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The Minute Boys of York Town
Then, of course, we discussed this possible battle which was going on at sea, speculating as to what the outcome might be if the French beat off the enemy, and also what might occur if the English were victorious, for you must remember that while waiting further news from the Jerseyman we had nothing better with which to occupy our time.
Although we talked long and earnestly, going over all the possibilities, Horry Sims did not venture to raise his voice, and this surprised me somewhat, causing suspicions to arise lest the Tory cur had in mind some plan for escape, or that he knew more than did we, although that seemed impossible, regarding Saul's whereabouts.
On that day, because of lack of provisions, we decided that there was really no need of dinner, and deferred the meal until night, the prisoner, as a matter of course, sharing our fast, although I doubt not that Pierre would have insisted on his feasting while we went hungry had there been more than provisions enough to provide a single fair allowance for the four of us.
It was dull work sitting in old Mary's cabin waiting for the coming of the Jerseyman, although we knew full well that he might not be able to pay us a visit within eight and forty hours; but it was in Pierre's mind that we had best remain there, where he could come upon us at a moment's notice, rather than walk around the village now it seemed certain we could get no information regarding Saul.
I hardly remember how that long day did pass. I know full well, however, that it seemed as if more than a week elapsed between sunrise and sunset. I can even at this moment recall the fierce joy which was mine when, just as the shadows of night were beginning to fall, the door of the cabin was opened softly, and that man whom we had been waiting for so eagerly came in.
I could hardly wait until he had closed the door behind him, before I asked impatiently, with mingled hope and despair in my tones:
"Have you heard aught concerning Saul?"
When the reply came I leaped to my feet excitedly, rushing toward the man as if to clasp him in my arms, for I had not dared to hope he would bring positive news.
"Saul Ogden is confined in that guard-house where, so I am told, the Widow Marshall formerly lived. Do you remember a small, one-storied log building that stands perhaps two hundred paces in the rear of the church?"
"Yes, yes, I know it well," I cried eagerly, although not being really certain as to which of the houses the Widow Marshall had formerly lived in. "What is the charge against him?"
"That I haven't been able to determine; but feel quite positive it is nothing very serious, else would he be under stricter guard. Most like he and some of the Tory villagers got into a brawl – "
"How is he guarded?" Pierre asked, and I understood that even then the dear lad was casting about in his mind for some plan which might promise success in our efforts to release him.
"There is but a single sentinel in front of the building. If Saul was charged with being a spy, he would be confined in the basement of that stone house overlooking the water – I know not who owned it before the British occupation. Spies are more closely guarded, while your cousin shares the quarters of such soldiers as are punished for slight misdemeanors."
"Then it may be possible that we can aid him to escape?" I cried breathlessly, and to my surprise Master Morgan said emphatically:
"It would be unwise to make any move in such a direction lest suspicion be aroused regarding you and me. The lad is in no danger, and I dare venture to say more comfortably situated than are you. Leave him alone; do not even loiter around the building in the hope of getting a glimpse of him, and you may be certain nothing of harm will come through the Britishers just at this time. It is well to let sleeping dogs lie."
I cried out against what thus seemed to be an abandonment of our comrade, and stupidly insisted that it was our duty to do all we could to release him from his prison, regardless of what might come to ourselves, whereupon little Frenchie reminded me in that silken voice of his, that we had no right, even though the peril was greater, to run the risk of bringing suspicion upon Morgan, whose life would most like pay the penalty if it was known that he had any connection, however slight, with those who favored the Cause.
We argued the matter back and forth half an hour or more, Pierre and Morgan against me, until finally I was brought to a sense of my duty; was made to understand that in this supreme effort of the colonists to throw off the yoke of the king, the liberty or even the life of one or a dozen such lads as us should count as nothing; that if by going down to his death, Saul might avert suspicion from Morgan, thereby leaving him where there was a possibility he could aid the Cause, then should a boy be proud to die.
