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Allison’s eager eyes took in every detail of the huge house. A brick pathway from the street traversed a small lawn, and two large marble urns stood beside the three stone steps that provided access to a wide porch with a crested roof supported by six round Ionic wooden columns. The porch was surrounded by a wooden railing sustained by elaborately turned balusters. Two slender junipers, their tops projecting above the porch roof, stood like sentries on each side of the steps, and groupings of low evergreens and shrubbery were arranged around their trunks.
The three-storied redbrick house was divided into three sections. On the left was a rounded turret crowned by a conical spire. The middle section was dominated at the second story by a curved leaded glass window in a floral design capped by a stone lintel, and to the right, uncovered by the porch, bay windows marked both the first- and second-floor levels. Several brick chimneys projected like sentinels from the steep gray slate roof. Such a home was worthy of a president or even a king; it couldn’t be hers.
Her eyes shining, she said, “It’s a beautiful building. I’m ready to go in now.”
With all the eagerness of a man playing Santa Claus, Curnutt opened the car door for Allison. Tingling with excitement, a broad smile lighting her face, Allison walked briskly up the steps and stopped before double walnut doors embellished by curvilinear floral designs in clear leaded glass. Above the doors was an oblong leaded window that matched the door panels. Curnutt reached around her and turned the old-fashioned doorbell.
As though she had been waiting, the right door was opened by a tall, angular woman with high cheekbones accentuated by steel gray hair pulled back and tightly wound into a small bun at her nape. Dressed as she was in a trim gray dress, she could easily have stepped out of the Victorian era.
“Welcome, come in,” she said in a pleasing voice that sounded as if she meant it. Behind her hovered a portly man dressed in a flannel shirt and denim overalls.
Allison and Curnutt stepped into the warm, high-ceilinged foyer, which Allison realized was larger than the living and dining room put together of her family’s house back in Chicago. Allison’s eyes were drawn immediately to the spiral stairway with graceful scrolled railings that terminated on a landing on the second floor. A brass chandelier with tiers of crystal pendants hung from a leaf-filigreed ceiling medallion. Burgundy carpeting covered the stair treads, and the foyer floor of darkly varnished hardwood was brightened with two Oriental rugs. The walls were a neutral tone of pale blue.
The foyer was long and narrow, with four steps at the rear of the hall leading to the kitchen area. To the left of the doorway was a massive walnut hall tree, with several hats suspended from the hangers. Facing them was a longcase clock that melodiously chimed the hour.
Sizing up every detail of the house, Allison hadn’t moved since she’d set foot in the hallway. She was brought out of her trance by a gentle tug on her arm.
“Allison, I want you to meet Adra and Minerva McRamey. They’re important fixtures in this house.”
Trying to shake the cobwebs from her head, Allison said, “I’m pleased to meet you. I apologize for being impolite. I’ve never been in this grand a house before.”
She shook hands with both of them, and Adra’s rosy face beamed at her.
“We’re glad to see you, Miss Sayre. Mr. Page was a quiet man, and he never talked about his family. We knew he had a sister somewhere, but we sure didn’t know he had any kin as pretty as you. How come none of you ever visited him? After his wife died, Harrison was lonely, and there was plenty of room in this big house.”
“As far as I know, we never had an invitation to visit him. It always puzzled me why he and Mother weren’t more friendly.”
“We’re glad you’re here now,” Minerva said. “What do you think of the house?”
“If the rest of the house is anything like this foyer, I want to keep it.” She gave Thomas Curnutt an anxious look. “That is, if you think I can afford it. The taxes and upkeep on a building of this size must be horrendous.”
“Nothing you can’t afford if you want to live here. Let’s continue our tour. The living room, originally called the parlor, and dining room are to the left. Harrison spent a great deal of time and money furnishing these rooms with genuine antique pieces of the period. Even the lamps and vases and such are antiques,” he added.
