Полная версия
The Tigress
Reason Tottering on Its Throne
After three nervously anxious days Nina Darling journeyed back to London and reopened her flat at Mayfair – a very different Nina indeed from the frolicsome Nina who went to Puddlewood to display her restored beauty.
The duke's story concerning Kneedrock had distressed her woefully. As a girl, in spite of her high-spirited independence and honey-bee proclivity of sipping sweets where she found them, she had loved him deeply, and since his return from self-banishment – since the one great tragedy of her life at Umballa – she had found in him her sole rock of dependence. Stubborn – cruel often at times as he was – she nevertheless felt and knew that while he reprobated and deplored her seeming lightness of character, yet deep in his soul he still held her very dear.
From what she had learned – but which she still hoped to prove grossly exaggerated – she was now more than ever convinced that this was true.
How profoundly he had been stirred and hurt by her wilful follies this awful climax – oh, it couldn't, it must not be true – demonstrated as nothing else, either word or action, could possibly have done.
Selfishly, for her own passing pleasure, she had driven men to intemperance, to exile, to self-destruction even; and now, as a fitting culmination in lex talionis– the one strong man of all, the king, the god she worshiped, had succumbed, they told her, in more awful plight than any of the others.
In her extremity Nina wired to Bath, bidding Gerald Andrews come to her at once. Then she sat down and waited.
He came by the first train, yet the intervening time seemed endless. And he found her pale and haggard, with purple crescents beneath dull, tired eyes; for in twenty-four hours she had neither eaten nor slept. It was nine o'clock at night, and the rain, driven by an east wind, was beating against the windows like an avalanche.
"Gerald," she greeted, giving him the tips of cold fingers, "you are so good. I need you terribly."
"You are ill," he said at once. "What have you been doing?"
She told him briefly what she had heard.
"It is the uncertainty," she added. "It's killing me. If I could only be sure – one way or the other – I – " Her voice quavered.
"Have you dined?" he interrupted.
"No; I'm not hungry. I haven't thought of eating."
"But you must," he urged. "You must keep up your strength. Unless you do I shall refuse to help you."
"I've no appetite," she said. "I hunger only for facts – for the truth."
"Then you must prepare for it. It may be too strong for an empty stomach."
But this only alarmed her. "You know?" she cried hysterically. "You know something already?"
"Nothing," he answered – "nothing at all. Only – well, the fact is, I haven't dined, either. I came straight here from the station. Could you – "
"You poor boy!" she broke in. "Of course. Please touch the bell. There; behind you."
"Won't you come out with me?"
"No; I couldn't; besides, listen to the rain, and – and I'm not dressed, you see."
"You don't want me to go alone?"
"Oh, no, no, no," she protested. "I have so much to say – "
"Very well. I'll stop, and I'll eat; but on one condition. You must eat, too."
"I can't," she insisted. "I can't, really. I'd choke."
"Try it," he insisted, in turn. "If you choke I'll let you off."
There was consommé, and there were chops – done to a turn – and a cobwebbed bottle of Pommard. Of the wine Andrews forced her to sip the better part of a glass, and was rewarded by a faint show of color in her lips and cheeks.
It stimulated her appetite, too, and she managed to swallow a few spoonfuls of the soup and a little lean, red meat of a chop. After which he called her a brave girl and assured her that there was nothing he wouldn't do for her in return.
"I want you, the very first thing in the morning, to go to Regent's Park," she said. "I want you to go where the tigers are, and to ask questions of the guards. They can can tell you whether it is true that a gentleman has been there recently, acting strangely."
"I'll be there when the gates open," returned Gerald. "What else?"
"If you find it is true – which I hope to Heaven you don't – I want you to go to Lord Kneedrock's solicitor and learn what he knows about it. You may tell him you came from me, and that I desire some steps taken."
He looked at her questioningly. He couldn't understand her right to make such a demand, but he said nothing, except:
"Who is Lord Kneedrock's solicitor?"
"A combined mummy and sphinx," she answered. "His name is Widdicombe, and he has chambers in the Inner Temple. Your real task will be to get him to open his mouth. He's a living storehouse of secrets."
"Won't your name open it?"
