Полная версия
My Soul Cries
"Perfect, does it happen if my sister also comes?"
"No, but indeed! Then after that, hello Emy. "
"Fine, see you later".
What an indescribable time for Simone! Reading those messages was definitely a success, albeit small: he had been able to have an appointment with Emily. Yes, of course, there was also her sister, but all in all she could even make friends with her if things were going wrong.
They arrived at 4pm and Simone was already there. He saw her come from far, with her sister. He pulled out the hand of Emy's sister, who found himself called Eleonora, and just as they were deciding what to do, the girl saw her friend with whom she decided to go leaving him and Emily alone.
Simone this time did not want to throw the opportunity given to him by fate, then he decided to take a walk in the main course.
"I can not, sorry I can not," Simone said in a showcase and the other, and a chatter.
"What can not you do?" Emily asked with a question mark on her face.
"I can not look in your face, I do not do it! You are too beautiful and I look at those eyes and the more I want to kiss you. " Simone had thrown all the axes on the table, he had taken that train and he did not intend to get down.
Emily had become tomato-like in the meantime.
"Then look at it again, so I kiss," she replied in embarrassment.
Simone did not believe what he heard, he had gone up in time on that train and he had what he wanted: the girl wanted that kiss, which of course did not hesitate to arrive.
Simone and Emily kept walking until she got to the bench. There the two were now loose and, besides kissing and being embraced, Simone remembers when Emily received a message. It was Matteo who wondered what she was doing while she simply replied that she was with Simone. "Blow the metal boy" was Matteo's obviously irritated response. Simone had won.
Back at home they continued to speak, at school they did the same but without any sign that they understood that they were actually a couple. But Emily asked, "Simo. We kissed, we were together that day and we just do what you say beautiful words. Only I did not understand if we are together or not !! "
"Of course we are together!" Simone replied firmly.
"But then are we together since 27 or today March 2?" She wanted to take off her last pebble from her shoe.
"Of course, from 27," Simone confirmed, satisfied and finally happy.
Simone and Emily finally joined their souls. And still today, fate keeps my mind, my days, and finally my memories, dropping in that number and phrase laughing in my face. Naturally.
It took days to get full confidence that this was a great couple. Emily took care of Simone right away and vice versa Simone made for her.
One day, while walking around the park, Simone revealed to his girlfriend a promise made to himself. "I've always been a disaster, I can never keep a serious relationship. But now, today, here in front of you I can say something that I am certain now. I want to stay with you and if I fall with you then I have failed with myself. "
That promise Simone had well printed in his heart and mostly remained imprinted in Emily's mind.
In the first period, as both attended the same school, they were always together. Simone then decided that it was right to introduce her his trusty friend Gonzalo and Emily chose to present in turn Giovanna and Alessandra, better known as the "Hollywood diva" to Gonzalo.
Gonzalo, like a script, was fascinated by the beauty of Alessandra who in turn swore by holding any thought or emotion.
After the classic handshakes, they decided to go out to make a chat before the end of the recreation.
When the bell sounded Gonzalo spoke privately with Simone.
"But did you see how beautiful that girl is there?" Gonzalo began the speech.
"Eh, sure she is pretty." But now Simone had who to think about and he was completely lost for Emily.
"She is in love, I intend to conquer her. You will see, I will, I will use the Gonzalo method. "
In fact, Simone was lost and did nothing but think of his girlfriend but, in spite of everything, he did not escape the phrase "I'll use the Gonzalo method." That method consisted of adding the lucky on Facebook, waiting for her to accept friendship and then giving free vent to the romantic vein that Gonzalo had; He was only a few days old and he was happy to go to school, with the number of the girl who had somehow managed to have it after having been baptised.
This time, Gonzalo had the fact that Alessandra was a girlfriend of Simone's girlfriend and so it was really a kid's play.
One morning he came to school all singing and Simone understood, by now he knew his friend perfectly. There was only one element missing to be certain that he had been able to have what he wanted: if he had said to the class that that morning he would bring the churros - a typical sweet of his parts - to everyone, he was certainly gone smooth as oil. That morning he offered the whole class the "churros". Gonzalo went hungry, risking almost diabetes.
After these two classic episodes of the "conquistadores" version of Gonzalo's mood, Simone wanted to know how this time she had made her fall at her feet.
"Then, tell me! Do you have her number? "Simone asked curiously.
"Of course, did you have any doubt? It was all too easy! "Agreed Gonzalo with a wink. The boy knew how to make us with the women who really interested him but he exulted too early this time, that diva was quite difficult to conquer.
In the days that followed Gonzalo tried everything: go out with four with Simone and Emily, movie invitations and the more you put it. However, the diva did not seem so interested in Gonzalo.
