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Somebody to Love
Gorgeous. And somewhere close by was her house.
The Harringtons had been wealthy, too—not like the Welles family, but sedately comfortable. Althea had gone to Bryn Mawr and grew up in Westchester; Aunt Julia had been from the Boston side of the family, and had lived in a musty but respectable town house. Parker had only visited a few times, so her memory was dim. A house on the coast of Maine…surely it had potential.
Unfortunately, her GPS didn’t acknowledge the existence of Shoreline Drive. Wouldn’t hurt to find someone to ask.
Parker got out of the car, her lower back creaking a little, stretched and inhaled deeply. Then gagged. Bugger! What was that smell? Sure, Gideon’s Cove was a fishing village, but there was fish…and then there was this. Briny, fishy and rotten, thick enough to practically taste. It must have had something to do with the corrugated-metal building past the harbormaster’s building.
A few more breaths, and the smell wasn’t quite so repulsive. The wind was stiff and salty, so at least there was that. And though it was a beautiful evening, no one seemed to be around. Seagulls hovered on the breeze, and waves slapped against the white hulls of the boats. The wind shushed through the pines. Farther away, Parker heard some music, a baby crying. Mostly, though, it was quiet.
Aha. There was someone—a man motoring in from one of the lobster boats. He pulled up to the dock, jumped neatly out and tied off the boat, then came up the ramp toward her. Perfect. A local who could give her directions. “Hi,” Parker called, waving in case he missed her.
He stopped in front of her, then nodded.
Oh, Mommy! The word fling jumped rather forcefully to mind. She glanced at his left hand. No ring. Perfect. Lucy had urged her to have a fling, and the gods of Fling had sent this guy. How was that for convenience? Black hair. Light blue eyes. Laugh lines. Welcome to Gideon’s Cove indeed.
He didn’t say a word. Just looked at her. Perhaps he was mute.
“Hi there,” she said again, sticking out her hand. “I’m Parker. I’m visiting for a few weeks.”
He nodded again and shook her hand briefly, his hand strong and calloused. “Malone.”
Dead sexy, just the one name. “Nice to meet you.”
He didn’t answer. Which was fine—he didn’t have to speak. He could simply stand there, looking hot. Okay, but yes, it was going on a little long. So. How to proceed? Truth was, Parker was a little—very—out of practice on the boy-girl front. Too bad Fling Material didn’t say, Hey there, blondie, welcome to town. Let me buy you a drink and show you around! Maybe we could have a fling, because I find you very attractive.
Yeah, no. He didn’t seem to be the talking type. But he hadn’t left, either. “So,” she said. “Right. Well, I’m looking for my aunt’s house. Julia Harrington. She lived on Shoreline Drive.”
He didn’t say anything.
“Do you happen to know where that is?”
“Ayuh.” He said nothing more for a second, then, realizing perhaps more was required, cleared his throat. “About a mile out of town, that side of the cove.” Malone pointed. “Take a left out of the lot, then a quick right, and there you are.”
His voice was rough, and he dropped his Rs even more than they did in Rhode Island. It worked. “Thanks,” Parker said, her voice perhaps a little breathy. Go ahead, ask him out, Spike advised. He’s a guy. He’ll say yes.
Her ears were itchy. “Well, um, I’m sure I’ll see you around. Small town and all.” That was not asking him out. “And thank you, Malone was it? Malone.” Still not asking him out. “So…I’ll see you around?” Jeesh. So out of practice.
But no, no, looky here. He was smiling a little. Heck yeah! Maybe she wasn’t so bad at this after all.
“Good night,” he said.
Nope. She did suck. She would’ve said good-night, but he was already walking away.
That was terrible, the Holy Rollers said in disappointment. They were right. She was very bad at asking men out. This hadn’t always been the case, but it was sure true now, wasn’t it? Tall, Dark and Silent had simply appeared, all tousled and manly with those rough and calloused hands that, come on, probably knew their way around the female anatomy, because really. How many gay lobstermen were there?
“All right, settle down,” she told herself, getting back into her car. Talking aloud, the writer’s affliction. “Let’s get home before we start jumping the locals.”
Home. That had a nice sound to it, yes indeed.
