Полная версия
Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School
Tavia answered the challenge by skipping along through the grassy track, with Nat dragging lazily along at her heels.
"Don't get lost," cautioned Dorothy.
"And don't expect us to watch this food all afternoon," said Ned, as the two disappeared over a bank on the "still hunt" for water and perhaps watercress.
"Tavia knows everything that grows," remarked Dorothy to her cousin, "I think it is so interesting to have a practical knowledge of nature."
"And quite convenient when it comes to lemonade with water," answered the boy. "It's queer Nat is like that too. He always knows things about things when things are shy for a feed. Likely he'll bring back a small-sized patch of the vegetable kingdom."
Meanwhile the explorers were making discoveries at every glade.
"There," called Tavia, triumphantly, "that's a spring. But the announcement came a second too late to save Nat from a foot bath.
"So I have noticed," he declared, trying to shake some of the cold water out of his low cut shoes.
"Oh, that's too bad," Tavia managed to say, although her joy at finding the spring made any regret at the method of its discovery quite out of the question. Being careful of her own footing she made her way along, until the stone basin at the spring source came into view.
"Didn't I tell you?" she shouted. "And there is the watercress!"
She was on her knees now, leaning over like the goddess who saw her face reflected in the water. Tavia knew the peculiarities of a spring, and knew how to avoid the common penalty of wet feet when getting either cress or a drink "by hand."
"Let me," asked Nat, gallantly, as he saw her stooping over the brink.
"I do want some of the cress," she said.
"So do I," declared the knight. But alas; as he stepped to the brink he went down – down – down —
"Help!" he shouted, merrily, in spite of the second foot bath within a few minutes.
But Nat kept on sinking, until what seemed like a joke soon assumed a serious aspect.
"Give us a hand," he called to Tavia. "I must have struck quick-sand."
Tavia ran to the side of the pool where the boy was imbedded. He had jumped right in, instead of feeling his way as Tavia had, to make sure of his ground.
"Take my hand," said the girl anxiously, but the effort necessary in reaching toward her only served to make the unfortunate youth sink farther down.
"I guess you'll have to go for help," he admitted finally, the danger of the situation forcing itself upon him.
"But suppose you should go under while I am gone?" faltered Tavia.
"Just pull that tree branch over to me," said Nat, "and I'll cling to that. This must be a glue spring. My, but it has a grip! There goes my shoe."
"I'll run for Ned," cried Tavia, after she had given the boy in the pool a hold on the tree branch, and then she shot across the fields like a deer, leaving Nat to "say his prayers," as he described the situation.
It seemed a long time to the imprisoned boy, but as a matter of fact, Tavia was back very soon with "reinforcements."
Besides Dorothy and Ned, there came to the rescue a woman, who just happened by and heard of the danger. She knew the spring, and, depositing her basket of eggs in a safe place, pulled a fence rail from its post, and with Ned holding one end hurried on to the spring. By this time Nat was almost exhausted, for though it was an August day, standing to the waist in cold spring water was not an enjoyable position.
"I found the spring," he tried to joke, as the others came up to him.
"So we see," drawled Ned.
"Here," called the strange woman, who evidently knew exactly what to do. "Young man, you take this end of the rail to the other side. I'll hold my end here, and the boy can pull out across it."
Dorothy and Tavia looked on anxiously. They had heard of persons being swallowed up in quick-sands. Might not this be such a danger?
The pool was uncomfortably wide just where Nat chose to try its depth, so that it was difficult to span it with the fence rail.
"Easy now," called the little woman in the big sunbonnet. "Take hold first, then draw yourself up."
Nat was only too anxious to do as he was told. It did seem so good to have something solid within reach once more.
But tug as he would, he could not extricate his feet.
"Guess some Chinaman has a hold of me," he said, trying to make the best of his predicament.
"Wait a minute," called the farm woman. "There, now, you take the rail to the top of the spring and get down on it. Then you (to Nat) swing right up on it – now there, you've got it! Hold tight. Come here young girls. Quick! Pull! Pull! Altogether! There you are!" and, at that moment, a very muddy form was dragged from the spring. Nat was on dry land again.
"Don't stop to talk unless you want to get the chills from that spring," urged the little country woman in the big sunbonnet, "but just chase across that field as fast as you can. If we are not on the road when you get there, keep right on running. It's the only thing. Then I'll see what I can do for you in the line of clothes. Sam hasn't got much, but they're clean."
