Полная версия
Sarah's Child
Tired of being pumped for information about Max, Sarah developed the strategy of staying on the move. It took a well-planned schedule to move in, take up a handful of peanuts or dip a stalk of celery into the cheese dip, then waltz on without pausing long enough to give anyone an opening. She clutched her single drink of the evening in her hand, taking tiny sips and trying to eat enough to absorb the alcohol before it could go to her head. Earlier, a quick foray into the tiny kitchen, where the caterers were frantically trying to keep pace with the appetites of the guests, had produced a small glass of milk, which she had slugged back with all the delicacy of a stevedore downing his first frosty beer after working all day in hundred-degree heat.
“You’re gobbling peanuts like you’ve been on a starvation diet,” Rome said in her ear, startling her. He took the cocktail from her hand and replaced it with a tall glass filled with a pale amber liquid and ice cubes. “There. Drink this instead. Ginger ale.” He winked at her, and finished the cocktail for her.
“I’ve already raided the refrigerator for milk,” she laughed, her eyes twinkling up at him. “Did you think I was in danger of falling on my face before the party was over?”
He regarded her somberly, noting that there was no hint of the usual sadness in her eyes that night. Whether it was the small amount of alcohol she’d drunk that made her laugh so gaily, or whether something had happened to make her happy, he didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. Since it was as much a business occasion as a social one, he hadn’t brought her to the party, but he fully intended to visit her when it was over. From the way she was looking at him now, she might be relaxing those invisible restraints that had kept her from responding to him more fully.
“No, you’d never do anything as disgraceful as getting drunk,” he finally said in answer to her question. “You’re too much the perfect secretary. You already have Max eating out of your hand.”
“Max is a dear,” Sarah responded warmly, looking around for his tall, graceful figure and missing the way Rome’s eyes darkened to a stormy black. “I was fond of Mr. Graham, but I’ll admit that I enjoy working with Max more. Max keeps things hopping.”
Introducing Max into the conversation had been a mistake. Rome moved instinctively, placing himself between Sarah and the rest of the room, blocking her view of Max.
“Do you mind if I come over tonight?” he asked, but there was a harsh note in his voice that commanded rather than asked, and Sarah eyed him warily.
“If you like. I wasn’t going to stay much longer anyway. Have you had dinner, or is this all you’ve had too?” With a wave of her hand, she indicated the colorful but unfulfilling array of dips, snacks, and fresh vegetables that she’d been raiding all evening.
Rome had a healthy appetite. “I’m starving,” he admitted. “Do you want to go out for a late dinner?”
“No, I think I’d rather stay home,” she said, after considering the invitation for a moment. “I have some chicken left over from yesterday; how do you feel about chicken sandwiches?”
“I’d trade all that rabbit food for just one chicken sandwich.” His mood lightening, he grinned at her, and Sarah smiled in return. He was more relaxed with her now than he’d ever been before, and she was blooming under his attention. Perhaps he was beginning to think of her as something other than a friend; the hope of it made her radiant, and the glow of her face beckoned more than one glance from the other men in the room.
Suddenly Max was at Rome’s elbow, his smile tender as he looked at Sarah.
“You really should be by my side,” he said lightly, noting how well the apricot color of her dress suited her creamy complexion. “After all, I’m still totally lost without you. Without you to point me in the right direction these last few days, I’d have made a perfect idiot of myself.”
He’d already stretched his hand out for Sarah when Rome forestalled him by extending his own arm, blocking the gesture. Something hard and frightening was in his dark face as he looked at Max. “I’ve already warned you once,” he said with soft, purring menace. “Sarah is off-limits to you.”
“Rome!” Shocked, taken completely off guard, Sarah gasped his name, dismay filling her. How could he behave like this at a business function?
“She isn’t wearing your ring,” Max pointed out calmly, not turning a hair. “You’ll have to take your chances.”
White with distress at the way a casual, lighthearted conversation had turned so abruptly into barely restrained male aggression, Sarah stepped back from both of them. “Stop it!” she ordered, her voice shaking so much that it was barely above a whisper. “Don’t either of you dare say another word!”
Rome’s nostrils flared and he moved swiftly, his hard arm passing around Sarah’s slender waist. “I’m taking Sarah home,” he said deliberately, his hard fingers biting into her soft flesh. His words were loud enough to be heard, and several people turned to look at them. “She doesn’t feel well. Make our excuses, Max; see you in the office.”
