Полная версия
The Promise
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, she could see across the great entry hall, where her neighbors and family had gathered. Askeaton was the ancestral home of the O’Neill family and the great hall was vast, with stone floors and walls, its ceilings timbered. Great, old tapestries were hanging on two of its walls. From one set of oversize windows, one could see out across the rolling green Irish countryside, and past the ruined tower behind the manor house. But Elysse did not look outside, or even at the crowd.
Alexi stood in front of the huge stone fireplace, his posture assured but indolent, clad in a riding coat, breeches and boots. The eighteen-year-old boy was gone. A grown man had taken his place. He was surrounded by their callers. Yet his gaze lifted immediately, moved across the crowd, and their eyes met.
For one moment, she simply stared. He had changed so much. He was a man of experience now. A man of confidence. She saw it in the way he stood, the way he shifted ever so slightly to face her directly. Then, finally, he smiled at her.
Her heart lurched oddly and the happiness was instantaneous. Alexi was home.
Her brother, Jack, slapped his shoulder. “Damn it, you can’t leave it there, tell me about the Sundra Strait.”
For one more moment, they stared at one another, that odd half smile on his face, while Elysse beamed. She couldn’t help noticing that he was even more handsome than when he had left her. Then she saw that three of her girlfriends stood beside him, more closely than the rest of the crowd, their expressions rapt.
“It took us three full days to beat through, Jack.” Alexi turned to her tall, golden brother. “I’ll even admit I had a moment or two when I wondered if we’d be cast up on the shoals there—spending the next fortnight in Anjers making repairs.”
Alexi turned and gestured, and a tall tawny-haired man in a frock coat, a stock and waistcoat, and pale trousers came over. Alexi seized his shoulder. “I don’t think we’d have made our run in a hundred and twelve days without Montgomery. Best ship’s pilot I ever had. Best thing I ever did was take him on board in Lower Canada.”
Elysse finally looked at Alexi’s pilot, who was probably a few years older than them both, and found him regarding her. Montgomery smiled at her as one of their neighbors, a gentleman squire, said eagerly, “Tell us about the China Sea! Did you weather a typhoon?”
“No, tell us about the tea,” Father MacKenzie cried, smiling.
“Will China really stay closed to all foreigners?” Jack asked.
Alexi grinned at them all. “I got the first pick, black tea, the best you’ve ever had—I vow it. It’s Pekoe. You won’t find any other ship’s captain bringing it home. Not this Season.” Although he spoke to the crowded room, his gaze never wavered from her.
“How did you manage that feat?” Cliff asked, smiling proudly at his son.
Alexi turned to his father. “That is a long story, one that involves a few pretty pennies and a very astute and greedy comprador.”
Elysse realized she had remained upon the last few steps like a statue. What on earth was wrong with her? She quickly started down them, still watching Alexi as he turned to one of her girlfriends, who asked him what Pekoe tea was like. Before he could answer, Elysse felt herself miss a step and stumble.
She seized the railing, mortified. She was usually very graceful. As she grasped the railing, someone caught her arm, preventing her from crashing to her knees and utterly humiliating herself.
Alexi slid his arm securely around her.
As he helped her straighten, Elysse looked up into his dazzling blue eyes.
For one moment, she was in his embrace. He began to smile, as if amused. “Hello, Elysse.”
Her cheeks felt terribly hot, but that was from the embarrassment of being so foolishly clumsy, not from being in his arms—she was certain. Still, she was terribly confused and almost disoriented. She had never felt so small, so petite and feminine, and Alexi had never seemed so strong, so tall or so male. His body was hard and warm against hers. Her heart was thundering now.
What on earth was wrong with her?
Somehow, she stepped away, putting a proper distance between them. His smile seemed to widen. Her flush felt as if it had expanded—even her chest was hot. “Hello, Alexi. I have never heard of Pekoe tea.” She lifted her chin.
“I am not surprised. No one gets first pickings—except, of course, for me,” he boasted. His gaze seemed to be on her décolletage, then her eyes. She wasn’t certain what had just happened. She wondered suddenly if he found her beautiful, as her many suitors did.
It took her a moment to recover. “Of course you got the best tea.” Strangely unnerved, she said lightly, “I didn’t know you were back. When did you get home?”
