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Big Sky Daddy
Mr. Bell nodded. “He might benefit from Ma’s tonic. She gave me a shot of the stuff and I feel better already.” He chuckled. “Might be the nap and a hot drink of tea helped, too.”
“I was going to ask her for some.”
Mr. Bell planted a hand on Lilly’s shoulder. She smiled up at him. Their love was obvious. It seemed neither of them regretted finding the other.
A found family full of tenderness and love. It was almost enough to give a man hope—
He jerked his thoughts away from that trail.
Mr. Bell headed for the open barn door and then paused. “Lilly, you need any help with the dog?”
“I think I can manage on my own.”
“Then I’ll be in my shop.” The man disappeared through the door.
Lilly went to the neat room in the corner and returned with a jar and a roll of bandage. She looked from Caleb to Teddy.
He felt her hesitation and wondered what she wanted. He didn’t have to wait long to find out.
She knelt in front of Teddy and commanded his attention. “I am going to fix Blossom’s cuts.” She explained how the ointment would help the wounds heal. “Now Blossom might not like me touching them.” She let the information settle in Teddy’s brain.
“Sometimes you gotta do what’s best, even if it’s hard.” The words seemed to come from a dark place inside Teddy.
Feelings of pride and pain warred inside Caleb.
Lilly squeezed Teddy’s hand. “You are exactly right. And very wise.”
Teddy beamed.
“Now here’s where you have to make a choice. Do you want to stay even if you have to see Blossom crying, or do you want to have your papa take you outside and wait until I’m done?”
Caleb jerked forward. “May I speak to you?” He indicated that they should retreat to the tack room.
She rose slowly. Leaving her supplies behind, she joined him, though she hovered just inside the door as if ready to take flight.
“I don’t think he should have any choice in this. I’ll take him to the wagon or over to the pump for a cold drink of water.”
She refused to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry I spoke out of turn. But I’ve already given him the choice.” She shot him a look of defiance.
“Papa, Miss Lilly, I’ve made up my mind.”
Caleb knew he wasn’t mistaken in thinking Lilly was relieved about the interruption. Maybe he was, too. He had no desire to engage in an argument with her about what was and was not appropriate for his son. All he wanted was assurance the dog Teddy had adopted on sight would live.
Teddy sat up, his expression eager.
“Son,” Caleb began, intending to warn the boy that they were leaving the barn, but Teddy had already started to talk.
“I decided. Blossom is my dog. She wants me to stay.”
Caleb jerked back. How could he disagree with that kind of conviction? “Very well. But you must be brave.”
Teddy looked so determined that Caleb stifled a chuckle.
“I can. I remember how. Mama told me.”
Caleb stared. In the past nine months, Teddy had steadily refused to talk about Amanda’s death. Many had suggested it might help the boy if he did. Seems finding this dog had done something for Teddy that Caleb, the doctors and even Amanda’s parents had not been able to do.
Lilly squeezed Teddy’s shoulder. “Blossom will be much happier with you here.”
Teddy beamed.
Another thought surfaced. Maybe Lilly had played a role as well, with her gentle kindness and direct way of talking to Teddy. If she and Blossom combined forces, could they help his son? He didn’t expect the pair could figure out what Teddy needed in order to walk again, but it seemed at least they might help him come to grips with Amanda’s death. That would be worth something.
Would she agree to spend more time with his son? But even if she did, how could he ask her without risking his job at the Caldwells’? Ebner made no secret of his antagonism toward the Bells.
Lilly knelt beside the dog, her knuckles white as she held the jar and supplies she’d brought.
Caleb’s heart went out to her. She had a difficult job to do, applying ointment and dressings to the wounds. It would be doubly difficult with Teddy watching. Maybe she regretted allowing Teddy to stay. “Teddy, it’s not too late to change your mind,” he said.
“No. I gotta do this. Big boys don’t let hard things stop them from doing what they have to.”
He narrowed his eyes at the boy. Where had Teddy heard those words? Had Caleb spoken them to his son? He didn’t remember doing so, but then a person can say a lot of things carelessly that a listener might take seriously. He’d best watch his words in the future. He didn’t want to make the boy feel he had to take on a load too big for his little shoulders.
Lilly gave the boy a gentle smile. “Then let’s get it done.”
