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A Bevy of Girls
“I’m only thinking. I want to have a talk with you all by myself.”
“Oh, indeed, and so we’re not to be with you?” said Mabel in some surprise.
“No, I want old Clay. Can’t I go somewhere with you all by yourself, Clara?”
Now this sort of homage was sweet to Clara. She kissed the child, and said affectionately:
“Well, I’m a bit tired; what with running about all over the place and entertaining folks, I don’t seem to have a leg to stand on; but I suppose we can just cross the lawn and get into the summerhouse and have a chat. Come along, Pen.”
Penelope fastened herself on to her elder sister’s arm and they went across to the summerhouse in question.
“Now, then,” said Clara, somewhat severely, “they tell me that I spoil you.”
“Oh, but you don’t, Clay, you are ever so nice to me.”
“Well, I don’t mean to spoil you. Of course, these are holiday times; but when lessons begin again I am going to be ever so strict. It has just occurred to me that I might get an introduction for you through Miss Angela St. Just to that charming school at Frankfort.”
“What charming school at Frankfort?” asked Penelope. “Frankfort – where’s that?”
“Oh, you dreadful child! Don’t you know?”
“I hate geography. I don’t want to learn. I don’t want to be a good, model, knowledgeable girl. And I hate Miss Just. I do; so there!”
“Well, Penelope, you are a good deal too young to choose for yourself, and if father can get an introduction to Mrs Silchester, I am sure he will avail himself of it. The school is most select; only the very nicest of girls go there.”
“Isn’t it the school where that horrid Marcia Aldworth was – that detestable old-maid thing.”
“She is an exceedingly nice girl.”
“Clay! As though she suited you one little bit! Why, I saw her one day, and she was as pokery as possible.”
“But she is a friend of Miss St. Just’s.”
“Oh, Clay! Clay! I will be good; I will be good, and we needn’t talk of that horrid school just now, need we, just when my long beautiful holidays are beginning. I will be good, I will, if you will only help me.”
“Well, Puss, what can I do?”
“I did something to-day – it wasn’t really wrong, but I am a bit frightened. I must tell you.”
“You are a queer little thing – what can it be?” Penelope looked full up at her sister.
“You are as proud as Punch – you are, you old thing! And now I shall whisper to you why you are go proud?”
“Yes, do; whisper to me.”
“You have got to know that Miss St. Just – that idol of yours, that angel up in the clouds that you are always thinking is too good for this world; you got to know her to-day at the Aldworths’.”
“I did, and I find her not at all an angel up in the clouds, but a very pretty and sweet angel with her feet on the solid earth. And she is ever so pleased to know me; she showed it, and spoke about Court Prospect, and I described how we had improved it, and she was so interested. I asked her if she would come to see it, and I’m convinced she will come, and right gladly. I’m going to tell father all about it. Father will be pleased.”
“Then, that’s all right. If you tell father about that at the same time you are telling him about me, why it will be all right.”
“About you? What in the world about you?”
“Oh, I’m coming to that. You remember that time when that Nesta was staying here?”
“That Nesta. I thought you adored her.”
“I don’t adore her; I dislike her very much. She is not a bit a nice girl. She is of the Flossie Griffiths style, and you know quite well father wouldn’t like us to associate with the Griffiths.”
“I should think not, indeed,” said Clara.
She had visions, of herself as the special friend of Angela St. Just, of visiting Hurst Castle, of getting to know the county folks. She had visions of Angela reposing in the spare room at Court Prospect, with its gilt and ormolu and white paint, which used to be called the Cedar room in the days of the St. Justs. She had visions of Angela laying her head on the richly embroidered linen, and saying to herself, “What cannot money do to improve a place.”
Among the many thoughts which flitted into her brain, she forgot Pen’s anxious, little piquant face, and just at that moment Mr Carter came along. He paused, stared at his two daughters, and came deliberately in.
“There, now, Pen, if you want to say anything to father, you can say it yourself; here he is. Father, Penelope wants to speak to you about something.”
“No, I don’t – I don’t,” said Penelope, all her courage oozing out, as she expressed it, at her finger tips.
“Then if Penelope has nothing to say, I have,” said Clara, who being quite selfish and commonplace, forgot the wistfulness which had gathered for a moment round her little sister’s face.
Penelope stole away.
