Полная версия
Double Identity
“Sophie!” Cain banged on the glass to get her attention but she was already stepping into the street.
The car accelerated.
Lord, help me, please.
Cain raced for the door.
A freight train slammed into Sophie’s back. At least it felt like it, as an unexpected force knocked her off her feet and propelled her forward into midair. As she stretched out her hands to break her fall, she felt two arms wrap around her middle, spin her around, and then someone slid beneath her, cushioning her slide across the asphalt.
When the momentum stopped, Sophie found herself staring up at the clouds and wondering what had just happened. Before she could move a muscle, the ground beneath her shifted, someone clasped her waist, lifted her and then gently lowered her so that she was lying on the street.
“Sophie, don’t move. Are you hurt? Is anything broken?”
She shielded her eyes against the sun with her hand and tried to identify the hulking form leaning over her.
“Cain?” She shifted her weight and a groan escaped her lips when she tried to sit up.
A crowd began gathering around them.
“Cain, are you okay?” A man, older but strikingly similar in appearance to Cain, placed a hand on Cain’s shoulder. “I called it in. Help should be here in a minute.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
Mrs. Gleason, the woman Sophie had helped with her groceries, stood beside them wringing her hands and saying, “I can’t believe it. I saw the whole thing. That car missed you by inches. You could have been killed.”
“Car?” Sophie tried again to sit up.
“No. Don’t move until the ambulance gets here,” Cain said.
“Ambulance?” She glanced at the faces looming over her and then pushed Cain’s hand away and sat up. “No. Please. I don’t need an ambulance.”
When he saw she was determined to stand, he helped her to her feet.
“What happened?” she asked.
“A black car tried to run you down, that’s what happened.” The elderly woman raised her voice so the bystanders could hear. “This young man ran out of that building and pushed you out of the way. I saw the whole thing.”
A smile tugged at the corner of Sophie’s mouth as the older woman recounted the incident—and Sophie was sure Mrs. Gleason would tell it again and again before the day was through.
Sophie’s legs trembled, rebelling at the idea of supporting her weight, and she leaned heavily against Cain as they made their way through the crowd to the curb.
“A car tried to run me down?” she asked, looking up at Cain. “What car?”
“It was a big, black car.” Mrs. Gleason patted Sophie’s arm as she accompanied them to the sidewalk. “The driver came shooting out of the alley by the pharmacy. He must have lost control or something because he headed right for you.” She picked up her grocery bags from the sidewalk. “The whole thing scared five years off this old ticker of mine.”
Sophie’s head pounded and her right forearm burned from road rash. Otherwise, she hadn’t sustained any injuries. With effort, she smiled at the older woman. “I’m so sorry I scared you. But I’m fine. Really.”
The air hummed with spectator whispers. An ambulance and a police car, approaching from opposite directions, slid up to the curb.
Cain’s breath fanned the back of Sophie’s neck and his arm cradled her shoulders, lending his support as they stood together on the sidewalk. The sheriff reached them first.
Sheriff Dalton nodded at Cain and doffed his hat at Sophie. “Ma’am, can you tell me what happened here?”
“I can tell you, Sheriff. I saw the whole thing.” Mrs. Gleason waved her hand excitedly.
“I appreciate that, Mrs. Gleason,” the sheriff replied, gently steering the woman and her bag of groceries down the street. “Why don’t you go over to the office and be the first one to tell Sally all about it. I’ll be over shortly and take your formal statement.”
Mrs. Gleason didn’t have to be asked twice. Shoulders tossed back and strutting with an air of self-importance, she hurried down the street.
The paramedics approached and made a cursory exam of both Cain and Sophie.
“We’re fine,” Cain said. “A few bumps and skin tears but nothing some peroxide and a bandage or two won’t cure.”
“Okay,” said Mr. Garrison. “Let’s get you both inside and I’ll have the two of you fixed up in no time.”
Thanking the paramedics before dismissing them, Cain and Sophie followed Mr. Garrison inside Cain’s office. Sheriff Dalton trailed close behind. Sophie allowed herself to wallow in the warmth of Cain’s body as he ushered her inside the building. She couldn’t be sure if it was the adrenaline rush from the near hit-and-run or the unexpected nearness of Cain Garrison that caused her stomach to flip-flop and her pulse to race.