Nat stood shivering. The mud had relieved him of both shoes.
"Run along," ordered the woman, "I tell you I know all about the kind of chills that come from that spring water. Why, we don't even eat the watercress out of it this summer, so many folks that did eat it were taken down. My son Sam had a spell. The doctor stuck to it it was swimmin' but I knowed better; it was eatin' that poison watercress."
By this time Nat had followed directions and was going across the fields as fast as his uncomfortable legs would carry him. Tavia was running also; she felt it was her duty to stick by Nat, and get to the road with him, in case he should need any help.
Dorothy could not hide her dismay. Nat might get cold, he certainly had spoiled some good clothes, and the automobile ride would not be as pleasant now. How could it be with such a soaked boy at the wheel? And he was sure to stick to his post.
"Isn't it awful!" Dorothy remarked to Ned, as they hurried along after Nat and Tavia, while the country woman jogged on ahead of them.
"Nothing of the sort," he contradicted her. "It will add to his general knowledge, and what an experience it will be when it is handed out to the fellows! Nat frequently has a way of making narrow escapes. Chances are, some subterranean monster held him down in that spring. Oh, that accident will just be pie for Nat," and his brother laughed at the possible story Nat would concoct about his spring bath.
Breaking through the clump of bushes that divided the field from the road Nat and Tavia could be seen racing up and down like a pair in "training."
"That's right," called the woman, "just cut across there to that house. I'll be there almost as soon as you."
And in truth the farm woman was "no slouch," as Ned expressed it, for she tramped along at such an even pace that Dorothy found it difficult to keep up with her on the rough roads.
The farm house was of the typical old-fashioned kind; long and narrow, like a train of cars side-tracked, Ned thought. Vines that had become tired creeping clung tenaciously to window sills and broken porch rails, while clumsy old apple trees leaned lazily toward the stone house, although they were expected to keep their place, and outline a walk to the garden.
"Come right in the kitchen," invited the little woman. "I'll go upstairs and get the clothes, and then the young man can wash up a bit. Sam always keeps plenty of clean water in his room in summer time – ain't so pertic'lar about it in winter."
Nat hesitated on the door sill. Although the place presented that crowded and almost untidy scene, so common to back doors in the country, the room within was clean and orderly, and Nat had no idea of carrying his mud through the apartment.
Tavia, seeing his predicament, promptly found the broom and began such a vigorous scraping of the muddy clothes that Nat backed down to a bench and fell over it.
"There," exclaimed Tavia, "no more will come off, I'm sure."
"So am I," gasped Nat. "I wonder – well, never mind, you brushed me all right. If ever you want work just let me know."
The woman, who had introduced herself as Mrs. Hardy, was at the door now, and ordered Nat to come in at once.
"For clothes," she began, "I left out Sam's brand new pair of overalls. They hain't never been on him, and I thought they'd be better than anything else for summer. Then there's a clean soft shirt, and you won't need no coat, as it's a sight too warm to-day for coats. Them sneak shoes Sam only bought Saturday night. He likes to wear them to picnics, and there's to be one to-morrow evenin'."
Nat seemed unable to thank the woman. He really felt so miserable, physically, and so confused mentally, that his usual ready wit forsook him. But Dorothy could have hugged that dear little woman who was so kind and thoughtful. Ned was out in the motor car, so Dorothy was the one in "authority."
"You are so kind," she faltered to Mrs. Hardy, as Nat's muddy heels lost themselves from view up the box stairs. "I'm sure we cannot thank you enough."
"Tut, tut," interrupted the woman, busying herself at once about the little cook stove. "If the same thing happened to my Sam I know you'd do as much for him. He'll be in to dinner. Maybe you'll see him. I am proud of Sam. He's all I've got, of course, that makes some difference."
Ned now brought the machine up to the front of the house. He blew the horn to attract attention and Tavia ran out.
"Of all the luck," he stammered, trying to talk and laugh at the same time, "every scrap of our lunch is gone. Dogs, chickens, and maybe a boy or two took it. At any rate, they did not leave as much as the basket."
"Oh," gasped Tavia. "Isn't that mean!"
