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Rekindled Romance
Squealing air brakes sounded outside, and she found herself smiling, even as a trickle of nervousness formed. What did she know about taking care of children? She’d certainly never learned anything from her mother. She’d always made motherhood seem like a burden, the worse choice a woman could make. But Matt’s adorable kids were making her take a new look at some of her assumptions.
Shelby met the children halfway down the drive. “Hello there.” Seeing their sweet, happy faces warmed her heart in a way she’d never experienced before. Cassidy fell into step with her as they made their way back toward Gramma’s house. Kenny raced ahead.
“I’m glad it’s Friday. No school for two whole days.”
“Don’t you like school?”
Cassidy nodded. “But I don’t like homework.”
“Join the club. No one does.” Shelby glanced up at Kenny, who stood on his porch, backpack at his feet. “Kenny, come on. Gramma left some brownies today.”
“Can’t we stay at our house today? Please? I want to play with Chester. I don’t want to wait until Dad gets home.”
Cassidy nodded. “Could we? I like being at your house, but I’d really like to go home.”
Shelby couldn’t think of any reason not to, other than she would feel uncomfortable in Matt’s home. But her primary concern was the children. “I suppose. Let me go get the key and a few of my things.”
Standing in Matt’s house a few minutes later, she couldn’t resist the temptation to look around. Unlike her grandmother’s house, which retained all its original details, Matt’s home had been completely remodeled. Walls had been removed, rooms opened up and windows replaced, giving the home an open, spacious feel. Despite the clean lines and modern style, the furniture was practical and functional. Evidence of the children lay scattered around the room—toys on the floor, a stuffed animal on the ottoman. Matt’s work boots stood beside the leather recliner.
She forced herself to ignore her surroundings. Quickly she moved to the kitchen and set her laptop on the table. Cassidy, never far from her side, took the brownies and set them on the island. “Any homework?”
“A little. But I can do it Sunday night.”
Shelby laid an arm across the girl’s shoulders. “Would you like some advice, woman to woman?” Cassidy nodded, a huge smile on her face. “Do you know what the word procrastinate means?”
Cassidy groaned softly. “To put stuff off.”
“Yep. I learned after much painful struggle that the best way to enjoy your time off is by getting the unpleasant things out of the way first. It’s freeing. I think you should try it.”
Cassidy pointed to the treats on the counter.
Shelby shook her head. “Before we have brownies.”
With the young girl up in her room and Kenny safely in the backyard with Chester, Shelby took a moment to check emails on her smart phone. There was no more news about the future of the company. Not surprising. Everything was on hold until the upcoming meeting. It was the not knowing that kept her on edge. The cold hard truth was the chances of her being out of work soon were very good. And she couldn’t get back to New York to look for another job until she had her health back on track.
“I used to live in Atlanta when I was little,” Cassidy stated as they munched on homemade brownies a short while later. Kenny had scooped his up and returned to the yard, mumbling something about finding a lizard on the fence.
Shelby was still picking at her piece, knowing she shouldn’t be eating the chocolate treat but unable to completely resist. “So I heard. Atlanta is a very big city.”
“There’s a lot to do there. Not like here.”
Shelby stifled a grin at the girls assumed air of sophistication. “Don’t you like Dover?”
“It’s okay. I didn’t like it much when I first got here. Boring.” She rolled her eyes. “But I have friends now so it’s not so bad.” Cassidy took another bite of brownie. “What do you do in New York?”
“I edit a magazine. You may know it. Tween Scene.”
Cassidy eyes widened. “Really? That’s the coolest magazine ever.”
“Thank you.” Shelby couldn’t help a swell of pride at the compliment. She’d worked hard to make the magazine a success. It broke her heart to think it might be discontinued under the new management.
“I can’t believe that’s your magazine. Wait until I tell my friends.”
“Well, it’s not mine. I don’t own it. I only work for it, but I’m glad to hear you like Tween Scene so much. What’s your favorite section?”
Cassidy thought a moment. “The one where they show you what to wear and what not to wear. And the makeup one, and the part where you talk about TV stars. Only...I’m not allowed to read it.”
Shelby stopped midbite. “What? But you’re so familiar with it.”
“I know, but Dad says it’s too grown-up for me. He says the articles aren’t good for girls my age.”
