Whispering Springs
Whispering Springs

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Whispering Springs

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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Leaving the trail, he continued to climb until he had a panoramic view of the area. He lifted his binoculars, trailing his gaze along the tree line, peering into the evergreen thicket before zeroing in on the ranch house, a sprawling limestone structure with rough-hewn beams and outside arbors. No one was about. The chairs and gliders placed strategically around the property for sunrise and sunset viewings were all empty and the porches sat forlornly deserted. It would be dinnertime soon. Maybe everyone was inside getting ready for the evening meal.

As he turned to store his gear, something flashed in his peripheral vision. He turned back, scouring the valley with a naked eye before once again lifting his binoculars. He didn’t see anything at first, but he’d long ago learned the value of patience.

After a moment, the flash came again from one of the upstairs windows. He made note of the location even though the glare seemed nothing more than sunlight bouncing off glass. But the longer he lingered, the more convinced he became that someone stood just beyond his line of sight, watching him back through binoculars.

* * *

AVA LEANED AGAINST the balcony rail of her second-floor bedroom and surveyed the breathtaking scenery. The sun was just setting, gilding the jagged ridges that rose beyond the tree line. A breeze ruffled her hair, and she absently tucked back the wayward strands as her gaze lit on a lone hiker making his way toward the ranch. He was still some distance away, too far to make out his features, but his confident gait seemed familiar.

Recognition mingled with unease as Ava stepped back into the shadows. As he drew closer, she could see that he was tall and lean with close-cropped brown hair. She even imagined a slight auburn tinge to his five o’clock shadow. He had on sunglasses, but she knew behind those dark lenses his eyes were a piercing blue.

A memory came to her now of those electric eyes peering down at her intently as she held fast to her determination.

“Please don’t look at me that way. We both know it’s over.”

“It’s not over for me, Ava. I still love you. I still want us to be together. Nothing’s changed.”

“Everything’s changed! When we’re together, all I can think about—”

“Don’t. You’re hurt and confused and you feel guilty. But what happened wasn’t our fault. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Then why are we still keeping secrets?”

He was crossing the grounds now, and for a moment, Ava had the strongest urge to step out of the shadows and call down to him. I loved you, too, Dylan. I was wrong about us. It doesn’t matter now, of course, but I thought you should know.

She held her ground and in the next instant, he paused as if sensing her scrutiny. His right hand dropped to his side as he turned casually to observe the path behind him. Then he scanned the woods, the canyon and finally the house. His gaze slowly lifted. Ava was certain he couldn’t spot her in the shadows, and yet she could have sworn their eyes connected a split second before he crossed the grounds and entered through one of the side doors.

Her head fell back against the wall as she let out a shaky breath. Crazy to feel so stunned by the mere glimpse of an old boyfriend, but the sight of Dylan Burkhart had caught her completely off guard. He was the last person she’d expected to see here. Ava didn’t really care about the how or the why of his presence at the ranch. Her only concern was her reaction to him.

She took several calming breaths, trying to quiet her racing pulse. This wasn’t her. She was not that woman. She didn’t live in the past or carry torches. She didn’t dwell on what might have been. She’d moved on. Forged ahead. There’d been no one really serious since Dylan, but that had nothing to do with unrequited love and everything to do with ambition. She simply had no time for anything more than a casual relationship. No strings, no commitment, no expectations.

Her reaction meant nothing. She could handle this. Already she felt steadier. Soon she would get dressed and go downstairs for dinner, where she would spend a pleasant evening reminiscing with old friends.

But first, she’d have a long soak and a good stiff drink.

Chapter Two

The great room was empty when Ava came downstairs a little while later. She milled about for a bit, studying the William B. Travis portrait over the fireplace and the framed photographs on either side before moving through the French doors to the terrace. The sun had set by this time and the sky over the treetops had deepened to lavender. She could smell mountain laurel on the breeze and a hint of rain in the distance.

The feeling of disquiet that had descended earlier came back as she took in the isolation of her surroundings. Except for the muted clatter of china and silverware coming from the dining room, she might have been alone. But then she sensed another presence a split second before she spotted a silhouette in the deepest shadows of the patio. She wanted to turn away from his relentless gaze, seek refuge inside the lit great room. Instead, she took a step toward him.