Within seconds she was seated in the same leather chair she had left only minutes before.
Cain handed her a bottle of water.
She took a long gulp and welcomed the cold liquid as it slid down her dry throat.
Cain pulled a chair over to face her and leaned his forearms on his thighs. His worried expression creased deep lines near his mouth and at the corners of his eyes.
Mr. Garrison opened a first aid kit and took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, tape, gauze and a few smaller bandages.
Sheriff Dalton flipped his notepad open. “So which one of you is gonna tell me what happened?”
“I don’t know what happened,” Sophie answered honestly. “One minute I was crossing the street and the next I was flying through the air.”
Cain laughed out loud. “Yeah, I can see how you’d think that.” He turned his attention to the sheriff. “I was looking out my office window when I saw a black sedan shoot out of the alley and head right for Sophie…er, Miss Clarkston. I banged on the window to warn her but when I realized she hadn’t heard, I ran outside and pushed her out of the way.”
Sheriff Dalton eyed Sophie. “Do you know any reason why someone would be trying to run you down?”
Sophie shook her head.
“What kind of car was it?” the sheriff asked.
“Black sedan. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good enough look to be able to tell you anything else,” Cain said.
“And you just happened to be looking out your window when you saw all this going down?” The sheriff pushed his hat back on his head, his expression skeptical.
“Miss Clarkston had just left my office.”
Sheriff Dalton looked at Sophie, shot a glance at Cain and grinned as though all of a sudden the reason Cain had been staring out the window at Sophie was pretty evident.
“Is Miss Clarkston a client?”
The sheriff pursed his lips. “Whatever investigating you’re having done, Ms. Clarkston, do you think it could make someone mad enough to try and run you over with their car?”
Sophie shrugged. “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt me, Sheriff, for any reason.”
Mr. Garrison dressed Sophie’s arm and then turned his attention to his son’s skin tears.
Sheriff Dalton slipped his notepad back into his shirt pocket. “Well, there’s not much to go on. But I’ll ask around. Maybe somebody saw the make and model or got some of the license plate numbers.” He crossed the room. “If either of you think of anything that might be helpful, you know where to get in touch with me.”
As the sheriff slipped out the door, he was almost knocked over by a person trying to shove him aside.
“Cain!” The woman burst into the room. “I just heard. Are you okay? I can’t believe you jumped in front of a car. Are you crazy?”
She ran her hands over Cain’s shoulders and down his arms, obviously checking for injuries. Her fingers cradled his chin and she grimaced at the scrape across his cheek. Her touch seemed possessive, familiar.
His wife? Girlfriend?
The tiniest twinge of jealousy stabbed at Sophie and her eyes widened in surprise.
Jealous? Over a man she’d just met? Couldn’t be.
No, the twinges of envy nagging at her were because he had someone to care about him and she didn’t.
She loved her father, but their nomadic lifestyle had robbed her of the opportunity to make any long, lasting friendships or date anyone more than once or twice. It had been a very lonely existence. And now that her father had vanished she found herself facing what she feared the most—being totally alone in the world.
“Were you hurt?” The woman tilted Cain’s face up. “You’re going to have a shiner, all right. You idiot. You could have been killed.”
“That’s enough, Holly,” Mr. Garrison said. “Cain’s been through enough today.”
Sophie quietly studied the woman. She wore blue jeans and a pink T-shirt. Her hair circled her face in tight brown curls. She was a pretty girl and appeared to be about Sophie’s age.
Cain removed the woman’s hands from his face and stood up. He towered about six inches over her. “I’m fine, Holly. Calm down. How did you find out so fast, anyway?”
“Mrs. Gleason told Mrs. Summit who told Mac who came in the diner and told me.”
Cain shook his head from side to side. “Small towns,” he muttered under his breath.
Sophie shifted in her seat. The movement caught the woman’s attention. “Who’s this?” she asked, directing her question to Cain but not taking her eyes off Sophie.
“Hi. I’m Sophie. I’d offer to shake your hand but mine is covered with antibiotic cream.” Sophie held her hand up.
“This is our newest client,” Cain said. He turned his head and grinned at Sophie. “This is my sister, Holly.” He inclined his head toward the licenses hanging on the office wall. “And my partner.”
