Полная версия
The Rover Boys on the Plains: or, The Mystery of Red Rock Ranch
"We were all scared," said Fred. "But hadn't we better get inside again? We are all getting wet to the skin."
"The cabin is in an awful mess," declared Dora, and she told the truth. Daylight was streaming through a hole in one corner and the rain was entering in a stream.
"Let us get a tarpaulin and cover that hole," said Dick. "I'll do it," he added. "I can't get any wetter than I am," and he gave a short laugh.
"And I'll help," said Tom, who had recovered rapidly from his involuntary bath.
"We shall need a carpenter to make repairs," said Captain Starr, who had been working to shove off the fallen tree. "This smash-up is a pretty bad one."
The boys remained outside, and all went to work to remove the tree trunk and to cover the hole with a heavy tarpaulin. It was a task lasting the best part of an hour, and when it had come to an end, the rain was slackening up.
"We shall certainly have to lay up somewhere for repairs," said Fred.
"We can't continue the journey in this condition."
"Let us hire a carpenter at the next town we stop at," suggested Sam, and to this they agreed.
The mess in the cabin was left for Aleck to clean up, and then the ladies and the girls straightened things out as best they could. As soon as the storm cleared away, the journey down the Mississippi was continued.
"I can't help but think of what might have happened if that stroke of lightning had hit the houseboat," said Songbird. "It makes me shiver."
"We certainly had a narrow escape," answered Dora. "I never wish to get quite so close to another stroke."
On the following day, they stopped at a place which I shall call Ramontown. From one of the dock owners, they learned where they could find a master carpenter, and they called upon this individual and had him look at the damage done.
"I can fix up the craft as good as she ever was," said he. "But it will take at least a week, and it will take several days more to give her two good coats of paint."
The matter was talked over, and they decided to remain tied up and have the houseboat put in first-class condition once more. Then Mrs. Stanhope sent a long letter to her friends at Braxbury, stating she would call with some others, and mentioned the houseboat trip.
Just twenty-four hours later, a middle-aged man came down to the houseboat and shook hands warmly. His name was Carson Denton and he was the husband of Mrs. Stanhope's friend.
"I am more than glad to see you," he said. "I just got your letter to Clara, and as she wanted me to open any letter that might be at the Braxbury post-office for her, I read it. We do not live in Braxbury any longer, but further west, at a place called Silver Creek, where I have a good-sized plantation."
"Is that so? When did you move, Mr. Denton?"
"Only a few weeks ago, which accounts for you not having known of the change. I had a good chance to trade my place in town for a plantation, or ranch, as my son Bob calls it, and I took it. We have a fine place, and Clara will be much pleased, I am sure, to have you and your friends pay us a visit."
"Oh, mamma, let us go!" cried Dora. "I don't wish to stay on the houseboat while the repairs are being made."
The matter was talked over for an hour, and the boys and girls took Mr. Denton over the houseboat, from end to end.
"I've heard of you Rover boys," said he to Dick, Tom and Sam. "Mrs. Stanhope has written to us about you, and how you once saved her from a fellow named Josiah Crabtree. If you and your chums wish to visit our place, I'd like you to do so. I've got a son Bob who, I know, would like to meet you."
"Well, I wouldn't mind taking a trip inland," answered Dick.
"Can't we go on horseback?" put in Sam eagerly.
"We might do that."
"Certainly, you could make the trip in that way," said Mr. Denton. "But it would take some time, for the roads are not of the best down here. We usually take a train as far as Docker Crossing, and then ride the rest of the distance, twelve miles, in a carriage or on horseback."
"I'll tell you what's let do," suggested Tom. "The girls and the ladies can go with Mr. Denton on the train, and all us boys can hire horses and make the trip that way. We can leave Captain Starr and Aleck in charge of the houseboat until we get back. We need not hurry ourselves, for our time is our own."
When talked over, this plan met with universal approval, and it was decided to put it into execution without delay. Mr. Denton wished them to make an extended stay at his plantation, and the boys decided to take their own time in getting there.
"It will be just the outing on horseback that I have been looking for," said Sam. "I hope we have nothing but clear weather."
"We ought to have, after such a storm," said Fred. "See how clear the sky is to-day."