“Hello, Ava.”

Her hand fluttered to her chest. “My goodness. It really is you.”

“You seem surprised to see me. No one told you I’d be here?”

His voice was rich and deep and very unsettling. Ava shivered as the breeze blew across the terrace. “I came at the last minute. I haven’t spoken with the others yet.”

She still couldn’t see him clearly but she very much wanted to. She wanted to know if the flesh-and-blood man could hold a candle to her memory. Not a fair comparison, she acknowledged. Time had marched on. She wouldn’t like to be held to the same standard.

As if reading her mind, he stepped out of the shadows. Her hand was still at her chest. She could feel the pounding of her heart through her sweater and forced her hand to her side.

He was still peering at her through the twilight. “You don’t have a problem with my being here, do you?”

“Why would I have a problem? You were always a part of this group. You belong here as much as anyone.” She sounded fine, but her smile felt brittle. She drew a breath and tried to relax. “But I didn’t realize you’d kept in touch with the others.”

“I didn’t. Blair and I ran into each other through a mutual acquaintance. She invited me to the reunion. I had nothing else planned so here I am.”

“Here you are,” Ava echoed faintly.

He returned her cautious smile. “It’s good to see you. You’re looking well.”

“Am I? That’s kind of you to say, but I’m feeling a bit of a mess these days.” She touched her ponytail, wishing she’d taken a little more care with her appearance. Wishing she’d worn the navy sheath rather than the black pants and sweater. “You, though...” She trailed off, taking in the fitted charcoal slacks and jacket. She sighed and dispensed with discretion. “You look fantastic. I kind of hate you right now.”

He laughed, a soft, intimate sound that wrapped around her like an embrace. “Why are you feeling a mess?”

“Oh, work. Life.” She shrugged. “The usual.”

His gaze deepened as he searched her face. “Can’t be more than a temporary setback. I hear impressive things about you.”

She stared back at him. “You do? Oh, that’s right. You said you ran into Blair. She’s biased, you know.”

“I doubt she needs to be in your case. She tells me you’re an attorney.” He leaned a shoulder against a post as he observed her in the waning light. “It’s nice to know you followed through with your dream of law school. I can’t remember you ever wanting to do anything else.”

“Yes, although I didn’t go into practice with my dad. I work for the DA’s office in Houston.”

“Challenging work, I imagine.”

“It can be.” She shoved her hands into her pockets as she gazed at him across the terrace. There was a surreal quality to their casual conversation after a decadelong separation. Ava tried to decide if the meeting was easier or harder than she had imagined it would be. “You have me at a disadvantage. I haven’t heard anything about you. In all these years...not one word.” Her voice took on an accusatory edge despite her best efforts.

His voice held no such edge. “I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“It was. But I can still be curious, can’t I? What have you been up to since college? Are you married, single...? What do you do for a living?” The questions tumbled out before she could stop them.

There was a slight hesitation before he answered. “I’m still figuring out what I want to do. I’ve been at loose ends since I left the army.”

She went completely still. “You were in the service?”

“You didn’t know? I enlisted the day after graduation.”

Ava felt as if the wind had been knocked from her lungs. “I had no idea. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You know why.”

“The others...?”

“I didn’t tell anyone. It seemed best that way. After you left, there was nothing keeping me in Austin. My grandmother was dead. Most of our friends had scattered.” He canted his head, still watching her. “I needed a purpose and I found one.”

“The army,” she murmured. “For how long?”

“Eight years.”

“Were you overseas?”

“Afghanistan for a time.”

She closed her eyes. “I wish I’d known. I should have known.”


“It doesn’t seem right, you over there in that nightmare and the rest of us here getting on with our lives.”

“It was my choice. And for what it’s worth, it was the second-best decision I ever made.”

Now it was Ava who hesitated. “What was the first?”

“Telling you how I really felt. Laying all my cards on the table. I never had to look back with regret. I never had to wonder ‘what if.’”

