It Started with a Crush...
It Started with a Crush...

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It Started with a Crush...

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“Your injury?” she asked.

“Yeah, and a few other things.”

His hand still rested upon hers. Lucy hadn’t been touched by a man in over two years. It felt … good.

Better not get used to it. Reluctantly, she pulled her hand from beneath his and reached for her purse.

“If you need some luck, I’ve got just the thing for you.” Lucy removed a penny from her change pocket and gave it to Ryland. “My grammy told me this is all a person needs to get lucky.”

Wicked laughter lit his eyes. “Here I thought it took a killer opening line, oodles of charm and an expensive bottle of champagne.”

Oh, no. Lucy realized what she’d said. Her cheeks burned. “I meant to change their luck.”

He winked. “I know, but you gave me the opening. I had to take the shot.”

At least he hadn’t scored. Not yet, anyway. Lucy swallowed.

“Aaron would have done the same.” She needed to be careful, though. Ryland was charming, but he wasn’t her big brother. Being near him short-circuited her brain. She couldn’t think straight. That was bad. The last time she allowed herself to be charmed by a man she’d ended up with a wedding ring on her finger.

“You said your nephew loves soccer,” Ryland said.

She nodded, thankful for the change in subject. “Yes. Connor and Aaron are crazy about the sport. They wear matching jerseys. It’s cute, though Dana says it’s annoying when they get up at some crazy hour to watch a game in Europe. But I don’t think she minds that much.”

Lucy cringed at her rambling. Ryland didn’t care about Aaron’s family’s infatuation with soccer. She needed to shut up. Now.

“That’s great they’re so into the game.” A thoughtful expression crossed Ryland’s face. “I haven’t been back in town for a while, but I bet some of the same people are still involved in soccer. I’ll ask around to see if there’s someone who can coach your nephew’s team.”

Her mouth parted in surprise. She liked being self-reliant and hated asking for help, but in this case Ryland had offered. She’d be stupid to say no when this meant so much to Connor. “I’d appreciate that. If it’s not too much trouble.”

“No trouble. I’m happy to do it. Anything for …”

You, she thought.

“… Aaron.”

Of course, this was for her brother. Ryland’s childhood and high-school friend and teammate. She ignored the twinge of disappointment. “Thanks.”

Ryland held the penny between the pads of his thumb and index finger. “You’ve made me cookies, given me a lucky penny. What do I get if I find a coach?”

Lucy wondered if he was serious or teasing her. His smile suggested the latter. “My undying gratitude?”

“That’s a good start.”

“More cookies?”

“Always appreciated, especially if they’re chocolate chip,” he said. “What else?”

His lighthearted and flirty tone sounded warning bells in her head. Ryland was teasing her, but Lucy no longer wanted to play along. His charm, pretty much everything about him, unsettled her. “I’m not sure what else you might want.”

He gave her the once-over, only this time his gaze lingered a second too long on her lips. “I can think of a couple things.”

So could Lucy. The man was smokin’ hot. His lips looked as if they could melt her insides with one kiss. Sex appeal oozed from him.

A good thing she’d sworn off men because she could tell the soccer pitch wasn’t the only place where Ryland James played. Best not to even start that game. She’d only lose. Again.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

Time to steer this conversation back to where it needed to be so she could get out of here.

“How about you make a list?” Lucy kept a smile on her face and her tone light and friendly. After all, he was going to try to find Connor’s team a coach. But if Ryland thought she was going to swoon at his feet in adoration and awe, he had another think coming. “If you find the team a coach, we’ll go from there.”

Ryland’s smile crinkled the corners of his eyes, taking her breath away. “I always thought you were a cool kid, Lucy Martin, but I really like who you are now.”

Okay, she was attracted to him. Any breathing female with a pulse would be. The guy was appealing with a capital A.

But Lucy wasn’t stupid. She knew the type. His type.

Ryland James spelled T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

Once he visited the Defeeters, she never wanted to see him again. And she wouldn’t.