"Rather," answered the boy. "But perhaps we can get some crackers and milk here. I feel that the pangs of hunger will do something desperate presently. Nat, I suppose, will get a warm drink, and no doubt something to make him strong – homemade bread is the usual, I think. But I may starve," and he looked truly mournful – dinner hour was "flush" as he expressed it, meaning that the time had come to eat, as both hour and minute hand were hugging twelve, whistles blowing and a distant bell sounding, all of which indicated meal time was "flush."
"What's the matter?" asked Dorothy, coming around the house.
"The commissary department has been looted," said Ned. "In other words, our grub is gone."
"Gone!" echoed Dorothy, incredulously.
"The very gonest gone you ever saw. Not so much as a toothpick left."
"What shall we do," sighed the girl, who had put up such a tempting lunch, and had even partly spread it out on the paper-cloth in that "safe" place under the tree.
"Victuals gone?" asked Mrs. Hardy, from the side window. "I might have told you as much, only for hurryin' to get them wet clothes off that boy. Why, our hounds would steal the eggs from the nests, worst thieves I ever saw. Well, never mind. When I get Sam back to the hayfield I'll do what I can for you. But he has to be quick, for it's all cut and there's no telling when a thunder storm 'll come up."
"Oh, we wouldn't think of troubling you so much," demurred Dorothy.
"Is there any store around?" asked Ned, significantly.
"One a mile off that has not a morsel fit to eat in it. I'd as soon swallow poison as eat anything out of that place. Here, young girl (to Tavia), you run down to the dairy there, the door is unlocked, and bring up a pail of milk that's on the bench under the window. I'll give you a couple of glasses and you can help yourselves until Sam gets done."
Tavia hurried off, willing enough to fetch the milk, and before she reached the door on her return trip – there was Nat!
Nobody dared to laugh. What might Mrs. Hardy think?
But Nat in overalls! And a dark blue shirt! And the yellow sneaks!
"Splendid," declared Dorothy, feeling the absolute necessity of saying something grateful.
"I feel like a new man," said Nat.
"Bet you do now," spoke Mrs. Hardy, looking him over approvingly. "Nothing like clean clothes, and them is becoming."
Nat went near her so he could carry on conversation without delaying the dinner preparations.
"That spring suit," he said laughing, "I'll just throw down on the rubbish heap. The clothes are so covered with mud, I am sure they never could be cleaned, and if Sam will have time to get in town before the picnic perhaps he can sell me these things. Or, if not, I'll buy whatever he wants and send them out."
"Well, he won't need the overalls till next week," answered the mother.
"Then I can buy them?" asked Nat.
"And the shoes – "
"I'll have a pair sent out directly I reach town. I'll see that they come special so there will be no mistake."
"And the shirt – you are welcome to that."
"Now then," said Nat, "here's five dollars, whatever will be over the price of the clothes I am sure I owe you – "
"Five dollars!" exclaimed the woman with genuine surprise. "Why, bless you boy, that would buy my Sam a full, whole winter suit."
"Get him one, then," insisted Nat. "I would be glad to help him, as he certainly has helped me greatly. Just surprise him with a new suit for the picnic. We'll be off as soon as I get my share of that milk, if they have left me any, then he will know nothing of the accident. You can give him a complete surprise," seeing the look of delight on the poor woman's face.
"But you dasen't drink none of that cold milk," she protested. "Step right over here to a cup of tea, it's just fresh. But I don't feel I should take all that money."
"Oh, just to give Sam a little surprise," argued Nat, "and indeed, I owe it to you, for I might have taken an awful cold," and he drank down his "piping" hot tea.
"Well, Sam will be happy," admitted the mother fondly, "and if you can afford it – "
"Of course I can. There, they have actually stopped drinking. We are so much obliged for the invitation to take dinner, Mrs. Hardy, but we couldn't really stay," finished Nat.
"No," said Dorothy, coming in at that moment, "it is very kind of you to ask us, Mrs. Hardy, but my cousin says we must go on. Here is something for the milk – "
"No more money!" declared the woman. "I've taken more now than the Bible would say was due me."
"Oh, just this change," urged Dorothy.
"Not a penny! Not one cent!" Mrs. Hardy insisted, but as Dorothy stepped out to join the others, who by this time were getting into the car, she managed to find a place to hide the coins – where Mrs. Hardy would find them later on.
"I'm to the bat," said Ned, as Nat took up his place in front.
