Ned Wilding's Disappearance: or, The Darewell Chums in the City
Ned Wilding's Disappearance: or, The Darewell Chums in the Cityполная версия

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Ned Wilding's Disappearance: or, The Darewell Chums in the City

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2017
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“Guess I’d better go straight back to Darewell and tell dad all about it,” he said to himself.

He was soon in the station at which he had arrived the day previous, and where he had left his trunk. As he was going to the baggage room, to have it rechecked to Darewell, he caught sight of a man who seemed strangely familiar to him. The man had his back toward Ned, but when he turned the boy saw it was the postal inspector who had been at the offices of Skem & Skim.

“He’s after me!” thought Ned. “He’s on my track! I must not let him see me.”

He turned suddenly away so the man could not observe his face. The inspector was talking to a policeman, and Ned overheard the bluecoat ask:

“Have you sent the telegram?”

“Yes, they’ll be on the watch for him if he goes back home,” was the reply. “They’ll nab him as soon as he gets off the train. If he calls for his baggage the agent here will hold him and notify me.”

Ned hurried from the depot and ran up the street as if the officer was after him. The last way of escape seemed closed.



Darewell never had known such excitement as followed the destruction of the school tower.

Of course all the doings in Mr. Williamson’s store leaked out, and, though there were not lacking those who accused the four chums of, at least, knowing something about the matter, there were others who felt sure they had had nothing to do with it.

“I just wish I had a chance to nurse that mean Mr. Williamson!” exclaimed Alice, when her brother had told her of the hearing. “I’d fix him.”

“What would you do?”

“I’d cover him with the hottest mustard plasters I could make, and I’ve got a good formulæ for some powerful ones. Then I’d fasten ’em on with bandages so they couldn’t come off. The idea of accusing you boys!”

“He didn’t exactly accuse us,” said Bart. “That’s the trouble. If he did we could demand a legal trial and be found not guilty in short order. As it is we’re suspected and can’t prove our innocence.”

“What are they going to do about it?”

“Why nothing at present, and I’m glad of it. Frank, Fenn, and I are going to New York Wednesday and we don’t care what they do until we come back.”

“But, Bart, doesn’t that look like running away?”

“I don’t care what it looks like. It’s the first chance we have ever had of going to a big city like that and we may never have another, so we’re going. They can talk all they want to, and fix the tower up to suit themselves.”

From the preparations Bart and his two chums made for their journey to New York, one would have thought they were going to Europe. They were at the station about an hour ahead of train time Wednesday morning, and a number of their boy friends were present to see them off. Going to New York was somewhat of a novelty in Darewell, especially when three boys went at once to visit the rich aunt of another local lad.

Amid a chorus of good-byes the boys got aboard and soon they were speeding toward the big city. They arrived at the same depot where Ned had left the train two days before, and looked around for a possible sight of their chum.

“Was he going to meet us here?” asked Frank.

“No, he said we were to go right to his aunt’s house,” replied Fenn. “Bart has the address; haven’t you?”

“Yes, on Forty-fourth street.”

“East or west?” asked Frank.

“Neither one, just plain Forty-fourth street.”

“I’m sure he said east,” Fenn remarked.

“I think it was west,” Frank replied.

“Let’s flip a coin,” said Fenn. “Heads is east and tails is west.”

It came down heads, and, following a policeman’s directions they started for that section of the city. They reached it, after no little trouble for they took the wrong car once.

“Doesn’t look like a very nice neighborhood,” said Fenn as they started along East Forty-fourth street. “Still I guess New York is so crowded you can’t have much of a choice.”

They found the number on East Forty-fourth street, but at the first sight of the big apartment house they knew they had made a mistake, since Ned had told them his aunt lived in a house all to herself, which is quite a distinction in New York.

“Now for the other side of the city,” said Frank, as after diligent inquiry, they learned Mrs. Kenfield did not live in the neighborhood they first tried. They boarded a car and were soon at Ned’s uncle’s home.

“Looks as if it was shut up,” remarked Bart.

“I hope we haven’t made another mistake,” said Fenn.

“It’s the right number and it’s the right street,” replied Bart.

“Yes, and Mrs. Kenfield lives here,” put in Frank.

“How can you tell?” asked Bart.

“There’s the name on the door plate,” Frank answered pointing to the silver plate worked in black letters with the name: “Paul Kenfield.”