"The name of his majesty wouldn't open it unless he felt it to be for his client's interest. I'm afraid you'll find him a very hard nut to crack, Gerald."
"If I fail, it won't be for lack of effort," he declared determinedly.
Then she smiled at him in the old way for the first time since he came.
"How are the sheep and the ewe lambs?" she asked, with a faint sign of mischief.
He smiled in return, pleased to note the change in her, even if it were but momentary.
"Safe in fold to-night, I hope," he answered, as a gust of wind blew the rain in vicious volleys against the panes.
"Tell me," she said presently. "How did Lord Kneedrock look the day you saw him at Bath?"
"Vexed," he answered. "Beastly angry, in fact."
"I'm sure he did. It was unkind of me not to see him, and to make an exception of you."
"That's altogether a matter of viewpoint. I think it was most kind."
"Of course you do. Men are all selfish animals."
"I think that is unkind," he said reprovingly. "I'm not selfish where your happiness is concerned. I'd go to the ends of the earth to serve you, Nina."
"With another man left behind?"
"Yes. Even with another man left behind."
"That's what Kneedrock did," she told him. "And – and I can never forget it."
"And he can never forgive it," Andrews added.
Then he went away, and Nina passed another sleepless night.
But he was back the next day by noon, to find her sitting in the same chair, with Tara lying at her feet, and the rain still beating its dismal tattoo on the window-panes. The room was in dusk.
She saw in his face that what she had feared, yet hoped against, he had brought her. She needed no word to confirm the dire thing told her by the duke. Poor Andrews seemed weighed down by the burden of his tidings. His expression was as grim and dour as the day.
"But do they know who he is?" It was her first question, and it relieved him of the bald announcement he had dreaded.
"They don't," he answered quickly, glad to get the first plunge over. "They haven't the faintest notion, apparently. I asked particularly."
"Poor Nibbetts," Nina sighed. "He doesn't look the typical nobleman. Yet when he was a young man there wasn't a smarter in all London."
"That South Sea life took it out of him, I suppose."
"And the butchering the Boers gave him."
"I wonder if his present fix can't be traced back to that?" suggested her friend, leaning down and patting the staghound's head. "There's such a thing as traumatic insanity, you know."
She seemed to seize on this alternative possibility with eagerness.
"He has never been the same since he came back," she said. "That is certain. He was quite, quite different before he went to South Africa."
Then a question occurred to her, and she asked: "Has he shown any violence?"
"Not at the gardens. But they had heard of an assault he made outside the gates."
"Yes, I know. He attacked his valet for following him and daring to interfere."
"He has been very quiet in the tiger-house – except for that mumbling talk of his to the tigress. But that attracts attention – collects a crowd, you know – and they have to ask him to move on."
"And does he?"
"Oh, yes! Very peaceably. But he's back again in a little while, and then the same thing has to be repeated."
"Poor Hal!" sighed Nina, her locked hands tightly gripped.
"They hope he has gone away to stay, one of the guards told me. Ever since the row outside, they fear he may indulge in some outbreak in the grounds. There is talk of refusing him admission."
"If they only would," she said. And then, abruptly: "But you haven't told me of Mr. Widdicombe. Did you see him?"
Gerald smiled. "Yes, oh yes," he answered. "I saw him. But you were right. He wouldn't talk. He wouldn't open his mouth."
"He just sat dumb?"
"He turned to his desk and touched a bell. A clerk came and – that was all."
"You told him that I wished to know?" There was something imperious in her emphasis.
"I did – yes." And again he questioned why that should bear any weight. Although he did not voice it, she read it in his look.
"I'm his near kin, you know," she explained. "We are cousins."
"I understand," he told her, but he thought the explanation far short of adequate.
She got up and crossed the room, and from a drawer in an escritoire took out a small photograph, which she passed to Andrews.
"That was taken in 1900," she said.
It was easy to recognize her in the slender, tallish girl, with masses of fair hair, and clad in the simplest of white frocks. But he would never have known the slim young man with the waxed mustache for Lord Kneedrock, had she not told him. He wore outing flannels and a blazer of wide stripes, and his arm was about her youthful shoulders.
"It was taken at Henley," she said, "just for a lark. Look at the back."
He turned it over and found written there in pencil: "'Arry and his 'Arriet," in a man's hand.
