Полная версия
Out of Hours...His Feisty Assistant: The Tycoon's Very Personal Assistant / Caught on Camera with the CEO / Her Not-So-Secret Diary
He pushed a fist into the pocket of his trouser. ‘All right. We’ll leave this discussion for another time.’
‘And until we go to California,’ she announced hastily, ‘I’d like a separate room, please.’That got another raised eyebrow, but nothing more. If he was annoyed, he was hiding it well.
‘I guess that can be arranged,’ he said, calmly.
‘Thank you,’ Kate murmured, feeling oddly dispirited. But as she went to walk into The Phoenix ahead of Zack he snagged her wrist and pulled her back. He leant over her, the whisper of his breath against her ear making the sensitive skin of her neck tingle.
‘You can have it your way for now.’ He pushed her hand behind her back, trapping her against him. ‘I can wait,’ he murmured, his lips inches from hers. ‘I’m very good at waiting, until the cards fall the way I want them.’There was no mistaking the sensual threat before he pressed hot, firm lips to hers.
Her lips parted and his tongue thrust into her mouth, devouring her as her body moulded to his. Just as she felt herself losing control, the heat scorching her insides, he stepped back. He held her steady as her breath gushed out. Taking her hand in his, he pressed his lips to her hair, whispered against her ear. ‘But I won’t wait for ever.’
The kiss had been quick, fleeting even, but also devastating. Kate trembled as she walked across the lobby to the reception desk, unbearably aware of the man beside her.
Good Lord, she’d just been branded. Again!
‘HE WANTS TO PAY ME four thousand dollars for two weeks’ work! But that’s completely ridiculous.’ Kate gaped at the contract Monty had given her to sign.
Zack’s business manager chuckled. ‘I told you, he’s a generous employer. Don’t worry—knowing Zack you’ll be working your socks off for it.’
Which was exactly the problem, Kate thought, slapping the pen down and thrusting the contract back across the desk. ‘I can’t sign it. That’s far too much money.’
Monty looked at her for a moment, then grinned. ‘You know, it’s funny, but he said you’d say that.’
‘He did?’
Was that why she hadn’t seen him since their little disagreement yesterday morning? She dismissed the notion. Don’t be daft. One thing Zack had never been was afraid of a confrontation with her.
The cold weight settled more firmly in Kate’s stomach. There could only be one explanation for his vanishing act over the last day and a half. He’d lost interest in having anything other than a business relationship with her. Which was great, she tried to assure herself, even though she knew her pitiful behaviour that morning told a different story.
She’d been sent a curt note by one of Zack’s secretaries telling her to report to his offices. Assuming he’d be there, she’d spent a good half an hour picking out an outfit from her new wardrobe and preening in front of the mirror.
When she’d arrived in a silk wraparound skirt and blouse ensemble by Nicole Farhi only to find Zack gone for the day, she’d been miserably disappointed. It had taken a titanic effort to write notes on The Grange deal instead of second-guessing herself over the decision to make him wait. She shouldn’t give a hoot that she’d blown it with him.
Then she’d been ushered into Monty’s office and presented with Zack’s ludicrously generous contract. And now she was all over the place again. What exactly did Zack think he was paying for? And why didn’t she feel as indignant about it as she should?
Monty pulled open his desk drawer and lifted out a piece of folder notepaper. ‘He told me to give you this if you put up a fight.’
Kate unfolded the heavy paper. Written in Zack’s distinctive black scrawl were just three sentences. Kate read them, felt a surge of excitement and blushed scarlet.
Stop getting your proper knickers in a twist.
I don’t pay for sex.
PS: Especially if I’m not getting any!
A bubble of laughter burst out without warning. She slapped her hand over her mouth to hold it back and it came out as a snort.
‘You okay, love?’
She eased her hand down, her face hot enough to fry an egg on as she took in Monty’s concerned frown. Good grief, had Monty read the note? He probably thought she was a complete tart. She gave what she hoped was a ladylike cough. ‘Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking.’
‘Ready to sign the contract yet?’ he asked amiably.
‘Of course,’ she said, holding on to her composure. She took the contract, signed it with a flourish and pushed it back across the desk—the picture of cool, calm professionalism.
‘Great,’ Monty said, checking her signature and then standing up to offer Kate his hand. ‘Good to have another Londoner on board.’
