Полная версия
Husband For Real
‘How about you?’ She panted.
‘I’ll strip off in Mrs Bradley’s bathroom down here—go on, hurry up. I’ll start grilling the bacon while you change. My room’s first on the right. Wait for me there.’
Wishing she could avoid getting sweaty and red-faced just once now and again in Sinclair’s company, Rose stripped off her outer clothes in a blessedly warm bathroom, then pulled on dry socks, old, comfortable denims and an outsize baggy white sweater which grew larger every time she washed it. She dismantled her damp plait, rubbed her hair dry with her own towel, rather than mar the immaculate ones on the rail, used a hairbrush vigorously, then added the usual token touch of lipstick to her mouth and packed her wet things in the bag.
Rose felt like a trespasser when she ventured into Sinclair’s room. There were piles of books everywhere. The sizeable table he used as a desk had obviously been cleared of them to make room for a large wooden tray set with tea-things, but books lay in stacks under it, and on shelves and on the floor either side of a big sofa. To her relief there was no bed. He obviously slept somewhere else. Through the rain sluicing down the big window at the back of the room Rose could see a drenched garden backing onto gardens in the street behind. Pleasant on a better day. And she envied him the room, which was three times the size of hers at the flat. She put her bag down and went to look at his books. Her aunt maintained that you could tell a lot about people from their taste in reading. But there was little to be learned from Sinclair’s collection, which was all textbooks, bar a couple of volumes on fly fishing.
Rose turned guiltily as Sinclair came in with a platter of sandwiches. ‘You were quick!’ she exclaimed, hoping he couldn’t tell how shy she felt now they were alone together.
Sinclair switched on a couple of lamps and plugged in a kettle. ‘I put everything ready before I went out. I just had to light the grill and abracadabra, everything was ready in no time.’ He handed her a length of kitchen paper in lieu of a napkin, and gave her a plate with two sandwiches on it, then made a pot of tea and sat down on a straight chair at the table and began to eat. Rose munched in silence for a lengthening interval, wishing she could think of something brilliantly clever to say.
‘What’s the matter, Rose?’ he asked bluntly.
Her eyes met his with candour. ‘I was just thinking that this isn’t what I expected when I started out this morning.’
He raised an eyebrow. ‘You’d prefer the transport café?’
‘No, of course not.’
‘Then don’t look so scared. I’m perfectly harmless.’
She grinned involuntarily. ‘So I’ve heard.’
He glared, his eyes suddenly wintry. ‘And just what have you heard, little girl?’ he drawled, ice in every word.
Rose blushed to the roots of her hair. ‘Only that you’re more interested in getting a double first than chasing after girls.’
His eyes softened. ‘True enough. My surplus energies expend themselves on the track and the rugby pitch. The rest goes into this lot here.’ He waved a hand at the encroaching books, then gave her the slow smile which made her insides dissolve. ‘The rumours about my sexual preferences are false, by the way, in case you’re wondering, spread in my first year by a female who resented my lack of interest.’
‘I wasn’t wondering,’ she assured him blithely, and began on her second sandwich with more relish.
‘Why not?’
Rose regarded him steadily. ‘Because it’s none of my business.’
Sinclair stared back in surprise. ‘You’re very blunt. Want some tea?’
‘Yes, please.’ He filled a beaker, added a splash of milk and handed it to her, pleasing Rose enormously because he’d remembered how she liked it.
‘So you don’t care whether I’m gay or not?’ he demanded.
‘No.’ She shrugged. ‘I fail to see why race, religion or sexual leanings should matter when it comes to friendship.’
Sinclair leaned forward, his hands clasped between his knees as he peered down into her face. ‘You really mean that, don’t you?’
‘Yes.’ Rose gave him a crooked little smile. ‘Wet behind the ears I may be in your eyes, but I have my beliefs.’
‘Your parents fostered them?’
Her face shadowed. ‘They began the process, but they died when I was fourteen. I live with my aunt. Minerva holds strong views on everything, so I suppose I’ve taken some of them on board myself without even realising it.’
Sinclair got up, seeming taller than usual to Rose from her seat on his sofa. He took her mug and plate from her and put them on the tray, then to her astonishment he sat beside her and took her hand.
‘Would you like to tell me about your parents?’ he said gently.
Rose gave him a startled, sidelong glance, deeply conscious of the hard, warm hand grasping hers. Then after a moment’s hesitation she told him about the joyrider who’d put an end to her parents’ lives one afternoon on a narrow country road in Warwickshire.
