The Heiress and The Bodyguard
The Heiress and The Bodyguard

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The Heiress and The Bodyguard

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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Two arms leaned against her door. Her rescuer—at least she hoped he was her rescuer—leaned down to look inside. He had longish dark hair that covered his ears, moving softly around his face with the night wind. She couldn’t make out the color of his eyes, but saw them sparkle, as if he were greatly amused.

“Stop that,” he mouthed, pointing at her hand on the horn, then at his own ears.

For whatever reason, Julie did as she was told. She continued to stare at him like a helpless deer caught in the headlights.

“Thank you,” he said when the noise suddenly stopped. He grinned at her, showing very white teeth against a very tan face. For a simple smile, it was amazingly powerful, glinting in his eyes, denting his cheeks and lending an aura of boyish charm to very masculine features. Julie was reassured enough to roll down her window one-half inch.

“Looks like you’ve got yourself in a sticky situation,” he said.

Julie cocked her head, trying to see where the worrisome bearded person had gone to. “Did you kill him?” she asked, her voice trembling with nerves.

He looked perplexed. “Why on earth would I kill him? You’re a complete stranger. Don’t take offense, but I really don’t want to go to jail for someone I don’t even know.”

“Did you beat him unconscious?” she persisted, warming to her subject.

He rolled his eyes. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a little dramatic? He told me if I knew what was good for me, I’d keep driving. I told him I’d never done what was good for me and hit him once. Now he’s taking a nap here on the road. He’ll be fine.” He paused, added, “Except for the black eye he’ll have. So what are you doing out here in the wee hours of the morning? If you don’t mind my asking.”

The window went down another inch. “I’m sitting here because my car broke.”

“What do you mean, it broke?”

“It’s out of gas.”

He considered this for a moment, and the grin came back. “Yeah, I guess that would break it all right. So how can I help?”

“Well…” Julie considered her options, starting up the tapping on the steering wheel again. “Do you happen to know where I am?”

He bit his lip, trying not to laugh out loud. “You’re a couple of hours north of the coast.” He paused. “The Florida coast.”

“I know I’m in Florida,” Julie replied indignantly. “I just wondered if there was a town nearby, somewhere I could get some gas.”

“I’m a tourist, so I’m afraid I don’t know. I’m exploring myself. I’d be happy to give you a lift to a gas station, if you’d like.”

“That’s probably not a good idea,” she said nervously. “I should be able to handle this myself.” Still, there was such an enormous difference between should and could.

“Whatever,” he shrugged. “This isn’t exactly a freeway, so you may be here for a while. Keep your doors locked, especially when what’s-his-name here wakes up. He won’t be a happy camper. See ya.”

“Hold it!” Julie’s yelp stopped him from walking away. She rolled her window down another two inches. “Maybe I will take you up on your offer, if I won’t be putting you out.”

“Fine by me.” He lifted his hand, sticking four fingers through the top of the window. “I’m Billy.”

“Julie,” she said, taking his lead and foregoing last names. Hesitantly she took the tips of his fingers in her hand and shook them politely. “How do you do?”

This time Billy laughed, the sound rich and deep, lingering in the heavy air. “How do you do? Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Grace Kelly? Same voice, too. Very cultured.”

“Is that good?”

“If you like Grace Kelly. I loved her myself.” He stepped back, hooking his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans. “I don’t want to scare you, but you’ll need to get out of your car if this is going to work.”

Julie still hesitated. “Maybe I should sit here and wait for you to bring some gas back.”

Billy sighed, digging his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. He flipped it open, allowing her to see the flash of his old police badge. As a retired cop, this was highly illegal. That fact didn’t stop Billy from doing it now and again. “You couldn’t be safer, ma’am. I’m an officer of the law, sworn to protect and serve the citizens of California when I’m not on vacation. I wouldn’t do anything mean to the citizens of Florida, either. Could we hurry this up? The mosquitoes are eating me alive.”

Julie realized this was the first time she had met an actual public policeman. The well-dressed private security people Harris hired were nice, but hardly battle-scarred veterans of the streets. Immediately her mind took off on a fantasy flight, imagining the dire and dangerous situations he must face in his work. How thrilling. “Do you shoot people?”