She grasped his fingers, mollified somewhat by the genuine warmth in his eyes. Maybe he didn’t think she was a total slut.
As Monty led her out of the office and started introducing her to ‘the team’ Kate made herself a solemn promise. She would be the best PA Zack Boudreaux had ever had. She would work so hard over the next two weeks, Zack and everyone else at The Phoenix would be blown away by her efficiency, her industriousness and her unimpeachable work ethic. She was going to earn every single solitary cent of those four thousand dollars—so that no one could imply she’d got this job by sleeping with the boss.
‘You know, you look really familiar. Are you sure we haven’t met?’ Kelly Green asked, sending Kate an inquisitive half-smile as she handed her yet another file on The Grange deal.
‘I’ve been staying in the hotel—maybe you’ve seen me about,’ Kate said, concentrating on the file to hide her guilty blush.
She’d recognised Kelly instantly. The plump, pretty secretary had been sitting outside Zack’s office gaping when Kate had been marched up there in her underwear and a bathrobe. Luckily Kelly hadn’t been able to place her. Yet. ‘I must have one of those faces,’ she continued, the insincere smile making her cheeks ache.
‘Oh, well.’ Kelly shrugged. ‘I can already tell you’re a lot nicer than Jill.’
‘Who’s Jill?’
‘Mr Boudreaux’s last PA. The one in the hot seat before you,’ Kelly replied in a sing-song voice, obviously keen to chat.
‘Do you know why she left?’ Kate asked, more curious than she wanted to admit.
‘Sure, she quit a couple of days ago after Mr Boudreaux blew up at her. But I think he would have kicked her out pretty soon anyway. Jill was a whiner—and he doesn’t put up with those for long, let me tell you.’
That didn’t sound too encouraging. Was Zack the sex god also Zack the slave-driver? In Kate’s position, that might not be a good combination. ‘He doesn’t sound very sympathetic.’
‘He can be hard on you if you don’t get the job done right,’ Kelly said, carefully. ‘And he’s famous for being ruthless in business. There’s even rumours he used to be a professional poker player before he built The Phoenix,’ she added, as if she were divulging a state secret. ‘But he’s never shouted at me before,’ she finished, sounding almost disappointed.
‘So Jill wasn’t any good?’ Kate asked hopefully. Her mission to dazzle would be easier if she wasn’t replacing someone with a pristine reputation.
‘That—and she was always coming on to Mr Boudreaux in the office.’
Kate blinked. Fabulous. So the man already had a history of sleeping with his PAs. Why was she not surprised? ‘They had a relationship?’ she asked dully.
Kelly looked round, making a quick check on the two other secretaries who were handling some filing on the other side of the office. She perched herself next to Kate’s chair and said in a conspiratorial whisper, ‘Jill always made out like they did to me. She went on and on about the trip to California, even booked them into the same cottage at the resort. Course, she knew we were all pea-green with envy.’ Kelly sighed. ‘He’s such a hottie, who wouldn’t want to spend two weeks alone with him in a hotel?’
Who indeed? Kate thought huffily. So much for Zack’s strict rule about sleeping with his employees. It was lowering to realise she wasn’t the first of his underlings to be charmed out of her knickers.
‘But you know what?’ Kelly continued, standing up. ‘I think Jill was full of you-know-what. I never once saw him respond to any of her flirting. If anything it seemed to annoy him. I think she quit because she’d finally figured out he was never gonna be interested in her.’
Or she’d discovered Zack was replacing her with a newer model. The man was obviously a serial seducer of his staff.
‘I see,’Kate said, giving Kelly a sympathetic nod and trying not to feel hurt. What had she expected? He’d talked her into bed in less than a day. And she could hardly pretend she hadn’t enjoyed every minute of it. ‘Thanks for telling me all this. It’s always good to know the lay of the land on a new job.’
‘No problem,’ said Kelly. ‘My advice would be, do your job the best you can and don’t flirt with Mr Boudreaux. But then I can tell you’re a lot classier than Jill. That must be why he hired you.’
Not quite, thought Kate, feeling more compromised than ever as she watched Kelly walk back to her own desk. She opened the file Kelly had handed her, but the words and figures blurred as she considered her position and exactly how impulsive she’d been up to now.
She hadn’t exactly been very classy either, but she was going to do her best to be classy from here on in. Which meant no more recreational sex with the boss whenever he clicked his fingers. She was not about to become another notch on his bedpost.