“I’ll tell Clay in the morning,” she said. “Father won’t miss the money before Saturday. I’ll tell old Clay to-morrow.”
Meanwhile Clara poured the welcome news into her father’s ears that the introduction to Miss St. Just had been accomplished. He was quite elated.
“That’s capital,” he said. “We must make much of that girl, the eldest Miss Aldworth. She is worth twenty of her sisters.”
“Of course she is, father; I have always said so.”
“Have you now, Clay? I shouldn’t have guessed it. I thought you were entirely taken up with Miss Ethel and Miss Molly, and that little Nesta. Nesta seems to me to be the best of the bunch – a rollicking little thing, and full of daring. By the way, I saw her here to-day, and our Pen with her. What did she come about?”
“Nesta here to-day? I didn’t see her,” said Clara.
“Well, I did. She and Pen seemed to be having a sort of quarrel. You had best say nothing about it. Those sort of quarrels between girls soon melt into thin air when you take no notice of them. But I tell you what; this is good news. We’ll have a big function after we have spent our month at the seaside. I know for a fact that the St. Justs are going to be at Hurst Castle for the entire season, and when you return, Clay, we’ll just do the thing in topping style. I’ll induce Sir Edward and his daughter to come here and stay for the night I think I can manage the old gentleman.”
Here a peculiar knowing expression passed over Mr Carter’s face. Clara watched him.
“What a clever old dad it is,” she said.
“You’d like it, wouldn’t you, Clay?” he said, putting his hand under her chin and turning her face round until he looked at her. “Upon my word you have a look of your mother, child. I was very fond of her,” he continued, and then he stooped and printed an unlooked-for kiss on Clara’s young cheek.
She was unaccustomed to special attentions from her parent.
“I’d be ever so glad if they came,” she said. “And I’m sure if you wish it they will come.”
“Yes, it’s all right now that you’ve been introduced to Miss Angela. Now, look here; couldn’t we send them a present of fruit – fruit from the garden? They’d like some fruit from their own old garden, wouldn’t they now?”
Clara saw no impropriety in that.
“Fruit and vegetables; we’d send some vegetables, too,” said Mr Carter. “Those marrowfat peas are just in their prime. We might send them a couple of pecks, and – and some peaches; they are just getting perfectly ripe now in the hothouses – peaches, nectarines, apricots, peas, and a few melons wouldn’t be unacceptable, would they? What do you say, eh?”
“Just as you like, Dad, of course.”
Clara went off to the house to inform her sisters of what was happening. Penelope had gone to bed.
“Why, where is Pen?” she said.
“I don’t know; she seems to be sulky, and she said she had a headache. She’ll sleep it off; don’t bother about her,” said Annie, with a yawn.
The elder sister sat down and divulged to the younger ones what was about to happen.
“We’ve got,” she said, “rather to drop the Aldworths – they’re all very well in their way, but with the exception of Marcia, father doesn’t want us to see too much of them.”
“I’m heartily glad,” said Mabel; “I’m about sick of them.”
“I call it beastly meant – ” said Jim, raising his face from where he was apparently buried in the pages of a magazine.
“Hullo!” cried Clara. “You there? What are you listening to us for?”
“Well, I don’t care – I call it beastly mean to drop people when you have once taken them up so strongly, more particularly when you have achieved your object.”
“And pray what’s that?”
“You know quite well you have been angling to get an introduction to Miss Angela St. Just. Well, I happen to know that you’ve got it, and now you want to drop the girls.”
“Not Marcia,” said Clay; “we are quite willing to be friends with her. She must come and stay with us – it is her turn. It will be delightful to have her here with Angela St. Just.”
“I call it beastly free of you to call her by her Christian name.”
“Jim, I wish you’d mind your manners. I’m sure I’m not half so rude in my speech as you are, and of course I wouldn’t call her that to her face.”
“I should hope not indeed,” said Jim. “I don’t understand girls, and that’s the truth.”
He marched away. The night was a dark one, but warm. He went down through the shrubbery; he passed a little arbour where Clara and Penelope had had their interrupted conference a little earlier in the evening. He thought he heard some one sobbing. The sound smote on his ear.
“Hullo,” he said, “who’s there?”
The sobs ceased; there was dead silence. He went in, struck a match, and saw Penelope crouched in a corner.