Obviously this for Simone's eyes was a scoop from the front page, no one had given the Argentine how little she was doing. Emily, to help her, decided to talk to her friend asking her if she felt something for Gonzalo.
"What should I tell you? Yes, I'm nice, it's very nice but it does not tell me anything. He is not really my ideal boy! "Alessandra said, little enthusiastic.
After having had the precious information, Emily passed the hot potato to Simone, which in turn told everything to her friend. Gonzalo did not give up and tried it all for a whole week.
On 30 May 2010 it was Simone's birthday, he was 16 years old and he had not planned a party. This was what Emily thought of having prepared a surprise, calling all of her closest friends, including Alessandra and Gonzalo.
Simone was exalted by the fact that someone had organized a surprise party, he had always wanted one. Emily, who had discovered this desire of Simone, did not hesitate to make him happy, but in that party there was to make another person happy, in fact two: Gonzalo and Alessandra.
As they all danced, sang and ate, they completely lost the traces of Gonzalo and Alessandra who had finished out on the balcony to speak.
The air was tight between the two but Gonzalo threw himself and asked the diva if she wanted to follow him out to talk.
Simone worried, along with his girlfriend, went searching, saw them speaking in a dark corner on the balcony and he decided to listen to the speech without being seen.
"By now I think you understand why I brought you out here and I think you have understood what my intentions are," Gonzalo began.
"Yes, but look, I tell you right away: I do not want to have a relationship with you! I swear to you you are nice, sweet, affectionate but I prefer to have you as a friend, " Alessandra, said not a little embarrassed by the situation.
"But why? Try at least, I can give you so much love! Try it, you will not regret it! "
"No, let's stay friends! Please come back inside? " And these were the definitive words of the girl, there was no tripe for cats.
For Gonzalo it was hard to accept that rejection. He who had never been rejected by anybody now had to live with that choice.
In the following days there was a bit of detachment but time also solved that problem. The two remained great friends until they did not talk about it when she fell in love with a boy: the diva finally got engaged. One thought of someone coming to his beauty but everyone was disappointed to see that he was just the opposite of it. He was a very asocial and jealous guy, as high as a basketball player, with short hair and a face that was just like a lumpy fish.
What a defeats hard to send down to Gonzalo! But destiny also took care of him, he did not leave him alone. Love would come to him too soon.
I lost too many times in the sky. I remember the first time I came: I was thrilled to run on clouds like Heidi and I felt so young, wild and free. No one was telling me what to do, no one hindered me. I was only at first, but then the light came.
Simone often looked at the sky, He liked to lose as he watched the clouds pass. It looked like sheep lost in search of her shepherd, and among them she could see her grandfather.
It was March 2009 when the disease attacked him with presumption, like a spoiled child when he did not get his play. Humans, however, are not games and they are not even feelings. The problem was that it was too complicated to talk about fate and Simone knew it well.
Emily had not yet had the pleasure of knowing it, but Simone was merely telling her about life, death, and grandfather miracles so he could stimulate the girl's desire to see him. But he did not do it in time.
It was too early to let an entire family know about a little girl of just 15 years, especially on St. Stephen's Day. So Simone, through his latest generation cell phone, showed his Emily to his grandfather.
"Good grand-nephew, good shot!" grandpa said with a smile.
He liked it, could be read in the eyes and in the eyes of all those present in that table.
Days flew, Simone could no longer control his time, and April 2010 came in a lash of eyelashes. When at 12:45 the message came, he was completely destroyed. If it had not been for Emily, at this time it would not be the person everyone knows.
New message: MY LOVE IS DEAD. Send.
"Professor, can I go out?"
"Sure," the professor replied distractedly.
Simone opened the door and she was already there waiting for him. The two guys hugged more than they could and Simone, for the first time, let go in front of a woman. He cried too much and Emily at that moment felt a swirling of emotions she could not handle, she did not know how to move but she knew that the only thing to do was hugging. She remembered what the boy said to her: "Hugs are the nicest gesture a human can have. Bringing a hug is such a magical power that for a moment makes me think that the whole world is a better place. "
Simone, he was happy with Emily's presence and what she had done for him. She was always there, she always was.
In the following days, Emily met Simone's family, caressed her spirit, and in a short time she was fond of the warmth she had emanated, to the great humanity and passion that she had.
She watched the pain of the boy and realized that she had a mission in her heart to make him come back happy.
Emily Marchionne had completely opened to Simone, she was living a dream, she had put him in front of everything and everyone. There was only that boy with long hair, earring and dark period that still flowed in his veins.
After that tragedy in Simone's life, time adjusted almost everything. That girl had done some real miracles. The first was when she organized that amazing party for surprise for the 16-year-old Simone. They had just celebrated their first anniversary and Emily was not content. So, being a good programmer, she was already preparing the surprise party he liked so much to Simone.
She was just ripping off a smile behind her and seeing her boyfriend smile was for her really the best.