Julia’s house was at 97 Shoreline Drive, and Parker drove slowly, checking the numbers on mailboxes and doors. The road wasn’t much wider than a driveway. There were a few very nice houses—two Victorians, a Greek Revival—but they grew smaller and more sparse as the road curved with the rocky shoreline, leaving behind the snug little town surprisingly fast. The last house was 66 Shoreline Drive; otherwise, there was nothing, other than a decrepit little shed that appeared to be about to fall into the ocean.
Hang on a sec. The road led to a small peninsula that jutted out into the cove, and Parker glimpsed a clearing in the pine trees. Heart rate kicking up a few levels, she wound down the road, then slowed to a stop. This had to be it; it was the end of Shoreline Drive. An iron gate barred the driveway, flanked by stone posts and a small, tasteful sign—Welcome to the Pines at Douglas Point. Number 66 was a ways back; this had to be 97.
Heck yeah!
She turned off the engine and got out of the car. Lucy had joked about the Bush compound, but Parker wasn’t sure the Bushes could afford this place. The house was gorgeous. Smaller, much smaller, than Grayhurst, but absolutely stunning. The driveway led up through the pines to what had to be a fifteen- or twenty-room stone house. Slate-shingled roof. Iron lampposts. Though the light was fading from the sky, Parker could see mullioned windows galore, huge beds of white and red impatiens, hydrangeas, mountain laurel and ivy…the place was like a park! Good Lord, in ten minutes, she could be inside, wine and bath a reality!
“Thank you, Aunt Julia!” Parker breathed. She couldn’t wait to see what it looked like. Was it furnished? She had an air mattress, just in case, but given how well kept the outside was, she’d bet it was full of solid old furniture. Maybe there was a caretaker; it sure looked that way. Weird that she owned the place and had never been sent a bill or anything. Then again, maybe her accountant had taken care of it. Still, she should’ve known if someone was on the payroll.
Whatever. She wasn’t complaining. You know what? She’d have a party before she sold it. Nicky could wear his little tux, and she’d wear that ice-blue Vera Wang, and they’d send out invitations—Parker Harrington Welles and Nicholas Giacomo Mirabelli warmly request the honor of your company for the weekend at the Pines at Douglas Point, Gideon’s Cove, Maine.
“Okay, okay, let’s get inside,” Parker muttered. There was a code box; she flipped it open. State-of-the-art. Getting back into the car, she reached into the glove compartment and pulled out the envelope Thing One had given her the day he told her she was broke. There was the deed, there was his business card, there was a key…but no code. Dang it! She pulled out her phone and found Thing One on her contacts list. It went right to voice mail. The one time she actually needed something from him, and he was unavailable.
“Hi, Thing One, it’s Parker. I’m here in Gideon’s Cove, and I have the key, but I don’t have a code for the gate. Would you please call me as soon as you get this? Thanks.”
Her irritation with her father’s minion faded as she looked back at the house. It was so pretty, and far less imposing than Grayhurst. Good Lord, she could get at least half a mil for this place, probably much more, and hey, maybe she could even hang on to it and rent it out—
“Problem?” came a voice, and Parker jumped and whirled around. It was Fling Material—um, Malone—sitting in a somewhat battered pickup truck, and ten minutes apart hadn’t diminished his appeal. Unless he was stalking her, which, though a flattering thought, was somewhat terrifying.
“Oh, hi again.” She held her phone up to her ear. “Just talking to my lawyer,” she lied, in case he was a serial killer. “But I found it fine, thanks. See you around. Have a good night.”
“You’re at the wrong place.”
Parker blinked. “Excuse me?”
“Julia Harrington’s is back there.” Malone nodded behind him.
“Where back there?” Parker asked.
“That little place you just passed.”
Parker looked back down the road. There was nothing except the shed. She glanced at Malone. He nodded.
No. That couldn’t possibly… Oh, no. Uh-uh. Her stomach twisted abruptly.
That wasn’t a house. It was a shack. A falling-into-the-ocean hut.
“That?” she squeaked.
No. No, no. That house had boards over the windows. It was…crooked somehow. It couldn’t have been more than five feet from tumbling down to the rocky beach below. Square-footage wise, it wasn’t really a house at all! It was the size of her bedroom back home.
Odd little noises were coming from her throat. She swallowed and turned to the lobster guy. “You sure?”
“Julia Harrington’s?”
“I’m sure, then.”
Bugger! Bugger and damn. Parker took a deep breath, then another.
“You need anything?” Malone asked.