He assumed a terribly serious expression. “Only very bad people who shoot at me first.”

“Where do you keep your gun?”

Billy almost lost it at that point. He stared down at the toes of his runners for a good fifteen seconds before he could talk. “I’m on vacation,” he finally managed. “Besides, the shoulder holster would look terrible with this shirt. Any more questions?”

“Not at the moment,” Julie said graciously, turning off the interior light and pushing the button to unlock the car doors. “I do appreciate your help.”

“Hold it a minute,” Billy told her. If she got out now, she would step on the beer belly of her unconscious, not-so-good Samaritan. He took him by the arms and pulled him away from the Porsche. “Okay, princess. Your carriage awaits.”

Princess, Julie thought, smiling to herself. This was getting better and better. She couldn’t have come up with a more perfect hero if she’d tried. He was an authority figure, an officer of the law. He had gone into battle for her. He was charming. He was absolutely gorgeous. Her nervous tension was gradually being replaced by unexpected excitement.

She got out of the car, sparing a quick look at the fellow in the undershirt. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully. “Are you going to report this?” she asked Billy.

“As soon as I can,” he replied, thinking of poor Harris Roper. While following Julie, he’d tried using the cell phone, only to realize the battery was out of juice. He’d have to do this the old-fashioned way and use a pay phone as soon as he could. “It’s part of the job, princess.”


Up close and personal, little Julie Roper packed a wallop. From the top of her designer gown to the toes of her absurd sneakers, she was clearly one-of-a kind.

She wasn’t cool, self-centered or spoiled, the way Billy had imagined a heiress would be. She was nervous, but Billy sensed the nervousness was something she was enjoying. She talked like someone had put a quarter in her, asking him questions at the speed of light.

Do you like your job?

Do you enjoy danger?

Have you ever been shot?

What do you mean, a few times?

Twisting sideways in her seat, blond hair flying every which way from the open window, she demanded every detail. Billy shook his head, assuming a deeply troubled expression. “I can’t really talk about it. It brings back such horrible memories.” Which, of course, was another bit of fiction. In reality he was rather proud of his war wounds, keeping all three bullets surgeons had dug out of him in a peanut-butter jar in his closet. Still, he was beginning to sense Julie Roper would be impossible to send home like a good little girl if she enjoyed her adventure any more than she seemed to be doing already.

“I’m terribly sorry,” Julie said earnestly. “Truly, I didn’t mean to open any old wounds—” She stopped, realizing what she’d said. “Gracious. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Oh, dear.”

“No problem,” Billy muttered. It wasn’t often he found himself in a situation that made him uncomfortable, but Julie Roper did just that. She was a bundle of brown-eyed enthusiasm, using her hands as she talked, her animated face illuminated in the yellow light from the dashboard. There was no artifice about her, nothing pretentious. This was the woman-child he had seen skipping in the surf. This was the true Julie Roper. Part child, part woman and apparently starving for a taste of life with all its adventures and dangers.

In all his experience, he’d never come across a woman quite like her. He began to worry.

“Is there someone at home you should be calling?” he asked abruptly. “Someone who might be terribly worried about you? Someone you need to get home to?”

Julie shook her head, absently tucking her hair behind her ears. “Not really. I left him a note just in case. I said I needed to get away for a couple of hours, and not to worry.”

“Husband?” Billy asked, since it was the logical response.

“No. My brother Harris. It’s just the two of us.”

“Then he’ll probably be going crazy when he realizes you’re gone,” Billy said, trying to implant a seed of guilt. “I don’t want to pry, but…when exactly did you leave home?”

Julie shrugged. “I don’t know. Two, three hours ago.”

“And within that time, you’ve run out of gas, been accosted by a drunk, and been forced to accept a ride from a total stranger. Kind of a bad track record, don’t you think?”

“I accepted a ride from you,” she pointed out defensively, “because you are a policeman.”

“Whatever,” Billy replied, shoving a frustrated hand through his long black hair. “My point is, if all this can happen to you in three or four hours, what could happen to you in a few days? This is just a guess, but…you don’t run off by yourself very often, right?”

“I could do it every week, for all you know.”

“If you did it every week, you would remember to check the gas gauge in your car. You would also know where you are, not to mention where you are going.”