“Ring the bell harder,” suggested Fenn, when no one had answered in response to Bart’s first attempt.

“It’s an electric bell, and can ring only so hard,” Bart answered.

They rang several times and waited.

“The blinds are all closed,” spoke Frank, looking up at the windows.

“Folks in New York often do that,” replied Bart. “If his aunt wasn’t home Ned would have sent us word.”

Just then a woman in the next house came to her door.

“Are you looking for Mr. Kenfield?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” replied Bart.

“He sailed for Europe Monday.”

“For Europe?” repeated Bart.


“Is Mrs. Kenfield at home?”

“No, I saw her leave the house yesterday just before noon. She told me she had a telegram that some relative was quite ill and she had to go to Chicago. Her servant girl has gone also. The house is shut up.”



For a few seconds the boys did not know what to do. They stood on the steps looking blankly at one another. The woman observed them.

“Were you expecting to call on Mrs. Kenfield?” she asked sympathetically, as she observed they were strangers in New York.

“We came here to visit our chum, Ned Wilding,” said Fenn.

“That must have been the boy who went off with Mrs. Kenfield,” the woman went on. She described Ned so the chums had no difficulty in knowing it was he whom she had seen.

“You say he went off with Mrs. Kenfield?” asked Bart.

“Yes, just before noon yesterday. He was carrying two valises, one had a red mark on it.”

“That’s Ned’s satchel,” said Fenn. “That was some red paint he got on it the day we went over to Jones’s Corners to play ball. One of the fellows daubed it on for a joke.”

“And he didn’t come back?” asked Bart.

“No,” replied the woman. “There has been no one at home since Mrs. Kenfield went away. I understand she is going to stay in Chicago for some time. Her niece is quite ill.”

“Well, this is queer,” remarked Bart. “I wonder what we had better do.”

“If you want to leave a message with me I’ll give it to Mrs. Kenfield when she returns,” the neighbor went on.

“We’re much obliged to you,” said Bart, “but I’m afraid that would do little good. Mrs. Kenfield does not know us. Ned is her nephew and when she invited him to stay with her she said he could ask his chums to spend part of the time with him. Well, we’re his chums, but where is Ned?”

“I’m sure he didn’t come back here,” the woman continued. “I have been watching the house pretty constantly ever since Mrs. Kenfield went away, as she asked me to notify any tradesmen, who might call, that she was gone, but that they could send their bills to the house by mail and they would be forwarded to her. I can, however, give you her Chicago address.”

“I don’t know as that would be of any use, though we’re much obliged to you,” said Fenn.

“Yes, it would!” exclaimed Bart. “We can wire her and ask where Ned went. She’ll probably know.”

“Has she got to Chicago yet?” asked Frank.

“It’s about twenty-four hours since she started,” replied Bart. “Even a comparatively slow train would make it in that time. If you’ll give us Mrs. Kenfield’s address,” he went on, “we’ll wire her.”

The neighbor gave the boys the desired information and, since there was nothing more they could do at the closed house, save stare at the tight shutters, they started for the nearest telegraph office.

“If I can do anything for you boys, let me know,” the woman said to them as they were leaving. “I am Mrs. Rowland. I have two boys of my own, and, if you need any further help in locating your chum, they will be glad to aid you.”

They thanked Mrs. Rowland, but for whose information they would have been more in the dark than they were, regarding Ned’s strange disappearance.

“I had no idea people were so neighborly in New York,” said Frank. “I read somewhere that in this city no one ever knew who lived next door to him.”

“Lucky we got some sort of a starting point,” said Bart. “Now to send the telegram.”

A few minutes later they found a place where scores of instruments were clicking away and forwarded this message, addressed to Mrs. Kenfield:

“Ned’s chums arrived to find house closed. No trace of Ned. Understand he went away with you. Can you tell us where he is now?”

They told the clerk they would call for the answer in about two hours, as they wanted to allow plenty of time for a reply.

“Meanwhile we’ll go and get dinner,” suggested Fenn.

“Let’s check our valises somewhere,” proposed Bart. “I’m tired lugging mine around.”

“Leave ’em at the station where our trunks are,” Frank put in. “We may have to start back home soon, and they’ll be handy for us there.”

“Too far away,” objected Fenn. “Here’s a good place.”