Her hackles rose in self-defense. “You assume that I have?”

“I never said that. I speak only for myself.”

The conversation was getting a little too intimate for comfort. Ava felt a sense of relief at having survived their first encounter, but now she searched for a subtle excuse to go her own way, even though a part of her wanted to just stand there and stare at him forever.

She opened her mouth, but before she could utter a sound, a scream pierced the night, jangling her nerves and freezing her to the spot. For a moment, she stood in horrified silence, unable to breathe, unable to move until a second scream propelled her straight into Dylan Burkhart’s arms.

* * *

DYLAN’S FIRST INSTINCT was to pull her tightly to him, protect her from whatever danger lurked on the property, but that wasn’t a good idea for so many reasons. Too many years had passed and he had a job to do. He held her for only a moment before sliding his hands to her shoulders, subtly keeping her at bay.

“Did you hear that?” she asked on a breath. “Sounded like it came from directly above us.”

“Hold on.” He shifted his position, putting his body between her and the shadowy grounds as he moved out from under the terrace to scan the second-story bedrooms. Only one of the windows was lit against nightfall. He saw a movement in the room and then, a second later, a female figure appeared in the balcony doorway.

“Blair?” he called up to her softly.

She rushed out on the balcony, clutching a white robe to her chest. “Dylan?”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m not hurt, but you’d better get up here.” Her hushed voice quivered with excitement. Or was that panic?

“What’s wrong?”

“Just come up, okay?”

Ava caught his arm, her eyes wary and anxious as he moved back under the lattice cover. “What’s going on?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out.” He gently untangled his arm. “Wait here while I go have a look.”

“What? No! Are you crazy? I’m not waiting out here alone in the dark.”

“Then come inside.” He took her hand, pulling her toward the French doors. “I’ll be back down as soon as I can.”

“If Blair’s in trouble, I should go up there and help her. Dylan, those screams—” She broke off. “Wait a minute. How is it you’re still so calm? You don’t even seem surprised. It’s almost as if you—”

“As if I what? You heard her. She said she’s fine. There’s no cause for panic.”

“You don’t scream like that if you’re fine.”

“Then why are we standing here arguing?” he asked in exasperation.

“That’s a very good point.” She brushed past him to the doorway.

Dylan hesitated for only a moment before catching up with her and taking the lead. He bounded up the stairs two at a time, pausing on the landing to take stock. A crystal chandelier tinkled overhead in a draft. Farther down the hallway, a door clicked shut. He turned his ear to the sound, holding up his hand to silence Ava when she would have questioned his caution.

Blair had arranged to have the ranch exclusively for the reunion. The invitees had all been assigned rooms upstairs, leaving the detached cabins unoccupied. In the two days that Dylan had been there, he’d made a point to familiarize himself with all the staff members. A stranger wandering around the house or grounds should be easy to spot. He scoured the hallway now for any sign of an intruder or anything out of the ordinary. Except for that faint click of a door, nothing seemed amiss.

Blair’s suite was just off the landing, and as Dylan started toward the door, she burst into the hallway, the hem of her silk robe floating behind her like a ghost.

“Dylan, thank God. You have to see this—” She halted abruptly when she spotted Ava. Her hand flew to her throat in alarm. “Ava! I didn’t know you were here.”

“I got in a little while ago.” She moved around Dylan. “What’s going on? We heard your screams. That was you, wasn’t it?”


“You scared us half to death,” Ava said. “It sounded as if you were being murdered up here.”

Blair seemed at a loss as her gaze darted to Dylan. “Murdered? No... I...”

“Take a breath,” he said, “and tell us what happened.” He kept his voice neutral, but his eyes warned her to proceed with caution.

She bit her lip and nodded. “I’m okay.’s nothing really. I feel completely stupid. I saw a scorpion in my bedroom.”

“A scorpion?” Ava repeated in disbelief.

“On my bed.” Blair clutched the lapels of her robe. “They’re everywhere in the Hill Country so I shouldn’t be surprised, I suppose. But you remember how deathly afraid of spiders I’ve always been. A scorpion is a million times worse.”

