Полная версия
Royal Heir
“George, I can’t—”
“Your car won’t make it to Washington, we both know that. Wait, I have a better idea. Drive the truck to the field and take the Skyhawk. It’s all fueled up and ready to go.”
“That’s your personal plane, George. It’s brand-new. I couldn’t—”
“You’ll have it back before I can miss it,” he said. “Besides, all the others are tied up with business tomorrow. Go ahead, take it. You’ll be there in a few hours that way.”
Now Will protested. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
“No. But I do know Julia. And I trust her. Judging from the bullet lodged in the molding in the living room, she’s in danger. So are your aunt and your kid. Look, I don’t want to lose my best pilot.” His gaze lingering on Will’s torn, bloodied sleeve, he added, “When you get to my office, take a few minutes and go upstairs. There’s a shower up there and clean clothes. We’re about the same size, help yourself to what you need.”
“I’ll repay you,” Will said. “When I get my life back. When I find my son—”
“Good. Fuel’s expensive. Just take care of Julia.”
“You can count on it.”
“We can take my car—” Julia began, but Will stilled her with a glance. “You don’t have a spare. We can’t chance getting stuck out on the road. Take George’s truck. Leave his key on his desk. Let’s go.”
The two men shook hands. Their pact seemed to relegate Julia to the role of damsel in distress. A flicker of annoyance fizzled in a cold wave of rational thought. Face it, they were more or less right about her. Someone was trying to kill her and she didn’t have the faintest idea how to protect herself. From a mugger? Sure. But from a gun, fired from far away or a car aimed at her in an intersection? No way.
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