Kelly was right about one thing. Until Kate knew how to handle Zack, and her overpowering attraction to him, there could be no more flirting.
‘MONTY SAYS YOU SPENT yesterday getting up to speed on The Grange deal,’ Zack said, unfastening his seat belt.
‘That’s right,’ Kate replied. She smoothed her skirt down, noticed the way his eyes followed the movement. She cleared her throat, ignoring the dancing butterflies in her stomach. Surely the weightless feeling was only because Zack’s private jet had just reached its cruising altitude.
Luckily, Zack had been all business since meeting her at the airport, which was handy, because her resolve not to flirt with him had already taken a few hard knocks. He looked tall, dark and delicious freshly showered and shaved and wearing a navy-blue perfectly tailored Hugo Boss suit and white shirt. Her heart had been beating double time ever since they’d entered the jet, the subtle scent of his aftershave making the luxury tan leather interior unbearably intimate. She hadn’t bargained on being alone with him so soon, but he’d dismissed the cabin attendant right after take off.
What she needed to do now was keep the conversation as businesslike as possible or she’d be totally sunk. Heated looks like the one he’d just flicked down her legs would be ignored at all costs.
She pulled the report she’d been working on the previous evening out of her carry-on bag. ‘I’ve typed up my notes on the history of the negotiations,’ she said in her most forthright, no-nonsense voice. ‘Monty said it would be useful for you to have it all in writing. All the aspects you’ve already agreed with Westchester and anything that’s still to be decided before the signing.’
His eyebrow lifted but he took the file. She jerked when his fingers touched hers on the document and prayed he hadn’t noticed her reaction.
‘You’ve been busy,’ he said at last, leafing through the pages. ‘This looks very thorough.’
‘That’s what you’re paying me for, remember,’ she said tartly, and instantly regretted it.
His lips curved. ‘So you got my note?’
‘Yes, I got your note,’ she replied, flustered. This was the last thing she should be talking about. ‘I thought it was completely inappropriate,’ she said, aiming for outrage and getting breathless instead.
He dumped her report on the coffee-table and, crossing one leg over the other, tapped his open palm on his ankle. ‘As I recall,’ he said, ‘appropriate behaviour isn’t your strong suit.’
‘It is now,’ she said, trying to convince herself.
‘There’s no need to change your ways on my account,’ he said, a devilish glint in his eyes. ‘I’m a big fan of your inappropriate behaviour.’
‘I don’t have time for that any more,’ she said recklessly, layering as much simpering subservience into her voice as she could muster. ‘I’ll be too busy working.’
He flashed her a laser-sharp grin. ‘Well, hell, Kate. I thought a good PA knew how to multitask.’
‘I’m superb at multitasking,’ she said, determined to ignore the innuendo. ‘My shorthand and typing are exemplary, as are my communication skills.’ Businesslike and abrupt ought to shut him up.
He gave her a deliberate once-over. ‘As you know, I’m more interested in your other skills.’ A shiver of awareness shot up Kate’s spine.
The man had no shame. Why wasn’t she outraged?
‘Yes, but you’re not paying me for those, remember?’
‘I know I’m not.’ He reached across the table and brushed a knuckle across her cheekbone. ‘I was thinking more in the region of a free trade.’
The soft touch and suggestive comment had images of their one night together blasting into Kate’s mind.
‘I don’t think so,’ she said. Could he sense the fireball of need searing her insides? She saw the challenging grin and decided retreat was her only option.
Fumbling with her seat belt, she leapt up and walked to the aeroplane’s window with as much poise as she could manage. Staring at the candyfloss clouds, she tried to even out her breathing. Well, her attempt at classy and businesslike hadn’t exactly been a roaring success.
‘Look at me, Kate.’
She turned to find him standing close. Too close.
‘Why are you sulking?’ he asked, amused and indulgent.
And so much for her grand plan to put him in his place. ‘I’m not.’
‘Sure you are.’ He slid his finger under her chin, lifting her face, then stroked his thumb across her lower lip. ‘The pout’s sexy as hell, you know.’
‘I’m not pouting, either,’ she said, pulling away. ‘This is me looking annoyed.’
‘Yeah?’ He curled his fingers round her nape. Her sex throbbed hot as he got closer still. ‘Then I guess I better annoy you some more,’ he murmured against her lips.