"Hal used always to call me Harriet," she explained, and in spite of her, her voice shook.
He looked at her sharply as he handed it back, remembering just then a certain night in Simla when she told him that she had met her match and her mate in one.
"Does Widdicombe know about this?" he asked.
"I very much doubt that there is anything in Lord Kneedrock's life which Mr. Widdicombe doesn't know," was her answer.
She returned to her chair, but Gerald Andrews remained standing. "Is there anything else I can do?" he inquired. "If not, I'll – "
"You can stay for luncheon," she interrupted.
He thanked her, but declined.
"I've a little business to look after while I'm up," he added, "and I should be back in Bath to-night."
"You've been so good," she said, giving him her hand. "I shall miss you awfully. You'll be up again soon, won't you, Gerald?"
The door-bell echoed, and at the same instant Tara lifted his head and growled. Neither seemed to notice.
The man drew her closer and placed his disengaged hand on her shoulder.
"I'd give the world, Nina," he said, "to make this thing lighter for you. If I could only help in some real way!"
"You do; you do," she assured him. "Your sympathy is everything to me."
There was a step in the passage, but neither heard it. For it was at that moment that he caught her almost roughly in his arms and crushed her close to him.
And then the door opened, and Kneedrock was gazing at them from the threshold.
Incarnate or Reincarnate
Nina saw him first; for she was facing that way. Most women would have screamed; she only became rigid. It was the situation in the Umballa bungalow over again – save that there was no pistol at hand, and Andrews knew now that the cobra was made of bronze.
Nina became rigid; Gerald sensed the unexpected. He looked over his shoulder and caught the glare of Kneedrock's eyes piercing the gloomy half-light.
They weren't sane eyes. He saw that at once. And a creepy shiver ran along his spine.
Nina's rigidity gave way to trembling, and all in the brief space of two seconds at the most – two seconds that were as taut as a fiddle-string.
Then the staghound sprang up, snarling, his fangs bared, and the hair along his back bristling. But he didn't spring. He pressed close against Nina's legs and cowered as though he had seen a ghost.
And then Kneedrock laughed. It was the very last thing that they expected, and the strain tightened to the point of snapping.
Because of everything – the whole wretched ensemble – the laugh seemed wilder, madder, weirder, possibly, than it was. It broke off in a sort of choking gurgle, and in a flash the laugher had wheeled about and was swallowed up in the murk of the passage.
This only, probably, could have aroused Nina to action. Swiftly as light itself she sped after him with an imploring cry of:
"Hal! Hal!"
Andrews, too, pulled himself together – shook himself free, as it were, of the dread, deathlike inertia that had held him passive and followed to the room door. And there Nina's voice came back to him from the lighted entrance-hall.
"You mustn't go! You must not! I want to see you. I want to make it all clear."
"It's clear enough as it is," he heard Kneedrock say. "Infernally clear, and – funny. You'd try to take the fun out of it. I know what you'd do. I always know what you'd do. You've never fooled me yet. That's because I never let you shut my eyes with your kisses – because I'm strong enough to keep you out of my arms."
There was silence for the briefest moment, and it was Kneedrock's voice that resumed: "Keep your hands off me. Good Lord, if there's one thing I fear it's your velvet paws! I've seen the sharp claws too often. For God's sake, Nina, keep them off, I say!"
"You'll come back?" she pleaded.
"I'll come back if you won't touch me."
"But your mackintosh is dripping, and your hat. Give them to me."
Andrews heard their steps approaching and withdrew from the doorway. He wished to avoid the madman, yet feared to leave Nina alone with him.
Then he noticed that Tara was still in the room – on guard, as it were – and seeing a connecting door ajar, he slipped through it, closing it after him.
The staghound snarled again as Nibbetts returned; but at a word from Nina he retreated and lay down, stretched at full length, his watchful eyes still fixed, however, on the viscount, who took a stand before the fireplace, his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his morning coat, and his gaze on the floor.
Nina chose the end of a couch, and faced him over its piled pillows, on which, half-reclining, she rested her arms. To her own amazement, now that she was with him alone, all her fear had gone. Her poise and address were perfect.
Yet the change that had been wrought in him since the Monday she parted from him at Bellingdown struck her to the heart.