Sarah knew that she was pale enough to give credence to his lie, and he hustled her out of the suite before anyone could approach. The arm around her waist had lifted her almost off her feet; he was effectively carrying her. “Rome, stop it,” she protested, trying to wriggle away from him and walk under her own power.
He swore softly under his breath and adjusted his grip on her, leaning down to slide his other arm under her knees and lift her completely into his arms. Sarah caught her breath as the swift motion made her head whirl dizzily, and she clutched at his shoulders. The elevators were down a long corridor, and they passed a man in a white dinner jacket who stared after them with great interest.
“You’re making a scene,” she whispered. “What’s wrong with you?” She was too startled to even be angry, but she felt as if she were groping her way through a fog, because she failed completely to understand his motives.
He jabbed the down button with his elbow, then bent his head and kissed her with such deliberate intimacy that she curled in his arms, her mouth opening for his tongue. He could have been standing in the middle of the street for all she thought about their location. When he kissed her like that, every thought left her head, leaving her preoccupied only with the slow burning pleasure he gave her with just a kiss.
An electric ding signaled the arrival of the elevator. Still carrying her, Rome stepped into it; they were the only occupants, and she stared at him in bewilderment. His expression was clearly revealed under the bright artificial lights, but she was still unable to decipher it.
“You can put me down now,” she ventured softly. “Were you intending to carry me through the lobby of the hotel?”
“This is Texas,” he replied with a hint of wryness. “No one would be surprised, though for form’s sake I suppose I should throw you over my shoulder.” But he let her down, though he kept his arm firmly anchored around her waist.
“What was that all about?” she asked as the doors slid open and they stepped out into the vast ultramodern lobby, overwhelming with its glass and greenery.
“It’s called staking a claim.”
She considered that in silence for a moment. She wasn’t coy, nor did she believe in dissembling; she wasn’t going to simper and pretend she didn’t understand. On an instinctive level, though, she was a little alarmed by the swiftness with which he’d moved. She darted a quick nervous glance at him, one that he intercepted and read, and his mouth tightened fractionally. Looking at him, with his hard face set in determined lines, she knew that she’d been cut from the herd the way a stallion would isolate the mare he’d chosen. The thought made her mouth go dry, and her knees feel weak. Perhaps he wasn’t a native Texan, but he knew just how to go about it. The move Max had made on her had awakened a possessive streak in Rome, and instinctively he’d snatched her away from the other man; now he was determined to finalize his possession.
“My car is here,” she said, making a motion with her hand as if to halt him.
“Forget about it.” He didn’t even glance down at her as they stepped out onto the sidewalk, where the warm night breezes fanned his face. “I’ll bring you back for it in the morning.”
“I’d feel better if I drove it home.” She spoke firmly, and he sensed her decision, realizing immediately that the car gave her a feeling of independence that she needed, after the way he’d high-handedly whisked her away from the party. He didn’t want her out of his sight for a minute, but he was afraid that if he pushed too hard, he’d run the risk of making her retreat back behind her cool mask. He was close, too close, to breaking her reserve for him to let his impatience ruin things now. Having her was becoming an obsession with him; shattering her control was a goal that occupied more and more of his time and thoughts.
“All right,” he agreed, deciding to use the time alone during the drive to her apartment to cool himself down. He was feeling violent and caged, and he needed to ease himself with the soft magic of a woman’s flesh. Sarah’s flesh. She was the only specific woman he’d wanted since Diane’s death, and he wanted her so violently that he almost resented her for getting to him the way she had.
She was so pale and composed and sure of herself, like an ice-queen. Would she be that cool and controlled in bed, or would those shadowy green eyes blaze with animal need? He imagined her beneath him, writhing in the throes of desire he’d awakened in her, with wild cries tearing up from the depths of her slender body as he drove into her again and again and again…
He stopped his fantasy, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he watched the graceful swaying of her body as she walked away from him. He went to his own car and waited until her little red car passed him; then he pulled out behind her and followed closely on the drive to her apartment.
Sarah already had the door unlocked when he arrived, and she glanced at him warily as he entered behind her. His dark eyes still held that dangerous look, with a hunger in them that she understood but couldn’t measure. She wanted him—she’d always wanted him—but at the same time she didn’t want to be a one-night stand for him, a fast coupling for the purpose of easing him, forgotten as soon as it was finished. Spontaneously she tried to slow him down.
“Would you like coffee?” she invited, dropping her small purse on the sofa and moving away from him to the kitchen.