Tween Scene precisely targeted Cassidy’s demographic. Did Matt really disapprove or was he steering her away from the publication because she was the editor? Come to think of it, did he even know she was connected to the magazine? Could his comments be solely objective? Doubtful. Tween Scene was perfect. “I’m sorry to hear that. We try very hard to make the magazine appeal to girls your age. If your dad won’t let you read it, how do you know so much about it?”
A guilty smile moved her lips. “I read it at Molly’s.”
“Oh. I see.”
“You won’t tell Dad, will you?”
“No. But do you think you should be disobeying your father?”
Cassidy shook her head. “But it’s such a cool magazine.”
Cool in the young girl’s eyes. Inappropriate in her parent’s. Which one was the truth? As far as Shelby could recall, nothing in Tween Scene should cause concern in parents. Apparently, Matt’s overprotective streak ran to more than just their hearts.
“I wish I was thin and pretty like you,” Cassidy said, her voice soft and wistful. Shelby made a quick survey of the little girl. She wasn’t rail thin, but she wasn’t chubby, either. She was nicely filled out and starting to transform into a young lady. “I think you’re perfect.”
Cassidy smiled. “Thanks, but I want to look like that girl on the cover last time. You know, the one where she was wearing those cool jeans and that striped top with the patches.”
She remembered it well. It had been one of the best covers all year. “That was Yasmine.”
Shelby thought about the child models and celebrities she worked with regularly. They were nothing like Cassidy. Most were mature beyond their years and bone thin. Nearly all the models were older than the preteen image Tween Scene promoted. Something about that bothered her, but she wasn’t sure what.
“I wish I could look like that.” Cassidy sighed wistfully. “She’s so cool.”
Shelby could remember when she felt the same way. She’d look at the girls in the magazines and long for a magic wand that could transform her into a glamorous model.
“I have an idea.” Shelby moved to the table and pulled out her smart phone and opened her laptop.
“What are we going to do?”
“You’ll see.” Shelby winked, opening her camera app. “I have a magic wand.” She motioned Cassidy to stand against the wall. “Okay, now strike a pose.”
Cassidy giggled self-consciously. “I don’t know what to do.”
Shelby began taking pictures. “Pretend you’re a model. Pose like you see the girls on the cover of my magazine.”
A few minutes later, Shelby moved to her laptop and pulled up the images. “Come watch.” Cassidy came to her side. After selecting her editing program, she scrolled through the shots to find the best image to work with. First she added highlights and fullness to Cassidy’s hair. Next she made her eyes larger and deepened the color, adding sparkle for good measure. A click of the mouse slimmed the neck and added hollows to the cheeks. Another whitened the teeth. One more trimmed the body line.
Lastly, she turned her attention to the clothes. She lightened the hue of the jeans and changed the color of the blouse to a jewel tone that better complemented the new deeper shade of her eyes. A few more minor touch-ups, and Shelby leaned back in her chair. “Well, what do you think?”
“Oh wow. I look like a TV star.” She was breathless. “That is so cool.”
Shelby gave the girl a quick hug. “You look exactly like the girls on the covers of my magazine. In fact.” She made a few more clicks and added the magazine banner across the top of the page, making the picture resemble the cover of Tween Scene.
“It’s me, but it’s not me. Oh thank you, thank you,” Cassidy gushed, bouncing up and down. “This is so awesome. Can I have a copy?”
“Sure. I’m not connected to your printer though. I can email it to you so you can print it out. What’s your address?” Shelby typed in the address, attached the file and hit Send. “There you go. Do you know how to print on your computer?”
“We only have Dad’s. He won’t let us have our own. He says we’re too young.”
“I’m sure he’ll print it for you when he gets here.” She glanced at the wall clock. Matt would be home before long. “What are you doing for supper? Should I be putting something in the oven?”
Cassidy shrugged. “I don’t know. Aunt Laura usually made something for us, but she’s not here now.”
Cassidy’s eyes grew wide, and Shelby saw excitement building.
“Can I cook supper for Daddy? I could surprise him.”
It was a sweet idea. “Do you know how to cook?”
“A little. I help Aunt Laura sometimes. I know how to make lasagna. My gramma showed me how.”
Shelby was warming to the idea. She used to love to cook, but like many of her favorite pastimes, she’d given it up for lack of time. “I think that’s a great idea. Let’s see if we have everything we need.” Cassidy jumped into the task with gusto, surprising Shelby with how much she knew. Working with the little girl on the dinner and helping her through the process was a surprisingly satisfying experience.
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