“Um…a different house?” He didn’t respond. “No, I’m…fine. It’s okay. Thanks for checking, though.”
He nodded and put his truck in gear.
“Wait! Malone, is there a hotel in town?”
He shook his head. “Used to be a bed-and-breakfast, but it burned over the winter.”
Well, tie her to an anchor and throw her in an ocean full of hungry sharks.
“Good night, then,” Malone said, then was gone, his taillights disappearing around the corner. Good news was, he hadn’t murdered her. Bad news was…oh, crap! This beautiful house wasn’t hers, and that…that…tenement appeared to be.
Parker got back in the car and sat for a minute. It’s a fixer-upper! chirped the Holy Rollers. “Easy for you to say,” she snapped. “You’re imaginary. You won’t be picking up a hammer and helping, will you?” She threw the car in Reverse and backed out the driveway. “I really wanted you!” she called back to the Pines. Yes. She wanted a house with a name. Call her shallow, but bugger, she did not want to live in a shack, even for a few weeks.
Ninety-seven Shoreline Drive was on the ocean side of the road; the hill was steep as it rose from the harbor, and it was clear why there weren’t many other houses around—most of them had probably fallen victim to storms over the years.
The shack sat on cement pilings, a two-foot gap between the earth and the house. No basement, clearly. She walked around the house slowly, the grass up to her knees. Were there mice in there? Probably. She shuddered. She hated mice. Her father liked to dangle them over Apollo’s cage before dropping them to their doom.
Upon further inspection, she saw that the shack was, or had once been, an actual house, like something Nicky would draw–a square box with a triangle on top. The gray shingles had warped, pulling away from the side of the house like eyelashes, and great shards of paint peeled from the once-white trim. The roof was patchy and battered, complete with crumbling chimney, but at least there was some form of heating, she guessed. All the windows were boarded, and the aluminum screen door was off its hinges, leaning against a rusting front door. Clearly people had tried to break in over the years—there were dents all around the door handle, and the small windowpane was broken.
A cluster of lilac trees was in full bloom. “Good sign, right?” Parker asked, her voice a bit unfamiliar. The HRs agreed that yes, it was indeed a positive indicator.
There was a wooden stairway down to a small dock, but it was nearly full dark now, and Parker was not about to break her neck figuring out whether or not the stairs were sound.
“Bite the bullet,” she said aloud. “Time to go inside and view your inheritance.”
The key Thing One had supplied fit fine. Had he known this was her house? Had Harry? Think they might’ve given her a hint at what lay ahead?
Parker turned the lock, which slid open after some wiggling. The door was warped, however, and stuck fast, so she shoved harder, using her shoulder. Once, twice, three times, and bam, it opened.
Pitch-dark inside. She groped on the wall for a light switch and got lucky. Someone had turned on the electricity—or it had never been turned off—and a harsh yellow light momentarily blinded her.
Permanently blinded might’ve been better.
Parker closed her mouth, then opened it to swear, then realized that she didn’t know a word bad enough.
Aunt Julia had been a hoarder.
Faded boxes and stacks of crumbling newspapers lined the hallway so there was only a tiny path leading into the house. The smell was so thick and dry Parker choked. There was so much crap everywhere, it was hard to take in—pots, pans, candlesticks, yellowing plastic containers, paper plates, old fabric, swollen paperbacks, a set of encyclopedia, plastic dolls. Cripes! And this was just the hallway! Parker lifted her gaze to the cracked plaster walls visible above the hoard to the cracked plaster ceiling. God. The place was a wreck. She tried to take a calming breath, choked and pulled up her shirt to cover her mouth—or muffle her scream, she thought darkly. It’s only stuff, Spike said. Check it out a little. See what you got.
Good advice, good advice. To her left was a bathroom, the door open. Pepto-Bismol-pink tub spilling over with…stuff. But there was a sink visible, and a toilet, thank the Lord. First things first.
You’re not really going to pee in there, are you? asked the female Holy Rollers. When was that last cleaned?
“Where else should I go?” Parker answered. “Outside?”
A girl had to do what a girl had to do, especially after two coffees on the way up. Still, the horror of the situation was not lost on her. An eyeless doll lay in the bathtub, just in case the place wasn’t creepy enough. The toilet flushed, but when Parker turned on the faucet to wash her hands, nothing came out. Fine. She had Purell in the car.