“No.” His refusal was flat.
“I think I’ll have something to eat, just to be on the safe side,” she called over her shoulder. “How about one of those chicken sandwi—”
Without warning, he seized her from behind, his hard hands locking on her waist and pulling her back against him. His head bent, and his hot breath blew over the curve of her neck, lightly touching her sensitive skin and awakening all her nerve endings. She shivered a little, but didn’t try to pull away; instead she pressed back against the virile contours of his body.
“I don’t want a sandwich,” he muttered, nipping at her neck with his teeth, then soothing the slight sting with butterfly strokes from the tip of his tongue. Sarah’s eyes closed in ecstasy, and she let her head fall back against his shoulder, baring the vulnerable curve of her throat to him.
His breathing was becoming hard and fast, rasping in her ear, and the way he moved against her buttocks vividly demonstrated his arousal. His right hand shifted from her waist, sliding boldly upward to rub and cup her breasts, his touch burning her through her dress.
“I want to break Max’s jaw when he looks at you as if he wants to do this.” There was a roughness to his voice that she hadn’t heard before, the guttural tone of fierce desire. His hands were all over her, stroking her as if to stake his claim as he’d told her he would do, and she leaned against him, her eyes closed, shaking a little as waves of pleasure assaulted her, each one stronger than the one before. With a harsh, impatient sound, he quickly tugged down the zipper of her dress and dropped the garment to her hips, then dispersed with her bra, freeing her breasts to his hands and gaze.
Sarah moaned softly as he cupped both of her breasts in his palms, kneading her soft flesh and gently pinching at her pink nipples. “You’re so beautiful,” he groaned and the rough desire in his voice made her feel beautiful. She loved the way the mounds of her breasts filled his palms, hardening and thrusting out to seek his touch.
Abruptly he turned her in his arms, holding her so tightly against him that her ribs ached, while he kissed her with blatant hunger. With his tongue, he told her what he wanted to do, and the symbolism was unmistakable. Sarah gasped under his mouth, seeking air to feed her starving lungs. “Rome…please!” But she didn’t know if she begged for mercy, or for more of the primal pleasure he was giving her. Her body was growing heavy and liquid, and a deep inner throbbing made her move restlessly against him.
“Yes,” he said against her throat, interpreting her plea as he chose. He bent her over his arm to give himself access to her tempting breasts, and she gave a thin cry when his hot mouth closed over her nipple, sucking it strongly into his mouth. Blackness swirled over her, a warm, velvet blackness that blocked out any reservations she might have had about belonging to him. She dissolved into a purely physical animal, instinctively seeking more of the pleasure he offered her. Her hands roamed his body as his had roamed hers, impatiently brushing away the layers of cloth that separated her from his hard muscled flesh. He trembled wildly at her intimate touch and pleaded with her for more.
At some point, they dropped to the floor, the plush carpet soft under her back. Too impatient to undress her completely, he lifted her skirt out of the way and stripped her panty hose down her legs. Sarah reached for him, her expression rapt, lost in the passion he’d aroused in her, and he caught his breath sharply. “Easy, easy,” he said hoarsely, not wanting it to end too quickly, and knowing he was perilously close to satisfaction. He wanted to make certain she was satisfied too; he wanted to see her face at the peak of her pleasure. He held back, twisting his body away from her inciting hands, while he stroked and petted her, bestowing fleeting, intimate caresses on her that had her arching for more.
Sarah cried out at the tension that was building in her, the sensation that was as frightening as it was pleasurable, as if she might explode into a thousand little pieces. His warm hand, his devilishly dancing fingers, were doing things to her that were destroying her control, her sense of self. “Let go, let go,” he cajoled in a rough whisper against her ear, and she did, crying out unintelligible sounds of passion fulfilled, her hands clutching at him as her body writhed in the glory that consumed her.
Just as she began the downward slide into peace and relaxation, he pinned her to the floor with his weight, adjusted himself between her thighs, and thrust into her with one powerful deliberate movement. Sarah was unable to hold back the sharp single cry that tore from her throat, and her body jolted in shock. But she reached up to wind her arms around his neck, clinging to him, as she offered him the comfort of her loving body. He groaned thickly against her throat and lost all control, taking her swiftly, a little roughly, and somehow, despite her discomfort, lighting again that small spark of desire in her. It was over before that spark could grow into the inferno that would consume her; with a cry from between his clenched teeth, he reached his own pleasure.
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