He pointed to a newsstand built under one of the elevated railroad stations, where a sign was displayed, announcing small parcels would be checked for ten cents. They left their grips, receiving little brass tags in return, and then went to a restaurant where they had dinner.

“Lets go back and see if there’s an answer to our message,” suggested Fenn, after they had walked around a bit. Back they went to the telegraph office, and found there was a reply. Bart’s hands trembled slightly as he tore open the envelope. The message from Mrs. Kenfield was a short one. It read:

“Ned started for home after leaving me.”

“Might have known it,” remarked Frank.

“Of course,” put in Fenn. “What else could he do? He wouldn’t stay in New York, where he doesn’t know a soul, after his aunt and uncle left.”

“Then I s’pose the only thing for us to do is to follow Ned back to Darewell,” suggested Bart. “Here’s an end to our holiday. Too bad!”

“Why need we go back?” asked Frank. “We’re here in New York. It may be many years before we have another chance like this. We have enough money to last us a week or more, even if we have to stay at a hotel.”

“What do you mean?” asked Fenn.

“Why not spend a week in New York anyhow?” Frank went on. “It’s too bad Ned has gone home. He’d stay with us if he was here. We can go to a cheap hotel and have almost as much fun as if we were at Ned’s uncle’s house. What’s the use going right back home?”

“I believe you’re right,” came from Bart. “We’ll stay a while and see what New York looks like. Might as well spend some of that money for hotel bills as anything else. I’ve heard they rob you in New York, but I guess we can look out for ourselves.”

“Let’s telegraph back to Darewell,” suggested Fenn.

“What for?” asked Bart.

“To see if Ned got there safely. If he did maybe he’ll come here and join us.”

“Good idea,” commented Frank. “Write out another message. Send it to Ned’s father. He’ll get it quicker at the bank than Ned would at the house.”

A little later this message, signed by Bart, went clicking over the wires to Darewell.

“Is Ned home? His uncle and aunt called away unexpectedly and he started back for Darewell. Answer.”

The boys said they would call in an hour for a reply. They spent the time wandering about the streets. Now, as it was approaching evening, the thoroughfares were filled with hurrying throngs. They found the telegram from Darewell waiting for them when they went back to the office. It was from Mr. Wilding and read:

“Ned not home. What is the trouble? Can’t you locate him in New York? Try. Will come on in the morning.”

“Ned has disappeared,” said Bart in strange tones, as he let the telegram fall to the floor.



When Ned started on a run up the street, after seeing in the station the man he believed was seeking to arrest him, he had no definite idea where he was going. All he cared about was to get out of the inspector’s sight.

“I can’t go back home,” he reasoned as he hurried on, seeking to lose himself in the crowd. “If I do they’ll arrest me as soon as I leave the train. I can’t bring disgrace on my father that way, though I am innocent of any intentional wrong-doing. Besides if it was known that I bought this stock it might injure his reputation at the bank. They might think he advised me to do it, and the bank doesn’t allow its officials to do that sort of business.”

Ned slowed his pace down from a run to a rapid walk, as he noticed that several persons were looking curiously at him. He did not want to attract attention.

“What had I better do?” he asked himself. “If I stay here I’m liable to arrest any moment. If I go home I’m sure of it as soon as I get off the train, as every one at the depot knows me. But they don’t here,” he added, as a thought came to him. “That’s one good thing. I’m an utter stranger in New York. The only persons who know me are my uncle and aunt. They are far enough off. Of course there’s Mary the servant girl, but I guess she’s not liable to meet me. Besides, she wouldn’t know the police wanted me. Then there’s Mr. Skem, but I guess he’s too busy himself, dodging the officers, to be found in this vicinity.

“That’s the best thing to do,” Ned decided. “I’ll stay in New York until – well until something happens. But the worst of it is I can’t even write to the folks at home. I can’t let them know what has occurred. I wonder what the boys will do when they come and find the house closed? If I send a letter to father the postal authorities can trace where it came from and get me. A telegram would be as bad. I’m just like a prisoner who can’t communicate with his friends. The only thing to do is to stick it out until something happens. If they would only arrest Skem & Skim maybe their testimony would clear me. But I guess they’re not likely to catch them. I’ve got to stick it out alone and it’s going to be hard work.”