"Very well, I yield; you have shown me why I should desert my cousin, and I am ready to do it. Now, perhaps you can say how we may replenish our store of provisions, for we are about to eat the last morsel of food."
I was angered because of having been beaten in the argument, and because even Pierre sided against Saul, as it seemed to me, therefore spoke hotly and in what I counted should be a scornful tone; but to my deep surprise Morgan said in a tone of satisfaction:
"Like to be hungry, are you? Well, matters couldn't have turned out better for me. I didn't dare dream you would be driven by necessity to do that which I have in mind?"
"So it seems fortunate to you that we shall not be able to break our fast to-morrow morning?" I cried hotly, and the Jerseyman replied with a laugh:
"Ay, lad, so it does. I am not claiming that it will be impossible for you to do as I desire; but by really being hungry you can the better act that part which I had come up here to persuade you was your duty."
"What is it you would have us do, sir?" Pierre interrupted, as if it irritated him because we spent so many words before coming to the meat of the matter.
"If two boys and an old slave are the same as starving, surely there isn't an officer under Cornwallis who would not grant them permission to go fishing. In two or three hours they might be able to get enough to fill their stomachs many times over. I believe you have only to present yourselves to the officer of the day to-morrow, explaining the situation, and asking permission to go out in a boat."
All these words simply formed a riddle; I did not have the sense to understand just at the time, owing to my impatience, that the Jerseyman had something back of this – that it would serve his purpose for us to be on the river to-morrow morning; but dear little Pierre was not needing many explanations before he could come to the root of the matter, and he asked quietly:
"If it should be that we got permission to go fishing, where think you we could make the biggest catch?"
"Two miles or more below Gloucester Point," Morgan replied.
"Having gone so far as that what would you advise?"
"That you keep reasonably near the shore, and if a man wearing a bit of green in his hat came near to the water's edge, put in where you might have speech with him."
"What speech?"
"Remember, lads, these words: 'Despite all the work Cornwallis is doing in the way of fortifying the town, there are indications that he is preparing to retreat by way of Gloucester if the English fleet fails to bring succor.' Now let me hear you say that twice, for the wording is most important."
Pierre did as he was commanded, never missing a word or tone, and when he had finished to the Jerseyman's satisfaction, I asked how it was known that a man would approach the boat.
"I saw him on the shore this afternoon. His being there is much the same as an intimation that he is waiting for some word. I doubt not that seeing two boys in a boat he will come near the water, to give you an opportunity of proving if you have been sent by me. There is a possibility he may be prevented from coming, or that he will not understand you might be serving me. Of all that we must take our chances, and since you are in such sore need of food, the attempt to deliver my message will cause you little or no additional labor."
"It is not the labor that would stop us," Pierre said hotly. "It is needed only that you point out how we can be of service, and nothing else is of importance."
"I know that, lad, right well do I know it, from what little I have seen of you since we met. Go to the officer of the day early in the morning, or to whomsoever wearing a sword you can come at most handily. Tell the truth so far as may be safe, and humbly beg permission to go fishing. For the time being put from your minds all thoughts of Saul Ogden, difficult though that may be, for I assure you he is in no danger, and enjoying more of comfort than it is possible for you to enjoy here in this cabin while you stand guard over a Tory prisoner."
I would have forced Morgan to explain more regarding this man whom he thought we might possibly meet on the Gloucester shore, for I was eager to understand how the fellow had come there, and what cause he had for believing he might be seen by the Jerseyman; but our visitor cut me short by saying that now his business had been transacted there was no reason why he should remain longer, and great need for him to hasten away.
Immediately we were alone Pierre set out the last of our store of provisions, dividing the food equally between us four, counting the prisoner as a member of the company, and when we had eaten the frugal meal, which was in quantity no more than enough to make plain the fact that we were hungry, little Frenchie led me into the open air, making no explanation to Uncle 'Rasmus regarding his movements.