"That trip to the plantation on horseback will take about five days," said Dick. "That will make quite an outing."
"Puts me in mind of our trip out West," said Tom. "What are we going to do when night comes on? Go to some ranch, or make our own camp?"
"Oh, let us go into our own camp!" cried Songbird. "It will be such fun!"
"That's the talk," chimed in Sam.
"We can camp out on the way if the weather proves good," decided Dick. "But if it rains good and hard, I reckon all of you will be glad enough to get under cover."
"Pooh! who's afraid of a little rain," put in Fred. "Why, that will make us grow!"
So the talk ran on, and finally all arrangements were completed for the trip inland. Aleck Pop was sorry he could not accompany the boys, but Dick thought it best that he remain behind.
"You know how Captain Starr is, Aleck – a bit queer at times. TheDora is a valuable craft, and I shall feel safer if I know you are helping to keep watch over her."
"All right, Massa Dick. I will do my best to see dat no harm comes to de houseboat. But I'd like to be wid you boys, no use er talkin'."
"Perhaps you can go along next time," said Dick, and with this the colored man had to be content.
It did not take the ladies and the girls long to get ready for the trip, and they left on the following morning, the boys going to the railroad station to see them off. There was a hearty handshake all around. Then the train came in and the party was off with a waving of handkerchiefs.
"And now to get ready for our own start," came from Tom.
Through the carpenter who had taken the contract to repair the houseboat, they were introduced to a man who owned a number of horses, and for a proper consideration this individual let them have the use of the steeds they wanted. They were all good animals and used to the saddle, and the man guaranteed that the lads would not have any trouble whatever with them.
"But I want to tell you beforehand that the road is none of the best," said the horse owner. "It is pretty fair for the first fifteen miles or so, but then it is bad for thirty miles after that. You want to beware of sink holes."
"We've been on some pretty bad roads before this," answered Sam. "I guess we'll know enough to take care of ourselves."
"Well, I didn't think there would be any harm in telling you."
"Oh, that's all right."
The Rover boys were so used to traveling and to camping out that they knew exactly what to take along. The other lads were also well informed, because of the military encampments in which they had participated. They carried only what was necessary, so that their steeds might not be too heavily burdened.
"Looks like yo' was ready fo' a reg'lar outin'," remarked Aleck when they were ready for a start. "I dun hopes yo' all come back safe and sound."
"Why, of course we'll come back safe and sound!" exclaimed Sam. "What put that into your noddle, Aleck?"
"I dunno, Massa Sam. But dis am a queer country, ain't it?"
"Not in the least. We expect to have a fine outing, and nothing else."
"And we'll be back here inside of two weeks," added Dick. "That is, unless we make up our minds to stay at Mr. Denton's place for a while."
"All right, sah."
"And when we get back, I shall expect to see the houseboat in first-class order," continued Dick to Captain Starr.
"I shall do my best," answered the captain.
A moment later, all of the boys mounted their horses and the journey inland was begun. Little did they dream of the strange adventures and perils which lay ahead of them.
"Vot kind of a horse you vos call dis, annahow?"
The question came from Hans, after about four miles of the journey had been covered. So far, his steed had acted well enough, but now, without warning, the animal began to balk and paw the turf.
"Something is wrong, that is certain," replied Dick. "Perhaps you haven't got a tight enough rein, Hans."
"Dot reins vos so tight as nefer vos. I dink dis horse got somedings der madder mit him."
As the German boy finished, he gave the horse a slap on the neck with his hands. In a twinkling, up came the steed's hind heels, and poor Hans slid out of the saddle and down to the neck.
"Voah, dere!" he bawled. "Voah, I said! Vot you vants to do, annahow, drow me your head ofer? Sthop, und do it kvick!"
But the horse did not stop. Instead, he began to back, and then of a sudden he leaped high up in the air, to come down on all fours with a thump that nearly jounced poor Hans to pieces.
"Hello, Hans has got a bucking bronco!" cried Tom. "Hans, what will you take for him?"
"I gif him avay!" bawled the poor German youth. "Oh!"
For the steed had made another leap, and now Hans went over his neck in a jiffy, to land in a heap of dust on the side of the road. Then the horse took to his heels and disappeared up the trail like a flash.