"Not much," shouted Nat. "I haven't been put out yet, and, in overalls and blue shirt, Nat, the good-looking and always well-dressed boy, let loose the Fire-Bird for another fly through the country."
"What do you suppose will happen next?" asked Dorothy, as the automobile sped along the narrow road through a woodland way.
"Don't tempt the fates," cautioned Ned, "we can always get enough trouble without beckoning it."
"It was good sport, meeting the little country woman and all that," said Nat, "but I must admit I did not enjoy the mud bath. I have heard of mud baths in sanitariums. Do you suppose they are that kind?"
"Oh, no," laughed Ned. "They perfume the mud and mix it with bay rum. Then they allow it to trickle down your spinal column to the rhythm of your favorite poem – so many drops to so many feet."
"I'll never forget how you looked when you came up on that rail," declared Tavia, merrily. "I have heard of such things, but that is the first time I ever saw any one really ride a rail – "
"And my initial performance, I assure you. Well, do not be so painfully faithful as never to forget my appearance. I think you might sympathize with a fellow."
But Tavia only laughed more heartily. She declared he could not have been drowned; of course it was wet and cold and muddy —
"And he might have fallen, and not have been able to get to his feet again," remarked Dorothy, with apprehension. "I am awfully afraid of mysterious accidents; and who can tell what is at the bottom of a spring?"
"For expert testimony," replied Nat, "apply to Nathaniel White, Esquire. He is in every way qualified – Oh, I say, my knee! Ouch! Can't move it," and he winced in pain.
"Let me get there," insisted Ned, "you may take a kink somewhere and make us turn turtle. Besides you will not get so much breeze back here."
Nat was easily persuaded now, for the fact was he did not feel at all comfortable – the mud bath was getting in its work, – so the machine was stopped while he got in the tonneau and his brother took the place at the wheel.
"Put this dust robe around you," ordered Dorothy. "You may miss your coat in spite of the day, for the wind is sharp when we cut through the air this way. I do hope you will not be ill – "
"Never! That race Mrs. Hardy gave me, or made me take, saved my life. But it's pleasant to change seats. Ned will get a lot of laughs from Tavia, and I will enjoy a chance to talk with you."
So the little party dashed along, until a turn in the road brought a row of houses into view, and presently, among them, could be seen a sign that indicated eatables were for sale there. Both girls and boys went in to do the buying – so keen were their appetites now that each preferred to do his or her own selecting. Tavia wanted buns, cheese and pickles. Nat had cheese, rye bread and butter (he bought a quarter of a pound) and besides he found, on the very tip top shelf, some glass jars of boneless herring.
"Let's make a regular camp dinner," suggested Ned. "Buy some potatoes and sliced bacon, make tea or coffee – "
"In what?" asked Dorothy.
"Oh, yes, that's so. We did not bring the lunch basket. By the way, you have not seen the basket mother received for her birthday. It has everything for a lunch on the road; a lamp to cook over, tea and coffee pot, enameled cups, plates, good sharp knives – the neatest things, all in a small basket. Mother never lets us take it out, when we're alone. She thinks so much of it."
"I should think she would," remarked Dorothy. "But we were speaking of a camp lunch – "
"Yes, let's," joined in Nat. "It's no end of fun, roasting potatoes in a stone furnace."
"And toasting bacon on hat pins," suggested Tavia.
So it was agreed the camp lunch should be their meal, Dorothy and Ned doing most of the work of buying and finding things fresh enough to eat in the old-fashioned dusty store, while Tavia and Nat tasted pickles and tried buns, until Dorothy interposed, declaring if either ate another mouthful before the real meal was ready they would not be allowed a single warm morsel.
"Just one potato," pleaded Nat. "I do so love burnt potatoes."
"And a single slice of bacon," urged Tavia. "I haven't had that kind of bacon since we were out at the Cedars, and I think it is so delicious."
"Then save your appetites," insisted Dorothy, "and help with the work. No looking for fresh spring water this time. Nat, carry this bottle of milk. Ned has paid for the bottle and all, so we will not have to come back with the jar."
The paper bundles were finally put into the car, and then, turning back to the woodland road, it was not difficult to find a place suitable to build the camp-fire, and set table on a big stump of a newly-felled tree that Tavia said made her more hungry than ever, for the chips smelt like vinegar and molasses, she declared.