“Why you poor little wretch,” he said, “what in the world is wrong with you? Why are you out here by yourself, and crying as though your heart would break? Why, a poacher might come across you, and then what a fright you’d get!”
“A poacher? You don’t really think so, Jim?”
“Of course I don’t; but you are as cold as charity. Here, snuggle up to me. What’s the matter, old girl?”
“Oh, Jim, I stole a sovereign from father to-day; I took it out of his purse in his bedroom when all the visitors were here. I opened the drawer and took a sovereign out of the purse and slipped it into my pocket. At the time I thought I’d tell him, but now I haven’t the courage. I thought perhaps Clay would tell him, but I couldn’t get it out – Oh, I’m a very miserable girl. I don’t know what to do – ”
“But tell me,” said Jim, “what in the world did you want with a sovereign? To think that my sister should steal just like the commonest, lowest-minded, most unprincipled girl.”
“Oh, don’t rub it in so hard, Jim. Don’t, don’t,” said Penelope.
“Well, tell me all about it.”
She did tell him.
“It was Nesta – we had a bet – it was about Clay and that horrid St. Just girl. We made a bet that if Clay got an introduction through Marcia Aldworth that Nesta should have a sovereign; but if it was the other way, I was to have the sovereign. I didn’t think about it, for I knew she could never pay it if she lost, but somehow or other it all came about as she wished, and she came tearing over with that horrid friend of hers, Flossie Griffiths, and dashed into the middle of our party. She would speak to me, and she took me away and demanded the money. I did what I could to put her off; but she said she’d go straight to father and tell him before every one that I had made a bet and broken it. So I was desperate; I took the only money I could find. Oh, what am I to do; what am I to do? Do you think father will be frightfully angry?”
“I expect he won’t much like it.”
“Oh, Jim, what am I to do?”
“I’ll see about it,” said Jim. “Now, look here, Pen, I’m not going to let you off altogether; it would not be right; but you are a good, brave child to have told me, and I am glad to know: You might have done worse, and you might have done better. I didn’t know that a sister of mine could be bullied by that sort of girl. I should like to give that Nesta a piece of my mind. I vow I should.”
“But what will father say on Saturday?”
“You’ll have to own up. I could give you the sovereign, of course, and you could put it back into his purse, but that wouldn’t teach you a lesson. We fellows at school – we boys, wouldn’t do a thing of that sort, and it wouldn’t be straight for me to shield you, and let you put the money back without telling him anything about it. But I’ll help you to tell father. Now, you can go straight off to bed. I’ll help you, old girl, when you are telling him. Good-night, good-night.”
“You are a brick! You are a dear,” said Pen. She crushed her face against his cheek; he felt her tears and rubbed them away shamefacedly afterwards.
For some time he sat on in the little summerhouse in which Angela St. Just had sat when a child, and which had not yet been destroyed for a more elegant and modern edifice. When he went back to the house it was to ponder over many things. Jim was the most thoughtful of the family; he had grit in him, which was more than any of the other Carters, their father excepted, possessed.
Chapter Seventeen
Relief Intercepted
It is an old proverb that man proposes and God disposes. Certainly when Jim Carter went to bed that night he had not the most remote idea of not helping his little sister through her difficulties. But a very unexpected and strange thing happened. His father went up to him in the early hours of the morning and told him that young as he was he was about to send him on a very delicate mission, which no one else could execute so skilfully.
“You know, Jim,” he said, “you are older than your years, and you are to leave school next term and enter my business. My clerk, Hanson, who ought to have attended to this business, has absconded, taking some money with him, and I have no one who can fill his place. I want you, my lad, to go over to Paris for me, and to deliver this letter in person to the firm, the address of which you will find on the back. You can talk French nearly as well as a native; you have never been there before, but I want you to catch the very earliest train, the one that leaves Newcastle at half-past six in the morning. You will then be in time to catch the mail to Paris. When you have done my commission, you may go to one of the hotels and amuse yourself for two or three days. You must stay there until I get my answer. I want the thing done privately. It is a very important piece of business, and I cannot attend to it myself, for I am so busy in Newcastle just now that I cannot possibly be spared. But you will do it, Jim, and if you manage it well I won’t forget you, my lad. Here is forty pounds. You won’t spend anything like that in Paris, but you may as well have the money in your pocket as not. You can go first-class, if you please; show yourself a gentleman, and act with discretion. You won’t be questioned with regard to anything, and no one is to know where you are. Now then, up you get, and off you go. Here is my Gladstone bag; I’ll pack your things and see you to the station.”
