocked loudly. There was no response.
"I hope nothing is amiss," murmured Mrs. Fairbanks, in a fluttering tone.
She groped her way down the dark hall and into the sitting room, stumbling over some garments lying on the floor which nearly tripped her up.
"Mrs. Davis! Mrs. Davis!" she called, "are you here?"
Again there was only silence. Mrs. Fairbanks sighed with deep suspense.
"Perhaps I had better get a light," suggested Ralph.
"I wish you would," said his mother.
Ralph flared a match. He discovered a lamp on a mantel-shelf and lighted it. Mother and son glanced about the apartment searchingly.
On the floor lay the heavy shawl Mrs. Fairbanks had stumbled over. A little table was overturned. A drapery that had festooned the entrance doorway from the hall was torn half loose, as if someone had grasped it in being dragged from the room.
"That looks bad," said Ralph gravely.
He took up the lamp and went all through the house. In the one upper chamber the contents of the bureau drawer were scattered all over the floor. A trunk was broken open, and its interior all in disorder.
"Is she here, Ralph?" questioned his mother anxiously, as he returned to the sitting room.
"No," answered Ralph. "Mother, there is foul play here."
"Oh, Ralph!"
"I am sure of it. Someone has ransacked the house, and I believe they have kidnapped Mrs. Davis."
"But-why?" stammered the affrighted Mrs. Fairbanks.
"Why?" cried Ralph, greatly stirred up by tumultuous thoughts and suspicions that irresistibly thronged his brain. "To secure something that Mrs. Davis had in her keeping, I believe."
"But who would do it?"
"Who?" responded Ralph. "I can imagine only one person who might be interested."
"And that is?"
"Gasper Farrington."
"Right!" pronounced a new voice, startlingly near. "You have hit the nail squarely on the head this time, Ralph Fairbanks!"
Mother and son turned quickly towards the open doorway of the little sitting room.
It framed a forlorn figure-a boyish form covered with mud, hatless, and disheveled.
"Van!" cried Mrs. Fairbanks in astonishment.
She had a warm corner in her heart for the refugee who had made her home his for so many weeks when his poor mind was distraught.
Her motherly face lit up, and she extended her arms in greeting.
But Van edged up to her gingerly, and kissing her cheek quickly drew back with the remark:
"I've been homesick and hungry for a week just to see you smile and to hear you call me your boy, but I'm too muddy and torn up for even a second-class prodigal son!"
"Why, Van!" cried Ralph; "how did you get in that fix?"
"Run down by a team."
"And you are hurt-there is a deep cut on your cheek."
"Oh, that's a whip-handle clip from a very particular friend of yours," responded Van carelessly. "Ike Slump."
Mrs. Fairbanks shivered at the mention of that detested individual. Ralph was eagerly inquisitive.
"And about Mrs. Davis?" he asked hurriedly.
"The woman who lived here-the photograph woman?"
"Yes, Van. Do you know anything about her?"
"I fancy I do. She has been kidnapped."
"We feared that!" murmured Mrs. Fairbanks anxiously.
"Yes," nodded Van briskly, "it looks that way, and I have had a lively time of it. Did you tell your mother about meeting me here last night, Ralph?"
"No, Van."
"Then I will tell her now. You see, Mrs. Fairbanks, I was caught by Ralph peeking into this very room, last night. I explained to him how it was. I had an old photograph of a woman who turns out to be this Mrs. Davis. I had been instructed to locate her."
"By whom, Van?" inquired the astonished Mrs. Fairbanks.
"It's a secret, it is not my business in a way," he burst forth abruptly, "but I can't keep the truth from you two. I think you ought to know it. I think, too, that the person for whom I am acting, the way things have turned out, would also wish you to know it. Here is the fact: Farwell Gibson is the person who got me to come here to locate this Mrs. Davis."
"Farwell Gibson?" repeated Mrs. Fairbanks in wonderment, though Ralph was not surprised at the statement. He had already half guessed out what his chum now disclosed.
"Yes," nodded Van.
"Then he knows Mrs. Davis?" asked Mrs. Fairbanks.
"Ought to," answered Van promptly, "seeing she is his wife."
