Полная версия
The Bad Boy's Redemption: Too Much of a Good Thing? / Her Last Line of Defence / Her Hard to Resist Husband
‘Mmm. Not sure if you have ever been able to do that, Lu.’ Mak stood up and rested his hands on her bare shoulders. He pulled her in for a hug. ‘And, talking about clubbing, I am so very, very sorry about the other night, Lu. God, I lie awake thinking...’
Lu shook her head. ‘Don’t Mak. I’m fine.’
‘You’re fine because someone else was looking out for you.’ Mak rested his chin on the top of her head. ‘Your dad would have had my head.’
‘I’m a big girl, Mak; I’ve been looking after myself and the twins for a long time,’ Lu told him. ‘I don’t need you to look after me. I’m taking charge of my life, getting used to being on my own. I’ve got to get my head, my life, together. I can do it, Mak!’
Mak grinned down at her determined face. ‘May I point out that the only person in this room who sounds doubtful about that is you, sweetheart?’
‘It’s taking some practice,’ Lu admitted.
‘It always does.’ Mak stepped away from her and reached across the counter for her mobile. ‘So, call him.’
Lu yelped. ‘Not now! Um...I need to think about what we can do together.’
‘I have double tickets to a cooking demo by that celebrity pastry chef you’re so gaga about.’
‘Rupert Walker?’ Lu squealed. Oh, wow! She’d casually mentioned to Mak that she’d like to see the demo, and Mak, good mate that he was, had arranged tickets.
‘I was going to go with you, but I think you should take Will. You can torture him instead.’
‘I don’t think it’s his thing. But I’d love to go.’ Lu’s eyes widened as Mak scrolled through the numbers on her phone, pushed the green button and handed it to her.
‘It’s ringing. Ask him.’
‘Makhosi, you son of a...! What am I supposed...?’ Mak thrust the phone in her direction and the next moment Will’s deep voice had her toes curling.
‘Hey, Lu. What’s up?’
‘Um...hi. Feel free to say no, because I certainly don’t expect you to say yes—’
Will laughed. ‘That sounds ominous.’
Lu glared at Mak, who was rolling his finger silently to tell her to get on with it.
‘I was given tickets for a celebrity baking demo on Monday night and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me.’ Lu expelled the words in a whoosh. She pictured herself jumping into a cavernous pool and finding it empty of water. Splat!
‘Ah...um...it’s really not my thing...but OK. Shall I pick you up?’
Oh, dear Lord, there was water in the pool and she was floating. Yay!
Lu pulled a tongue at Mak’s satisfied face as they made arrangements. Turning away from his smirky expression she allowed a broad smile to cross her face.
I am woman, hear me roar, she thought. Well, it wasn’t quite a roar but it was definitely more than a whimper. Go me!
* * *
An hour later Lu pulled her SUV into an empty space in the parking lot of the Stingrays’ Rugby Union corporate offices. She’d been about to end her conversation with Will when he’d told her he was with Kelby Cotter, the Rays’ CEO, and that he wanted to have a word. Kelby had asked her to meet with him to discuss a photography project she might be interested in. Might be interested? She itched to pick up her camera and get to work!
At this moment she’d walk into the fires of hell if there was photography work there, and any project that had the Rays’ name attached to it would be a huge boost to her non-existent career.
Lu got out of the car and looked down at her short black skirt, her tangerine T-shirt and slightly scuffed wedges, and wondered if she should have splurged on another, more businesslike outfit. Heavy silver bracelets ran up her arm and ethnic silver earrings hung halfway to her shoulders. She’d forgotten to put on make-up. Lu sighed. She’d meant to but, as per normal, it had slipped her mind.
Lu was directed to the PR executive’s office by a receptionist who looked like a high-class model. Perfect hair, perfect nails...super-slim. Lu resisted the urge to wipe her clammy hands on her skirt and again wondered why she was being shown to an office in the PR and Publicity Department.
She readjusted the strap of her shoulder bag and knocked on the door. Two seconds later a large, rugged teddy bear of a man opened the door and smiled down at her. He held a sandwich in one hand and shrugged his apologies.
‘Lu? Sorry—first moment I’ve had free to eat lunch,’ he explained. ‘Kelby Cotter.’
He raised the half-sandwich for another bite and gestured Lu to a seat in front of a very feminine, very messy desk. He swallowed his last bite, took a swig of water from the bottle on his desk and scrabbled amongst the papers.