“I thought Ariella sent you a note last night,” he drawled, and she realized that he had instantly seen through her deception. “I docked in Liverpool three days ago. I got home last night.” He shoved his hands in the pockets of his riding coat, making no move to walk back into the salon.
“I’m surprised you even bothered to come home,” she said, deciding to pout.
He gave her an odd look she could not decipher, and suddenly lifted her hand. “So you’re not wearing a ring.”
She pulled her hand free. His touch had made her heart slam. “I have had five offers, Alexi. And they were very good offers. But I turned each gentleman down.”
His gaze narrowed. “If the offers were such good ones, why would you do that? I seem to recall that your intent was to be wed by the time you were eighteen.”
He was laughing at her! Or was he? He was smiling, but he had glanced aside. “Perhaps I changed my mind.”
His gaze flickered. “Hmm, why wouldn’t that surprise me? Have you become a romantic, Elysse?” He laughed. “Are you waiting for true love?”
“Oh, I had forgotten how annoying you can be! Of course I am romantic—unlike you!” His teasing was familiar and it felt safe.
“I’ve known you since we were children. You are less a romantic than an insatiable flirt!”
Now she was truly annoyed. “All women flirt, Alexi—unless, of course, they are old, fat or ugly!”
“Ah, you remain rather uncharitable. I am thinking that your suitors must not have had the necessary qualifications to become your husband.” His eyes danced now. “Have you set your sights on a duke, maybe? Or an Austrian prince? How suitable that would be! Can I play matchmaker? I know a duke or two!”
Surely he wasn’t serious? “Clearly, you do not know me at all. I am very romantic. And no, you may not play matchmaker!”
“Really?” He was chuckling openly at her now. “We know each other very well, Elysse. So don’t pretend we do not.” He tilted up her chin. “Have I annoyed you, somehow? I am only teasing you, sweetheart.”
She slapped his hand away. “You know you have! Nothing has changed! I had forgotten how you love to infuriate me. And who are you to talk? I have heard you have a woman in every port.”
“Ah, a gentleman does not kiss and tell, Elysse.”
“Your reputation is well-known.” She scowled. Secretly, she wondered if he really had a mistress in every port. She wasn’t certain why she should care, but she did.
He touched her chin again. “Why are you scowling? Aren’t you pleased to see me?” His tone softened. “Ariella said you were worried about me—that you expected me to vanish into the China Sea.”
She inhaled, furious with her friend and uncertain what his murmur signified. “Ariella was wrong. Why would I worry about you? I am too occupied. I just got back from London and Paris, Alexi. In those salons, we are not talking about tea or typhoons!”
“Or me?” he asked, straight-faced but clearly trying not to laugh. “Everyone is talking about the China trade, Elysse. It’s a new world. The East India Company can’t possibly keep its grip on China, and China has to open up its ports to the world.”
“I don’t care about China, free trade or you,” she huffed, aware of how completely she was lying. After all, he had been her friend since they were children—he would always be her friend.
“God, my heart is forever broken.” He smiled slightly. “And we both know you do care about my travels—you’re your father’s daughter.”
She folded her arms and his gaze slammed to her bosom. Taken aback, despite her earlier desire for him to notice how womanly she had become, she managed to speak. “Will you lease out to the East India Company again?”
“Oh, I am going back to China—I will get well over five pounds per ton, Elysse, after this last run. But there is gossip the Company will lose its charter soon.”
So he would go make the run again. “And when will you leave this time?”
He grinned. “So you do care, after all! You will miss me!”
“I won’t miss you—I will be too busy, fending off my suitors!”
“Now my heart truly is broken.”
She trembled, dismayed. She would miss him this time, perhaps because he had been gone so long. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed his company—even his horrid teasing. And he had guessed.
“When will you go to sea again?” she heard herself ask. The best time to run to China was the summer. It was now the end of March. She couldn’t imagine Alexi staying in the country, doing nothing, for another two months.
“So you did miss me,” he said swiftly, his gaze piercing.
She wet her lips, refusing to answer. He leaned close and whispered, “I brought you a Russian sable, Elysse.”
He had remembered his promise to her. Before she could answer, one of her neighbors approached. “I hope I am not interrupting,” Louisa Cochrane murmured. “I should love an introduction to a China trader. I do love my Souchong tea.”