Jim’s heart had jumped into his mouth when his father began to speak, but before it came to an end he was aflame with excitement and delight. Here, truly, was an honour! Penelope and her small troubles were as completely forgotten as though they had never existed. He delighted in the sudden honour thrust upon him; he vowed that he would do it well, if his very life were demanded of him.
His quick dressing, his hurried getting downstairs; his father helping him and beseeching him not to make the slightest noise, made it all as mysterious as one of Henty’s adventures. The breakfast which his father himself got for him; the quick walk to the station; the hurried good-bye, when he found himself in a first-class carriage in the train, and his father looking proud and confident, all dazzled his young head, and Penelope and her stolen sovereign were as though they had never been. But when Penelope awoke that morning, the very first person she thought of was Jim. She and Annie shared a room together. Annie was not particularly fond of Penelope; she was the least interesting of the Carter girls; she was a little more commonplace and a little more absorbed in herself than her elder sisters.
“There is one thing I’m going to ask father,” said Annie, as they dressed that morning, “that is after we return from the seaside – if I may have a room to myself. I really can’t stand the higgledy-piggledy way you keep your things in, Pen.”
“Oh, I hate being tidy!” said Pen. “I wonder where Jim is. Jim is a brick of bricks; the dearest, darlingest, nicest fellow in the world.”
“Oh, my word!” cried Annie, “why is Jim in such high favour? I never heard you go into raptures about him before.”
“I never found him out until last night,” said Penelope.
“And you found him out last night? Pray, in what way,” said Annie.
“Ah, that’s a secret,” said Pen. “I’m not going to tell you.”
“If there’s a thing in this wide world I’d be deaved to death about, it would be one of your stupid secrets,” said Annie. “Why, you’re nothing but a child; and as to Jim, I don’t believe he has made you his confidante.”
“Yes, he has, though; yes, he has,” said Penelope, and she dashed about the room, making the most of what she thought would tease her sister.
“You, indeed!” said Annie, as she brushed out her long hair and put it up in the most fashionable style – “you, with your Nesta and your Flossie Griffiths.”
“With my what?” said Penelope – “My Flossie?”
“Yes, with that common girl. Half of us saw you yesterday, walking with Nesta. Really, it is too bad of her to come on our festive occasions in such a shabby dress.”
“Well, that has nothing to do with Jim. Now, I’m going down to breakfast,” said Pen.
But she felt a little nervous as she entered the breakfast room. Jim had given her to understand that he would meet her there, and before the rest of the party came down, he would get her to confide in their father. But Mr Carter, more red than usual in the face, and slightly disturbed in his mind, for he wondered if he had done right to put such confidence in his young son, was sitting alone at the breakfast table. He shouted to Penelope when he saw her.
“Come along, Lazybones, and pour out my coffee for me.”
She obeyed; then she said, looking up and speaking, in spite of herself, a trifle uneasily:
“Where’s Jim?”
“What do you want to know about Jim?” said her father, in some irritation. He had dreaded this inquiry, but had not thought it would come from little Shallow-pates, as he called his youngest daughter. However, he must account for Jim’s absence in some sort of fashion.
“You won’t see Jim for two or three days,” he said. “Not for two or three days,” said Penelope, and her small, round childish face looked almost haggard. “You mean that he won’t be home before Saturday?”
“Bless you, no; he’ll certainly be away till then. Now that’s all about it. Why, good gracious, child; I didn’t know you cared so much for him!”
She turned away to choke down the lump in her throat. The other girls came in but they did not even trouble to inquire for their brother. Mr Carter, however, thought it best to make his communication.
“Jim has gone to stay with one of his schoolfellows unexpectedly; a letter came for him last night. I thought it best he should accept. It is one of the Holroyds. Very respectable people the Holroyds are. Well, girls, what are you staring at?”
“I didn’t know we were staring,” said Clara. “I’m very glad Jim has gone. But what a violent hurry he went off in.”
“Well, that’s his affair, I suppose. Boys like your brother don’t want the grass to grow under their feet. Anyhow, he’s off, and he won’t be back,” – Pen raised her face – “for a week or ten days; so you’ll have to do without him at the seaside for a few days.”
Pen slowly left the room.