"Where would you go?" I asked when the door was closed upon us, so that those inside the cabin might not hear what was said, and the dear little French lad whispered in my ear, while caressing the sleeve of my coat:
"I would not have you believe, Fitz Hamilton, that I am so cold blooded as it appeared when I agreed with the Jerseyman that we would make no attempt at getting word to Saul. I am burning to let the lad know we stand ready at the first opportunity to give him aid, and to that end would walk down past the house where we are told he is imprisoned."
"But what about the danger we may be bringing upon Morgan by thus interfering, when he has advised that we remain quietly with Uncle Rasmus?" I cried, and Pierre replied softly:
"Can you not see how lame his argument was that he himself might be drawn into trouble if we were suspected? He has visited us twice in the cabin, and both times secretly; it is to be supposed he took good care no one should see him, therefore how may it be said, if we run our noses into danger, that he has had any part in it?"
"Would you set out with me now to do whatsoever we might toward releasing Saul, for verily, Pierre Laurens, he may be released if simply held prisoner in that house belonging to the Widow Marshall, because it is as crazy a building as the one we have just left."
"I am not saying I would do aught toward releasing him this very night, for that could not be other than dangerous. No matter for what slight misdemeanor he may have been arrested, once he has made his escape the hue-and-cry will be raised. What I have in mind is simply to let the lad know we are watching over him, and stand ready to do all within our power when the proper time comes."
Verily Pierre was wise beyond his years. It had not occurred to me that Morgan had some particular reason for keeping us closely housed; but now it was as if I understood all his purpose. He counted on our being where he could lay his hand on us at any moment when it might be necessary we should act in his behalf, therefore advised that we leave Saul out of the question for the time being.
Pierre had apparently agreed with the Jerseyman, while at the same time it was in his mind to do that which we were setting out to accomplish, and I had no scruples about following him, for ponder over the matter as I might, I failed to see how anything suspicious on our part could bring trouble or danger to the spy, or in any way menace the Cause.
It was more than possible we might run our own noses into danger, and suffer thereby; but we alone would be called on to pay the penalty.
I led the way through the village to the Widow Marshall's, meeting here and there a single soldier, or the red-coated gentry in squads, none of whom gave any particular heed to us, because there were other lads then ourselves in this village of York, whose parents had not seen fit to run away when the Britishers took possession.
As we made a detour around the building I said to Pierre, taking good care not to point lest I attract attention:
"Yonder is the house, where the soldier stands in front of the door. Do you see that the only bars to the windows are puncheon planks? If a lad was so minded, and no one approached the rear of the building during a certain length of time, he could dig his way through that chimney of sticks and mud until he was come into the fireplace."
All this, as a matter of course, Pierre had noticed, and he also must have seen, as did I, that our hope of showing ourselves to Saul had been vain, for, as I have said, the windows were closed with planks. Whosoever was held prisoner inside could not get a glimpse of the outer world; but must remain in darkness all the while.
We walked by this apology for a guard-house slowly, not daring to halt lest some red-coat take heed that we were noting the place more carefully than lads of the village would be likely to do. When we were come nearly to the river front we wheeled about, retracing our steps so far as to be able to pass the building on the other side; but at no point could we see an opportunity for warning my cousin that we were near at hand.
"We might as well have staid inside the cabin," I said in a tone of despondency as we turned our faces toward where we knew Uncle 'Rasmus awaited us. "This is the first time, Pierre, that one of your plans has come to naught, and both you and I should have had wit enough to realize that if the building had been turned into a guard-house, the windows would be barricaded in some way to prevent the escape of prisoners."
"The plan has not come to naught. Before we left the cabin I had no idea where the house was located; but now you have pointed it out I would be able, if the time was ripe and you not with me, to find the place. I am counting – "
Pierre did not finish the sentence, for at that moment we came face to face with Abel Hunt, a dissolute fellow seventeen or eighteen years old, who lived in a mean hovel with his meaner parents near to Horry Sims's home, and one who would follow in the footsteps of Horry Sims's father so far as having a Tory leaning was concerned.