Across from the loo was a bedroom, she guessed—too much junk to open the door all the way. Praying no bats were currently living inside, Parker poked her head in. There may have been a bed, but it was hard to tell with all the boxes. Clothes, some still on their hangers, lay abandoned and forgotten. Shoes, hats, a box full of ceramic kittens, bags of yarn, books, macramé plant holders.
A second bedroom held more of the same.
She sidled down the hall, trying not to touch anything, toward what proved to be one big room, the kitchen on one side, what had once been a living room on the other. Another single lightbulb hung from a wire in here—still worked, showing piles of plastic bins filled with old clothing, more newspapers, sewing bric-a-brac. There was a fishing pole on the counter, couch cushions in front of the refrigerator, which looked to be from 1950, rounded and hulking. The oven was green, its door hanging open as if in a scream—Parker could totally relate. More boarded windows that probably overlooked the sea.
Sometimes it’s darkest before dawn! the Holy Rollers chirped, patting her shoulder, and Parker envisioned herself backing over them with the Volvo. Platitudes were not going to help. A fire—a big one—might.
How was she going to have Nicky come up here? How was she going to sell this place? Until this moment, Parker hadn’t realized how much she’d been counting on a real house. This was all she had to her name, other than the $11,202.57?
Oh, crap, she was hyperventilating. And who knew what she was breathing in?
“It’s okay,” she said aloud. “We can do this. It’s bad, yes, sure, but that’s okay. This will be really fun. We can do this.”
She could. She was a strong person. Right? She could lift heavy things, and she’d cleaned bathrooms and stuff before. Not that she really had to—there was always the housekeeper or cleaning service—but she’d done it. Zillions of people cleaned out garages and stuff, and she would, too. It would be deeply satisfying. Yes. Maybe she’d write a book about that, sure. Learning Life Skills Really, Really Fast.
Good. There. She was calmer now.
Suddenly, there was a fluttering of wings, and Parker screamed and ducked. A bird! In the house! A mourning dove, a glorified pigeon. “Get out!” she yelled, causing the bird to panic. It flew back and forth, hitting the walls, thudding sickeningly. “Stop!” she yelled. Bugger, it was coming at her! Parker covered her head and twisted and turned down the little path, bumped into a dressmaker’s dummy, the bird fluttering right over her head, that horrible, panicked trilling…gah! It hit her in the head, its feathers hideous, its little talons…
Then Parker was outside. Hunched over, she dashed to her car, got in and slammed the door, panting wildly. “Bugger!” she yelled.
Little Pigeon loved the lady’s hair. It was so cozy there! With a smile, he dug his little claws into her scalp and hunkered down.
She was still shuddering. Good thing she’d just gone to the bathroom, or she would’ve wet herself.
As her breathing calmed and the shaking of her limbs quieted, Parker made a mental list. Her eyes burned with tears, but that was stupid. Crying wasn’t going to help. Tomorrow, she’d see about…well, hell. Getting a Dumpster, to start. And some giant rubber gloves, and maybe a hazmat suit.
Tonight, however…tonight, she’d be sleeping in the car. She had her comforter packed in the back, along with a few bags of groceries and her suitcase. She’d eat some Wheat Thins and sleep here.
She cracked the windows. It had turned chilly—of course, they were what, fifty miles from Canada? But the air felt clean and pure, and Parker sucked in great lungfuls, that faint tang of fish nothing compared to the closed-up stuffiness of the house.
And the stars were brilliant, blazing overhead in a clarity Parker had never seen before. The waves sloshed against the shore, and across the cove, the lights of the town glowed and winked as if welcoming her.
She’d make this work. She had twenty-three days to make this work.
But, even though she tried hard to keep such thoughts at bay, she couldn’t help remembering that a month ago, she’d stayed in a suite at the Peninsula Hotel in New York City with her son. Her publisher had taken them to dinner to Nobu to celebrate the release of the last Holy Rollers book, and after that, she and Nicky had gone up to the Top of the Rock, just the two of them, so he could see the view.
Tonight, she was sleeping in her car.
It was almost funny.
THOUGH HE VISITED the great state of Maine at least six times a year, crossing the Kittery Bridge never failed to make James feel as if someone had hammered a nail in his eye. Ever since he was twelve years old, Maine had been a place to escape from, not Vacationland, as the license plates proclaimed.