For one more moment, Elysse stared at Alexi in disbelief that he would bring her such a luxurious and precious gift. He stared back, then finally turned to Louisa.
Gallantly, he bowed over her hand. “Alexi de Warenne at your service, madam,” he said. He straightened. “And if you like Souchong, you will love Pekoe.”
“I cannot wait to try it.” Louisa smiled brightly at him.
Elysse had always liked Louisa. Now, hearing the sultry note in her voice, she couldn’t abide her. Was Louisa intent on pursuing Alexi? She turned to stare at him.
“May I bring a sample to your door, say tomorrow? It would be my pleasure.” Alexi grinned, his intentions suddenly clear.
“I hardly wish to put you out, Captain,” Louisa murmured coyly.
“You can’t put me out, Mrs. Cochrane, you are far too beautiful to ever do so. I should enjoy delivering the tea, myself.”
Louisa blushed, assuring him that he need not go to the trouble. Elysse’s mind raced and she felt incoherent and confused. She had never really cared about his flirtations and seductions before. Why should she care about his next affair?
“You have so many admirers, Captain,” Louisa said, ignoring Elysse. “Won’t you escort me back into the salon so we can all hear your wonderful stories together?”
Alexi hesitated, glancing at Elysse. “Aren’t you joining us?”
Elysse smiled. “Of course I am. I can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures.”
For one more moment, their eyes held, until Louisa tugged on his arm. Elysse followed them into the salon, noting every detail of Louisa Cochrane’s dress and figure. Hadn’t she heard that she was desperate to catch a wealthy husband? But Alexi was a determined bachelor. And she wasn’t jealous, was she? Still, oddly, she wanted Alexi’s attention. She had so many questions—she wanted to know what he’d been doing for the past two and a half years. And she wanted her Russian fur.
Inside, Alexi and Louisa were instantly surrounded, and Alexi was bombarded with more questions about his voyage. Elysse began to relax. Alexi was home, and she was fairly certain that he had noticed her charm, beauty and sophistication. She smiled as he responded to a question from Father MacKenzie.
Ariella came over. “I am so happy that my brother is back! Isn’t it wonderful?”
“It is truly wonderful, but I hope Louisa won’t take up all of his time. We both know he will not linger in the country for long.”
Ariella raised her brows. “Hmm, he does seem very interested in Louisa. “
“You know, Louisa is a bit long in the tooth, don’t you think?” Elysse heard herself say.
“She is a very nice lady!” Ariella exclaimed. “You aren’t…jealous of her, are you?”
Elysse looked at her friend. “Of course not,” she scoffed.
Ariella leaned close and lowered her voice. “Why don’t you go speak with poor James Ogilvy? He is standing over there by himself, gawking at you with a moonstruck smile.”
Oglivy had been courting her for about a month now, but Elysse realized she had lost all interest. Still, she smiled at him. He instantly came forward. As he bowed gallantly over her hand, she saw Alexi turn to glance at them. Pleased, Elysse turned her entire attention on James. “You promised me a picnic at Swan Lake.”
His eyes widened. “I thought you were not interested, as you did not bring it up again.”
She smiled and touched his arm. “I am very interested. In fact, I can’t wait!”
“Then perhaps we can have our outing tomorrow afternoon?” he asked eagerly.
She glanced at Alexi, who was speaking to the squire now. She did not know how long Alexi would remain in the Irish countryside, and she wanted to be available until he left for London. She beamed at James. “Would next week do? I have an engagement tomorrow.” That wasn’t quite true, but it was only a tiny white lie.
They spoke for a few more moments. It was terribly hard to carry on a conversation with James while trying to hear every word Alexi uttered and keeping him in the corner of her eye. As she made her plans with Ogilvy, she became aware that she had another admirer. Montgomery, who was chatting with Ariella, kept glancing her way. Elysse hadn’t paid much attention to him earlier. She did so now, deciding that he was very good-looking. Although he was a pilot, he comported himself like a gentleman. He glanced at her again and she knew he wished for an introduction. It crossed her mind that he had spent the past two years with Alexi. She excused herself from James.
He smiled at her as she approached. “I don’t believe we have been properly introduced, Miss O’Neill. Of course, I have heard all about you from Captain de Warenne, but that is not why I am so eager to meet you.”
Elysse comprehended the innuendo and was flattered. “Cliff has spoken about me?”