It was so dark that I did not see the fellow until we were close upon him, otherwise would I have made every effort to avoid a meeting, for I had no doubt that he, seeing us in York, would immediately ask himself why we who favored the Cause were there. Then might he straightway set about striving to learn what was our business in the village.
Again, and this came into my mind like a flash of light, he might be there searching for Horry. When the lad failed to return home his parents would, as a matter of course, send here, there and everywhere in search of him, and this fellow Abel Hunt would have been one of the first whom Master Sims would have called on, because, having much the same as supplied the Hunt family with food, he could demand their service whenever they were required.
Looking over what I have here set down, it would seem as if I was making it appear that Pierre and I stood motionless several seconds in front of Abel Hunt, whereas all these thoughts had come into my mind in a twinkling, even as I crowded little Frenchie into the roadway with the faint hope that we might pass Hunt and not be recognized.
In this I was unsuccessful, for even as I would have moved out of his path the fellow seized me by the arm, as if he was my equal, and said with a coarse laugh:
"Well, how comes it that one of the Hamiltons, who claim to be red-hot rebels, is loitering around the British encampment? Have you changed coats lately, Master Fitz?"
"I am wearing the same coat of buff and blue that I stood ready to put on when we heard the news from Boston. I suppose if there be any color to yours, it is red, unless peradventure you could find more money in the pockets of a garment of different hue."
This last I said because it was well known two years before that both Abel and his father were willing to sell their services to Whig or Tory; but could find none foolish enough to buy them, therefore, dependent upon Master Sims as they were for their daily bread, fell into line as lovers of the king.
Hunt gave no heed to me when I thus reminded him that he was willing to sell his opinions; but abruptly demanded why I was in York, and where I counted on going.
It is true that I might have told the fellow it was none of his business, and refused to hold converse with him, as I surely would have done had the danger not been so great. If I passed him with an angry word it was absolutely certain he would follow to learn where I went, and, failing in discovering that, might give information that the son of Captain Hamilton of the American army was loitering around York, whereupon I would find myself in that same guard-house where Saul was confined.
The only course, as it seemed to me, and I was forced to decide on the instant, was to speak to the fellow fairly, and, much though I disliked to do so, strive to throw him off the scent.
Therefore it was I said, forcing myself to speak in a fairly friendly tone:
"Pierre and I came into York yesterday to see the soldiers, for never before have I been in a military encampment. We had no difficulty in entering the lines; but it was quite another matter when we would go out. It seems as if there must have been some sudden change in the situation, that Lord Cornwallis should decide not only to prevent visitors from arriving; but also from departing when they desired to go home."
"And what have you lads been doing since the time when you found it impossible to pass the sentinels?" Abel Hunt asked suspiciously, still holding me by the arm, while the fact that I continued to answer him in a friendly manner must have been proof that I was afraid of him, and he so understood it, as I fancied from the tone in which he spoke.
Never before had he dared to accost me other than in the most civil manner, with his hat in his hand. Now he demanded an answer as if he was my superior.
"We have done the best we might," Pierre answered, most like fearing I would make an intemperate reply. "It is not easy to find food among strangers, and as for a shelter, we long since gave up all hope of that, therefore are spending the night on our feet, as you see."
"Do you count on walking around till morning?" Hunt demanded.
"What else can we do?" I asked laughingly.
"Have you no friends here in the village?"
"None who can give us shelter," I replied, whereupon the fellow fell silent for an instant, and then suddenly wheeling me about with a force that caused me to wince with pain, asked abruptly:
"When last did you see Horry Sims?"
I know full well that a gentleman should never tell a lie, and have ever contended that under ordinary circumstances it is not only wicked, but vile to do so. In this case, however, I knew it would cost Pierre and me our liberty, perhaps our lives, if we held only to the truth, therefore I replied as if striving to awaken memories:
"I believe it was on the morning the Britishers seized the horses of the Hamilton plantation. I saw him on the road at that time."