"Are you hurt?" questioned Dick, leaping to the ground and running to the German youth's assistance.
"Vere is dot horse?" sang out Hans as he scrambled up and wiped the dust from his mouth and eyes. He was not injured, but was greatly excited.
"The horse has run away."
"Vell, I nefer! Go after him, somepotty!"
"I'll go after him!" cried Tom.
"So will I," added Fred, and away they sped, with Sam and Songbird after them.
"Be careful!" called Dick. "That horse may prove to be a pretty high-strung beast."
"I think I can manage him," cried Tom. "But we have got to locate him first."
Those in pursuit of the horse had to travel the best part of a mile before they came in sight of the animal, quietly grazing by the roadside.
"Looks as meek as a lamb," observed Fred. "Whoa, there!" he called out.
At the call, the horse pricked up his ears and looked at them curiously.
Then he took half a dozen steps forward.
"He is going to run away again!" came in a warning from Songbird.
"Not to-day!" sang out Tom, and riding forward, he leaned over and caught the dangling reins. Then, watching his chance, he leaped into the other saddle.
Scarcely had he done this, than the runaway steed began to prance, and kicked up his heels as before. But Tom was on guard, and try his best, the horse could not dislodge the boy.
"Beware, Tom!" cried Sam. "Don't let him throw you, or he may step on you!"
"I don't intend to let him throw me!" was the panting answer.
Finding he could not throw Tom, the horse adopted new tactics. He gave a sudden bound forward and was off with the speed of the wind.
"He is running away with Tom!"
On and on went the steed, and Tom did his best to pull him in, but without result. Then the fun-loving youth smiled grimly and shut his teeth hard.
"All right, Old Fireworks, if you want to run, I'll give you all you want of it," he murmured.
On and on they flew, until a bend in the road shut off the others from view. A mile was covered, and the horse showed signs of slackening his speed.
"No, you don't," said Tom. "You wanted to run, now keep it up for a while," and he slapped the animal vigorously.
Away went the horse, and another quarter of a mile was passed. Then the horse slackened up once more.
"Another run, please," said Tom, and slapped him as before. The horse went on, but at a reduced speed, and came to a halt before another quarter mile was passed.
"Had about enough, eh?" questioned Tom. "Well, you can run a little more, just for good measure."
By the time the next run came to an end, the horse was covered with foam and tired out, for the road was very rough. Tom now turned him back and made him journey along at a fairly good rate of speed.
"Well, I declare, here comes Tom back!" cried Fred on catching sight of the fun-loving Rover. "Are you hurt?"
"Not a bit."
"And the horse?" asked Sam.
"As meek as a lamb – shouldn't wish for a better animal. He wanted a little run, that's all, and I gave it to him."
Soon Dick came up, with Hans riding behind him. The German boy looked at the captured horse with awe.
"Did he bite you?" he questioned.
"Didn't he hurt you at all?"
"Nary a hurt, Hansy."
"Do you want him back?"
"Not for a dousand tollars, Tom. Of I got to ride him, I valk," continued Hans decidedly.
"Then, supposing you try my horse. He is gentle enough."
"Ton't you been afraid of dot beast?"
"All right, den, I dook your horse. But of you got killed, it ton't vos mine funeral," added Hans warningly.
The animal Tom had been riding was close by, and soon the German youth was in the saddle and the journey was resumed. They could not go fast, however, for Tom's horse was all but exhausted.
"I think he has learned his lesson," said Tom to his brothers. And so it proved, for after that single "kick-up," the horse gave them no further trouble.
About four o'clock that afternoon, they rode into a place called Harpertown, which was something of a horse-trading center. Some of the horse dealers thought they had come in to do some trading, but lost interest when the boys told them that they were simply on a journey to the Denton plantation.
"We may as well stop here for a while," said Sam. "Perhaps we can get a good supper at the hotel."
"Thought we were going to camp out," remarked Fred. "Build our own camp fire, and all that?"
"We can try that to-morrow, when we are among the hills," said Dick, and by a vote it was decided to stay in Harpertown for supper.
They put up their horses at the livery stable attached to the hotel, and then went to the lavatory to wash up. On coming out and going to the general room of the hostelry, Dick ran into a man who looked familiar to him.