The smart thing to do would have been to push him away. Her mind registered the thought, but then his mouth covered hers, his tongue pressing against her lips, demanding entry— and smart crashed and burned. She let him in on a sigh, her fingers clutching at his shirt.
Why did he have to be such a fantastic kisser?
He dragged her against him. The blatant evidence of his arousal, hard against her belly, had her sanity returning. She wanted his respect, and she wasn’t going to get it if she melted the instant he crooked his finger. The realisation brought the thought of Jill Hawthorne and all his other conquests to mind. She let go, pushed him back.
He dropped his arms. ‘Still sulking?’ he asked mildly, his breathing only slightly uneven. Did the man never lose his cool?
‘I have no intention of becoming one of the herd.’
His brow furrowed. ‘What herd?’
‘How about we start with Jill Hawthorne?’
‘What about Jill Hawthorne?’He looked genuinely stumped.
‘You know, your previous partner in multitasking,’ she announced, getting a good firm grip on her indignation at last.
‘My…?’ His eyebrows shot up and then, to her astonishment, he laughed.
‘It’s good to know you find it funny,’ she snapped. At least he could have the decency to be ashamed of his track record. ‘I bet Jill didn’t.’
‘That’s so cute.’ He took her arms, still chuckling as he rubbed his palms up the thin silk. ‘You’re jealous.’
‘I most certainly am not jealous,’ she said, trying to shove the green-eyed monster back down his hole.
‘Yeah, you are,’ he said. ‘And I think I like it.’ He paused for one last chuckle. ‘But I’ve got to tell you it’s misplaced. Jill and I never multitasked.’
‘You didn’t?’ She would not be glad.
‘I told you already. I don’t sleep with my staff.’
‘But what about me?’
‘You’re the exception to my rule. The one and only exception so far.’
‘Really?’ She would not feel special either.
‘Yeah, really.’ He took her hand and led her back to her seat. ‘But you’re right about one thing.’
‘I am?’
He waited for her to sit down and then sat in his own seat. ‘We should have talked about this before, but I got distracted.’ He gave her a sheepish grin. ‘I always do with you.’
And she absolutely, definitely would not be charmed.
‘Talk about what?’ Kate asked, trying and failing to stifle the warmth spreading up her torso from the gruff intimacy in his voice.
‘Our sexual histories. This is the twenty-first century and it’s the smart thing to do.’
‘Oh,’ Kate exclaimed, not sure what to say. This conversation threatened to be even more dangerous than the last one. And look where that had got her.
‘To put your mind at rest,’ he carried on, in the same supremely confident tone, ‘I always use condoms and I’m not quite as prolific as you think. The last woman I dated was over three months ago and we only lasted one night.’ He gave her a crooked smile. ‘She was nowhere near as distracting as you.’
‘Oh, well, that’s good,’ Kate said, a blush spreading up her neck again. For goodness’ sake, she was not a blusher, but she’d done more blushing in the last few days than the whole rest of her life put together.
He rested his forearm on his knee. ‘So, what about you and Rocastle? Were you sleeping together?’The question sounded casual. A bit too casual.
‘No, we certainly were not.’
‘Good.’ He sat back, looking pleased. ‘Any guy who treats a woman like he did—whether she’s his employee or not—is a jerk.’
‘I know,’ she said, grateful for his support, even though it seemed a bit misplaced. ‘But to be fair to Andrew, he didn’t put nearly as much effort into seducing me as you are.’
‘His loss,’ he said, apparently not taking the hint. ‘So how long had it been for you?’
Kate’s blush intensified. She was not about to tell him her last sexual relationship before him had been well over two years ago. He’d gloat. And it would put her at even more of a disadvantage. ‘I don’t want to answer that question,’ she said, delicately.
‘That long, huh?’ he said, gloating.
Drat, was he a mind reader now, too? ‘Could we please stop talking about this?’
‘Sure,’he said, sounding even more self-satisfied. He picked up her report from the coffee-table. ‘Why don’t you call the flight attendant and organise our lunch while I read this?’
And just like that, they were boss and PA again. Kate should have been overjoyed, but she wasn’t. The abrupt turnaround provided more proof, if proof were needed, that he was the one in charge. He set the agenda for their relationship and she didn’t seem to be able to do a thing about it.