"And you can make no guess as to where he may be now?"
"Why should we waste our time making such foolish guesses as that?" Pierre demanded as if suddenly grown angry. "Horry Sims, as you well know, is no friend either to Fitz Hamilton or me, although so far as I am concerned he has no reason to be an enemy; but because he and Fitz are at swords' points over politics, do I believe I should side with him whom I call my friend."
"Meaning that you deny knowing about where Horry may be now?" Abel Hunt cried in a threatening tone, and Pierre, straightening himself up to show that he was not afraid of the bully, replied in that silky tone of his:
"Meaning to say that that is what I would have you understand, Master Abel Hunt."
Surely in making such answer Pierre escaped telling a downright lie, for he spoke only the truth.
Then, striving to show myself somewhat at ease in the company of this fellow with whom I had never previously associated, I asked him in turn what he was doing, and where he counted on spending the night.
He gave no heed to my first question, but replied to the second by saying:
"I allow I'll stay with you lads till sunrise. It's a bit lonesome loafing around here alone, and, like you, I know of no place where I can find a bed. We'll hang together as neighbors should."
"We'll do nothing of the kind, Abel Hunt," I cried hotly. "I claim the right to choose my own friends."
"Oh, you do, eh?" the fellow cried with a coarse laugh. "Well perhaps in this case you haven't got any rights. At least, before allowing it I want to know why you are here, and how you happen to be wandering around the camp of an enemy, for surely you rebels count the king's soldiers as enemies."
I understood on the instant that I had made a mistake in thus speaking angrily; but it was too late to make amends, as I thought, and would have moved on but that Pierre said just as Abel Hunt barred my way by stepping in front of me:
"I see no reason, Fitz, why even though you may not be friendly with this lad, he should not remain with us, at least until morning. I can well fancy that if he, like you and me, has no place in which to lay his head this night, companionship of any kind would be very sweet. At least, I know it is with me, and, with your permission, shall welcome him."
"You will because you don't dare do different," Hunt cried triumphantly, and Pierre said with a note of sharpness in his tones:
"Since that is your belief, Master Hunt, we will prove to you the contrary," and Pierre, ruffling like a pigeon, strode off with a great assumption of dignity, I as a matter of course following.
When we came upon Abel Hunt we were going directly toward old Mary's cabin; but now Pierre turned at the next corner, walking slowly as if simply eager to pass the time, and headed in the direction of the river, while I kept close by his side mentally bewailing the little lad's unlucky desire to learn the location of the guard-house in which Saul was confined.
It was possible to see out of the tail of my eye, even though I had not heard his footsteps, that Abel Hunt was following less than half a dozen paces behind us, and a great fear came into my heart, for now I knew he was convinced we had had some hand in the disappearance of Horry Sims, and would act as our shadow in the hope of coming at the secret of the Tory's whereabouts.
There was little chance he would give us an opportunity of slipping into old Mary's cabin unobserved, and I pictured to myself the alarm and distress of Uncle 'Rasmus as the hours went by and we failed to put in an appearance.
I had come to understand that we must walk the streets of York during all the hours of darkness, and, what was of far more importance, must hold back from performing that task which the Jerseyman had set us.
There was little hope we would be able to set off in a boat alone, and it was quite positive we would not dare do so while Hunt was holding us under his eye, therefore had we missed an opportunity of serving the Cause, as well as paved the way, perhaps, for our own arrest as spies.
I turned the matter over and over in my mind as I walked by Pierre's side in silence, asking myself whether this dissolute fellow could gain speech with any of the king's officers, and as I asked the question I could answer it full well, for he had only to whisper the fact that he could give information as to spies, and even my Lord Cornwallis himself would listen to him.
We had come to grief, as it seemed to me, and what presented itself to my mind as the most painful of all the sorry business, was that we had been brought to such a pass by a worthless, ignorant lout whom I would not have allowed to linger even in the Hamilton stables.