“Is this when she cries?” Teddy’s voice was clogged with sadness.
She sat back to study him. “You don’t have to stay.”
He blinked back tears. “I can be brave.”
“Very well.”
Caleb sat behind the boy and held him close. “You won’t be alone.”
Lilly studied him. He wished he could read her expression. Did she see his care for Teddy and approve of it? Or was she able to see past all that to his pain and guilt? He was getting plumb foolish. Of course she couldn’t see anything of the sort.
She ducked her head and set to work. She screwed the lid off the jar and dipped her finger into a thick yellowish ointment and applied it to the first wound.
As expected, Blossom yipped.
Grub ambled over to investigate. He shoved his nose into Lilly’s neck as if to inform her she’d hurt the other dog. She elbowed him aside. “Grub, go lie down. Everything is just fine here.”
Grub padded back to his spot in the patch of sunlight pouring through the open door.
As Blossom whined, Teddy smoothed the fur on her head and whispered, “It’s okay, little one. We’re going to make you better.”
Lilly kept her attention on her task. She applied the ointment to many of the wounds, flinching when Blossom cried. Some of the cuts she left open to the air, and a few she wrapped with bandages. When she was done, she sat back. “That’s the best I can do for now. I’ll get her some of Ma’s tonic. But first, I’ll bring her water.”
Teddy looked at her with eager eyes. “I’ll take good care of her.”
“I know you will.” She shifted her gaze to Caleb. “I really think she needs to stay here a few days so I can watch for infection.”
Teddy let out a small cry. “She has to come with us.”
Lilly caught his hand. “Teddy, I promise I’ll take really good care of her for you.”
“No. No.” Teddy shook his head. “I’m not leaving her.” He turned to Caleb, his eyes wide. He plucked at Caleb’s shirt front. “Don’t make me leave her. Please, Papa.”
Lilly closed the ointment jar and tidied up the bandages. She took them back to the tack room and then stood at the doorway. “Caleb, may I speak to you in private? Teddy, will you watch Blossom carefully while I get her some water?”
Caleb took Teddy’s hands and waited for the boy to look him in the eye. “I’ll be right back. You hear?”
Teddy nodded. His eyes remained too large. His pulse beat frantically in the veins of his neck.
Caleb followed Lilly outside to the pump, where she already had a pail full of water.
She faced him. “I know this might seem presumptuous, but why not leave Teddy here? I can make sure Blossom doesn’t get infected and he can be with his dog.”
Caleb stared. This was what he wanted, wasn’t it? But he couldn’t leave Teddy alone.
Nor could he afford to lose his job by risking Ebner’s ire.
What was he to do?
* * *
Lilly almost choked the words of invitation out. Not because she didn’t welcome Teddy’s company or think it would do him good to be with his dog.
But because she knew it would inevitably mean seeing more of Caleb, and there was something about him that made her heart pull at its moorings. A dead wife. A son who, for whatever reason, needed crutches to walk. Yet rather than seeing a man wallowing in self-pity she’d seen numerous glimpses of a tenderhearted man. She’d seen it in the way he’d held Teddy as she ministered to the dog. She’d seen it in the way his eyes filled with concern that Teddy might be upset by watching her work. And she saw it now in the way his expression went from surprise to interest to doubt and finally to decision.
“I couldn’t leave him. He’s not been away from me since...”
She waited, but he didn’t seem about to explain further. “I understand. But the dog...”
He looked past her to the horizon. “Yes, the dog. It’ll upset him some to leave her.”
She nodded. But there was little more she could offer. “If you leave Teddy here, perhaps Ma and I could help with his leg.”
Interest flared in his eyes and then faded. “I’ve been to a dozen doctors and they’ve not helped.” Doubt and hope seemed to cling to his words.
“Do you mind telling me what happened? Is his leg broken?”
Caleb turned so she saw only his profile—he swallowed hard and sucked his lips in. “His ma was murdered.”
A gasp tore from her throat. “I’m sorry.”
He nodded but continued to stare at something far off. “I found two intruders. They came at me with guns. I used mine.” He sounded as if he were working hard to grate his voice from his throat. “When it was over they were dead. Amanda was already dead—murdered by the pair.”
