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Your Chinese Horoscope 2010
While there will be some particularly busy times during the year, there will, however, also be some occasions which will mean a great deal to the Water Ox. An academic success, some progress made or a holiday or break can all bring a great deal of pleasure as well as be good for domestic rapport and understanding.
It is also important that the Water Ox does not feel so busy that he has to cut back on his socializing over the year. This not only helps keep his lifestyle in balance but can also give him the opportunity to get to know others. The unattached and those hoping for a more fulfilling social life will find that by going out and giving themselves the chance to meet others, their positive actions can lead to an improvement in their situation. March, April, June and August to early September could see the most social activity.
Overall, the Tiger year will be fast-moving and there will be times when the Water Ox will feel concerned about developments or under pressure. However, by doing what he can and rising to the challenges of the year he will gain important experience which he will be able to build on in the future. This is a time to remain alert, be prepared to adapt and remain mindful of others.
Although you will have many demands on your time, do not let these prevent you from developing your interests. These can bring balance to your lifestyle as well as offer much personal satisfaction. Also, at busy or worrying times, do draw on the assistance of others. This can help you in many ways.
The Wood Ox
There are two words that it would be helpful for the Wood Ox to keep in mind this year: ‘awareness’ and ‘flexibility’. This will be a busy year and throughout the Wood Ox will need to remain alert and be prepared to adapt. He may have firm ideas and objectives, but to stay too wedded to these could hinder his progress.
One area which will see change will be work. Those Wood Oxen who have been in the same position for some time may well feel ready for a change at some point during the year. For many, this will be with their present employer and their in-house knowledge will make them strong candidates for promotion. Others will choose to look for greater responsibilities elsewhere, but whatever the Wood Ox does, this is a year favouring progress and personal development. Many Wood Oxen will be successful in securing a new position and taking on a more fulfilling role, and a lot will be expected of them, including learning new duties and, for some, altering their routine. The early days could be daunting and tiring. However, by having faith in their abilities and rising to the challenge, these Wood Oxen will often find their new role allows them to discover strengths which will become part of their onward development. Progress made this year can have important long-term benefits. Even those Wood Oxen who decide to remain in their existing role will find that developments will often require them to adapt and this will help prepare them for future possibilities.
For Wood Oxen seeking work, the Tiger year will not be easy. Patience and persistence will be required and there will be times when these Wood Oxen will feel despondent, especially when certain applications do not go their way. However, by drawing on the advice available, widening their options and showing initiative at interview, many will find their tenacity rewarded by the offer of a job that may be different from what they have done before, and this can be of great future value. Late February to the end of April, September and November could see some interesting openings, but opportunities do need to be seized when they arise.
The progress the Wood Ox makes in his work can lead to an increase in income over the year. However, while this will be welcome, the Wood Ox will need to remain disciplined in his spending. With his existing outgoings and plans for the future, this is no time to succumb to too many temptations. Also, if he should enter into any agreement or contract during the year, he does need to check the terms and obligations carefully. This is a year to be thorough and vigilant.
With his often demanding schedule, it is also important that the Wood Ox gives some consideration to taking sufficient exercise and having a well-balanced diet. To neglect his well-being or drive himself too hard could leave him prone to minor ailments or lacking his usual energy. He should also allow himself time for recreational pursuits rather than feel he needs to be continually active. His interests can bring him great pleasure and enjoyment.
In his relations with others, this can be an eventful year. For some Wood Oxen this could include parenthood and the considerable adjustments this can involve, while others could be involved in a move with their partner to more suitable accommodation and some will decide to marry. For many this will be a busy and special year, with a lot to do, plan and look forward to. Throughout, it is important that the Wood Ox is open, communicative and considerate. Decisions will need to be shared, plans sometimes adjusted and compromises reached. But with care and mindfulness, this can be a positive and exciting year.
Nevertheless, there will be some Wood Oxen who will be unhappy with their personal situation. Perhaps a relationship is unfulfilling or a friendship not as strong or as special as it once was. For some, the Tiger year can bring difficult decisions and uncertain times. However, as the proverb reminds us, ‘Fortune turns like a wheel,’ and for the few Wood Oxen who experience difficulties this year, disappointments will pass and fresh opportunities often open up, including, for those who are alone, meeting someone very special. Demanding though the Tiger year may sometimes be, it can have far-reaching significance. March, April, June and August could see the most social activity.