"Why, how do you do, Mr. Monday?" he cried, and put out his hand.
The man looked startled at being addressed so unexpectedly. Then he recognized Dick, and smiled faintly.
"How do you do, Dick Rover?" he said. "I didn't expect to run across you down here."
"Are you at work here, Mr. Monday?"
"Hush! Please do not mention my name," said James Monday hastily. He was a detective who had once done some work for Dick's father, after which he had given up his private practice to take a position with the United States Government.
"All right, just as you please." Dick lowered his voice. "I suppose you are on a case down here?"
James Monday nodded.
"Can I help you in any way?"
"I think not, Rover. Where are you bound?"
"To a plantation about a hundred miles from here," and the eldest Rover gave a few particulars.
"Well, I wish you luck," said the government detective. "Now, do me a favor, will you?" he asked earnestly. "Don't act as if you know me, and don't tell anybody who I am."
"I'll comply willingly."
"If your brothers recognize me, ask them to do the same."
"I will."
"I am looking up some rascals and I don't want them to get on to the fact that I am a detective."
"I understand."
At that moment a heavy-set individual with a shock of bushy hair came slouching in. At once James Monday took his departure, the newcomer gazing after him curiously.
Dick waited a moment, and then rejoined Sam and Tom.
"Dick, we just caught sight of a man we know," said Sam. "Can you guess whom?"
"Mr. Day-of-the-week," put in Tom.
Dick put up his hand warningly.
"Don't mention that to a soul," he whispered. "I was just talking to him. He is here on special business, and he wants nobody to know him."
"Then we'll be as mum as a mouse in a cheese," answered Sam.
"Correct," joined in Tom. "But what's his game?"
"I don't know," answered Dick. But he was destined to find out ere he was many days older.
The long ride had made all of the boys hungry, and when they procured supper at the hotel they cleaned up nearly everything that was set before them.
"Nothing the matter with your appetites," observed a sour-looking individual who sat next to Tom at the table.
"Nothing at all, sir," answered the fun-loving youth. "What made you think there was?"
"What made you think there was something wrong with our internal machinery, whereby we might be wanting in a proper regard for victuals?"
The man stared at Tom, and while a few at the table snickered, the man himself looked more sour than ever.
"See here, don't you poke fun at me!" he cried.
"Never dreamed of it, my dear sir," said Tom, unruffled. "By the way, how's your heart?"
"Why – er – my heart's all right."
"Glad to hear it. Yesterday I heard of a donkey who had his heart on the wrong side of his body. Odd case, wasn't it?"
"See here, you young imp, do you mean to call me a – er – a donkey?" and the man grew red in the face.
"A donkey? Why, no, sir! What put such a notion in your head?"
"You said – "
"So I did. Go on."
"You said – "
"So you said before."
"You said – "
"You said that before. You said, I said, and I said, so I did. It's perfectly clear, as the strainer said to the tea."
By this time, all sitting at the table were on a broad grin. As a matter of fact, the sour-looking man was not liked in that locality, and the boarders were glad to see somebody "take him down."
"I won't put up with your foolishness!" stormed the man. "I am not a donkey, and I want you to know it."
"Well, I am glad you mentioned it," said Tom calmly. "Now, there won't be the least occasion for a mistake."
"Don't insult me!"
"No, sir; I am not looking for work."
"I said I wasn't looking for work."
"What do you mean by that?"
"That, sir, is a mystery puzzle, and there is a reward of one herring bone for the correct solution. Answers must be sent in on one side of the paper only, and have a certificate added that the sender has not got cold feet."
At this quaint humor, some at the table laughed outright. The sour-looking individual looked thoroughly enraged.
"I – I'll settle with you another time, young man!" he roared, and dashed from the room.
"Tom, you made it rather warm for him," remarked Dick.
"Well, he had no right to find fault with our appetites," grumbled Tom. "We are paying for our meals, and I am going to eat what I please."
"And I don't blame you, young man," said a gentleman sitting opposite. "Sladen is very disagreeable to us all and makes himself especially obnoxious to newcomers. He imagines the hotel is here for his especial benefit."