"You astound me, Van!" murmured the mystified Mrs. Fairbanks.
"Well, she is. At least, the original of the photograph I showed Ralph is his wife. I don't know all the details, only it's some more of Farrington's fine work. You know Gibson was in his clutches for years. Mr. Gibson and his wife had a bitter quarrel over money matters many years ago. It seemed he had used some of her means in his stock-jobbing operations with Farrington. They separated. Later Farrington made Gibson believe his wife was dead. He did this to get Gibson to consent to sign certain papers that furthered Farrington's schemes. Then he got Gibson under his thumb, and drove him into exile."
"I wonder the villain sleeps nights!" said the indignant Ralph.
"Well, anyhow," proceeded Van, "Gibson got looking into matters, when his meeting with Ralph led to your having your rights, and old Farrington taking the clamps off Gibson by destroying the forged note he had held over him for so many years. Gibson learned that his wife was not dead. He sent me to try and locate her-which I have done."
"But she is lost again," suggested Mrs. Fairbanks.
"Oh, don't fret about that," spoke Van coolly. "I'll find her again, don't you doubt it. You see, all this concerns you and Ralph very closely, I am sure. In fact, Mr. Gibson intimated to me that if he could get into communication with his estranged wife, he believed she could give information that would lead to the recovery of those twenty thousand dollars in railroad bonds."
"Everything fits to one conviction," mused Ralph aloud. "All this being true, it is certainly to Farrington's interest to drive Mrs. Davis away from Stanley Junction."
"They drove her away, right enough," nodded Van vigorously-"in a close carriage, behind a spanking team. It was old Farrington's, and the drivers were Ike Slump and a fellow I heard him call Mort."
"Mort Bemis," murmured Ralph.
"You see," said Van, "when I left you last night, I had only one idea: to get back to Mr. Gibson and report. I started for the depot to take the train for Springfield, intending to come back and see you all in a day or two. Well, on my way to the depot I ran across old Farrington I got thinking that his appearance on the scene, spying on the woman Gibson, was sig-sig-what's the word, anyhow?"
"Significant," suggested Ralph.
"That's it-significant. I thought I would watch him a bit. He did not go home. He went to an old abandoned shanty near the fair grounds. He met two fellows there, apparently waiting for him. They strolled up and down the road, talking together. As soon as I recognized Ike Slump, I knew deep mischief was up. I saw Farrington give them money. I caught the name of the other fellow-Mort. I saw old Farrington to bed, and lay down in one of his comfortable garden hammocks to think. When I woke up it was daybreak."
"Why didn't you come to the house and see us?" inquired Mrs. Fairbanks reproachfully.
"Couldn't bring my mind to disturb you, with business on hand," declared Van sturdily. "I hung around, and saw old Farrington go about as if nothing unusual was on the string. Then about noon I went down to the shanty where he had met Slump & Co. No one there. They had moved quarters, it seemed. I nosed around generally. About four o'clock I ran across that Mort. He was visiting some stores. Acted as if it wasn't exactly safe to linger around people, for he didn't lose much time in buying some neckties, collars, cigars, and two new hats."
"He robbed a chum day before yesterday," explained Ralph.
"Oh, that was it? He looked like a thief. I suppose Slump didn't care to show his face at all. Well, I took up the trail of his crony. He started out the west turnpike. I kept safely in the rear. He beat me."
"A man came along with a fast team. This fellow, Mort, begged or paid for a lift. They disappeared in a cloud of dust. I went back to town, saw your railroad detective, told him Ike Slump was on the scene, and he is looking for him with a warrant for stealing those brass fittings from the roundhouse. I thought I'd clip Slump's wings for good. It made one the less to watch."
"Whew!" whistled Ralph slowly, "you're action when you get started, Van."
"There is only a little more to tell," continued Van. "I went back to the Farrington place. Just at dusk, who should drive out but old Farrington himself, with his best team hitched to a close carriage. The fates were again against me. He got out by the rear, and he, too, took the west turnpike. I ran for a mile, keeping tab on a cloud of dust. It was no use. I sat down on a log by the roadside to rest. In a few minutes I keeled over double-quick, and lay flat. Farrington was coming back-on foot."