Overall, the Wood Ox will need to remain alert, vigilant and flexible over the Tiger year. But he will often be able to build on his accomplishments in the future, especially in the following and more favourable Rabbit year.
Consult, communicate and be aware. Also be prepared to adapt to situations as they arise. This way you can learn a great deal and often find opportunities beginning to open up for you. Also, do be attentive to those who are special to you. This will add a lot to your year.
The Fire Ox
The Fire Ox has a determined nature and during his life his great sense of purpose and many skills will lead to him achieving a great deal. However, as we all know, some years are better than others, and for the Fire Ox this will be one of the more challenging ones.
For the Fire Ox born in 1997 this is a year for commitment and hard work. In his education a lot will be expected of him, with much to learn and many new skills to master. It will sometimes be difficult for the young Fire Ox to cope with such a wide variety of subjects as well as fit in all the other things he wants to do. Also, while he has his strengths, some subjects could be a struggle and cause him some anguish. The Tiger year will be demanding, but it is by being stretched and challenged that the Fire Ox can learn a lot, and over the year he will not only make important progress but also improve his awareness and general confidence.
Another benefit of the year will be the way in which the Fire Ox will be able to build on certain skills. Whether these involve physical and sporting activities, music, drama or some other area, by making the most of the facilities available to him, he can make considerable progress. Through commitment, he will learn and benefit. Some Fire Oxen could also find they are encouraged to make more of a certain talent and if they take the chances they are offered, what they do now can be of both present and future value.
In view of all the Fire Ox’s activities and pressures it is also important that he is forthcoming and talks over any problems or concerns he has with those who are able to help, either at home or at school. This way he can be better supported. In addition there could be occasions when he finds himself at odds with others. Sometimes what he wants to do may clash with something that others have arranged, or attitudes may differ over certain matters. At such times some give and take will be needed. However, if the young Fire Ox is willing to be open and join in with various activities, there will be much for him to appreciate, particularly in his home life.
He can also look forward to many enjoyable times with his friends and will welcome their support and camaraderie. He will also be reassured in the knowledge that he is not alone in some of the difficulties he may be facing.
Overall, the Tiger year will be a demanding one for Fire Oxen born in 1997, but by rising to the challenges and making the most of their opportunities, ideas and strengths, this can be a year when they will grow, develop and get to learn a great deal. And the commitment and effort they put in will provide them with a solid foundation on which to build in following years.
For Fire Oxen born in 1937, this will be a variable year. The Fire Ox does like to forge ahead and set about his activities in specific ways, but during the year he may have to reconsider some of his plans. In some cases others may suggest different approaches to certain tasks or it may be that changes to situations mean he has to look again at what he wants to do. As he will discover, the Tiger year is not one for intransigence, and showing greater flexibility will not only lead to more being achieved but ultimately to more being to his advantage.
However, while the Tiger year calls for increased awareness, it can also bring some personally rewarding times. Many Fire Oxen will particularly delight in some family news and events during the year, with shared interests and activities bringing much pleasure. The Fire Ox is also likely to have the chance to go away, and whether staying with relations or going away for a holiday, his travels can often add extra interest to the year.
When dealing with important finance and paperwork, though, the Fire Ox will need to be his usual thorough self as well as check anything which is unclear. This is a time when he should draw on the assistance and advice available to him.
Generally, the more senior Fire Ox will need to be flexible in his planning this year and mindful of the views of those around him. With care and awareness, however, the Tiger year can still contain a great many pleasures, especially in terms of shared interests, family news and activities.
Whether born in 1937 or 1997, the Fire Ox will find the year will require effort, flexibility and a willingness to make the most of his situation and opportunities. It is by being willing rather than steadfast that both the younger and more senior Fire Ox can get the best from the year and take pleasure in their achievements.
Be accommodating in your approach. Adapt to situations and listen closely to others. Despite the mixed aspects a lot can go in your favour, but this is a year for flexibility and awareness.
The Earth Ox
One of the main traits of the Earth Ox is that he is perceptive. He is good at appraising situations and realistic in his aims, and in the Tiger year his talents will serve him well. By being adaptable and keeping his wits about him, he can emerge from the year with a lot to his credit.