“And Teddy?” she whispered, hardly able to take it in.
“Amanda must have seen the intruders coming and made him hide in the closet. When I found him, he’d been shot in the leg.”
“Oh, no.” Pain and sorrow twisted through her with such vengeance she couldn’t breathe. “How awful.” Caleb’s face contorted and she knew he was reliving the horror. The only comfort she could offer was the one thing Ma had taught her. Sometimes all a person could give another person in pain was presence and touch. She pressed her hand to his arm. “Caleb, I am so sorry. It’s too dreadful for words.”
A shudder shook him hard. He turned to face her, his eyes dark as a summer storm, his mouth a white line.
She too shuddered at the frank agony she saw.
“That’s not the worst part.” His voice was a hoarse whisper. “I’ll never know if I was the one who fired the shot that hurt him.”
She nodded, understanding this feeling of guilt must edge every thought, every glance at his son. What comfort could she offer him? Only the truth.
“You have no way of knowing it didn’t come from some other gun, either.”
He nodded, but she could tell the words had not gone farther than his ears.
“How long ago did all this happen?”
“Nine months. Almost ten.”
That long and the boy’s injury still remained? There had to be something wrong, likely an infection. One that long-standing was unusual and—she shuddered—usually life threatening.
“Has the wound not healed?”
“It’s healed, but he can’t use the leg. And I have no idea why. No doctor has been able to help me.” He told her about the many trips he and Teddy had taken to find help. “I have to get him to a doctor down east.” He stepped away as if he were already on his way. “I can’t leave him here. I need the job at the Caldwells in order to pay the special doctor.”
She nodded. She and Ma used only common sense and old-fashioned remedies, along with herbs and poultices. Surely a special doctor would have newer things to offer. But if the infection had gone to the bone...
She shivered. If she could do anything to help, she would. She opened her mouth to ask him to reconsider taking Teddy away for the night.
Caleb turned on his heel and strode toward the barn before she could utter the words.
She rumbled her breath out. She’d been about to suggest he stay, too.
How had she so quickly forgotten that he was a Caldwell cowboy? Rose would be shocked.
Worse, she’d shocked herself by how much she’d been drawn to this man and his pain.
She could see Teddy through the open barn door, leaning over his dog, crooning words of comfort when he himself needed those same words. Likely some of Ma’s medicinals wouldn’t do his leg any harm, especially if infection had gone deep inside, but that type of deep infection usually resulted in severe pain, and the boy didn’t appear to be suffering.
She or Ma could at least provide comfort measures to Teddy until Caleb took him to the special doctor.
Never mind that his father worked for the Caldwells.
Halfway across the yard, Caleb’s feet slowed and he slowly came about to face her. With measured steps he returned to her, his expression full of determination.
“Tomorrow is Sunday. I don’t have to be at the Caldwells’. If your invitation is still open, I accept for the day.”
One day! What could she hope to do for Teddy or Blossom in one day?
“Unless you’ve changed your mind. Perhaps your family wouldn’t welcome a Caldwell cowboy.” He had clearly mistaken her hesitation.
Rose would have concerns, but she’d voice them in private. Ma and Pa would take a wait-and-see approach. As for Lilly, she’d make the most of the limited time, grateful in a way he’d not be there longer. The locked doors around her heart shuddered every time she thought of what he’d been through. “The invitation is still open.”
Caleb gave a quick nod. “I’ll deal with the consequences when I get back.”
“I’m not trying to discourage you, but are you sure about this? From what I’ve seen of Ebner and the others, they won’t be happy to know you’re consorting with the enemy, so to speak. Only the Caldwells view the disagreement in such terms. We only want to be left in peace to farm our little bit of land.”
“I only want to do what’s right for Teddy. I’m sure I can make Ebner understand that.” His words rang and his dark eyes flashed.
Lilly had her doubts, but she’d never before let the Caldwells stop her from doing what she thought was right.
She certainly wasn’t about to let them stop her now.
Chapter Four
Caleb hadn’t decided how he’d deal with Ebner should the man object, but he felt he should be able to do as he chose on a Sunday and return to his work at the Caldwells’ on Sunday night without questions being asked.
He was a free man, after all.
He tried to dismiss the doubts cluttering his mind. At the moment, staying seemed the right thing to do.