"Well, he wants to treat me fairly, or I'll give him as good as he sends, and better."
During the evening Sladen made himself particularly disagreeable to the Rovers and their chums. This set Tom to thinking, and he asked one of the hotel men what business the man was in and where he usually kept himself.
"He is a traveling salesman," was the answer. "He sells horse and cattle medicine."
"Oh, I see," said Tom, and set his brain to work to play some joke on the sour-looking vender of stock remedies.
Tom's chance came sooner than expected. A batch of colored folks had drifted into the place under the impression that a certain planter was going to give them work at big wages. They were a worthless lot, the scum of other plantations, and nobody wanted them.
Sitting down, Tom penned the following note and got it to one of the negroes in a roundabout fashion:
"The man who wants you and all of the others is Sandy Sladen. He does not dare to say so here at the hotel, but all of you had better go up to him on the sly and tell him you are ready to work, and ask for a dollar in advance – that's the sign that it is all right. Do not let him put you off, as he may want to test you. This is the chance of your life."
The communication was signed with a scrawl that might mean anything. The negro read it and passed it to his friends. All were mystified, but they decided that they must do as the letter said, and without loss of time.
Sladen was sitting in the reading-room of the hotel smoking a cheap cigar, when he was told a negro wished to see him.
"Very well, send him in," he said in his loud, consequential tone.
The burly negro came in almost on tiptoes and, putting his mouth close to Sladen's ear, whispered:
"I'se ready to go to work, sah. Hadn't yo' bettah gib me a dollah, sah?"
"What's that?" demanded the traveling man.
The negro repeated his words in a slightly louder tone.
"I don't want you to work for me!" cried the sour-looking individual.
"Get out!"
"Dat's all right, sah. I can do it, sah."
"I don't want you."
"Yes, yo' do, sah. Won't you han' ober dat dollah, sah? It will come in mighty useful, sah."
"Say, you're crazy!" cried the traveling man.
By this time two other colored men were coming in. Both approached as secretly as had the first.
"I'se ready to go to work fo' you, sah," said each, and added: "Kin I hab dat dollah?"
"Look here, what does this mean?" roared the irate man. "Get away from here, before I boot you out!"
But the negroes did not go, and in a few minutes more three others entered. Soon the reading-room was full of them, all talking in an excited manner.
"We'se ready to work fo' you!" they cried.
"Give me a chance fust?" bawled one big, coal-black fellow.
"No, de fust job comes to me!" put in the man who had received the letter.
"Dat job is mine!" called out a third. "Ain't dat so?" and he caught Sladen by the arm.
This was a signal for the others, and soon they completely surrounded the traveling man, who tried in vain to ward them off.
"Give us dat dollah!" called out several.
"We want work, an' yo' has got to gib it to us."
"Yo' can't bring us to dis town fo' nuffin!"
They pushed and hustled the traveling man all around the room, while the rest of the guests looked on in amazement. Tom and his friends stood by the door and enjoyed the scene immensely.
"He is surely getting all that is coming to him," observed Fred.
"Say, he vos so mad like a bumbles bee," came from Hans.
"If you don't go away, I'll call an officer!" came frantically from the traveling man. "I don't want to hire anybody."
"Yes, yo' do!" was the chorus. "Give us dat dollah!"
By this time the owner of the hotel had heard of the excitement, and he came bustling in.
"See here," he said to Sladen, "you can't use this hotel for an employment office. If you want to hire help, you have got to do it on the outside."
"I don't want help!" stormed the traveling man.
"These men say you sent for them."
"Maybe he wants them to try some of his horse remedies," suggested a man who did not like Sladen. "If so, I advise them not to take the job." And a general laugh arose at the sally.
"You have got to get out of here," said the hotel man, speaking to the negroes. "And you must go, too," he added to the traveling man.
"Yes, you. You have made trouble enough around here. After this, when you come to town, you can go to some other hotel."
"This is an outrage!"
"We want a job, or some money!" bawled two of the colored men. And they rushed at Sladen and began to shake him violently. He pushed them away and started for the door. They went after him, and in the hallway he got into a free fight and almost had his coat torn from his back.
"I'll get even with somebody for this!" he almost foamed. "If I find out who played this joke on me – "