For those Earth Oxen in work this can be a challenging time. Many will face change, possibly due to internal reorganization and the introduction of new initiatives and systems. Also, due to their experience, some could find themselves being given additional responsibilities. Work-wise, a lot will be asked of the Earth Ox and this will be very much a year for making the most of his situation and rising to the tasks given. These may not always be easy and some Earth Oxen will not be helped by delays, increased bureaucracy or the pettiness and unhelpful attitude of those around them. For these Earth Oxen parts of the year will be frustrating, but again it is a case of focusing on what needs to be done and resisting any irritations and distractions that arise.
Many Earth Oxen will remain with their current employer over the year, but for those keen to move, alter their working commitments or find work, the Tiger year can be daunting. In some cases there could be few suitable vacancies and when they do arise the Earth Ox could find himself facing stiff competition. However, one of the main features of the Tiger year is that it favours personal development and by being willing to widen the scope of what they are prepared to consider, many Earth Oxen will be given the chance to use their skills in different ways. The Earth Ox’s alert and perceptive nature will be of great help in keeping him informed of developments and possibilities. With the aspects as they are, chances need to be taken when they arise, but March, April, September and November could see some interesting possibilities.
In all the Earth Ox tackles this year, it is important that he is thorough. This is no time for risks or shortcuts, particularly when dealing with paperwork or forms which have financial implications. Earth Oxen, do take note. In addition, with any expensive purchase or plan he is considering, the Earth Ox should avoid rush. In some cases by waiting for more favourable buying opportunities he could save himself considerable outlay or find something that better meets his requirements. Many Earth Oxen are careful in financial matters, but sometimes the general pace of the Tiger year could make the Earth Ox act before he has considered all the implications. This is not a time for him to lower his usually cautious guard.
A more positive aspect of the year concerns the Earth Ox’s personal interests and he should allow himself the time to both enjoy and develop these. Not only can they bring him satisfaction and be a source of relaxation, but they can also have additional benefits. For those Earth Oxen who enjoy creative activities, new ideas and projects could be especially absorbing.
The Earth Ox’s interests can also bring him into contact with others, and by going to gatherings and events he will often enjoy himself and welcome the opportunity to meet other enthusiasts. In addition, when he has invitations to social occasions or sees events that appeal to him, he should follow these up. Although some Earth Oxen may be tempted to stay at home, their social life can bring an important balance to their lifestyle. Late February to the end of April, June and August could be particularly interesting months for socializing.
In the Earth Ox’s domestic life, this is a year to be attentive to the views of others. The Earth Ox does like to hold sway and make the decisions, but while those around him are grateful for all he does, it is important that he regularly consults them over plans and ideas as well as listens closely to their suggestions. Without care and mindfulness, misunderstandings or differences of opinion could arise which, with more discussion, could have been avoided. In addition, some plans could need altering as situations change, and again the Earth Ox will need to be accommodating. This is very much a year to be alert, flexible and liaise with others. However, despite the cautionary aspects, the Earth Ox’s domestic life will certainly have some meaningful times, including any holidays or breaks he is able to take with his loved ones.
Given the hectic pace of the year, the Earth Ox could also find it helpful to give some consideration to his well-being, including making sure he takes regular exercise and has a balanced diet, though he should seek medical guidance before making any modifications.
Generally, the Tiger year will be a demanding one for the Earth Ox and throughout he will need to remain alert and adapt to changing situations. However, with his perceptive and adroit nature, he can get a lot from the year, particularly in terms of exploring and developing some of his skills and interests.
This can be a fast-moving year with changes taking place, situations altering and plans sometimes having to be modified. To benefit, keep alert and be flexible.
Lily Allen, Hans Christian Andersen, Gemma Arterton, Johann Sebastian Bach, Warren Beatty, Kate Beckinsale, David Blaine, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Camus, Jim Carrey, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Natalie Cole, Bill Cosby, Tom Courtenay, Tony Curtis, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marlene Dietrich, Walt Disney, Patrick Duffy, JaneFonda, Edward Fox, Michael J. Fox, Peter Gabriel, Elizabeth George, Richard Gere, Ricky Gervais, Handel, King Harald V of Norway, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Hal Holbrook, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Joel, King Juan Carlos of Spain, John Key, B. B. King, Keira Knightley, Mark Knopfler, Burt Lancaster, Jessica Lange, Heather Locklear, Kate Moss, Alison Moyet, Eddie Murphy, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Barack Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar Peterson, Paula Radcliffe, Robert Redford, Lionel Richie, Wayne Rooney, Tim Roth, Rubens, Meg Ryan, Amanda Seyfried, Jean Sibelius, Sissy Spacek, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Lady Thatcher, Alan Titchmarsh, Scott F. Turow, Vincent van Gogh, Minette Walters, Zoë Wanamaker, Sigourney Weaver, the Duke of Wellington, Arsène Wenger, W. B. Yeats.
26 JANUARY 1914