By this time Ned felt he was far enough away from the depot to render capture in the immediate future out of the question. He felt he could risk walking a little slower, for it was no joke to hurry along a mile or more carrying his valise, even though it was not a large one.

“I believe I’m hungry,” he said, as he came in front of a small restaurant. He had taken no food since breakfast and it was now about four o’clock in the afternoon. “I’ll feel better after I’ve eaten. Besides I’ve got to stay somewhere to-night. I must look for a hotel.”

He did feel more encouraged after he had dined, and, on inquiring of the cashier in the restaurant, where he could find a cheap but decent hotel, was directed to the Imperial a few blocks distant, back toward the station. Ned thought this would be safe enough.

“I’d better take an account of stock,” he remarked to himself as he started for the hotel. “Most of my clothes are in the trunk, and so is the check dad gave me to have uncle cash. I can’t get at that, and I guess I wouldn’t if I could. I’d have to endorse it to cash it, and when I wrote my name whoever saw it might tell the police.”

Ned’s imagination probably made things seem worse than they really were, but he was unaccustomed to city ways, and the memory of the inspector’s words, and the angry men who had lost money through Skem & Skim acted as an incentive for him to do everything possible to avoid arrest, which he felt would follow any disclosure of his identity, such as would result from endorsing a check.

“The only clothes I’ve got are on me,” Ned went on, continuing the process of “stock taking.” He had a change of underwear and some clean collars, cuffs and handkerchiefs in his valise, and about ten dollars in bills. In his pocketbook he carried five dollars and there was a little change in his overcoat.

“I’ve got to sail pretty close to the wind,” he told himself. “Fifteen dollars isn’t going very far in New York. I must get work to do until this thing blows over, or something happens. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll look for a job to-morrow.”

The hotel at which Ned arrived a few minutes later did not look very inviting. Still, he reflected, he was not in a position to be particular. It was a five-storied building, and on both sides of it, were shops for the sale of various articles.

“Can you give me a cheap room?” asked Ned of the clerk behind the desk.

“Sell you one, you mean I guess,” was the man’s reply as he went on with the operation of cleaning his finger nails. “We don’t give ’em away.”

“I’d like to engage a room for the night,” Ned went on.

“Dollar’s the cheapest we’ve got.”

“That will do.”

“Register,” the clerk said, swinging the book around in front of Ned, and handing him a pen which he dipped into the dirty ink bottle. Then he went on with his manicuring.

“I must sign my name,” thought Ned. “No I can’t do that! They might trace me!” He felt the rustle of the stock certificate in his pocket as he took the pen. What was he to do?

“Is it necessary to register?” he asked.

“Course it is,” replied the clerk looking at him curiously. “That’s the law. Everybody who stops at a hotel has to put their name on the book. What’s the matter? You ain’t afraid to register, are you? Don’t look as though you’d committed a murder or had robbed some one,” and the clerk grinned at his joke.

“No, of course not,” Ned replied, his heart thumping away under his overcoat. Then he resolved to put on the book a fictitious name. He hesitated a moment and inscribed: “Thomas Seldon,” in a large hand as unlike as possible from his own usual small writing.

“Thomas Seldon, eh?” queried the clerk as he turned the book around once more. “Where you from? That has to go down.”

Once more Ned hesitated. What should he answer.

“What’s the matter? Forget where you live?” the clerk asked.

“No. It’s Perryville, New York,” replied Ned, taking a name at random, as he had the one he signed in the book.

The clerk told him to write it down, and after this was done the number 113 was placed after his name.

“Hope you’re not superstitious,” the clerk remarked.

“Why?” asked Ned.

“There’s a thirteen in your room number.”

“I don’t mind that.”

“Some folks do,” the clerk continued. “But that’s the only dollar room we’ve got left. Front!”

A boy answered the ring of the bell which the clerk touched, and, taking Ned’s grip led the way. A rattling, shaking elevator, of an antiquated type, carried Ned and his guide to the fifth floor. The young porter opened the door of a small room and set Ned’s grip down inside of it.

“Here’s where you bunk,” he remarked.

Ned had read of the necessity for tips in New York, and handed the boy a dime. The lad seemed to welcome it.

“T’anks,” he said.

“What’s that rope for?” asked Ned, as he noticed one in a corner of his room.