A fireplace fronted with gray marble, with a slab of matching marble as a mantel, over which hung a lighted picture of a woman in formal dress of the Victorian era, was the focal point when one entered the room. A brown leather sofa and two soft armchairs upholstered in flowery chintz were grouped around a large oval coffee table placed on an Oriental rug. A delicate brass chandelier with a few crystal prisms hung from a ceiling medallion over the coffee table. A nineteenth-century wooden bench covered with needlepoint was to their right, and a grand piano stood along the wall that looked out on the street.
“This room seems as if it has never been used.”
“Mr. Page didn’t entertain much, and he spent all his time in the office across the hall,” Minerva said. Motioning to the adjoining room, she added, “He did like his meals served in the dining room.”
She led them into the dining room, designed with a fireplace identical to the one in the parlor; a portrait of a wigged Victorian gentleman hung over it. A glittering crystal chandelier shed a soft glow over an oval oak table covered with an ecru crocheted tablecloth. Eight cane-back chairs stood around the table, a hutch displayed a set of English bone china and a corner cupboard contained a dazzling array of deeply cut crystal. A garish tree-of-life wallpaper accented the wall above the dark three-foot wainscoting.
Opposite the parlor and dining room was Harrison’s office, masculine and overwhelming with its dark wooden furniture, walnut paneling and parqueted floor.
“This could do with a bit of bright color,” Allison said.
“I agree with you, Miss,” Minerva said, “but Mr. Page was a rather somber man. You’ll like the library next door.”
“Oh, yes,” Allison said when she entered the library, as bright as the noonday sun. A glazed chintz lounge stood between two windows hung with balloon curtains. A needlepoint rug covered the floor. Two wicker chairs were upholstered with the same chintz as the lounge and a floral-patterned fabric was draped over the bay window, which looked out to a landscaped garden area. Several needlepoint cushions were displayed throughout the room, and the seats of many small chairs were upholstered with a variety of patterns, ranging from small-scaled flowers with muted backgrounds to a few that portrayed parrots and other tropical birds in bright floral settings.
“Who has done all this handwork?” Allison said, admiring a cushion that had a lifelike representation of a macaw. She appreciated the many hours of painstaking work that had gone into the crocheted doilies and other finely done handwork in the house because her mother always had a needlepoint project under way.
“I’ve done a lot of the crocheting, but Mrs. Page did the intricate work,” Minerva said. “Being an invalid, she devoted most of her time to creating with her needle.”
Noting that there was a desk and chair in one corner of the library, Allison decided this was where she would spend most of her time, rather than in the more formal rooms.
The kitchen had all the modern conveniences—waste disposal, microwave, dishwasher—and Allison clapped her hands in joy when she saw the rounded dinette adjacent to the kitchen. Located in the turret, the dining area was lighted by three curved windows accentuated by airy lace curtains. A round pedestal oak table placed on a ceramic tile floor had four matching chairs around it. A potted African violet bloomed profusely in the middle of the table, and other plants stood on the window ledge.
Allison drew back the curtains and looked out on a high laurel hedge that hid the house next door. Two white iron benches were grouped around an oval matching table, and a tall Greek statue overlooked the scene.
“Oh, what a lovely place! When we look out our kitchen window at home, we see the house next door.” Donald’s house, she thought quickly and pushed the memory aside. “I’ll love having my meals here.”
“Do you have time for a serving of banana cream pie?” Minerva asked.
“I am in a hurry,” Curnutt said, “but I’ll never turn down your pie.”
They sat in the dinette alcove, and while they waited to be served, Allison said, “This is the most fabulous home I’ve ever seen. I’ll try it for several months anyway. It may prove too much for me, and I may feel lost here. Our whole home in Chicago isn’t a quarter this large. It scares me in a way, but I do feel at home already.”
When Minerva brought the pie and a beverage, Curnutt pulled out the extra chairs and said, “Sit down, Minerva, and you, too, Adra. You should be involved in any plans we make for this house.”
Adra declined pie, but drank a cup of coffee.
“First of all, Allison, when do you want to move in?” the attorney said.
“Why not tomorrow? I don’t see any reason to pay for a hotel room when this house is standing empty.”