So pleasant was the camp life our friends had embarked upon, they did not notice how far the afternoon was getting away from them, and before they had any inclination to start out on the road again, the sun had rolled itself up into a big red ball, and was sinking down behind the hills.
"Oh, it may be dark before we get back to Dalton," said Dorothy in alarm. "We should have started an hour ago."
"But the potatoes were not done," Tavia reminded her, "and we never could have left without eating them after carrying cords and cords of wood to the oven."
"Get aboard," called Nat, "I'll take the wheel now, Ned. I'm entirely thawed out."
It had certainly been a delightful day, even the accident at the spring was now merely an event to laugh at, while the meal on the big chestnut stump, beside the camp-fire, had been so enjoyable, and now, all that remained was the pleasant ride home. That is all that appeared to remain, but automobile rides, like chickens, should not be counted until all is over, and the machine is safely put up for the night. Chickens have the same tendency as have autos toward surprises – and disappointments.
"There's a hill," remarked Ned, quite unnecessarily, as a long stretch of brown road seemed to bound up in front of them.
"A nice climb," acquiesced Nat. "Now, Birdy, be good. Straight ahead. No flunking now – steady," and he "coaxed" the machine into a slow, even run, that became more and more irksome as the grade swelled.
"But when we get at the top?" asked Tavia.
"We will not stay there long," answered Nat, "for if there is one thing this machine likes to do it is to coast down hill."
The Fire-Bird made its way up the steep grade, and presently, as Nat predicted, turned the hill-crest and "flew" down the other side.
The swiftness of the motion made conversation impossible, for the machine was coasting, the power being off, and surely the Fire-Bird was "flying through the air."
Reaching the level stretch again, Nat threw in the clutch, but a grinding and clanking noise answered his movement of the lever.
"Hello!" called Ned from the rear. "Busted!"
"Something wrong," agreed Ned, looking at the spark and gasoline controllers.
Presently, as the boys expected, the machine slowed up, and then came to a stop.
Both were out at once, and they examined the mechanism together.
"It's the leather facings on the friction clutch," declared Ned. "See that one worn off?"
"Guess that's right," answered Ned. "Well, now for a horse."
"I sold my wheel for an automobile; Get a horse! Get a horse!" sang Tavia, while she and Dorothy climbed out to join the inspection committee.
"Is it bad?" asked Dorothy.
"Bad enough to stall us until we can get it fixed up somewhere," said Ned. "We'll have to take part of the clutch out," and he proceeded to do so.
"Yes, we cannot move until we get a new leather on here," added Nat. "I wonder how far we might be from a blacksmith shop."
"A couple of miles," answered Tavia. "I have often been through this woods."
"Then I suppose," went on Ned, rather dolefully, "there is nothing to be done but 'hike' to the shop."
"You go and I'll stay and take care of the girls," suggested Nat.
"Oh, both go," chimed in Tavia. "You will get back sooner, and you may have some trouble getting it fixed at the shop, for I have been there and I know the man is as deaf as a post and – other things," she finished vaguely. "There is a house just across the fields there and we are not the least bit afraid – "
"If it will hurry the work you had best both go," Dorothy added. "As Tavia says, there is a house in sight, and we could run there if anything came along to scare us."
"Well, trot along Nat," commanded Ned, as he took up the piece of the clutch. "This is sure your busy day. I'll race you to the bend to make good time, and I assure you, young ladies, we will not be one moment longer than necessary away from you."
"We are so very fond of you," joked Nat, "that every moment will be unto us an hour – "
"Oh, come, quit your nonsense, if you are going to run – "
But before Ned had finished, his brother had gained quite a handicap and was making tracks through the glen, and then out again into the open.
"Isn't it lonely," said Dorothy, getting into the disabled machine after the youths were out of sight.
"Not a bit," declared Tavia. "No tramps around here. But such a day! I almost feel as if one more thing must happen. Bad luck goes in threes, you know. One more will surely make up our day – "
"Oh, please don't talk so," and Dorothy shivered. "I do wish we were safely back in Dalton."
"And the boys gone back to the Cedars! Well, I would rather have the ride ahead of me, than to have it all ended. It is so nice to have good times. Sometimes I think I'll just run away, and see what there is to do and observe outside of that stupid old Dalton," exclaimed Tavia.