13 FEBRUARY 1926

31 JANUARY 1938

17 FEBRUARY 1950


23 JANUARY 1974


28 JANUARY 1998

14 FEBRUARY 2010

the zest,
the enthusiasm,
the giving the little bit more,
that makes the difference.
And opens up so much.
The Tiger is born under the sign of courage. He is a charismatic figure and usually holds very firm views. He is strong-willed and determined and sets about most of his activities with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. He is very alert and quick-witted and his mind is forever active. He is a highly original thinker and is nearly always brimming with new ideas or full of enthusiasm for some new project or scheme.
The Tiger adores challenges and loves to get involved in anything that he thinks has an exciting future or that catches his imagination. He is prepared to take risks and does not like to be bound either by convention or the dictates of others. He likes to be free to act as he chooses and at least once during his life he will throw caution to the wind and go off and do the things he wants to do.
The Tiger does, however, have a somewhat restless nature. Even though he is often prepared to throw himself wholeheartedly into a project, his initial enthusiasm can soon wane if he sees something more appealing. He can also be rather impulsive and there will be occasions in his life when he acts in a manner he later regrets. If he were to think things through or be prepared to persevere in his various activities, he would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success.
Fortunately the Tiger is lucky in most of his enterprises, but should things not work out as he hoped, he is liable to suffer from severe bouts of depression and it will often take him a long time to recover. His life often consists of a series of ups and downs.
He is, however, very adaptable. He has an adventurous spirit and rarely stays in the same place for long. In the early stages of his life he is likely to try his hand at several different jobs and he will also change his residence fairly frequently.
The Tiger is very honest and open in his dealings with others. He hates any sort of hypocrisy or falsehood. He is also well known for being blunt and forthright and has no hesitation in speaking his mind. He can be rebellious at times, particularly against any form of petty authority, and while this can lead him into conflict with others, he is never one to shrink from an argument or avoid standing up for what he believes is right.
The Tiger is a natural leader and can rise to the top of his chosen profession. He does not, however, care for anything too bureaucratic or detailed, and he does not like to obey orders. He can be stubborn and obstinate and throughout his life he likes to retain a certain amount of independence in his actions and be responsible to no one but himself. He likes to consider that all his achievements are due to his own efforts and he will not ask for support from others if he can avoid it.
Ironically, despite his self-confidence and leadership qualities, he can be indecisive and will often delay making a major decision until the very last moment. He can also be sensitive to criticism.
Although the Tiger is capable of earning large sums of money, he is rather a spendthrift and does not always put his money to its best use. He can also be most generous and will often shower lavish gifts on friends and relations.
The Tiger cares very much for his reputation and the image that he tries to project. He carries himself with an air of dignity and authority and enjoys being the centre of attention. He is very adept at attracting publicity, both for himself and for the causes he supports.
The Tiger often marries young and he will find himself best suited to those born under the signs of the Pig, Dog, Horse and Goat. He can also get on well with the Rat, Rabbit and Rooster, but will find the Ox and Snake a bit too quiet and serious for his liking, and he will be highly irritated by the Monkey’s rather mischievous and inquisitive ways. He will also find it difficult to get on with another Tiger or a Dragon—both partners will want to dominate the relationship and could find it difficult to compromise on even the smallest of matters.
The Tigress is lively, witty and a marvellous hostess at parties. She takes great care over her appearance and is usually most attractive. She can be a very doting mother and while she believes in letting her children have their freedom, she makes an excellent teacher and will ensure that her children are well brought up and want for nothing. Like her male counterpart, she has numerous interests and likes to have sufficient independence and freedom to go off and do the things she wants to do. She has a most caring and generous nature.