Lilly’s invitation had sounded sincere, but her eyes were now shadowed by second thoughts. Was she concerned about how the Caldwells would react? Or her family? Then she smiled and drove away every bit of darkness. “Let’s make Blossom comfortable. Then I’d like Ma to look at Teddy’s leg, if you don’t mind.”
He wouldn’t have minded if he’d thought there was any chance they could help, but—
“He’s been prodded and poked. Some of the suggestions for helping him have been absurd. And too many of them cruel. Hang him in a harness until he uses his leg. Use some kind of noxious rub that would burn a hole in the hide of a cow. Poke his legs to stimulate the nerves. Seems everyone had a cure. Too bad none of them worked.” He sucked in air. “No more torture.”
Her hand brushed his arm and stilled his rush of words. Her touch when he’d been almost overwhelmed by his memories had soothed him. He had noted, too, how she’d touched Teddy to calm him. He didn’t know if he should object to the touch or thank her for it. But he couldn’t pull words from his brain, so he simply stood there as she spoke.
“Caleb, I promise you neither my ma nor I will do anything to hurt Teddy.” She held his gaze unblinkingly until he nodded.
“Very well.”
Satisfied, she said, “I’ll let you tell Teddy.” She carried the water to the barn.
Teddy turned to them as they entered, his expression tight as if he expected Caleb to insist they had to leave.
Caleb’s insides warmed at his ability to give his son one small gift—a yes to his request to stay. He squatted in front of him. “Teddy, I’ve decided we can stay until tomorrow evening. Then I’ll have to go back to work and you’ll have to come with me.”
“One day?”
“I’m afraid that’s all we have.”
Teddy sighed softly. “Then God will have to make Blossom better in one day.”
Caleb blinked. How could his son have any faith left after all the praying that had been done over him to no avail? But he would not rob his son of it. Please, God, honor the faith of this little one.
“I brought water.” Lilly had poured some into a little dish.
“Can I give it to her?” Teddy reached for the dish.
“Of course you can. In fact, I think she might prefer it.”
She helped him place the dish close to Blossom’s nose.
Grub came over and lapped at the water. Lilly pulled him close to her. “I’ll fill your dish in a minute. Let me help this little girl first.”
Grub plunked down at her side and watched. “Good dog.”
Caleb had his doubts about Grub’s qualifications as a guard dog, but he certainly passed with flying colors as a friendly, obedient pet.
Teddy leaned over Blossom, patting her head. “Come on, Blossom. You have to drink so you can get better. We don’t want you fading away to a shadow, do we?”
Lilly choked back a chuckle.
Teddy was repeating something Caleb had said often when Teddy was mending and didn’t want to eat. “At least he listened to some of what I said.”
She laughed. “I expect he takes in everything you say and do.”
Caleb nodded, smiling at his son, filling with pure pleasure. With a jolt he realized he’d been so focused on getting help for Teddy’s injured leg he had almost forgotten the joy that came from simply spending time with him. He opened his mouth, about to thank Lilly, for he knew it was because of her calmness in dealing with Teddy and Blossom that some of his tension had disappeared.
He closed his mouth again. How could he possibly hope to explain this feeling?
He studied Lilly out of the corner of his eye. She bent over Blossom, murmuring encouragement to the dog. She touched Teddy’s head to encourage him as well. Grub pressed to her side.
It hit him like a sledgehammer.
This was a woman made for giving and receiving love. Not that he should care. But for her sake he was glad he would only be there one day, lest she begin to care for him more than she should. He did not want to think he would bring sorrow or heartache into her life, as he’d done to others’.
He could list a whole lot of times people had been hurt because of him. Most of the events he hadn’t thought of until after Amanda’s murder, and then the memory of them had returned with a vengeance, as if to reprimand him for having forgotten them.
The time he lied about taking eggs to one of Ma’s customers, instead having broken them while chasing a gopher. The customer had berated Ma publicly and Ma had gone home crying.
Then there was the time at school when he’d pulled a chair out when his friend Toby had gone to sit down and Toby had banged his head. Caleb had laughed until he realized Toby had taken a long time to bounce up again.
He would not continue to list his guilty deeds. Suffice it to say Caleb knew he was bad news to those who happened to have the misfortune of hanging around him.