After calling all the friends, Emily met at 18:00 at Simone's home where everything was ready and ready. To help her, of course, there was Elena who, after the hard times and the death of her dad, had come to see her happy son.
Meanwhile, as the guests slowly arrived, Emily came out with Simone and took her to the sea, the place she loved most of all. They talked to fool the time, but after a while, the girl made a small mistake. As she walked away for a moment to make a phone call with Simone's phone, as her was unleashed, she let it go hand his. That Simone was curious was not a novelty, so he picked up the cellphone and at that exact time came Alessandra's message: "I am at Simone!"
The young man made calculations in mind, and despite having two in maths, he knew that Emily was organizing something behind him, maybe a nice surprise party.
When Emily came back she said she was leaving, it was time to get back to bed. Simone already knew but did not want to ruin what someone had never done before in his life, that is to make him really happy.
So they came home, waited a while, and when Emily gave the signal up the voice, all his friends came out of the room and shouted "SURPRISEEEEEE".
Simone was really impressed with how his mother had decorated the room and how Emily had cared for every detail. She had done her best to see him smile, and she had succeeded in great.
The days began to run faster than Usain Bolt and you did not know how to stop or deceive him. The fate however this time wanted to test Simone: after being impressed by Emily, the girl did more and planned a very special meeting.
Emily at school that morning suggested that Simone go with her to see the Pescara ball game.
Simone naturally accepted but wondered if they were just the two of them.
"Love, let's go with my family and some friends. My dad told me he wants to meet you, the ticket paid you him, "Emily smiled.
Simone was embarrassed, he knew that only a saint would help him, and in his mind he repeated that he would not like Emily's family and that he would be misled all the time.
The afternoon came. Simone was agitated, it was almost a piece of ice, full of fear in the body.
Emily tried to dissolve him, to calm him but he could not, and when the driveway was over, Simone saw people with flags and scarves. There was above all he, Benito the boss, his wife, some friends, the little dog Alì and finally Eleonora.
Simone, awkward and with Emily next to him, approached him, shook his hand firmly and he presented. He thought that an important step had already been made and the man answered all proudly by presenting himself.
When the presentations were over, he left to get to the stadium. There was harmony in the car and Benito was driving his Fiat Stilo station wagon, with its darkened windows and a screaming system to envy every vulgar in the area. Inside, they were listening to dance pieces from 80s, but above all he could not miss the compilation of Barry White, he loved it.
They were chatting in the middle of the smoke. Benito and his wife smoked two packs of cigarettes each day and if they did harm to them or to the people around them.
Meanwhile, Simone had already melted enough and, when he came to the stadium, he had a great time to see Benito inside the stadium, teasing to the last saint, smoking and celebrating with his family and friends. The boy was happy, there was in the middle of him and being in the graces of a father for him was really the best, since he did not have one.
At the end of the game everyone came back to their own homes and Simone came to resume from her mother. As she greeted Emily's family, she realized how the girl was really excited about what he had done for her. She was really proud of Simone.
Things were always going to swell and sail. Problems could not arise at that age, the real problems always come when it grows because when you are young you make it believe that life is a fun carousel that never ends. But in the end you have to go down and give up on the fact that you grew up and that carousel no longer matters to you.
Despite all this, Emily and Simone were a wonderful carousel, one of those in the city, decorated with beautiful lights and fairy tale music. Their fable continued and nobody could stop them, maybe only Simone himself could destroy this couple with his fears. He still had to defeat them, but it takes time, a long time.
On a Sunday morning, the two guys met. It was a hot day and they decided to shelter themselves in the park, where they were covered by the trees and were embraced by the light wind and the song of the birds.
At that almost enchanted place Emily, looking at the hour, offered Simone to eat at home. Simone became ice, even the strong heat could not dissolve him but in his insecurity he still had the strength to accept the invitation. She tried to call her mother to tell her she would not have lunch at home.
"Daddy, can Simone stay with us?" Meanwhile Emily alerted her father.
"Okay, but do you eat that fish?" Benito asked.
Simone hated fish since childhood since he had swallowed a plug. Since then he had been afraid of the fish in general and completely stopped eating it.
"Mmmm, no ..." Emily said, knowing Simone's tastes.
"But what fucking boy is he does not eat the fish? All right, we think about it! "the girl's father giggled. And there the call ended.
They arrived at Emily's house and Simone could not help but admire the vast lands and the smell of the countryside that reminded him of his home. And then how did you do not love that beautiful puppy who was Alì! The two became so great friends right away, they did not stop for a minute.
When he finished playing with Alì, the boy came into the house and he was struck by the great cleansing and the gentle order that was reigning, and by that scanty smell of fish coming from the kitchen.
Benito was in front of the PC to play, after spending a long morning in the fields, and greeted the boys.