Montgomery smiled. “No, I meant my captain, Alexi.” He shifted and stepped closer to her. “I am William Montgomery. It is a pleasure, ma’am.”
He wasn’t a gentleman, obviously—no well-bred man would ever pilot a ship, but Elysse was impressed by his charm. He had an unmistakable Southern accent, and she recalled that most American men from the Southern states were terribly gallant. “And it is my pleasure to receive you, sir.” She laughed. “It isn’t every day that I meet a fearless pilot who has sailed the high seas of China!”
He smiled warmly now, his glance quickly drifting down the bodice of her dress. “Our voyages are long, Miss O’Neill, and beautiful ladies are rare. I wasn’t sure you would speak with me.”
“You are our guest!” she exclaimed. She touched his arm lightly—flirtatiously. “Where are you from, Mr. Montgomery? My family has a tobacco plantation in Virginia.”
“Baltimore, Miss O’Neill. Like the captain, I come from a long line of seafaring men. My father was a ship’s master, and my grandfather was a pilot, as was my great-grandfather before him here in Britain. In fact, I grew up listening to my grandfather’s sailing stories, mostly about the Ivory Coast and the African trade—in the last century, of course.”
“My father was a naval captain, Mr. Montgomery, so I am fascinated.” Elysse meant it. But more importantly, Alexi had just noticed their conversation. “Of course, we no longer trade in slaves here in the Empire, but in your grandfather’s time, that was a very busy occupation, was it not?”
“It most certainly was,” he agreed. “In America, we outlawed the slave trade in ’08, well before I was born. In my grandfather’s time it was a dangerous trade—I believe the African continent remains perilous, for those who dare to attempt to make their profits there still.”
“I am against the slave trade,” Elysse said firmly. The trade had been abolished in the British Empire in ’07. “Even though my family has a tobacco plantation in Virginia, and we have slaves there, I also favor emancipation in the Empire and throughout the world.”
“That is a bold position, Miss O’Neill. In my country, abolition is an issue that divides us. If I may be bold, I would love to visit Sweet Briar, if I was ever in Virginia again.” He smiled, revealing strong white teeth. “I should especially enjoy such a visit if you were there to show me the plantation.”
Elysse smiled archly at him. “I would love to give you a tour of Sweet Briar! But how could we possibly arrange that? The next time I am there, you will undoubtedly be running for China!”
“Yes, I could be crossing the Cape of Good Hope.”
“Or beating up the China Sea.” She laughed. “By the time you received my letter, I would have probably returned home.”
“Probably—and it will be my loss.”
They smiled at one another. “I heard Alexi say that you met in Lower Canada,” Elysse said.
“We certainly did—in the midst of a blizzard. In fact, poachers were trying to steal the furs Alexi had just bought for his cargo home. I saved his life and we have been friends ever since.”
Elysse was fascinated. “How did you save his life?”
From behind her, Alexi said softly, “The French had a few natives in their employ and I was seriously outnumbered.”
She had been so engrossed that it took her a moment to realize that Alexi had come up to them. She turned, her heart exploding. He stood beside them, his arms folded across his chest, smiling. But she knew him well, and his smile did not reach his eyes.
She was taken aback. “What’s wrong?” Could he be jealous?
“What letter will you send William?”
“An invitation to Sweet Briar,” she said lightly, then turned her back on him and faced Montgomery.
“I so want to hear more about Lower Canada, the poachers and the natives,” she said eagerly.
“That is a long story,” the American began, glancing at Alexi.
“One unsuitable for a lady’s ears,” Alexi said flatly. “Would you excuse us, William?”
Montgomery hesitated. Then he bowed. “It has been my pleasure, Miss O’Neill. I hope we can continue this conversation another time.”
“Of course we can,” Elysse said, smiling at him. What was Alexi hiding? Did he really think her too frail to hear the truth about his travels? Had something terrible happened, which he didn’t wish for her to know about?
William Montgomery walked off to join Devlin and Cliff. Elysse realized she was alone with Alexi. He was scowling at her. “What is wrong?” she asked. Surely he wasn’t angry with her for speaking to Montgomery? “Your pilot is a very interesting man. And a handsome one, at that.”
He took her arm, moving her into a corner by the drapery-clad windows. “Don’t flirt with Montgomery, Elysse.” His tone was filled with warning.