He must have lost twenty pounds in weight. His clothes, then so well-fitting, hung on his almost gaunt frame. His cheeks were hollow, and his eyes gleamed with that odd, lurid, uncanny light from deepening sockets.
"If I had known you came to Bath I should surely have seen you," she said.
"They told me you saw no one," he returned, "and yet you had your lover there at that moment."
"You know I have no lover – that I never have had."
"Why quibble over terms?" he asked. "I saw you in his arms in India. I saw you in his arms to-day. That's enough for me."
"He did me a great service," she tried to explain. "I didn't even know he was in Bath. It was my surgeon who brought him. He gave the skin that restored my poor burned face."
Her visitor chuckled cynically.
"You hadn't any poor burned face at Umballa," he sneered. "What had he sacrificed there?"
"His happiness, his faith in women, for my idle amusement."
"One of a thousand," he muttered. "You were never so considerate of the rest."
"I'm not altogether without heart."
"You amaze me."
"It's you who are heartless. You could save us both."
He looked at her then for the first time since they had come in. "Save us both?" he queried. "From what, pray?"
"From wretchedness. I've never been loved as I want to be. And you – you won't let me – "
"Good God!" he caught her up suddenly. "I didn't come here for that! Keep your tongue off me, Nina, as well as your hands, or – I'll cut it!"
She stretched herself farther across the pillows. "Make everything right," she pleaded earnestly, ignoring his rebuke. "Marry me over again – acknowledge me – be my husband in fact – as you've always been legally – just for a year."
Her voice was low, but thrilling in its eagerness of appeal. And in the dining-room, with ear close to the door, guarding her against a sudden outbreak from her unbalanced companion, Andrews heard all – every uttered word – and understood.
He had imagined it from her words the night before. But now, unwittingly, she had made it plain. What Kneedrock had told Carleigh was true.
Nina was his wife – the wife of his youth – and her marriage with Colonel Darling had been bigamy, committed in ignorance of the truth.
Lord Kneedrock stood motionless and silent. Again his eyes – those eyes so strangely changed – were bent upon the rug at his feet.
And the woman went on: "Just for a year, Hal. That's all. And if I'm not a good wife – if I look aside even a hair's breadth – you may kill me, or I'll kill myself when you give the word."
Then the man before the fireplace seemed to rouse himself out of a dream. There was no question that her entreaty had held him. It had indeed touched the depths of him.
In his mentally dulled state, such a culmination as she begged for had seemed not only desirable, but possible.
But now, all at once, there had floated back a memory of another face and another voice – a face and a voice too recently seen and heard to be quite clouded and hushed by the present.
Figuratively he shook himself, drew his hands from his pockets, lifted his tawny head, and turned upon her his unfamiliar eyes.
"Very, very pretty," he sneered cruelly. "But it's too late. I've another love – all my own, too, and not tarnished and worn thin by general use. You're no wife of mine – remember that – you sacrificed all claim. Besides, you're – you're – "
The blood was pounding in his neck, and he paused to jerk at his collar in an effort to free his throat.
"You're not a woman," he went on scornfully. "You're only half woman. You're other half tigress. Oh, I know you. I've been reading up on your breed, and I've met a few in my time. Lately I've been looking over some at the Zoo. And when all's said and done, I prefer the incarnate to the reincarnate." He stepped back a pace and viewed her appraisingly.
As she half-sat, half-lay there on the cushioned couch, all her lithe length stretched in beautiful outline, there was indeed a suggestion of the grace of the cat tribe at rest, long, sinuous, lazy. And to Kneedrock's obsessed vision this became more than a suggestion, more than a similarity.
"By gad," he exclaimed, "I've seen my old girl in her cage just like that, only a thousand times more beautiful! And she's safe, too! That's the best of it. She only gets what's fed to her. Pity you weren't barred up while you were a cub.
"I go there just to see her eat. She has your table manners to a dot. It's very amusing to me to see her claws come out of their silken sheaths, and clutch and tear, and her teeth rend, while her lips seem to run blood.
"Beautiful exhibition, I can tell you. Wouldn't miss it for a bag of sovereigns. 'Ah,' I say, 'there's Nina over again!' Only Nina gets 'em alive, and goes for their hearts first. That's her special titbit. Man-eater, is Nina! Nothing else satisfies her."