Dresner, his hometown, was not on the agenda. Rarely was, even though—or because—his parents still lived there. The town had grown up around a paper mill that had long moved operations to some third-world country, but the bitter tang of chemicals still hung over Cahill family events.
Last night, James had stayed at his sister’s, set his phone to go off at five-thirty, since Gideon’s Cove was another two hours away. Whether or not Parker wanted his help—and she didn’t—she was getting it.
Gideon’s Cove had been a cute town back then. There’d been a diner, he remembered, and a pretty girl about his own age who waited tables…he’d hung around, hoping she’d notice him, but she’d had a boyfriend, it turned out. Still, he’d managed to lose his virginity with a very, ah, generous woman about a decade older than he was. Chantal. Very nice woman. Just the thought of her had James grinning. Yep. All guys should get started out that way.
Speaking of women he’d slept with, it occurred to James that he hadn’t called Leah. Not that they had an actual relationship…a hookup now and then, but still.
James pulled over on the side of the road and took out his phone. One missed call—Parker Welles, the screen said. Cell-phone service was spotty up here, so no surprise there. The surprise was that she called him at all. He listened to the message, frowning. He didn’t know anything about a security system or code. When he’d called his uncle to tell him about his plans, James asked him if he knew the Harrington place. “Ayuh,” Dewey had said. “Needs a little work. I’ll make sure the electric’s on.” Nothing about a security system.
Well. He’d be there in an hour. He could figure it out then. Besides, making Parker wait had its own appeal. And he did owe Leah a call.
“Hey, Leah, it’s James.”
“Hi there, stranger! How are you doing?” she said, her cheerleader-style exuberance making him hold the phone a little farther away from his ear. She was cute, but best in small doses, which explained why they only saw each other about once a month.
“How are you?” he said.
“I’m awesome! What’s up? You wanna get together this weekend?”
“Well, actually, I’m in Maine right now, and I’ll be here for a while. Six or eight weeks. Figured I’d let you know.”
There was a pause. “Oh,” she finally said.
It was impressive, how much could be packed into a two-letter word. They must teach it at woman school. “Yeah. So, just wanted to say bye and have a nice summer and all.” James pressed his thumb against his eye socket, bracing for the relationship talk.
“What about…you know? Us?”
Ah, mooseshit. Was there an us? Because he’d seen Leah, a very pretty redhead who liked to play pool and flirt, maybe six or seven times since they’d met at a wedding on New Year’s Eve, and if there was an us, it was pretty anemic. There was him, and there was her, and the two of them intersected at a bar once in a while, which generally led to more intersecting in bed, which had always seemed like enough.
Until this moment.
“Well, I have to be in Maine this summer,” James repeated.
“For Harry?”
“Yep. So I figured I’d call, tell you I wouldn’t be around. And after the summer, I really don’t know where I’ll be jobwise.” There. Mission accomplished.
“You want some company up there? I love Maine!”
Mission not accomplished. James sighed and closed his eyes. “Well, I’ll be busy, Leah. And it’s far. Way up the coast. But it’s been fun hanging out. Good luck with everything.” He winced. He didn’t mean to sound like a dick. They just taught it in guy school.
There was a lengthy pause, then a sigh. “Fine.” Another pause. “Where are you staying?”
“A town called Gideon’s Cove. Harry’s daughter has some property up there.”
“Harry’s in jail, right?”
“Yeah. But his daughter needs a little help. Real-estate stuff.” James never liked talking about what he did, just in case what he didn’t do came out. Well, I sit in my office a lot. Shot thirty-nine Nerf baskets in a row one day. I was really stoked.
Another pause. “Well, try to have fun,” she said, her voice a little brighter. “And thanks for calling, James! That was so thoughtful.”
Atta girl. Leah was sweet. Not tremendously bright, but good-natured and fun. It’d been really easy, hanging out with her. And easy was good so far as he was concerned. “You take care, Leah.”
“You, too, James. Give me a call when you’re back, if you feel like it.”
“You bet. Take care,” he repeated.
There. His condo was sublet for the summer. Leah had been informed. Stella, his secretary, had told James not to worry; she’d been about to quit anyway and become a jujitsu instructor. The guys he played basketball with on Saturday mornings had taken him out for a beer as a farewell. No point in telling Mary Elizabeth about work…she pretty much only cared if he brought her a present.