It was so good to see Lucy Martin again.

Ryland sat in the living room waiting for her to return with Cupcake, who needed to go outside. Lucy had offered to take the dog to the backyard so he wouldn’t have to get up. He’d agreed if only to keep her here a little while longer.

He couldn’t get over the difference in her.

She’d been a shy, sweet girl with freckles, long braids and yellowish whites surrounding her huge blue eyes. Now she was a confident, sweet woman with a glowing complexion, strawberry-blond hair worn in a short and sassy style, and mesmerizing sky-blue eyes.

Ryland had been wrong about not wanting company this morning. Sure she’d shown up because she wanted something. But she’d brought him cookies—a bribe, no doubt—and been straightforward asking him for a favor.

He appreciated and respected that.

Some women were devious and played up to him to get what they wanted. Lucy hadn’t even wanted something for herself, but for her nephew. That was … refreshing.

Cupcake ran into the living room and hopped onto the couch.

Lucy took her same spot next to the dog. “Sorry that took so long, the dog wanted to run around before she got down to business.”

“Thanks for taking her out.” Lucy had brightened Ryland’s mood, making him smile and laugh. He wanted her to stick around. “You must be thirsty. I’ll get you something to drink. Coffee? Water? A soda?”

Lucy shifted on the couch. “No, thanks.”

Years ago, Aaron had told Ryland that his sister had a crush on him so to be nice to her. He had been. Now he was curious to know if any of her crush remained. “It’s no trouble.”

But he could get in trouble wondering if she were still interested in him. He was supposed to be avoiding women.

Not that he was pursuing her. Though he was … curious.

She grabbed her purse. “Thanks, but I should be going.”

Lucy was different than other women he knew. Most would kill for that kind of invitation from him, but she didn’t seem impressed or want to hang out with him. She’d eagerly taken Cupcake outside while he stayed inside. Almost as if she’d wanted some distance from him.

Interesting. His charm and fame usually melted whatever feminine resistance he faced. Not with Lucy. He kind of liked the idea of a challenge. Not that it could go anywhere, he reminded himself. “I’d like to hear more about Aaron.”

“Perhaps another time.”

“You have somewhere to be?”

Her fingers curled around the leather strap. “I have work to do before Connor gets home from school.”

Ryland would have liked it if she stayed longer, but he would see her again. No doubt about that. He rose. “I’ll see you out.”

She stood. Her purse swung like a pendulum. “That’s not necessary. Stay off your foot. I know where the door is.”

“My foot can handle it.”

Lucy’s gaze met his. “I can see myself out.”

He found the unwavering strength in her eyes a big turn-on. “I know, but I want to show you out.”

After what felt like forever, she looked away with a shrug. “It’s your foot.”

He bit back a smile. She would be a challenge all right. A fun one. “Yes, it is.”

Ryland accompanied Lucy to her car, a practical looking white, four-door subcompact. “Thanks for coming by and bringing me cookies. I’ll give you a call about a coach and talking to the team.”

She removed something from an outside pocket of her purse and handed it to him. “My cell-phone number is on my business card. Aaron has a landline, but this is the best way to reach me.”

He stared at the purple card with white and light blue lettering and a swirly border. That looked more like Lucy. “Freelance graphic designer. So you’re still into art.”

“You remember that?”

She sounded incredulous, but the way her eyes danced told him she was also pleased.

“You’d be surprised what I remember.”

Her lips parted once again.

He’d piqued her interest. Good, because she’d done the same to him. “But don’t worry, it’s all good.”

A charming blush crept into Lucy’s cheeks.

“We’ll talk later.” Ryland didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, but flirting with her came so easily. “You have work to do now.”

“Yes, I do.” She dug around the inside of her purse. As she pulled out her keys, metal clanged against metal. “Thanks. I’m … I look forward to hearing from you.”

“It won’t be long.” And it wouldn’t. Ryland couldn’t wait to talk to her again. “I promise.”

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