She opened her mouth to speak, to protest his high-handed attitude, when he reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles and put them on.
He glanced up at her sharp intake of breath. ‘What is it?’
‘You…You wear glasses?’
She’d never been particularly attracted to guys in spectacles before. But, good grief, those piercing green eyes were even more devastating in the slightly nerdy frames. They made him look vulnerable. Which was an illusion, of course, but a very sexy illusion nonetheless.
‘I’m near-sighted,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘I don’t wear my contacts on the plane because of the dry air.’
‘I see.’ She recrossed her legs, tugged her skirt down over her knees.
Get a grip, woman. Stop picturing yourself ripping his clothes off and ravishing him in nothing but his glasses right this instant.
She stabbed the intercom button and arranged their refreshments with the flight attendant while Zack bent his head to study her report.
What had happened to her carefully laid plans for getting this situation back under control? It was more out of control now than ever. Thank goodness he hadn’t spotted her ludicrous reaction to his specs. It would be like a red rag to an already very confident bull.
As Zack studied Kate’s impressively comprehensive report he couldn’t resist a wry smile. So the glasses got her hot. Good to know. Just as it was good to know she hadn’t slept with Rocastle—or anyone else for quite a while. He wasn’t usually a possessive guy, but with Kate it was different.
He’d done the right thing offering her the PA’s job. And, as tough as it had been yesterday to stay away from her, it had been a smart move to give her some space too. He didn’t want to scare her off. He wasn’t usually a pushy guy, but Kate’s artless sensuality had got to him. Hell, he’d needed a little space himself.
He flicked a page over, smiled some more. After that kiss, it was clear she wasn’t nearly as afraid of him as she was of herself and her reaction to him. All he needed to do was stoke that fire every chance he got and she’d come to him.
Having to wait didn’t bother him one bit. Hell, anticipation was nine-tenths of the fun—and Kate’s quick wit and sassy mouth would make the victory all the sweeter.
For the first time ever he could appreciate the old saying that it wasn’t the winning that counted, it was playing the game. Then again, he could afford to appreciate it, because no way was he going to lose.
THE WIND WHIPPED at Kate’s cheeks as the rocky splendour of Big Sur rushed past. Unfortunately, the elemental beauty of the California coastline wasn’t the only thing taking her breath away.
The roar of the convertible’s engine dulled and Kate watched Zack downshift to take another hairpin bend. As the glory and spectacle of America’s legendary Highway One flashed past, the spring sunshine glinted off the Ferrari’s glossy red paintwork and seemed to spotlight the man beside her. Even though he’d finally taken off those sexy specs, all her senses seemed to be heightened, her awareness of him humming through her veins like a potent narcotic.
She studied his profile, the slight cleft in his chin, the hint of a five o’clock shadow on high slashing cheekbones, the Armani sunglasses that didn’t quite hide the tiny laughter lines around his eyes. She battled back the heady sexual thrill that had paralysed her on the plane and took a deep fortifying breath of the fresh sea breeze.
As the car rounded another treacherous bend the dense chaparral bushes on their right gave way to a meadow of lupines, poppies and wild lilacs, blanketing the forbidding cliffs in cheerful blue and purple blossoms. Her heart slowed. What a glorious sight.
Kate closed her eyes, turned her face into the wind and tried to force herself to think sensibly. Okay, this was easily the most romantic place she’d ever been and with the sexiest man she’d ever met. She shoved her hair back, held it behind her head and took another long, calming breath of the salty air. She had to stop herself from being completely and utterly swept off her feet.
She’d known from the start how skilled Zack was in the art of seduction. What she hadn’t realised was how singleminded he could be and how used he was to getting his own way. It seemed nothing could put a dent in that self-confidence. And if his towering ego wasn’t already a big enough mountain to climb, the fact that she was so overwhelmingly attracted to him meant she was trying to scale Mount Everest with one hand tied behind her back.
As the coast road wound around the cliffs like an asphalt ribbon Kate peeked over the edge. It was a long drop to the secluded coves softening the ancient rocks below. But the truth was the whisper of nerves thrilled her as much as they terrified her.
Make that two hands tied behind her back.
The pressure of Zack’s hand on her thigh made her pulse scramble. He squeezed her leg, shot her a quick grin. ‘Awesome isn’t it?’ he shouted above the powerful hum of the Ferrari’s engine and the rushing wind.