Undercover Husband
Undercover Husband

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Undercover Husband

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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“It’s my job, Brit.”

“One that puts your life in danger all the time.”

“Not all the time,” he insisted wryly. “If you want to know the truth, it was inevitable that I was born with a desire to live life on the edge.”

She blinked. “Inevitable?”

“Hmm... Perhaps you’ve heard of C and G Surveillance Products, Inc.?”

“No. I presume you’re talking about bugging devices and the like.”

“That’s right. My grandfather, Constantine, and his brother, Gregorio, started the business before WWII broke out. Later, when the military came to them with a contract, the company grew into an enormous enterprise which my father and uncles expanded. By the time my brother Yuri and I, and all our cousins came along, it had gone national with outlets all over the country.”

Brit was fascinated. “You mean your company makes suitcases that blow apart like we see in the James Bond movies?”

He smiled. “Can you imagine what heaven that was? Two little boys growing up, playing with every spy gadget and camera known to mankind?”

“I can. It’s something which would have appealed to me, as well. For a period of time in my young life, I wanted to be a boy because they had more fun. That is until Lance Crawford, the marble king of the fifth grade, told me I was a better player than all the boys, and gave me his favorite steelie marble. From that point on, I was kind of glad to be a female.”

His chuckle joined hers and they stared at each other, fully enjoying the moment.

“By the time we were adults,” he finally continued, “Yuri wanted to keep inventing stuff.”

“Like what, for instance?”

“Have you got all day?” Roman quipped. “The truth is, there’s every kind of camera known to man out there, and some you haven’t even thought of. If you’re really interested, I’ve got brochures. You’re welcome to devour the contents.”

She gave him the benefit of an unguarded smile. “So he invents, and you try everything out.”

His lips quirked. “That’s right. Today my brother is the CEO of the company. I’m a major stockholder, but I have my own life and I’m very content as I am. So you see? There’s nothing noble about what I do for a living.

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