Minerva nodded approvingly.
The attorney turned to the McRameys. “I assume that you’re willing to stay with Allison under the same arrangements you had with Harrison.”
“More than willing,” Adra said. “We like it here.”
“What are the arrangements?” Allison asked.
“They are paid a salary of one thousand dollars a month, which is all they can earn and still draw their Social Security, but they have free room and board, so it’s a good deal for them. In return for this compensation, Adra takes care of the outdoor work and does general maintenance work. Minerva is the housekeeper, and she did Harrison’s cooking.”
“That sounds like more of a bargain for me than for you,” Allison said. “This house is too large for one woman to take care of. You should have additional help.”
“A cleaning service comes in twice each year to wash the windows and give everything a thorough cleaning,” Minerva said, “but I manage well enough the rest of the time, though you’re sweet to be concerned.”
Curnutt looked at his watch. “Let’s see the rest of the house. I don’t want to be late for my appointment.”
They climbed the wide stairway, Allison in the lead, with the three adults trailing her, each eager to point out interesting things about the house.
Mrs. Page had occupied the turret bedroom and Allison liked it best. A white delicately scrolled iron bed with paleblue dust ruffle was covered with a handmade quilt. The small desk, rocking chair, bookshelves, nightstand, dressing table and a storage chest at the foot of the bed were all white wicker. The rocking chair was cushioned with a delicate fabric, and richly ruffled curtains enlivened the windows that overlooked the back lawn.
“And my own private bathroom, too,” Allison exclaimed when she saw the room with modern pastel-blue fixtures. “This is a suite any woman would enjoy, and it looks like paradise to me.”
Two other bathrooms and four bedrooms were located on the second floor. The third floor, occupied by the McRameys, was reached by a narrow stairway that opened from the kitchen or through a small door from the second floor.
“Those steps are steep to climb several times a day, aren’t they?” Allison said as she scanned them.
“I don’t mind the walking,” Minerva said, “but there’s a service elevator that Mr. Page put in several years ago for his wife’s convenience, so we don’t have to walk if we don’t want to.”
“There’s a full-sized basement for utility purposes,” Adra offered.
“I’ve seen enough for one day. I’m so excited now that I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight.”
Allison glanced around the upper hall one more time, and Curnutt looked at his watch as the hall clock struck five times.
“For the present, just plan on preparing my dinner,” Allison said to Minerva. “I’ll take care of my own breakfast and pack a lunch to take to work with me. I’m used to looking after myself. And if it’s all right, I’ll move in tomorrow morning. I will have lots of unpacking to do, and that will give me two days before I go to work on Monday.”
“Which room should I prepare for you, Miss Sayre?”
“I want the one previously occupied by Aunt Sarah. And will both of you call me ‘Allison’? I want to consider you friends rather than employees, for I have a feeling I’m going to need all the friends I can find before this first year is over.”
Curnutt and Allison rode in silence back to the hotel, and when he stopped his car in front of the entrance, he asked, “Do you want me to help you move?”
“No, that isn’t necessary. I didn’t unpack my car, and Adra can help me when I get to the house.”
“I’ll check with you tomorrow to see how you’re adjusting. I hope you can sleep tonight.”
“I doubt that I will. Right now, I’ve been elevated to the heights, but I’m levelheaded enough to know that only a little jolt can topple me to the other extreme.”
He patted her on the hand. “Allison, you’ll be fine. I predict that within a year you’ll know as much about Page Publishing as Harrison did.”
His encouragement was welcome, for while she didn’t feel as desolate and afraid as she had this morning, Allison knew she was heading into an uphill marathon.
Chapter Three
When she reached her room, Allison kicked off her shoes, dropped down in the lounge chair and pulled the lever to elevate her feet. She welcomed this evening alone to sort out her thoughts and impressions. Right now, her mind was a hodgepodge of crystal chandeliers, opulent furniture, cut crystal, chintz wall hangings and leaded-glass windows. How could she get past all that glitter and grapple with the real issues that confronted her?