Sister? Partner? Sophie grinned. Not wife or girlfriend? Isn’t that interesting. And she found herself wondering why the knowledge that Cain was single made her feel all warm and fuzzy.
“Your brother saved my life,” Sophie said. “I’m shuddering just thinking about how much he plans to bill me for services above and beyond the norm.”
Holly grinned and hopped up on the edge of the desk. “Nice to meet you. Sorry for the way I burst in the door. It’s just…”
“Don’t sweat it. I understand. I’d be upset, too, if my brother jumped in front of a moving car. If I had a brother, that is.”
“So, who’s the dude with the lead foot?” Holly asked. “Ex-boyfriend? Ex-husband? Current husband?”
“Holly, knock it off,” Cain chided.
“What? She must have hired you for something that made somebody mad. It’s a logical conclusion.”
Mr. Garrison laughed out loud. “Holly and the word logic in the same sentence? Wait until I tell your mother.” He closed the first aid kit and headed for the door. “Will you be coming over for dinner, son? You know as soon as your mother gets wind of this she’s going to be all over me for answers.”
Cain shook his head. “Sorry, Dad. Holly can fill her in. I’m going to run Sophie home.”
“That’s not necessary,” Sophie interjected. “My car is parked across the street.”
“Don’t worry about your car. My sister can drive it out first thing in the morning. I’ll follow her and we’ll ride back to town together.”
“But I can drive…”
“Sure you can,” Cain said. “But it is southern hospitality to make sure a young lady gets home in one piece…particularly after she hired you to work for her and then almost got run down right in front of your place of business. Besides, do you really want to grip a steering wheel with scraped hands?”
Sophie paused for a moment and looked at the three people staring at her. For the first time in weeks, she didn’t feel alone. They were going to help her. Suddenly the heavy weight she’d been carrying felt lighter.
“Thanks, Cain. Holly. Mr. Garrison.” A warm glow washed over her from head to toe.
Mr. Garrison nodded and slipped out the door.
Sophie was too stubborn to offer up the silent prayer of gratitude that rested on the tip of her tongue. She was still mad at God. Sometimes she thought she always would be. But a little voice inside her head told her He already knew her heart.
“So, you’re our new client.” Holly gave her the once-over. “Please tell me you didn’t hire us to follow a cheating husband. Someone as pretty and sweet as you shouldn’t be married to a no-account.”
Sophie laughed. “I’m not married.” The smile fell from her lips. “I hired your firm to investigate my missing father.”
“Your father? Wow, that stinks. When did he disappear?”
“Two weeks ago.”
“And the police?”
“They didn’t find anything useful.” Sophie sighed. “I’m sorry, Holly. I really don’t feel up to going over all of it again.” She pressed her fingers to her forehead and rubbed little circles against her skin in an attempt to stop the pounding. “Cain has all the information. Would you mind terribly if I let him fill you in?”
“Sure. What am I thinking? I’m the one who needs to apologize. You almost got run over. I’d say that’s more than enough to deal with for one day.” Holly rummaged in the first aid kit and then held out two pills and a glass of water. “Here. This should help with that headache.”
“Don’t worry,” Cain assured her. “All you need is a good night’s sleep.” He cupped her elbow and helped Sophie to her feet. “C’mon, let’s get you home.”
As Sophie stood, her stomach growled loudly enough to draw attention. Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment and Holly and Cain laughed.
“Sounds like you could use a good, hot meal.” Holly spoke to Cain as she headed for the door. “I’ve gotta run. I left Phil in charge of the diner and you know how dangerous that can be.” She rolled her eyes. “Bring Sophie over for lunch and I’ll get the particulars of the case then.” Holly turned her attention back to Sophie. “We can talk while you eat. After lunch, Cain can run you home. We’ll be sure to get your car back to you first thing in the morning.” With a wave over her shoulder, she hurried out.
Both of them stared at the empty doorway and then Sophie asked, “Is it just me or does it feel like she sucked all the energy out of the room when she left? Is she always so bubbly and energetic?”
“Bubbly and energetic?” Cain grinned. “Those aren’t the words I’d use to describe Holly. More like impish, meddle-some and a royal pain at times. But I love her.”