‘They were on their way to fetch me from school.’ Rose bit her lip. ‘For a long time I just couldn’t accept that they were gone, even after I went to live with my aunt. Minerva owns a bookshop in a small town in the Cotswolds, and after—after the accident I moved into the flat over the shop with her.’
‘Poor little kid,’ said James quietly. ‘It must have been tough for you.’
‘I won’t pretend it wasn’t. But I’ve been fortunate, too. My father was a lot older than Minerva, so I look on her more as friend than aunt now I’m older. And I still have my memories of a happy childhood, and the holidays I spent with Mother and Dad.’ Feeling horribly guilty, she recalled herself to the matter in hand. ‘We even went to Scotland once, to Skye.’ The last bit, a vital part of Con’s strategy, was her first real lie, and she gulped down some tea to cover the rush of guilty colour to her face.
‘Skye!’ exclaimed Sinclair. ‘When my father was alive we went there once a year. I love it there. How about you?’
‘I don’t remember much about it. I was quite young, and it rained a lot,’ said Rose, deliberately vague. ‘My father went fishing, and Mother and I visited woollen mills.’
‘Did your father do much fishing?’ he asked with interest.
‘Yes. When he could. Trout, like you.’ She went cold for a moment. ‘I saw the books on your shelves,’ she said hurriedly, and went on talking to cover her blunder. ‘Dad made the most beautiful flies. He’d sit with a special little vice at the kitchen table, listening to opera tapes while he created tiny works of art. I still have some of them. The fishing flies, I mean. His rods were sold.’
The grasp tightened. ‘You still miss him.’
‘I miss them both.’ Rose hesitated. ‘But it comforts me to know that they’re together.’
‘You really believe that?’
‘Yes.’ Her chin lifted. ‘Because I need to believe it.’
There was silence between them for a while.
‘My father died when I was twelve,’ said Sinclair abruptly.
Rose sat perfectly still, hardly daring to breathe. In her wildest dreams she’d never imagined he’d confide in her in return.
‘He died in his sleep,’ he went on. ‘When my mother woke up one morning he was just—gone. Dad was a workaholic with a heart problem. Fatal combination.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Rose tightened her fingers in sympathy.
‘When I was eighteen my mother married again. He’s a good man, and they’re happy together. But…’ he paused.
‘You feel left out?’
He frowned thoughtfully. ‘I’ve never thought of it in quite those terms, but, yes, I suppose I do. That’s why I applied for a college down here. I could have gone to Edinburgh or St Andrews, but I opted to get right away to leave the newlyweds in peace. I even took off for a year between school and college. Went backpacking round Australia.’
‘Sounds wonderful. I’ve never done anything adventurous like that,’ said Rose enviously. ‘Do you mind? That your mother remarried, I mean?’ Then she held her breath, afraid she’d trespassed.
But Sinclair shook his head. ‘No. I don’t mind at all. She waited until I was ready to leave home, though Donald would have married her long before then from choice. My mother was only fortyish when they finally tied the knot. And even in a son’s eyes a very attractive lady.’ He gave her a wry look. ‘Donald’s a successful advocate, and a very self-contained sort of bloke, but it was obvious, even to me, that he was mad about my mother from the moment he met her. Still is. Mother sold our home when she moved in with him. His house is a big, rambling place, and there’s a room in it kept solely for me, but I can’t help feeling like a visitor there—’ He stopped dead, shaking his head.
‘What’s the matter?’
‘I can’t believe I’m telling you all this stuff. I don’t usually bore people rigid with my life history.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘You must be a very good listener, young Rose.’
Now, she thought reluctantly, would be a good time to leave. She detached her hand gently and got up. ‘I’d better leave you to your books. Thank you for breakfast, and—and for talking to me.’
Sinclair got to his feet and stretched, suddenly so overpoweringly male in the small room Rose felt a sudden urge to run, like an animal scenting danger.
‘The average man doesn’t need much persuading to talk about himself,’ he said wryly.
‘Average’ was the last word Rose would have applied to Sinclair. ‘I must go—or should I help you wash up first?’
He ruffled her hair, smiling. Like petting a puppy, she thought, resigned.
‘I’ve got a better idea. Stay and have some more tea. It’s still hissing down out there.’
Rose glanced at the window. ‘You’re right. OK. Then I really must get back.’
‘Rose, it’s only half-eight, and it’s Sunday. What’s the rush?’
‘I must be keeping you from your work.’