Julie considered this for a moment, her lips pinched tight. “I don’t care for the way you put that, but you’re right. This was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing, if you know what I mean. Still, it’s turning out better than I hoped.”

Billy slanted her an incredulous look. “Are you kidding?”

“Well, I met you,” she said, her eyes shining like copper pennies and a high flush of color on her cheekbones. “You are by far the most interesting person I have ever met in my life.”

Billy could barely stop himself from groaning out loud. “You must not get out much, then. Which, by the way, is probably going to be the reason your brother is going to worry about you. Are the two of you close?”

“Yes,” Julie said, “and no. We love each other, but neither one of us is exactly…comfortable…with our lives right now. Harris has been the father figure for a long time, and it’s wearing on him. I just do as I’m told so the poor man doesn’t worry any more than necessary.”

“You do as you’re told? Well, that explains everything. Your brother must have told you to drive around Florida in the middle of the night.”

“Very funny. It’s not a crime to take a little ride.”

“I doubt he’ll see it that way.”

“How could you possibly know that? You don’t know the situation, you’ve just met me and you don’t know Harris at all. How could you possibly have any opinion on this?”

Billy found himself grinding his teeth. The little lady was not cooperating. He wasn’t used to women who didn’t cooperate with him, and the experience was a little frustrating. “I’m not trying to pick a fight with you. I just know when someone is in over their head, that’s all. You need to go home and rethink this thing.”

“My head,” Julie retorted, “is well above the water-line, so don’t worry. For heaven’s sake, you’re as bad as Harris.”

I’m nothing like your brother, Billy wanted to throw back. I know him, and I know you far better than you think. Instead he contented himself with, “I’m a man, and I know how men protect the people they love. I’ve had a little more experience with life than you have.” Now there was the understatement of the year.

“That’s exactly why I’m so glad we met,” Julie exclaimed, putting her hand on his arm. “You came along at such an opportune moment. I was feeling a little down tonight, because my birthday is coming and I’m going to…well, that’s neither here nor there. At any rate, you actually fought someone on my behalf. I’ll never forget this. Every now and then it’s kind of a relief to just…just fly by the seat of your skirt.”

“Pants,” Billy snapped, irritated by the way his body was reacting to her innocent touch. “Fly by the seat of your pants. And don’t romanticize this thing. I didn’t fight with anyone on your behalf, I just pushed a drunk over sideways with one hand. I should have let him have a few more minutes with you. Then maybe you’d want to go home where you belong.”

“You’re talking like a bodyguard or something.” Miffed, Julie withdrew her hand, folding her arms across her chest. “You should meet my brother. I’m sure the two of you would be the best of friends.”

Billy opened his mouth to tell her he was nothing like her damn brother, then put a choke-hold on the words. “Whatever.”

“You say that a lot.”


“Whatever. And you say it kind of like you’re growling, like this— ‘Whatever.’”

Billy looked at the face she was pulling, at the way she wrinkled her nose and drew her eyebrows together fiercely. She was completely unselfconscious, oblivious to the disarming expression on her face, doing her very best to imitate a growl. A little blond pit bull in this instance, just another side of her personality to add to the fascinating repertoire.

He couldn’t help himself. He turned his attention back to the road, smiling just a little. No, this was bad…he couldn’t afford to lose his perspective. Never mix business with pleasure…or anything else, for that matter. She was business. Business, business, business.

His smile grew to an irrepressible grin, despite the lecture he was delivering to himself. He allowed himself a quick look, his eyes following the line of her cheekbone, the soft curves of her parted mouth. She had no idea he was staring. She had no idea how her hair drank in light, didn’t realize how lush and ripe her baby-bowed mouth seemed to him. She even smelled like an unfamiliar delicacy, the fragrance subtle, lingering in the close confines of the car like music. Billy’s blood was zinging through his veins like 98-proof adrenalin.

“Of all the damn things,” he said softly, staring straight ahead.

“What?” she asked innocently, pulling her attention from the butterball moon hanging in the sky straight in front of them.


Julie sighed, dropping her head back on the seat. “First it was whatever, now it’s nothing. Has anyone ever told you that you’re not particularly good at communicating your feelings?”