‘Got it.’ Kelby flicked the memory card from her camera at her and Lu snapped it out of the air. ‘Amazing photos of Will. Can I have them?’
Surely he could have asked her over the phone whether he could use them? She should ask him to pay for them. Her brain whirled. But if she gave them to him and asked for the credit then that would help to raise her profile. ‘Uh...sure.’
Kelby tipped his head at her and let out a rumbling laugh. ‘You can’t just give your work away, Lu!’
‘So you’ll buy them from me?’
Kelby named a figure that had Lu’s eyes widening. It seemed that the Rays paid their photographers very well indeed.
Emboldened by his kind eyes, Lu asked why the CEO was dealing with publicity and PR issues.
‘Fair question. My head of PR flew to Cape Town to be with her terminally ill mother. I’m overseeing the department until she returns, and it’s easier to work in her office than move all her stuff to mine.’ Kelby leaned back in his chair and folded his hands across his portly stomach. ‘I have two other offers for you. Both of them involve you getting paid.’
Lu blushed and felt like an idiot. And excited. And nervous if these projects had anything to do with Will Scott. ‘OK. That sounds interesting.’
‘I browsed through the other photos on the media card Will gave me and I was blown away by some of your images. They are utterly fantastic.’
‘Thank you,’ Lu said, her brain racing to remember what images he was talking about. Some photos of the twins and their friends, the baby photo shoot, some beach scenes.
‘My partner and I have a six-month-old daughter and we’d love some photographs. Some portrait shots of her and some informal shots of the three of us.’
Yay! A job. ‘That’s very doable. I have a studio at home with all the props, backdrops and lighting. As for the informal shots, we can do them at your home—whenever it’s convenient.’
‘Uh...we live in a rather cramped loft at the moment, while our house is being built, so that wouldn’t work.’ Kelby fiddled with his pen. ‘Will says you have a beautiful garden...can we do them there? It’ll have to be on a Sunday. I’m swamped during the week.’
‘Sure. What about this Sunday morning?’
‘Fantastic!’ Kelby looked up at a sharp rap on his door. ‘Will! She said yes to doing Micki’s photos! We’re going to do them on Sunday morning at her house.’
‘Told you she would.’
Lu’s stomach swooped and rolled as she turned in her chair. Dressed in a pair of black athletic shorts, an untucked blue Rays branded T-shirt and trainers, he looked fit and sexy, his hair damp as if he’d just come out of a shower. Will stepped into the room and Lu’s eyes widened as he dropped his head to kiss her cheek. Because she pulled back—in surprise—his kiss landed on her temple. Will stood up and his eyes connected with hers. He’d clocked her surprise and those fabulous topaz eyes glinted with amusement.
Will perched himself on the corner of the desk and helped himself to the other half of Kelby’s sandwich.
‘Hey!’ Kelby protested.
‘Didn’t Angie put you on a diet? No carbs? Salad only?’ Will demanded in between bites. ‘I’m stopping you from getting into trouble with your woman, man.’
‘But I’m starving!’
‘Have a carrot stick or come run with me. Then you can eat shrimp and mayo sandwiches.’ Will wiped his mouth with a serviette he’d found next to the sandwich. ‘Or get your lard-ass back to the gym.’
‘Like I have time for that,’ Kelby grumbled.
Will waved the sandwich in Lu’s direction. ‘Have you asked her yet?’
‘I was interrupted by my annoying head coach,’ Kelby said, looking longingly at the empty plastic sandwich container. He turned to Lu and his eyes were serious. ‘I’m looking for a contracted photographer to work for the Rays—capturing official images of the squad for us to use for various promotional campaigns. I don’t have the time to phone around looking for freelance photographers who cost the earth even if they are available. I need you to be the official Rays photographer.’
Lu looked from Kelby to Will and realised that neither of them were laughing, so it couldn’t be a joke. She thought she’d make doubly sure. ‘Sorry—are you being serious?’ she asked, her heart racing.
‘Yep. You’d have to work flexible hours—work with me, work with the guys.’ He sent her a dubious look. ‘Can you handle twenty-plus men at a time?’
‘She raised twin boys. She’s pretty much Superwoman,’ Will stated calmly, and Lu shot him a quick grin and tried not to blush at his compliment.
Lu looked at Kelby. ‘Wow. Sorry, this is quite overwhelming. Are you sure?’