‘I’ve got the rest of the day for that.’ His eyes narrowed. ‘Or is there someone waiting for you?’
He didn’t like the idea!
‘A playmate of my own age, you mean?’ she said, smiling.
‘Hell, Rose, you’re not that much younger than me,’ he said irritably, and raised an eyebrow. ‘Is there someone?’
Afraid he might wash his hands of her if she even hinted there might be, Rose shook her head. ‘No. Only my flatmates. And I doubt if they’re even awake yet.’
‘Right.’ He picked up the kettle. ‘You sit there for a minute, and I’ll go and fill this again.’
‘Can’t I wash the plates, or something?’
‘I’ll let you off as it’s your first visit. Next time you can do the catering.’
Next time! Rose sat deep in thought after he’d gone. It seemed Con might be right. It actually was possible to deliberately rouse a man’s interest. Though it was impossible to imagine James Sinclair as any woman’s slave. Nor falling madly in love with Rose Dryden, either, however faithfully she followed the plan of campaign. But he was definitely taken with her a little bit. Enough to invite her back here, and coach her on the track. Which was way beyond anything she’d expected.
When Sinclair came back he gave her a searching look as he plugged in the kettle. ‘Where were you last night, Rose?’
He frowned. ‘A part-time job? Where?’
‘No job. I was writing an essay. I went to the Cameo in the afternoon, then caught up with some work afterwards. Why?’
‘I noticed you weren’t in the pub. I wondered if you were ill.’ He made two more beakers of tea, and handed her one.
She shook her head, full of secret jubilation. ‘Since I’ve taken up running again I’m fighting fit.’
‘I said you would be. So what film did you see?’
‘They were showing a re-run of Manon des Sources. It’s one of my favourites,’ she added, crossing mental fingers.
His eyes lit up with enthusiasm. ‘Mine too. I never managed to catch the prequel—what was it called?’
‘Jean de Florette. That’s on this week for three days—then it’s Belle du Jour,’ Rose added hastily, afraid she’d been too obvious. She sighed. ‘Catherine Deneuve is so beautiful.’
Sinclair shrugged. ‘Not my type. I prefer my women dark.’
‘Sounds as though you own a harem,’ said Rose flippantly, and drained her mug to avoid looking at him.
‘Your face is very expressive, Rose,’ he teased. ‘What are you thinking?’
‘I just wondered if you had someone—a girl, I mean—back home. Which is absolutely none of my business, of course,’ she added in a rush, wishing she’d held her tongue.
‘I don’t have a woman back home, or anywhere else for that matter. The grapevine is absolutely accurate,’ he said mockingly. ‘I’ve got no time for girls.’
‘Which is a cue for this one to leave, if ever I heard one,’ she said promptly, and jumped to her feet. ‘Rain or no rain, it’s time I was off.’
He ran down the stairs ahead of her to fetch her shoes and slicker. ‘Shall I call a cab?’
‘No. The exercise will do me good.’
‘Hands up.’ He put the slicker over her head, then drew the hood over her hair. ‘See you on the track in the morning, then.’
Rose smiled non-committally as she stamped her feet into her damp track shoes. ‘Thanks again for my breakfast,’ she said, when he opened the front door. ‘Goodbye.’
‘Goodbye, James,’ he corrected.
‘Everyone else calls you Sinclair,’ she pointed out, careful to pronounce it as he did.
Rose smiled uncertainly. ‘Goodbye, then—James.’
‘See you in the morning. Don’t hang about on the way back, and straight in the shower when you get there.’
She saluted smartly, gave him a cheeky grin, then took her bag from him and went off down the path at speed, turning to wave at him as he stood at the open door.
When she arrived at the flat, sodden, out of breath, and utterly triumphant, she dumped the dripping slicker in the bathroom, then went to join Con and Fabia.
‘Where on earth have you been until now?’ demanded Con.
Fabia eyed Rose’s glowing face with suspicion. ‘You can’t have been racing round that track all this time!’
‘No, I haven’t.’ Rose began stuffing her shoes with kitchen paper to dry them out. ‘There was so much surface water James said it was unsafe to run so he took me back to his digs for breakfast.’ She looked up, laughing at the identical look on both faces.
‘At his digs?’ said Con faintly. ‘Like in his room?’
Rose nodded gleefully. ‘His landlady was away for the weekend, and he’s the only lodger. We had the house to ourselves.’
Fabia blew out her cheeks and sat down abruptly. ‘You’ve cracked it, then!’