It would be easy to succumb to the worries and frustrations of coping with Page Publishing Company, working with an investment broker to keep from losing her uncle’s money and supervising numerous employees, as well as living in a fabulous home that plunged her mentally into the nineteenth century. To be so overwhelmed, in fact, that she could forget about the important things in life. At this point, she was more worried about losing her identity and her purpose in life by becoming Miss New Rich than she was about managing a million-dollar business.
God, she prayed aloud, I can’t cope with this alone. Show me how I can bring myself down to earth when I tend to lose sight of my eternal destiny.
Allison reached for the Bible on the table beside her and turned on the table lamp. For the next hour, she pored over the Scriptures, searching for the doctrines she must heed to stay on the right path, and she was amazed at the abundance of Bible passages that dealt with her immediate concern—how she could balance an abundance of worldly goods with the riches of God’s blessings.
“Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
Had her uncle followed this precept? Did he recognize the power of God in his life? How she wished she knew more about her benefactor.
“Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings.”
A good proverb to remember. Though she desired to be heavenly minded, if she didn’t keep her feet solidly on the earth and tend to important matters of business, her riches would certainly take wing.
“The abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep.”
How true! She hadn’t enjoyed a restful night’s sleep since she had learned about her inheritance.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.”
Ah! There was the principle that concerned her. The rich young ruler had been told to sell all he had and give the proceeds to the poor as a prerequisite for discipleship. Did that principle apply to Allison Sayre, too? She had wanted to sell everything, but legally she couldn’t. She tried to think of rich people who had also been faithful followers, and she considered many wealthy entrepreneurs such as the Carnegies and the Penneys who gave vast sums for benevolent purposes. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea had both been rich, yet they weren’t told to give up their wealth. Apparently there was a need for rich people in God’s kingdom, but it wasn’t easy she surmised when she read, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
I’m getting discouraged, God—all I can find are warnings to those who are rich. I gained this wealth through no effort of my own. I don’t even want the responsibility of so many riches, but since I do have it, can’t You give me some assurance that it was Your providence that brought me where I am now? Surely there are some Scriptures to encourage me.
Looking a little further, Allison came upon the passage “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.” She suspected that Paul had written those words to people who were poor, but couldn’t it apply to her, as well? She was willing to use her riches to advance God’s kingdom and to benefit others. Shouldn’t that count for something? Her greatest comfort came when she read Paul’s admonition in his letter to the Ephesians: “work, doing something useful with his own hands that he may have something to share with those in need.” She had often fretted in the past when she lacked the funds to contribute abundantly to worthy causes—missionaries in foreign countries, those afflicted by natural disasters, the plight of the poor in the city of Chicago. Now she would have money to give to charitable causes. What would she do with the opportunity?
Deciding that she must stop anticipating the future and deal with individual problems as they arose, Allison read one more verse: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Did she need any more assurance than that? She closed the Bible and prepared to go for the evening meal. After the tasty lunch she had eaten and the pie Minerva had served a few hours ago, Allison didn’t want a large meal. Rather than eat in the dining room downstairs, she leafed through the visitor’s guide on the desk and decided to go to a pizza house a few blocks away.
She freshened her makeup, drew a comb through her shoulder-length hair and telephoned the concierge to order a taxi for her. The elevators were crowded and the taxi was waiting by the time she got downstairs, but within ten minutes she was entering the restaurant. While she was studying the menu on the wall behind the counter, she heard her name.
“How are you tonight, Miss Sayre?”
Benton Lockhart was standing in line behind her.
“I’m fine, but puzzling over what to order. I’ve eaten more today than I usually do, and I’m not very hungry.”
“You might want to try the buffet, which features a variety of pizza, several salads and a small selection of desserts. You can choose as much or as little as you want. That’s what I have when I eat here.”
Taking his advice, Allison ordered the buffet, and as she paid the cashier, wondering if she should be so bold, she said, “If you’re dining alone, Mr. Lockhart, would you mind if I join you? Perhaps we could talk a bit about Page Publishing after we’ve finished.”