“Actually, no. Usually I’m quite good at communicating my…feelings. At least that’s what I’ve been told.”

“I expect you’re not talking about verbal communication.”

“I expect I’m not.”

Julie closed her eyes, fighting a sudden and overwhelming fatigue. She wasn’t used to all this excitement. Her petite figure looked incredibly defenseless against the unrelenting darkness of the window beyond. “I think…” She yawned, covering her mouth as if a lady should. “I think you’re probably…sorry…you’re stuck with me…”

He waited, and when she didn’t continue, he realized she had fallen asleep. Just like that; one minute she was chattering like a trained parrot, the next she was sleeping like an angel. He allowed himself a longer look this time, fascinated for some strange reason by the way her hair looked caressing the long line of her throat.

“I expect I’m not sorry,” he whispered.

She awoke to music—loud, thumping, migraine-promoting music.

“There’s a nasty wake-up call,” Billy said, amused.

Blinking her eyes, she looked around, realizing they were at a truck stop. Billy had pulled up to a gas pump, and on the other side of the pump, a low-rider Toyota truck jumped and rocked with deafening noise. Underneath the truck, fluorescent purple lights glowed brightly.

“Have I been asleep long?” she mumbled, sitting up and stretching her arms. “Where are we?”

“You were asleep about an hour,” Billy said, turning off the engine. “And I haven’t the faintest idea where we are. We’re just lucky we stumbled across a gas station that’s open in the middle of the night. This Rent-a-Wreck was about dry.” Since he didn’t want Julie to know he had a cell phone in the glove box, he was relieved to see a pay phone inside the small convenience store. He was itching to call Harris and assure the poor guy his sister was safe. “Look, I have to visit the rest room. Why don’t you fill up the car while I’m gone? I’ll borrow a gas can while I’m inside.”

He was gone before she had time to form the words: I’ve never filled up a car before.

Which was probably good, Julie reasoned. Billy was already under the impression she was a mindless idiot; there was no reason to add fuel to that particular fire by confirming it.

All she had to do was add fuel to the car. And how hard could that be?

She got out of the car, wincing as the music from the Toyota hit her full-force. It wasn’t Chopin, but it was all part of the experience. She watched intently as a whip-cord-lean teenager jumped out of the truck, opened the little door to the gas tank and stuck the nozzle inside. Voilà.

The teenager looked over at her, his clean-shaven head glinting like a cue ball beneath the overhead lighting. “Hey,” he said.

“Hey what?” she asked curiously, fiddling with the door to the gas tank.

He grinned. “Just hey, Blondie. Are you having a little trouble there?”

The little door wouldn’t open. “No,” she muttered, pulling at it with both hands. “It’s just…stuck a little, I think.”

He sauntered over, bringing a heavy aroma of cigarette smoke with him. “You can’t open it from out here, or everyone would be siphoning your gas. Pop the safety latch inside.”

She bit her lip, trying to translate this into Palm Beach language. “Pop what?”

“You’re kidding, right? The door to the gas tank. Hell, haven’t you ever filled up a car before?”

“Not this particular car,” Julie said honestly. Nor any other car, but that was none of his business. “Could you show me where to…pop it?”

“I’d show you anything you want.” He looped his skinny arm around her shoulders, guiding her over to the driver’s side of the car. “You open the car door—like this—and pull that little lever—like this—and it pops the door to the gas tank open. Now pay attention and I’ll demonstrate.” He guided her back to the pump. “Pull the hose out. Twist the cap on the tank, put the hose in and push Start. See? It’s that easy. What’s your name?”

Julie was watching the gas pump intently, afraid the thing was going to overflow. “My what? Oh…Julie. Thank you for your help.”

“I’m Jeff.”

“Goodbye, Jeff.”

“What’s a pink and fluffy thing like you doing out here at 2:00 a.m.?”

“Is this thing going to stop on its own?”

He chuckled. “Poor baby. Whoever let you out alone after dark made a big mistake. Yeah, it will stop.” His fingers kneaded her shoulder. “You owe me something, don’t you think? Have you got a phone number?”

“Everyone has a phone number,” Julie said irritably, twisting away from him.

“What are the chances you’d give it to me?”