‘If you give me images half as good as the ones on that card I’ll be a happy man.’
Lu raised her chin in determination. ‘They’ll be as good or better.’
Kelby looked at Will and nodded. ‘I like her.’
‘I thought you would,’ he said, and Lu’s heart flopped against her ribs.
Kelby’s ringing mobile phone broke their look and, after telling his caller that he’d phone him back in five minutes, Kelby reached for a file on his desk. He handed Lu some papers and stood up. ‘Look that contract over and start on Monday.’ He waved his mobile. ‘Sorry, I have to sort something out.’
‘Thank you so much.’
Lu noticed Kelby’s eyes sliding to his desk drawer and saw that Will had caught the action too.
‘What are you hiding, Kelby?’ he demanded. Will stood up and walked around the desk, yanked open a drawer. He shook his head as he pulled out an oil stained packet. ‘Jelly doughnuts? Seriously? With your stress levels and lack of exercise?’
Kelby groaned. ‘Who are you? The food police?’
Will opened the packet, pulled one out and bit down. ‘These are good.’ He looked at Lu and waved the doughnut in the air. ‘Want some?’
Lu shook her head. ‘No thanks.’
‘I hate you so much, Scott. I’ll be back in five minutes,’ Kelby muttered, looking utterly bereft. ‘So are we on for Sunday, Lu.’
Lu felt sorry for him. Being on a diet was the pits. ‘Come at ten—for tea. I’ll make you some super-healthy beetroot cupcakes that you’ll think are laden with fat and calories.’
Kelby brightened immediately. ‘You—I like.’ He pointed at Will. ‘Him—not so much.’
Lu swallowed as the door clicked shut and Will resumed his place on the corner of the desk, his knee just inches from hers. He folded his arms across his chest and looked down at her.
He’d thought about her far too much since he’d had supper at her house and had been forcing himself not to call. He’d been surprised by her call and even more startled by the relief he’d felt at hearing from her again.
Lu lifted her face and in doing so exposed that fine strip of skin just below her jaw that he wanted to nibble on... He’d spent many nights thinking about her, imagining what he’d do to her if he had her naked and willing. Will gave himself a mental punch to the head.
Lu glanced down at the contract in her hand and he watched as pleasure bloomed in her cheeks. ‘I’ve got a job, Will.’
‘I know...’ He bit his tongue to keep the word honey from slipping out. ‘Congratulations.’
‘I’ve got to tell the boys.’
Lu shot him an enormous smile before picking up her bag. Dumping it on the desk next to him, she stood up to scrabble in it and eventually yanked out her mobile. Will heard the rumble of a male voice as he stretched out his legs and crossed his feet.
Will listened patiently as she spoke to one brother and then the other and then, sending him an apologetic look, quickly ran through the news again with Mak. Every time she said the words ‘official photographer’ she did a hip wiggle that had the blood rushing from his head.
Attraction aside, he was enjoying watching Lu bounce out of her shoes with excitement. When had she last had momentous news of her own to report? He suspected that it had been a long, long time. This was all hers; it had nothing to do with her brothers, Mak or anyone else.
He knew what success felt like—the satisfaction a person felt when the validation of hard work or talent came their way. He’d experienced it most of his life, was probably addicted to it, and had possibly become a bit blasé about his successes. Apart from his ‘Stupid Years’, failure was rarely—OK, never—an acceptable option.
Lu finished her conversation with Mak and looked up at him, her mermaid eyes excited. ‘I’m even deeper in debt to you now. You rescue me and you hook me up with a job.’
No, he wasn’t going to allow her to shift the credit to him or anyone else. This was her moment. ‘All I did was hand Kelby the media card. I didn’t say or do anything more. You got this job because you obviously have some wicked skills with a camera.’
Lu rocked on her heels. ‘So you didn’t hint or suggest that he should—?’
‘You’re assuming that I have a lot more power than I actually do. I wouldn’t tolerate anyone telling me how to coach, so I extend the same respect to the publicity division. I wouldn’t dare tell them how to promote or publicise. No, Lu, you did this,’ Will told her, his voice low and serious. She needed to understand that this was her achievement and hers alone.
Lu looked at him for a long minute and then her hips shimmied again in excitement. He really wished she wouldn’t. How was he expected not to think about what those hips were made for when she did that?