Cain’s expression sobered. He tilted Sophie’s chin and examined the bruise on her cheek. “How are you doing?”
“Fine. Except for a headache. Probably from all the excitement.” She gingerly placed her fingers to her scalp. “Thanks to you, I barely hit anything. And even if I had, my dad always said I’m hardheaded.”
She made a point of studying Cain. “What about you? I’m not the only one who took a nasty spill. Were you hurt?”
Cain moved his right hand and Sophie could see a bandage stretching from the tip of his little finger to his wrist. She sucked in a breath. “Ouch, you were hurt.”
“This?” Cain shrugged, dismissing it as insignificant. “This isn’t anything. But tomorrow I bet we’re both going to be sore in spots we didn’t even know we had.”
Sophie’s stomach growled again.
Cain laughed out loud. “Let me lock up and I’ll take you for that lunch I promised.”
He put the first aid kit away, made sure the coffeepot was unplugged and gently followed her into the hall. Sliding his key into the lock, he glanced at her.
“Sophie, what happened this afternoon was not an accident. Someone deliberately tried to run you down.”
She shook her head. “No way. It was probably an older person who got their foot caught on the accelerator. Or a teenager texting. Or whatever.”
“Sophie.” His grim expression and the way he dragged out the syllables in her name told her he wasn’t buying her explanations.
Dread oozed up her spine. First her father disappeared. Then she found out his identification papers were fake—then hers turned out to be phony, too. Now this. Sophie didn’t have a clue what was going on but none of it felt good.
“I’m not trying to frighten you,” Cain said and walked with her outside.
Really? You’re doing a pretty good job of it.
“I saw a man dash for his car when he saw you. He accelerated when you stepped into the street. There was nothing random or accidental about it.”
Maybe if she closed her eyes really tight she’d wake up and find out this had been a terrible nightmare. Sophie squeezed her eyes shut, counted to five and then slowly opened them. Nope. Still Main Street. Still Cain standing there with that worried look on his face. She hadn’t been dreaming. But, boy, she wished she had.
“Your father’s letter said he left to keep you safe.” The soft, low tenor of Cain’s voice soothed her. “But I bet you don’t feel very safe these days, do you? Something is happening and I want to help you get to the bottom of it.”
She locked eyes with him. “You’ve changed your mind? You’re going to help me?”
Cain grinned. “I never said I wasn’t going to help you. I said that I didn’t think I could help you. Face it, you haven’t given me a lot to go on. But I never said I wouldn’t try.”
Sophie nodded and hung her head.
He gave her hand a quick, reassuring squeeze and her heart skipped a beat. Why’d he have to be so kind? It didn’t hurt that he was good-looking, too. How was she supposed to think straight if her heart took silly little jumps every time he looked her way?
“Considering what happened today, we’re going to have to try harder to find a place to start looking.” Cain glanced up and down the street. “Your father was right, Sophie. You’re in danger. The question is, why?”
The diner looked like something right out of a 1950s magazine, black-and-white tile floor, red vinyl booths, red covered stools at the counter and polished chrome everywhere. Small jukeboxes graced the tables and stood at attention at marked intervals along the speckled counter top. The steady hum of quiet conversations mingled in the air with competing strands of music from the jukeboxes. Sophie paused for a moment and looked around. It must be close to lunchtime. The place was packed. As the tantalizing aroma of home cooking wafted in the air, she knew why. Her mouth watered like she was a participant in a Pavlov experiment.
“Over here,” Holly yelled, waving them to the counter. “I’ve saved a couple of seats. We can talk while you eat.”
Sophie weaved her way through several people waiting for seats. Normally, she would have been kinder and waited her turn in line but not today. Today it was every man—or woman, as the case may be—for themselves. She hadn’t eaten since lunchtime yesterday. One glance at the huge burgers and home-cut fries at the booth beside her gave her the incentive to move faster as she whispered, “Sorry,” and elbowed her way to the counter. She plopped down on the stool Holly had reserved for her. Seconds later Cain slid in beside her.
“Wow! This place really does a business.” Sophie glanced around the crowded diner and smiled at Holly.
“Some people say we’re packed because the food is fantastic. Others say it’s because we’re the only diner in town.” Holly laughed. “I don’t care what the reason. I’m just happy they come. Now, what can I get for you?”