“Why not?” she cried, pulling free of his grasp.
“He is a pilot, Elysse, and a rogue.”
She started. “You are a rogue, and I am allowed to speak with you!”
He glared. “He is not for you. I suggest you direct your flirtations at Ogilvy and his ilk.”
She searched his eyes. He had never been jealous of her suitors before—and William Montgomery wasn’t even a suitor. Alexi was right—as interesting as he was, he was a pilot, not a gentleman.
She began to smile. She touched his hand, which was large and hard, the knuckles cracked, the skin there suntanned. “You needn’t be jealous, Alexi,” she murmured.
“Don’t even try to flirt with me! I am not jealous.” He shrugged. “I am merely trying to protect you from a dangerous ladies’ man, Elysse. Montgomery has a way with women, and I don’t want you to fall under his spell.”
“I am hardly under his spell.” She glanced up at him from beneath her lashes, aware that she was flirting. “I’m glad you’re not jealous, Alexi. Mr. Montgomery is very interesting—fascinating, actually—and very handsome. And he is a guest in this house.”
For one moment he stared. Elysse knew him well, but she couldn’t decide what he was truly thinking. Then he leaned closer, crowding her against the draperies. “Are you trying to play me?” he asked, very softly.
A little thrill swept her. She could barely breathe now. “I have no idea what you mean. But you can’t object to my having a pleasant conversation with your pilot—or seeing him again.” She batted her lashes at him while her heart raced frantically.
“Montgomery piloted the Ariel to Lower Canada and Jamaica and then to Canton and back. I trust him with my ship and the lives of my men, but I do not trust him with you.” His stare darkened. He added, “You are impossible, Elysse. I am asking you to avoid him—for your sake, not mine.”
His shoulder still pressed hers. It was becoming hard to think clearly. She whispered, “I will think about it.”
Suddenly his gaze dropped from her eyes to her mouth. Elysse tensed. In that one moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. Instead, he straightened and slowly shook his head, appearing disgusted. “Fine. Think about it. But don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
HE WAS RESTLESS and he did not know why. After so much time away from his family, his mood should have been entirely different. Usually the time he spent in his family home in Ireland was somewhat aimless, his pursuits casual—long rides across the countryside, visits to his neighbors, tea with his sisters and raucous family suppers. He didn’t feel casual now. Instead, he felt like rushing back to his ship and hoisting sail.
Last night, sleep had eluded him. All evening, he had thought about his run home from China, the price his tea had commanded from the London agents, and how fast his next run could be. He drew, in his mind’s eye, the plans for the ship he intended to have built, just for the China trade. But in the night-darkened bedroom, his thoughts kept straying back to Elysse O’Neill. Even now, as he sat at breakfast with his family, his thoughts were on her.
She had always been beautiful. He’d thought so even as a small boy, when they’d first met. In fact, he would never forget walking into the drawing room at Harmon House for the very first time, having just arrived in London with his father after a long voyage from Jamaica, where he had been raised. He had read about London, of course, but he had never imagined such a large, bustling city, with so many palaces and mansions. As excited as he had been to finally visit his father’s homeland, he had been taken aback—and very, very careful to hide it. On their way to Harmon House, Cliff had pointed out many of London’s sights to him and Ariella. Harmon House had seemed as majestic and imposing as Buckingham Palace.
To hide his nervous anxiety, he had increased the swagger in his stride and the set of his small shoulders. His father had been warmly greeted by his brothers, one of whom was the Earl of Adare. A number of other adults and children were present. He’d only seen the lovely golden girl dressed in pink silk and satin seated on the gold damask sofa.
He had mistakenly assumed her to be a real princess. He had never seen anyone as pretty, and when she had looked at him, he’d felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him. But she turned her nose up at him like a true snob. He’d instantly wanted to impress her. He had strutted over to her. Without even an introduction, he had boasted about his exploits on the high seas. Her purple eyes had become as huge as saucers….
The memory almost made Alexi smile. Within days, they had become friends. However, his smile failed him now. Last night, Elysse had been even more stunning than he recalled. Was it possible that he’d forgotten just how beautiful she was? He’d certainly forgotten how petite she was. When he’d rushed to her side as she’d tripped on the stairs, taking a firm hold of her, he’d been stunned at how tiny and feminine she had felt in his arms.