‘Yee-hah!’ Lu laughed and did a little pirouette. ‘So, what time do you think I should be at work on Monday? What should I wear? And, more importantly, how many lenses should I bring? Maybe I should bring all of them—’
Will’s lips quirked. ‘How many do you have?’
‘Eight? Nine?’
He swallowed his laugh. ‘I’m sure you won’t need them all. And Kelby will e-mail you what you need to know. Or tell you on Sunday. I’m finally going to see if I can find a temporary flat to move into. I can’t stand that hotel a minute longer.’
Will moved to stand in front of her, resting his hand on the desk next to her hip. He saw the heat sliding into her cheeks, caught her motion to lift her hand to touch him and felt disappointed when it fell back to her side.
Will moved closer so that his clothes brushed hers. ‘Congratulations on your job, Lu.’
‘Every new job should be celebrated.’
What was he doing? It’s just a kiss, he told his inner critic. No big deal. He’d kissed lots of woman before and walked away unscathed.
Besides, kissing her wasn’t a big deal...he could stop at any time.
Yeah, but you’ve never kissed a mermaid before.
Will placed his hands on her hips, pulled her towards him...and his mouth had barely brushed hers when the office door opened and Kelby bounced inside.
‘Whoops!’ Kelby exclaimed.
Will looked over his shoulder to see Kelby back-tracking and cursed, silently and slow, until the door slammed shut again.
Lu pushed one eyebrow up. ‘Well, that was awkward.’
Will bunched his fists to keep from reaching for her again. ‘Sorry. That wasn’t supposed to happen.’
‘You didn’t even kiss me properly,’ Lu pointed out.
She straightened up and lifted those tanned shoulders. She must have seen something in his face because she stormed into the conversation.
‘Will, I don’t want this to get weird—especially since I asked you out. I don’t want you to think that I’m chasing you, or looking for...’ Lu bit her lip as her words trailed off. She waved an agitated hand in the air. ‘I’m not looking for anything more than a couple of laughs...some fun. I’m not a complete idiot. I know that you’re only going to be around for three months and that was just a little bit of getting carried away by the moment. Frankly, I’ve just come out of a decade-long relationship with two boys and I gave them every last bit of energy I had. I just want to have some fun—some company. I thought maybe you could do with the same.’
Company? What was she offering? Company company or sex company? ‘Does the company involve getting naked?’ he asked in his most prosaic voice.
Judging by the shock that jumped into her eyes, she hadn’t reached the bedroom. Damn. Then her eyes smoked over and he knew that she wasn’t far behind him. Unfortunately, along with I-want-get-you-naked there was a healthy dose of I-don’t-know-what–I’m-doing as well.
And anyway, what was he thinking? Hadn’t he decided to try something different while he was here in Durban? Yet here he was, sliding right back into old patterns and habit reactions.
‘Ah...um...well...’ Lu stuttered. Good God. ‘Actually, I had thought about it.’ Lu eventually got the words out.
Her expression was calm and composed, slightly challenging. and if her eyes had been sending him the same message he would have had her up against the wall and been kissing the hell out of her by now. Unfortunately she had the most expressive eyes in the world and, thanks to living with two sisters, he easily read the trepidation behind the big girl/brave girl look she was giving him.
OK, I’m scared but I’m prepared to try this anyway.
He wasn’t sure why but he instinctively knew that he didn’t want to be Lu’s experiment.
Kelby knocked again and Will grinned. Saved by his best friend. Again. He definitely owed Kelby for getting him out of a conversational ass-whipping. Because there was no good way of telling a woman Thanks, but I’ll think about it.
Will yanked open the door to let Kelby inside and sent Lu what he hoped was a reassuring smile. ‘I’ll leave you to talk with Kelby and I’ll see you on Monday night. OK?’
Hmm, there was more starch in that one-syllable word than there was in a shed-load of potatoes. Maybe Kelby hadn’t saved his ass. He’d just delayed it getting flogged.
* * *
Whatcha doing?
That was the third, fourth—fifth?—time one of the twins had texted her today and asked the same question. Lu wished they’d stop worrying so much about her! It was like having two over-protective fathers and, while they were happy about her getting a job, they still weren’t relinquishing the idea of her social life.
While Will went to the bar to buy them a drink before the show started Lu quickly snapped a photograph of the billboard advertising the trio of pastry chefs and chocolatiers. Attaching the picture to a message, she sent it to her brothers.
As you can see, I’m out and about.