“I’ll take a burger and fries,” Sophie replied. “With lettuce, tomato and onion.”
“And to drink?”
Before she could answer, Cain said, “I’ll order the same and you can bring us a couple of large chocolate shakes.” When Holly hurried away, he leaned his elbow on the counter and swung to face her. “This diner has the best chocolate shakes—and the best charbroiled burgers—and on Tuesdays we serve fabulous pot roast dinners…”
“And apple pie. Don’t forget you told me this place serves the best apple pie.”
Cain laughed. “Okay, I admit I probably sound like a bad advertisement for fast food. But I dare you to finish your meal and not smack your lips.”
Sophie grinned. “No way. I’m not stupid. I looked at the food on the way in and I’m not taking that bet. Those burgers are so thick I’m wondering how I’m going to open my mouth wide enough to take a bite.”
“Believe me, you’ll find a way.”
Holly placed two glasses of water and silverware in front of them and disappeared again before Sophie could do more than blink.
Cain leaned closer so he could be heard above the hum of other conversations and the beats of music. “I’ve been thinking about your situation. There’s got to be something you’re overlooking. An old letter. Something in the background of a picture. A name. Date. Something.”
Sophie shrugged. “I can’t imagine what it would be. I’ve spent the past two weeks searching for clues and I keep coming up empty.”
Cain reached over and brushed a strand of hair from her face.
When his fingertips slid across her skin, her heart pounded so hard she thought it would leap right out of her chest. She sat perfectly still, not daring to break the welcome contact or even to breathe.
“This has been a tough day for you.” His eyes looked like pools of dark chocolate and all Sophie could think about was how much she liked desserts.
“Coming through. Hot stuff here.” Holly slid two platters overflowing with food in front of them. “Let the girl get some food in her empty stomach, Romeo. Make your moves later.”
Cain’s expression darkened like an incoming storm. “You can be a real pain. You know that?”
Holly grinned. “What’s a kid sister for? Be back in a sec with your shakes.”
Sophie blinked in surprise when Cain clasped her hand, bowed his head and offered a quiet blessing. When he looked up, he grinned and said, “Go ahead. Dig in. And tell me if you don’t think that’s the best burger you’ve ever tasted.”
Sophie didn’t need a second invitation.
They sat in companionable silence enjoying their meal.
A short while later Sophie pushed back her empty platter and patted her stomach. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing. I’m so stuffed I can hardly breathe.”
“And?” he prompted.
“And I have to admit it was the best burger I’ve ever eaten.”
Cain laughed. “Told you so.”
Holly cleared the dirty dishes and was back in a flash. She propped her elbows on the counter and said, “So, spill. I want to hear every nasty detail. Girl, what have you done to get someone mad enough to try and run you down?”
Cain and Sophie took turns filling her in on the little information they had.
“Wow,” Holly said when they’d finished bringing her up to date. “I don’t know what’s spookier—not knowing what happened to your dad—or waking up one morning not knowing who you are.”
Sophie grimaced. Holly had honed in on exactly what was eating her up inside. It was bad enough she didn’t know what had happened to her father. But her father was strong, sensible. She had faith that he’d be able to take care of himself.
But, as for the rest…
How could she explain how it felt to have spent twenty-two years believing you were one person only to find out you were somebody else? Worse. Not knowing who that somebody else was? Was Sophie even her name? Maybe she was Carol or Jennifer or maybe Nancy. She played with the names in her mind. None of them felt like a fit.
And what if her father wasn’t even her father? After all, his papers were fake. Maybe he was a fake. Maybe they weren’t related at all.
A wave of pain washed over her. No. He was her father. He had to be her father. She wouldn’t be able to love him so deeply, miss him so terribly if he weren’t her father, would she?
Where was he?
Sophie agonized over the events of the past two weeks. Question after question and not one single answer. She felt like she was starring in a science fiction movie. And she hated science fiction. Any second now she expected to stand in front of a mirror and see a different face—a different woman—an image she’d never seen before.
The deep, resonant sound of Cain’s voice pulled her thoughts back to the present.
“You okay?” Lines of concern creased his brow and drew deep frown lines at the edges of his mouth.