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Through another arch she glimpsed a large bathroom that gleamed with white marble and gold fixtures. Oh, yes. Noah was so dead.
But where was he, anyway? Maybe he was standing transfixed in the middle of the living area, unable to believe his eyes. Crossing over the bridge again, she found the room empty. Apparently he’d bogged down in the hall for some reason.
“Noah?” she called. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to figure out how this wall-of-water thing works,” he called back. “Do you think we have to turn it off at night? I’ve been looking for a switch, but I can’t seem to find—”
“I don’t think you have to worry about how to turn it off.” She swallowed her laughter as she headed back toward the entry. He sounded so adorably earnest. Staying in a place like this with a man who’d never experienced luxuries would be a real kick. But she’d do well to remember how different their preferences were when it came to living arrangements.
Sure enough, he wore a frown of concentration as he surveyed the entryway walls, looking for the on/off switch. “All this water running with no way to control it makes me nervous,” he said.
“That’s because you live in the desert.” She also thought anything unrestrained at the moment, water or lust, would get to him. “I’m sure they don’t want us fiddling with their waterfall,” she said. “And this is only the beginning, anyway. If running water makes you nervous, wait until you see the rest. Come on.”
“Well, okay.” He walked toward the arched doorway. “But I’d still feel better if I knew how to control the—” His eyes widened at his first glimpse of the suite’s interior. “Oh…my…God.”
She stood there with a silly grin as his startled gaze traveled from the waterfalls to the miniature creek to the glass wall looking out on the terrace with its exotic hot tub. Beyond the terrace lay the jeweled fantasy hotels along the Strip and the powerful thrust of the mountain range flanking the town. By day the view was impressive. By night it would beggar description.
And they were here because she’d spoken up. She was quite proud of herself. “A wee bit better than looking at the parking lot, wouldn’t you say?”
He was obviously dumbstruck as he surveyed the room again, his attention lingering on the array of pillows and the footbridge leading into the bedroom.
She loved looking at him standing there, an Arizona cowpoke so delightfully out of place in the lush tropical setting. But get him out of those clothes and he’d fit in much better, at least for the weekend. Under those worn jeans and that faded chambray shirt was a body to die for, and soon it would be all hers to command. This unbelievable hotel suite would clinch her victory. A cowboy in paradise. What more could a girl ask for?
“I take it the bedroom’s in there,” he said.
Oh, yes. “Yes. It’s a different style from this room, but it’s still wonderful. And there’s also an incredible bathroom, from what I could see. I didn’t go all the way into the bedroom.”
“And is that…all?”
She laughed in disbelief. “That isn’t enough?”
“Don’t get me wrong. I’ve never seen a place like this. It blows me away. But somehow I thought there would be more…space.”
“The rooms are huge.”
“I mean, more rooms.”
“Ah.” Now she understood. The more rooms, the less temptation. Oh, gee, too bad. “Sorry, but we seem to have an entry, a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom. And closets. Oh, and a terrace.”
He looked out to the terrace. She could imagine the wheels turning as he tried to decide if he could sleep there, which was as far from the bedroom as he could hope to get and still be in the suite. She hated to tell him, but it wouldn’t be far enough.
Finally he looked at her. “Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding?” She held out her hands and spun around on the smooth stone floor. “I love it!”
He smiled, although he still seemed a little on the nervous side. “Well, good. That’s good.”
“Don’t you?”
“I…” He took off his hat and tapped it against his thigh. Then he ran his hand through his hair, combing it back from his forehead. “I don’t know. It’s so different. No couch, no chairs, no coffee table, no lamps. And where’s the TV?”
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