“The chances of my adopting you would be greater,” she said, tossing her hair back and staring him down as she would a fly, moth or any other insect annoying her. “Goodbye, Jeff.”

“Not interested, huh?”

“No,” Julie said with an overdose of sincerity, “but I’m sure I’ll have wonderful memories about you for the rest of my life.”

He held up both hands in surrender. “Your loss, Blondie.”

“Let’s talk about loss,” Billy said.

Julie hadn’t seen him approach, as most of her focus had been on the mysterious gas pump and the worrisome gurgling noises it was making. He was carrying a dented old gas can, which he put down directly in front of Jeff. “There are all kinds of loss,” Billy went on, with a smile that didn’t even begin to reach his eyes. “You can loose teeth, for one thing. That kind of loss is really painful. You don’t want to lose any of your teeth, do you, kid?”

There was something about Billy’s expression that made Julie plant herself between the two. “This isn’t necessary. He was showing me how to make the gas pump work.”

“What-ever,” Billy replied, in his best growling fashion.

“Hey man, she needed help,” the teenager said, quickly backing up as he talked. “She couldn’t figure out how to fill the car up, so I helped her. Ask, if you don’t believe me.”

Billy raised one eyebrow at Julie. She nodded and he seemed to relax almost imperceptibly. “Okay, kid. You can leave.”

Jeff didn’t need a second invitation. The fluorescent laces on his combat boots flashed as he sprinted inside the truck stop to pay for his gas. Billy never took his eyes off Julie, not for a second. A muscle in his jaw was working hard and fast. “You really don’t know how to fill up a car, do you?”

“If I did, would I embarrass myself like this?” Julie threw back, cheeks flaming. “He was just a baby, you didn’t need to scare him. You were a baby once…or were you?”

“Never,” Billy snapped. He was so frustrated, he wanted to kick something. Harris had just answered his private line when Billy had looked outside and seen Julie in what appeared to be yet another sticky situation. He’d hung up on the man to come to her rescue. “What is it with you? Didn’t you learn the first time? Don’t talk to strangers!”

“I never talk to strangers! I don’t know any strangers!”

Billy thumped his head with the heel of his hand. “Why do I expect logic from you? Julie, that kid was a stranger. That drunk trying to get in your car was a stranger. Hell, I’m a stranger! You shouldn’t be talking to any of us, don’t you get that?”

“You’re a policeman,” Julie sniffed. “You’re perfectly safe.”

“What if I’m a bad policeman? Have you thought of that? You can’t go around trusting everyone you meet, or you’ll never get home. Learn from your mistakes.”

At that point, Julie knew she was either going to cry or slap him. Before she could lift her hand, the tears were welling up in her soft brown eyes. “You don’t need to talk to me like this,” she sniffed. “I have enough on my mind without taking your abuse. You’re overreacting, anyway. I’m not your responsibility. I know I’m not…familiar with some things, but I’m not stupid, either. Just take me back to my car and you can go on your merry way.”

“And you’ll go home?” Billy persisted, steeling himself against the weeping Bambi look.

“When I darn well please,” Julie tossed back, refusing to be intimidated as easily as poor Jeff had been. “Which could be months from now!”

Silently, Billy counted to ten. Then, quite softly he said, “Get in the car. Now.”

“And if I don’t?” some devil made her say.

He took two steps, bringing his body three inches from hers. He dipped his head, letting the words swirl over her parted lips. “Then I’ll spank the living daylights out of you, right here and right now.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Ha! Honey, at this point there’s no telling what I’ll do.”

Brown eyes warred with blue for a good ten seconds. Julie gulped, lifted her chin and tried to say something to break the standoff, but the small movement closed the distance between them. For the space of a heartbeat she felt the touch of his lips on hers, no deeper than moonlight. Her body prickled fiercely like awakening flesh from top to bottom. And somewhere in the depths of her unconsciousness, she thought to herself, I want more. Whatever this is, I want more.

And so it was Billy who finally jumped back, Billy who threw open her car door and pushed her inside with barely restrained force. He’d known precisely what she was thinking, not only because she was too inexperienced to hide it, but because he was thinking the same thing.


He decided he wasn’t getting paid nearly enough for this job.

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