With a man who very obviously doesn’t want to sleep with me, Lu thought, but she didn’t add that. Daniel replied.
Good for you!
Uh...no...and not for the cobwebs either. Nate’s response flashed onto her screen.
Apparently not alone. Was Mak serious when he said you’re with Will Scott? THE Will Scott? And what is he doing saying yes to a baking demo?
Who knew? Confusion reigned. And Mak had a whale-sized big mouth! Lu texted back.
Yep. And hey! There are tons of celebs here. These chefs are BIG news!
Nate: Bet there aren’t any sportsmen there.
Dan: Do you think he could organise for us to meet the squad when we come home?
And when will that be?
When you’ve taken dance classes, pottery lessons and done a skydive. One date does not a life make.
Yeah! Agreed!
OMG, I’d forgotten how annoying you two can be! :p
Lu shoved her mobile into her bag and looked over to the bar, where Will was easily recognisable in the crush by his broad shoulders in a white shirt worn over a nice pair of jeans. He’d rolled the cuffs back at his wrists and he looked well dressed but casual—relaxed, but as if he’d made a bit of an effort.
And volcano-hot!
She hoped that she’d hit the right note between casual and sexy herself, with a pair of white jeans and a pale green gypsy top falling off one shoulder and belted in at the hips. Strappy heels took her height to Will’s shoulder, yet she still felt—like most people, she supposed—dwarfed by him.
Will walked back towards her and Lu saw various sets of eyes following his progress, noticed the nudging elbows, the behind-the-hand comments. The crowd knew exactly who he was.
‘Here you go,’ Will said, handing her a glass of wine and hanging on to his tall glass.
How exactly was she supposed to act when she’d hinted that she wouldn’t say no to a bedroom invitation and he hadn’t say anything? Was that a yes? A no? Hang on, I’ll think about it?
What she wouldn’t do was let him think that she gave a damn—not even for half a second. She’d learnt to hide her emotions, and pride insisted that she do it now.
‘What are you drinking?’ Lu asked politely. Look—she could do polite
‘Coke. I’m driving. I don’t drink that much.’
That hadn’t been true in his past, Lu thought. She’d internet-searched him to death and it seemed that at one time Will had had a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol. And dope. And his ex-wife. There had been public fights, public displays of over-the-top affection, busted-up hotel rooms. She couldn’t reconcile this controlled, calm man with the younger version of himself she’d read about.
She was pretty sure that younger Will would have slept with her!
‘So, did you find a place to rent?’ Lu asked as people started moving towards the intimate theatre.
‘A flat near you, actually. Practically around the corner. It has a hot tub.’
Oh, good grief. Will in a hot tub...bubbles, champagne... She was not going to think about him skin on skin. He wasn’t on the same page as her in terms of skin and sex and... Dear Lord, it was hot in this theatre.
Lu handed their tickets over and pulled in a breath when Will placed his hand on her lower back to guide her down the theatre steps.
‘It has a great view,’ Will continued as they eventually stopped at the bottom row, dead centre.
Typical Mak to have organised the best seats in the house, Lu thought.
‘And it’s fully furnished, so I just need to move my clothes across. I’ll sign the lease tomorrow. I can also raid your fridge for frozen lasagne when I forget to buy food.’
‘I’ll make you a tray as a house warming present,’ Lu promised him as she sat down. Maybe.
‘You do love to cook, don’t you?’ Will shook his head, bemused. ‘My skills in the kitchen are limited to making coffee. When you make that tray of lasagne feel free to throw in a couple of those beetroot cupcakes you made for Kelby.’
Lu looked puzzled. ‘When did you taste those?’
‘You sent some home with Kels and Angie? I ate with them last night.’
‘Oh. You liked them, huh?’
‘I have a chronic sweet tooth. I’m really hoping that they’ll have samples here of what they make tonight.’
Will smiled at her and Lu’s stomach flipped over. His smile should be declared a weapon of mass destruction, she thought. How could she remain irritated when he was so charming? So appealing?
‘I love the art of baking...decorating. It’s so creative.’ Lu sighed. ‘I wish I could shoot them as they worked...it would be such fun.’
‘Talking of photography—Kelby and Angie were over the moon when they received those first couple of photos of Micki you e-mailed them.’
‘Good.’ Lu crossed her legs and tapped her finger against the wine glass. ‘They are a sweet family. Tell me about yours.’