He’d be extra careful while at the Bells so they wouldn’t pay a price for helping him. Though it was Teddy they meant to help.
* * *
Blossom lapped the water a few times and then ignored it.
“That’s a real good start.” Lilly patted Teddy on the head and pushed to her feet. “I’ll go to the house and get Ma’s tonic.” She had only made it to the barn door when Rose came out of the house and trotted toward them, carrying a dish. “Pa told us about the injured dog. I made that gruel you like.”
She handed Lilly the dish and the bottle of tonic. Her look blared a challenge.
Lilly knew exactly what she was wondering. Why is a Caldwell cowboy here and why are you helping him? She backed up so Rose could step into the barn.
“Rose, you remember Caleb Craig and his son, Teddy?”
Rose snorted so softly Lilly hoped she was the only one to hear it. “The Caldwell cowboy from town. I’m not likely to forget.” Her piercing look said, But it seems you are.
Caleb set Teddy behind him and got to his feet to face Lilly and Rose. “Sorry to intrude on your fight about the Caldwells, but we found this dog and my son instantly claimed him. Your sister kindly offered to help.”
Rose met his gaze. Neither of them blinked as Lilly held her breath, wondering who would relent first.
Caleb spoke again. “She’s even offered to let us stay the night so Blossom here can rest.”
Oh, no. Now Rose would blurt out how much she disliked the Caldwells.
Rose blinked. “Blossom?”
“The dog.”
“Overnight?” She glared at Lilly.
Lilly smiled, not at all deterred by her sister’s shock. Rose would soon realize that Teddy and Blossom needed their help.
Caleb shifted his gaze to Lilly and gave her a smile full of gratitude. “Your sister is very generous.” Beyond the smile, Lilly glimpsed an ocean’s depth of sorrow.
She couldn’t look away. This man had every reason in the world to have a furrowed forehead. She shivered at the thought of everything that had happened to him.
If it had been possible, she would have applied one of Ma’s healing balms to this man’s heart.
“Oh, fine,” Rose grumbled, and moved toward Blossom and Teddy. “So this is the dog you found.”
“She’s mine,” Teddy said.
“Then I’d say she is very fortunate.”
Lilly smiled. Rose might have been one to fight and sputter, but she didn’t have an unkind bone in her body.
Caleb looked at the thin mixture Rose had made—oats cooked with meat broth—and shuddered. “I sure hope you mean that for Blossom.”
The twins laughed, though Rose did so with more abandon than Lilly, as if enjoying his suspicion.
“Yes, it’s for the dog,” Lilly murmured and knelt beside Teddy. Together they managed to get Blossom to lick up some of the concoction. Then she uncapped the tonic. “Teddy, I need to give her these drops. Think you can help?”
He nodded eagerly.
“That’s good. You hold her head while I put the drops in her mouth.”
Teddy did as instructed and Blossom swallowed the drops and drank more water. Wearily, the dog closed her eyes.
Teddy glanced from the dog to Lilly to Caleb and then did it again.
“What is it?”
“Wasn’t that stuff supposed to make her better? She’s still just lying here.”
Lilly touched Teddy’s head and smiled at him, her heart brimming with sorrow and tenderness at his question. How many times had this child been promised something would make him better and then been disappointed? She pushed her lips together as Caleb’s words echoed in her head. The treatments the poor boy had endured. And his father along with him.
“Healing takes time. It can’t be rushed.”
Teddy gave Lilly a look of frank admiration. “You sure do know a lot about taking care of sick animals.”
Rose laughed again. “She’s had lots of experience. When we lived in town she rescued all sorts of dogs, cats, birds, chickens and even mice, and she nursed them. We were ten when we moved to this farm and she’s collected all sorts of critters since.”
“Like what?”
“Well, she raises sheep and pigs. People bring her animals that are doing poorly. Mostly she fixes them up and sends them back home, but sometimes we keep them. That’s how we got our horse, and we have a motley collection of cats she’s rescued. You should see this place at milking time. Say, I think you will. Lilly, when are you bringing in the cows?”
Ignoring the reminder of chores to be done, Lilly glowered at her sister. “Rose, please don’t tell them everything you know about me.”
Rose’s smile widened. “Only the interesting stuff.”