“Fire escape. New law. All rooms has to have ’em,” the boy replied. “If the shebang goes up you drop the rope out of the window and slide down. Your window’s right over the back yard and there’s a gate that leads out into a side street.”

“Do they have many fires?” asked Ned, feeling a bit nervous.

“Many? Every day ten or a dozen.”

“I mean around here?”

“Ain’t had none since I worked here, but when this place goes it’ll go quick. It’s about a thousand years old, I guess.”

When the boy had gone Ned looked out of the window. It overlooked the rear yard of the hotel, a place filled with boxes, barrels and all sorts of rubbish. The rope was fastened to an iron ring in the wall, and looked stout enough to hold several men. It was long enough to reach to the ground, as Ned could see.

“Hope I don’t have to use it,” he thought.

Leaving his valise in his room, Ned went downstairs, again, the old elevator taking considerable time on the trip.

“I’ll look around a bit, have some supper and then go to bed,” he decided. “Maybe my luck will change to-morrow.”

Ned after walking about the streets for awhile went back to the same restaurant where he had dined before, as he did not fancy the looks of his hotel well enough to eat there. He strolled about through the brilliantly lighted streets after supper pondering on his curious plight, and then went back to the Imperial.

As he approached the desk to get to the elevator he saw a stout man in close conversation with the clerk. He could hear the latter, in reply to some question, say:

“Guess we haven’t got anybody here you want, Jim. No new ones came except a kid. Queer thing about him, though, I believe he’s registered under the wrong name. Acts sort of funny.”

“What name did he give?” asked the stout man.

“‘Never’ – ‘ever’ – no, that isn’t it but it’s something like that. ‘Seldom’ – that’s it – no it isn’t either – ‘Seldon,’ that’s it. ‘Thomas Seldon.’ I sized him up for a queer one.”

“I’ll have to get a look at him,” the stout man went on. “I don’t know as we have any call for him, but it’s best to be on the safe side.”

Ned felt his knees beginning to shake. He wondered who the big man might be. Just then the youthful porter sauntered toward him. Ned had come to a halt half way up the lobby of the hotel.

“Pipe off that guy?” asked the boy in a friendly whisper, with a nod at the stout man. Ned understood the question to mean “Do you know who that man is?” and he answered that he did not.

“One of the detectives from the Central Office. The sleuths come here same as at other hotels, every once in a while, to see if anybody they want might happen to be on hand. Guess he won’t land anybody this time, though, about a week ago – ”

But Ned did not stop to listen. The stairway was in front of him, and he could get to his room without the clerk or the detective seeing him.

As he started up the stairs, intending to go to his apartment and hide, for he had left the key in the lock, the boy-porter called after him:

“Why don’t you take the cage?”

“The elevator’s too slow,” Ned answered, trying to keep his voice from trembling. He was afraid the men might hear him. But they did not, and, walking swiftly he was soon in his room.

“What shall I do?” poor Ned asked himself. He seemed hounded on every side. “I must get away from here,” he thought. “The clerk suspects me! Perhaps that detective has a description of me! I must sneak out, and yet – I can’t go. I haven’t paid for my room!”

Then he caught sight of the rope fire escape. An idea came to him.

“I’ll slide down the rope to the ground,” he murmured. “That’s the way. I can get off without any one seeing me, and I’ll go to another hotel.”

He loosened the rope, which was looped upon a hook, and looked down into the yard. All was dark and quiet there. He tied his valise to the end of the rope and lowered it. The little thud of the satchel as it landed and slipped from the noose of the rope told him it was in the yard. Then, having left a dollar bill pinned to one of the pillows of the bed, Ned put on his hat and overcoat, and, taking a firm hold of the rope stepped out of the window and went down, hand over hand. It was a trick he had often performed, though it was hard to descend the five stories. At last his feet touched the ground, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Now to take my valise and skip,” he said in a whisper. “That was pretty well done.”

He stooped over to loosen his satchel from the rope. His fingers encountered nothing but the hempen strands.

“My valise is gone!” he exclaimed.



Ned felt around on the ground. He thought the valise might have slipped from the rope and rolled away into some corner of the yard. He got down on his knees and crawled about, looking among boxes and barrels, as well as he could in the darkness. But the valise was gone.

“Where in the world could it have disappeared to?” Ned asked himself. “I came down within three minutes after I lowered it to the ground.”

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