“I don’t believe he has gone to the Holroyds’,” she said. She mounted the stairs and entered her brother’s bedroom. She opened the drawers and peeped into his wardrobe.
“He has not taken his best clothes,” she thought, “and if the Holroyds are swells, he’d want them. He hasn’t gone to the Holroyds! Whatever is the matter?”
Then she sat down very moodily on a chair in the centre of the room.
“He promised he’d help me, and he hasn’t. He has forgotten all about it, and he has gone away, and it’s not to the Holroyds. He won’t be back before Saturday, and whatever, whatever am I to do?”
Penelope was not left long to her own meditations. She was called downstairs by Clara, who gave the little girl several commissions to do for her.
“You have got to drive into Newcastle; the pony trap will be at the door in a quarter of an hour’s time. You have got to get all these things at Johnson’s, and then you are to go to Taylor’s and ask them for my new things, and be sure you see that they have selected the right shade of blue for my ties. Then do – ”
Here Clay thrust a long list of commissions into her sister’s hand.
“All right,” said Penelope.
“Be home as quick as ever you can; we are expecting some people here this afternoon, the Mauleverers and the Chelmsfords. It seems to me that we are getting to know all the county set. Go, the very last thing, to Theodor’s and get the ices and the cakes that I ordered. Now, do look sharp, Pen. You have no time to lose.”
Pen was quite agreeable. There was nothing to pay, for the Carters had accounts at the different shops where she was going. Just for the minute she looked wistfully into her sister’s face.
“If I could but tell her,” she thought. “But I don’t suppose she’d understand. Well, I suppose if Jim doesn’t come back, and there’s no hope of that, and if he quite forgets to write, I’ll have to confide in Clay before Saturday, for I couldn’t face father if he found out without my telling him.”
Penelope thought and thought during her drive. All of a sudden it flashed upon her that she might write a note to Jim. She could go to the post office – or still better she could stop at the Aldworths’ on her way back, and ask for writing materials, and send a letter to him at the Holroyds’. The Holroyds did not live so very far away, only twenty miles at the furthest. Jim would probably get his letter that night; he would be certain to receive it the first thing in the morning.
Pen felt quite happy when she remembered this very easy way of reminding Jim of his promise. She knew the Holroyds’ address quite well, for Jim had often spoken of it. There was George, and there was Tom, and they lived at a place called The Chase. Yes, she could easily get a letter to reach Jim at that address.
Accordingly she went through her commissions with ease and despatch, for she had, notwithstanding her youth, a wise little head on her shoulders. Then she desired the coachman to drive rapidly to the Aldworths’ house.
Just at that moment a voice sounded on her ears, and looking round she saw Flossie Griffiths.
“Stop! stop! Pen! Do stop!” called out Flossie. Pen did not like being called by her Christian name by Flossie Griffiths; still less did she wish to have anything to do with that young lady, but she did not well know how to get rid of her. She accordingly desired the man to draw up the little carriage at the kerbstone, whereupon Flossie said eagerly:
“Oh, you are the very person – you are driving past the Aldworths’, aren’t you?”
“Yes; have you a message for them?”
“I want to go with you. I want to see Nesta in a very great hurry. It is most important.”
“All right, if you must,” said Pen not too cordially. Flossie’s nature was far too blunt to be easily repressed. She jumped into the carriage and sat down, leaning back and feeling herself very important.
“It must be nice to be rich,” she said. “I do envy folks with lots of money. I wish my father had made his pile the same as yours has. Oh, isn’t it good to lie back against these soft cushions, instead of tramping and tramping on the hard road? Well, I’m going to have a jolly time at Scarborough. Are you going to the seaside, too?”
“Yes,” said Pen, “we are going to Whitby.”
“I’d much rather go to Scarborough; I went to Whitby once; it isn’t half as jolly.”
“Well, I like Whitby,” said Pen, absolutely indifferent.
“You don’t know what fun I’m going to have, and there’s a great secret, too,” said Flossie. “Oh, by the way, it was good of you to give Nesta that sovereign. She was nearly mad about it. I never saw anybody in such a fix. But when you had given it to her she got into the best of humours. We had a right good time at the pastrycook’s, I can tell you. I never ate so many light cakes in the whole course of my life before. And we are going to have more fun, Nesta and I. By the way, I hope you’re not jealous.”