Ava nodded. “I remember, all right. You nearly drove us into a ditch once when you saw a spider in your car.”

Blair shuddered. “It was a very big spider.”

“I can see you’re upset,” Ava said. “Why don’t I call downstairs and have someone come up and take care of the problem?”

Dylan maneuvered around Blair to the door, blocking Ava’s path into the suite. “I’ll deal with the scorpion. You go downstairs and let everyone know that Blair is fine. We can’t be the only ones who heard her scream.”

“Yes, would you?” Blair managed a weak smile. “I’m too embarrassed to face anyone right now.”

“There’s no need to be embarrassed. I’m sure I would scream, too, if I found a scorpion in my bed.” Ava addressed Blair, but she trained her gaze on Dylan. Unease niggled. He could almost hear the gears turning inside her head. The scorpion cover wasn’t bad, but Ava North had never been anyone’s fool.

“Thanks,” Blair murmured.

Ava shrugged off her gratitude, but she had a determined look on her face that Dylan remembered only too well. “Think nothing of it. I’ll take care of everything. But are you sure you’re okay? You still look a little pale. My room is just down the hall. Would you like to wait there while Dylan exterminates yours?”

“I’m fine now.”

“If you say so.” Her gaze on Dylan was direct and slightly challenging. “You’ve got everything under control up here?”

“Yes, no worries.”

She nodded though she didn’t look particularly convinced. “I’ll see you both downstairs, then.”

Dylan waited until she’d disappeared across the landing before turning back to Blair. “What happened?”

“It’s better if I show you.”

He followed her into the suite. A small entryway opened into a luxurious sitting area with buttery leather furniture, a limestone fireplace and a row of French doors that looked out on a wide balcony. Blair paused in the sitting room and pointed to a doorway through which Dylan could glimpse a bed and another set of French doors.

“In there.”

The lamp on the nightstand cast a soft glow over the room. More light spilled in from the open bathroom door. Dylan quickly scanned the area, peering into shadowy corners and taking note of the night air drifting in through the open balcony doors. Like the sitting area, the room was both rustic and luxurious with a vaulted beam ceiling and plush rugs on a wide-plank floor. But it was the bed that drew Dylan’s attention. Or rather, what had been placed on the covers.

Lying atop the opulent linens was a doll, the kind of expensive keepsake his grandmother had once collected and kept behind the locked glass doors of her curio cabinet. Only this one hadn’t been so lovingly preserved. The porcelain arms and legs had been shattered and the neck grotesquely twisted so that the painted visage faced the doorway. Light glinted in the glass eyes, prickling Dylan’s scalp as he moved into the room.

Behind him, Blair said breathlessly, “You see it, don’t you?”

He glanced over his shoulder. “The doll?”

“It’s not just a doll. It’s an effigy. Notice the color of her hair, those eyes. The way she’s been posed. You must see it.” A note of hysteria rose in her voice. “Dylan, it’s Lily. Your Lily.”

Chapter Three

Dylan turned slowly to face her. “What did you say?”

Blair leaned back against the door frame. “Surely you can see it, too.”

He whirled back to the bed, more shaken than he cared to admit. For a moment, he almost let her persuade him. There was something eerily familiar about the doll. Something perverted and sinister about the shattered limbs, the twisted neck and those open, staring eyes. He’d seen a lot of bad things in Afghanistan, dark things, but no amount of death and destruction could obliterate the image of Lily Callen’s broken body after a twenty-story fall. He wondered if the others still had nightmares about that night. About the lies that had been told and the secrets that had been kept.

“I don’t blame you for being upset,” he said. “But it’s a reach to think the doll is an effigy of Lily.”

“Is it? The blond hair, the blue eyes? The way she’s been placed on the bed? You think all that’s just a coincidence?” Something in her voice made Dylan glance over his shoulder again. She was clearly distraught, and yet her demeanor didn’t seem quite right. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly, but unease stirred.

He turned back to the doll. “Of course it’s not a coincidence. But Lily wasn’t the only one with blond hair and blue eyes. That description fits you, too, Blair. I’d say if the doll is meant to represent anyone, it’s you.”