“It will be my pleasure,” Benton said evenly, without hesitation.
But Allison wasn’t sure he wanted to join her.
He lifted both their trays and asked, “Where would you like to sit?”
“The section to our left doesn’t seem to be crowded.”
He motioned for Allison to precede him toward a booth near the buffet counter. With a minimum of conversation, they filled their plates, and as they started eating, Allison said, “Perhaps I should apologize for interrupting your meal, but I do need to talk with you, and this seemed like a good opportunity. It’s obvious that you have a busy schedule at the office.”
“Yes, busier than usual today. I didn’t get finished until an hour ago, and I wasn’t keen about going to the apartment and preparing dinner. I often stop here when I don’t want to cook.”
“Then you aren’t married?”
“No,” he said bluntly, definitely closing that subject.
Allison took a bite of double-cheese pizza, and talking was halted for the moment. As the meal progressed, Allison became more and more uncomfortable, for guiding the conversation was left to her. Benton would answer when she made a comment, but he initiated nothing. Although she wanted to know lots of things about him, especially if she had met him before, he seemingly had no interest whatever in her. Much of the time they ate in silence, a silence that Allison found intimidating.
For dessert Allison took a small wedge of fruit pizza topped with kiwifruit, strawberries and peaches, and asked the waitress for a cup of tea. Benton ordered a serving of apple cobbler topped with a double dip of ice cream, and he smiled slightly. “I don’t usually have such a large appetite, but I didn’t take time for lunch today.”
“Do you always work such long hours?”
“Since Mr. Page fell ill I average ten hours each day at the office.”
“Perhaps now that I’m here I can take some of the workload off you. Naturally, I don’t expect to learn everything I need to know at once, but surely I can be of help to you if you’ll tell me what I should do.”
“But you have the roles reversed, Miss Sayre. You’re the employer—you will be telling me what to do.” Did Allison note a bit of sarcasm in his comment? She couldn’t tell. The Benton Lockhart she had met years ago would have been easy to read, but it seemed impossible to get behind the facade dominating this man’s personality. So maybe this wasn’t the Benton she had once known.
She finished the dessert, pushed the bowl to one side and pulled the cup of tea in front of her. She smiled and said, “I’m not foolish enough to think I can assume the management of Page Publishing for a long time. After I came to Columbus and found out the extent of Uncle Harrison’s holdings, I was terrified and asked Mr. Curnutt if I could just sell everything and get out from under the burden, but there’s a codicil to the will that I can’t sell the business for three years.”
“I had no idea what provisions Mr. Page had made for his holdings. He was a very private person, as you may well know.”
Allison shook her head. “You knew him much better than I did. Our family rarely saw him. How long did you work for him?”
“Five years. I worked in all the departments before I became Mr. Page’s assistant.”
“So you know the business from top to bottom?”
“I suppose you could say that.”
“May I depend upon you to teach me the things that I need to know?”
“I’m yours to command, Miss Sayre. I’ll do what you tell me to do.”
Allison frowned. “I don’t like that type of relationship. I’ve never ‘bossed’ anyone, and I don’t know how it’s done. In fact, I don’t want to come across as a boss, especially to people who have worked a long time for my uncle.”
“You have no choice. Since you seem to want advice…” He paused and looked expectantly at Allison, and she nodded. “Whether you wanted it or not, you have become the administrator of a company with thirty-five employees. You cannot fraternize with your workers. If you do, you’re going to have people asking for favors, and you’ll create more ill will than the good relationships you’re hoping to foster. You will have to treat all your employees on an impersonal basis.”
“That sounds like a rather lonely life.”
“Make friends outside the company.”
“Even Celestine? I’ve already asked her to call me by my given name.”
His widening smile made his face relaxed and generous. “Celestine is in a different category—she mothers all of us. We can always count on her to smooth over the ill feelings.”
He dropped a tip on the table and stood up. “I have to be on my way, Miss Sayre. I’m expecting a telephone call at ten o’clock, and I must be home by then. May I drop you off at the hotel?”