Nina buried her face in her arms, and her body quivered. For a little she had almost fancied him unchanged. But there was no question now. He had railed at her before. But never like this. The idea seemed to carry him away. He went on, repeating himself, growing more impassioned with each outburst.
Finally he jerked out his watch and glanced at it hurriedly.
"Haven't a minute to spare. They feed her at three – three sharp now. Winter schedule's on, you know."
But Nina didn't move. Her body had ceased to quiver. She lay as one dead. Kneedrock's tirade, reasonless, rhymeless, with its seemingly endless iteration and reiteration of ideas, phrases, words; all combining to form one great outpouring volume of contemptuous, reproachful, mad rebuke, had stunned her – deafened her.
Andrews, listening, heard the abrupt break from harangue to expressed purpose, and noted that there was, from his companion, no response. It was not his desire to disturb Nina, nor to again show himself to Kneedrock.
From the dining-room he sought the servants' quarters, and directed the housemaid to go at once to the drawing-room with the caller's mackintosh and hat, lest by some quick mental switch the madman revert to the subject of his mania and forget his intention of departure.
As it happened, the girl met the viscount in the passage. He accepted his proffered apparel without so much as a word, brushed past her, hurried through the entrance-hall, and was gone – forgetting even to close the door.
It seemed that the impulse to visit the tiger-house, once awakened, was as irresistible as the tides of ocean.
Andrews, having heard the maid close the door, went at once to Mrs. Darling. She recognized his step, and looked up in pleased surprise.
"You here still? I am so glad."
"Did you think I could leave you with him – alone?" he asked.
"But your business?"
"My business can wait. You needed me."
She gave him her hand.
"I am sick to my very soul," she said miserably. "I have abased myself and been kicked in the face."
"But he is not responsible," he reminded her; "you know that. I can conceive of nothing more pitiable."
She straightened herself, sitting erect.
"I know it. For just a little I thought only of myself. Something must be done. But what? I feel so helpless."
"He'll probably be refused admission to the gardens," said Andrews.
"Then he's sure to make trouble," Nina declared. "There will be a scene and exposure. He may be hurt, too."
"Why not try the sphinx solicitor yourself? I'll go with you."
She sprang up at that.
"It's the only way," she agreed. "He must do something. I'll make him do something."
Five minutes later they were in a taxicab together, rolling through the rain to Fleet Street. Arrived at the Inner Temple, old Mr. Widdicombe received Nina with chilling politeness. She was painfully nervous and obviously distressed.
"I've come about Lord Kneedrock," she said, fingering her handkerchief. "Have you seen him recently?"
Mr. Widdicombe nodded. "I have, Mrs. Darling," he said.
"How recently?"
"Within the month."
"Did you observe anything singular in his manner? Did he appear – "
"His manner has always been more or less singular."
"Did he appear less rational than usual, I mean?" she persisted.
"He was quite rational. Quite so."
"Well, he isn't now," said Nina bluntly. "He's quite the reverse. It may be simply a nervous disorder – I sincerely trust so – but he appears to be mad."
Mr. Widdicombe rubbed together his lean hands.
"You sent me that message this morning," he reminded her. "His lordship was then in my office."
"Here – then?" Her surprise was manifest.
"In an inner room. The door was ajar, and I fancy he heard every word of your messenger's statement."
"Is that what you meant by 'within the month'?" She felt somehow that she had been trapped.
"This morning was within the month. I made a statement of fact, did I not?"
His skin was like yellow parchment, crisscrossed with incised lines. Those at the sides of his mouth moved outward, which was as near as Lord Kneedrock's solicitor ever came to a smile.
Nina sprang to her feet in a rage. "You are quite impossible, Mr. Widdicombe!" she flared. "There are none so blind as those that won't see. I came to you for assistance, and you treat the matter – the very grave matter – as though it were a joke."
"I treat all matters just as I find them, Mrs. Darling," was his calm retort.
"Viscount Kneedrock is mad," she affirmed, mincing the manifest fact no longer.
The solicitor bowed.
"If so, I deplore it," he said; "but he has had quite enough in his life to make him so."