"Hello chest, today fish can be left without food!" Benito joked.
"Well, you see that I'm not, so I do not get fat," Simone said, not to remain in complete silence, as every time he did not know what to say laughs.
His wife reassured the boy, revealing to him that she had cooked the excellent meat from animals reared in their stables.
Emily encouraged the young man to tell him that his father was just joking and Benito smoked his twentieth cigarette, a smile that made him run away.
In the afternoon Emily, Simone and Eleonora decided to go out together and make a leap into the centre. Before leaving the boy he apologized for not having eaten the fish with them and thanked for the welcome.
The day was about to end, and after that good morning and an afternoon in company, he did not really feel what life was giving him.
The carousel revolves, rotates, and no one intends to stop it. One day, however, he decided to do so inexplicably.
The days went by and without even knowing it went even the year, arrived in 2011 and started counting down to celebrate a year of engagement.
But before, Simone had to think of Gonzalo, January 31 was his birthday and, like every year, he was celebrating at his home.
The invitation also came to Emily and, as every birthday, Gonzalo received from Simone the usual 10 Euros in a greeting card. Simone never knew how to make gifts and, to have no doubts or problems, she gave the money so they could do what they wanted.
In his heart he could not wait for his friend's party to arrive, too, because his mother prepared, in addition to the churros, even the shorts. Simone was leaving at least with her full stomach, always eating at least twenty pants and churros at will. Eventually the stomach raised white flag, not even the Malox would have made an impact.
Emily, on the other hand, tasted those delicacies with pleasure, without coming to the comatose state of the boy.
The party was always cheerful thanks to the "Latin" effect of Gonzalo's kinship but, on a timely basis, it would have been well accepted by a translator to understand what they were saying. The party had almost come to an end and besides eating and talking to everyone else, nothing was done. At some point it was better to go home.
That night Emily was just saying how excited she was to celebrate their first year together in less than a month. It was also a joy for Simone, who had never been to such a long time with a girl that his stories lasted for a couple of months.
Inside, Simone was thinking of what to do and how to hit his girlfriend straight into the heart, because this time Emily had to stay open.
The idea came on February 1 after a rather hard school day. Back home, Simone saw his grandfather father working the wood and suddenly he lit a light bulb in his brain: that afternoon he went on to the story as to how Simone had a brilliant idea and at the same time very useful to improve his builder ability.
He had decided that every day until February 26 night he would write a letter describing everything he was preparing in those days with his feelings, just as scientists do when they record their own voice to document a discovery. Simone did it on paper and really did. He was sweating on the ground day and night, and after school he was in a hurry to go to work.
Time ran almost over him, he put his breath on his neck, but stumbled right into the end giving victory to Simone.
On the 26th night Simone concluded the writing made by him in the wood saying "1 year I love you". He had taken care of every detail, painted it and polished it in an impeccable manner, without splinters.
The letter, however, ended up writing it just when the clock marked the 00:00: it was then the 27th day, the most important day of their life.
On Sunday, February 27, 2011, Simone was excited. The sun was shining and the sky was so blue that you could mirror it.
After stole a dry wine from the house and took the letter and his writing, the boy left for Emily Marchionne.
The two met outside the girl's house. Emily kissed Simone until she was exhausted and she continued to do so, especially when the young man showed her his work and the letter. Emily was upset, this time she was receiving the benefit of the good gesture and Simone embraced her.
The day had been well-structured and Simone had foreseen first to reach their bench. Then they would move to the sea where they would be able to enter an establishment.
Everything went in the right direction, and once on the beach, they saw a cliff nearby. It was there that they toasted, with the prose stolen by Simone, between one photo and the other. It seemed to be in a scene of such romantic films: two young loving boys celebrating their anniversary, a catchy and slow musical background, the sun burning on the gentle and endless streams of stones and effusions.
It came in the cold afternoon and it was better to go back. They decided to go back to Emily and the girl was no longer in the skin: she still had a gift for Simone. Simone closed her eyes and there it opened when Emily told him to reopen them. A plush with a central heart appeared in front of his eyes and the word "LOVE FOREVER".
Simone, who did not know how to hide the feelings, remained so happy but in the meantime even a little disappointed by the simple fact that he wanted something more exciting, something that was just as much of the effort he had made in arranging that wonderful anniversary.
After this small negative note of the afternoon of Simone's anniversary and character, the day continued and came in the evening with a great dinner out.
They went to the restaurant where Elena worked and when they got there the atmosphere was wonderful. There was a soft light and a very romantic climate waiting for them. Obviously Emily was really breathless, she did not think that Simone could get so much.
The food was great and the two did nothing but talk about how they planned their future together. Love seemed to triumph that night even though on one side there was the fearsome and timid boy of the earth and on the other a young girl full of prospects and a desire to love to envy the angels.