‘Hold on. I haven’t achieved that much,’ warned Rose. ‘James isn’t in love with me—’
‘Not yet,’ put in Con, eyes gleaming, ‘but he’s interested enough to ask you back to his place for breakfast.’
‘For which I was truly thankful,’ said Rose piously. ‘I think my efforts on the track entitled me to a couple of bacon sandwiches at the very least.’
‘Did you have to make them?’
‘No. James,’ she said with emphasis, ‘made them with his own fair hands.’
‘Did he ask you to call him that?’ demanded Con, impressed.
‘Yes. Sinclair to everyone else; James to me.’
‘So what happens next?’ said Fabia eagerly. ‘Has he asked you for a proper date?’
Rose’s face fell. ‘No. Though heaven knows I hinted enough—told him about the film we saw, and the one showing this week. He may like foreign films, but he’s not taking me to see one.’
‘Never mind. I think you’ve worked miracles as it is,’ consoled Con. ‘When do you see him again?’
‘He said he’d see me at the track in the morning, but I suppose I’d better give it a miss until Tuesday.’
Con shook her head. ‘If he wants to see you tomorrow, be there.’
‘Won’t that be overkill?’
‘No. This, my pet, is phase three. Time to hot things up.’
‘I just hope it doesn’t end in tears!’
Fabia frowned. ‘Why should it? It’s just a game.’
Rose thought about that a lot later that night, once she was in bed. Since the exchange of confidences with James it no longer felt like a game. Which lay on her conscience so heavily sleep was elusive. But next morning she got up early, just the same, and let herself out into a cold, but thankfully dry morning to join James at the stadium, smiling in welcome.
‘Hi! I’ve done my bit,’ he informed her. ‘Ready to try for an extra lap today?’
Rose nodded eagerly, went through a few warming-up exercises, then set off with him round the track. Under his tuition she found herself running a slightly faster circuit every time, exhilarated by her success, until halfway round for the fourth a sudden, stinging pain in her foot ruined her balance and she fell heavily, her momentum sending her rolling over and over to land flat on her back, completely winded.
‘Rose!’ James fell on his knees beside her. ‘What the hell happened? Are you all right?’
Rose had no breath to spare for talking. While she fought to get air in her lungs he ran his hands over her arms and legs, probed her ankles, found nothing broken and pulled her carefully to her feet.
‘Come on, breathe. Deep, even breaths. That’s the way. Good girl. Lean against me for a bit.’
Rose obeyed gratefully, heaving in gulps of air, but soon grew much too conscious of the heat and scent of his body, the heart beating like a drum against her cheek. She pulled away, smiling shakily. ‘Stupid—thing—to do. Sorry.’
‘There must have been water on the track,’ said James gruffly. ‘Are you sure you’re all right?’
She nodded. ‘Embarrassed, that’s all.’
‘Here, take my arm. I’ll help you back to the flat.’
Rose stared at him, horrified. ‘No, please! You don’t need to. I’ll be fine.’
He scowled down at her. ‘Be sensible, Rose, you’re limping.’
‘There’s something in my shoe.’
James sat her down on the track and removed the shoe, swearing under his breath when he found a small nail sticking up inside it. He removed her bloodstained sock and located a puncture on the sole of her foot. ‘No wonder you fell, Rose. What the hell was something like this doing on the track?’
‘Maybe it got washed down from somewhere in that weather yesterday.’
‘In which case there may be more. I’d better report it. In the meantime you need a dressing. Wait there a minute. I’ll raid the first-aid box in the men’s showers.’
While he was gone one of his rugby team mates appeared for a morning run, and hurried to Rose in surprise.
‘What’s wrong, love? Sprained your ankle?’ said the large, amiable giant.
‘No, I trod on a nail,’ she confessed, feeling horribly self-conscious.
‘Bad luck! I’ll get you something to put on your foot,’ he offered, then stared in astonishment as James appeared.
‘Sinclair? A bit late in the day for you, isn’t it?’
‘Hi, Greg. Be careful on the track. There may be more like this.’ James held up the nail he’d taken from Rose’s shoe.
Greg looked on, riveted, as a sticking plaster was applied to Rose’s foot and her sock and shoe carefully replaced.
‘There,’ said James, pulling her to her feet. ‘Can you stand on it, Rose?’
She tried the foot gingerly. It was sore, but she could walk. ‘It’s fine,’ she said firmly. ‘Sorry for all the fuss.’ She gave a smile that encompassed both men. ‘Thanks a lot. I’d better get back. Bye.’
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