“Me? But what about the way the doll has been damaged?”

“As if she fell? Think about it for a minute. You and Tony are still avid climbers. There was a write-up about you in Summit Magazine not too long ago.”

“How did you know about that article?” she asked in shock.

“It’s my job to know.”

That seemed to give her pause. “You think the person behind the phone calls and break-in did this?”

“Isn’t that why you hired me? Because you were worried those threats would follow you here?” Dylan lifted his gaze from the doll, catching Blair’s reflection in one of the windows. She wasn’t looking at the bed. Her left hand was splayed in front of her and she seemed mesmerized by the sparkle of her diamond rings.


Her hand dropped at once. “Yes?”

“You’ve told me everything, haven’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You haven’t received any other threats since you’ve been here?”

“No, everything’s been fine.”

Dylan moved around to the other side of the bed so that he could examine the shattered porcelain while keeping an eye on Blair. “Where were you before you found the doll?”

“I went down to the springs for a swim. I was gone for about two hours.”

“No one else has a key to your room?”

“Just the staff.”

“You didn’t see anyone lurking in the hallway when you left? Anything out of the ordinary happen while you were out?”

“Not that I noticed. Dylan...” She took a reluctant step into the room, averting her gaze from the bed. “The other threats were more straightforward. The phone calls, the message left on the bathroom mirror. This is more nuanced. More diabolical somehow. If what you’re saying is true...if the doll is meant to represent me, then Tony is no longer the target. I am.”

“He could still be the ultimate objective. From everything you’ve told me, he’s a ruthless negotiator. He doesn’t give up or give in. Personal threats wouldn’t faze him, but if his opponents believe you’re his Achilles heel, they may think the best way to get to him is through you.”

“If only they knew,” she murmured.


“Nothing.” Her head came up defiantly. “You’re right. Tony doesn’t give up or give in. No matter what. It may sound bizarre, but you’ve made me feel better. A stranger using me as leverage to gain the upper hand in a business deal is infinitely preferable to one of my oldest friends playing a malicious trick on me.”

“Even so, you shouldn’t take any of this lightly. This person has been watching you. He or she is familiar with your comings and goings, and they’ve managed to infiltrate your personal space not once, but twice. I’ll have another look around the grounds and I’ll talk to the staff, find out if any strangers have been spotted on the property. In the meantime, you should consider bringing in more security.”

“You know I can’t do that. I explained why in Ezra Blackthorn’s office during our first meeting. Tony would never agree to protection. He’d see it as a sign of weakness. If I brought in a bunch of strangers, he’d catch on immediately and send you all away. Like it or not, you’re our only defense, Dylan.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, but I’m just one person and this is a large, isolated property. I can’t be everywhere at once, so I’ll say it again. Don’t let your guard down and don’t get careless.”

“I understand.”

He walked over to the French doors. “Were these open while you were gone?”

“Yes, the suite seemed a little stuffy. I wanted to air out the bedroom while I swam. We’re on the second floor. I didn’t think anyone could get in.”

“Someone can always get in. It wouldn’t take much skill or strength to scale the wall. Remind me again of the room arrangements?”

“Your room is across the hall, of course, and Ava is next to you. Celeste is at the end and Jane is across from her. There’s an empty room between her room and this suite.”

Dylan thought about the flash of light he’d seen earlier. He could have sworn someone had been watching him from a balcony doorway. “You’re sure no one else is staying at the ranch besides staff? Not even in the cabins?”

“The last of the guests checked out over the weekend. I reserved the whole place for a week, so no one else should be arriving until Saturday. Except for Tony, of course. He’s still due in tonight.”

Dylan stepped out on the balcony. Twilight had deepened to nightfall and a few stars hung low on the horizon. He could see the glitter of the moon through the trees, but the leaves muted the illumination. He took out his cell phone and shone the beam across the floor and all along the rail, looking for any evidence left by the intruder. Then he straightened and gazed down the row of balconies. A curtain billowed next door.

He went back inside and latched the French doors. “You said the room next door is empty, correct?”

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